Monotype Gastrodon (Ground) [QC 3/3] [GP 2/2] (Written)


(Anyone that says otherwise is wrong)

AM QC check: maroon
QC Checks: Moosical / Eien / Vid
GP Checks: The Dutch Plumberjack / Electrolyte


Thanks to its ability Storm Drain, Gastrodon is one of the two viable Ground-types that are immune to Water-type moves, making it a key partner on Ground teams. Its secondary Water typing gives it an important neutrality to Ice-type moves and lets it wall certain foes like non-Choice Band Mamoswine, and its decent natural bulk enables it to tank even the strongest moves of the metagame, such as Choice Band Diggersby's Return. In addition to its typing and bulk, reliable recovery in the form of Recover enables Gastrodon to continually switch into threatening Pokemon like Greninja and Keldeo. However, Gastrodon's typing also leaves it virtually defenseless against problematic Grass-types, such as Mega Venusaur and Ferrothorn, and Pokemon like Volcarona and Alolan Raichu that often carry Grass-type coverage moves. Moreover, Gastrodon has an abysmal Speed stat coupled with a low Special Attack stat, making it prone to losing momentum and susceptible to Taunt from stallbreakers like Mew and Hydreigon. Finally, Gastrodon fights with Seismitoad for a spot on any Ground team as the Water-immune Pokemon, as the latter possesses a superior offensive presence and is able to check Azumarill, one of the greatest threat to Ground teams. On the other hand, Gastrodon's superior longevity thanks to Recover helps it check dangerous foes consistently, which Seismitoad cannot do.

name: Defensive Wall (Ground)
move 1: Scald
move 2: Earth Power
move 3: Recover
move 4: Toxic
item: Leftovers
ability: Storm Drain
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


Scald is used as Gastrodon's main STAB move, as it can burn opposing Pokemon and enable Gastrodon to wall powerful physical wallbreakers like Dragonite and Mega Gallade. Earth Power is Gastrodon's secondary STAB move and synergizes well with Storm Drain, letting it always 2HKO Toxapex after a boost. Recover is Gastrodon's form of reliable recovery, which lets it act as an efficient wall. Toxic is used to cripple most defensive Pokemon like Rotom-W and Porygon2 that are not bothered by Gastrodon's STAB moves.

Set Details

Storm Drain gives Gastrodon an immunity to Water-type moves and is the main reason why it's considered as a valuable teammate for Ground. It also has the side effect of raising Gastrodon's Special Attack stat when hit by a Water-type move, making both Scald and Earth Power hit slightly harder. Maximum HP and Defense investment with a Bold nature makes Gastrodon as physically bulky as possible and enables it to never be 2HKOed by Choice Specs Keldeo. Leftovers gives Gastrodon passive recovery throughout the match and is also needed to beat Choice Specs Keldeo.

Usage Tips

Gastrodon is best used when switched in on predicted Water-type moves coming from potent threats like Choice Specs Keldeo, especially if no other viable moves from those Pokemon can seriously harm it. Since Gastrodon is the team's Water-immune Pokemon, it should not be sacrificed, because that would enable threatening Water-types to greatly damage and KO most of its teammates with their STAB moves. Gastrodon also has the luxury of switching into would-be threats for Ground teams, such as Rotom-W and Tapu Koko, without much repercussion. However, watch out for lures that could cripple or OHKO Gastrodon, such as Toxic Rotom-W and Grass Knot Tapu Koko. Scald can be used freely to burn, cripple, and wear down physical attackers as they switch into Gastrodon or try to overpower it. Burning defensive Pokemon that don't care about Toxic, such as Mega Sableye and Celesteela, to slowly whittle them down is also a good idea. Use Toxic to cripple defensive Pokemon like Zapdos and Mantine on the switch or to put setup sweepers like Kommo-o and Mega Slowbro on a timer. Against hard matchups, specifically Water, spreading Toxic early-game can also greatly help to give Ground the advantage. Also, when facing Pokemon that are unable to 2HKO or poison Gastrodon, it is advised to Toxic these foes and stall them out with Recover so that Gastrodon has as much HP as possible to check the remaining threats. Try to keep Gastrodon healthy by using Recover so that it can take, if possible, two hits from opposing threats. If this condition is met, Scald or Toxic can be used depending on the remaining Pokemon on the opposing team. However, since it drains momentum from its own team, Gastrodon should be played carefully and make good use of double switches by sponging a Water-type move or a weak attack before switching out to a more favorable teammate if threatening foes like Kyurem-B and Celebi are still alive. Moreover, as Gastrodon possesses very little offensive presence, stallbreakers like Mew and Hydreigon greatly threaten it with Taunt. To play around them, try to double switch as they come in or switch out to a more appropriate teammate on a predicted Taunt to gain momentum, since Gastrodon has no way of dealing with those Pokemon by itself. Finally, like most defensive Pokemon, Gastrodon's stalling capabilities become greatly limited when it's hit by Toxic. Therefore, it's better to avoid opposing status users unless they can't be dealt with another way, such as Porygon2, than by using Toxic against them.

Team Options

Every Ground team appreciates having a teammate such as Gastrodon that can switch into Water-type moves. Hippowdon and Gastrodon form a nice defensive core, as the former walls strong physical attackers like Mega Lopunny and phazes setup sweepers like Mega Scizor, while the latter can switch into Greninja's and Keldeo's moves with ease. Mega Garchomp is a remarkable teammate, as it's the most viable Ground-type (aside from Seismitoad) that outspeeds Azumarill and survives its +6 Aqua Jet after Stealth Rock damage. It can also help Gastrodon deal with Ferrothorn and other Grass-types with its Fire-type coverage moves. Excadrill is a much-needed spinner on Ground teams to get rid of entry hazards, especially Toxic Spikes, which seriously hinder Gastrodon's longevity and ability to wall certain threats. Excadrill can also clean through weakened teams more easily if paired with Gastrodon thanks to its ability to cripple its switch-ins with Toxic. Additionally, Excadrill can take on most relevant Grass-types for Gastrodon, since they take serious amounts of damage or are OHKOed by its STAB moves. Landorus is a useful and powerful wallbreaker that helps Gastrodon take care of Steel- and Grass-types such as Celesteela (with Gravity support) and Mega Venusaur. Mamoswine is an alternative wallbreaker that eases the Grass and Flying matchups with its Ice STAB moves, being able to pick off weakened Tapu Bulu and Breloom with Ice Shard and take out other threats, namely Zapdos and Ferrothorn, with Icicle Crash and Superpower. Mamoswine also has the added benefit of bringing a secondary Ice-type switch-in thanks to its ability Thick Fat. Mega Steelix is a more niche teammate that performs incredibly well in certain matchups, namely Fairy and Dragon, that Gastrodon greatly struggles against. Gliscor can also from a defensive core with Gastrodon thanks to its Grass-type neutrality and ability to efficiently stallbreak. In fact, Gliscor can shut down many of Gastrodon's defensive answers, such as Celesteela and Mega Veusaur, with Taunt before slowly wearing them down with Earthquake or Knock Off, and, thanks to Poison Heal, can switch into opposing Toxics aimed at Gastrodon. In return, Gastrodon can switch into Ice- and Water-type moves aimed at Gliscor. Dugtrio is a nice teammate that traps and helps Gastrodon dispose of numerous foes like Chansey, Kyurem-B, and Tapu Bulu.

Other Options

Acid Armor is an interesting tool over Earth Power that enables Gastrodon to wall and Toxic stall even the most powerful physical attackers, such as Choice Band Dragonite and Diggersby, strong Ice-type Pokemon like Mamoswine and Weavile, or certain setup sweepers such as Mega Scizor and Cloyster. Unfortunately, using Acid Armor is generally outclassed and unadvised, as giving up on Earth Power means that Gastrodon cannot hurt Toxapex anymore. A specially defensive spread of 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD with a Calm nature lets Gastrodon better take on or completely wall specially oriented Pokemon like Grass Knot Tapu Koko and Kyurem-B, but it falls short against most Ice-types and Choice Specs Keldeo, which are handled much easier with a physically defensive spread and much harder for the Ground team to cover otherwise. Finally, Earthquake could be used over Earth Power with a Relaxed nature if Calm Mind Keldeo really bothers your team, but Earth Power's generally superior usefulness greatly outweighs the specific utility of Earthquake. With Earthquake, Gastrodon also cannot outspeed or 2HKO Toxapex anymore, which means it has to switch out and potentially risk a teammate getting poisoned by Toxic Spikes or burned by Scald.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-types**: Apart from possible Scald burns, most Grass-type Pokemon like Mega Venusaur, Tapu Bulu, and Ferrothorn easily tank Gastrodon's moves and can easily KO it or cripple one of its teammates with their Grass-type STAB moves. On top of that, some Pokemon like Volcarona, Mega Charizard Y, and Alolan Raichu carry Grass-type coverage moves to beat Gastrodon and some other Water-types. Also, since all of these Pokemon are faster than Gastrodon, they will KO it before it even moves.

**Stallbreakers**: Taunt users like Mew and Gliscor easily shut down Gastrodon by preventing it from using either Recover, Toxic, or any other status move.

**Wallbreakers**: Unless Gastrodon is using a specially defensive spread, strong special attackers like Kyurem-B and Hydreigon can easily plow through its weaker Special Defense. Moreover, even with the suggested physically defensive spread, Gastrodon is 2HKOed by powerful physical wallbreakers like Choice Band Excadrill, Diggersby, and Dragonite. However, since they cannot OHKO a healthy Gastrodon, those three Pokemon do fear being burned by Scald.

**Toxic**: Gastrodon's walling potential can be easily deterred with an opposing Toxic, as being badly poisoned cripples Gastrodon to the point where checking threats and simply staying alive become a heavy task.

- Written by: [[GnralLao, 256316]]
- Ground analysis by: [[GnralLao, 256316]]
- Quality checked by: [[Moosical, 215618], [Eien, 100418], [Vid, 239907]]
- Grammar checked by: [[The Dutch Plumberjack, 232216], [Electrolyte, 148071]]
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Gonna finish this next week if that's ok. Just finished my last week of summer job, so I should be able to give the analysis much more attention from now on.
Sorry for the delay. I was trying to finish it tonight, but then I got sick while typing. :( So, it'll be done by tomorrow night instead.
amqc check, implement what you agree with. good job overall n_n

(Anyone that says otherwise is wrong)

QC: - / - / -
GP: - / -



*Thanks to its ability Storm Drain, Gastrodon is one of the two viable Ground-types that are immune to Water-type moves, making it a key partner on Ground teams.
*Gastrodon's part
Ground/ Water typing gives it an important neutrality to Ice-type moves and lets it wall certain foes like Cloyster and such as non-Choice Band Mamoswine.
- cant really wall cloyster, +2 icicle spear does a ton to it imo just 1 example is fine

*In addition to its typing, having access to reliable recovery in the form of Recover enables Gastrodon to continually switch into threatening Pokemon like Greninja and Keldeo.
*However, Gastrodon's typing also leaves it virtually defenseless against problematic Grass-types, such as Mega Venusaur and Ferrothorn, and Pokemon like Volcarona and Alolan Raichu that often carry Grass-type coverage moves.
*Moreover, Gastrodon has an abysmal Speed stat coupled with a low Special Attack stat, making it prone to losing momentum and being Taunted by stallbreakers like Mew and Hydreigon.
*Finally, Gastrodon fights with Seismitoad for a spot on any Ground team as the Water-immune Pokemon, as the latter, unlike the former, possesses a superior offensive presence and is actually able to check Azumarill, one of the greatest threat to Ground teams.

name: Mixed Defensive Wall (Ground)
move 1: Scald
move 2: Earth Power
move 3: Recover
move 4: Toxic
item: Leftovers
ability: Storm Drain
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


*Scald is used as Gastrodon's main STAB move, as it can burn opposing Pokemon and enable Gastrodon to wall powerful physical wallbreakers like Dragonite and Mega Gallade.
*Earth Power is Gastrodon's secondary STAB move and is used over Earthquake so that it can 2HKO Toxapex with little prior damage. Furthermore, unlike Earthquake, Earth Power's damage output isn't halved when Gastrodon is burned and is raised after a Storm Drain boost.
*Recover is Gastrodon's form of reliable recovery, which lets it act as an efficient wall.
*Toxic is used to cripple most defensive Pokemon like Rotom-W and Porygon2 that are not bothered by Gastrodon' STAB moves.

Set Details

*Storm Drain gives Gastrodon a immunity to Water-type moves, and is the main reason why it's considered as a valuable teammate for Ground teams. It also has the side effect of raising Gastrodon's Special Attak stat when hit by a Water-type move, making both Scald and Earth Power hit slightly harder.
- give an example of what scald/earth power might 2hko that it would not without a storm drain boost.

*Maximum HP and Defense investment with a Bold Nature lets Gastrodon switch into Keldeo's moves and, thanks to its higher base Special Defense stat, act as a mixed wall that counters most physical attackers and even some specially oriented ones.
- i dont know if i would call it a mixed wall it has trouble taking on many special attackers like mega diancie and kyurem-black

*Leftovers is the item of choice, as it gives Gastrodon passive recovery, which increases its longetivity and defensive capabilities even more throughout the match.

Usage Tips

*Gastrodon is best used when switched on predicted Water-type moves coming from potent threats like Choice Specs Keldeo, especially if no other viable moves from those Pokemon can seriously harm it. Because of this, Gastrodon should not be sacrificed if dangerous Water-types are still present on the opposing team.
- second sentence is a bit weird, would make it something more like "Gastrodon is the teams Water-type immunity, therefore it should not be sacked because...."

* Additionally, since many Electric-types lack the coverage or offensive capabilities to defeat it, Gastrodon can also switch into these Pokemon without much negative repercussion. However, watch out for lures that could cripple or OHKO Gastrodon, such as Toxic Rotom-W and both Grass Knot Greninja and Tapu Koko.
- make this its own bullet

*Also, since it drains momentum from its own team, Gastrodon should be played carefully and make good use of double switches by sponging a Water-type move or a weak attack before switching out into a more favorable matchup if threatening foes like Kyurem-B and Mega Charizard Y are still alive.
- mega charizard y is pretty rare now, idk if id use it as an example maybe use Celebi instead

*Scald can be used freely to burn, cripple, and wear down physical attackers as they switch into Gastrodon or try to overpower it. Burning defensive Pokemon that don't care about Toxic, such as Mega Sableye and Celesteela, to limit their defensive prowess is also a good idea.
*Toxic is an effective tool to cripple defensive Pokemon like Mantine and Porygon2 or to put setup sweepers like Kommo-o and Mega Slowbro on a timer. Also, when Toxic is used in conjunction with Recover, Gastrodon can then efficiently stall out various threats that are unable to Toxic Gastrodon back or cure themselves from status.
- i would also talk about toxic being able to cripple other walls on the predicted switchin.

*Finally, like most defensive Pokemon, Gastrodon's stalling capabilities become greatly limited when it's hit by Toxic. Therefore, it's better to avoid opposing status users unless they can't be dealt with another way such as x than by using Toxic against them.
* when to attack/toxic vs when to recover

Team Options

*Every Ground team appreciates having a teammate such as Gastrodon that can switch into Water-type moves thanks to its ability Storm Drain.
*Hippowdon and Gastrodon form a nice defensive core, as the former walls strong physical attackers like Mega Lopunny and phazes setup sweepers like Mega Scizor away, while the latter can switch into Greninja's and Keldeo's moves with ease.
*Mega Garchomp is a remarkable teammate as it's the most viable Ground-type (aside from Seismitoad) that outspeeds Azumarill and survives its +6 Aqua Jet after Stealth Rock damage. It can also help Gastrodon deal with Ferrothorn and other Grass-types with its Fire-type coverage moves.
*Landorus is a useful and powerful wallbreaker that helps Gastrodon take care of Steel- and Grass-types, such as Celesteela with Gravity support and Mega Venusaur.
*Mamoswine is an alternative wallbreaker that eases the Grass and Flying matchups with its Ice STAB moves, in addition of bringing a secondary Ice-type move switch-in to the team.
- talk about how gastro specifically appreciates its ability to take on grass-types rather than just lumping it in and maybe giving an example like being able to pick off weakened Tapu Bulu with Ice Shard.

*Gliscor can also from a defensive core with Gastrodon thanks to its Grass-type neutrality and ability to efficiently stallbreak, while Gastrodon can switch into Ice- and Water-type moves aimed at Gliscor.
- i would talk about its stallbreaking ability in its own sentence, same bullet since it can beat walls and absorb status for Gastrodon.
*Excadrill is a much needed Spinner on Ground teams to get rid of entry hazards, especially Toxic Spikes, which seriously deter Gastrodon's longetivity and ability to wall certain threats.
- would also talk about excadrill's ability to clean through weakened teams and appreciates its ability to cripple its switchins with toxic.

*Dugtrio is a nice teammate that traps and helps Gastrodon dispose of numerous foes like Chansey, Kyurem-B, and Tapu Bulu.
*Mega Steelix is a more niche teammate that does incredibly well in certain matchups, namely Fairy and Dragon, that Gastrodon greatly struggles against.
* Garchomp. I would still add Garchomp as a teammate with SD+Z-move but explain why Mega Garchomp is preferred.

Other Options

*Acid Armor is an interesting tool that enables Gastrodon to wall even the powerful physical attackers, such as Choice Band Dragonite and Diggersby, strong Ice-type Pokemon like Mamoswine or certain setup sweepers such as Mega Scizor. However, Gastrodon would rather cripple threatening foes like Porygon2 and Mega Slowbro with Toxic than walling certain Pokemon that are already easier to play around.
*Gastrodon can use a Rindo Berry coupled with Mirror Coat to survive one Grass-type move before KOing threats like Mega Venusaur and Mega Charizard Y, but Leftovers and Toxic are generally much more appreciated as they greatly improve Gastrodon's stalling abilities.
*Finally, a specially defensive spread of 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD with a Calm Nature lets Gastrodon better take on or completely wall specially oriented Pokemon like Tapu Koko with Grass Knot and Kyurem-B, but it falls short against most Ice-types and Choice Specs Keldeo, which are handled much easier with a physically defensive spread and much harder for the Ground team to cover without said spread.
* Earthquake. This allows you to damage the CM Keldeo set, should be used with a Relaxed nature.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-types**: Apart from possible Scald burns, most Grass-type Pokemon like Mega Venusaur, Tapu Bulu, and Ferrothorn have nothing to fear from Gastrodon and can easily KO it or cripple one of its teammates with their Grass-type STAB moves.

**Grass-type Coverage Moves**: Some Pokemon like Volcarona, Mega Charizard Y, and Alolan Raichu carry Grass-type coverage moves to beat Gastrodon and other Water-types or, in the latter's case, Water-types that are immune to Electric-type moves.
- would combine both bullets into Grass-type coverage, since they really only can hit it with their grass stabs. maybe add a part to that bullet about how grass-types can tank gastrodon's attack with ease

**Freeze-Dry**: Due to Freeze-Dry's peculiar mechanic, Gastrodon's typing will not save it from being KOed by this Ice-type move. Fortunately, Freeze-Dry's distribution is limited to a few select Pokemon, such as Alolan Ninetales and Lapras, that are mainly found on Ice teams only.

**Stallbreakers**: Taunt users like Mew and Gliscor easily shut down Gastrodon by preventing it from using either Recover, Toxic, or any other status move. Moreover, Gastrodon can't even Toxic either of them on the switch, since Mew's Synchronise will Toxic Gastrodon as well, and Gliscor's Poison Heal will activate if it's not already poisoned.

**Specially Oriented Wallbreakers**: Unless Gastrodon is using a specially defensive spread, strong special attackers like Kyurem-B and Hydreigon can easily plow through Gastrodn's weaker Special Defense.

**Status**: Gastrodon's walling potential can be easily deterred with status. Indeed, being burned nullifies it's Leftovers passive recovery, while being badly poisoned cripples Gastrodon to the point where simply staying alive becomes a harsh task.
also ur formatting add spaces after the * in every section aside checks & counters. like in oo * Acid Armor>*Acid Armor
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(Anyone that says otherwise is wrong)

AM QC check: maroon
QC: - / - / -
GP: - / -



* Thanks to its ability Storm Drain, Gastrodon is one of the two viable Ground-types that are immune to Water-type moves, making it a key partner on Ground teams.
* Gastrodon's secondary Water typing gives it an important neutrality to Ice-type moves and lets it wall certain foes like non-Choice Band Mamoswine.
* In addition to its typing, having access to reliable recovery in the form of Recover enables Gastrodon to continually switch into threatening Pokemon like Greninja and Keldeo. This is something it has that Seismitoad, it's direct competition, does not. I would highlight that fact. You can either do that here or in your last bullet where you make that comparison.
* However, Gastrodon's typing also leaves it virtually defenseless against problematic Grass-types, such as Mega Venusaur and Ferrothorn, and Pokemon like Volcarona and Alolan Raichu that often carry Grass-type coverage moves.
* Moreover, Gastrodon has an abysmal Speed stat coupled with a low Special Attack stat, making it prone to losing momentum and being Taunted by stallbreakers like Mew and Hydreigon.
* Finally, Gastrodon fights with Seismitoad for a spot on any Ground team as the Water-immune Pokemon, as the latter, unlike the former, possesses a superior offensive presence and is actually able to check Azumarill, one of the greatest threat to Ground teams.

name: Mixed Defensive Wall (Ground)
move 1: Scald
move 2: Earth Power
move 3: Recover
move 4: Toxic
item: Leftovers
ability: Storm Drain
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


* Scald is used as Gastrodon's main STAB move, as it can burn opposing Pokemon and enable Gastrodon to wall powerful physical wallbreakers like Dragonite and Mega Gallade.
* Earth Power is Gastrodon's secondary STAB move and is used over Earthquake so that it can 2HKO Toxapex with little prior damage. Furthermore, unlike Earthquake, Earth Power's damage output isn't halved when Gastrodon is burned and is raised after a Storm Drain boost. I don't think this second sentence is necessary. You pretty much elude to this when you talk about Earthquake in OO.
* Recover is Gastrodon's form of reliable recovery, which lets it act as an efficient wall.
* Toxic is used to cripple most defensive Pokemon like Rotom-W and Porygon2 that are not bothered by Gastrodon's STAB moves.

Set Details

* Storm Drain gives Gastrodon a immunity to Water-type moves, and is the main reason why it's considered as a valuable teammate for Ground teams. It also has the side effect of raising Gastrodon's Special Attak stat when hit by a Water-type move, making both Scald and Earth Power hit slightly harder.
* Maximum HP and Defense investment with a Bold Nature makes Gastrodon as physically defensive as possible and lets Gastrodon switch into Pokemon like Keldeo's moves reliably and, thanks to its higher base Special Defense stat, act as a mixed wall that counters most physical attackers and even some specially oriented ones.
* Leftovers is the item of choice, as it gives Gastrodon passive recovery, which increases its longetivity and defensive capabilities even more throughout the match.

Usage Tips

* Gastrodon is best used when switched on predicted Water-type moves coming from potent threats like Choice Specs Keldeo, especially if no other viable moves from those Pokemon can seriously harm it. Since Gastrodon is the team's Water immunity, it should not be sacked because that would enable threatening Water-types to greatly damage and KO most of its teammates with their Water-type moves.
* Additionally, since many Electric-types lack the coverage or offensive capabilities to defeat it, Gastrodon can also switch into these Pokemon without much negative repercussion. However, watch out for lures that could cripple or OHKO Gastrodon, such as Toxic Rotom-W and Grass Knot Tapu Koko.
* Scald can be used freely to burn, cripple, and wear down physical attackers as they switch into Gastrodon or try to overpower it. Burning defensive Pokemon that don't care about Toxic, such as Mega Sableye and Celesteela, to limit their defensive prowess is also a good idea. The last part of this sentence is a little weird - do you mean to just say "to slowly whittle them down"? I wouldn't say being burned limits their "defensive prowess" since it just slowly damages them, it doesn't actually alter their defenses.
* Toxic is an effective tool to cripple defensive Pokemon like Zapdos on the switch and Mantine or to put setup sweepers like Kommo-o and Mega Slowbro on a timer. Also, when Toxic is used in conjunction with Recover, Gastrodon can then efficiently stall out various threats that are unable to Toxic Gastrodon back or cure themselves from status. This is phrased in a way that you would talk about it in the moves section. I would reword this bullet completely so that it's actually a usage tip, not just saying what Toxic does.
* Try and keep Gastrodon healthy by using Recover so that it can live, if possible, two hits from opposing threats. If this condition is met, Scald or Toxic can be used depending on the remaining Pokemon on the opposing team.
* However, since it drains momentum from its own team, Gastrodon should be played carefully and make good use of double switches by sponging a Water-type move or a weak attack before switching out into a more favorable matchup teammate if threatening foes like Kyurem-B and Celebi are still alive.
* Finally, like most defensive Pokemon, Gastrodon's stalling capabilities become greatly limited when it's hit by Toxic. Therefore, it's better to avoid opposing status users unless they can't be dealt with another way, such as Porygon2, than by using Toxic against them.
* Talk about being threatened by stallbreakers and how to play around them.

Team Options

* Every Ground team appreciates having a teammate such as Gastrodon that can switch into Water-type moves thanks to its ability Storm Drain.
* Hippowdon and Gastrodon form a nice defensive core, as the former walls strong physical attackers like Mega Lopunny and phazes setup sweepers like Mega Scizor away, while the latter can switch into Greninja's and Keldeo's moves with ease.
* Mega Garchomp is a remarkable teammate as it's the most viable Ground-type (aside from Seismitoad) that outspeeds Azumarill and survives its +6 Aqua Jet after Stealth Rock damage. It can also help Gastrodon deal with Ferrothorn and other Grass-types with its Fire-type coverage moves.
* Landorus is a useful and powerful wallbreaker that helps Gastrodon take care of Steel- and Grass-types, such as Celesteela with Gravity support and Mega Venusaur.
* Mamoswine is an alternative wallbreaker that eases the Grass and Flying matchups with its Ice STAB moves. For instance, Mamoswine can pick off weakened Tapu Bulu and Breloom with Ice Shard and other threats, namely Zapdos and Ferrothorn, with Icicle Crash and Superpower. Mamoswine also has the added benefit of bringing a secondary Ice-type move switch-in to the team thanks to its Thick Fat.
* Gliscor can also from a defensive core with Gastrodon thanks to its Grass-type neutrality and ability to efficiently stallbreak. In fact, Gliscor can shut down many of Gastrodon's defensive answers, such as Celesteela and Mega Veusaur, with Taunt before slowly wearing them down with Earthquake or Knock Off and, thanks to Poison Heal, Gliscor can switch into opposing Toxics aimed at Gastrodon. In return, Gastrodon can switch into Ice- and Water-type moves aimed at Gliscor.
* Excadrill is a much needed Spinner on Ground teams to get rid of entry hazards, especially Toxic Spikes, which seriously deter Gastrodon's longetivity and ability to wall certain threats. Additionally, Excadrill can clean through weakened teams more easily if paired with Gastrodon, thanks to its ability to cripple its switch-ins with Toxic. Move this up to being the 4th bullet.
* Dugtrio is a nice teammate that traps and helps Gastrodon dispose of numerous foes like Chansey, Kyurem-B, and Tapu Bulu.
* Mega Steelix is a more niche teammate that performs incredibly well in certain matchups, namely Fairy and Dragon, that Gastrodon greatly struggles against. Move this up to being the 7th bullet.

Other Options

* Acid Armor is an interesting tool that enables Gastrodon to wall even the powerful physical attackers, such as Choice Band Dragonite and Diggersby, strong Ice-type Pokemon like Mamoswine and Weavile or certain setup sweepers such as Mega Scizor and Cloyster. However, Gastrodon would rather cripple threatening foes like Porygon2 and Mega Slowbro with Toxic than walling certain Pokemon that are already easier to play around.
* Gastrodon can use a Rindo Berry coupled with Mirror Coat over toxic to survive one Grass-type move before KOing threats like Mega Venusaur and Mega Charizard Y, but Leftovers and Toxic are generally much more appreciated as they greatly improve Gastrodon's stalling abilities.
* A specially defensive spread of 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD with a Calm Nature lets Gastrodon better take on or completely wall specially oriented Pokemon like Tapu Koko with Grass Knot and Kyurem-B, but it falls short against most Ice-types and Choice Specs Keldeo, which are handled much easier with a physically defensive spread and much harder for the Ground team to cover without said spread.
* Finally, Earthquake could be used over Earth Power with a Relaxed nature if Calm Mind Keldeo really bothers your team, but Earth Power's generally superior usefulness greatly outweighs the specific utility of Earthquake. With Earthquake, you also cannot outspeed or 2HKO Toxapex anymore, which means Gastrodon has to switch out and that can lead to a teammate getting poisoned by Toxic Spikes or burned by Scald.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-types**: Apart from possible Scald burns, most Grass-type Pokemon like Mega Venusaur, Tapu Bulu, and Ferrothorn easily tank Gastrodon's moves can easily KO it or cripple one of its teammates with their Grass-type STAB moves.

**Grass-type Coverage Moves**: Some Pokemon like Volcarona, Mega Charizard Y, and Alolan Raichu carry Grass-type coverage moves to beat Gastrodon and other Water-types or, in the latter's case, Water-types that are immune to Electric-type moves. Also, since all of these Pokemon are faster than Gastrodon, they will KO Gastrodon before it even moves. We generally don't add specific "coverage moves" to checks and counters as this would apply to nearly every Pokemon. (We did on the Swampert analysis, but I don't really agree with that). If you want to say something about common Grass-type coverage moves, just add it into the Grass-types bullet.

**Freeze-Dry**: Due to Freeze-Dry's peculiar mechanic, Gastrodon's typing will not save it from being KOed by this Ice-type move. Fortunately, Freeze-Dry's distribution is limited to a few select Pokemon, such as Alolan Ninetales and Lapras, that are mainly found on Ice teams only. Same as above

**Stallbreakers**: Taunt users like Mew and Gliscor easily shut down Gastrodon by preventing it from using either Recover, Toxic, or any other status move. Moreover, Gastrodon can't even Toxic either of them on the switch, since Mew's Synchronise will Toxic Gastrodon as well, and Gliscor's Poison Heal will activate if it's not already poisoned. This second sentence isn't really necessary since it's only specific to Mew and Gliscor, not all Stallbreakers (like Keldeo and Hydreigon).

**Specially Oriented Wallbreakers**: Unless Gastrodon is using a specially defensive spread, strong special attackers like Kyurem-B and Hydreigon can easily plow through Gastrodon's weaker Special Defense. Consider changing this to simply "Wallbreakers" as true physical wallbreakers greatly threaten Gastrodon as well, with Pokemon like Band Excadrill, Diggersby, and Dragonite all 2HKO even physical defense. Just add a clarification statement that they fear being burned by Scald since they do not OHKO.

**Status**: Gastrodon's walling potential can be easily detered with status. Indeed, being burned nullifies it's Leftovers passive recovery, while being badly poisoned cripples Gastrodon to the point where simply staying alive becomes a harsh task. I would just change this to Toxic. You can mention burn off-hand if you want, but it's not super threatening and pretty much is Ground's go-to to absorb Will-O-Wisp.

- Written by: [[GnralLao, 256316]]
- Ground analysis by: [[GnralLao, 256316]]
- Quality checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>], [<username3>, <userid3>]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <username2>]]
QC 1/3 n_n
- definitely mention its decent natural bulk

- Earth Power is meant to synergize with Storm Drain, which is how you get the damage output to 2HKO Toxapex

Set Details:
- Particularly, Choice Specs Keldeo never 2HKOes Gastrodon with max Defense. Absolutely need to mention.
- Leftovers healing is needed in combination with max Defense to beat Choice Specs Keldeo.

Usage Tips:
- Given that this is a Ground team, it's not particularly clear why we care about switching into Electric-types. Nevertheless, walling Rotom-W and Tapu Koko is important, I just think this should be reworded.
- Regarding Scald and Toxic use, talk about spreading status early-game against Water teams specifically. Spreading Toxic against fat Water can be a huge help in turning that matchup around.

Team Options:
- Worth talking about Excadrill's surprising ability to take on most Grass-types, since most relevant Grass-types take a serious amount or are OHKOed by its STAB attacks.

Other Options:
- Acid Armor would probably go over Earth Power, so you can actually stall with Toxic.
- That Mirror Coat lure is too gimmicky imo

Looks great sorry for the wait. QC 2/3

(Anyone that says otherwise is wrong)

AM QC check: maroon
QC: Moosical / Eien / -
GP: - / -

Other Options

Acid Armor is an interesting tool over Earth Power that enables Gastrodon to wall and Toxic stall even the most powerful physical attackers, such as Choice Band Dragonite and Diggersby, strong Ice-type Pokemon like Mamoswine and Weavile, or certain setup sweepers such as Mega Scizor and Cloyster Just say why it's outclassed not being able to hit pex is really bad. A specially defensive spread of 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD with a Calm Nature lets Gastrodon better take on or completely wall specially oriented Pokemon like Tapu Koko with Grass Knot and Kyurem-B, but it falls short against most Ice-types and Choice Specs Keldeo, which are handled much easier with a physically defensive spread and much harder for the Ground team to cover without said spread. Finally, Earthquake could be used over Earth Power with a Relaxed nature if Calm Mind Keldeo really bothers your team, but Earth Power's generally superior usefulness greatly outweighs the specific utility of Earthquake. With Earthquake, you also cannot outspeed or 2HKO Toxapex anymore, which means Gastrodon has to switch out and that can lead to a teammate getting poisoned by Toxic Spikes or burned by Scald.

- Written by: [[GnralLao, 256316]]
- Ground analysis by: [[GnralLao, 256316]]
- Quality checked by: [[Moosical, 215618], [Eien, 100418], [<username3>, <userid3>]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <username2>]]
QC 3/3 really good stuff
remove add / fix (comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)
GP 1/2


Thanks to its ability Storm Drain, Gastrodon is one of the two viable Ground-types that are immune to Water-type moves, making it a key partner on Ground teams. Gastrodon's Its secondary Water typing gives it an important neutrality to Ice-type moves and lets it wall certain foes like non-Choice Band Mamoswine, (comma) It also sports and decent natural bulk that enables it to tank even the strongest moves of the metagame, such as Choice Band Diggersby's Return. In addition to its typing and bulk, having access to reliable recovery in the form of Recover enables Gastrodon to continually switch into threatening Pokemon like Greninja and Keldeo. However, Gastrodon's typing also leaves it virtually defenseless against problematic Grass-types, such as Mega Venusaur and Ferrothorn, and Pokemon like Volcarona and Alolan Raichu that often carry Grass-type coverage moves. Moreover, Gastrodon has an abysmal Speed stat coupled with a low Special Attack stat, making it prone to losing momentum and being Taunted by susceptible to Taunt from stallbreakers like Mew and Hydreigon. Finally, Gastrodon fights with Seismitoad for a spot on any Ground team as the Water-immune Pokemon, as the latter, unlike the former, possesses a superior offensive presence and is able to check Azumarill, one of the greatest threat to Ground teams. On the other hand, Gastrodon's superior longetivity, longevity thanks to Recover (RC) helps it check dangerous foes consistently, which Seismitoad cannot do.

name: Defensive Wall (Ground)
move 1: Scald
move 2: Earth Power
move 3: Recover
move 4: Toxic
item: Leftovers
ability: Storm Drain
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


Scald is used as Gastrodon's main STAB move, as it can burn opposing Pokemon and enable Gastrodon to wall powerful physical wallbreakers like Dragonite and Mega Gallade. Earth Power is Gastrodon's secondary STAB move and synergizes well with Storm Drain, (comma) so that it can letting it always 2HKO Toxapex after a boost. Recover is Gastrodon's form of reliable recovery, which lets it act as an efficient wall. Toxic is used to cripple most defensive Pokemon like Rotom-W and Porygon2 that are not bothered by Gastrodon's STAB moves.

Set Details

Storm Drain gives Gastrodon a immunity to Water-type moves (RC) and is the main reason why it's considered as a valuable teammate for Ground. It also has the side effect of raising Gastrodon's Special Attak Attack stat when hit by a Water-type move, making both Scald and Earth Power hit slightly harder. Maximum HP and Defense investment with a Bold nature makes Gastrodon as physically defensive bulky as possible and enables it to never be 2HKOed by Choice Specs Keldeo. Leftovers gives Gastrodon passive recovery throughout the match and is also needed, in combination with maximum Defense, to beat Choice Specs Keldeo.

Usage Tips

Gastrodon is best used when switched in on predicted Water-type moves coming from potent threats like Choice Specs Keldeo, especially if no other viable moves from those Pokemon can seriously harm it. Since Gastrodon is the team's Water immunity Water-immune Pokemon, it should not be sacked sacrificed, because that would enable threatening Water-types to greatly damage and KO most of its teammates with their Water-type STAB moves. Gastrodon also has the luxury of switching into would-be threats for Ground teams, such as Rotom-W and Tapu Koko, without much negative repercussion. However, watch out for lures that could cripple or OHKO Gastrodon, such as Toxic Rotom-W and Grass Knot Tapu Koko. Scald can be used freely to burn, cripple, and wear down physical attackers as they switch into Gastrodon or try to overpower it. Burning defensive Pokemon that don't care about Toxic, such as Mega Sableye and Celesteela, to slowly whittle them down is also a good idea. Use Toxic to cripple defensive Pokemon like Zapdos and Mantine on the switch and Mantine or to put setup sweepers like Kommo-o and Mega Slowbro on a timer. Against hard matchups, especifically Water, spreading Toxic early-game can also greatly help to give Ground the advantage. Also, when facing Pokemon that are unable to 2HKO or poison Gastrodon, it is advised to Toxic and stall out these foes by regaining HP back and stall them out with Recover until they're KOed so that Gastrodon has as much HP as possible to check the remaining threats. Try and keep Gastrodon healthy by using Recover so that it can live take, if possible, two hits from opposing threats. If this condition is met, Scald or Toxic can be used depending on the remaining Pokemon on the opposing team. However, since it drains momentum from its own team, Gastrodon should be played carefully and make good use of double switches by sponging a Water-type move or a weak attack before switching out into to a more favorable teammate if threatening foes like Kyurem-B and Celebi are still alive. Moreover, as Gastrodon possesses very little offensive presence, stallbreakers like Mew and Hydreigon greatly threaten it with Taunt. To play around them, try and double switch as they come in or switch out to a more appropriate teammate on a predicted Taunt to gain momentum, since Gastrodon has no way of dealing with those Pokemon by itself. Finally, like most defensive Pokemon, Gastrodon's stalling capabilities become greatly limited when it's hit by Toxic. Therefore, it's better to avoid opposing status users unless they can't be dealt with another way, such as Porygon2, than by using Toxic against them.

Team Options

Every Ground team appreciates having a teammate such as Gastrodon that can switch into Water-type moves thanks to its ability Storm Drain. Hippowdon and Gastrodon form a nice defensive core, as the former walls strong physical attackers like Mega Lopunny and phazes setup sweepers like Mega Scizor away, while the latter can switch into Greninja's and Keldeo's moves with ease. Mega Garchomp is a remarkable teammate, (AC) as it's the most viable Ground-type (aside from Seismitoad) that outspeeds Azumarill and survives its +6 Aqua Jet after Stealth Rock damage. It can also help Gastrodon deal with Ferrothorn and other Grass-types with its Fire-type coverage moves. Excadrill is a much-needed (AH) spinner on Ground teams to get rid of entry hazards, especially Toxic Spikes, which seriously deter hinder Gastrodon's longetivity longevity and ability to wall certain threats. Excadrill can also clean through weakened teams more easily if paired with Gastrodon (RC) thanks to its ability to cripple its switch-ins with Toxic. Additionally, Excadrill can take on most relevant Grass-types for Gastrodon, since they take serious amounts of damage or are OHKOed by its STAB moves. Landorus is a useful and powerful wallbreaker that helps Gastrodon take care of Steel- and Grass-types (RC) such as Celesteela (with Gravity support) and Mega Venusaur. Mamoswine is an alternative wallbreaker that eases the Grass and Flying matchups with its Ice STAB moves, (comma) For instance, Mamoswine can being able to pick off weakened Tapu Bulu and Breloom with Ice Shard and take out other threats, namely Zapdos and Ferrothorn, with Icicle Crash and Superpower. Mamoswine also has the added benefit of bringing a secondary Ice-type move switch-in to the team thanks to its ability Thick Fat. Mega Steelix is a more niche teammate that performs incredibly well in certain matchups, namely Fairy and Dragon, that Gastrodon greatly struggles against. Gliscor can also from a defensive core with Gastrodon thanks to its Grass-type neutrality and ability to efficiently stallbreak. In fact, Gliscor can shut down many of Gastrodon's defensive answers, such as Celesteela and Mega Veusaur, with Taunt before slowly wearing them down with Earthquake or Knock Off, (AC) and, thanks to Poison Heal, Gliscor can switch into opposing Toxics aimed at Gastrodon. In return, Gastrodon can switch into Ice- and Water-type moves aimed at Gliscor. Dugtrio is a nice teammate that traps and helps Gastrodon dispose of numerous foes like Chansey, Kyurem-B, and Tapu Bulu.

Other Options

Acid Armor is an interesting tool over Earth Power that enables Gastrodon to wall and Toxic stall even the most powerful physical attackers, such as Choice Band Dragonite and Diggersby, strong Ice-type Pokemon like Mamoswine and Weavile, or certain setup sweepers such as Mega Scizor and Cloyster. Unfortunately, using Acid Armor is generally outclassed and unadvised, as giving up on Earth Power means that Gastrodon cannot hurt Toxapex anymore. A specially defensive spread of 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD with a Calm nature lets Gastrodon better take on or completely wall specially oriented Pokemon like Grass Knot Tapu Koko with Grass Knot and Kyurem-B, but it falls short against most Ice-types and Choice Specs Keldeo, which are handled much easier with a physically defensive spread and much harder for the Ground team to cover without said spread otherwise. Finally, Earthquake could be used over Earth Power with a Relaxed nature if Calm Mind Keldeo really bothers your team, but Earth Power's generally superior usefulness greatly outweighs the specific utility of Earthquake. With Earthquake, you Gasrodon also cannot outspeed or 2HKO Toxapex anymore, which means Gastrodon it has to switch out and that can lead to potentially see a teammate getting poisoned by Toxic Spikes or burned by Scald.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-types**: Apart from possible Scald burns, most Grass-type Pokemon like Mega Venusaur, Tapu Bulu, and Ferrothorn easily tank Gastrodon's moves and can easily KO it or cripple one of its teammates with their Grass-type STAB moves. On top of that, some Pokemon like Volcarona, Mega Charizard Y, and Alolan Raichu carry Grass-type coverage moves to beat Gastrodon and some other Water-types. Also, since all of these Pokemon are faster than Gastrodon, they will KO it before it even moves.

**Stallbreakers**: Taunt users like Mew and Gliscor easily shut down Gastrodon by preventing it from using either Recover, Toxic, or any other status move.

**Wallbreakers**: Unless Gastrodon is using a specially defensive spread, strong special attackers like Kyurem-B and Hydreigon can easily plow through Gastrodn's its weaker Special Defense. Moreover, even with the suggested physically defensive spread, Gastrodon is 2HKOed by powerful physical wallbreakers like Choice Band Excadrill, Diggersby and Dragonite. However, since they cannot OHKO a healthy Gastrodon, those three Pokemon do fear being burned by Scald.

**Toxic**: Gastrodon's walling potential can be easily detered with an opposing Toxic, as being badly poisoned cripples Gastrodon to the point where checking threats and simply staying alive become a harsh heavy task.

- Written by: [[GnralLao, 256316]]
- Ground analysis by: [[GnralLao, 256316]]
- Quality checked by: [[Moosical, 215618], [Eien, 100418], [Vid, 239907]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <username2>]]

add remove (comments)


Thanks to its ability Storm Drain, Gastrodon is one of the two viable Ground-types that are immune to Water-type moves, making it a key partner on Ground teams. Its secondary Water typing gives it an important neutrality to Ice-type moves and lets it wall certain foes like non-Choice Band Mamoswine, and its decent natural bulk enables it to tank even the strongest moves of the metagame, such as Choice Band Diggersby's Return. In addition to its typing and bulk, reliable recovery in the form of Recover enables Gastrodon to continually switch into threatening Pokemon like Greninja and Keldeo. However, Gastrodon's typing also leaves it virtually defenseless against problematic Grass-types, such as Mega Venusaur and Ferrothorn, and Pokemon like Volcarona and Alolan Raichu that often carry Grass-type coverage moves. Moreover, Gastrodon has an abysmal Speed stat coupled with a low Special Attack stat, making it prone to losing momentum and susceptible to Taunt from stallbreakers like Mew and Hydreigon. Finally, Gastrodon fights with Seismitoad for a spot on any Ground team as the Water-immune Pokemon, as the latter possesses a superior offensive presence and is able to check Azumarill, one of the greatest threat to Ground teams. On the other hand, Gastrodon's superior longevity thanks to Recover helps it check dangerous foes consistently, which Seismitoad cannot do.

name: Defensive Wall (Ground)
move 1: Scald
move 2: Earth Power
move 3: Recover
move 4: Toxic
item: Leftovers
ability: Storm Drain
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


Scald is used as Gastrodon's main STAB move, as it can burn opposing Pokemon and enable Gastrodon to wall powerful physical wallbreakers like Dragonite and Mega Gallade. Earth Power is Gastrodon's secondary STAB move and synergizes well with Storm Drain, letting it always 2HKO Toxapex after a boost. Recover is Gastrodon's form of reliable recovery, which lets it act as an efficient wall. Toxic is used to cripple most defensive Pokemon like Rotom-W and Porygon2 that are not bothered by Gastrodon's STAB moves.

Set Details

Storm Drain gives Gastrodon an (don't miss this) immunity to Water-type moves and is the main reason why it's considered as a valuable teammate for Ground. It also has the side effect of raising Gastrodon's Special Attack stat when hit by a Water-type move, making both Scald and Earth Power hit slightly harder. Maximum HP and Defense investment with a Bold nature makes Gastrodon as physically bulky as possible and enables it to never be 2HKOed by Choice Specs Keldeo. Leftovers gives Gastrodon passive recovery throughout the match and is also needed to beat Choice Specs Keldeo.

Usage Tips

Gastrodon is best used when switched in on predicted Water-type moves coming from potent threats like Choice Specs Keldeo, especially if no other viable moves from those Pokemon can seriously harm it. Since Gastrodon is the team's Water-immune Pokemon, it should not be sacrificed, because that would enable threatening Water-types to greatly damage and KO most of its teammates with their STAB moves. Gastrodon also has the luxury of switching into would-be threats for Ground teams, such as Rotom-W and Tapu Koko, without much repercussion. However, watch out for lures that could cripple or OHKO Gastrodon, such as Toxic Rotom-W and Grass Knot Tapu Koko. Scald can be used freely to burn, cripple, and wear down physical attackers as they switch into Gastrodon or try to overpower it. Burning defensive Pokemon that don't care about Toxic, such as Mega Sableye and Celesteela, to slowly whittle them down is also a good idea. Use Toxic to cripple defensive Pokemon like Zapdos and Mantine on the switch or to put setup sweepers like Kommo-o and Mega Slowbro on a timer. Against hard matchups, especifically (don't miss this) Water, spreading Toxic early-game can also greatly help to give Ground the advantage. Also, when facing Pokemon that are unable to 2HKO or poison Gastrodon, it is advised to Toxic these foes and stall them out with Recover so that Gastrodon has as much HP as possible to check the remaining threats. Try and to keep Gastrodon healthy by using Recover so that it can take, if possible, two hits from opposing threats. If this condition is met, Scald or Toxic can be used depending on the remaining Pokemon on the opposing team. However, since it drains momentum from its own team, Gastrodon should be played carefully and make good use of double switches by sponging a Water-type move or a weak attack before switching out to a more favorable teammate if threatening foes like Kyurem-B and Celebi are still alive. Moreover, as Gastrodon possesses very little offensive presence, stallbreakers like Mew and Hydreigon greatly threaten it with Taunt. To play around them, try and to double switch as they come in or switch out to a more appropriate teammate on a predicted Taunt to gain momentum, since Gastrodon has no way of dealing with those Pokemon by itself. Finally, like most defensive Pokemon, Gastrodon's stalling capabilities become greatly limited when it's hit by Toxic. Therefore, it's better to avoid opposing status users unless they can't be dealt with another way, such as Porygon2, than by using Toxic against them.

Team Options

Every Ground team appreciates having a teammate such as Gastrodon that can switch into Water-type moves. Hippowdon and Gastrodon form a nice defensive core, as the former walls strong physical attackers like Mega Lopunny and phazes setup sweepers like Mega Scizor, while the latter can switch into Greninja's and Keldeo's moves with ease. Mega Garchomp is a remarkable teammate, as it's the most viable Ground-type (aside from Seismitoad) that outspeeds Azumarill and survives its +6 Aqua Jet after Stealth Rock damage. It can also help Gastrodon deal with Ferrothorn and other Grass-types with its Fire-type coverage moves. Excadrill is a much-needed spinner on Ground teams to get rid of entry hazards, especially Toxic Spikes, which seriously hinder Gastrodon's longevity and ability to wall certain threats. Excadrill can also clean through weakened teams more easily if paired with Gastrodon thanks to its ability to cripple its switch-ins with Toxic. Additionally, Excadrill can take on most relevant Grass-types for Gastrodon, since they take serious amounts of damage or are OHKOed by its STAB moves. Landorus is a useful and powerful wallbreaker that helps Gastrodon take care of Steel- and Grass-types such as Celesteela (with Gravity support) and Mega Venusaur. Mamoswine is an alternative wallbreaker that eases the Grass and Flying matchups with its Ice STAB moves, being able to pick off weakened Tapu Bulu and Breloom with Ice Shard and take out other threats, namely Zapdos and Ferrothorn, with Icicle Crash and Superpower. Mamoswine also has the added benefit of bringing a secondary Ice-type move switch-in thanks to its ability Thick Fat. Mega Steelix is a more niche teammate that performs incredibly well in certain matchups, namely Fairy and Dragon, that Gastrodon greatly struggles against. Gliscor can also from a defensive core with Gastrodon thanks to its Grass-type neutrality and ability to efficiently stallbreak. In fact, Gliscor can shut down many of Gastrodon's defensive answers, such as Celesteela and Mega Veusaur, with Taunt before slowly wearing them down with Earthquake or Knock Off, and, thanks to Poison Heal, Gliscor can switch into opposing Toxics aimed at Gastrodon. In return, Gastrodon can switch into Ice- and Water-type moves aimed at Gliscor. Dugtrio is a nice teammate that traps and helps Gastrodon dispose of numerous foes like Chansey, Kyurem-B, and Tapu Bulu.

Other Options

Acid Armor is an interesting tool over Earth Power that enables Gastrodon to wall and Toxic stall even the most powerful physical attackers, such as Choice Band Dragonite and Diggersby, strong Ice-type Pokemon like Mamoswine and Weavile, or certain setup sweepers such as Mega Scizor and Cloyster. Unfortunately, using Acid Armor is generally outclassed and unadvised, as giving up on Earth Power means that Gastrodon cannot hurt Toxapex anymore. A specially defensive spread of 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD with a Calm nature lets Gastrodon better take on or completely wall specially oriented Pokemon like Grass Knot Tapu Koko and Kyurem-B, but it falls short against most Ice-types and Choice Specs Keldeo, which are handled much easier with a physically defensive spread and much harder for the Ground team to cover otherwise. Finally, Earthquake could be used over Earth Power with a Relaxed nature if Calm Mind Keldeo really bothers your team, but Earth Power's generally superior usefulness greatly outweighs the specific utility of Earthquake. With Earthquake, Gastrodon also cannot outspeed or 2HKO Toxapex anymore, which means it has to switch out and potentially see risk a teammate getting poisoned by Toxic Spikes or burned by Scald.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-types**: Apart from possible Scald burns, most Grass-type Pokemon like Mega Venusaur, Tapu Bulu, and Ferrothorn easily tank Gastrodon's moves and can easily KO it or cripple one of its teammates with their Grass-type STAB moves. On top of that, some Pokemon like Volcarona, Mega Charizard Y, and Alolan Raichu carry Grass-type coverage moves to beat Gastrodon and some other Water-types. Also, since all of these Pokemon are faster than Gastrodon, they will KO it before it even moves.

**Stallbreakers**: Taunt users like Mew and Gliscor easily shut down Gastrodon by preventing it from using either Recover, Toxic, or any other status move.

**Wallbreakers**: Unless Gastrodon is using a specially defensive spread, strong special attackers like Kyurem-B and Hydreigon can easily plow through its weaker Special Defense. Moreover, even with the suggested physically defensive spread, Gastrodon is 2HKOed by powerful physical wallbreakers like Choice Band Excadrill, Diggersby,(add oxford comma) and Dragonite. However, since they cannot OHKO a healthy Gastrodon, those three Pokemon do fear being burned by Scald.

**Toxic**: Gastrodon's walling potential can be easily deterred (don't miss this!) with an opposing Toxic, as being badly poisoned cripples Gastrodon to the point where checking threats and simply staying alive become a heavy task.
GP 2/2