<p>Gardevoir is strictly a very good Pokemon in NU, but most of the roles where it would normally shine are ones that other Pokemon in the tier can perform much better. Offensively, there is little reason to use Gardevoir over Jynx, a Pokemon with a fantastic secondary STAB, a sleep-inducing move in Lovely Kiss, greater Speed, and a Water-type immunity. Defensively, Musharna outshines Gardevoir thanks to its far superior bulk and more reliable form of recovery. However, Gardevoir is able to separate itself with its super Special Attack stat and amazing ability, Trace. It also has some support moves, such as Healing Wish, Memento, and Destiny Body, that are difficult to find in NU. Overall, Gardevoir still has a lot of potential, but one should seriously consider other options before choosing it.</p>
name: All-Out Attacker
move 1: Psychic
move 2: Signal Beam
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Destiny Bond
item: Life Orb
ability: Trace
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
<p>Gardevoir's most effective set is a simple offensive one that allows it to utilize its great Special Attack and good support moves. Psychic is first on the set, as it is Gardevoir's most powerful STAB move. Signal Beam grants it coverage against Dark-types and opposing Psychic-types with a slight chance of confusing any checks or counters that might switch in. Focus Blast gives Gardevoir a more powerful coverage move to use against Dark-types, particularly Skuntank and Mandibuzz, which are both hit neutrally by Signal Beam, while also offering coverage against Steel-types and the bulky Normal-types that commonly switch into it. Finally, Destiny Bond is a great move for Gardevoir to use in order to eliminate any Pokemon that might be threatening for your team. It also gives Gardevoir a reliable way to beat its main check, Skuntank, to open up a sweep for another Psychic-type later on.</p>
<p>A Timid nature is used on this set in order to outspeed common base 80 and 85 Speed Pokemon that often run a positive attacking nature, such as Sawk and Braviary, as well as Swift Swim Ludicolo in the rain thanks to Trace. Life Orb is used for the necessary added power, as Gardevoir's poor physical defense and susceptibility to hazards make it fairly easy to wear down anyway. A few other moves work well on this set in place of Destiny Bond, such as Calm Mind, Healing Wish, and Memento, and can be adjusted according to your team's needs. Finally, Thunderbolt can be used over Signal Beam in order to hit Mandibuzz for super effective damage on the switch, but the lack of super effective coverage against opposing Psychic-types can be costly.</p>
<p>Gardevoir functions best on Psychic-spam teams where it can take out opposing Dark-types with Destiny Bond in order to allow another Psychic-type to come in later on and sweep. For this reason, Jynx and Calm Mind Musharna make really good partners for it. Additionally, as they share many of the same checks and counters, Life Orb Destiny Bond Haunter forms a cool offensive core with Gardevoir, as you can sacrifice one to eliminate the checks of the other. Gardevoir also appreciates the help of a Fighting-type, such as Sawk or Gurdurr, to take on opposing Dark-types so that it doesn't have to use Destiny Bond to beat them. Spikes and Stealth Rock support are also greatly appreciated for Gardevoir to net the 2HKO on special walls such as Altaria, Lickilicky, and Hypno. As such, Regirock and Scolipede are great partners to set up these hazards. Regirock can also support its team by taking on Normal-type attacks, while Scolipede can serve as a way of defeating Dark-types with its powerful STAB Megahorn.</p>
name: SubCM
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Substitute
move 3: Psychic
move 4: Signal Beam / Thunderbolt
item: Leftovers
ability: Trace
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
<p>With a Calm Mind set, Gardevoir can use its good special bulk and Speed to set up against weaker special attackers such as Tangela or Probopass. Once Gardevoir has attained a boost or two, its great Special Attack can break through many of the tier's bulkiest walls, while its high Special Defense stat can help it set up even further. Substitute helps Gardevoir by blocking status moves and preventing it from being revenge killed. Psychic is Gardevoir's best STAB move, while its last slot is primarily for coverage. Signal Beam should be the first choice, as it gives Gardevoir coverage against Psychic-types and Dark-types. It also gives Gardevoir a fighting chance to beat Musharna in Calm Mind wars. However, Thunderbolt can be used in the last slot as a way for Gardevoir to defeat Mandibuzz and bulky Water-types with greater ease.</p>
<p>An offensive EV spread is used on this set to give Gardevoir some immediate power and to make it less reliant on setting up in order to deal decent damage. A more defensive spread is an option, but even with defensive investment, Gardevoir still isn't able to take physical hits very well. Leftovers is used to compensate for the HP lost when using Substitute.</p>
<p>This particular set struggles to beat many Dark-types in the tier. If Gardevoir uses Signal Beam, it loses coverage against Mandibuzz, while if it uses Thunderbolt, it loses coverage against Shiftry, Zweilous, and Cacturne. On top of this, regardless of its choice of coverage move, Gardevoir struggles against Skuntank. Sawk and Gurdurr both make great partners, as they both have a great matchup against all of the aforementioned Dark-types. Bug- and Ghost-types often cause problems for Gardevoir as well. Weezing and Klang make great choices to take these on, as Weezing can cripple physical attackers with Will-O-Wisp, while Klang can become another bulky sweeper in case Gardevoir is taken out. Finally, Gardevoir is very capable of taking out opposing walls and Fighting-types, a quality that offensive Normal-types greatly appreciate. For this reason, Tauros, Kangaskhan, and Zangoose work very well alongside Gardevoir.</p>
name: Dual Screens
move 1: Reflect
move 2: Light Screen
move 3: Memento
move 4: Taunt / Psychic
item: Light Clay
ability: Trace
nature: Timid
evs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
<p>With a dual screens set, Gardevoir is able to aid its teammates in setting up and thus works best on hyper offense teams. Gardevoir's combination of good Speed and access to the rare Memento distinguishes it from other dual screens users in NU. Reflect and Light Screen are used to double Gardevoir's teammates' defenses in order to help them set up and sweep opposing teams. Memento gives a free switch to a sweeper and further helps partners in setting up through lowering the opponent's Attack and Special Attack by two stages. The last slot is far less important, but both moves listed can be helpful depending on what you would prefer. Taunt can be used to keep opponents from setting up, Taunting Gardevoir, and phazing the partner you bring in after using Memento. Psychic is also great to help keep Gardevoir from being Taunted by faster users of the move and to break Substitutes of faster foes trying to dodge Memento.</p>
<p>Because of Gardevoir's relative frailty, it might seem like a good idea to invest in defenses alongside HP; however, setting up dual screens before the opponent can attack makes up for a lack of investment. A fast Memento is also important to keep opponents from picking off Gardevoir before it can use the move. For these reasons, it is best to fully invest in Speed and HP. If using Psychic, a spread of max Special Attack and Speed can be used instead, but it is typically passed over in favor of extra bulk. Light Clay should be the only item used on this set, as the few extra turns that dual screens are up can make all the difference later in the game. Gardevoir can use a couple of other support moves on this set depending on what you prefer to cover. Healing Wish can be used over Memento to give an offensive partner a second chance to sweep, while Safeguard can be used in the last slot in order to keep offensive partners from being hit with a status move, though losing a turn of Reflect and Light Screen might be unappealing.</p>
<p>Frail sweepers make the best partners for Gardevoir, as without them, the dual screens it sets wouldn't be nearly as useful. Specifically, Belly Drum Linoone, Swords Dance Samurott and Scolipede, and Shell Smash Carracosta and Gorebyss make great partners because of their ability to set up quickly and take full advantage of the dual screens. Hazards are also nice, as Taunt, Memento, and most frail sweepers tend to cause many switches. Offensive teams with Gardevoir appreciate Scolipede for its great Speed and ability to set Spikes and Golem for its near-guaranteed use of Stealth Rock thanks to Sturdy.</p>
[Other Options]
<p>It is difficult to find other options for Gardevoir that aren't outclassed by other Psychic-types. For example, Choice sets might seem like viable options for Gardevoir, but Jynx typically runs them more effectively. Similarly, defensive sets have some potential thanks to Gardevoir's access to Will-O-Wisp and Wish, but other Pokemon, such as Musharna, Lickilicky, and Audino, have better mixed bulk. Lickilicky and Audino also have better defensive typing. A defensive Calm Mind set would also be run better by Musharna, further limiting Gardevoir's other set options. However, Gardevoir does have some some other move options that it can utilize well. Magic Coat can be used to reflect status moves, Taunt, and entry hazard moves back to the opposing side. Pain Split and Wish can also be used on any of Gardevoir's sets, though offensive sets typically prefer a move with better overall utility. Rain Dance and Sunny Day can be nice options to use on weather-based teams, especially on the dual screens set. Gardevoir sometimes struggles to find room for it, but if it can, both weather moves are very helpful. Charge Beam might sound like a cool option, but Calm Mind is typically better thanks to its consistency and the added Special Defense boost. Icy Wind can be a nice choice to slow down faster opponents on the switch, but normally only slower Pokemon like to switch into Gardevoir anyways. Shadow Ball is also a decent option in terms of coverage, but the coverage against Psychic- and Dark-types that Signal Beam provides is usually better. Finally, Gardevoir has access to three status-inducing moves, Toxic, Will-O-Wisp, and Thunder Wave, which can all help it support its team, if you can find room for any of them.</p>
[Checks and Counters]
<p>Destiny Bond and Memento both make Gardevoir fairly difficult to defeat without major trouble, but it can definitely still be done. Dark-types, especially Skuntank, Mandibuzz, and Scraggy, are all reliable checks for Gardevoir, as it struggles to muscle past the three of them. Meanwhile, Skuntank and Mandibuzz can both Taunt Gardevoir to prevent it from using Destiny Bond or setting up Calm Mind or dual screens, while Scraggy can take a hit and set up alongside it. Special walls and tanks, such as Lickilicky, Audino, Mantine, and Regice, can all take a hit and either hit Gardevoir back with a coverage move or use Toxic against it. Metang can also take a hit from Gardevoir and hit it back with a strong Meteor Mash, while the dual screens set cannot use Memento against it because of Clear Body. Finally, if you are unable to wall Gardevoir well, it's still pretty easy to revenge kill it because of its average base 80 Speed. Almost any Choice Scarf user, especially Primeape, who can U-turn against it in case it wants to switch, can revenge kill Gardevoir fairly easily. Priority users also tend to make quick work of Gardevoir. Kangaskhan is able to beat it with Fake Out and Sucker Punch, while more defensive priority users, such as Metang and Piloswine, can both take a hit and pick off a weakened Gardevoir.</p>
Long story short: Raseri and I came up with these as sets for the Gardevoir revamp. Since neither of us have extensively used Gardevoir as of late, QC feedback is appreciated before I start writing up a skeleton. These are mainly things have worked in the past for us. Dual screens I've used not too long ago and I absolutely adored it, even though the rest of the team wasn't very good lol. Support set was cut because I would really rather use Musharna 99% of the time, and that other 1% of the time I would rather use another Wish passer, but it does have the niche of being able to Wish pass and burn with Will-O-Wisp. Even so, I don't like running defensive mons that get shit on by Skuntank (since Musharna can twave and BPass against it that's not an issue for it). Anyways, feel free to leave feedback before I write this up. Also, the set order is tentatively the above, but I'm willing to move it around as long as screens stays last and choice is not first.
<p>Gardevoir is strictly a very good Pokemon in NU, but most of the roles where it would normally shine are ones that other Pokemon in the tier can perform much better. Offensively, there is little reason to use Gardevoir over Jynx, a Pokemon with a fantastic secondary STAB, a sleep-inducing move in Lovely Kiss, greater Speed, and a Water-type immunity. Defensively, Musharna outshines Gardevoir thanks to its far superior bulk and more reliable form of recovery. However, Gardevoir is able to separate itself with its super Special Attack stat and amazing ability, Trace. It also has some support moves, such as Healing Wish, Memento, and Destiny Body, that are difficult to find in NU. Overall, Gardevoir still has a lot of potential, but one should seriously consider other options before choosing it.</p>
name: All-Out Attacker
move 1: Psychic
move 2: Signal Beam
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Destiny Bond
item: Life Orb
ability: Trace
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
<p>Gardevoir's most effective set is a simple offensive one that allows it to utilize its great Special Attack and good support moves. Psychic is first on the set, as it is Gardevoir's most powerful STAB move. Signal Beam grants it coverage against Dark-types and opposing Psychic-types with a slight chance of confusing any checks or counters that might switch in. Focus Blast gives Gardevoir a more powerful coverage move to use against Dark-types, particularly Skuntank and Mandibuzz, which are both hit neutrally by Signal Beam, while also offering coverage against Steel-types and the bulky Normal-types that commonly switch into it. Finally, Destiny Bond is a great move for Gardevoir to use in order to eliminate any Pokemon that might be threatening for your team. It also gives Gardevoir a reliable way to beat its main check, Skuntank, to open up a sweep for another Psychic-type later on.</p>
<p>A Timid nature is used on this set in order to outspeed common base 80 and 85 Speed Pokemon that often run a positive attacking nature, such as Sawk and Braviary, as well as Swift Swim Ludicolo in the rain thanks to Trace. Life Orb is used for the necessary added power, as Gardevoir's poor physical defense and susceptibility to hazards make it fairly easy to wear down anyway. A few other moves work well on this set in place of Destiny Bond, such as Calm Mind, Healing Wish, and Memento, and can be adjusted according to your team's needs. Finally, Thunderbolt can be used over Signal Beam in order to hit Mandibuzz for super effective damage on the switch, but the lack of super effective coverage against opposing Psychic-types can be costly.</p>
<p>Gardevoir functions best on Psychic-spam teams where it can take out opposing Dark-types with Destiny Bond in order to allow another Psychic-type to come in later on and sweep. For this reason, Jynx and Calm Mind Musharna make really good partners for it. Additionally, as they share many of the same checks and counters, Life Orb Destiny Bond Haunter forms a cool offensive core with Gardevoir, as you can sacrifice one to eliminate the checks of the other. Gardevoir also appreciates the help of a Fighting-type, such as Sawk or Gurdurr, to take on opposing Dark-types so that it doesn't have to use Destiny Bond to beat them. Spikes and Stealth Rock support are also greatly appreciated for Gardevoir to net the 2HKO on special walls such as Altaria, Lickilicky, and Hypno. As such, Regirock and Scolipede are great partners to set up these hazards. Regirock can also support its team by taking on Normal-type attacks, while Scolipede can serve as a way of defeating Dark-types with its powerful STAB Megahorn.</p>
name: SubCM
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Substitute
move 3: Psychic
move 4: Signal Beam / Thunderbolt
item: Leftovers
ability: Trace
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
<p>With a Calm Mind set, Gardevoir can use its good special bulk and Speed to set up against weaker special attackers such as Tangela or Probopass. Once Gardevoir has attained a boost or two, its great Special Attack can break through many of the tier's bulkiest walls, while its high Special Defense stat can help it set up even further. Substitute helps Gardevoir by blocking status moves and preventing it from being revenge killed. Psychic is Gardevoir's best STAB move, while its last slot is primarily for coverage. Signal Beam should be the first choice, as it gives Gardevoir coverage against Psychic-types and Dark-types. It also gives Gardevoir a fighting chance to beat Musharna in Calm Mind wars. However, Thunderbolt can be used in the last slot as a way for Gardevoir to defeat Mandibuzz and bulky Water-types with greater ease.</p>
<p>An offensive EV spread is used on this set to give Gardevoir some immediate power and to make it less reliant on setting up in order to deal decent damage. A more defensive spread is an option, but even with defensive investment, Gardevoir still isn't able to take physical hits very well. Leftovers is used to compensate for the HP lost when using Substitute.</p>
<p>This particular set struggles to beat many Dark-types in the tier. If Gardevoir uses Signal Beam, it loses coverage against Mandibuzz, while if it uses Thunderbolt, it loses coverage against Shiftry, Zweilous, and Cacturne. On top of this, regardless of its choice of coverage move, Gardevoir struggles against Skuntank. Sawk and Gurdurr both make great partners, as they both have a great matchup against all of the aforementioned Dark-types. Bug- and Ghost-types often cause problems for Gardevoir as well. Weezing and Klang make great choices to take these on, as Weezing can cripple physical attackers with Will-O-Wisp, while Klang can become another bulky sweeper in case Gardevoir is taken out. Finally, Gardevoir is very capable of taking out opposing walls and Fighting-types, a quality that offensive Normal-types greatly appreciate. For this reason, Tauros, Kangaskhan, and Zangoose work very well alongside Gardevoir.</p>
name: Dual Screens
move 1: Reflect
move 2: Light Screen
move 3: Memento
move 4: Taunt / Psychic
item: Light Clay
ability: Trace
nature: Timid
evs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
<p>With a dual screens set, Gardevoir is able to aid its teammates in setting up and thus works best on hyper offense teams. Gardevoir's combination of good Speed and access to the rare Memento distinguishes it from other dual screens users in NU. Reflect and Light Screen are used to double Gardevoir's teammates' defenses in order to help them set up and sweep opposing teams. Memento gives a free switch to a sweeper and further helps partners in setting up through lowering the opponent's Attack and Special Attack by two stages. The last slot is far less important, but both moves listed can be helpful depending on what you would prefer. Taunt can be used to keep opponents from setting up, Taunting Gardevoir, and phazing the partner you bring in after using Memento. Psychic is also great to help keep Gardevoir from being Taunted by faster users of the move and to break Substitutes of faster foes trying to dodge Memento.</p>
<p>Because of Gardevoir's relative frailty, it might seem like a good idea to invest in defenses alongside HP; however, setting up dual screens before the opponent can attack makes up for a lack of investment. A fast Memento is also important to keep opponents from picking off Gardevoir before it can use the move. For these reasons, it is best to fully invest in Speed and HP. If using Psychic, a spread of max Special Attack and Speed can be used instead, but it is typically passed over in favor of extra bulk. Light Clay should be the only item used on this set, as the few extra turns that dual screens are up can make all the difference later in the game. Gardevoir can use a couple of other support moves on this set depending on what you prefer to cover. Healing Wish can be used over Memento to give an offensive partner a second chance to sweep, while Safeguard can be used in the last slot in order to keep offensive partners from being hit with a status move, though losing a turn of Reflect and Light Screen might be unappealing.</p>
<p>Frail sweepers make the best partners for Gardevoir, as without them, the dual screens it sets wouldn't be nearly as useful. Specifically, Belly Drum Linoone, Swords Dance Samurott and Scolipede, and Shell Smash Carracosta and Gorebyss make great partners because of their ability to set up quickly and take full advantage of the dual screens. Hazards are also nice, as Taunt, Memento, and most frail sweepers tend to cause many switches. Offensive teams with Gardevoir appreciate Scolipede for its great Speed and ability to set Spikes and Golem for its near-guaranteed use of Stealth Rock thanks to Sturdy.</p>
[Other Options]
<p>It is difficult to find other options for Gardevoir that aren't outclassed by other Psychic-types. For example, Choice sets might seem like viable options for Gardevoir, but Jynx typically runs them more effectively. Similarly, defensive sets have some potential thanks to Gardevoir's access to Will-O-Wisp and Wish, but other Pokemon, such as Musharna, Lickilicky, and Audino, have better mixed bulk. Lickilicky and Audino also have better defensive typing. A defensive Calm Mind set would also be run better by Musharna, further limiting Gardevoir's other set options. However, Gardevoir does have some some other move options that it can utilize well. Magic Coat can be used to reflect status moves, Taunt, and entry hazard moves back to the opposing side. Pain Split and Wish can also be used on any of Gardevoir's sets, though offensive sets typically prefer a move with better overall utility. Rain Dance and Sunny Day can be nice options to use on weather-based teams, especially on the dual screens set. Gardevoir sometimes struggles to find room for it, but if it can, both weather moves are very helpful. Charge Beam might sound like a cool option, but Calm Mind is typically better thanks to its consistency and the added Special Defense boost. Icy Wind can be a nice choice to slow down faster opponents on the switch, but normally only slower Pokemon like to switch into Gardevoir anyways. Shadow Ball is also a decent option in terms of coverage, but the coverage against Psychic- and Dark-types that Signal Beam provides is usually better. Finally, Gardevoir has access to three status-inducing moves, Toxic, Will-O-Wisp, and Thunder Wave, which can all help it support its team, if you can find room for any of them.</p>
[Checks and Counters]
<p>Destiny Bond and Memento both make Gardevoir fairly difficult to defeat without major trouble, but it can definitely still be done. Dark-types, especially Skuntank, Mandibuzz, and Scraggy, are all reliable checks for Gardevoir, as it struggles to muscle past the three of them. Meanwhile, Skuntank and Mandibuzz can both Taunt Gardevoir to prevent it from using Destiny Bond or setting up Calm Mind or dual screens, while Scraggy can take a hit and set up alongside it. Special walls and tanks, such as Lickilicky, Audino, Mantine, and Regice, can all take a hit and either hit Gardevoir back with a coverage move or use Toxic against it. Metang can also take a hit from Gardevoir and hit it back with a strong Meteor Mash, while the dual screens set cannot use Memento against it because of Clear Body. Finally, if you are unable to wall Gardevoir well, it's still pretty easy to revenge kill it because of its average base 80 Speed. Almost any Choice Scarf user, especially Primeape, who can U-turn against it in case it wants to switch, can revenge kill Gardevoir fairly easily. Priority users also tend to make quick work of Gardevoir. Kangaskhan is able to beat it with Fake Out and Sucker Punch, while more defensive priority users, such as Metang and Piloswine, can both take a hit and pick off a weakened Gardevoir.</p>
name: All Out Attacker
move 1: Psychic
move 2: Signal Beam
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Destiny Bond
item: Life Orb
ability: Trace
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
name: SubCM
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Substitute
move 3: Psychic
move 4: Signal Beam / Thunderbolt
item: Leftovers
ability: Trace
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
name: Dual Screens
move 1: Reflect
move 2: Light Screen
move 3: Memento
move 4: Taunt / Psychic
item: Light Clay
ability: Trace
nature: Timid
evs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
- Strictly a very good Pokemon, but it is outshined by other Psychic-types in most roles
- Competes with Jynx offensively and Musharna defensively
- Overall good stats, with great SpA and decent Speed for more of a wallbreaking role
- Has niches in Healing Wish, Destiny Bond, and Trace
- Awesome support movepool, though mediocre physical defense combined with its defensive typing makes it difficult to utilize
name: All Out Attacker
move 1: Psychic
move 2: Signal Beam
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Destiny Bond
item: Life Orb
ability: Trace
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
- Best set is a simple offensive set that utilizes Gardevoir's great SpA and cool support moves
- Psychic STAB
- Signal Beam to cover Dark-types and opposing Psychic-types and offers a slight chance of confusing possible checks
- Focus Blast for greater power against Dark-types as well as hitting Steel- and bulky Normal-types for super effective damage
- Destiny Bond is great to take down the foe once Gardevoir has been weakened and to take down Skuntank for a partner to sweep later on
- Gardevoir runs max Speed with a Timid nature in order to outspeed common base 80 and 85 Speed Pokemon that often run a +Atk nature, such as Sawk and Braviary, and to outspeed SwSw Ludicolo in the rain thanks to Trace
- Life Orb for added power, and susceptibility to all hazards and mediocre physical defense makes it easy to wear down anyways
- Has a few other great options in moves for the last slot, including Calm Mind, Healing Wish, and Memento
- Tbolt can be used over Signal Beam to hit Mandibuzz, though the loss in super effective coverage against opposing Psychic-types sucks
- Psychic spam works well w/ it especially since Gard can take out opposing Dark-types with Destiny Bond; Jynx and CM Musharna are good offensive partners
- Appreciates the help of a Fighting-type such as Sawk or Gurdurr to take on opposing Dark-types, particularly Skuntank, so that it doesn't have to use Destiny Bond to beat them
- Spikes and Stealth Rock support appreciated to help get the 2HKO special walls, such as Altaria, Lickilicky, and Hypno; Regirock and Scolipede can set these hazards
name: SubCM
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Substitute
move 3: Psychic
move 4: Signal Beam / Thunderbolt
item: Leftovers
ability: Trace
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
- Offensive setup sweeper that can set up on weaker special attackers, such as Tangela or Probopass
- Mostly has to rely on forcing the opponent out to get up a Sub since its defenses aren't great uninvested
- Calm Mind to boost
- Sub to block status, protect from crits, protect against revenge killers
- Psychic STAB
- Signal Beam to hit Dark-types and Psychic-types
- Tbolt has good coverage as well, hitting things like Mandibuzz and bulky waters
- Can use a more defensive spread, but phys def sucks anyways and prefers the immediate power
- Leftovers because Sub + LO is bad
- Likes Dark-types handled which Sawk and Gurdurr do well
- Offensive Normal-types like Tauros and Kangaskhan like Fighting-types out of the way, which Gard can beat
- Something to take on Bug and Ghost-type attacks; Weezing for the former and Klang can take on both and provide another bulky setup sweeper if Gardevoir dies
name: Dual Screens
move 1: Reflect
move 2: Light Screen
move 3: Memento
move 4: Taunt / Psychic
item: Light Clay
ability: Trace
nature: Timid
evs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
- Really cool set to help setup sweepers to set up and sweep opposing teams
- Gardevoir runs the set well thanks to its high Speed and Memento
- Reflect and Light Screen to double defenses for an offensive partner to set up
- Memento used for a free switch and to further help partners when they try to set up
- Taunt is great to keep opponents from phazing after Memento or keeping them from setting up themselves and because this set is Taunt bait itself, so Taunting opponents before they can Taunt you is cool
- Psychic can be used instead to keep from being Taunt-bait and break Subs so that you can use Memento
- Wants to be fast as possible to get up Screens before the opponent can attack, which is why Timid max Speed
- If using Psychic, a more offensive spread of max SpA and Spe can be used, but is typically eschewed in favor of max HP to help it take a hit from faster foes before it can set up a screen
- Light Clay to extend duration of screen turns
- Frail sweepers appreciate the support that Gard provides; Belly Drum Linoone, SD Samurott and Scolipede, Shell Smash Gorebyss, pretty much anything that wants to set up fast
- Hazards are cool since Taunt and Memento cause switches; offensive hazard users such as Golem and Scolipede are best for a hyper offensive team
- Choice sets, but mostly outclassed by Jynx
- Defensive sets, but other Pokemon do it better thanks to overall better mixed bulk (Musharna) or defensive typing (Lickilicky/Audino)
- Defensive Calm Mind, but again outclassed by Musharna
- Magic Coat
- Pain Split tho defensive sets prefer Wish and offensive sets prefer a move with better utility in last slot
- Rain Dance/Sunny Day
- Thunder Wave/Toxic/Will-O-Wisp
- Charge Beam but CM is 99% superior
- Shadow Ball
- Icy Wind
- Destiny Bond makes it risky to beat, but it can still be done!
- Dark-types including Skuntank, Mandibuzz, and Scraggy all handle it well and can either Taunt or set up against the Screens set
- Special walls such as Lickilicky, Audino, Mantine, and Regice can all take a hit and either hit back or Toxic it
- Pretty easy to outspeed and revenge as 80 Speed isn't outspeed a lot of offensive mons
- Almost any Choice Scarf mon (especially physical ones like Primeape who can U-turn or Sawsbuck) or priority user (Kangaskhan, Metang, etc) can RK is p well
- Metang gets special mention for being able to take any hit from Gard and hit its low Def stat with a strong Meteor Mash
- idk I'm tired feel free to suggest more if you would like!
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