SV LC Gen 9 LC Teams

Hey there, was just looking for some feedback on two Gen 9 teams that I crafted for an upcoming LC tournament.
There's no Terastallisation in this tournament and Fuecoco has to be on my team, so that can't be replaced.

Team 1 - Crabrawler Team

This team was built around letting Crabrawler set up and sweep with Bulk Up.

Fuecoco is there to shut down any opposing Pokemon that try to set up on me as it gets Unaware and Will-O-Wisp and also as part of my Fire-Grass-Water core. I really like it's role on the team, my only gripe with it is the lack of coverage moves it gets. Seed Bomb is an option but it's not great as Fuecoco is a special attacker. Would it still be worth it to replace Roar with Seed Bomb though? Especially without Terastallisation I feel that Seed Bomb could be useful.

Crabrawler is the set-up sweeper with Bulk Up, Drain Punch, Thunder Punch and Ice Punch. It's also the Pokémon this team is built around.

Alolan Grimer is my first Knock Offer on the team and it also pairs very well defensively with Crabrawler. The STAB Knock Offs are always great.

Cufant is there to cover Crabrawler's Fairy weakness and also pairs well with Wingull. It can also set up Stealth Rock if it feels like it. Cufant's low speed can and has been a problem before though.

Wingull is there to pair well with Cufant and Crabrawler, also making up a third of the Fire-Grass-Water core. Another Knock Offer is nice, especially seeing as its very fast and can also often outspeed and knock out big threats with Surf or Hurricane. Having U-Turn is always great too.

Toedscool finishes off the team and the Fire-Grass-Water core. It's another fast Knock Offer, and it has Rapid Spin and Spore for some control along with Earth Power to deal with any Electric types thrown at Wingull.

Team 2 - Pawniard Team

Admittedly, I've never used this team in battle yet, but I do like it more than Team 1. This one is built around Pawniard instead of Crabrawler.

Fuecoco serves the exact same role as in Team 1, a bulky 'mon that stops other set-up sweepers and participates in the Fire-Grass-Water core.

Pawniard is the set-up sweeper this time around. Not sure if Brick Break/Low Sweep is better to have over Night Slash, but I personally like Night Slash more.

Wingull is the perfect defensive pairing for Pawniard, resisting or being immune to all of Pawniard's weakness while being able to fire back super-effective damage with Surf and Hurricane. It also is part of the Fire-Grass-Water core. I replaced U-Turn with Roost this time around because I thought it might be more useful on a team where it's supposed to be slightly more defensive.

I know Bramblin isn't the best Grass-type to use, but I feel like it fits into my team too well with its part-Ghost typing giving Pawniard extra support and access to Rapid Spin, also contributing to the Fire-Grass-Water core. It can also punish opposing Ghost-types that try to spinblock me, as it is a Ghost-type itself, additionally being able to catch Fighting-type moves aimed at Pawniard. I am still trying to decide between Spikes or Strength Sap, but at the moment I do think Strength Sap is a better option for this team.

Mudbray is my Stealth Rocker of this team, also being quite defensive and able to deal a good chunk of damage to most things that switch in. It also covers Wingull's weaknesses, being able to deny potential Volt Switchers too.

Shroodle is here as a support 'mon to cripple opposing Pokémon to allow Pawniard to do its thing. It also supports Bramblin to catch any Ghost moves. I did consider using an offensive set and replacing Bramblin with Grookey, but that leaves me with far fewer options for hazard removal and also means I lose my Ghost-type.

I apologise, I know this is a lot to read, but I would seriously appreciate any advice about how to fix my teams, even in just the slightest way. I am quite happy and proud with these teams, but I do know that they need some work as I've found flaws that seem impossible to fix without creating more problems.
Even if you aren't going to help, thank you for reading this far, I appreciate it. All of y'all have nice days.
These teams look mostly standard (as standard as you can get with Fuecoco anyway).

The one suggestion that stands out to me is getting rid of Cufant on the first team, I do like the rocks and the value that a Steel-type provides defensively, but Pawniard is just very clearly a better choice, since it provides utility through rocks and priority, and is just generally useful (as opposed to Cufant who isn't really viable at all). I think Tera-Ghost might be best, since your team lacks a ghost-type right now.

As for the second team, you could consider replacing a move on Bramblin for spikes, this would allow you to go for a phasing strategy using Fuecoco's Roar to rack up damage quickly on an opponent. I'm not sure how reliable this would be with a fragile mon like Bramblin as opposed to spike-setter like Glimmet, but it could be worth considering. Don't forget to set the Tera-types also.

Generally though, your sets are sound, and nothing comes to mind as an especially major weakness. If anything else comes to mind I'll edit this post.
Thank you for your feedback, I really appreciate it!
I never considered Pawniard instead of Cufant, that's definitely a good idea and I'll try it out.
I would also make it Tera Ghost, but in the tournament I'm participating in, Terastallising isn't allowed. I'll take it into account when battling on ladder though.