RU Gardevoir


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Gardevoir's high Special Attack stat and good offensive typing of Psychic / Fairy make it a hard Pokemon to switch into, especially for teams that use Doublade as their sole Steel-type. In addition to its main attacking moves, Gardevoir gets access to useful support moves, mainly Healing Wish. Moreover, Trace is a great ability on Gardevoir, as it can copy useful abilities such as Sheer Force from Nidoqueen, Water Absorb from Mantine, Levitate from Flygon, and Regenerator from Slowbro. However, it has pitiful Defense, which makes it revenge killed quite easily and 2HKOed by most neutral hits. Although it outspeeds most bulkier Pokemon, there are faster Choice Scarf users in the tier, such as Heracross and Flygon, and its unboosted Speed stat makes it slower than most offensive Pokemon in the tier.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Psyshock
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Shadow Ball / Hidden Power Fire
move 4: Trick / Healing Wish
item: Choice Specs
ability: Trace
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Psyshock is Gardevoir's primary STAB move, which allows it to get past specially defensive Pokemon such as Florges and Mantine. Moonblast hits Dark-types and is a more spammable STAB move, as no Pokemon are immune to it and it is much stronger. Shadow Ball is an option to hit Bronzong, which otherwise takes all of Gardevoir's hits relatively easily. Hidden Power Fire allows Gardevoir to lure and KO Escavalier, which is one of its best answers. Alternatively, Focus Blast can be used to hit Registeel hard, as it resists both of Gardevoir's STAB moves. Trick cripples setup sweepers not holding a Z-Crystal and bulkier Pokemon. Healing Wish is an option to allow its weakened teammate to sweep after it has weakened the opposing team.

Set Details

Maximum Special Attack and Speed investment ensures that Gardevoir outspeeds bulky Pokemon and hits as hard as possible. A Timid nature is preferred for this set, as it allows Gardevoir to outspeed threats such as Timid Nidoqueen, Adamant Heracross, and Modest Kommo-o. A Modest nature can also be used for more power at the cost of outspeeding these Pokemon. Trace lets Gardevoir copy useful abilities, such as Regenerator, Water Absorb, Sheer Force, Adaptability, and Levitate. It can also copy Chlorophyll and Sand Rush, which turns the tables versus weather teams.

Usage Tips

Gardevoir should be used as a wallbreaker and should never be switched into attacks from an offensive Pokemon. Most bulky Pokemon will attempt to switch out and play around Gardevoir, so try to predict the opponent and use the appropriate move that deals with their switch-in. Try to have entry hazards up on the opposing side of the field before wallbreaking with Gardevoir. Trick can completely dismantle setup sweepers, but watch out for Z-Crystals, as it will fail if the foe is holding one; notable examples of Z-Crystal users are Reuniclus and Slowbro. Gardevoir cannot copy Illusion, so it can be used to identify if the foe is a Zoroark.

Team Options

Choice Scarf users such as Heracross and Flygon capitalize on Gardevoir's ability to break bulky Pokemon. They can also take care of the Steel-types that check Gardevoir, especially Registeel and Doublade. Fire-types such as Rotom-H, Moltres, and Salazzle have nice synergy with Gardevoir, as they can help it take down Steel-types, while Gardevoir can break the bulky Water- and Ground-type Pokemon for them. Pokemon that can switch into Steel-types, in general, are good partners of Gardevoir; Nidoqueen and Doublade are some examples that can also provide offensive pressure, while Refresh Milotic and Mantine can provide support by inflicting status ailments. Toxic Spikes and Spikes setters like Dragalge, Nidoqueen, Chesnaught, and Froslass have nice synergy with Gardevoir, as it can have an easier time wallbreaking with those entry hazards wearing the opposing team down. Setup sweepers such as Flygon and Minior appreciate Gardevoir's ability to wallbreak so they have an easier time cleaning the opposing team.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Psyshock
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Trick
move 4: Healing Wish / Calm Mind
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Trace
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Psyshock is Gardevoir's main STAB move, allowing it to hit threats such as Salazzle, Nidoqueen, and Venusaur. Moonblast is Gardevoir's secondary STAB move, which is a much safer move to spam and hits threats such as Zoroark, Heracross, Flygon, and Kommo-o. Trick is used to cripple setup sweepers not holding a Z-Crystal and bulky Pokemon. Focus Blast is an option to hit Steel-types like Registeel, but it does not hit as hard unboosted. Healing Wish is used to heal a worn down teammate in order for them to threaten the opponent's team again. Calm Mind is an option over Healing Wish to make Gardevoir act as a setup sweeper after it has used Trick on a bulky Pokemon.

Set Details

Maximum Special Attack and Speed EVs are used to ensure Gardevoir hits as hard as it can and outspeeds notable threats in the tier, such as Aerodactyl and Adamant Choice Scarf Heracross, as well as Speed tying with other Gardevoir. Trace lets Gardevoir copy useful abilities, such as Regenerator, Water Absorb, Sheer Force, Adaptability, and Levitate. It can also copy Chlorophyll and Sand Rush, which turns the tables versus weather teams.

Usage Tips

Gardevoir should be used as a cleaner most of the time after the opponent's team has been worn down. If the opponent's team is too bulky, Trick can be used to cripple a threat. Playing recklessly with allied wallbreakers such as Flame Orb Heracross and Zoroark is fine, as Gardevoir can use Healing Wish to bring one of them back to full health late-game. Therefore, refraining from using Healing Wish until then is a good idea. Lastly, keep in mind that bluffing a Choice Specs set will cause foes to switch out to Steel-types often. Gardevoir cannot copy Illusion, so it can be used to identify if the foe is a Zoroark.

Team Options

Wallbreakers such as Flame Orb Heracross, Choice Band Escavalier, Choice Specs Kommo-o, and Zoroark appreciate Gardevoir as a cleaner and a Healing Wish user; Heracross tends to switch into Earthquake and Foul Play quite often and get worn down, Escavalier and Kommo-o are prone to status ailments, and Zoroark can disguise itself as Gardevoir and lure threats such as Bronzong and Doublade. Keep in mind that if you have a Zoroark on your team, using Synchronize as an ability will lead the opponent to think your Gardevoir is a Zoroark and end up losing a crucial Pokemon. Nidoqueen and Dragalge check Choice Scarf Heracross, which can outspeed and take down Gardevoir, as well as providing entry hazard support, wearing the opposing team down. Nidoqueen is also a good Steel-type check, and Fire Blast can be used to hit Bronzong, as teams that have Bronzong tend to be weak to Gardevoir otherwise. Salazzle has good synergy with Choice Scarf Gardevoir, as it can power through walls with a +2 Acid Downpour, leaving Gardevoir to clean. Salazzle can also take advantage of Pokemon that tend to switch into Gardevoir, such as Florges and Escavalier. Finally, Stoutland with Pursuit is also a good partner, as it can weaken Bronzong and Doublade, two of the best checks of Gardevoir.

Other Options

A set of Substitute + Calm Mind can be used, but Gardevoir is too frail to be using it. Moreover, its STAB combination leaves it walled by the common Steel-types. Destiny Bond can be used on the Choice Scarf set, but it is less reliable, as it may not be used consecutively. A bulky set of Wish + Protect with Heal Bell can be run, but that is outclassed by Florges. Ghostium Z can be used with dual STAB moves + Calm Mind to KO Bronzong and Doublade, but this set gets walled by Registeel and fails to outspeed common threats while lacking power. Will-O-Wisp can be used, but Gardevoir finds little to no room for it. Memento can be used, but Healing Wish provides more support to the team, and there are better Memento users in the tier, such as Alolan Persian and Whimsicott.

Checks and Counters

**Steel-types**: Bronzong, Registeel, Doublade, and Escavalier all take little damage from Gardevoir's STAB moves and can either weaken it or KO back. However, Bronzong needs to be wary of Choice Specs-boosted Shadow Ball, while Registeel has to watch out for Choice Specs-boosted Focus Blast. Doublade risks being 3HKOed, but it can retaliate with Shadow Sneak or use Swords Dance as Gardevoir switches out. Escavalier tanks everything apart from Hidden Power Fire and can KO Gardevoir in return.

**Specially Defensive Pokemon**: Florges, Mantine, Porygon2, Cresselia, and Snorlax can tank Gardevoir's attacks and either inflict status ailments or damage it. They do have to watch out for Trick, however. In Snorlax's case, it has to watch out for Psyshock as well.

**Faster Offensive Pokemon**: Choice Scarf Heracross, Salazzle, Sneasel, Mega Glalie, Roserade, Durant, and Moltres threaten Gardevoir by attempting to outspeed and OHKO it due to its poor bulk.

**Sucker Punch**: Sucker Punch from Zoroark and Honchkrow hits Gardevoir very hard due to its poor physical bulk. Toxicroak at +2 Attack is also very dangerous to Gardevoir, as it can straight up OHKO Choice Specs variants while threatening to OHKO Choice Scarf variants with Sucker Punch.
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ready for qc, i kinda got lazy in the end and had a brain fart lul

e:49 gave qc 1/3
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- I think it is fair to mention some weather abilities that it can copy with trace. It turns Gardevoir into really good counterplay against the rain and sun teams so it should be pointed out in overview and set details like you did with the other abilities, probably emphasize a bit on it.

- Eh, I wouldnt call salazzle a steel type switch-in tbh. Can only really switch into mono attacking escavalier but other escavalier sets can maul Salazzle with coverage on the switch-in, Bronzong got EQ, doesnt switch into doublade too comfortably and lets not even bring durant. Would remove that bit or change it to mention how it can take advantage of things that would pivot into scarf gardevoir like Florges, Escavalier, etc.

- Would mention other support moves like Will-o-Wisp and Memento under other options, these can be nice to annoy its checks or to support teams in general.

Looks pretty good overall, QC 2/3 once implemented
GP 1/2
remove comments

Gardevoir's boasts a high Special Attack stat, [rc] and with a good offensive typing of Fairy and / Psychic, [rc] Gardevoir is makes it a hard Pokemon to switch into [places more emphasis on the hard to switch into fact over the traits], especially for teams that use Doublade as their sole Steel-type. In conjunction with addition to its main attacking moves, Gardevoir gets access to useful support moves, mainly Healing Wish, enabling it to support its team [the fact that they're suppport moves kinda makes this redundant]. Moreover, Trace is a great ability on Gardevoir, as it can copy useful abilities such as Sheer Force from a Nidoqueen, Water Absorb from a Mantine, Levitate from Flygon, and Regenerator from Slowbro. However, it has pitiful Defense, [ac] which stat that makes it be revenge killed quite easily and be 2HKOed by most neutral hits. Although it outspeeds most bulkier Pokemon, there are faster Choice Scarf users in the tier, such as Heracross and Flygon, and its unboosted Speed stat makes it be slower than most offensive Pokemon in the tier.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Psyshock
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Shadow Ball / Hidden Power Fire
move 4: Trick / Healing Wish
item: Choice Specs
ability: Trace
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Psyshock is Gardevoir's primary STAB move, which allows it to get past specially defensive Pokemon such as Florges and Mantine. Moonblast hits Dark-types and is a more spammable STAB move, as it has no immunities and is much stronger. Shadow Ball can be used is an option to hit Bronzong, which otherwise takes all of Gardevoir's hits relatively easily. Hidden Power Fire can be used allows Gardevoir to lure and KO Escavalier, which is one of Gardevoir's its best answers. Alternatively, Focus Blast can be used to hit Registeel hard, as it resists both Gardevoir's STAB moves. Trick dismantles cripples setup sweepers not holding a Z-stone Z-Crystal and limits bulkier Pokemon. Healing Wish can be used is an option to allow its weakened teammate to sweep after it has weakened the opposing team.

Set Details

Maximum Special Attack and Speed investment ensures that Gardevoir to outspeeds bulky Pokemon and hits as hard as possible. A Timid nature is preferred for this set, as it allows Gardevoir to outspeed threats such as Timid Nidoqueen, Adamant Heracross, and Modest Kommo-o. A Modest nature can also be used, but it prevents Gardevoir from outspeeding these Pokemon [maybe just say "be used for more power at the cost of outspeeding these Pokemon"]. Trace is a useful ability, as it lets Gardevoir copy useful abilities, such as Regenerator, Water Absorb, Sheer Force, Adaptability, and Levitate. It can also copy Chlorophyll and Sand Rush, which turns the tables versus weather teams.

Usage Tips

Gardevoir should be used as a wall breaker wallbreaker and should never be switched into attacks from an offensive Pokemon. Most of the bulky Pokemon try will attempt to switch out and play around Gardevoir., [period->comma] so try to guess predict what the opponent will switch in and use the appropriate move that deals with their switch-in that Pokemon [sounded awkward]. Try to have entry hazards up on the opposing side of the field before wallbreaking with Gardevoir. Trick can completely dismantle setup sweepers, but watch out for Z-Crystals, as it will fail if the opponent foe is holding them one. Key threats to be aware of are Reuniclus and Slowbro [this feels very random. if you meant that these are Z-Crystal holders, link it with the previous sentence]. Gardevoir cannot copy Illusion, [ac] so it can be used to identify if the opponent foe is a Zoroark.

Team Options

Choice Scarf users such as Heracross and Flygon capitalize from on Gardevoir's ability to break bulky Pokemon. They can also take care of the Steel-types that check Gardevoir, especially Registeel and Doublade. Fire-types such as Rotom-H, Moltres, and Salazzle form a have nice synergy with Gardevoir, as they can help Gardevoir it take down Steel-types, while Gardevoir can break the bulky Water- and Ground-type Pokemon for them. Pokemon that can switch into Steel-types, [ac] in general, [ac] are good partners of Gardevoir.; [period->semicolon] Nidoqueen and Doublade are some examples that of these Pokemon which can also provide offensive pressure, while Refresh Milotic and Mantine can provide support by inflicting status ailments. Toxic Spikes and Spikes setters like Dragalge, Nidoqueen, [ac] Chesnaught, [ac] and Froslass form a have nice synergy with Gardevoir, as Gardevoir it can have an easier time wallbreaking after the with Spikes those entry hazards wearing the opposing team down. Toxic Spikes from the likes of Dragalge and Nidoqueen also whittles the opposing team down for Gardevoir to break easily. Setup sweepers such as Flygon and Minior appreciates Gardevoir's ability to wallbreak, [rc] as so they have an easier time cleaning the opposing team.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Psyshock
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Trick
move 4: Healing Wish / Calm Mind
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Trace
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Psyshock is Gardevoir's main STAB move, allowing it to hit threats such as Salazzle, Nidoqueen, and Venusaur. Moonblast is Gardevoir's secondary STAB move, which is a much safer move to spam and hits threats such as Zoroark, Heracross, Flygon, and Kommo-o. Trick is used to dismantle cripple setup sweepers not holding a Z-Crystal and limiting bulky Pokemon. Focus Blast can be used is an option to hit Steel-types like Registeel, but it does not hit as hard as Choice Specs [maybe just about how it doesn't hit very hard unboosted, since not hitting as hard as with an item that boosts SpA is a given]. Healing Wish is used to heal a worn down teammate in order to capitalize on the opponent foe [kind of vague]. Calm Mind can be used is an option over Healing Wish to make Gardevoir act as a setup sweeper after it has used Trick on a bulky Pokemon.

Set Details

Maximum SpA and Spe EVs were Special Attack and Speed EVs are used to ensure Gardevoir hits as hard as it can and outspeeds notable threats in the tier, such as Aerodactyl and Adamant Choice Scarf Heracross, as well as Speed tie tying with other Gardevoir. Trace is a useful ability, as it lets Gardevoir copy useful abilities, such as Regenerator, Water Absorb, Sheer Force, Adaptability, and Levitate. It can also copy Chlorophyll and Sand Rush, which turns the tables versus weather teams.

Usage Tips

Gardevoir should be used as a cleaner most of the time, [rc] after the opponent's [apostrophe] team has been worn down. If the opponent's team is too bulky, Trick can be used to limit cripple a threat. Playing recklessly with wallbreakers such as Flame Orb Heracross and Zoroark is fine, as Gardevoir can use Healing Wish it to bring one of them back to full health late-game [add hyphen] [avoid using moves as a verb]. Therefore, [ac] refraining from using Healing Wish until late game then is a good idea [linking this with the previous sentence]. Lastly, keep in mind that bluffing a Choice Specs set with the opponent will make them will cause foes to switch out to Steel-types often. Gardevoir cannot copy Illusion, [ac] so it can be used to identify if the opponent foe is a Zoroark.

Team Options

Wallbreakers such as Flame Orb Heracross, Zoroark, Choice Specs Kommo-o, and Choice Band Escavalier Choice Band Escavalier, Choice Specs Kommo-o, and Zoroark [looks neater when following the order you explain them in later] appreciate Gardevoir as a cleaner and a Healing Wish user.; [period->semicolon] Heracross tends to switch into Earthquake and Foul Play quite often and gets worn down, while Escavalier and Kommo-o are prone to status ailments., [period->comma] while Zoroark can disguise itself as Gardevoir and lure threats such as Bronzong and Doublade. Keep in mind that if you have a Zoroark on your team, keeping using Synchronize as an ability will lead the opponent to think your Gardevoir is a Zoroark and end up losing a crucial Pokemon. Nidoqueen and Dragalge checks Choice Scarf Heracross, which can outspeed and take down Gardevoir, as well as provide providing entry hazard support, which helps wearing [repetition] the opposing team down. Nidoqueen is also a good Steel-type check, and Fire Blast can be used as a lure for to hit Bronzong [Fire Blast isn't the lure], as teams that have Bronzong usually tend [tend and usually are redundant together] to be weak to Gardevoir otherwise. Salazzle forms a has good synergy with Choice Scarf Gardevoir, as it can power through walls with a +2 Acid Downpour, leaving Gardevoir to clean. Salazzle can also take advantage of Pokemon which that tend to switch into Gardevoir, such as Florges and Escavalier. Finally, [ac] Stoutland with Pursuit is also a good partner, as it can weaken Bronzong and Doublade, two of the best checks of Gardevoir.
[insert line of space]
Other Options

A set of Substitute + Calm Mind can be used, but Gardevoir is too frail to be using that set it. Moreover, its STAB combination allows leaves it to be walled by the common Steel-type. Destiny Bond can be used on the Choice Scarf set, but it is less reliable, [ac] as it cannot be used consecutively [technically it can; it just has a chance to fail]. A bulky set of Wish + Protect with Heal Bell can be run, but that is outclassed by Florges. Ghostium Z can be used with dual STAB moves + Calm Mind [mention Shadow Ball as the base move like "used with dual STAB moves, Calm Mind, and Shadow Ball"] to lure KO Bronzong and Doublade, but Gardevoir this set gets walled by Registeel and fails to outspeed common threats while lacking power. Will-O-Wisp can be used, but Gardevoir finds little or to no room for it. Memento can be used, but Healing Wish provides more support to the team, and there are better Memento users in the tier, such as Alolan Persian and Whimsicott.

Checks and Counters

**Steel-types**: Bronzong, Registeel, Doublade, and Escavalier all take little damage from Gardevoir's STAB moves and can either weaken it or KO back. However, [ac] Bronzong needs to be aware wary of Choice Specs Shadow Ball, while Registeel has to be aware of watch out for Choice Specs Focus Blast [repetition; also, being aware doesn't really give the correct connoation]. Doublade risks being 3HKOed, [ac] but it can retaliate with Shadow Sneak or use Swords Dance on the switch as Gardevoir switches out. Escavalier tanks everything apart from Hidden Power Fire and can KO Gardevoir in return.

**Specially Defensive Pokemon**: Florges, Mantine, Porygon2, Cresselia, and Snorlax can tank Gardevoir's attacks and can either inflict status ailments or damage it. They do have to watch out for Trick, howerver however. In Snorlax's case, it has to watch out for Psyshock as well.

**Faster Offensive Pokemon**: Choice Scarf Heracross, Salazzle, Sneasel, Mega Glalie, Roserade, Durant, and Moltres threaten Gardevoir by attempting to outspeed and OHKO in return it due to Gardevoir having its poor bulk.

**Sucker Punch**: Sucker Punch from Zoroark and Honchkrow hits Gardevoir like a truck very hard due to its poor physical bulk. Toxicroak with at +2 Atk Attack is also very dangerous to Gardevoir, as it can straight up OHKO Choice Specs variants while threatening to OHKO Choice Scarf variants with Sucker Punch.
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GP 2/2


Gardevoir's high Special Attack stat and good offensive typing of Psychic / Fairy / Psychic makes it a hard Pokemon to switch into, especially for teams that use Doublade as their sole Steel-type. In addition to its main attacking moves, Gardevoir gets access to useful support moves, mainly Healing Wish. Moreover, Trace is a great ability on Gardevoir, as it can copy useful abilities such as Sheer Force from Nidoqueen, Water Absorb from Mantine, Levitate from Flygon, and Regenerator from Slowbro. However, it has pitiful Defense, which makes it revenge killed quite easily and 2HKOed by most neutral hits. Although it outspeeds most bulkier Pokemon, there are faster Choice Scarf users in the tier, such as Heracross and Flygon, and its unboosted Speed stat makes it slower than most offensive Pokemon in the tier.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Psyshock
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Shadow Ball / Hidden Power Fire
move 4: Trick / Healing Wish
item: Choice Specs
ability: Trace
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Psyshock is Gardevoir's primary STAB move, which allows it to get past specially defensive Pokemon such as Florges and Mantine. Moonblast hits Dark-types and is a more spammable STAB move, as no Pokemon are immune to it and it it has no immunities and is much stronger. Shadow Ball is an option to hit Bronzong, which otherwise takes all of Gardevoir's hits relatively easily. Hidden Power Fire allows Gardevoir to lure and KO Escavalier, which is one of its best answers. Alternatively, Focus Blast can be used to hit Registeel hard, as it resists both of Gardevoir's STAB moves. Trick cripples setup sweepers not holding a Z-Crystal and bulkier Pokemon. Healing Wish is an option to allow its weakened teammate to sweep after it has weakened the opposing team.

Set Details

Maximum Special Attack and Speed investment ensures that Gardevoir outspeeds bulky Pokemon and hits as hard as possible. A Timid nature is preferred for this set, as it allows Gardevoir to outspeed threats such as Timid Nidoqueen, Adamant Heracross, and Modest Kommo-o. A Modest nature can also be used for more power at the cost of outspeeding these Pokemon. Trace lets Gardevoir copy useful abilities, such as Regenerator, Water Absorb, Sheer Force, Adaptability, and Levitate. It can also copy Chlorophyll and Sand Rush, which turns the tables versus weather teams.

Usage Tips

Gardevoir should be used as a wallbreaker and should never be switched into attacks from an offensive Pokemon. Most bulky Pokemon will attempt to switch out and play around Gardevoir, so try to predict the opponent and use the appropriate move that deals with their switch-in. Try to have entry hazards up on the opposing side of the field before wallbreaking with Gardevoir. Trick can completely dismantle setup sweepers, but watch out for Z-Crystals, as it will fail if the foe is holding one; (add semicolon) notable examples of Z-Crystal users are Reuniclus and Slowbro. Gardevoir cannot copy Illusion, so it can be used to identify if the foe is a Zoroark. (interesting, good tip)

Team Options

Choice Scarf users such as Heracross and Flygon capitalize on Gardevoir's ability to break bulky Pokemon. They can also take care of the Steel-types that check Gardevoir, especially Registeel and Doublade. Fire-types such as Rotom-H, Moltres, and Salazzle have nice synergy with Gardevoir, as they can help it take down Steel-types, while Gardevoir can break the bulky Water- and Ground-type Pokemon for them. Pokemon that can switch into Steel-types, in general, are good partners of Gardevoir; Nidoqueen and Doublade are some examples that can also provide offensive pressure, while Refresh Milotic and Mantine can provide support by inflicting status ailments. Toxic Spikes and Spikes setters like Dragalge, Nidoqueen, Chesnaught, and Froslass have nice synergy with Gardevoir, as it can have an easier time wallbreaking with those entry hazards wearing the opposing team down. Setup sweepers such as Flygon and Minior appreciate Gardevoir's ability to wallbreak so they have an easier time cleaning the opposing team.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Psyshock
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Trick
move 4: Healing Wish / Calm Mind
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Trace
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Psyshock is Gardevoir's main STAB move, allowing it to hit threats such as Salazzle, Nidoqueen, and Venusaur. Moonblast is Gardevoir's secondary STAB move, which is a much safer move to spam and hits threats such as Zoroark, Heracross, Flygon, and Kommo-o. Trick is used to cripple setup sweepers not holding a Z-Crystal and bulky Pokemon. Focus Blast is an option to hit Steel-types like Registeel, but it does not hit as hard unboosted. Healing Wish is used to heal a worn down teammate in order for them to threaten the opponent's team again foe after a wallbreaker partner became weakened. Calm Mind is an option over Healing Wish to make Gardevoir act as a setup sweeper after it has used Trick on a bulky Pokemon.

Set Details

Maximum Special Attack and Speed EVs are used to ensure Gardevoir hits as hard as it can and outspeeds notable threats in the tier, such as Aerodactyl and Adamant Choice Scarf Heracross, as well as Speed tying with other Gardevoir. Trace lets Gardevoir copy useful abilities, such as Regenerator, Water Absorb, Sheer Force, Adaptability, and Levitate. It can also copy Chlorophyll and Sand Rush, which turns the tables versus weather teams.

Usage Tips

Gardevoir should be used as a cleaner most of the time after the opponent's team has been worn down. If the opponent's team is too bulky, Trick can be used to cripple a threat. Playing recklessly with allied wallbreakers such as Flame Orb Heracross and Zoroark is fine, as Gardevoir can use Healing Wish to bring one of them back to full health late-game. Therefore, refraining from using Healing Wish until then is a good idea. Lastly, keep in mind that bluffing a Choice Specs set will cause foes to switch out to Steel-types often. Gardevoir cannot copy Illusion, so it can be used to identify if the foe is a Zoroark.

Team Options

Wallbreakers such as Flame Orb Heracross, Choice Band Escavalier, Choice Specs Kommo-o, and Zoroark appreciate Gardevoir as a cleaner and a Healing Wish user; Heracross tends to switch into Earthquake and Foul Play quite often and get worn down, Escavalier and Kommo-o are prone to status ailments, and while Zoroark can disguise itself as Gardevoir and lure threats such as Bronzong and Doublade. Keep in mind that if you have a Zoroark on your team, using Synchronize as an ability will lead the opponent to think your Gardevoir is a Zoroark and end up losing a crucial Pokemon. Nidoqueen and Dragalge check Choice Scarf Heracross, which can outspeed and take down Gardevoir, as well as providing entry hazard support, wearing the opposing team down. Nidoqueen is also a good Steel-type check, and Fire Blast can be used to hit Bronzong, as teams that have Bronzong tend to be weak to Gardevoir otherwise. Salazzle has good synergy with Choice Scarf Gardevoir, as it can power through walls with a +2 Acid Downpour, leaving Gardevoir to clean. Salazzle can also take advantage of Pokemon that tend to switch into Gardevoir, such as Florges and Escavalier. Finally, Stoutland with Pursuit is also a good partner, as it can weaken Bronzong and Doublade, two of the best checks of Gardevoir.

Other Options

A set of Substitute + Calm Mind can be used, but Gardevoir is too frail to be using it. Moreover, its STAB combination leaves it walled by the common Steel-types. Destiny Bond can be used on the Choice Scarf set, but it is less reliable, as it may not be used consecutively. A bulky set of Wish + Protect with Heal Bell can be run, but that is outclassed by Florges. Ghostium Z can be used with dual STAB moves + Calm Mind to KO Bronzong and Doublade, but this set gets walled by Registeel and fails to outspeed common threats while lacking power. Will-O-Wisp can be used, but Gardevoir finds little to no room for it. Memento can be used, but Healing Wish provides more support to the team, and there are better Memento users in the tier, such as Alolan Persian and Whimsicott.

Checks and Counters

**Steel-types**: Bronzong, Registeel, Doublade, and Escavalier all take little damage from Gardevoir's STAB moves and can either weaken it or KO back. However, Bronzong needs to be wary of Choice Specs-boosted Shadow Ball, while Registeel has to watch out for Choice Specs-boosted Focus Blast. Doublade risks being 3HKOed, [ac] (keep comma but remove comments) but it can retaliate with Shadow Sneak or use Swords Dance as Gardevoir switches out. Escavalier tanks everything apart from Hidden Power Fire and can KO Gardevoir in return.

**Specially Defensive Pokemon**: Florges, Mantine, Porygon2, Cresselia, and Snorlax can tank Gardevoir's attacks and either inflict status ailments or damage it. They do have to watch out for Trick, however. In Snorlax's case, it has to watch out for Psyshock as well.

**Faster Offensive Pokemon**: Choice Scarf Heracross, Salazzle, Sneasel, Mega Glalie, Roserade, Durant, and Moltres threaten Gardevoir by attempting to outspeed and OHKO it due to its poor bulk.

**Sucker Punch**: Sucker Punch from Zoroark and Honchkrow hits Gardevoir very hard due to its poor physical bulk. Toxicroak at +2 Attack is also very dangerous to Gardevoir, as it can straight up OHKO Choice Specs variants while threatening to OHKO Choice Scarf variants with Sucker Punch.
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