PU Galarian Articuno


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Galarian Articuno is one of PU's best and most dangerous special attackers thanks to its high Special Attack and great offensive typing. Part of what makes Galarian Articuno so threatening is Future Sight, which can severely limit its counterplay. Furthermore, Galarian Articuno is somewhat versatile, capable of serving either as a pivot that wallbreaks for itself and its teammates or a Choice Specs user that can tear through many teams with its power and coverage. Both sets fit on similar teams, which can make it hard to predict what Galarian Articuno is going to do and play around it. Galarian Articuno even has a nice defensive presence because of its decent bulk and recovery, with its typing also providing it useful opportunities to switch in against foes like Tsareena and Mesprit. However, Galarian Articuno can only reliably come in on threats that are weak like Whimsicott or Choice-locked like Passimian. This is because Pokemon like Weezing, Sandaconda, and Scrafty can either threaten it with status or super effective coverage. Galarian Articuno also struggles to break through bulky Rock- and Steel-types like Gigalith, Aggron, and Galarian Stunfisk, given its lack powerful coverage for them. Finally, due to its middling Speed tier, Galarian Articuno is outpaced and easily pressured by Pokemon such as Archeops and Basculin.

name: Heavy-Duty Boots
move 1: Future Sight
move 2: Hurricane
move 3: Recover
move 4: U-turn
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Competitive
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


This set lets Galarian Articuno serve as an offensive pivot that checks defensive Pokemon like Weezing and Sandaconda and generates momentum for its teammates. Protect is a niche alternative to U-turn that stalls a turn after using Future Sight and allows Galarian Articuno to see what move Choice Scarf users like Passimian and Togedemaru will lock into. However, U-turn tends to be better, since it maximizes the pressure Future Sight puts on teams. Freezing Glare can be used over Future Sight for an accurate and immediately damaging STAB move, although it's noticeably weaker. Physical wallbreakers such as Passimian, Absol, and Trevenant appreciate Future Sight deterring their checks from switching into them and, in return, break through special walls like Gigalith and Articuno. Passimian also forms a momentum core with Galarian Articuno and offensively checks Dark-types like Sneasel. Since many of Galarian Articuno's best checks are grounded, support from entry hazard setters such as Weezing, Ferroseed, and Froslass is very useful. These Pokemon have an easier time keeping their entry hazards up thanks to Galarian Articuno's Competitive discouraging Defog attempts, and the former two can also sponge hits from potential revenge killers like Ribombee. Because of its weakness to Knock Off and reliance on Heavy-Duty Boots, Galarian Articuno should never be a team's only way to deal with Fighting-types. More reliable checks to them like Aromatisse, which can also eliminate status with Aromatherapy, are therefore important partners. It's worth noting that Heavy-Duty Boots Galarian Articuno can alternatively serve as a decent setup sweeper with Calm Mind, forgoing U-turn and opting for Freezing Glare instead of Future Sight. Such a set is more self-reliant, since it allows Galarian Articuno to more readily exploit the switches it forces.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Future Sight
move 2: Psyshock / Freezing Glare
move 3: Hurricane
move 4: U-turn / Shadow Ball
item: Choice Specs
ability: Competitive
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Future Sight becomes incredibly strong when powered up by Choice Specs but shouldn't be used as this set's only Psychic-type STAB move. Psyshock hits special walls like Audino and Lanturn harder than Freezing Glare and more reliably than Hurricane, but Freezing Glare has better overall damage output. U-turn allows Galarian Articuno to pivot against its switch-ins, but Shadow Ball can be used instead to hit Steel-types for neutral damage and more consistently threaten Psychic-types like Mesprit and opposing Galarian Articuno. Entry hazard control is important, since Stealth Rock prevents Galarian Articuno from freely switching in. Tsareena and Whimsicott are notable removers, since they both threaten common entry hazard setters like Gigalith and Galarian Stunfisk and can use Knock Off to soften shared checks with Galarian Articuno, such as Alolan Sandslash. Tsareena can go one step further by running High Jump Kick to eliminate unsuspecting Steel-types altogether. Another good example is Charizard, which pressures Steel-types and offensively checks faster Pokemon like Ribombee. Particularly, if it lacks Toxic, Charizard also enjoys Galarian Articuno overwhelming its primary switch-in in Gigalith. Setup sweepers like Scrafty and Silvally-Fairy appreciate Galarian Articuno giving them an easier time breaking through teams and finishing them off late-game. They also find Future Sight dissuading their checks and counters from switching in very useful, since this can translate to either a forced KO or more turns to set up.

- Written by: [[asa, 400292]]
- Quality checked by: [[MZ, 202117], [avarice, 346653]]
- Grammar checked by: [[DC, 449990]]
Last edited:
View attachment 357738 I'm a shapeshifter; what else should I be? Please don't take off my mask, revealing dark.View attachment 357740
chill, it's just an analysis >_<


Galarian Articuno is one of PU's best and most dangerous special attackers thanks to its high Special Attack and great offensive typing. Part of what makes Galarian Articuno so threatening is Future Sight, a strong STAB move that limits its switch-ins and can easily force exploitable switches from opposing teams. Furthermore, Galarian Articuno is somewhat versatile, capable of serving either as a pivot with good support options or a Choice Specs user that can tear through many teams with its improved power and coverage. Both sets fit on similar teams, which can make predicting what Galarian Articuno is going to do and playing around it difficult at times. Galarian Articuno even has a nice defensive presence because of its decent bulk and access to recovery, with its typing also providing it useful points of entry against STAB moves from Pokemon such as Passimian, Mesprit, Tsareena, and Sandaconda. However, while this is true, many most? and all of the mentions. i wouldnt understate how this thing's biggest issue is getting in Pokemon that Galarian Articuno wants to switch into can threaten it with super effective coverage or status, both of which can severely limit its effectiveness. Despite its strength, Galarian Articuno also struggles to break through bulky Rock- and Steel-types like Gigalith, Aggron, and Galarian Stunfisk. Finally, due to its middling Speed tier, Galarian Articuno is outpaced and easily pressured by Pokemon such as Archeops and Choice Scarf wouldn't even specify scarf but it doesn't rly matter Togedemaru.

name: Heavy-Duty Boots
move 1: Future Sight
move 2: Hurricane
move 3: Recover
move 4: U-turn
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Competitive
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


This set lets Galarian Articuno serve as an offensive pivot that checks defensive Pokemon like Weezing and Sandaconda as well as generates momentum for its teammates while remaining healthy. Protect is a niche alternative to U-turn that wastes a turn after using Future Sight and allows Galarian Articuno to see what move Choice Scarf users like Passimian and Togedemaru will lock into it also keeps u-turn users on the field although idk how u would work that into this sentence and it's super niche. However, U-turn tends to be better, since it maximizes the pressure Galarian Articuno can exert and support it can provide. Physical wallbreakers such as Passimian, Absol, and Trevenant appreciate that Future Sight deters their checks from switching into them and, in return, break through special walls like Gigalith and Articuno. Passimian also forms a momentum core with Galarian Articuno and offensively checks Dark-types like Sneasel. Since many of Galarian Articuno's best checks are grounded, support from entry hazard setters such as Weezing, Ferroseed, and Froslass is very useful. These examples have an easier time keeping their hazards up thanks to Galarian Articuno's Competitive discouraging Defog attempts, and the former two can also sponge hits from potential revenge killers like Whimsicott. Because of its weakness to Knock Off and reliance on Heavy-Duty Boots, Galarian Articuno should never be a team's only way to deal with Fighting-types. More reliable checks to them like Aromatisse, which can also eliminate status ailments with Heal Bell, are important partners because of this.
i think if anywhere this would be the place to mention that it can also opt for CM+freezing glare over u-turn+future sight. a general CM set has no mentions anywhere else and I think it sorta warrants one but it doesn't rly fit with these sets at all, the very rare case where I miss OO

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Future Sight
move 2: Psyshock / Freezing Glare
move 3: Hurricane
move 4: U-turn / Shadow Ball
item: Choice Specs
ability: Competitive
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Running a secondary Psychic STAB option is imperative, since limiting Choice Specs Galarian Articuno to Future Sight alone reduces its ability to wallbreak. Psyshock hits special walls whomst would you like to have shock for? good place for examples harder than Freezing Glare and more reliably than Hurricane, but Freezing Glare has better overall damage output. U-turn allows Galarian Articuno to pivot out against its switch-ins, but Shadow Ball can be used instead to hit Steel-types for neutral damage and reliably threaten Psychic-types like Mesprit and opposing Galarian Articuno. With Choice Specs equipped, Galarian Articuno becomes a fearsome wallbreaker that can 2HKO most of the tier, including certain special walls like Audino why is this sentence here. Hazard control is important, since Stealth Rock prevents Galarian Articuno from freely switching in. Tsareena and Whimsicott are notable removers, both threatening common hazard setters like Gigalith and Galarian Stunfisk and using Knock Off to soften the checks they share with Galarian Articuno, such as Alolan Sandslash. Tsareena can go one step further by running High Jump Kick to eliminate unsuspecting Steel-types altogether. Another good example is Charizard, which pressures Steel-types and offensively checks faster Pokemon like Ribombee. Charizard also enjoys Gigalith, its primary switch-in, being overwhelmed by Galarian Articuno. Setup sweepers like Scrafty and Silvally-Fairy appreciate Galarian Articuno giving them an easier time breaking through teams and finishing them off late-game. They also find Future Sight dissuading their checks and counters from switching in very useful, since this can translate to either a forced KO or more turns to set up.

- Written by: [[asa, 400292]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]] 202117
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]


Galarian Articuno is one of PU's best and most dangerous special attackers thanks to its high Special Attack and great offensive typing. Part of what makes Galarian Articuno so threatening is Future Sight, a strong STAB move that limits its switch-ins and can easily force exploitable switches from opposing teams. Furthermore, Galarian Articuno is somewhat versatile, capable of serving either as a pivot with good support options this can prob be rephrased? future sight is kinda support but it's moreso doing the breaking itself still or a Choice Specs user that can tear through many teams with its improved power and coverage. Both sets fit on similar teams, which can make predicting what Galarian Articuno is going to do and playing around it difficult at times. Galarian Articuno even has a nice defensive presence because of its decent bulk and access to recovery, with its typing also providing it useful points of entry against STAB moves from Pokemon such as Passimian, Mesprit, Tsareena, and Sandaconda. However, while this is true, most Pokemon that Galarian Articuno wants to switch into can threaten it with super effective coverage or status, both of which can severely limit its effectiveness this portion might be better off simplified to smth like how despite bulk/typing guno can only rly switch in on choice locked mons or weaker mons like whimsi. This makes it difficult for Galarian Articuno to comfortably switch in and exert pressure on teams. Despite its strength, Galarian Articuno also struggles to break through bulky Rock- and Steel-types like Gigalith, Aggron, and Galarian Stunfisk. Finally, due to its middling Speed tier, Galarian Articuno is outpaced and easily pressured by Pokemon such as Archeops and Togedemaru use smth besides toge here imo since most that can directly pressure are scarf anyway.

name: Heavy-Duty Boots
move 1: Future Sight
move 2: Hurricane
move 3: Recover
move 4: U-turn
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Competitive
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


This set lets Galarian Articuno serve as an offensive pivot that checks defensive Pokemon like Weezing and Sandaconda as well as generates momentum for its teammates while remaining healthy. Protect is a niche alternative to U-turn that wastes a turn after using Future Sight and allows Galarian Articuno to see what move Choice Scarf users like Passimian and Togedemaru will lock into. However, U-turn tends to be better, since it maximizes the pressure Galarian Articuno can put on and support it can provide. Physical wallbreakers such as Passimian, Absol, and Trevenant appreciate that Future Sight deters their checks from switching into them and, in return, break through special walls like Gigalith and Articuno. Passimian also forms a momentum core with Galarian Articuno and offensively checks Dark-types like Sneasel. Since many of Galarian Articuno's best checks are grounded, support from entry hazard setters such as Weezing, Ferroseed, and Froslass is very useful. These examples have an easier time keeping their hazards up thanks to Galarian Articuno's Competitive discouraging Defog attempts, and the former two can also sponge hits from potential revenge killers like Whimsicott. Because of its weakness to Knock Off and reliance on Heavy-Duty Boots, Galarian Articuno should never be a team's only way to deal with Fighting-types. More reliable checks to them like Aromatisse, which can also eliminate status ailments with Heal Bell Aromatherapy, are important partners because of this. It's worth noting that Heavy-Duty Boots Galarian Articuno can alternatively serve as a decent setup sweeper with Calm Mind, eschewing U-turn and opting for Freezing Glare instead of Future Sight. Such a set is more self-reliant, since it provides Galarian Articuno with both an immediate Psychic STAB move and the ability to more readily exploit the switches it forces. i think Freezing Glare > Future Sight should have it's own bit usefulness with CM aside, though w that mention this section might be easier with the other moves at toward the start

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Future Sight
move 2: Psyshock / Freezing Glare
move 3: Hurricane
move 4: U-turn / Shadow Ball
item: Choice Specs
ability: Competitive
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Running a secondary Psychic STAB option is imperative, since limiting Choice Specs Galarian Articuno to Future Sight alone reduces its ability to wallbreak. Psyshock hits special walls like Audino and Lanturn harder than Freezing Glare and more reliably than Hurricane, but Freezing Glare has better overall damage output. U-turn allows Galarian Articuno to pivot out against its switch-ins, but Shadow Ball can be used instead to hit Steel-types for neutral damage and reliably threaten Psychic-types like Mesprit and opposing Galarian Articuno. Hazard control is important, since Stealth Rock prevents Galarian Articuno from freely switching in. Tsareena and Whimsicott are notable removers, both threatening common hazard setters like Gigalith and Galarian Stunfisk and using Knock Off to soften the checks they share with Galarian Articuno, such as Alolan Sandslash. Tsareena can go one step further by running High Jump Kick to eliminate unsuspecting Steel-types altogether. Another good example is Charizard, which pressures Steel-types and offensively checks faster Pokemon like Ribombee. Particularly if it lacks Toxic, Charizard also enjoys Gigalith, its primary switch-in, being overwhelmed by Galarian Articuno. Setup sweepers like Scrafty and Silvally-Fairy appreciate Galarian Articuno giving them an easier time breaking through teams and finishing them off late-game. They also find Future Sight dissuading their checks and counters from switching in very useful, since this can translate to either a forced KO or more turns to set up. id include some explicit mention somewhere that specs does boost future sight since it can be confusing for newer ppl

- Written by: [[asa, 400292]]
- Quality checked by: [[MZ, 202117], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]

already p solid 2/2
AM GP Check
Red = delete
Blue = add
Green = comments


Galarian Articuno is one of PU's best and most dangerous special attackers thanks to its high Special Attack and great offensive typing. Part of what makes Galarian Articuno so threatening is Future Sight, a strong STAB move that which limits its switch-ins and can easily force exploitable switches from opposing teams (no need to explain what Future Sight does). Furthermore, Galarian Articuno is somewhat versatile, capable of serving either as a pivot that breaks for itself and its teammates or a Choice Specs user that can tear through many teams with improved its power and coverage. Both sets fit on similar teams, which can make it hard to predict what Galarian Articuno is going to do and play around it. Galarian Articuno even has a nice defensive presence because of its decent bulk and access to recovery, with its typing also providing it useful points of entry against STAB moves from foes like switch-in opportunities on Tsareena and Mesprit. However, while this is true, Galarian Articuno can only reliably come in on threats that are weak like Whimsicott or Choice-locked like Passimian. This is because foes like Weezing, Sandaconda, and Scrafty can either threaten it with status or super effective coverage. Despite its strength, Galarian Articuno also struggles to break through bulky Rock- and Steel-types like Gigalith, Aggron, and Galarian Stunfisk. Finally, due to its middling Speed tier, Galarian Articuno is outpaced and easily pressured by Pokemon such as Archeops and Basculin.

name: Heavy-Duty Boots
move 1: Future Sight
move 2: Hurricane
move 3: Recover
move 4: U-turn
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Competitive
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


This set lets Galarian Articuno serve as an offensive pivot that checks defensive Pokemon like Weezing and Sandaconda as well as and generates momentum for its teammates while remaining healthy. Protect is a niche alternative to U-turn that wastes stalls a turn after using Future Sight and allows Galarian Articuno to see what move Choice Scarf users like Passimian and Togedemaru will lock into. However, U-turn tends to be better, since it maximizes the pressure of Galarian Articuno's Future Sight can put on and support it can provide. Freezing Glare can be used over Future Sight for an immediate and accurate immediately damaging STAB move, though it's noticeably weaker. Physical wallbreakers such as Passimian, Absol, and Trevenant appreciate that Future Sight deters their checks from switching into them and, in return, break through special walls like Gigalith and Articuno. Passimian also forms a momentum pivot core with Galarian Articuno and offensively checks Dark-types like Sneasel. Since many of Galarian Articuno's best checks are grounded, support from entry hazard setters such as Weezing, Ferroseed, and Froslass is very useful. These Pokemon have an easier time keeping their hazards up thanks to Galarian Articuno's Competitive discouraging Defog attempts, and the former two can also sponge hits from potential revenge killers like Ribombee. Because of its weakness to Knock Off and reliance on Heavy-Duty Boots, Galarian Articuno should never be a team's only way to deal with Fighting-types. More reliable checks to them like Aromatisse, which can also eliminate status ailments with Aromatherapy, are important partners because of this. It's worth noting that Heavy-Duty Boots Galarian Articuno can alternatively serve as a decent setup sweeper with Calm Mind, eschewing U-turn and opting for Freezing Glare instead of Future Sight. Such a set is more self-reliant, since it provides Galarian Articuno with both an immediate Psychic STAB move and the ability to more readily exploit the switches it forces.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Future Sight
move 2: Psyshock / Freezing Glare
move 3: Hurricane
move 4: U-turn / Shadow Ball
item: Choice Specs
ability: Competitive
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Future Sight becomes incredibly strong when powered up by Choice Specs but shouldn't be used as this set's only Psychic-type STAB move, since it takes two turns to use. Psyshock hits special walls like Audino and Lanturn harder than Freezing Glare and more reliably than Hurricane, but Freezing Glare has better overall damage output. U-turn allows Galarian Articuno to pivot out against its switch-ins, but Shadow Ball can be used instead to hit Steel-types for neutral damage and more consistently threaten Psychic-types like Mesprit and opposing Galarian Articuno. Hazard control is important, since Stealth Rock prevents Galarian Articuno from freely switching in. Tsareena and Whimsicott are notable removers, both threatening common hazard setters like Gigalith and Galarian Stunfisk, (add comma) and using can use Knock Off to soften the checks they share with Galarian Articuno (remove comma) such as Alolan Sandslash. Tsareena can go one step further by running High Jump Kick to eliminate unsuspecting Steel-types altogether. Another good example is Charizard, which pressures Steel-types and offensively checks faster Pokemon like Ribombee. Particularly if it lacks Toxic, If Charizard lacks Toxic, it also enjoys Gigalith, its primary switch-in, being overwhelmed by Galarian Articuno. Setup sweepers like Scrafty and Silvally-Fairy appreciate Galarian Articuno giving them an easier time breaking through teams and finishing them off late-game. They also find Future Sight dissuading their checks and counters from switching in very useful, since this can translate to either a forced KO or more turns to set up.

- Written by: [[asa, 400292]]
- Quality checked by: [[MZ, 202117], [avarice, 346653]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
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implemented most of this am check + tweaked the wording of the analysis in a few places
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AC = Add Comma, RC = Remove Comma, AH = Add Hyphen, RH = Remove Hyphen


Galarian Articuno is one of PU's best and most dangerous special attackers thanks to its high Special Attack and great offensive typing. Part of what makes Galarian Articuno so threatening is Future Sight, which can severely limit its counterplay. Furthermore, Galarian Articuno is somewhat versatile, capable of serving either as a pivot that wallbreaks for itself and its teammates or a Choice Specs user that can tear through many teams with its power and coverage. Both sets fit on similar teams, which can make it hard to predict what Galarian Articuno is going to do and play around it. Galarian Articuno even has a nice defensive presence because of its decent bulk and access to recovery, with its typing also providing it useful switch-in opportunities to switch in against foes like Tsareena and Mesprit. However, while this is true,(RC) Galarian Articuno can only reliably come in on threats that are weak like Whimsicott or Choice-locked like Passimian. This is because Pokemon like Weezing, Sandaconda, and Scrafty can either threaten it with status or super effective coverage. Galarian Articuno also struggles to break through bulky Rock- and Steel-types like Gigalith, Aggron, and Galarian Stunfisk,(AC) given that its lack powerful coverage for them. Finally, due to its middling Speed tier, Galarian Articuno is outpaced and easily pressured by Pokemon such as Archeops and Basculin.

name: Heavy-Duty Boots
move 1: Future Sight
move 2: Hurricane
move 3: Recover
move 4: U-turn
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Competitive
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


This set lets Galarian Articuno serve as an offensive pivot that checks defensive Pokemon like Weezing and Sandaconda and generates momentum for its teammates. Protect is a niche alternative to U-turn that stalls a turn after using Future Sight and allows Galarian Articuno to see what move Choice Scarf users like Passimian and Togedemaru will lock into. However, U-turn tends to be better, since it maximizes the pressure Future Sight puts on teams. Freezing Glare can be used over Future Sight for an accurate and immediately damaging STAB move, although it's noticeably weaker. Physical wallbreakers such as Passimian, Absol, and Trevenant appreciate that Future Sight deters deterring their checks from switching into them and, in return, break through special walls like Gigalith and Articuno. Passimian also forms a momentum core with Galarian Articuno and offensively checks Dark-types like Sneasel. Since many of Galarian Articuno's best checks are grounded, support from entry hazard setters such as Weezing, Ferroseed, and Froslass is very useful. These Pokemon have an easier time keeping their entry hazards up thanks to Galarian Articuno's Competitive discouraging Defog attempts, and the former two can also sponge hits from potential revenge killers like Ribombee. Because of its weakness to Knock Off and reliance on Heavy-Duty Boots, Galarian Articuno should never be a team's only way to deal with Fighting-types. More reliable checks to them like Aromatisse, which can also eliminate status ailments with Aromatherapy, are therefore important partners. It's worth noting that Heavy-Duty Boots Galarian Articuno can alternatively serve as a decent setup sweeper with Calm Mind, eschewing forgoing U-turn and opting for Freezing Glare instead of Future Sight.(eschewing might be too fancy) Such a set is more self-reliant, since it allows Galarian Articuno to more readily exploit the switches it forces.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Future Sight
move 2: Psyshock / Freezing Glare
move 3: Hurricane
move 4: U-turn / Shadow Ball
item: Choice Specs
ability: Competitive
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Future Sight becomes incredibly strong when powered up by Choice Specs but shouldn't be used as this set's only Psychic-type STAB move. Psyshock hits special walls like Audino and Lanturn harder than Freezing Glare and more reliably than Hurricane, but Freezing Glare has better overall damage output. U-turn allows Galarian Articuno to pivot out against its switch-ins, but Shadow Ball can be used instead to hit Steel-types for neutral damage and more consistently threaten Psychic-types like Mesprit and opposing Galarian Articuno. Hazard Entry hazard control is important, since Stealth Rock prevents Galarian Articuno from freely switching in. Tsareena and Whimsicott are notable removers, since they both threaten common entry hazard setters like Gigalith and Galarian Stunfisk and can use Knock Off to soften shared checks with Galarian Articuno,(RC) such as Alolan Sandslash. Tsareena can go one step further by running High Jump Kick to eliminate unsuspecting Steel-types altogether. Another good example is Charizard, which pressures Steel-types and offensively checks faster Pokemon like Ribombee. Particularly,(AC) if it lacks Toxic, Charizard also enjoys Gigalith,(RC) its primary switch-in,(RC) being overwhelmed by Galarian Articuno overwhelming its primary switch-in in Gigalith. Setup sweepers like Scrafty and Silvally-Fairy appreciate Galarian Articuno giving them an easier time breaking through teams and finishing them off late-game. They also find Future Sight dissuading their checks and counters from switching in very useful, since this can translate to either a forced KO or more turns to set up.

- Written by: [[asa, 400292]]
- Quality checked by: [[MZ, 202117], [avarice, 346653]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
GP 1/1. [DC, 449990]