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Pet Mod [Gen 1] RBY CAP - Revived! [Slate 3!]

Sorry for the delay, winners are:
Stats: PalpitoadChamp
Moves: gastlies

Slate 3 Part 4A: Remaining Flavor
You will have 72 hours to submit remaining flavor for the CAP, meaning title, dex entries, levelup learnset (not the moves, but levels it gets them at), and how to obtain it. Keep in mind that lower evolutions tend to learn moves at lower levels than evolved forms. Template below!

[B]Title (the X pokemon):[/B] 

[B]Red/Blue Dex Entry:[/B] 
[B]Yellow Dex Entry:[/B] 

[B]Level-up Moves:[/B] 

[B]How to Obtain:[/B] 
[B]How to Evolve:[/B]
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Name: Spriguin
The Camouflage Pokemon
Height: 0,7m
Weight: 31kg

Red/Blue Dex Entry:
"Their eyes are irritated by sunlight, so they have developed leaves around their head to protect them from the sun"

Yellow Dex Entry:
"If you see a Spriguin rest below a tree, there's a high chance that isn't a tree, but a Pineguin in disguise"

Level-up Moves:
Lvl1 - Absorb
Lvl1 - Peck
Lvl1 - Leech Seed
Lvl15- Wing Attack
Lvl19 - Stun Spore
Lvl23 - Pin Missile
Lvl27 - Aurora Beam
Lvl31 - Razor Leaf
Lvl35 - Mist
Lvl 39 - Blizzard

How to Obtain: Has a 25% chance to appear on the grass of Route 25 at Lvl 13 - 15.
(Route 25 is around Bill's House, as mentioned by the Pineguin "How to Obtain" that the preevo should be found by Bill's House)
How to Evolve: Evolves at level 29 into Pineguin.
Gaboswampert wins by default! This means Spriguin is complete!

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Name: Spriguin
Typing: Grass / Ice
HP: 80
ATK: 60
DEF: 40
SPC: 75
SPE: 40

Signature Move: Camouflage - Grass. 80 Base Power, 100% chance to hit. Cannot be hit turn 1, strikes turn 2. (Move is banned due to Dig/Fly glitch)

Notable Moves:
Blizzard, Ice Beam, Razor Leaf, Stun Spore, Reflect, Double-Edge, Bubble Beam, Mega Drain

Height: 0.7m
Weight: 31kg
Pokedex Entries:
Red and Blue - Their eyes are irritated by sunlight, so they have developed leaves around their head to protect them from the sun
Yellow - If you see a Spriguin rest below a tree, there's a high chance that isn't a tree, but a Pineguin in disguise

How to Evolve: Evolves at level 29 into Pineguin.

Level-up Moves:
Lvl1 - Absorb
Lvl1 - Peck
Lvl1 - Leech Seed
Lvl15- Wing Attack
Lvl19 - Stun Spore
Lvl23 - Pin Missile
Lvl27 - Aurora Beam
Lvl31 - Razor Leaf
Lvl35 - Mist
Lvl 39 - Blizzard

TM Moves:

TM02 - Razor Wind
TM04 - Whirlwind
TM06 - Toxic
TM09 - Take Down
TM10 - Double-Edge
TM11 - Bubble Beam
TM12 - Water Gun
TM13 - Ice Beam
TM14 - Blizzard
TM21 - Mega Drain
TM22 - Solar Beam
TM31 - Mimic
TM32 - Double Team
TM33 - Reflect
TM50 - Substitute

Tradeback Moves:

Seismic Toss
Defense Curl
Drill Peck

Sparorphim's pre-evolution will be open soon!
Now let's move on to Sparophim's Pre-Evolution!

Slate 3 Part 2B: Name/Art
You will have 72 hours to name Sparophim's pre-evolution and, if you want, draw some art for it! Submissions cannot be based off an existing RBY Mon. The art can be either a concept or a picture/sprite. You can submit just a name, just art, or both if you want. If the winning submission is one that submits both, we will immediately move on. If the winning submission is just a name or just art, then we will have a second round for the part that's missing.
Hello gamers, after a bit of a long holiday delay (sorry!) ~ChronoSariel~'s submission wins!

gastlies has decided to step down from council at this time, so I'll continue running the project for now. Thank you for everything you did to get this off the ground and up to this point!

Slate 3 Part 3B: Stats/Typing/Moves

We will be submitting all three of stats, typing, and movepool at once. Stats and Typing will be submitted as normal. Movepool is a little more complicated. For movepool, you will be submitting the moves that Sparophim learns but Spariel does not learn. Spariel should not learn any moves that Sparophim does not learn.

Some guidelines:
  • You can design Spariel to be viable in lowtiers, or you can design it to be unviable in lowtiers. The competitiveness of the mon should not matter.
  • Note Sparophim's stat spread - Spariel should have its stats lower or equal to that of its evolution unless you have a good justification on why a stat should be higher.
  • Similarly, remember that Spariel is a stage 1 pokemon. Ponyta currently has the highest BST of a stage 1 pokemon at 345. Spariel should not exceed this.
  • The typing shouldn't be anything crazy, and should only be changed if you have a good justification (based on the design of the mon).
  • Hyper Beam should be a "removed move" by default as no NFE (except dragonite line) learns the move in RBY.
72 Hours to Submit
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PalpitoadChamp wins by default! I'll edit this post later with the details but I wanna get the next slate started since it's the one that people will probably be really excited for...

Slate 3 Part 1C: Concept/Role
We will, for the first time during this project, be designing an evolution for an existing non-OU Pokemon. The first aspect of this is the concept or role this Pokemon should fill. The broader the concept is, the more freedom we will have to play around with stats/typing/moves later on. Only one concept per submitter this time.

  • The concept must not require such specific parameters that only one or two Pokemon are eligible to evolve into a CAP that fits the concept.
  • As usual, no "X-type" submissions. Your concept must not rely on a specific type or dual type to be functional.
  • You may submit a broad role like "defensive check to X type" as long as you can provide a little detail on a way or ways that a Pokemon can fill that role. Don't be afraid to write multiple ideas of how this could work - the more valid ways there are to execute the concept, the better.
  • Since this will be an evolution of an existing mon, keep in mind existing movepools and typings. Single-typed Pokemon may gain a new type, and Dual-typed Pokemon can change one type.
  • Pokemon banned from evolving for this concept: All 3-stage lines, all Pokemon currently ranked OU, Eevee/Eeveelutions (because this is super overdone), Articuno, Moltres, Mew, Mewtwo
96 hours to submit!
Putting an old dog to rest
This CAP is designed to replace a pokémon that has OU viability (but is not properly ou itself) by giving it an evolution that does its job in such an efficient manner that it can be considered a true part of the metagame.
Putting an old dog to rest
This CAP is designed to replace a pokémon that has OU viability (but is not properly ou itself) by giving it an evolution that does its job in such an efficient manner that it can be considered a true part of the metagame.
Bottom of the barrel:
Take a mon not currently ranked on the ou vr and make its evolution just straight up do whatever theorhetical niche the mon has.
both of these submissions are essentially just “make sure the pokemon isn’t trash” which is already part of the premise of this concept. Think about what niches you actually want to fill in the metagame, not just “pick one of these guys and buff them,” since we are already going to do that
Coverage Denied
Upgrade a Pokemon to be the perfect switch-in to coverage moves from the likes of Tauros and Snorlax, allowing them to punish Fire, Ice, and Ground move clicks - in a sense, the anti-Rhydon. Doesn't have to be resistant to all of these (in fact, I'm pretty sure that's not possible) but should probably resist Ground and one of the other two, or at least have sufficient bulk to eat the hit and not die to Hyper Beam right after.
Vote time! 48 hours, no voting your own first, etc.

Underappreciated Move
Uh huh. Nice but get flinched
Slim shady
Fuck this guy in particular
Coverage Denied