Pet Mod GlaceMons - Slate 10 Submissions [Final OU Slate!] | Please read Post #486!

Approved by the Pet Mod Moderators
Welcome to GlaceMons, the fourth mod in the SylveMons series! Like JolteMons last generation, this mod looks to add and change moves, items, and abilities to create a more interesting National Dex metagame; this time in Generation 9! Pokémon can also be given non-stat adjustments.
Submission Phase (5 days)
During the submission phase, you can submit 3 new or changed moves, items, and abilities as well as 3 non-stat adjustments to Pokémon. Templates are provided below. There are very few restrictions for what you can do with moves, items, and abilities, but please keep your submissions balanced and codeable because the council reserves the right to veto any submission deemed uncompetitive, broken, or unfeasible. For Pokémon Adjustments, you can change the Pokémon's typing, abilities, and add or remove moves. You cannot create new moves or abilities for the Pokémon, you must submit those as part of your moves or ability submissions. Multiple moves / items / abilities can be subbed in one slot if they are clones of each other and multiple Pokémon can be adjusted in one slot if they are direct counterparts of each other.

Voting Phase (1 day) -
During the voting phase, you may vote for up to 6 submissions in each category. You are allowed 2 self-votes. The top voted submissions will win and be added to the metagame, with at least 3 winners in each category.

Discussion (1 day) -
The discussion phase of each slate gives us a quick period of rest to get the newest slate coded, discuss what we got in the newest slate, and potentially do a little playtesting before the next slate. Unlike in JolteMons, distribution discussion is no formally longer part of the discussion phase, with distribution now being decided by council.

How is GlaceMons different from VaporeMons or JolteMons?
GlaceMons follows the same format and vision as JolteMons and VaporeMons, seeking to create an interesting take on the current National Dex OU metagame while remaining competitive. Other factors regarding the mod can be seen below:

- There is no continuity with VaporeMons or JolteMons, so none of the changes from either mod are present.
- Elements from either mod can be resubmitted, but do note that just because it's in VaporeMons/JolteMons doesn't mean that it won't be vetoed here.
- Rules that VaporeMons follow such as no formal distribution phase and winners having the potential to be nerfed still apply.
- GlaceMons will last for 10 slates, but if there is still activity around the end of the mod there is potential for it to expand to 12 slates, or possibly even more!


- Terastalization is banned. With Terastalization being banned, Deoxys-Speed, Gholdengo, Kingambit, Melmetal, Terapagos, Regieleki, Shedinja, and Zamazenta are unbanned.

Name: [Name of the move]
Power: [Base Power of the Move]
Accuracy: [Accuracy of the Move. Has to be a multiple of 5]
PP: [Power Points of the Move. Has to be a multiple of 5]
Category: [Physical, Special, or Status]
Type: [Type of the Move]
Effect: [What the move does. Can be a secondary effect or an inherent effect like Throat Chop's. Also include whether or not the move is a spread move]
Priority: [The priority bracket of the move. The standard priority of a move is 0]
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): [Specify which flags the move has. A full list can be found here.]
Potential Pokémon With This Move: [List a few Pokémon that could learn this move. The council ultimately decides what Pokémon get what moves]
Justification: [Explain why this move should be added]
Name: [Name of the item]
Effect: [What the item does]
Can Be Knocked Off (Yes or No): [Specify whether or not the item can be Knocked Off.]
Ignored by Klutz (Yes or No): [Specify whether or not the item's effect is ignored by Klutz]
Fling Power & Effect: [The BP of Fling when used with this item and what secondary effect it has, like Light Ball causing paralysis]
Justification: [Explain why this item should be added]
Name: [Name of the ability]
Effect: [What the ability does]
Permanent (Yes or No): [Permanent abilities are abilities that can't be suppressed, Skill Swapped, or copied]
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): [Specify whether or not the ability is ignored by Mold Breaker]
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: [List a few Pokémon that could get this ability. The council ultimately decides what Pokémon get what abilities]
Justification: [Explain why this ability should be added]
:sv/pokemon: [Replace "pokemon" with the name of the Pokémon]
Name: [Name of the Pokémon]
Type: [The Pokémon's typing]
Abilities: [The Pokémon's set of abilities]
New Moves: [Any moves that you are adding to the Pokémon]
Removed Moves: [Any move that you are removing from the Pokémon]
Justification: [Explain why these changes should be added]
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound):
Potential Pokémon With This Move:

Can Be Knocked Off (Yes or No):
Ignored by Klutz (Yes or No):
Fling Power & Effect:

Permanent (Yes or No):
Mold Breaker (Yes or No):
Potential Pokémon With This Ability:

New Moves:
Removed Moves:
Pet Mods Showdown! Client

Additional resources will be added as time progresses.
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Play Restrictions
  • Standard NatDex: Standard National Dex ruleset.
  • OHKO Clause: Moves that OHKO the foe (Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, and Sheer Cold) are banned.
  • Evasion Moves Clause: Moves that boost evasion like Minimize are banned.
  • Species Clause: Players cannot have more than one Pokémon with any National Pokédex number.
  • Sleep Clause: Players can not induce sleep on more than one of the opponent's Pokémon at once.
  • Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot intentionally prevent their opponent's Pokémon from fainting from PP depletion and Struggle recoil.
  • Terastal Clause: Players may not Terastallize.
Players cannot use the following Pokemon:
:annihilape: Annihilape
:arceus: Arceus (all formes)
:baxcalibur: Baxcalibur
:calyrex-ice: Calyrex-Ice
:calyrex-shadow: Calyrex-Shadow
:chi-yu: Chi-Yu
:chien-pao: Chien-Pao
:darkrai: Darkrai
:darmanitan-galar: Darmanitan-Galar
:deoxys: Deoxys
:deoxys-attack: Deoxys-Attack
:dialga: Dialga
:dialga-origin: Dialga-Origin
:dragapult: Dragapult
:espathra: Espathra
:eternatus: Eternatus
:flutter-mane: Flutter Mane
:gallade-mega: Gallade-Mega
:giratina: Giratina
:giratina-origin: Giratina-Origin
:gouging-fire: Gouging Fire
:groudon: Groudon
:ho-oh: Ho-Oh
:iron-bundle: Iron Bundle
:koraidon: Koraidon
:kyogre: Kyogre
:kyurem-white: Kyurem-White
:lugia: Lugia
:lunala: Lunala
:marshadow: Marshadow
:mewtwo: Mewtwo
:miraidon: Miraidon
:naganadel: Naganadel
:necrozma-dawn-wings: Necrozma-Dawn Wings
:necrozma-dusk-mane: Necrozma-Dusk Mane
:ogerpon-hearthflame: Ogerpon-Hearthflame
:palafin: Palafin
:palkia: Palkia
:palkia-origin: Palkia-Origin
:pheromosa: Pheromosa
:rayquaza: Rayquaza
:reshiram: Reshiram
:roaring-moon: Roaring Moon
:shedinja: Shedinja
:sneasler: Sneasler
:solgaleo: Solgaleo
:spectrier: Spectrier
:ursaluna-bloodmoon: Ursaluna-Bloodmoon
:urshifu: Urshifu
:walking-wake: Walking Wake
:xerneas: Xerneas
:yveltal: Yveltal
:zacian: Zacian
:zacian-crowned: Zacian-Crowned
:zamazenta-crowned: Zamazenta-Crowned
:zekrom: Zekrom
:zygarde: Zygarde
Players cannot use the following abilities:
Arena Trap
Power Construct
Shadow Tag
Players cannot use the follow items:
:alakazite: Alakazite
:blastoisinite: Blastoisinite
:blazikenite: Blazikenite
:gengarite: Gengarite
:kangaskhanite: Kangashkanite
:kings-rock: King's Rock
:lucarionite: Lucarionite
:metagrossite: Metagrossite
:quick-claw: Quick Claw
:razor-fang: Razor Fang
:salamencite: Salamencite
Players cannot use the following moves:
Baton Pass
Last Respects
Shed Tail

Sample Teams
Wait until the final slate for them to come up!
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Role Compendium
Wait for the final slate for this to come out!

The first submission slate is open! You can now post! Remember, Terastallization is banned. With Terastalization being banned, Deoxys-Speed, Gholdengo, Kingambit, Melmetal, Terapagos, Regieleki, Shedinja, and Zamazenta are unbanned. From new elements to old elements with changes, you can submit whatever is sensible to you! Have fun! You are allowed to submit banned Pokemon with changes to them to make them balanced, but please be careful.
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Name: Tornadus-Therian
Type: Flying
Abilities: Regenerator
New Moves: Brave Bird
Removed Moves:
Justification: It is surely a bird alright. And 100 Atk isn't that bad especially when using a 120 BP Move. And he has Regenerator which makes up for recoil. Choice Band sets could be cool alongside maybe mixed sets idfk

edit: adding more cuz yall are fat and hate bbird tornt like wtf

Name: Iron Hands
Type: Fighting / Electric
Abilities: Quark Drive
New Moves: Bulk Up, Bullet Punch
Removed Moves:
Justification: Hariyama gets it

Name: Barraskewda
Type: Water
Abilities: Swift Swim / Propeller Tail
New Moves: Wave Crash, Ice Spinner
Removed Moves:
Justification: hahah rain go brrrr click button clicky clicky click no more dnite hahahah brrr click click kill kill

Name: Hatterene
Type: Psychic / Fairy
Abilities: Healer / Anticipation / Magic Bounce
New Moves: Moonblast, Moonlight
Removed Moves:
Justification: It's like a forest witch so it surely has some magic revolving the moon or something, also its a fairy type without the most spammable Fairy-type move ever cmon she deserves it
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Name: Magearna
Type: Steel / Fairy
Abilities: Natural Cure
Removed Moves: Calm Mind, Draining Kiss, Shift Gear, Trick
Justification: gutted all the offensive sets so the best you have are defensive spikes/vest and specs sets
also geko is oppressing me this is oppression btw

Name: Worry Seed
Power: 80
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 15
Category: Physical
Type: Grass
Effect: The target's Ability becomes Insomnia.
Priority: 0
Flags: Protect, Mirror, Metronome
Potential Pokémon With This Move: current + all mons with seed bomb/leech seed/bullet seed
Justification: a kinda interesting thing i thought of where in aaa it was used to beat pheal and stuff so now you can use ferro to check gliscor and stuff

Name: Recover / Roost / Slack Off / Soft-Boiled / Milk Drink / Shore Up / Lunar Blessing
PP: 10
Justification: i looove 16 pp recovery
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Name: Wishiwashi-School
Type: Water/Dragon
Abilities: Intimidate (can be picked as Wishiwashi-School on the teambuilder without requiring Schooling first)
New Moves: Heal Order, Outrage, Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse, Draco Meteor, Core Enforcer
Justification: A classic staple of Joltemons that makes progress with its great offensive stats and interesting attacks like Core Enforcer, I believe the power creep has raised sufficiently now to enable this mon with an actual item slot, even though realistically it'll stick to Leftovers or Boots anyways.
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Name: Umbreon
Type: Dark/Poison
Abilities: Magic Guard, Natural Cure
New Moves: Knock Off, Scorching Sands, Slack Off
Justification: All things considered umbreon has really decent stats for an eeveelution + gen 2 mon. Giving it a slightly improved moveset along with actual abilities and the good typing might make it usable beyond trolling, which would be cool i think.

Name: Dust Devil
Effect: Sand Stream + Sand Spit
Permanent (Yes or No): No
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: Hippowdon
Justification: Makes thematic sense for Hippo and can help keep Sand up in extended staring contests

Name: Skarmory
Abilities: Iron Barbs
New Moves: Beak Blast
Justification: Iron Barbs is mainly because Skarm is visible made of iron and sharp, while also helping the defensive profile. Beak Blast is due to, as an observant viewer may notice, skarm is in fact a bird and has a beak. + it helps his defensive profile I guess
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Name: Fury Swarm
Power: 20BP
Accuracy: 90%
PP: 10PP


Effect: Hits three times. The first hit has 20BP, the second has 40BP and the third has 60BP.
Priority: 0
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): Contact
Potential Pokémon With This Move: :beedrill::persian::yanmega::leavanny::maushold::lokix::slither-wing:
Justification: Wow!! Technician synergy!! Yippee!!

Name: Wild Hunt
Power: 75BP
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 10PP


Effect: Does double damage to a target that switched in this turn.
Priority: 0
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): Contact, Mirror
Potential Pokémon With This Move: :rapidash-galar::granbull::gardevoir::banette::gallade::mimikyu::grimmsnarl:, generally just fae creatures and ghosts/tricksters and such.
Justification: More consistent physical Fairy move that also punishes opponents who pivot constantly.
Name: Modelling Clay
Effect: On switch-in, copies the target's held item.
Can Be Knocked Off (Yes or No): Yes
Ignored by Klutz (Yes or No): Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 30BP
Justification: silly

Name: Lucky Punch
Effect: If the holder is Happiny, Chansey or Blissey, its Attack is tripled.
Can Be Knocked Off (Yes or No): Yes
Ignored by Klutz (Yes or No): No
Fling Power & Effect: 40BP
Justification: No more eggs. This blob only wants violence.

Name: Lagging Tail
Effect: Holder moves last in its priority bracket, but its moves have 1.3x power.
Can Be Knocked Off (Yes or No): Yes
Ignored by Klutz (Yes or No): No
Fling Power & Effect: 10BP
Justification: Offensive item for slower, bulkier mons who don't really mind its downside as much.
Name: Protosynthesis / Quark Drive
Effect: Sun (Proto) / Electric Terrain (QDrive) active, or Booster Energy consumed; user's moves have 1.3x power.
Permanent (Yes or No): Yes
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: you know who
Justification: I think paradox mons are lame. Their ability is just generically strong with little thought put into it, making their already good stats even better at the cost of having a Booster Energy or the relevant field effect up. Also like 99% of the time you want to be boosting Speed and I think that's kind of lame. Here's something that tapers off that power and hopefully encourages other item usage on these mons.
Name: Gholdengo

Abilities: Good As Gold
New Moves: Pay Day
Removed Moves:
Justification: FUCK Gholdengo. I genuinely cannot believe that a mon that not ONLY blocks Defog, but also blocks Rapid Spin AND the fancy new Gen 9 Mortal Spin got past the concept phase. Anyway, this is a change that should make it less overbearing. Adding Pay Day for silly reasons (did you know that Gholdengo doesn't get Pay Day?)

Name: Audino / Audino-Mega

Abilities: Healer / Regenerator / Klutz | Simple
New Moves: Alluring Voice, Psychic Noise
Removed Moves:
Justification: Makes Audino-Mega a significantly better utility/late game bulky sweeping mon with access to Simple + Calm Mind. Notably this does not get Stored Power, which is good because it would almost certainly be broken with it. The additional moves are mostly for "updating this mon to Gen 9" reasons, but Alluring Voice is a slight upgrade over Dazzling Gleam.
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feels weird not being the OP of one of these threads

Name: Pebble Storm
Power: 70
Accuracy: 100
PP: 20


Effect: This move has +1 priority if Sandstorm if active.
Z-Move Power / Effect: 140 BP
Priority: 0
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): Protect, Mirror
Potential Pokémon With This Move::diancie::garganacl::glimmora::iron boulder::terrakion::aerodactyl::archeops::avalugg-hisui::coalossal::gigalith::iron thorns::lycanroc::lycanroc-dusk::lycanroc-midnight::minior::regirock::rampardos::stakataka::stonjourner::golem::golem-alola::rhyperior::houndstone::sandslash::bombirdier::brambleghast::sandaconda::gliscor::cacturne::dugtrio::palossand::great tusk::donphan::hippowdon::probopass::steelix:(:excadrill:?)
Justification: Gen 8 Grassy Glide clone, but on a field condition that doesn't boost its damage and I'm not giving this to any good self-setters to click it with. Makes a very powerful revenge killing and cleaning tool if you're able to keep control of the weather, especially since it's still a fairly strong Rock-type move that will dent all other weather setters if they try to aggressively switch the weather, since they all happen to be weak to Rock. Also, Choice Band Gigalith.

Name: Wild Thorns / Kindling / Flash Flood / Pop Rocks
Power: 20
Accuracy: 100
PP: 5
(WT, PR) /
(K, FF)

Effect: Sets the G-Max Vine Lash (WT) / G-Max Wildfire (K) / G-Max Cannonade (FF) / G-Max Volcalith (PR) effect on the target(s)'s side of the field for 4 turns (which damages the foe at the end of every turn for 1/6th of their max HP unless they're the type of the effect). Ends early if Defog or Rapid Spin is used. Effects are not set if the target of the move was holding a Covert Cloak.
Z-Move Power / Effect: 100 BP
Priority: 0
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): Protect, Mirror, Bullet (PR)
Potential Pokémon With This Move::venusaur::meganium::sceptile::torterra::serperior::simisage::chesnaught::decidueye::decidueye-hisui::rillaboom::meowscarada::roserade::brambleghast: / :charizard::typhlosion::typhlosion-hisui::blaziken::infernape::emboar::simisear::delphox::incineroar::cinderace::skeledirge::turtonator::centiskorch: / :blastoise::feraligatr::swampert::empoleon::samurott::samurott-hisui::simipour::greninja::primarina::inteleon::quaquaval::whiscash::gastrodon: / :coalossal::sudowoodo::golem::diancie::carbink::minior::solrock::lunatone::shuckle::gigalith::bombirdier:
Justification: These field effects terrorized VGC with their insane amounts of chip damage, on top of being on broken mons in Charizard and Coalossal, but they obviously didn't get much of a chance in singles since Zard and Coal suck in singles and GMax Venu and Blas didn't come out until well after Dynamax was banned. The closest thing to a chip damage effect this strong is Garganacl's Salt Cure, being usually weaker but lasting until the affected mon switches. These moves serve as defensive tools to accelerate chip damage across whole teams and force switches, lest you let a mon passively lose 2/3 of its HP, which makes them especially dangerous when combined with hazards. However, low BP on the initial move, low PP, only lasting 4 turns, and multiple forms of counterplay in hazard removal and Covert Cloak, plus likely getting low distribution should all keep these from being too overwhelming, not mention you can mitigate their effects with Regenerator or even just normal recovery moves.

Name: Jaw Lock / Snap Trap
Power: 80
Accuracy: 100
PP: 10

(JL) /
Effect: Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns.
Z-Move Power / Effect: 140 BP
Priority: 0
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): Protect, Mirror, Contact, Bite
Potential Pokémon With This Move::drednaw::mabosstiff::roaring moon::arbok::brute bonnet::drapion::guzzlord::houndoom::krookodile::mightyena::sharpedo::zarude::zoroark::tyrantrum::gumshoos::boltund::bruxish::stoutland::avalugg-hisui::hydreigon::umbreon::seviper::hoopa:/:stunfisk-galar::carnivine::torterra::brute bonnet::victreebel:
Justification: I'm very TCG Pocket-pilled right now and the deck I've been using the most recently is Weezing + Arbok, with the latter's card having an attack that prevent retreating, the TCG equivalent of switching. So, now I feel the need to buff the closest thing we have to that, being a Dark-type trapping move in Jaw Lock. The move is already decent in a vacuum, but suffers from poor distribution, having to compete with Knock Off, Pursuit, and Crunch, and the self-trapping effect easily backfiring. So, I swapped out the "we are both trapped now" effect for a better trapping effect in partial trapping, turning Jaw Lock into Magma Storm for babies. It still has to compete with the omnipresent Knock Off and the other Dark moves, but partial trapping on a usable move is so strong in some situations that I'm positive that this'll find at least some niche usage. Also added Snap Trap in here last second, you can give that to some stuff too if you want, idc (even though it's probably actually the more interesting move here with the right distribution)

Name: Tear Down
Power: 70
Accuracy: 100
PP: 10


Effect: Sets Gravity after use.
Z-Move Power / Effect: 160 BP
Priority: 0
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): Protect, Mirror, Contact
Potential Pokémon With This Move::flapple::dracozolt::dracovish::haxorus::flygon::guzzlord::tyrantrum::zygarde::krookodile::nidoking;::nidoqueen::rhyperior::regidrago::sceptile::charizard::salamence::druddigon::silvally::sandslash::exeggutor-alola::aerodactyl::necrozma:
Justification: One of my favorite recent genres of moves are ones that just steal an obscure status move's effect and put it on an attacking move (this 100% applies to Mossy's Tailwind setting move, same principle), with the best recent example being Psychic Noise, taking Heal Block from a useless move to a wall's worst nightmare. Gravity, while maybe not that obscure, certain fits the bill of something that could benefit from being on an attacking move. Dragon is a little weird of a choice of typing for this, but the idea is that dragons are so powerful that they could literally drag the sky down to the earth, and also yeah this is a blatant to excuse to buff Flapple (still sucks). But, Dragon-types also often use Earthquake as coverage, making it a great tool to get past airborne Steels like Corviknight or Celesteela, or support a teammate like Excadrill or Landorus. Also makes for a better version of Smack Down for Ground-types at the cost of the Dragon coverage being useless.
Name: Metal Powder / Energy Powder
Effect: If the holder is a Ditto, this Pokemon's Defense and Special Defense (MP) / Attack and Special Attack (EP) are boosted by 50%. Applies even after transforming.
Can Be Knocked Off (Yes or No): Yes
Ignored by Klutz (Yes or No): Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 10 BP
Justification: Buffed version of a goofy idea I submitted in Slate 1 of VaporeMons. Turns Ditto into BH Chansey and Pikachu but not as ridiculous due to Ditto's low HP. Potentially gives Ditto some more options in how it wants to function as a revenge killer and scout, especially with Metal Powder as it can make up for Ditto's poor HP and let it beat certain mons 1v1 without needing to outspeed them every turn.

Name: Silvally's Memories (The 17 existing ones + a new Normal Memory)
Effect: Reduces damage taken from moves of their corresponding type by 0.67x. Holder's Multi-Attack matches the memory's type.
Can Be Knocked Off (Yes or No): Yes (unless the holder has RKS System)
Ignored by Klutz (Yes or No): Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 50 BP
Justification: Giving the counterpart to Arceus' plates a real use, inverting the offensive use of the plates by giving them a defensive one. These are very simply worse resist berries, but with infinite use (unless you get knocked or something) and you don't have to be weak to the type in question for it to activate, allowing a mon to partially shut down moves of any type it wants. Definitely less powerful than other defensive items like Boots or Lefties, but they should be a good niche option.

Name: Ice Axe
Effect: The holder's Ice moves are guaranteed to critically hit while Snow is active.
Can Be Knocked Off (Yes or No): Yes
Ignored by Klutz (Yes or No): Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 80 BP
Justification: Goofy boosting item based on an ability from a solomod I never released. Snow appears to not be in the best shape in NatDex, so this gives Snow something more than just Veil + Setup spam, as now you can make your Blizzard spammers hit with the power of a Choice Specs at no extra cost. Could even run Nasty Plot Ninetales-A with this, if you're so inclined.

Name: Lunch Box
Effect: Gives the holder a Stockpile of 2 on switch-in.
Can Be Knocked Off (Yes or No): Yes
Ignored by Klutz (Yes or No): Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 60 BP
Justification: Likely unviable and I'll replace it if I think of anything better, but very funny. You'd think giving everything with Spit Up instant access to a 200 BP move would be broken, and I may be stupid and it still is, but Spit Up's distribution is so generationally awful that I think we're fine. Like, the best Spit Up mons are Kilowattrel, Wigglytuff, and Gastrodon, and two of those would rather hold like any other item. This also gives an instant 50% recovery move in Swallow for the likes of Weezing-G, Muk-A, Mawile, and Snorlax, which is honestly probably the better use of the item.
Name: Wandering Spirit
Effect: On switch-in, this Pokemon swaps its ability for the opponent's ability. Activates and doesn't activate under the same conditions as Trace.
Permanent (Yes or No): No
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability::runerigus::armarouge::ceruledge::spiritomb::cofagrigus::marowak::froslass::cacturne:
Justification: I highly discourage submitting stuff that's already been in SylveMons, VaporeMons, and especially JolteMons, but I'm making an exception here as I need my boy Runerigus back. Though Runerigus is likely still bad since it doesn't have recovery in this metagame unlike in JolteMons, a good number of the other Wandering Spirit users will be able to abuse its strong ability denial at higher levels.

Name: Shrug Off
Effect: Once per switch-in, this Pokemon's negative stat boosts are reset to 0 if it has a stat lowered.
Permanent (Yes or No): No
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: WIP (:latios::victini:)
Justification: Megas Revisited Mega Latios. Fairly weak ability compared to other stat drop denial abilities like Contrary, JolteMons Optimistic, or VaporeMons Sheer Heart, but that means it can go to stronger Pokemon. Basic idea remains the same, you get to click your Dracos or Overheats or even V-Creates more times in a row, while giving physical attackers protection from Intimidate. Just make sure you don't waste the stat reset on switching into Defog, though

Name: Mimicry
Effect: Replaces this Pokemon primary type with the type of the currently active terrain. When a terrain starts or if this Pokemon switches in when a terrain is active, it gains +1 Def (Grassy, Electric) / +1 SpD (Misty, Psychic). Typing changes back to normal when the terrain ends, but the stat boost stays.
Permanent (Yes or No): No
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: WIP (:stunfisk-galar::kecleon::amoonguss::tentacruel::toedscruel::masquerain:, Some Stuff that learns Camouflage (:corsola::dragalge::starmie::mothim::malamar:))
Justification: Mimicry was a neat idea, turning Stunfisk-G into a technically better Castform after the additions of the Tapus and Rillaboom as amazing terrain users. However, Stunfisk-G sucks and the ability was really weak and didn't really fit with its kit either. This change makes the ability way more usable not only on Stunfisk-G but anything else we give this to, basically giving it infinite terrain seeds and more dynamic defensive typings. Suddenly, Stunfisk becomes one of the best answers to Tapu Lele in the game by becoming Psychic/Steel with +1 SpD, Tapu Koko can Volt Switch out on STunfisk but can never break past it, Rillaboom and Tapu Bulu need to hit a Fighting move on it, and Tapu Fini is hardly doing anything to it. And this is all stuff that a ZU trashmon like Stunfisk does, imagine what something a little better can do.

Name: Envenomate
Effect: This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Poison-type, have 1.2x power, and have a 10% chance to badly poison the foe.
Permanent (Yes or No): No
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: (Should only go to a few things, like other -ates) :crobat::toxicroak::drapion::sneasel-hisui::sneasler::salazzle::seismitoad::goodra:
Justification: -ate abilities haven't really been explored in SylveMons metas, which makes sense as they're kinda boring and are best kept to just a few mons. This same is kinda true for Intoxicate here, but it still does a few very interesting things. Poison, especially on the physical side, is lacking in super strong moves, with Sludge Wave/Bomb being the best you'll get on the special side (adequate, but not at the level of Fire Blast or Hydro Pump), while you either need to rely on the inaccurate Gunk Shot or go down to the weak Poison Jab on the physical side. Here, you can slap Return, Double-Edge, or Hyper Voice on your Poison-type and deal big damage, with the extra benefit on having a small chance to cripple something with Toxic poisoning, a type of extra effect that none of the other -ates do right now.
Name: Houndoom(-Mega)

Abilities: Early Bird / Flash Fire / Intimidate -> Supreme Overlord (Mega)
New Moves: N/A
Removed Moves: N/A
Justification: Must be the fighting game fan in me, but the walking comeback mechanic that is Supreme Overlord is such a sick ability to me. However, it's stuck on the super broken Kingambit, so here's an attempt to extend it to another powerful but much more balanced Dark-type. Mega Houndoom goes from a mediocre Sun breaker to a cleaner best suited for HO teams, particularly Webs, being able to come in last, set up a Nasty Plot and/or Flame Charge (made easier with the base form now having Intimidate), and then go crazy with its Supreme Overlord boosts. This also makes Houndoom a better breaker in the midgame, but you have to be weary about hazards.
Houndoom @ Houndoominite
Ability: Intimidate
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Nasty Plot
- Dark Pulse
- Fire Blast
- Sludge Bomb / Flame Charge

:sm/walking wake:
Name: Walking Wake

Abilities: Protosynthesis
New Moves: N/A
Removed Moves: Flamethrower, Flip Turn
Justification: Selfishly unbanning one of my favorite Pokemon to use in Regional Dex OU. We all already know what Walking Wake does, so this just makes it easier to handle, as now it can't hit Ferrothorn without Sun up and can't generate momentum on switch-ins anymore. These nerfs plus the lack of Tera should keep it in check, but it remains a super strong wallbreaker on Sun.
Walking Wake @ Choice Specs / Choice Scarf
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hydro Steam
- Draco Meteor
- Dragon Pulse
- Weather Ball

Name: Banette(-Mega)

Abilities: Insomnia / Frisk / Cursed Body -> Prankster (Mega)
New Moves: Spectral Thief, Copycat, Close Combat, Drain Punch, Bulk Up, Reversal, Focus Blast, Ice Spinner
Removed Moves: N/A
Justification: If Banette wants to be OU so bad then we're gonna MAKE it OU. Spectral Thief is broken, Ghost/Fighting is broken, 165 Attack is broken, Prankster Copycat is funny, all should make Banette a genuine threat despite all of its other terrible stats and lack of recovery.
Banette @ Banettite
Ability: Frisk
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Spectral Thief
- Close Combat
- Copycat

Banette @ Banettite
Ability: Frisk
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Bulk Up
- Spectral Thief
- Drain Punch
- Encore

Name: Silvally

Abilities: RKS System
New Moves: Knock Off, Roost, Stealth Rock, Close Combat, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Boomburst, Dragon Dance, Heal Bell, Taunt, Trailblaze, Hurricane, Fire Blast, Thunder, Blizzard, Hydro Pump, Focus Blast, Aura Sphere, Meteor Beam, Refresh, Aqua Tail, Supercell Slam, Dazzling Gleam, Seed Bomb, Gunk Shot, Psychic, Water Pledge, Fire Pledge, Vacuum Wave, Quick Attack, Disable
Removed Moves: N/A
Justification: Second but completely unrelated Silvally buff I'm subbing slate 1. Silvally being a balanced version of Arceus is such a sick concept and, if it worked, it'd work wonders as a glue option when you really need a mon of a specific type to some specific role. However, Silvally completely fails at this mainly due to its stats, which I can't fix, but also due to its poor movepool for what it's supposed to be. Multi-Attack hits like a truck, but all of its non-STAB moves are weak since almost all of them are under 100 BP and Silvally's forms can't hold boosting items, and its utility movepool is too shallow to function as a good wall despite good 95/95/95 bulk. So, I basically dumped a truckload of new moves onto Silvally that'll help it do whatever it needs to do on a team, making it a much easier niche option to justify when you need a certain piece that other viable mons just can't fill. Better offensive moves like Close Combat, Earthquake, Boomburst, and Knock Off let moves not named Multi-Attack hit hard, better utility like Roost, Stealth Rock, Taunt, and Heal Bell let it do more defensively, and it even has a setup option in Dragon Dance, which I'm willing to bet it'll get in the next game it exists in if Dragon Dance is still a TM.
Every type gets significantly buffed, so I'm not gonna post one for all of them but here's the funny one

Silvally @ Choice Specs
Ability: RKS System
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Boomburst
- Fire Blast
- Hydro Pump
- Parting Shot
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Name: Dragon Tail/Roar/Whirlwind/Tsunami
Power: 80
Accuracy: 100
PP: 10/16
Category: Physical | Special | Special | Special
Type: Dragon / Normal / Flying / Water
Effect: Phases the opponent
Priority: -6
Flags: Contact | Sound | Wind | Wind
Potential Pokémon With This Move: Same distribution as regular mons, Tsunami will be given to non :toxapex: :alomomola:(regen) water types. Whirlwind distribution will be cut to only a few flying types as currently it cannot be blocked. Ting Lu can keep it because it is funny that it can use a special flying move. Torn can also keep it because it’s a cool regen
Justification: i love phasing and phasing should be used more. This allows phasing to be blocked more readily making some stationary setup mons more viable (eg fairies ghosts water absorbers)

Name: Strength
Power: 80
Accuracy: 100
PP: 15/24
Category: Physical
Type: Normal | (Rock Ground Poison Grass Bug)
Effect: Removes a hazard type that would be removed by rapid spin (Stealth Rock/Spikes/Toxic Spikes/Leech Seed/Sticky Web). This move removes in order of Leech Seed, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web. If a hazard type is removed, the Move becomes the corresponding type and gains 1.5x power.
Priority: 0
Flags: Contact
Potential Pokémon With This Move: some fighting types, :mudsdale: :copperajah: :rillaboom: :kartana: :slaking: :hoopa-unbound: :rampardos:, pokemon with 130 + attack basically.
Justification: kinda bad hazard removal as it only removes type at a time, but fighting types generally lack removal and it generally supports their kit with the three coverage options. Great with AV, and that’s pretty cool. Can sometimes blank vs the setter, ie strength - spikes on gliscor, but it will remove it regardless.

Name: Octane Crush
Power: 110
Accuracy: 100
PP: 5/8
Category: Physical
Type: Electric
Effect: Lowers the opponents defense by 1. Cannot be used twice in a row.
Priority: 0
Flags: Contact
Potential Pokémon With This Move: physical electrics (maybe not koko). Like electrics with an attack stat over 100
Justification: cool electric stab. Very potent but limiting movepool wise
Name: Medical Kit
Effect: Healing is 25% more effective for this Pokemon (including wish)
Can Be Knocked Off Yes
Ignored by Klutz Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 10 Bp, Heal Pulse effects
Justification: healmaxxers alternative to leftovers.

:protective-pads: :punching-glove:
Name: Protective Pads / Punching Glove
Effect: Original effect + contact boost of 1.1 | Punching boost raised to 1.2
Can Be Knocked Off Yes
Ignored by Klutz Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 10 Bp, Taunt and Confuse
Justification: more incentive to use these over the omnipresent boots lefties

Name: Kevlar Vest
Effect: This Pokemon cannot receive healing from any source, 1.5x def
Can Be Knocked Off Yes
Ignored by Klutz Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 50 bp, and 1/6th of the opponents max HP
Justification: idk physical av, not healing / having boots def makes the 1.5x def more balanced. This is a great item for mons that already lack healing and don’t rely on other items defensively.
Name: Blood Drain
Effect: on entry, leech health equivalent to a 20 bp bug move on the users higher attack stat. Makes Contact
Permanent (Yes or No): No
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability:
:Golisopod: :Crobat: :Slither-Wing: :Buzzwole: :Kabutops: :Parasect:
Justification: An interesting ability that generates chip and adds a better option to Pokemon that don’t have it.

:goodra-hisui: :slowbro-mega:
Name: Shell Armor
Effect: Once per switchin, this Pokémon’s defense is raised by 1 after using a status move. This Pokemon cannot be critically hit
Permanent (Yes or No): No
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability:
:Golisopod: + current distrib
Justification: shell armor is only on shitmons or mons with zero good status moves (ignore mega slowbro). A lot of these mons don’t have recovery so protect does a lot of work here essentially recreating a dauntless shield for some of these pokemon (not on switchin). This also makes shell smashers slightly better (Exept cloyster).
Name: Flareon
Type: Fire
Abilities: Flash Fire | Magic Guard
New Moves: Sacred Fire, Swords Dance, Superpower, High Horsepower, Morning Sun
Removed Moves:
Justification: justice for flaremons. Magic guard makes flareon not entirely not ass but at least somewhat usable as a fire type. Being able to use no recoil flare blitz + not requiring boots could allow for some niche usage
:sm/camerupt: -> :sm/camerupt-mega:
Name: Camerupt
Type: Fire/Ground
Abilities: Magma Armor / Solid Rock | Steam Engine (Sheer Force)
New Moves: Slack Off
Removed Moves:
Justification: Recovery allows camerupt to heal off chip it was prone to, and the potential to hit a staggering 608 speed with correct prediction and timid or 556 with modest is very funny

:sceptile: -> :sceptile-mega:
Name: Sceptile
Type: Grass/Dragon
Abilities: Overgrow | Unburden (Lightning Rod)
New Moves: Draco Meteor, Earth Power, Superpower
Removed Moves:
Justification: the fabled dragon type sceptile. Ep and draco give it considerably usable offensive force. I kept lightning rod as it is a really cool way to volt block, and any other positive ability might turn out to be kinda stupid as plot is already a lot. Base also gains a special unburden set due to this
:abomasnow: -> :abomasnow-mega:
Name: Abomasnow
Type: Grass/Ice
Abilities: Snow Warning | Soundproof (Ice Scales)
New Moves: Slack Off, Mountain Gale
Removed Moves:
Justification: this is like the only way to make abomasnow work tbh. Ludicrous special bulk in exchange for awful typing and rocks weakness. Has additional physical bulk too for pre mega to mega turns. It’s typing is usable against powerful special attackers like Kyurem and Ash Greninja, and has fire power to deal with them back
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:sv/latias: :sv/latias-mega:
Name: Latias (-Mega)
Type: Dragon/Fairy
Abilities: Levitate / Levitate
New Moves: Flip Turn, Moonblast, Earth Power, Mystical Fire
Removed Moves: Stored Power
Justification: Typing is so valuable that I wanted something to have it and this seemed like the best way to create a viable mon out of it. CM+Stored Power seemed cringe so I removed it.

Name: Blood Moon / Fickle Beam
Power: 70
Accuracy: 100
PP: 5
Category: Special
Type: Normal / Dragon
Effect: 30% chance to double in power. Effect always triggers if more allies are fainted than foes.
Priority: 0
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): unchanged
Potential Pokémon With This Move: Fickle Beam: :exeggutor: :exeggutor-alola: :hydreigon:
Justification: creates a pretty unique comeback mechanic and might unban the bear as a unique normal breaker. effect synergizes with HO but these mons don't seem inclined for HO which i think is also interesting

Name: Knock Off / Corrosive Gas
Power: 20
Accuracy: 100
PP: 20
Category: Physical / Special
Type: Dark / Poison
Effect: Removes target's item
Priority: 0
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): unchanged
Potential Pokémon With This Move:
Justification: honestly just curious what pre-buff knock off would look like in a modern meta. this would also open up a lot of design space for strong Dark STAB that normally wouldn't be able to compete with knock.
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Name: X-Scissor
Power: 20
Accuracy: 100
PP: 20 (32)
Category: Physical
Type: Bug
Effect: Hits 2 times. Each hit has a 100% chance to lower the target's Def by 1.
Priority: 0
Flags: Contact, Slicing
Potential Pokémon With This Move: :buzzwole:
Justification: Is there a single noteworthy Pokemon that needs X-Scissor as its main stab? No. That's why I say this move should be replaced with the very cool Tear Apart from CCAPM 20XX (I don't remember which year). Scizor gaming.

Name: Outrage / Thrash / Raging Fury / Petal Dance
Power: 140
Accuracy: 100
PP: 10 (16)
Category: Physical (O, T, RF) / Special (PD)
Type: Dragon / Normal / Fire / Grass
Effect: Locks the user into the move for 2 turns (instead of 2-3). Afterwards, confuses the user.
Priority: 0
Flags: Contact (O, T, RF) / Dance (PD)
Potential Pokémon With This Move: idk / :bibarel: :diggersby: :drampa: :fearow: :herdier: :stoutland: :miltank: :vigoroth: :slaking: / :blacephalon: :scovillain: / idk
Justification: Outrage and co are just not very good. A buff in power and only being used 2 turns instead of 2-3 is a big boon. They are now stronger and more consistent.

Name: Iron Tail
Power: 100
Accuracy: 75
PP: 15 (24)
Category: Physical
Type: Steel
Effect: Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Def by 1.
Priority: 0
Flags: Contact
Potential Pokémon With This Move: :duraludon: :archaludon: :cobalion: :iron-crown:
Justification: An old submission from Bust a Move that I liked. The only change is now its a funny Fire Lash clone. It hits a lot harder but is a lot more inaccurate.

Name: Heal Block
Power: -
Accuracy: -
PP: 15 (24)
Category: Status
Type: Psychic
Effect: For the next 5 turns, the Pokemon on the opposing side of the field can't be healed, including by Regenerator.
Priority: 0
Flags: now targets the opposing side rather than the Pokemon so that might do something, idk
Potential Pokémon With This Move: :kadabra: :alakazam: :aromatisse: :audino: :butterfree: :cresselia: :diancie: :munna: :musharna:
Justification: Heal Block now affects Regenerator and even if they switch out, the opposing side will still be affected. If this seems like too much, I can make it last 4 turns. This does not effect Psychic Noise, meaning coders will have to split the two or something.

Name: Good as Gold
Effect: If this Pokemon is above 1/2 of its max Hp, it is immune to status moves.
Permanent: No
Mold Breaker: Yes
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: :persian: :golduck: money related mons
Justification: I hate Gholdengo. Still mostly the same, but if you hurt it enough, it stops working. Also can be really cool on lower tier mons or a niche ou mon.

Name: Receiver / Power of Alchemy
Effect: This Pokémon inherits the Ability of the last unfainted Pokémon in its party until it takes direct damage from another Pokémon's attack.
Abilities that cannot be copied are ""No Ability"", As One, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Flower Gift, Forecast, Gulp Missile, Huge Power, Hunger Switch, Ice Face, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Neutralizing Gas, Power Construct, Power of Alchemy, Pure Power, Receiver, RKS System, Schooling, Shields Down, Stance Change, Trace, Wonder Guard, and Zen Mode.
Permanent: No
Mold Breaker: No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: :hawlucha: :boltund: :lucario-mega: :cinderace: :zapdos-galar: / :muk:
Justification: Really cool ability I snatched from Megas for All. Illusion but steals an ability allowing for cool strategies and more niche abilities (or just run a good ability).

Name: Unnerve
Effect: This Pokémon uses Embargo for 3 turns upon switch in.
Permanent: No
Mold Breaker: No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: idk
Justification: Prevents the use of all items from the opponent but only lasts 3 turns and is removed on switch out. Joltemons (one of them did) had a version of this that always worked while the ability was around.

Name: Arena Trap / Shadow Tag
Effect: If the opposing Pokemon switches out, they lose 1/8 of their max hp. Once per switch in.
Permanent: No
Mold Breaker: No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: :vibrava: :flygon: :camerupt: :diglett-alola: :dugtrio-alola: :palossand: / :chandelure: :mr-mime:
Justification: Incentiveses not switching out rather than preventing switching out. Taken from Ubermons (last gen). Makes these Pokemon harder to switch out on as doing so damages you.

Name: Apicot Berry / Ganlon Berry / Liechi Berry / Micle Berry / Petaya Berry / Salac Berry
Effect: When the holder falls below 1/4 of its max hp, raises the holder's SpD / Def / Att / Acc / SpA / Spe by 2. Single use.
Can Be Knocked Off: Yes
Ignored by Klutz: Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 10; raises corresponding stat by 1 of target.
Justification: These items are not good so raising the stat by 2 allows for a much more notable effect. Also I think GameFreak forgot to make Micle Berry not a complete joke.

Name: Light Clay
Effect: Holder's use of Aurora Veil, Light Screen, Reflect, Gravity, Heal Block, Magic Room, Safeguard, Tailwind, Embargo, Lucky Chant, Wonder Room, Rainbow, Swamp, & Sea of Flames (Pledge moves) last for 3 turns longer.
Can Be Knocked Off: Yes
Ignored by Klutz: Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 30
Justification: Light Clay remains the same but now can be used to increase the usability of various much more niche conditions. Notable inclusions are 7 turn Tailwind and 8 turn Gravity. Not sure if this would affect Psychic Noise but that too if it does.

Name: Expert Belt / Rope Belt / Leather Belt
Effect: Holder's Super Effective / Not Very Effective / Neutrally Effective moves deal 1.25x damage.
Can Be Knocked Off: Yes
Ignored by Klutz: Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 10
Justification: Expert Belt is not very good so here is a buff and some clones for the other effectivenesses.

Name: Covert Cloak
Effect: Holder ignores the secondary effects of opposing Pokemon's moves.
Can Be Knocked Off: No
Ignored by Klutz: Yes
Fling Power & Effect: -
Justification: Covert Cloak is a very cool but niche item, which means preventing it from being removed is a big boon.

Name: Scovillain
Type: Grass/Fire
Abilities: Chlorophyll / Insomnia // Opportunist
New Moves: Assurance, Beat Up, Blaze Kick, Ceaseless Edge, Feint Attack, Fire Punch, Foul Play, Lunge, Power Trip, Sucker Punch, Synthesis
Removed Moves: -
Justification: Scovillain is kinda cool but isn't good. At all. It probably is still very low tier, but it packs a very cool Opportunist Spicy Extract for +2 Att along with its other effects. It also gets some better moves (it has villain in its name, why the lack of dark moves) with Sucker Punch being one of the bigger ones.

Name: Happiny / Chansey / Blissey
Type: Normal/Fairy
Abilities: unchanged
New Moves: Encore, Fake Out, Moonblast, Play Nice, Play Rough
Removed Moves: -
Justification: Blissey and Chansey kinda fell off.

Name: Deoxys +Forms
Type: Psychic
Abilities: Pressure // (Inner Focus / Sharpness / Bulletproof / Quick Feet)
New Moves: Aura SphereBody Press, Topsy-Turvy
Removed Moves: Calm Mind, Extreme Speed, Focus Blast, Nasty Plot, Spikes
Justification: Deoxys nerf while at the same time buffing Defense form. Speed is probably the only one that could drop as the others are still cracked. If more needs to be done to drop Speed form, let me know. If it takes hurting Defense form too much to drop Speed form, I'd be completely okay with reworking this as only a Defense buff.

Name: Nihilego
Type: Rock/Water
Abilities: Beast Boost // Prankster
New Moves: Aqua Ring, Chilling Water, Energy Ball, Flip Turn, Hydro Pump, Liquidation, Rain Dance, Recover, Scald, Surf, Waterfall, Water Gun, Whirlpool
Removed Moves: -
Justification: Nihilego drops Poison for an arguably better typing. It still is a potent Meteor Beam blaster with a better offensive typing and an even stronger defensive option with recovery and prankster, allowing for a terrifying wall.
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Name: Steel Roller
Power: 90, 130 if on Terrain
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 8 (max)
Category: Physical
Type: Steel
Effect: The user attacks while destroying the terrain. This move does less damage if the ground hasn't turned into a terrain. (Hits any adjacent in Doubles)
Priority: 0
Flags: Contact, Mirror, Protect
Potential Pokémon With This Move: Current Users + :orthworm: :revavroom:
Justification: No longer fails without terrain, it just becomes a weaker move.

Name: Cave In
Power: n/a
Accuracy: n/a
PP: 16 (max)
Category: Status
Type: Rock
Effect: Sets Sand and switches the user out.
Priority: 0
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): Metronome
Potential Pokémon With This Move: :klawf: :corsola::stakataka: , Defensive Rock and Ground types.
Justification: Chilly Reception but with Sand

Name: Prime
Power: 90
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 16 (Max)
Category: Physical
Type: Electric
Effect: The Pokemon attacks with an electrically-charged uppercut. If they move before the opponent, the opponent's move for that turn becomes Electric-Type (Electrify effects). (Hits any adjacent in Doubles)
Priority: 0
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): Contact, Punch, Protect, Mirror
Potential Pokémon With This Move: :pawmot: :electivire:, pretty much any other physical Electric type not named Zekrom
Justification: Can have some fun synergy with some Volt Absorb/Motor Drive/Lightning Rod users.

Name: Wyrmify
Effect: This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Dragon-type moves and have their power multiplied by 1.2.
Permanent (Yes or No): No
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: :goodra: :kingdra: :hydreigon: :flygon:
Justification: Gives dragons more spammable options, at a cost of power.

Name: Run Away
Effect: This Pokemon has their pivot moves (Flip Turn/U-Turn/Volt Switch/Parting Shot etc) increased in priority by 1.
Permanent (Yes or No): No
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: Current users + :floatzel: :ambipom: :dedenne: :maushold: :passimian: :persian: :persian-alola: :zebstrika: :grafaiai: :emolga::boltund:

Justification: something I subbed to Vaporemons. Breathes life into an otherwise useless ability.

Name: Misty Step
Effect: If Misty Terrain is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled.
Permanent (Yes or No): No
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: :alcremie: :granbull:, other fairy types with low speed.
Justification: Misty Terrain seems to always get the short end of the stick in regards to terrains, so here's an attempt to revitalize it.

Name: White Noise
Effect: This Pokemon's sound moves have a 20% chance to make the opponent Drowsy.
Permanent (Yes or No): No
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: :primarina: :wigglytuff: :scream-tail: :meloetta: :sylveon: :flygon:, others
Justification: Hopping on the volatile status train with Drowsy, because sleep would be too much and I want this ability to focus on mainly forcing switches rather than incapacitating opponents.

Name: Raikou
Type: Electric
Abilities: Pressure/No Guard
New Moves: Focus Blast, Earth Power
Removed Moves: Zap Cannon
Justification: AAA Zapdos-Lite.

Name: Stoutland
Type: Normal/Fairy
Abilities: Intimidate/Tough Claws/Scrappy
New Moves: Spirit Break, Rapid Spin, Bulk Up, Extreme Speed, Body Slam
Removed Moves: none
Justification: this mon is in dire need of a refresh. Can either be a fun anti-spinblocker with Scrappy or a powerhouse with Tough Claws.

Name: Lapras
Type: Water/Dragon
Abilities: Water Absorb/Stamina/Swift Swim
New Moves: Scald, Recover, Draco Meteor, Iron Defense
Removed Moves: None
Justification: Giving Lapras a more defensive typing and moveset.

Name: Crobat
Type: Poison/Flying
Abilities: Magic Guard/Infiltrator
New Moves: Gunk Shot, Bulk Up
Removed Moves: None
Justification: No longer locked into boots and gets an actual Poison-type STAB and way to boost.
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Name: Breaking Swipe
Power: 90
Accuracy: 90
PP: 20
Category: Physical
Type: Dragon
Effect: Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1 stage.
Priority: 0
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): Contact
Potential Pokémon With This Move:
Justification: Vanilla breaking swipe is a shit phys move and without signature moves often times they lack one... dragon claw, outrage, dragon rush are all bad options or meh at best... breaking swipe is not smth otherwordly but it allows dragons to not have to use loaded dice + scale shot in order ot get smth going

Name: Magnet Rise
Power: -
Accuracy: -
PP: 10
Category: Status
Type: Electric
Effect: For 5 turns, the user has immunity to ground
Priority: +1
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound):
Potential Pokémon With This Move: All electric types I think, :cobalion: :iron moth: :iron boulder: :iron leaves: :iron hands: :iron bundle: :iron thorns: :iron valiant: :magearna: :necrozma:
Justification: This allows magnet rise to function as a usable option on the slower steels or electrics... many mons who have access to it are very slow and would get hit by ground moves first without getting the chance to successfully use this move

Name: Punishment
Power: 60
Accuracy: 100
PP: 10
Category: Physical
Type: Dark
Effect: +20 for each of the target's stat boosts. Also ignores the target's stat change
Priority: 0
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): Contact
Potential Pokémon With This Move: :lopunny: :samurott-hisui: :garchomp: :ceruledge: :banette: :corviknight: :scizor: :scyther: :kleavor: :tyranitar: :cinderace: :hoopa-unbound: :meowscarada: :zapdos-galar: :ting-lu: :wo-chien: :chien-pao: :chi-yu: :buzzwole: :aerodactyl: :hoopa: :bewear: :brute bonnet: :crawdaunt: :druddigon:
Justification: Gives some anti setup tools esp against HO or shell smash users... this gives balance more of a tool to deal with such mons esp on mons like ting lu, ttar, corviknight, hoopa, etc

Name: Ancient Power
Power: 90
Accuracy: 90
PP: 10
Category: Special
Type: Rock
Effect: Has a 20% Chance to raise the user's special attack by 1 one stage
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound):
Potential Pokémon With This Move: :nihilego: :victini: :iron moth: :latias: :latios: :houndoom: :necrozma:
Justification: Clone of meteor mash for rocks... this gives them an option that isnt just power gem. This gives them a strong consistent option that can be used and relied upon
Name: Aguav, Figy, Iapapa, Mago, Wiky Berry
Effect: Restores 1/2 max HP at 1/4 Max hp or less. Single Use
Can Be Knocked Off (Yes or No): Yes
Ignored by Klutz (Yes or No): Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 10 & Restores 1/2 max HP
Justification: Reverting the mostly vgc nerf for the berries.. this allows mons like rotom, lando-t, great tusk maybe.. to use this berry and have more instant recovery...

Name: Wide Lens
Effect: Increases the accuracy of non status attacks by the holder by 1.3x
Can Be Knocked Off (Yes or No): Yes
Ignored by Klutz (Yes or No): Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 10 & +1 Accuracy
Justification: This makes zoom lens feel more worth it on mons with bad accuracy on moves.. smth like NP torn-t can use now 91% accuracy hurricane and focus blasts to hit the target or giving raging bolt 91% acc thunder.
Name: Good as Gold
Effect: Prevents other Pokemon from lowering this Pokemon's stat stages and makes this pokemon immune to Status.
Permanent (Yes or No):
Mold Breaker (Yes or No):
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: :metagross: :registeel: :jirachi: :regice: :regirock:
Justification: Unban Gholdengo

Name: Anger Point
Effect: When hit by a super effective attack, increases Atk and Sp. Atk by one stage
Permanent (Yes or No): Yes
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: :dragonite: :tyranitar: :tapu bulu: :haxorus: :moltres-galar: :drampa::brute bonnet: :aerodactyl: :landorus: :gyarados:
Justification: Anger point now changes from a fishy and niche ability to one that takes advantage from weak super effective hits... like for ex. a flip turn from alomomola onto tyranitar, or a volt switch from smth like iron crown on moltres-galar which would allow them to boost further or to be less passive

Name: Damp
Effect: Sets Water Sport upon entry
Permanent (Yes or No): No No
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: :clodsire: :pelipper: :toxapex: :hippowdon::dondozo::tapu fini: :brute bonnet: :dhelmise:
Justification: This gives a pretty fun way to screw off sun teams esp mons like gouging fire, iron moth, volcarona, blaziken, cinderace, etc

Name: Gulp Missle
Effect: If this Pokemon is a Cramorant, it changes forme into Cramorant-Gulping upon entering the battle. It changes forme when it uses Water or Flying type moves. It always becomes Cramorant-Gulping. If Cramorant gets hit in Gulping Form, it spits the Arrokuda at its attacker, even if it has no HP remaining. The projectile deals damage equal to 1/4 of the target's maximum HP, rounded down; this damage is blocked by the Magic Guard Ability but not by a substitute. An Arrokuda also lowers the target's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage
Permanent (Yes or No):
Mold Breaker (Yes or No):
Potential Pokémon With This Ability::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant::cramorant:
Justification: :cramorant: But a true explanation is that giving it a cramorant upon using water and flying moves as well as upon entering tbe battle makes it way less passive, this allows it to fire them out more often and be able to force progress that way... its still a cramorant tho which makes it much harder for it to work in very offensive MU's but this makes it a great way to force progress against bulkier teams due to it being able to use moves like defog, roost, and being able to get it upon entry to fire it on the opponents
:sm/ampharos: :sm/ampharos mega:
Name: Ampharos (Ampharos Mega)
Type: Electric (Electric / Dragon)
Abilities: Static / Plus (Fluffy)
New Moves: Slack Off, Defog, Calm Mind, Tail Glow, U-Turn, Magnet Rise
Removed Moves:
Justification: This makes m ampharos a much more defensive raging bolt, with such a typing it gives a solid check to kart, mega lop, m scizor, urshifu-rs, blaziken, rillaboom, etc. This also gives it a lot of support potential with volt switch, defog, slack off to give it a lot of support capabilities
:sm/absol: :sm/absol mega:
Name: Absol
Type: Dark / Fairy (Dark/Fairy)
Abilities: Pressure / Super Luck / Justified (Magic Bounce)
New Moves: Moonblast, Nasty Plot, Gunk Shot, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Draining Kiss, Spirit Break, Work Up
Removed Moves: None
Justification: I like m absol. I liked m absol in SM and ORAS UU and how viable its gotten, this change makes m absol more of an actual viable mega. This gives options thanks to its great coverage that it has access to, this would differenciate itself from other mixed attackers due to it also having magic bounce and having solid atk, solid speed, and setup.

:sm/gardevoir: :sm/gardevoir mega:
Name: Gardevoir (Gardevoir Mega)
Type: Psychic / Fairy
Abilities: Synchronize / Trace (Pixilate)
New Moves: Court Change, Recover, Moonlight, Rapid Spin, Ice Beam, Earth Power
Removed Moves: None
Justification: M gard is very outclassed by tapu lele, this gives it some nice utility options esp to bully fatter teams with utility, have removal, and in general be a more solid option on non psy terrain teams

:sm/tapu bulu:
Name: Tapu Bulu
Type: Grass / Fairy
Abilities: Grassy Surge / Telepathy
New Moves: Knock Off, Play Rough, Moonlight, Grassy Glide, Trailblaze, Power Whip, Headlong Rush
Justification: Tapu bulu is crying with new fairy stab to use... main reason rillaboom is better is just cuz it has good stab while this one lacks a good secondary stab to use... this allows it to use play rough to just hit many mons hard without trying to justify 2-3 moveslots to hit smth in the meta. Grassy glide makes an SD set really threatening, while trailblaze alongside SD can really make smth work and can allow bulu to go ham late game with it or use BU + Trailblaze to setup and be a cleaner. Power whip allows off sets to not be damaged by wood hammer recoil
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Name: Silver Wind
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 8


Effect: User loses 33% of its max HP. User gains +3 to its highest stat.
Priority: 0
Flags: Metronome, Snatch, Wind
Potential Pokémon With This Move: current distribution (includes:scizor-mega::scizor::volcarona::beedrill-mega::kleavor::Ribombee::mew::flygon::togekiss:etc.)
Justification: A setup move that requires HP like Clangorous Soul or Belly Drum. Didn't change Ancient Power and Ominous Wind because the distribution for those moves is too wide and too relevant. Provides another form of setup outside of Quiver Dance for some bug types and other pokemon.
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Name: Hidden Power
Power: 60
Accuracy: 100
PP: 15 (24)
Category: Special
Type: Normal
Effect: This move's type becomes that of this Pokemon's Tera type. This move is physical if the user's Attack is higher than its Special Attack.
Potential Pokémon With This Move: Universal
Justification: Undexited Hidden Power, using Tera as its type mechanic. This way you don't need a certain number of IVs to get a certain type of Hidden Power, and Physical Pokemon can still use it as a coverage move. In exchange, keeping its 60 BP to keep its power reasonable (though this will be fun for certain Technician Pokemon).

Name: Belch
Power: 60
Accuracy: 100
PP: 10 (16)
Category: Special
Type: Poison
Effect: This move's power is doubled if the user consumed its held item on this switch-in.
Flags: Sound (bypasses Substitute)
Potential Pokémon With This Move: Current learnset + anyone else who looks hungry.
Justification: Buffing a usually useless move. Based on the name alone surely this should be a sound move. The wording to allow it to be used with any held item, not just a berry, allows it to synergize with other held items (looking at you, Throat Spray Toxtricity)

Name: Misty Explosion
Power: 100
Accuracy: 100
PP: 5 (8)
Category: Special
Type: Fairy
Effect: 1.5x power if Misty Terrain is active. The user faints and sets Misty Terrain.
Flags: None
Potential Pokémon With This Move: Current selection is probably fine.
Justification: Another useless move that no one ever uses, mainly because Tapu Fini is less popular of a terrain setter than Tapu Koko or Rillaboom. Adding this change that Misty Terrain is set if it is not active at least allows certain playstyles to work in a more interesting way.

Name: Focus Punch / Rage Fist
Power: 75
Accuracy: 100
PP: 10 (16)
Category: Physical
Type: Fighting / Ghost
Effect: This move does double damage if the Pokemon does not take direct damage this turn. / This move does double damage if the Pokemon takes direct damage this turn.
Priority: -3
Flags: Contact, Punch
Potential Pokémon With This Move: Anyone who wants an upgrade to their punching capabilities.
Justification: Change to Rage Fist to reduce its maximum power and make it more manageable. At the same time, a parallel change to Focus Punch to make it an easier move to use, while still having that same 150 BP nuclear hit if you get the chance to Focus.
Name: Honey
Effect: When this Pokemon's HP drops below 50%, restores 25% HP. The item is then consumed.
This item cannot be removed from the holder unless it is consumed. Any attempt to remove/steal this item lower's the attacker's Speed by one stage.
Can Be Knocked Off: N (attempting to Knock Off the item will lower the attacker's Speed by one stage).
Ignored by Klutz: Y
Fling Power & Effect: 20 BP, lowers target's Speed by 1 (can only by Tricked or Flung by a Pokemon with Klutz, or in Magic Room)
Justification: A failed sub from Vaporemons that I still think could be useful. Healing item with a natural Sticky Hold (+Gooey, sort of) effect. Figured it made sense thematically, picture Winnie the Pooh getting his hands sticky while eating out of a honeypot. Other than that, it is just a Sitrus Berry but better. (If this wins I will also sub a change to Honey Gather to add to the usefulness of this item)

Name: Thick Club
Effect: If the holder is Cubone or Marowak, the Pokemon's Attack and Speed are doubled.
Can Be Knocked Off: Y
Ignored by Klutz: Y
Fling Power & Effect: 90 BP, lowers target's defense by one stage
Justification: Look both forms of Marowak have a base 45 Speed so this isn't going to change THAT much but these guys need some love.

Name: Leek
Effect: If the holder is Farfetch'd or Sirfetch'd, the Pokemon's critical hit rate is raised by two stages. Any time this Pokemon scores a critical hit while holding this item, its Speed increases by one stage.
Can Be Knocked Off: Y
Ignored by Klutz: Y
Fling Power & Effect: 60 BP, lower's target's crit rate by one stage
Justification: Another slow family of Pokemon that could use a bit of a boon. Plus, apparently the Leek is illegal in NatDex, but the Stick (Farfetch'd exclusive item) isn't? Weird. (Or they might be the same thing, though that is unclear)
Name: Slow Start
Effect: This Pokemon's Attack and Speed are halved for five turns. This counter is not reduced on turns this Pokemon uses a protection move. The counter does not reset upon switching out.
Permanent: No
Mold Breaker: No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: No changes at this time (except maybe also :slaking:)
Justification: A minor buff to an otherwise terrible ability, might give Regigigas a niche use, and could also be given to certain overpowered Megas in the future to counter-balance them like :metagross-mega:

Name: Healer
Effect: At the end of each turn, cures the non-volatile status of self and allies. Upon switching out, heals 25% of its max HP.
Permanent: No
Mold Breaker: No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: Current selection, maybe include Pokemon like :florges:
Justification: A buff to Mega Audino, and making a useless ability in Singles (and honestly underwhelming ability in Doubles) become suddenly very useful.

Name: Flower Veil
Effect: This Pokemon and its allies are immune to status conditions, and cannot have their stats lowered by the opponent.
Permanent: No
Mold Breaker: Yes
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: Current selection, maybe add other flower Pokemon like :bellossom:
Justification: Just another buff to an otherwise useless ability, making it universal instead of type-specific.

Name: Wimp Out / Emergency Exit / Defeatist
Effect: The first time this Pokemon is reduced to below 50% of its max HP, it switches out and heals 25% of its max HP.
Permanent: No
Mold Breaker: No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: :golisopod: :archeops:
Justification: Buff to both of these abilities on Pokemon that would otherwise be great without it (and also Archen/Wimpod but we don't care about them). Jut adding this bit of healing to this force switch out (and Defeatist not being Defeatist) makes both Pokemon really great.
:sv/altaria: :sv/altaria-mega:
Name: Altaria(-Mega)
Type: Dragon/Flying -> Dragon/Fairy
Abilities: Natural Cure / Cloud Nine -> Fluffy
New Moves
: Calm Mind, Draining Kiss, Misty Explosion, Moonlight, Nuzzle, Spirit Break, Temper Flare, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Zing Zap
Justification: Mega Altaria is a Pokemon with a unique typing and diverse movepool, but whose Mega moveset is reliant on Pixilate Hyper Voice or Double Edge/Return. By expanding its options, and giving it a solid defensive ability in Fluffy (I mean look at it, that mega is VERY fluffy), this helps breathe some new life into this otherwise under-performing mega.

:sv/garchomp: :sv/garchomp-mega:
Name: Garchomp(-Mega)
Type: Dragon/Ground
Abilities: Sand Force / Rough Skin -> Sand Rush
: Just something to make Mega Garchomp actually useful despite the speed drop. By taking its current movepool and giving it that much more effectiveness in Sand, this should be very interesting in certain team structures.

:sv/gallade: :sv/gallade-mega:
Name: Gallade(-Mega)
Type: Psychic/Fighting
Abilities: Inner Focus / Justified / Sharpness -> Intrepid Sword
New Moves:
Behemoth Blade, Kowtow Cleave, Secret Sword
Justification: A few more Sharpness-boosted moves for the base form, and an amazing sword-fighting ability in Intrepid Sword.

:sv/entei: :sv/raikou: :sv/suicune:
Name: Entei / Raikou / Suicune
Type: Fire / Electric / Water
:entei: Pressure / White Smoke
:raikou: Pressure / Lightning Rod
:suicune: Pressure / Storm Drain
New Moves:

:entei: Earthquake, Rock Slide, Swords Dance, U-Turn
:raikou: Electro Shot, Parabolic Charge, Work Up
:suicune: Energy Ball, Flip Turn, Hurricane, Wish
Justification: Entei gains a strong offensive presence, while the others gain improved defensive ones. Now each one has a pivot move as options in their movepool.
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Name: Protean
Effect: This Pokemon's type changes to match the type of the move it is about to use. This effect comes after all effects that change a move's type.
Permanent (Yes or No): No
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: current distribution does not change
Justification: (SM Protean) Both users of Protean have kinda faded away by this point, they both could use a pick-me-up while neither would be too overpowered (or so I assume ;-;) Although this would further keep offense dominant in ND, and may be a bit toxic with ghold in the picture, but Meow being a real Pokemon hopefully can help out some balances and these two deserve it >w<

Name: Ash Bond
Effect: If this Pokemon is a Greninja, it transforms into Ash-Greninja if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon. If this Pokemon is an Ash-Greninja, its Water Shuriken has 20 power and always hits three times.
Permanent (Yes or No): Yes
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: :greninja: (second special ability)
Justification: (SM Battle Bond) I think its time for our good friend Ash Greninja to come back as it was shafted so terribly, there is a bevy of switchins to it (judging by above posts even more) so it is 100% fine.

Name: Intellectual
Effect: This Pokemon's Special Attack is increased by 1.5x
Permanent (Yes or No): no
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: :orbeetle: (new HA) :oranguru: (over Symbiosis) :metagross: (over Light Metal)
Justification: This is a fun yet sparsely spread ability to "super intelligent" pokemon with a low-ish spa stat, I hope to potentially revive some forgettable Psychic-types that deserve some love too :3
Name: Last Respects
Power: 50
Accuracy: 100
PP: 10 (16)
Category: Physical
Type: Ghost
Effect: Power is equal to 50+(X*15), where X is the total number of times any Pokemon has fainted on the user's side, and X cannot be greater than 100.
Potential Pokémon With This Move: distribution remains the same
Justification: An attempt to weaken the move significantly to have it unbanned and potentially allow Basculegion and Houndstone to see at least SOME more use.

Name: Grassy Glide
Power: 70
Accuracy: 100
PP: 20 (32)
Category: Physical
Type: Grass
Effect: If the current terrain is Grassy Terrain and the user is grounded, this move has its priority increased by 1.
Potential Pokémon With This Move: distribution remains the same
Justification: return to monke.
Name: Scream Tail
Type: Fairy/Psychic
Abilities: Protosynthesis / Levitate (Hidden Ability)
New Moves: Teleport, Knock Off, Taunt
Removed Moves: N/A
Justification: Scream Tail kinda fell off like midway thru the gen which makes me sad :blobpensive: but having a fast wall like this that brings utility to balance comps is very healthy and u do happen to check some cool stuff like the fightings, highly doubt this brings it back to OU tho
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Name: Raging Fury
Power: 130
: 100%
PP: 10
Category: Physical
Type: Fire
Effect: Lowers in BP by 20 after each use (5 turns max).
Priority: 0
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): Same as before
Potential Pokémon With This Move: Current users + :darmanitan: :darmanitan galar: :emboar:
Justification: Finally, reverse Metronome. This move is really cool to click once but not to spam. So yeah move on Choice users. It's mostly cool for defensive mons that want a strong STAB option that won't chip them like Flare Blitz, and also cool for mons with setup.

Name: Landslide
Power: 50
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 15
Category: Physical
Type: Ground
Effect: Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stage. Removes hazards from both sides of the field.
Priority: 0
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): -
Potential Pokémon With This Move: :hippowdon: :palossand: :sandaconda: :mudsdale: :tyranitar: :garchomp: :torterra: :machamp: :golem: :golem-alola: :mamoswine: :steelix: :rhyperior: :coalossal: :gigalith: :regigigas: :aggron: :stonjourner: :iron thorns:
Justification: Giving the middle finger to Gholdengo except Air Balloon versions I guess. More hazard removal is honestly never a bad thing.
Name: Justified
Effect: This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 stage after it is damaged by a Dark-type move. Dark immunity.
(Yes or No): No
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): Yes
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: Current distribution + :iron leaves: :iron boulder: :iron crown: :zacian: (over Intrepid Sword)
Justification: Dark immunity my beloved. With a lot of good Dark mons (Kingambit being unbanned, but also the likes of Weavile, Samurott-Hisui, etc), a Dark immunity is cool to have.

Name: Grass Pelt
Effect: On switch-in, summons Grassy Terrain. During Grassy Terrain, Def is 1.3333x.
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: :gogoat: :zarude: :florges:
Justification: Grass Pelt sucks. A lot. So this is why I had this little idea, that keeps the same spirit while being miles better. Oh, and Koraidon and Miraidon are literally motorcycles, while Gogoat is literally a bike, so it's kinda fitting.

Name: Anger Point
Effect: When this Pokemon is damaged by an attack, its own attacks become 1.1x stronger, up to a maximum of 1.5x.
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: Current distribution + more to come
Justification: FE Emperor's Clothes. Supreme Overlord mechanic exists in both a move and ability, so let's make Rage Fist also as an ability. Funnily enough Primeape can do a Rage Fist+ Anger Point set.
:sm/alakazam: :sm/alakazam-mega:
Name: Alakazam | Alakazam-Mega
Type: Psychic
Abilities: Synchronize/Inner Focus/Magic Guard | Trace
New Moves: Aura Sphere
Removed Moves: Nasty Plot, Expanding Force, Focus Blast
Justification: Bring my GOAT back.

Name: Bouffalant
Type: Normal/Ground
Abilities: Reckless/Sap Sipper/Fluffy
New Moves
: Milk Drink, Stealth Rock, Headlong Rush
Removed Moves: N/A
Justification: Really cool physical wall or SD breaker.

:sm/arcanine: :sm/arcanine-hisui:
Name: Arcanine | Arcanine-Hisui
Type: Fire/Fairy | Fire/Rock
Abilities: Intimidate/Flash Fire/Justified | Intimidate/Flash Fire/Rock Head
New Moves: Spirit Break, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Court Change, Swords Dance, Bulk Up, Trailblaze | Swords Dance, Bulk Up, Headlong Rush, Accelerock, Trailblaze
Removed Moves: N/A
Fire/Fairy is a type that so far never appeared in official Pokemon, and it's a really cool typing (a lot of useful resistances like Dragon immunity, and Fire, Fairy, Dark, Fighting, Grass resistances). Arcanine is already a cool defensive mon but a pure Fire lacks a lot of arguments to be put in a team, so now it has one more reason. It has a lot of cool tools already like Intimidate, WoW, Teleport, Extreme Speed, Morning Sun, so I expand on this with new STAB moves and Court Change. It can also function as an offensive Pokemon with Swords Dance or Bulk Up sets, due to its good offensive movepool including Flare Blitz, Extreme Speed, Wild Charge, Close Combat.

Arcanine-Hisui is the funny Rock Head Head Smash concept, but it lacks a lot to be really good. Trailblaze and Accelerock will hopefully help it with its weak Speed, while SD and BU are always cool to have. Headlong Rush is cool coverage.

:sm/steelix: :sm/steelix-mega:
Name: Steelix | Steelix-Mega
Type: Steel/Ground
Abilities: Shed Skin/Sturdy/Sheer Force | Earth Eater
New Moves:
Shore Up, Glare, Coil
Removed Moves: N/A
Justification: The 2 forms have a long awaited update! Steelix-Mega has been a lower tier Aggron-Mega for a while now, and Steelix is a low tier mon, but now they should be able to shine. Steel/Ground is a great typing, and the new abilities compliment it greatly (Shed Skin is nice for the status heal, and Earth Eater after mega is super nice as well). It can run defensive sets or Iron Defense sets as usual, but also new Coil sets that can be really cool.
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Name: Rock Wrecker
Power: 150 -> 120
Accuracy: 90%
PP: 5 [8 Max] -> 10 [16 Max]


Effect: Cannot Be Used Twice in a row
Priority: 0
Flags: Unchanged
Potential Pokémon With This Move: :tinkaton::bombirdier::lycanroc::lycanroc-midnight::gigalith:
Justification: idk I made this sub back in vaporemons but it never won. Given Natdex's higher power level and whatnot, this could be a good Rock STAB or Coverage to help some mons who have fallen by the wayside catch up in terms of Power.

Name: Salve Strike
Power: 80
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 15 [24 Max]


Effect: If this move KOs the target: cures the user of its status.
Priority: 0
Flags: Contact, Protect, Mirror, Metronome
Potential Pokémon With This Move: :tapu-koko::tapu-bulu::tapu-fini::tapu-lele::altaria::rapidash-galar::fezandipiti::aromatisse:
Justification: Back in Joltemons I aimed at providing a more reliable Fairy Physical STAB, most notably given the crime of Tapu Bulu somehow not having access to one already. I didn't want to just rehash Enchanted Punch, the winning sub that accomplished that in Joltemons, so I thought to try something a bit different. I thought the status curing benefit could be an interesting twist, while not being too strong (given you still have KO with the move for its positive effect, making its burn-curing properties a bit harder to activate)

Name: Burning Jealousy
Power: 70
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 5 [8 Max]


Effect: On hit: If the target has any positive stat changes and the user has no positive stat changes, then the target is burned.
Priority: 0
Flags: unchanged
Potential Pokémon With This Move: idk
Justification: Burning Jealousy kinda sucks, particularly because of its low bp and very conditional trigger. With the conditions updated, this move is now good to more consistently punish set-up sweepers, granted the mon using the move has not already set up themselves.
Name: Snow Cloak / Sand Veil
Effect: Neutralizes the effectiveness of Super Effective Fire attacks targeting this Pokémon / Neutralizes the effectiveness of Super Effective Water attacks targeting this Pokémon
Permanent (Yes or No): No
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): Yes
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: idk
Justification: It's called Glacemons, it's only customary we give Glaceon several buffs. I didn't just want to copy the changes to these abilities that existed within past iterations of the mod, however. Both of the main types associated with the weathers these were originally associated to (Ice & Rock) have rather rough type matchups, so I thought to neutralize effectiveness from one of their common weaknesses each if these types would normally hit the mon super effectively
Name: Brute Bonnet

Abilities: Protosynthesis / Disguise [HA]
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: None
Justification: idk whether this would count more as an adjustment sub or ability sub, given that to properly accomplish this the code of disguise would need to change to activate for Brute Bonnet as well. Also would require a Busted form to be coded in for it. Anyways, the idea is that Brute Bonnet can actually survive a u-turn and do something instead of immediately dying.
NOTE: Council please veto this if you think this should instead be subbed as an ability sub or if adding a Brute Bonnet busted form to the Pokedex file is not within the scope of the mod
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Name: Self-Destruct
Power: 250
Accuracy: 100
PP: 5/8


Effect: Hits adjacent Pokemon. The user faints.
Priority: 0
Flags: unchanged
Potential Distribution: :electrode::gengar::camerupt::regice::drifblim::coalossal:(mons already with explosion/self destruct, particularly special-oriented mons)
Justification: Explosion is kinda middler in modern games but reverting it to halving defense is cliche at this point, so here is an alternative: Self-Destruct becomes a special clone of Explosion. Allows special attackers to boom with their better attacking stat, and offers breakers the choice between higher damage or a last resort mixed option to blow over dedicated physical/special walls.
Name: All-Terrain
Effect: User ignores the effects of entry hazards on switch-in.
Permanent: No
Mold Breaker: No
Potential Pokemon With This Ability: :venomoth::donphan::tyranitar::avalugg::scolipede::enamorus-therian::armarouge:
Justification: Obligatory hazard immunity ability sub

Name: Battle Spines
Effect: User's attacks deal an additional 1/12 max HP to targets after damage; applies only once for multi-strike moves.
Permanent: No
Mold Breaker: No
Potential Pokemon With This Ability: :sandslash::jolteon::cacturne::thundurus::toxapex::overqwil:
Justification: Ah Battle Spines, one of my favorite genders
Name: Tie-Dye Band
Effect: Boosts the power of the user's non-STAB moves by 1.3x, but reduces the power of their STAB moves by 2/3.
Can be Knocked Off: Yes
Ignored by Klutz: Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 30
Justification: It's back. Useful on mons with mid stab types but good coverage or boosting chip from knock/pivoting on utility sets... or you could just run it on ESpeed Dragonite like a LOSER
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Name: Kangaskhan / Kangaskhan-Mega
Type: Normal
Abilities: Early Bird / Scrappy / Inner Focus // (Parental Bond)
New Moves: Swords Dance
Removed Moves: Seismic Toss, Sucker Punch
Justification: Oooh no no no, no more cheesing with stoss anymore no ma'am. Prob fine to free Mega Kang with Swords Dance with Sucker Punch being dropped. Balance shredder but its not hard to offensively deal with.

:sv/Aggron: / :sv/Aggron-Mega:
Name: Aggron / Aggron-Mega
Type: Steel / Rock // (Steel)
Abilities: Earth Eater / Rock Head / Heavy Metal // (Filter)
New Moves: Shore Up, Glare
Removed Moves: None
Justification: Dude has been rotting in the slums of UU for 3 gens in a row. Not even seriously used in SM anymore. Shore Up alone gives it a lot of life again, Glare + that bulk and filter makes for stellar speed control / setup punish for balance and fat teams. Earth Eater as a base ability is kinda funny since it just sits on Lando and Hippo and Chomp and whatever and then when shit gets bad then it just Megas.

Name: Blastoise / Blastoise-Mega
Type: Water
Abilities: Torrent / Rain Dish // (Regenerator)
New Moves
: Earth Power
Removed Moves: Shell Smash
Justification: Returning to Mega Blastoise roots as a fun offensive spinner. Earth Power alone prob isn't enough to make waves in OU tho since it has no recovery, figured Regenerator compensates for this a lot.
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Name: Eerie Embers
Power: N/A
Accuracy: N/A
PP: 15
Category: Status
Type: Ghost
Effect: Scatters cursed flames on the opponent's side of the field. When an opposing Pokémon switches in, the embers sap 1 PP from one of its moves at random. Normal and Fire-type Pokemon are unaffected.
Priority: 0
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): Reflectable
Potential Pokémon With This Move:

Justification: A hazard that does something different from doing damage or lowering a stat. Reason for the immunities: Normal is immune to Ghost, and Fire is immune because they're flames.

Name: Axe Kick
Power: 120
Accuracy: 90%
PP: 10
Category: Physical
Type: Dark
Effect: Unchanged
Priority: 0
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): Contact
Potential Pokémon With This Move: Current distribution + Weavile, Bisharp, Scrafty, Greninja, Incineroar, Grimmsnarl, Zarude, Meowscarada, Shiftry, Cacturne
Justification: None of the Pokemon that currently get this move would ever use it because they have better options, but as a Dark-type move (since it's supposed to Lokix's signature move of sorts), it has potential.

Name: Grass Pledge | Fire Pledge | Water Pledge
Power: 80
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 10
Category: Physical
Type: Grass | Fire | Water
Effect: Now activate their combo effects when used in the corresponding weather/terrain.

Grass Pledge + Rain = Swamp
Grass Pledge + Sun = Sea of fire
Fire Pledge + Rain = Rainbow
Fire Pledge + Grassy Terrain = Sea of fire
Water Pledge + Sun = Rainbow
Water Pledge + Grassy Terrain = Swamp
Priority: 0
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound):
Potential Pokémon With This Move: Current distribution
Justification: These combo effects see little play, and are unusable in singles. This is my way of changing that.

Name: Gigaton Hammer
Power: 160
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 5
Category: Physical
Type: Steel
Effect: Current effect + super-effective against Steel
Priority: [The priority bracket of the move. The standard priority of a move is 0]
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound):
Potential Pokémon With This Move: Current distribution
Justification: Tinkaton's whole thing is that it's supposed to hunt other Steel types for metal to upgrade its hammer with.

Name: Partner Emblem
Effect: If held by a first partner (starter) Pokemon, increases the power of their Grass/Fire/Water (depending on which type they are) by 50%, along with the following additional effects:

Grass: Gains 1/8th of its maximum HP at the end of each turn
Fire: Fire-type moves have an additional 20% chance to burn the target
Water: Water-type moves wash away entry hazards on both sides of the field

Can Be Knocked Off (Yes or No): Yes
Ignored by Klutz (Yes or No): Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 60 BP, no additional effect
Justification: The effect of Overgrow/Blaze/Torrent + a type-fitting secondary effect.

Name: Velocity
Effect: For contact moves, use the user's speed stat for damage calculation.
Permanent (Yes or No): No
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: Electrode, Persian, Furret, Zebstrika, Raikou, Sceptile, Inteleon
Justification: Fast but physically weak Pokemon can invest in their bulk instead of Attack (most contact moves are physical), and still hit hard. But they HAVE to use contact moves to get this effect, which leaves them vulnerable to abilities that punish contact.

Name: Water Veil
Effect: Current affect + activates Aqua Ring on entry
Permanent (Yes or No): No
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): Yes
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: Current distribution
Justification: As it stands, this is strictly worse than Water Bubble. So with Aqua Ring effect added, it's a free (or extra) Leftovers.

Name: Momentum Surge
Effect: On the Pokemon's first turn each time it enters battle, its Speed is boosted by 50% and its Attack is boosted by 20%.
Permanent (Yes or No): No
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: Tauros (all forms), Gogoat, Rampardos, Sawsbuck, Samurott (Unovan only), Emboar, Wydreer, Lycanroc (Midday only),

Name: Mega Launcher
Effect: Current effect + also boosts ball and cannon moves (any move that's blocked by Bulletproof)
Permanent (Yes or N): No
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability:

Justification: This ability is way too limited in what it boosts, and this is a fitting selection of Pokemon to get it.

Name: Ninetales
Type: Fire/Ghost
: Flash Fire / Drought / Perish Body
New Moves
: Infernal Parade, Astral Barrage, Bitter Malice
Removed Moves: N/A
Justification: Ninetales learns quite a few Ghost type moves, and is heavily associated with curses and illusions.

Name: Crabominable
Type: Fighting/Ice
Abilities: Sheer Force / Tough Claws / Fur Coat
New Moves
: Ice Shard, Mach Punch, Headlong Rush
Removed Moves: N/A
Justification: This thing's speed and Ice typing would still hold it back even with all those buffs, so why not?

:sv/Poliwrath: :SV/politoed:
Name: Poliwrath | Politoed
Type: Water/Fighting | Water
Abilities: Water Absorb / Iron Fist / Swift Swim | Water Absorb / Liquid Voice / Drizzle
New Moves: Jet Punch, Surging Strikes, Rage Fist, Headlong Rush | Boomburst, Sparkling Aria, Alluring Voice, Psychic Noise, Parting Shot
Removed Moves: N/A
Justification: Some small buffs for Poliwrath. As for Politoed, its whole thing is supposed to be that it sings, but it has very few sound moves.

Name: Vespiquen
Type: Bug/Flying
Abilities: Pressure / Regenerator / Parental Bond
New Moves:
Swords Dance, Sticky Web, Quiver Dance, Aromatherapy, Parting Shot
Removed Moves: N/A
Justification: Can I make a Bug/Flying type viable?
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