OU Gengar vs Tauros 1v1, who is more likely to win?

Deciptively simple scenario, but quite tricky to calculate.

In order to simplify ( if it needs spelled out), assume Tauros strategy is to always EQ. Gengar strategy is to hypnosis unless Tauros is in kill range, in which case Gengar uses either Thunderbolt or Psychic. (What gengar does when within KO range vs an awake tauros within 2hko range is undefined)

Assume explosion loses.

I feel this is very close to 50%, but if I had to guess Gengar has around 58% winrate.

Another prediction is that before arriving to an actual answer, we will solve this by montecarlo.
How are you precisely defining "kill range"? Are you defining it as a 100% chance to KO with Thunderbolt or 75% or some other value? (after factoring in crits and misses ofc). If you want I could run a simulation and do a parameter search for the optimal strategy for each one, but that might take a bit for me to set up and run.
How are you precisely defining "kill range"? Are you defining it as a 100% chance to KO with Thunderbolt or 75% or some other value? (after factoring in crits and misses ofc). If you want I could run a simulation and do a parameter search for the optimal strategy for each one, but that might take a bit for me to set up and run.

Tbolt seems to be a 4HKO, with only a 5% chance to 3HKO, so would notbe very impactful I think.

Damages can be simplified to simple ratios, this is not a case I think where the complexity of damage rolls is particularly impactful, like it could be for example in Starmie vs dragonite.

An additional note is that psychic has an advantage of having a spdef drop. My though was that since Gengar can have either Night Shade, Tbolt, and Psychic. We take TBolt as the average to simplify.

If it means arriving at the solution is faster, we should be able to make simplifying assumptions. Then again, maybe the fastest solution is running a monte-carlo sim against the pokemon showdown backend, in which case no simplifying assumptions are needed, and even stuff like 1/256 misses are accounted for.

That said, strategy wise we do need to pre-define a strategy in order to simplify the simulation.

So we assume gengar runs tbolt.

So far gengar's strategy vs a tauros with a chance to OHKO is undefined.

Additionally, 2HKOs can also be non-guaranteed, this is still undefined

Finally, as mentioned before, Behaviourvs guaranteed 2HKOs is also undefined.

We can make a simplifying assumption here, or we can let them be undefined, and divide the sample size into X and try each strategy combination.

The combination of gengar strategies is then 2^3. Which isn't unreasonable I think.

I'm pretty sure that once hooked up correctly, an average computer can run a million simulations in a couple of minutes. So even, dividing the sample size by 8 would still give a pretty accurate answer. Even accounting for small decisions like OHKoing.

Furthermore the calculation will be more useful in this manner, as it will provide answers for the correct strategy when playing tauros vs Gengar.

Finally, the cost of coding 1 undefined condition is almost the same as the cost of coding 3 undefined conditions. Since we already have one, we might as well add 2 more. This way we also develop a tool for dealing with undefined conditions, which will certainly be helpful for other calculations.

Shellnuts Fire away, looking forward to see what you cook up.

I'll try to define an even simpler sim example if needed. Might work as a good stepping stone.
Scenario 2:
Fully defined strategy
Omastar vs Tauros.
Assume Omastar always uses Hydro Pump, and Tauros always uses Earthquake.
This should be simpler to code up.
Only Hydro Pump accuracy and EQ crits (and 1/256 misses) should matter.
Further more damage rolls also do not matter, so this is solvable even with simpl inline dependency-less simulators.
Additionally, the answer should lie close to 50%, so it's a good stress test on accuracy.
We do know that p(Hydro Pump)^2=64%. And that number can only go down with EQ crit chance (p=21.48%).

Additionally tauros has 2 rolls for EQ, the odds of tauros hitting at least 1 EQ crit are 1-(1-p)^2= 38.34%
odds of hitting two Hydro pumps = 64%
odds of tauros hitting a crit = 38.34%
odds of omastar winning = odds of hitting two hydro pumps and tauros not hitting a crit
odds of tauros not hitting a crit = 1-38.34%
odds of omastar winning = 64% * 61.66% = 39.46

Finally Omastar can also hit a crit (10.7%) . It will only matter in the first HPump (OHKO), and in the second Pump if the first one missed and there areno crits.
P(pump 1 critting)=P(Hydro Pump)*crit chance = 8.56%
P(Pump 1 missing)*no Tauros crits*P(Hydro Pump)*crit chance= 20%*61.66%*0.8%*10.7=10.5%

So the odds of Omastar winning, with 2 Hydro Pumps are roughly 39.46%+8.56%+10.5%=58.5%
Surfing on the second hit when convenient would increase the odds by roughly the same as a second hydro pump at 90% (since avg damage of HPump and surf is almost 100%.) So swapping 64% on these calculations by 72% would tell us the probability of HPump+ Surf combo.

I'm not 100% sure of my calculations, but they are in the ballpark, so it should serve as a calibration litmus test of the simulation code.

P.S: Blizzard is marginally better than HPump if the first pump missed, but it wastes freeze clause, so it's only really useful in endgame
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