UU Grafaiai


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name: Offensive Prankster
move 1: Gunk Shot
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Parting Shot
move 4: Encore
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Prankster
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Poison

Grafaiai is one of the most infuriating pivots to play around when using its signature Prankster set, and it's not hard to see why. Thanks to Encore, Grafaiai can lock any non-Dark-type Pokemon it wants into its move, a trait particularly deadly against setup sweepers like Dragon Dance Haxorus, Quiver Dance Oricorio-E, and Swords Dance Scizor. Its unique typing also lets it act as a serviceable check to Pokemon like Gengar, Mimikyu, and Polteageist despite its mediocre bulk. Gunk Shot provides an excellent STAB option that hits very hard despite Grafaiai's only decent base 95 Attack, and Knock Off is great for crippling switch-ins like Tinkaton, Bisharp and Tyranitar. Parting Shot is very useful when paired with Prankster, allowing Grafaiai to freely pivot out and easing pressure on its defensive teammates when weathering incoming attacks. Tera Poison is usually the preferred option, but Grafaiai is usually not going to Terastallize anyway; if it does, then it prefers to have a strong Gunk Shot to threaten the foe with.

Grafaiai works well with offensive teammates that appreciate its ability to bring them in safely on Pokemon like Tinkaton and Gastrodon, particularly strong Fighting-types that can bust through the weaker Defense of these Pokemon. Good examples include Paldean Tauros-W and Pawmot. Pivot cores with the likes of Choice Band Scizor, Noivern, Sandy Shocks, and Kilowattrel are also effective. Defensively, it is important to have good checks to Tinkaton, Tyranitar, and Bisharp, making Hippowdon, Quagsire, and physically defensive Gastrodon good teammates. Pokemon that sometimes struggle in matchups against hyper offense like Tinkaton and Talonflame appreciate Grafaiai's Encore support. Talonflame can also form a very obnoxious U-turn cycling core with Grafaiai.

Bulky Prankster (Grafaiai) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Prankster
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Gunk Shot / Toxic / Low Kick
- Knock Off
- Parting Shot
- Encore

Specially defensive Grafaiai is a much better check to some Pokemon it's usually tasked with handling, like Gengar, Oricorio-E, Polteageist and, thanks to the HP investement, Mimikyu. Gunk Shot is an excellent STAB move still, but without Speed EVs, Grafaiai is slower than Pokemon like Pawmot, Tatsugiri, and Iron Jugulis. As such, Grafaiai can swap it out for Toxic to cripple defensive switch-ins like Hippowdon and Quagsire in addition to being a great panic button against Pokemon like Oricorio-E, Dragon Dance Salamence, and Gyarados, or run Low Kick to deal with Dark-types that block Prankster moves such as Bisharp and Tyranitar. If needed, Grafaiai can still run maximum Speed investment on this set if necessary, letting it offensively check Pawmot and Iron Jugulis, though it doesn't hit them too hard without offensive investment. It is generally preferred to maximise its bulk, though.

Grafaiai needs good defensive support, as it can struggle to be self-sufficient due to its inability to do much immediate damage. This makes it a better fit on defensive teams that appreciate its reliability in handling Gengar and the utility provided by its Prankster moves. Good checks to Dark-types like Iron Jugulis, Tyranitar, and Bisharp are the most mandatory teammates, as Grafaiai typically cannot do anything to them save for a weak Knock Off; good options include Tinkaton, Hippowdon, and Paldean Tauros-W, but do note that it is important to check Iron Jugulis and the physical Dark-type Pokemon differently. Scream Tail makes for a great partner too, healing Grafaiai with Wish against Pokemon like Gengar that would typically use Scream Tail as a free switch-in opportunity. It can also handle the likes of Pawmot decently. Teammates like Talonflame can make it easier for Grafaiai to pivot around through burning physical threats, making it a bit easier for Grafaiai to use its typing to handle the likes of Lokix and Slither Wing.

Poison Touch Pivot (Grafaiai) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Poison Touch
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Gunk Shot
- Knock Off
- U-turn
- Low Kick

Poison Touch Grafaiai is a very difficult Pokemon to switch into, as the combination of Knock Off, Poison Touch, and expanded coverage in U-turn and Low Kick makes typical answers like Hippowdon and Gastrodon lacking Covert Cloak much less happy to switch in. With its boosted coverage, it is much more difficult to wall Grafaiai with the likes of Tinkaton, Tyranitar, and Bisharp, making it a challenge to find Pokemon that can halt it from making progress over the course of a game. Grafaiai can also opt to use Switcheroo over Low Kick with Black Sludge to cripple Pokemon like Hippowdon and Tinkaton even further; while it prefers Heavy-Duty Boots, it can certainly make do with their stolen Leftovers. Tera Poison is chosen to boost Grafaiai's Gunk Shot, while Tera Fighting is also an option for a stronger Low Kick, although neither are particularly great choices, and Grafaiai should rarely be Terastalized anyway.

Poison Touch Grafaiai makes for an excellent pairing with Hex Gengar. Not only does Grafaiai spread poison to boost Hex to meteoric levels of power, but it also weakens Tinkaton and Tyranitar very quickly, two Pokemon Gengar doesn't like dealing with. An important thing to keep in mind when building with Poison Touch Grafaiai is that it can struggle a bit with hyper offense squads; partners that have a strong matchup against those like Kilowattrel, Mimikyu, and Scizor can be very helpful. Taunt Talonflame eases Grafaiai's matchup against offense while also taking great advantage of all the residual damage Grafaiai spreads, notably being a capable check to Scizor if it isn't running Tera Fire. These Pokemon all appreciate Grafaiai's ability to weaken bulky Ground-types, too. Grafaiai loves entry hazard support. since it's so good at removing Heavy-Duty Boots with Knock Off; setters like Gastrodon, Sandy Shocks and Tinkaton make for great partners.

- Written by: [[Lily, 481709]]
- Quality checked by: [[Estarossa, 461329], [Queen of Bean, 587685]]
- Grammar checked by: [[autumn, 384270]]
Last edited:

name: Offensive Prankster
move 1: Gunk Shot
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Parting Shot
move 4: Encore
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Prankster
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Poison

[set comments] capitals
Grafaiai is one of the most infuriating pivots to play around when using its signature Prankster set, and it's not hard to see why. Thanks to Encore, Grafaiai can lock any non-Dark-type Pokemon it wants into its move, a trait particularly deadly against the likes of Dragon Dance Haxorus, Quiver Dance Oricorio-E, and Swords Dance Scizor. Gunk Shot provides an excellent STAB option that hits very hard despite Grafaiai's only decent base 95 Attack, and Knock Off is great for crippling Tinkaton, Bisharp and Tyranitar switch-ins. Parting Shot is very useful when paired with Prankster, allowing Grafaiai to freely pivot out and easing pressure on its defensive teammates when weathering incoming attacks. Tera Poison is usually the preferred option, but Grafaiai is usually not going to Terastallize anyway; if it does, then it prefers to have a strong Gunk Shot to threaten the foe with.

feel like this bit should comment briefly on its typings advantages as a check to gengar *somewhere* probably.

Grafaiai works well with offensive teammates that appreciate its ability to bring them in safely on Pokemon like Tinkaton and Gastrodon, particularly strong Fighting-types that can bust through the weaker physical Defense of these Pokemon. Good examples include Tauros-Paldea-A and Pawmot. Pivot cores with the likes of Choice Band Scizor, Noivern, Sandy Shocks and Kilowattrel are also effective. Defensively, it is important to have good checks to Tinkaton, Tyranitar, and Bisharp, making Hippowdon, Quagsire and physically defensive Gastrodon good teammates. Pokemon that sometimes struggle in matchups against hyper offense like Tinkaton and Slowking appreciate Grafaiai's Encore support. Slowking can notably bring Grafaiai safely with Chilly Reception, making it less risky to find good opportunities to use Encore.

Grafaiai @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Poison Touch
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Gunk Shot
- Knock Off
- U-turn
- Low Kick


Poison Touch Grafaiai is a very difficult Pokemon to switch into, as the combination of Knock Off, Poison Touch, and expanded coverage in U-turn and Low Kick makes typical answers like Hippowdon and Gastrodon lacking Covert Cloak much less happy to switch in. With its boosted coverage, it is much more difficult to wall Grafaiai with the likes of Tinkaton, Tyranitar, and Bisharp, making it a challenge to find Pokemon that can stave it off over the course of a game. Tera Poison is chosen to boost Grafaiai's Gunk Shot, while Tera Fighting is also an option for a stronger Low Kick, although neither are particularly great choices and Grafaiai should rarely be Terastalized anyway. would mention switcheroo + black sludge here as an option to further cripple stuff like hippo and tink for other teammates to take advantage of.

Poison Touch Grafaiai makes for an excellent pairing with Hex Gengar. Not only does Grafaiai spread poison to boost Hex to meteoric levels of power, but it also weakens Tinkaton and Tyranitar very quickly, two Pokemon Gengar doesn't like dealing with. An important thing to keep in mind when building with Poison Touch Grafaiai is that, unlike its Prankster variant, it can struggle a bit with hyper offense squads; partners that have a strong matchup against those like Kilowattrel, Mimikyu, and Scizor can be very helpful. For sure would appreciate a taunt talonflame mention imo, eases matchup versus offensive stuff but is also insanely good at abusing ptouch graf's chip and psn esp with hazards too. These Pokemon all appreciate Grafaiai's ability to weaken bulky Ground-types, too. Grafaiai loves entry hazard support since it's so good at removing Heavy-Duty Boots with Knock Off; setters like Gastrodon, Sandy Shocks and Tinkaton make for great partners.

Grafaiai @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Prankster
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Gunk Shot / Toxic / Low Kick
- Knock Off
- Parting Shot
- Encore


Grafaiai's specially defensive variant is a much better check to some Pokemon it's usually tasked with handling, like Gengar, Oricorio-E, Polteageist and, thanks to the HP investement, Mimikyu. The drop in Speed EVs is worth considering, as Grafaiai's Prankster ability makes it somewhat unnecessary anyway. honestly i think mentioning the option to run speed still if ur team isnt super desperate for you to answer these things as super best as you can is something to consider as a mention still, can bring up the option to outspeed things like pawmot + jugs and tie with gengars with it like that being sometimes more useful than the lower damage rolls in practice, since max hp is still a noticeable bulk increase . Gunk Shot is excellent STAB still, but on a set like this that's slower than Pawmot and Iron Jugulis, it's less necessary; as such, Grafaiai can swap it out for Toxic to cripple defensive switch-ins like Hippowdon or Quagsire, other big value is certainly just the prankster toxic (that can't miss cause poison type) that lets you try and handle some threat thats getting out of hand that you can't Encore either like gyara/oricorio/mence/ttar(if terad) or Low Kick to deal with Dark-types that block Prankster moves such as Bisharp and Tyranitar.

This variant of Grafaiai needs good defensive support as it can struggle to be self-sufficient due to its inability to do much immediate damage. Good checks to Dark-types like Iron Jugulis, Tyranitar, and Bisharp are the most mandatory teammates, as Grafaiai typically cannot do anything to them save for a weak Knock Off; good options include Tinkaton, Hippowdon, and Tauros-Paldea-A, but do note that it is important to check Iron Jugulis and the physical Dark-type Pokemon differently. Scream Tail makes for a great partner too, healing Grafaiai with Wish against Pokemon like Gengar that would typically use Scream Tail as a free switch-in opportunity. It can also handle the likes of Pawmot decently. Teammates like Talonflame can make it easier for Grafaiai to pivot around through burning physical threats, making it a bit easier for Grafaiai to use its typing to handle the likes of Lokix and Slither Wing. looks fine as a section though can certainly mention that its the more appealing option on a more defensive build especially that doesn't need the power level but appreciates more reliable bulk for gengar + encore shenanigans + prankster toxic stuffs.

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looks good, 1/2
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name: Offensive Prankster
move 1: Gunk Shot
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Parting Shot
move 4: Encore
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Prankster
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Poison

Grafaiai is one of the most infuriating pivots to play around when using its signature Prankster set, and it's not hard to see why. Thanks to Encore, Grafaiai can lock any non-Dark-type Pokemon it wants into its move, a trait particularly deadly against the likes of Dragon Dance Haxorus, Quiver Dance Oricorio-E, and Swords Dance Scizor. Its unique typing also lets it act as a serviceable check to Pokemon like Gengar, Mimikyu, and Polteageist despite its mediocre bulk. Gunk Shot provides an excellent STAB option that hits very hard despite Grafaiai's only decent base 95 Attack, and Knock Off is great for crippling Tinkaton, Bisharp and Tyranitar switch-ins. Parting Shot is very useful when paired with Prankster, allowing Grafaiai to freely pivot out and easing pressure on its defensive teammates when weathering incoming attacks. Tera Poison is usually the preferred option, but Grafaiai is usually not going to Terastallize anyway; if it does, then it prefers to have a strong Gunk Shot to threaten the foe with.

Grafaiai works well with offensive teammates that appreciate its ability to bring them in safely on Pokemon like Tinkaton and Gastrodon, particularly strong Fighting-types that can bust through the weaker physical Defense of these Pokemon. Good examples include Tauros-Paldea-A and Pawmot. Pivot cores with the likes of Choice Band Scizor, Noivern, Sandy Shocks and Kilowattrel are also effective. Defensively, it is important to have good checks to Tinkaton, Tyranitar, and Bisharp, making Hippowdon, Quagsire and physically defensive Gastrodon good teammates. Pokemon that sometimes struggle in matchups against hyper offense like Tinkaton and Slowking appreciate Grafaiai's Encore support. Slowking can notably bring Grafaiai safely with Chilly Reception, making it less risky to find good opportunities to use Encore.

Grafaiai @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Poison Touch
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Gunk Shot
- Knock Off
- U-turn
- Low Kick

Poison Touch Grafaiai is a very difficult Pokemon to switch into, as the combination of Knock Off, Poison Touch, and expanded coverage in U-turn and Low Kick makes typical answers like Hippowdon and Gastrodon lacking Covert Cloak much less happy to switch in. With its boosted coverage, it is much more difficult to wall Grafaiai with the likes of Tinkaton, Tyranitar, and Bisharp, making it a challenge to find Pokemon that can stave it off over the course of a game. Grafaiai can also opt to use Switcheroo over Low Kick with Black Sludge to cripple Pokemon like Hippowdon and Tinkaton even further; while it prefers Heavy-Duty Boots, it can certainly make do with their stolen Leftovers. Tera Poison is chosen to boost Grafaiai's Gunk Shot, while Tera Fighting is also an option for a stronger Low Kick, although neither are particularly great choices and Grafaiai should rarely be Terastalized anyway.

Poison Touch Grafaiai makes for an excellent pairing with Hex Gengar. Not only does Grafaiai spread poison to boost Hex to meteoric levels of power, but it also weakens Tinkaton and Tyranitar very quickly, two Pokemon Gengar doesn't like dealing with. An important thing to keep in mind when building with Poison Touch Grafaiai is that, unlike its Prankster variant, it can struggle a bit with hyper offense squads; partners that have a strong matchup against those like Kilowattrel, Mimikyu, and Scizor can be very helpful. Taunt Talonflame eases Grafaiai's matchup against offense while also taking great advantage of all the residual damage Grafaiai spreads, notably being a capable check to Scizor if it isn't running Tera Fire. These Pokemon all appreciate Grafaiai's ability to weaken bulky Ground-types, too. Grafaiai loves entry hazard support since it's so good at removing Heavy-Duty Boots with Knock Off; setters like Gastrodon, Sandy Shocks and Tinkaton make for great partners.

Grafaiai @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Prankster
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Gunk Shot / Toxic / Low Kick
- Knock Off
- Parting Shot
- Encore

Grafaiai's specially defensive variant is a much better check to some Pokemon it's usually tasked with handling, like Gengar, Oricorio-E, Polteageist and, thanks to the HP investement, Mimikyu. The drop in Speed EVs is worth considering, as Grafaiai's Prankster ability makes it somewhat unnecessary anyway. With that said, Grafaiai can still run maximum Speed investment on this set if necessary, letting it offensively check Pawmot and Iron Jugulis, although it doesn't hit them too hard without offensive investment, it can pick them off if they are weakened so the decision is an important one. Gunk Shot is excellent STAB still, but on a set like this that's slower than Pawmot and Iron Jugulis, it's less necessary; as such, Grafaiai can swap it out for Toxic to cripple defensive switch-ins like Hippowdon or Quagsire in addition to being a great panic button against Pokemon like Oricorio, Dragon Dance Salamence, and Gyarados, or Low Kick to deal with Dark-types that block Prankster moves such as Bisharp and Tyranitar.

This variant of Grafaiai needs good defensive support as it can struggle to be self-sufficient due to its inability to do much immediate damage. This makes it a better fit on defensive teams that appreciate its reliability in handling Gengar and the utility provided by its Prankster moves. Good checks to Dark-types like Iron Jugulis, Tyranitar, and Bisharp are the most mandatory teammates, as Grafaiai typically cannot do anything to them save for a weak Knock Off; good options include Tinkaton, Hippowdon, and Tauros-Paldea-A, but do note that it is important to check Iron Jugulis and the physical Dark-type Pokemon differently. Scream Tail makes for a great partner too, healing Grafaiai with Wish against Pokemon like Gengar that would typically use Scream Tail as a free switch-in opportunity. Scream tail can also handle the likes of Pawmot decently. Teammates like Talonflame can make it easier for Grafaiai to pivot around through burning physical threats, making it a bit easier for Grafaiai to use its typing to handle the likes of Lokix and Slither Wing.

very well written good job :blobthumbsup:
1/1 GP Team done
name: Offensive Prankster
move 1: Gunk Shot
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Parting Shot
move 4: Encore
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Prankster
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Poison

Grafaiai is one of the most infuriating pivots to play around when using its signature Prankster set, and it's not hard to see why. Thanks to Encore, Grafaiai can lock any non-Dark-type Pokemon it wants into its move, a trait particularly deadly against the likes of (maybe clarify setup sweepers?) Dragon Dance Haxorus, Quiver Dance Oricorio-E, and Swords Dance Scizor. Its unique typing also lets it act as a serviceable check to Pokemon like Gengar, Mimikyu, and Polteageist despite its mediocre bulk. Gunk Shot provides an excellent STAB option that hits very hard despite Grafaiai's only decent base 95 Attack, and Knock Off is great for crippling switch-ins like Tinkaton, Bisharp, (AC) and Tyranitar switch-ins. (so it doesnt read like their switchins) Parting Shot is very useful when paired with Prankster, allowing Grafaiai to freely pivot out and easing pressure on its defensive teammates when weathering incoming attacks. Tera Poison is usually the preferred option, but Grafaiai is usually not going to Terastallize anyway; if it does, then it prefers to have a strong Gunk Shot to threaten the foe with.

Grafaiai works well with offensive teammates that appreciate its ability to bring them in safely on Pokemon like Tinkaton and Gastrodon, particularly strong Fighting-types that can bust through the weaker physical Defense of these Pokemon. Good examples include Tauros-Paldea-A Paldean Tauros-W and Pawmot. Pivot cores with the likes of Choice Band Scizor, Noivern, Sandy Shocks, (AC) and Kilowattrel are also effective. Defensively, it is important to have good checks to Tinkaton, Tyranitar, and Bisharp, making Hippowdon, Quagsire, (AC) and physically defensive Gastrodon good teammates. Pokemon that sometimes struggle in matchups against hyper offense like Tinkaton and Talonflame appreciate Grafaiai's Encore support. Talonflame can also form a very obnoxious U-turn cycling core with Grafaiai.

Set name? (Grafaiai) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Prankster
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Gunk Shot / Toxic / Low Kick
- Knock Off
- Parting Shot
- Encore

Grafaiai's specially defensive variant Specially defensive Grafaiai is a much better check to some Pokemon it's usually tasked with handling, like Gengar, Oricorio-E, Polteageist, (AC) and, thanks to the HP investement, Mimikyu. The drop in Speed EVs is worth considering, as Grafaiai's Prankster ability makes it somewhat unnecessary anyway. With that said, Grafaiai can still run maximum Speed investment on this set if necessary, letting it offensively check Pawmot and Iron Jugulis, though it doesn't hit them too hard without offensive investment. (this evs section should be moved down so your paragraph follows the set order of moves first then other stuff) Gunk Shot is an excellent STAB still move, but on a set like this that's slower than Pawmot and Iron Jugulis, it's less necessary; as such, Grafaiai can swap it out for Toxic to cripple defensive switch-ins like Hippowdon or and Quagsire in addition to being a great panic button against Pokemon like Oricorio-E, Dragon Dance Salamence, and Gyarados, or run Low Kick to deal with Dark-types that block Prankster moves such as Bisharp and Tyranitar.

this has a ton of cross set references, so feel free to address how you want but you don't want readers to have to read the first set to understand the second - they should be able to just jump to the set they want to use and be able to get all the info from there

This variant of
Grafaiai needs good defensive support, (AC) as it can struggle to be self-sufficient due to its inability to do much immediate damage. This makes it a better fit on defensive teams that appreciate its reliability in handling Gengar and the utility provided by its Prankster moves. Good checks to Dark-types like Iron Jugulis, Tyranitar, and Bisharp are the most mandatory teammates, as Grafaiai typically cannot do anything to them save for a weak Knock Off; good options include Tinkaton, Hippowdon, and Tauros-Paldea-A Paldean Tauros-W, but do note that it is important to check Iron Jugulis and the physical Dark-type Pokemon differently. Scream Tail makes for a great partner too, healing Grafaiai with Wish against Pokemon like Gengar that would typically use Scream Tail as a free switch-in opportunity. It can also handle the likes of Pawmot decently. Teammates like Talonflame can make it easier for Grafaiai to pivot around through burning physical threats, making it a bit easier for Grafaiai to use its typing to handle the likes of Lokix and Slither Wing.

Set name? (Grafaiai) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Poison Touch
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Gunk Shot
- Knock Off
- U-turn
- Low Kick

Poison Touch Grafaiai is a very difficult Pokemon to switch into, as the combination of Knock Off, Poison Touch, and expanded coverage in U-turn and Low Kick makes typical answers like Hippowdon and Gastrodon lacking Covert Cloak much less happy to switch in. With its boosted coverage, it is much more difficult to wall Grafaiai with the likes of Tinkaton, Tyranitar, and Bisharp, making it a challenge to find Pokemon that can stave (idk what this is supposed to say?) it off over the course of a game. Grafaiai can also opt to use Switcheroo over Low Kick with Black Sludge to cripple Pokemon like Hippowdon and Tinkaton even further; while it prefers Heavy-Duty Boots, it can certainly make do with their stolen Leftovers. Tera Poison is chosen to boost Grafaiai's Gunk Shot, while Tera Fighting is also an option for a stronger Low Kick, although neither are particularly great choices, (AC) and Grafaiai should rarely be Terastalized anyway.

Poison Touch Grafaiai makes for an excellent pairing with Hex Gengar. Not only does Grafaiai spread poison to boost Hex to meteoric levels of power, but it also weakens Tinkaton and Tyranitar very quickly, two Pokemon Gengar doesn't like dealing with. An important thing to keep in mind when building with Poison Touch Grafaiai is that (RC) unlike its Prankster variant, it can struggle a bit with hyper offense squads; partners that have a strong matchup against those like Kilowattrel, Mimikyu, and Scizor can be very helpful. Taunt Talonflame eases Grafaiai's matchup against offense while also taking great advantage of all the residual damage Grafaiai spreads, notably being a capable check to Scizor if it isn't running Tera Fire. These Pokemon all appreciate Grafaiai's ability to weaken bulky Ground-types, too. Grafaiai loves entry hazard support, (AC) since it's so good at removing Heavy-Duty Boots with Knock Off; setters like Gastrodon, Sandy Shocks and Tinkaton make for great partners.

- Written by: [[Lily, 481709]]
- Quality checked by: [[Estarossa, 461329], [Queen of Bean, 587685]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]