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SV OU Gholdengo Hazard Stack Stall. Peaked 1964 Elo! (Post Chien-Pao/Espathra Ban)

:smogthink:Gholdengo Hazard Stack Stall :changry:(Kingambit Version)

Table of Contents:

1-Team Introduction and Key Ideas
2-Individual Roles of Team Members
3-List of Problematic Sets and Respective Counterplay Options
4-List of Problematic Team Structures and Respective Counterplay Strategies

5-Proof of Peak and Replays
6-Importable Pokepaste/Pokepaste with Nicknames
7-Past Versions of the Team/Other Teams
8- Join my Discord!

1-Team Introduction and Key Ideas

The core idea of this team is to always win the hazard war by enforcing hazards to stay up through :Gholdengo: ´s ability and ghost typing, while being immune to oppositing hazards due to Heavy-Duty Boots Spam, in a generation where very few pokemon get knock off to remove them.
:Gholdengo:´s ghost typing makes it immune to Rapid Spin, while the "Good as Gold" ability blocks oppositing defog, it´s steel typing also walls the new "Mortal Spin", meaning that the only way you can remove hazards in front of :Gholdengo: is by using Mold Breaker defog :Hawlucha: or through the use of "Tidy Up", which is only learned by :Maushold:, with neither being a consistent method.

In order to remove hazards from the field, the opponent would need a rapid spinner that can threaten :Gholdengo: in some manner, ( :Great Tusk: :Iron Treads:). All off the pokemon capable of doing so can get worn down by hazards, status, or being damaged on a switch, meaning that long term the team can win the hazard war.

A key aspect to note, is that :Corviknight: is the knock off absorber in the team, and that there are a few Pokemon that learn knock and are capable of threathening it, like mixed Iron Valiant or Choice Band Great Tusk, which can be problematic when these pokemon are paired with hazard setters + gholdengo or hazard setters who threaten Corviknight.

The hazards available to this team are :Blissey:´s Stealth Rocks and :Clodsire:´s Spikes, which can be set up against any pokemon that doesn´t represnt a threat to them. It is important to note that there are very few Spikes Immune Pokemon added in this generation, as there are no dominant flying types/levitate users/ Magic Guard Pokemon in OU.

With hazards up, oppositing offensive pokemon, either carry Heavy-Duty Boots , meaning they can´t carry Energy Boosters, Choice bands, Life Orbs etc; or take hazards damage on every switch, making defensive counterplay effective, as the opponent has less possibilities to double switch and pokemon will be at lower HP to begin with.

2-Individual Roles of Team Members

Now that the core idea of the team has been explained in detail, I will explain the roles of each member of the team, as well as how to choose your tera based on Match-up accordingly.

Starting with one of the best
Defensive Pokemon introduced in this generation:

2.1 - Clodsire

:Clodsire:is a physical Unaware Wall, that unlike :Dondozo: or :Skeledirge:, keeps enough Special Bulk in order to deal with Special set up sweepers like Nasty Plot :Gholdengo:, Calm Mind :Iron Valiant:, :Skeledirge: and :Volcarona: . On the Physical Side, Clodsire walls :Kingambit: in the early game, Physical versions of :Iron Valiant:, some :Iron Hands: and :Pawmot: sets, SD :Ceruledge:, :Cinderace:, and :Scizor: , among others. What truly is impressive about :Clodsire: is the new amount of pokemon you can wall by using Tera Water; suddenly, you are a counter to Curse :Dondozo:, :Quaquaval: and :Azumarill: while also dealing better with :Baxcalibur:, :Iron Moth:, :Gholdengo:and :Volcarona:.
You need to be carefull with your recover PP, as this pokemon can switch into many different threats, and you should use it to deal with only the threats the rest of your team can´t cover, especially if you need to PP Stall :Garganacl:´s Salt Cure.

2.2 - Gholdengo

:Gholdengo:´s ability does not only block defog, it´s usefullness might even be superior to :Sableye-Mega:´s Magic Bounce in past generations.
Good as Gold makes this pokemon immune to spore, which combined with its defensive typing, makes this pokemon a hard counter to :Breloom: (excluding bulldoze which Tera Flying still deals with).
It can also deal with :Hatterene: if it isnt carrying mystical fire and you do not get unlucky against nuzzle sets with paralysis.
:Gholdengo: is the team´s win condition, carrying both recover and nasty plot in order to set up and break bulkier teams or revenge kill some pokemon against offensive teams. Tera flying allows you to stay in on non poison jab Unaware :Clodsire: and spam shadow ball, with the same apllying to :Ting-lu: in situations where you don´t need :Gholdengo:´s HP, as ruination will bring you down to low health but will never be able to faint :Gholdengo: . It also allows you to click make it rain as +1 :Baxcalibur: goes for Earthquake, although you should only spend your Tera there in case it gets out of control.

:Gholdengo:is also able to block trick from oppositing :Gholdengo: or :Iron Valiant:although you have to be carefull because they can 2hko you with shadow ball. Only make this more aggressive play when you either don´t need :Gholdengo: in the match-up or lack trick fodder.

2.3 - Blissey

:Blissey: is obviously the main special wall of the team.
This Pokemon walls Choice Specs :Dragapult: and :Greninja:, :Glimmora: , offensive :Volcarona: and :Iron Moth:(Due to Tera Fire), :Rotom-Wash:(although you should scout trick) as well as other lower tier threats like :Iron Jugulis: or :Sandy Shocks:.
Tera Fire allows you to wall multiple :Skeledirge: :Volcarona: and :Iron Moth:sets, although you should only spend your Tera when you really can not afford to let :Clodsire: get burnt and do not need Tera for anything else.

(It can also be used to beat Hatterene in an emergency.)

Grass Knot is a nice tool that allows you to 2hko :Great Tusk:, since it generally switches into Blissey to Rapid Spin.

2.4 - Alomomola

:Alomomola: is the only Regenerator Pokemon on the team, it can force progress through the use of whirlpool although water absorb clodsire will wall it.
It generally switches into u-turns to neutralize the damage with regenerator but it can deal with a variety of Dragon Dance, Bulk up or Curse users through the use of Chilling Water such as Dragon Dance :Dragonite: :Dragapult: :Baxcalibur: (kind of), :Roaring Moon:, Bulk up :Ceruledge: :Quaquaval: :Great Tusk:and curse :Dondozo:(carefull with Body Press). It also passes wishes to teammates which come of a big 160 base hp stat, resulting in the regeneration of 267 Health Points.
:Alomomola: can also scout which move Choice Band :Roaring Moon: or :Azumarill: lock into due to Regenerator.

Tera Ghost can be used for spin-blocking against :Great Tusk: or for a neutrality to electric and grass, which is usefull against :Pawmot: and :Iron Hands:.

2.5 - Corviknight

:Corviknight: is the only member of the team which does not carry Heavy-Duty Boots, due to its spikes and toxic spikes immunity. This also makes it the team´s knock off absorber, although some knock users may threathen it, like Choice Band :Great Tusk:. Rocky helmet is usefull to punish uturn, and other attacks, especially :Maushold:´s Population Bomb. This pokemon walls :Meowscarada:, although taunt can be annoying. It is also able to reliably block :Glimmora:´s Mortal Spin, since the other Steel type on the team, :Gholdengo: is weak to Earth Power. Defog is generally useless, although it can be helpfull in scenarios where your opponent does not have :Gholdengo: and has knocked off your pokemon´s boots. Tera fairy can be used in an emergency against :Roaring Moon:or Choice Band :Baxcalibur:.

2.6 - Kingambit

:Kingambit:is the new member of the team, initially replacing :Tauros-Paldea-Fire:due to :Chien-Pao:´s ban and the need for a new answer to oppositing :Kingambit: as well as additional answers to :Baxcalibur:, :Hatterene:and :Gholdengo:.

This Pokémon complements the the team by walling specific sets other Pokémon on the team can not beat. For example it can stonewall Substitute Will-o-Wisp :Dragapult:sets(especially due to Pressure), Force other :Kingambit:to Tera in case they want to break through (Meaning they can now be poisoned by :Clodsire:), completely shut down non Focus-Blast :Gholdengo:as well as non mystical fire :Hatterene:and even utilize Tera Fairy as a last resource against :Baxcalibur:.
This Pokémon also walls the annoying Stall-Breaker Jaw Lock :Roaring Moon:set.

Kingambit Calculations:

- +2 252+ Atk Supreme Overlord 3 allies fainted Kingambit Kowtow Cleave vs. 252 HP / 24 Def Kingambit: 171-201 (42.3 - 49.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

- 20+ Atk Kingambit Low Kick (100 BP) vs. 112 HP / 0 Def Kingambit: 360-424 (97.5 - 114.9%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO

- +1 0 SpA Hatterene Draining Kiss vs. 252 HP / 216 SpD Kingambit: 96-114 (23.7 - 28.2%) -- 91.1% chance to 4HKO

- +2 252 SpA Gholdengo Make It Rain vs. 252 HP / 216 SpD Kingambit: 181-213 (44.8 - 52.7%) -- 25.8% chance to 2HKO
(0% Chance due to Spa Drop)

- 252 Atk Baxcalibur Icicle Spear (3 hits) vs. 252 HP / 24 Def Tera Fairy Kingambit: 111-135 (27.4 - 33.4%) -- approx. 0% chance to 3HKO

List of Problematic Sets and Respective Counterplay Options

3.1- Dragon Dance 3 attack Baxcalibur

:Baxcalibur:is currently one of the biggest threats to Stall Teams in the post Chien-Pao ban meta. There are very few hard counters and this team could not fit any, although it does have many checks and Pokémon who can potentially trade themselves for a KO.
All Baxcalibur answers on the team are able to defeat some sets but lose to different ones. The most problematic set, however, is the Dragon Dance HDB 3 attack set.
Choice Band sets can be limited by hazards and played around with :Corviknight: and :Alomomola:, while Substitute Dragon Dance sets are walled by Kingambit and Gholdengo due to lack of Earthquake. This specific set, however is really potent; it can not be limited by hazards;

Chilling Water spam with :Alomomola:does not work, as +1 Glaive Rush deals 66% damage. :Gholdengo: can switch in and trade itself if it predicts DD, but is 2hkod by Earthquake if it is hit on the switch. :Corviknight: can not take on Tera Ice Loaded Dice versions and struggles to beat Tera Dragon Icicle Crash variants due to the removal of the Ice type which no longer makes :Baxcalibur:weak to Body Press. Even if Bax chooses not to Tera, a snow defense boost can ruin Corviknight´s plans of trading itself for damage.
Tera Fairy :Kingambit:can try to take it on, but can be forced to rest an played around long term.

As so, the best Counterplay to this threat is going :Alomomola:and wishing into :Clodsire: , making use of Tera Water the following turn to remove the ice weakness and trading a Glaive Rush hit for a permanent toxic. From there you try to switch stall it with your team until the mighty dragon faints to poisoning.

3.2- Substitute + Nasty Plot Tera Ghost Rotom-Wash

Not much to say about this one; despite being extremely rare, this set has the potential to auto-win against this team.
The only counterplay to this set is to attempt to bait all 8 hydro pumps with Clodsire into your pressure Pokémon and Blissey or recover predicting the Hydro Pumps to waste PP. The odds are obviously not in your favor since Rotom is Free to click any move it wants against Clodsire if it is behind a substitute, but it is theoretically possible to bait and PP stall all hydro pumps, especially since a few can also miss.
Even if you manage to bait Hydros Pumps into other Pokémon, :Rotom-Wash: is already opening holes in your defense.

3.3- Standard Polteageist


:Polteageist:is a huge threat to this team. It can easily sweep the team, since :Blissey: isnt carrying Shadow ball anymore and :Kingambit: is OHKOd by Tera Blast.
In order to beat this Pokémon, you can either bring it down to the sash with whatever you have in front of it, sacrifice the most useless team member and finish it with Blissey´s Grass Knot; or, in case you can not bring it down to the sash on the turn it sets up, you have to break the sash, sacrifice the most useless team member and then win a 50/50 with Kingambit Tera mind games. Tera Blast will kill you if you don´t Tera but Stored Power will, if you do.

4-List of Problematic Team Structures and Respective Counterplay Strategies

4.1-Psyspam H.O

Psychic Terrain teams have a very good match-up against this team for a few reasons:

-:Polteageist: is an individually threatening Pokémon and is extremely common on this type of team.

-None of the team´s Hazard Setters can threathen :Hatterene:, in a match-up where getting up a single spike/Stealth Rock is extremely important due to Focus Sash spam.

-Physically defensive Pokémon on the team are useless against an archetype which consists of predominantly and many times exclusively Special attackers.

In order to win this match-up you have to outplay constantly; do not play reactively when you have a bad match-up. If you do not predict their exact move on crucial turns you will lose; be ready to make aggresive and unorthodox plays that would be statistically terrible in other scenarios.

After you set this mentality, lead with :Gholdengo: and try to get a kill immediately. Good Psyspam players generally never sacrifice indeedee immediately because they frequently need to set up the Psychic Terrain twice throughout the match.
After that, go turn by turn. The only 2 offensive threats that you will pretty much always see in all Psyspam teams are :Armarouge: and :Polteageist:,so, make sure to keep your :blissey: and :Kingambit: healthy throughout the match, switch :Gholdengo: into :Hatterene: and :Corviknight:into :Indeedee: instead.

4.2-Hatterene Sun

Sun is usually credited as a nightmarish match-up for Stall in every generation, and for good reason. It is filled with exponential boosting techniques like Solar Power +Weather Boost and in this generation, Protosynthesis.
What makes
Sun particularly annoying for this team, however, is it´s capacity to deny the best option Stall had against it in past generations, Hazards, due to :Hatterene:´s presence.
In some match-ups, I recommend baiting :Hatterene: with :Blissey: and hitting it with Seismic Toss, sometimes predicting and clicking Stealth Rock if they ever get into Seismic Toss KO range, since higher level players will generally preserve their :Hatterene:.
Tera Fire :Blissey: can help out with :Scovillain:, Calm Mind :Hatterene: and the occasional Choice Specs :Iron Moth:, although Tera Ghost :Alomomola: is also a solid option to block
Rapid Spin forever if you ever manage to get rocks up.

Proof of Peak and Replays

5.1-Proof of Peak



-This is why you never forfeit: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen9ou-1802842413

-Tera Fire Blissey in action! https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen9ou-1803250273-qhc70vd8etc51m7jiu7gsr86o2oweelpw

-VS Future Sight Balance:

-VS Meowscarada Spikestack: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen9ou-1801864391-sov8dpqqhl4pia5gan5lhkqtxxbij3bpw

-VS Substitute Dragapult + Substitute Skeledirge: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen9ou-1799175528-oivu44c81wgyfq6d2rm98wvuzt706btpw

-VS Garganacl Balance: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen9ou-1801882623

-VS Gholdengo + Ting-Lu Spikestack: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen9ou-1799146554

-VS Choice Specs Pelliper Rain https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen9ou-1798730393

6-Importable Pokepaste/Pokepaste with Nicknames

6.1-Pokepaste: Gholdengo Hazard Stack Stall (pokepast.es)
6.2-Chess Piece Nicknames: A Game of Chess (pokepast.es)
6.3-Shiny Team: Gholdengo Hazard Stack Stall (pokepast.es)

7-Past Versions of the Team/Other Teams

7.1-Past Versions of the Team:

This team is an updated version of my past teams which takes into consideration the past bans in SV OU.
If you are interested in the past versions check ou these posts:

(By Chronologic order)
:Avalugg: Version - Gholdengo Hazard Stack, Boots Spam Stall | Smogon Forums

:Talonflame:Version - Gholdengo Hazard Stack, Boots Spam Stall (UPDATED) | Smogon Forums

:Tauros-Paldea-Blaze:Version -
SV OU - Gholdengo Hazard Stack Stall ( Post-Bans Update) | Smogon Forums

7.2-Other Teams:

SV OU - Double Regen Stall - Peaked #1, 2061, 86.7% GXE | Page 2 | Smogon Forums by juliusfunnel

8- Join my Discord!

The Biggest Stall Community of Pokémon Showdown!

Invite Link:

Thank you for your attention!


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Have you considered Ice Beam > Grass Knot on Blissey? It still 2HKOs offensive Great Tusk about half the time while hitting Dragonite, Garchomp, Dragapult, Meowscarada, and Breloom. It also 3HKOs Roaring Moon after SR damage. Lastly it gives you the option to fish for a Freeze from time to time.

Greninja, Azumarill, and Qua-whatever the duck is are so light they generally take around as much from Seismic Toss as they would from Grass Knot. I just feel like Ice Beam hits much more than Grass Knot especially when paired with Seismic Toss.
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I have, the problem is that ice beam does not 2hko Tusk, at least withouth significant Spa Investment. Garchomp and Dragonite arent usually problems for the team, since Alomomola/Corv/Tera water Clodsire are generally able to handle those. However, Shadow ball blissey is surely a decent option over grass knot IMO, fixes the weakness to Polteageist and is able to punish Skeledirge Harder.