
So the team started with Garganacl because I really liked not dying and during Roaring Moon meta (Tera Fairy Iron Defense set) really put a dent against Hyper Offense. When I decided for teammates I decided I needed a Ice Spinner so I added Weavile to delete terrain, which also threatens Roaring Moon with priority. Having Knock Off was key as well when it came to opposing Rocky Helmet users. Amoonguss was made to deal with Ogerpons in general and I added a Red Card just to deal with a setup mon, and I made it my physical wall while Garganacl is my special wall. With these three I decided to add Maushold for sticky web and hazard control because at the time Gliscor was a menace with Gholdengo, and Great Tusk didn't feel good on the team. This is due to the pressure of Gliscor + Dengo put on Tusk just to remove hazards which this team relies on. I added Samurott-Hisui as one of my setup sweepers because it always forces a 50/50 and it also switches into Heatran and Gholdengo real well and forces them to switch out. To finish off the team I added Kingambit as the stall breaker which I needed and I put Low Kick over Iron Head to kill Dondozo when I had a few allies fainted and I usually tera fight Kingambit to 3HKO Dondozo and to kill opposing Kingambits.
Weavile (F) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Pressure
Tera Type: Ice
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Swords Dance
- Ice Shard
- Ice Spinner
I wanted high speed control and Weavile fit perfectly for my that and especially when it came to ice coverage. Access to Knock Off made it very valuable for Maushold when it came to opposing Rocky Helmets (Occasional Landorus-T, Corviknight, Great Tusk and Garchomp). Swords Dance was also there to help clean up mid to late game when it came to chipped opponents while also getting rid of terrain. Tera Ice is just to get extra damage off of things when you decide to use it as your late game sweeper. Weavile is mostly good on doubles against opposing walls when you can threaten with Knock Off. Pickpocket is an option if you use Weavile to absorb a Knock Off and come in on later on something you resist and take their item.

Amoonguss (M) @ Red Card
Ability: Regenerator
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Spore
- Foul Play
- Grass Knot
- Sludge Bomb
Amoonguss is your main physical wall and he can be your lead depending on your opponents team structure. For example if they lead with Cinderace with max attack you'll be able to live a Pyro Ball and get a free Spore. Grass Knot is here to deal with Dondozo, Garganacl and Great Tusk. Foul Play is to punish Sneasler if they plan on setting up on you. Sludge Bomb is a good STAB move especially when it comes to dealing with fairies and Ogerpons. Most the time you want to save your Red Card for Sneasler or any setup mons in general that are looking threatening. The reason for Tera-Water is when you're really trying to live a certain hit or opposing rain teams but you're rarely going to click it but overall is a good defensive tera. Here's a interaction when Red Card comes in handy and gives you the best pull possible

Garganacl @ Leftovers
Ability: Purifying Salt
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
Careful Nature
- Salt Cure
- Iron Defense
- Body Press
- Recover
Garganacl is the MVP of the team, it carries the most weight. It's essentially unkillable. The EVs are pretty self explanatory it makes it a fantastic mix wall that can take hits from both sides, 4 speed is to outspeed opposing Garganacls. Tera Fairy is one of the top defensive teras in general when it comes to Garganacl, it's able to take U-Turns and completely walls Dragapult, ground and water moves become neutral as well as fighting moves become resistant. Salt Cure is a great spam move that forces the opponent to switch out constantly, Iron Defense is to setup against other physical attackers which is a must when it comes to having Body Press. It's also the best when it comes to 1v1ing opposing Zamazenta with IronPress. The biggest threat to Garganacl is Sinistcha because you can't touch him and he can setup on you. Gholdengo with Recover can be annoying sometimes and Hatterene could setup and start to Draining Kiss.

Maushold @ Wide Lens
Ability: Technician
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Tidy Up
- Population Bomb
- Bite
- Encore
Maushold can also be a lead and force Sticky Web users to switch out or Stun Spore, and you can spam Population Bomb. The majority of the OU metagame gets 1 or 2 shot by Pop bomb, Maushold also forces a 50/50 where if they switch you can get a free Tidy Up and if they go into a Ghost Bite will have a chance to beat them with flinch. It has good utility when it comes to Encore so it can setup or force a Pokemon out, which allows you to get a free Encore / Tidy Up out of it. Tera Ghost to deal with Dragonite (Extreme Speed) as well as dodge the occasional Close Combat from Sneasler.

Kingambit @ Leftovers
Ability: Supreme Overlord
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Kowtow Cleave
- Swords Dance
- Low Kick
- Sucker Punch
Kingambit is pretty much self explanatory, best Pokemon in the OU tier. The best revenge killer / clean up Pokemon which is the reason it's slapped on the team. Kowtow is for the strongest STAB move to go on mid-ground plays. Swords Dance is to allow Gambit to be a threatening end game sweeper. Low Kick is for opposing Kingambits, and you scout Low Kick with Amoonguss. If they happen to not have Low Kick you can just go into Samurott-Hisui and setup or force them to switch out to Great Tusk / Ogerpon-Wellspring and get a free Ceaseless Edge or Aqua Cutter depending on your guess. You only will tera fighting against stall so you're able to beat Dondozo after a few fallen allies with Low Kick.
Samurott-Hisui (M) @ Mystic Water
Ability: Sharpness
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 120 HP / 252 Atk / 136 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Ceaseless Edge
- Swords Dance
- Aqua Cutter
- Aqua Jet
Samurott is another setup sweeper that can put spikes as well as threaten to OHKO / 2HKO vs Great Tusk or Iron Valiant and finish off with an Aqua Jet. The reason for Mystic Water and Aqua Cutter is to boost its attack to 127 BP which can be extremely threatening and unexpected (of course the occasional critical hit can happen on top of that [100% accuracy vs 95% accuracy when it comes to Razor Shell]). Ceaseless Edge is important to this team even if you get off one layer just for momentum because if Great Tusk switches in on your Ceaseless and goes for the Rapid Spin you can go for the Aqua Cutter and get it close to 10-15% HP for the Aqua Jet revenge kill. The EV spread is for surviving a bold nature volt switch from Zapdos while also living 3-4 hits from Shadow Ball from Gholdengo, and the 136 Speed is just to outspeed bold Gholdengos. Tera Water is a offensive tera to get extra damage off your water moves (Aqua Cutter and Aqua Jet).

Encore - Scout for Encore depending on the mon, it can be from Ogerpon-Wellspring, Dragonite, Maushold, Iron Valiant, and occasional Samurott-Hisui. If you feel like they're going to switch in on Garganacl best move is to go for the safe Salt Cure.
Vs Ting Lu Balance
Vs Sun
Vs Sticky Web HO
Vs Ogerpon (Grass) HO
Vs Okidogi HO
Vs Garg Balance (Power of Samu-H)
Vs Covert Cloak Amoonguss (Maushold Sweep)
Vs Garg Balance (Garg Sweep)
Vs Trick Room (Samu-H Sweep)
Vs Aurora Veil HO
Vs Matcha Gotcha
Vs Kingambit
Shoutout to awyp for helping with team and Garg ideas
Shoutout to SetsuSetsuna for inspiring me to use Maushold
Shoutout to SetsuSetsuna for inspiring me to use Maushold
Thank you for reading for reading my RMT
Shoutout to Jimothy Cool cool for the video of the team, I appreciate it!
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