Gen VII: Pokemon Sun and Moon Subforum (Please read!)

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Robot from the Future
is a Member of Senior Staffis a Top Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Discord Contributoris a Pokemon Researcheris a Smogon Media Contributor
Orange Islands
Hey all,

As we move closer to the release of Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon we have decided to make a new subforum that will be the home of SM discussion going forwards until release and probably for a few months after, exactly how we did with the XY and ORAS release phases.

With the creation of this subforum, all spoilers (or any Gen 7 discussion) will be deleted on sight in the default OI Forum. Please bring all Gen 7 discussion here.

If any of you are interested in hosting any of the previous threads (TM Locations, Mega Stones, General Discovery, Ingame Tier Listings/Rankings [Or have any new ideas]) please PM CodraRoll and I with preferences. I have a number of Australians waiting (and who have already asked), but please let me know if you are interested anyway. These threads will of course be open for everyone to contribute to, but the main OP will have to be updated by one person.

Enjoy the hype of the last few months before Sun and Moons Release!
I have a question.... When SM comes out does every Pokemon from Ubers go down to OU or lower, until they are seen as too good for the tier? If not what happens to the Meta?
I have a question.... When SM comes out does every Pokemon from Ubers go down to OU or lower, until they are seen as too good for the tier? If not what happens to the Meta?

Even during preview period, where our usual rules are a bit more relaxed, we try to avoid tiering discussion in OI. I'm not even sure if an initial tiering/quickban protocol for SuMo has been decided yet, but if it has, you can ask about it in an appropriate spot in the competitive discussion forum, or perhaps even the global simple question simple answer thread.
Nexus and the Research guys will likely be adding threads to this forum as information from the demos come. They may also make a new subforum within this forum for discussion about things if there is enough to do that for.
We will allow competitive discussion in those threads as that is what Smogon is about.

Please do not post Spoilers or Data sets in the
Gen VII: Pokemon Sun and Moon Discussion MKIII *Official Media Only* thread. You will be infracted.
I think that, for legal reasons, we have to wait to the 18th. Believe me, after the Pokémon Safari fiasco, it's better to be safe than sorry.
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