Pet Mod [Gen 1] RBY CAP - Revived! [Slate 3!]

Have you ever wondered what an ice bug type would look like if it had no style or grace?
Well... Meet Frosquito, it has a funny face!

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Voting time! Rank your options in order; since there's so many, we'll do ranked choice voting. As an aside, voting for multiple ranked options doesn't take away from your number 1 choice - ranking all options is a good idea! No voting your own design first as usual

Scoopion (zxgzxg)
Megaball (The Faz)
Frosquito (~ChronoSariel~)
Probosicle (coastergat)
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Probosicle (coastergat)
Scoopion (zxgzxg)
Frosquito (~ChronoSariel~)
Megaball (The Faz)
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And the winner is... Probosicle, with a majority (7/13 votes, making ranked choices irrelevant)!

Here's our CAP to date:

Name: Probosicle
Stats: 48/120/100/63/105
Notable Moves: Unnamed Signature Move, Slash, Body Slam, Double-Edge, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Seismic Toss, Rest, Substitute
Signature Move: Ice, 70 BP, 24 PP, 100% Accuracy, high critical hit ratio

Slate 2 Part 6B: Name/Art
You will have 72 hours to submit remaining flavor for the CAP, including a name for the signature move. Template below, have fun!

Also keep in mind the moveset must include all of the following or a justification of why the CAP would lack this move, since these are all near-universal TMs. Moves already given to it in the previous phases are bolded:
  • Bide
  • Double Team
  • Double-Edge
  • Hyper Beam
  • Mimic
  • Rage
  • Rest
  • Substitute
  • Take Down
  • Toxic
[B]Title (the X pokemon):[/B] 

[B]Red/Blue Dex Entry:[/B] 
[B]Yellow Dex Entry:[/B] 

[B]Level-up Moves:[/B] 
[B]TM Moves:[/B] 
[B]Signature Move Name (if applicable):[/B] 

[B]How to Obtain:[/B] 

[B]Gen 2+ Egg Group:[/B] 
[B]Tradeback Moves:[/B]
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The Ice Spike Pokémon
Obtainable via evolving pre-evolution at lv34​
It and pre-evo catchable at Seafoam Island.​
Version exclusive to Red. Dewgong becomes version exclusive to Blue.​
Height: 1.6m​
Weight: 210 kg​
Level Up:
  • Lv1 Tackle
  • Lv1 Harden
  • Lv1 String Shot
  • Lv16 Mega Drain
  • Lv21 Aurora Beam
  • Lv34 Spike Cannon
  • Lv 36 Slash
  • Lv 39 Icicle [Signature Move]
  • Lv51 Mist
  • Lv54 Haze
TM moves:
  • Toxic
  • Bide
  • Double Team
  • Double-Edge
  • Hyper Beam
  • Mimic
  • Rage
  • Rest
  • Substitute
  • Take Down
  • Ice Beam
  • Blizzard
  • Seismic Toss
  • Skull Bash
  • Horn Drill
  • Mega Drain
  • Cut
R/B:Fiercely territorial, it will not let any other Pokémon enter its turf.
Yellow:Incapable of flight, Probsicle camouflages as snow to suprise prey.
Stadium:This Pokémon competes with space on the polar caps with Dewgong.
Tradeback moves: Defense Curl, Headbutt, Lick, Leech Life, Thrash


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Name: Probosicle
Title: The Icicle Bug Pokémon
Height: 0.8m (2.6ft)
Weight: 32kg (70.5lb)

Red/Blue Dex Entry: PROBOSICLE's bites inflict vicious frostbite and itchiness that incapacitate its foes.
Yellow Dex Entry: Aggressive and territorial, it will chase down and skewer anybody that disturbs its home.

Level-up Moves:
Lv1 - Scratch
Lv1 - String Shot
Lv1 - Harden
Lv7 - Leech Life
Lv10 - Bite
Lv14 - Horn Attack
Lv21 - Fury Attack
Lv25 - Aurora Beam
Lv29 - Slam
Lv34 - Slash
Lv41 - Frost Bite (Signature Move)
Lv47 - Mist
Lv50 - Haze

TM Moves:

TM06 - Toxic
TM07 - Horn Drill
TM08 - Body Slam

TM09 - Take Down
TM10 - Double Edge

TM13 - Ice Beam
TM14 - Blizzard

TM15 - Hyper Beam
TM19 - Seismic Toss
TM20 - Rage
TM21 - Mega Drain
TM31 - Mimic
TM32 - Double Team
TM34 - Bide

TM40 - Skull Bash
TM44 - Rest
TM50 - Substitute

HM01 - Cut

Signature Move Name: Frost Bite

How to Obtain: Catch at Seafoam Islands or Cerulean Cave

Tradeback Moves:
Defense Curl

Notes: Single stage
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Votes are closed! The winner is The Faz
This means CAP5 is Complete!


Name: Probosicle
The Ice Spike Pokemon
Typing: Bug/Ice
HP: 48
ATK: 120
DEF: 100
SPC: 63
SPE: 105

Notable Moves:
Icicle, Slash, Body Slam, Double-Edge, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Seismic Toss, Rest, Substitute

Signature Move: Icicle
Ice, 70 BP, 24 PP, 100% Accuracy, High Critical-hit Ratio

Height: 1.6m
Weight: 210kg
Pokedex Entries:
Red and Blue - Fiercely territorial, it will not let any other Pokémon enter its turf.
Yellow - Incapable of flight, Probsicle camouflages as snow to suprise prey.
Stadium - This Pokémon competes with space on the polar caps with Dewgong.
How to Obtain: Evolve Pre-Evolution at Level 34. Pre-Evolution catchable on Seafoam Island. Version Exclusive to Pokemon Red: Dewgong Exclusive to Pokemon Blue.
Gen 2+ Egg Group: Field

Level-up Moves:
Lv1 - Tackle
Lv1 - Harden
Lv1 - String Shot
Lv16 - Mega Drain
Lv21 - Aurora Beam
Lv34 - Spike Cannon
Lv 36 - Slash
Lv 39 - Icicle
Lv51 - Mist
Lv54 - Haze

TM Moves:
TM06 - Toxic
TM07 - Horn Drill
TM09 - Take Down
TM10 - Double-Edge
TM13 - Ice Beam
TM14 - Blizzard
TM15 - Hyper Beam
TM19 - Seismic Toss
TM20 - Rage
TM21 - Mega Drain
TM31 - Mimic
TM32 - Double Team
TM34 - Bide
TM40 - Skull Bash
TM44 - Rest
TM50 - Substitute
HM01 - Cut

Tradeback Moves:
TM02 - Headbutt
Egg Move - Defense Curl
Egg Move - Lick
Egg Move - Leech Life
Egg Move - Thrash
Now it's time to move onto our final CAP for Slate 2!

Slate 2 Part 2C: CAP 6 Typing
Now it's time to determine the Dance Party pokemon's typing; it can be single or dual typed. This defines much of their possible matchup spread. Be careful when adding CAPmons of types that could disrupt the type balance, such as Ghost-, Fighting- or Bug-types, since these directly impact some of the strongest OU Pokemon.

For this slate, you can submit 2 typings. Roughly 5 days to submit.

A reminder on the concept

Dance Party! A good Swords Dance user. OU has zero common Swords Dance users, with the best ones still being very niche picks, so this CAP hopes to change that.

We have many mons that resist tbolt with none that are weak to it; this mon would help bring Chansey back up as it's weak to its beambolt coverage. Furthermore, this type explorers a psychic-type that wasn't explored yet in CAP or cartridge, a physical psychic-type that mainly uses it as a defensive type.

This type also gives it opportunities to switch in, such as vs EQ or vs Zam's psychic (assuming it not mind being twaved)