literally in shambles at this slate probably having the most communication between active players and other subbers of any FE slate and yet folks STILL voted for trash. FERU slate image goes here

- what does he DO??? offensive sets are giga ass, yall got gaslit by zxg there. defensively like yeah it's an unaware mon. cool. we definitely needed that. out of all the 100+ speed mons this was one of the absolute worst winners possible.

- would cook in OU if it had real Flying STAB. as-is it looks pretty trash and could potentially drop to UU eventually.

- great. we added the ONE offensive dragon that loses to mr heat. truly confusing winner. speed ties with buzzscor so i hate it and doesn't really do much offensively so it will be bad.

- because golisoros needed competition. lol. again, why the fuck did this win? it's not particularly unique (literally steps all over kabupult's toes, not even mentioning fully outclassing offensive golisoros), and it gets NO good water STAB on the phys side and no fighting STAB period on the special side. like, why?

- at least we got a couple good mons this slate. my sub so i won't talk on it too much, but i think this will be a pretty good meta addition.

- folks have been hating on this but it's by far the best ogerpon fusion anyone has subbed. mon looks gas in current meta, fucking up maract and pairing well with mr heat WITHOUT passing stupid big wishes to it (osp...), plus all the forms do something, even if some might be a bit much.

☆ - uhh funny bulu. i fw it

- pretty strong but also pretty slow. should be a solid breaker.

☆ - not gonna be good in OU

- brokemon, plz ban. but like legitimately this is way too fat for what it brings to the table, and also a 4th water immune is very uncool. i'm not looking forward to having to find ways of dealing with this.

☆ - might be kinda funny in OU, we'll see

- diancie 2. shitmon

☆ - diancie 3. shitmon 2

- thank god you don't get forced out at half health anymore. should be a much better defensive tool now, though new competition from trash winner bundle def hurts its viability, so we'll see.

- awesome. half-baked mon becomes slightly more baked.

- uhhh this might be a bit much now. gonna need to see it in action, but fat fairies wall it to hell and back so making counterplay shouldn't be too hard.

- not even a buff highkey lmao. mon's best sets at this point were more offensive leaning, and this type change completely removes its best STAB while not even letting it beat giri like it's supposedly able to (i just volt switch out for a clean 30 lol). please just free aggram
yeah this slate sucked. blind voting doesn't let me see who ruined stuff for everyone but if you voted for any of the first 3 mons you should seriously be questioning your decision-making. all three of them have very glaring flaws and many far better subs existed that could've taken their place, but instead we're stuck with the consequences of yall's actions. hopefully things shape up next slate, but i doubt it.

yeah this slate sucked. blind voting doesn't let me see who ruined stuff for everyone but if you voted for any of the first 3 mons you should seriously be questioning your decision-making. all three of them have very glaring flaws and many far better subs existed that could've taken their place, but instead we're stuck with the consequences of yall's actions. hopefully things shape up next slate, but i doubt it.