[Gen VII] Bugs and Kisses: Valentines Edition (Shiny BR Ribombee) (Completed)

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It's that time of the year when romance is in the air and everyone is scrambling to send chocolate, roses, and Valentines cards to their significant others. Even though it's not quite the same degree of romantic, Pokemon is still about connectivity at heart, and what better way to celebrate Valentines Day on Smogon than with a giveaway full of red, pink, and hearts?


-Catch a Fletchling from Wela Volcano Park and nickname it "XenSmogon"
-Upload to the GTS asking for a Lv 91-100 Ribombee (Set the Gender to Male if applicable)
-Post here with the Lv and gender of the Fletchling, along with your IGN and an identifying feature of your avatar (such as a hat, glasses, etc)
-If you'd like, feel free to answer the following bonus question: "What is your favorite Valentines Day memory?"
-Be patient. I have a life outside of Smogon, so I won't always be online 24/7. I'll be checking back and sending out Ribombee as often as I can.

The Pokemon


Timid Nature | Ability: Shield Dust | Item: Focus Sash

IVs: 31/6/31/31/31/31 | EVs: 252 SpA, 6 SpD, 252 Spe

Moves: Quiver Dance, Baton Pass, Moonblast, Pollen Puff

Egg Moves: Baton Pass, Moonblast

OT: Joe | TID: 539699

Notes: All moves it knows are PP Maxed

Bred and hatched by me via Gen VII egg RNG, with a backed up save.​

This giveaway will run for a week until Valentines Day, 2/14. Enjoy!
i have a question. i'm playing on JPN game which only have like 6 characters on nicknaming. may i only write XenSmg instead?
Deposited: fletchling (XenSmogon) male level 17
IGN: Katsuchi
Avatar: I have white hair and shirt, no hat no glasses

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IGN : Chloe
Pokemon Deposited : Fletchling, 19, female (XenSmogon)
Avatar : female, wavy long brown hair, blue eyes, same outfit from day 1
GTS Message : Please trade pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.

Thanks !
Deposited: Fletchling, Female, Level 18
IGN: Phil
Avatar: orange Glasses, white t-shirt, I wear a hat and a bagpack
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong battles .

Thanks ! :)

Received <3
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Deposited: Fletchling, Female, Level 18 (XenSomogon)
IGN: Drofriz
Avatar: Orange Striped Shirt, No hat No glasses Black Hair
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong battles

Thank you and I love you!! ^_^
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Deposited: lv 18 Fletchling (F)
IGN: Stephen
Message : Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.
Avatar: I have black hair, black shirt, no glasses, and no hat.

Thanks so much!
Deopsited: lv18 male fletchling
IGN: Phil
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex
Avatar: I am a hat.

Thanks in advanced :)
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Deposited: Fletchling, Female, Level 18
IGN: Phil
Avatar: orange Glasses, white t-shirt, I wear a hat and a bagpack
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong battles .

Thanks ! :)
Deposited: Fletchling, Female, Level 18 (XenSomogon)
IGN: Drofriz
Avatar: Orange Striped Shirt, No hat No glasses Black Hair
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong battles

Thank you and I love you!! ^_^
Deposited: lv 18 Fletchling (F)
IGN: Stephen
Message : Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.
Avatar: I have black hair, black shirt, no glasses, and no hat.

Thanks so much!
Deopsited: lv18 male fletchling
IGN: Phil
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex
Avatar: I am a hat.

Thanks in advanced :)
Deposited: Fletchling Level 18 Male

IGN: Blitzreg

Message: I want a pokemon that is strong in battles.

White Glasses, half face, lol.

Thank you!!

I think I missed you, will try again!
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Deposited: Level 19 male Fletchling
IGN: Mana - short black hair with a flower, no hat, dressed in white.
Message: Please trade pokemon with me.

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IGN: Andre
Deposited: Fletchling (Lv. 16, male, Ultra Ball)
Message: I want to fill my Pokédex.
Avatar: Men in Black ;p
Thank you!
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IGN : Veloso
Pokemon Deposited : Fletchling lvl 50 female in pokeball (xensmogon)
Avatar : male, black shirt, black and yellow cap
GTS Message : Please trade pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.

Thank you :)
IGN: Jonathan
Pokemon Deposited : Fletching Level 19 Male in quickball named XenSmogon
Avatar: white Male, Black shirt, black hair, Black cap
GTS Message : I want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles.

Thank you so much.

My Fave valentines day memory hasn't happened yet but it is coming up, my gf and I are going to buy a couch together (her idea) instead of normal vday stuff!
Deposited: Fletchling Level 18 Male

IGN: Blitzreg

Message: I want a pokemon that is strong in battles.

White Glasses, half face, lol.

Thank you!!

I think I missed you, will try again!
You don't have to catch me while I'm online; just upload the mon to the GTS and I'll send it when I can.
Deposited: Level 19 male Fletchling
IGN: Mana - short black hair with a flower, no hat, dressed in white.
Message: Please trade pokemon with me.
IGN: Andre
Deposited: Fletchling (Lv. 16, male, Ultra Ball)
Message: I want to fill my Pokédex.
Avatar: Men in Black ;p
Thank you!
IGN : Veloso
Pokemon Deposited : Fletchling lvl 50 female in pokeball (xensmogon)
Avatar : male, black shirt, black and yellow cap
GTS Message : Please trade pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.

Thank you :)
IGN: Jonathan
Pokemon Deposited : Fletching Level 19 Male in quickball named XenSmogon
Avatar: white Male, Black shirt, black hair, Black cap
GTS Message : I want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles.

Thank you so much.

My Fave valentines day memory hasn't happened yet but it is coming up, my gf and I are going to buy a couch together (her idea) instead of normal vday stuff!
IGN : Edward
Pokemon Deposited : Fletchling, 19, male (XenSmogon)
Avatar : Boy, Glasses, Baseball Cap
GTS Message : Please trade pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.

Thanks !

Last year was probably my first proper Valentine's day, and me and my girlfriend went out for ice cream and then stayed in and watched movies together.
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Pokemon Deposited : Lvl. 19 Fletchling (M) (XenSmogon)
Avatar : Male, pastel orange hat, white hair
GTS Message : Please trade pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.

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IGN: Emil
Deposited: lvl 1 Fletchling Female
Avatar: Male, black cap, dark hair
Message: I want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles
Valentine Memory: havent spend one with my fiance yet so i'll have to skip on answering this one!

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IGN: Anthony
Pokemon Deposited : LV 18 Female Fletchinder
Avatar: Male, black hair, no hat, glasses, blue shirt
GTS Message : I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles.

Thanks in advance! :)
IGN: Weebos
Pokemon Deposited : Level 19 Male Fletchling
Avatar: Male, red hair, no hat, sunglasses, green shirt
GTS Message : I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles.

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IGN: Dalton
Avatar: Team Skull Shirt with Sludge Hat male.
Depositing: level 19 female Fletchling
GTS:Please trade Pokemon with me.

Favorite memory, not working on Valentine's Day. xD
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IGN: Tortoise
Avatar: Female wearing pink and white blouse
Depositing: Level 1 male Fletchling breedject
Message: Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.

Thank you!
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