Gen does stall [Ubers]


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After my long break from playing pokemon and sitting in the CAP server talking to people and having a great time I decided to give IRC another try. After getting on I visited some chats and rekindled my love of playing in the Ubers tier. I then got onto SU and loaded up my team from before so I could get some easy wins.

it sucked.

The metagame changed a lot from when I last played it. Forretress was now showing its ugly head wherever I turned, Spikes, Stealth Rock, and even Toxic Spikes were almost common on every team, even if they were not stall teams. Wobbuffet was still just as common as not, and pokemon like Giratina-o were everywhere. I knew that I couldn't just make a team like I did before, "throw two sweepers with good typing together with Wobbuffet, a revenge killer and whatever lead I want." No, instead I must give my team a purpose, "win with Darkrai, sweep with Mewtwo" these ideas. After trying many many many offensive teams I deemed myself a failure. It was't until I heard about imperfectluck trying to reach #1 on all the ladders until I even considered a stall team. I do remember IPL once stalling me with UUs on the Ubers ladder and I was ashamed. I sat down and considered all the pokemon which could fit on an Uber stall team. After thinking I was left with this list:

Lugia - Dual Screens with Toxic and Roost
Cresselia - Dual Screens with Toxic and Moonlight. Or A Sleep Talker
Blissey - A fairly standard wall which is needed.
Latias - Again, needed as a Kyogre counter.
Giratina - Rest Talker, and an answer to Lucario with Will-O-Wisp
Giratina-O - A more offensive rest talker, but with the ability to avoid Ground-type attacks.
Forretress - "The" Uber spinner, I'll need him to keep rocks off the field.
Groudon - Defensive wall, can set down Stealth Rock. Beat common physical sweepers.
Dialga - Common Sleep Talker, could handle Giratina if Focus Blast misses

Now I compiled this list and then thought "I'm STILL weak to Darkrai." Darkrai is a huge threat to Uber stall teams considering how Giratina and Dialga are the common sleep talkers, and they are weak to common moves which Darkrai carry. Also what is my option against a pokemon like Darkrai if it's a lead? Who would take a Trick and have to carry a Choice Scarf around for the rest of the match? I then remember the failed "Project Uber" thread, with its endless list of gimmicks. I looked through and found an old favorite of mine, Primeape. Primeape is esentially the 100% Darkrai counter. Resistant to Dark-type attacks, immune to sleep and can hit back with STAB super effective Close Combat, or super effective U-turn. I considered the possibility that Darkrai isn't worth taking up a whole spot on my team for, but then I also remembered how if I remove Primeape I am pretty much screwed. My mind made up about how to handle Darkrai, I got to work on finishing the team at hand.

@ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP/12 Atk/244 SDef
Impish nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Spikes
- Toxic Spikes
- Rapid Spin
- Payback

Forretress may seem like an odd lead at the moment, but he literally always gives me an advantage right off the bat. Deoxys-e leads always hit me with Taunt as I hurt them with Payback, then they set up Stealth Rock which I blow away instantly, also dealing about ~7% to them with each spin. Darkrai leads are just as easy to figure out as Deoxys-e leads, they will either Trick or use Dark Void. To both I decide that going to primeape is the best choice. Groudon leads I can get up to 2 layers of Spikes on the field before I am forced to switch to Latias to threaten Groudon out with Grass Knot or Dragon Pulse. Dialga leads can be very unsettling to me, I've run into one or two Dialga leads that carry Fire Blast, removing my spiker from the game and now leaving me at a scary disadvantage. Of course if I do feel too risky about Dialga leads I can always switch to Blissey who takes all special attacks like nothing, and then can Toxic the ever present Wobbuffet. As for Kyogre leads, as they are either Choice Scarf or Thunder Wave I go instantly to Blissey and hit them with Toxic to hinder the hulking beast and then take it from there (usually Wish and Protect) Forretress plays the role on my team as a Dragon-type resistance, along with the ability to scout for enemy pokemon. Giratina and Giratina-O are common switch-ins for Forretress. The alter forme of Giratina cannot do anything to Forretress to save its life (besides burn) so essentially it is just free turns to set up Spikes and Toxic Spikes. Giratina-O is a bit risky, especially the Calm Mind Substitute versions. Payback will deal about 30% to Giratina, so removing a Substitute or deal a heft amount to it. If Forretress unfortunately dies harming Giratina, then latias can come in and Finish it off with Dragon Pulse (in a perfect world). Palkia is also a common switch in on Forretress, though I should be wary of the mixed versions, Blissey almost always switches in. if on the off hand it is a mixed version of Palkia, Aqua Tail cannot OHKO without rain support, and Outrage is a 2HKO which I may be able to stall out with Protect, if not Forretress takes the hit and I take a blind guess as to what I should do.

@ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP/248 Def/12 SDef
Impish nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Dragon Claw
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Will-o-wisp

The status absorber and counter to most of the physical attackers on my team. Giratina also serves as a Rapid Spin blocker on my team, but unfortunately it cannot do much to Forretress (as I have already stated in the Forretress paragraph). Giratina takes on Rock Polish Groudon like it is nothing, crippling it with Will-O-Wisp and then using Rest to take away any and all damage it would have taken. Giratina can Pressure stall ExtremeSpeed off of Rayquaza, which can be a godsend in the long run (6 or 4 ExtremeSpeed is a lot easier to handle than 8). Giratina can also beat Lucario as long as Forretress does its job and removes Spikes and Stealth Rock from the field (even though just with Stealth Rock Lucario cannot OHKO Giratina). Giratina will cripple Lucario with Will-o-Wisp, and then Rest off the damage of course. Though Giratina doesn't do much besides handle these two threats and block Rapid Spin, there is absolutely no way in which I can remove it. If I am facing a Swords Dance Rayquaza that carries Dragon Claw instead of Outrage, then Giratina can take the hit and score back with Dragon Claw, if Groudon is too weak to survive the attack. Palkia, Dialga, Wobbuffet, Mewtwo, and Darkrai are all common switch-ins on Giratina. Palkia and Dialga are most likely carrying a Choice Scarf, so off the Blissey I go. Mixed Dialga and Mixed Palkia will destroy me, (though Mix Rayquaza will do the same it is less common but just as deadly) Normally if I switch Blissey in on one of these two I will use Protect to scout out for any physical attacks and then either go to Forretress if they are mixed, or keep Blissey in if they are not mixed. Wobbuffet is a hassle, because I don't want to status it with something like Will-O-Wisp if I have better status (Toxic) waiting in the background. Dragon Claw is usually the option I go with, Counter doesn't effect Giratina and can deal about 20% to Wobbuffet, not anything special, but hurting the blue blob makes stalling it a lot easier. Once I Dragon Claw a steel-type (Lucario or Forretress) will most likely come in and set up. Lucario I switch to Forretress as it uses Swords Dance, and then I go to Giratina to absorb the Close Combat and hit it with Will-O-Wisp. As for opposing Forretress they will most likely set up, so I switch to Blissey and fry the little metal bug with Flamethrower, getting rid of an annoying pokemon for me to deal with. Mewtwo, Mewtwo, Mewtwo is always always always a hassle for me. Taunt Calm Mind is just as deadly as Sub Calm Mind Giratina-o. Once again, in a perfect world, I have at least one layer of Toxic Spikes down, making it so all I need to do is to stall it for a few turns (they rarely run Recover) then be done with it. If it isn't a perfect world I will go to Primeape to outspeed it and hit with U-turn as I go to Blissey to absorb the Ice Beam or Shadow Ball. Once that's done I Latias to take the Taunt or Aura Sphere then I finish it off with Dragon Pulse. If Mewtwo STILL isn't dead and it's finished off Latias, then I go to Primeape for one final U-turn.

@ Soul Dew
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 112 HP/192 Spd/204 SAtk
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Roar
- Grass Knot
- Recover
- Dragon Pulse

Latias serves as a counter to the ever present Specs Kyogre and as a check to mixed Palkia and mixed Dialga. Specs Kyogre yes, does 2HKO a Latias, but Latias OHKOes a Kyogre back with Soul Dew Grass Knot. Palkia and Dialga either need to be predicted on the switch in (i.e. switch in on a Fire Blast) or I will revenge kill with Latias' Dragon Pulse. It may seem odd to you for me to carry Roar on Latias, instead of Calm Mind. But this team isn't meant for sweeping, it's meant for phazing and taking damage from Spikes and Stealth Rock. I decided that it probably would be a good idea to have another phazer besides Groudon, and Latias was the only pokemon which carried an open move slot on my team for it. Latias is Groudon's best friend on my team. Groudon removes the rain from the field and replaces it with beautiful sun, making Water Spout weaker and Kyogre THAT much easier to switch into. Latias also plays a key role in outspeeding Rayquaza. If I am facing an Adamant Swords Dance Rayquaza which also carries Outrage, Groudon cannot take the hit at all, so once it is locked into Outrage I can revenge it with Latias' Dragon Pulse. Of course Latias does come with her faults. Because of her inability to hit Steel-types with any move outside of Hidden Power Fire, Scizor has a wonderful time switching in and being a pain. 9/10 Scizor will U-turn, so Giratina can take the hit fairly easily, if not and they use Pursuit I lose a key member of my team for no reason other than her typing :(. Scarf users, such as Dialga and Palkia are common switch-ins to Palkia after she has killed something, so once again Blissey works wonderfully by taking their STAB Dragon-type attacks. Once again Wobbuffet, Darkrai and Mewtwo are all common switch-ins. I use Recover if I am facing a Wobbuffet, unless it is severely weakened or I just dragged it in with Roar, in which can I would use Roar again. Darkrai and Mewtwo are all handled the same way as they are with Giratina. Primeape ---> back to Latias (only against Mewtwo) ----> Primeape again (maybe).

@ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 Def/80 SAtk/176 SDef
Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Wish
- Protect
- Toxic
- Flamethrower

Of course no Uber team would be completely without this pokemon on the shelf. I didn't really know what moveset to run on her, considering Latias could provide the Wish support if I really wanted it to, but then I remember that Blissey can pass to Giratina, Groudon, and Forretress easier than Latias can, as Blissey attracts physical attacks easier than Latias. Wish and Protect are rather standard, PP stalling and stalling out Outrages in a pinch. Toxic and Flamethrower would normally leave me weak to Heatran in OU, but thankfully I do not have to worry about it at all in Ubers, so I can use it freely. From Giratina (who often comes in on Forretress) I go to Blissey when Forretress tries to set up Spikes or Toxic Spikes. They will most likely keep Forretress in (most Blissey run Seismic Toss in ubers) and instead it gets burnt to a crisp. There really is only two common switch-ins on Blissey, Wobbuffet and Mewtwo. Wobbuffet usually gets hit with Toxic as it encores me, uses Safeguard then goes to Giratina-O, the bane of my team existence. Normally Giratina-O will use Substitute, so I switch to Forretress to break its Sub with Payback then hopefully will survive the incoming +1 Aura Sphere, in which I can then finish off with Latias' Dragon Pulse. Wobbuffet also lets Lucario switch in rather easily, but Lucario is no threat as Spikes and Stealth Rock should not be down, meaning that Giratina can cripple it with Will-O-Wisp. If, heaven forbid, Will-O-Wisp misses, then Groudon can come in and KO with Earthquake (though it will lose a pretty penny of its HP). Rayquaza will come in on an Encored Safguarded Toxic and then use Swords Dance as I switch Groudon in. Groudon can take a +2 Dragon Claw and KO back with Stone Edge, but it cannot survive an Outrage, meaning the I will have to revenge kill with Latias. If it is Dragon Dance Groudon can survive the Outrage and KO with Stone Edge. Mixed is fucking difficult to play around, so I play by ear and hope to predict right. Groudon is the last pokemon which Wobbuffet will most likely bring in, but it will most likely be Rock Polish, so Giratina can handle it with Will-O-Wisp. Mewtwo I've already explained how to handle it twice, so you should get the general idea of how to deal with it.

@ Leftovers
Ability: Drought
EVs: 252 HP/156 Atk/32 Def/8 Spd/60 SDef
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- Stone Edge
- Roar

Groudon is my second phazer and helps me set up Stealth Rock. I was considering running Dragon Claw over Stone Edge on it, but then I always have the horrible flash back of once using Dragon Claw on a Rayquaza during my Rock Polish Groudon's sweep, it carried a Haban Berry and thens et up, killed me with ExtremeSpeed then swept my team. Bad memories. Though Haban isn't common, I'd rather use Stone Miss than it as it can also let me hit Lugia, as rare as it may be. To tell the truth Groudon is only on this team to help me combat Swords Dance and Dragon Dance Rayquaza, suriving their attacks if I have removed Spikes and Stealth Rock (perfect world) and haven't taken damage, which is a fairly common scenario as I don't bring Groudon out until I see either of those pokemon. If Swords Dance Rayquaza is running Dragon Claw, and if somehow Groudon has taken damage before then I'll most likely let it get KOed and allow Giratina to take this hit and KO back with Dragon Claw (lol I trust it). Palkia, Wobbuffet and Kyogre are all common switch-ins on Groudon. Palkia and Kyogre are mostly after a kill thanks to Roar or Earthquake. If Kyogre has take at least 40% damage then I switch in Blissey on both of them and then use Toxic or Wish to heal my team mates. Wobbuffet is a bitch. Taking about 36% from my Earthquakes it thinks I'll just let it kill me. If I dragged it in with Roar, I will drag it out the exact same way, if it switches in on me using Stealth Rock (and it isn't at 2HKO range) then I continue using Stealth Rock and let the next pokemon switch in for free. Darkrai can come in, but he is of no threat to me team. Mewtwo can hurt Groudon a bit, but if it hasn't boosted its Special Attack then Groudon can take at least one hit and hurt back with Earthquake. Forretress has a fun time switching in on Groudon, I go to Giratina then Blissey then I fry the bug, it's usually that simple to handle.

(M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Vital Spirit
EVs: 80 HP/252 Atk/176 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Close Combat
- U-turn
- Punishment
- Ice Punch

I hate to be one of those people that writes a lot for the first few pokemon, then leaves the last one to be poorly written and not that long, but sadly Primeape doesn't need that much description as its job has mainly be stated throughout this entire team. Primeape is my Darkrai counter, which almost every stall team will need to be able to deal with. Close Combat can actually sweep in a pinch, if my opponent's Ghost-type is dead, along with their Choice Scarf. U-turn is for early game scouting, if Darkrai may switch since it's still early in the game (or it's locked into Trick) then yes I will use U-turn. U-turn will also KO a Darkrai if it is at 60% or so. The EVs given will outspeed a max Speed Mewtwo, so Primeape can also OHKO a +2 Rayquaza locked into Outrage if I don't want to show Latias (or its gone) just yet. As for team support Blissey is usually the only thing Darkrai will switch to, considering the only thing aimed at is is usually Spacial Rends and Dragon Pulses. Though healing Primeape can be difficult at times, he is pretty much the glue to this team, ironically he is also the pokemon which is easiest to set up on and beat. Punishment can help beat Calm Mind Mewtwo and Giratina-O quite nicely, getting a boost for each stat boost it has.


As for my threat list I won't double post, I'll mainly just tell you which pokemon give my team the most issues.

Mixed Rayquaza / Palkia / Dialga are complete bitches to handle. Dialga and Rayquaza more than Palkia as Palkia can be hit with Toxic Spikes. Dialga, being immune to Toxic and resistant to Stealth Rock really puts a damper on my plans. in most cases I will need to revenge all of these pokemon with Latias' Dragon Pulse, or I can hit Palkia and Diagla with Primeape's Close Combat and Rayquaza with Ice Punch. Though I will need to either predict extremely well each switch, or I need to sacrifice a pokemon. if I had to choose a sacrifice I will pray my opponent doesn't have spikes or stealth rock down then let Forretress die (sad).

Giratina-O is a hassle if it carries Hidden Power Fire and Dragon Pulse, so hopefully it won't. I have only seen about one or two that have that as their moveset so it isn't the big of a deal, but I need to Payback with Forretress to remove, sub hit again (or die) then send in Latias to handle the rest. if Latias does, then Primeape it's your time to shine and hits it with super effective Ice Punch.

Taunt Calm Mind Mewtwo normally is a bitch for stall teams, but if I have gotten Toxic Spikes down, then I can stall it out with Blissey and Giratina and watch it die, though if I don't have Toxic Spikes down then I have to U-turn with Primeape, go to Blissey to absorb the Ice Beam or Shadow Ball, then go to Latias to take the incoming Taunt or Aura Sphere THEN I can hit it with Dragon Pulse. If Latias dies I have to dance around it with Primeape until it is no more.

Yeah, hope you liked my team.
Gen plays stall? I've lost my respect for you, lol.

Onto the team, it looks nearly perfect, I don't see any huge issues with the team, except for one thing, I'm questioning Flamethrower. While Flamethrower hits several threats to Blissey, such as Scizor, Metagross, Fortress and Skarmory, Ice Beam allows Blissey to deal with something huge; Rayquaza. If Rayquaza doesn't bother your team, however, it's flawless, I can't really fix anything. I expect to play this team on Shoddy sometime Gen.

-Lord Liam
If I remove Flamethrower on Blissey then I have absolutely no answer to Forretress meaning that it can set down its spikes over and over while taking not very effective Dragon Pulses off of Latias. As for Rayquaza, mix Ray is the only thing that is absolutely terrifying to my team, as I do have a few counters for it.
i'm just wondering how you beat sd ray, since i'm sure it get easily get a sd off your forry or primeape, and then continue to ko everything after a sd with dragon claw and extreemspeed. so to help with this a bit why not run impish on groudon and just use something like the resttalk spread. it gives you a better chance at surviving the hits from ray if groudon has to switch into some entry hazards.

also the sub nasty plot darkrai just rapes you. it get so many free chances to set up a sub and beats everything on your team 1 v 1, other than primeape. however, if you switch primeape into darkrai as he uses sub, despite the fact that primeape resists dark pulse you're taking a huge hit in the process. blissey and forry are just set up bait, and giratina can only roar it away. latias can take a non boosted hit but it still isn't countering it, so yea just watch out for darkrai.
As fior SD Ray it won't OHKO my Groudon with Dragon Claw unless it's about at 83% or something, which it really shouldn't be at. If it uses Outrage then I revenge with Latias and everything is right with the world. Giratina can also take a +2 Dragon Claw and hit back with a Dragon Claw of its own.

Yes, Sub Darkrai is a pain to deal with, but with careful switching and predicting I can usually handle it to some degree (most of the time Toxic Spikes are up, so i just stall.
Nice Team Gen, I'll try to address your weaknesses here.

MAJOR WEAKNESSES Well that was easy :/

Taunt CM Mewtwo

Mix Dialga/Palkia/Quaza

SubCM Giratina-O

Sub Darkrai

OK, so I like this team, and I think Primeape is a cool idea, but there is one thing I don't like about it. It is too dang frail. :/ I just don't like how frail Primeape is because you obviously can't check these threats for long with those paper-thin defenses, as all of these guys could probably O-2HKO you if they expect your switch in (LO Darkrai's unboosted Focus Blast does freaking 80.41% - 94.85%!, and MixRay ESpeed does 71.82% - 84.88%. Don't even think about swapping into Dialga and Palkia.), and then you are screwed. I do see how Ape is helpful, and you can play around these threats, but I think a bulkier Scarfer would do you more good. I think the most helpful one would be Scarf Kyogre, it is not as vulnerable to SubRai, you don't need Vital Spirit too much because you have a Sleep Absorber anyways, it gives you a better TinaO, MixRay, and TauntCM Mewtwo check, and it also helps take on MixAlga and Palkia. (I think MixAlga would become a slightly bigger threat.)

I also would run the Impish Spread on your Groudon, so you can take on Luke, SD Ray with Outrage, and SD Chomp a bit better. If you go this route, I would go DClaw>Stone Miss so you can still 2HKO Chomp.

I don't see much else. This is a pretty decent stall team Gen. :)
This team looks really nice. Like stated before, I don't really like Ape being the scarfer. Personally, I would much rather prefer Scarfed Dialga.

Dialga@ Choice Scarf
Nature: Hasty
EVs: 4 Atk/ 252 Spe/ 252 SAtk
- Draco Meteor
- Fire Blast
- Thunder
- Outrage

(Just copy pasted from my team.)This gives you a really nice way to keep things like SD Ray in check as well as being able to beat Darkrai (you have a sleep absorber.) Relying on Groudon to be in good health makes it difficult to counter SD Ray. If Ray comes out late game, then it is likely that Groudon will not be at 100%, as such I think having Dialga on the team would be useful. You stated the problem with Mixed Ray, Palkia, and Dialga. Scarf Dialga is capable of revenge killing Ray and Palkia with ease and is able to do quite a bit of damage to Dialga with Draco and shouldn't have too much trouble getting the KO if hazards are in play. It is also able to switch into Taunt Mewtwo without too much trouble and can then take out a chunck of its health. It also hits Giratina-o pretty well. I really think he will do more for you than Primape as far as countering is concerned and is also much bulkier and has useful typing.

Good Luck
Gen, what do you do against Specs Palkia in the rain? The only answer I can see is the whore, and Blissey won't like taking repeated Draco Meteors. Also, while it heals itself and Palkia switches out after the attack drop, in comes Ray/fearsome physical sweeper, or heaven forbid, a Pursuit user.

Revenging it is quite easy for this team, but if nothing can safely switch into it, then we have ourselves a little problem.
I haven't looked at anybody elses rates but Rest / Calm Mind really runs through this team. It can take on every member and PP stall Blissey.

Running Calm Mind on Latias over Roar should be much more successful for you. It helps against your Rest Kyogre weakness and you already have two Roar users other than Latias. I don't really understand why you are using Roar...Calm Mind allows you to take on a multitude of threats with so much more ease. Roar helps against Wobbuffet slightly but I simply cannot see Wobbuffet coming into Latias. Just using Calm Mind over Roar helps so significantly when playing against Kyogre.

Sorry for the short rate.
So I really don't see the point in Primeape if you're still boned by Sub Darkrai, aka the one that most people will run to beat stall anyway. For all the Darkrai variants you mentioned (Scarf mostly), you already have Blissey, so like whats the need for a unorthodox counter?

You're actually not that bad against Dialga, you can play around it with Groudon and Blissey. Mixquaza absolutely destroys you though, as you cannot keep bringing in Blissey and Groudon to absorb attacks repeatedly as you can with Dialga. You need a better check than can actually switch into stuff as opposed to jus revenge-kill. Dialga works nicely because of its steel-typing, I'd much rather have you choose that as a revenge-killed than Primeape because it's not as frail. The set posted by someone above should be good enough.