Pet Mod Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Balance Patch! | Not open for Submissions | Council Applications Open

literally in shambles at this slate probably having the most communication between active players and other subbers of any FE slate and yet folks STILL voted for trash. FERU slate image goes here

:aerodactyl::skeledirge: - what does he DO??? offensive sets are giga ass, yall got gaslit by zxg there. defensively like yeah it's an unaware mon. cool. we definitely needed that. out of all the 100+ speed mons this was one of the absolute worst winners possible.

:aerodactyl-mega::skeledirge: - would cook in OU if it had real Flying STAB. as-is it looks pretty trash and could potentially drop to UU eventually.

:hydrapple::chien-pao: - great. we added the ONE offensive dragon that loses to mr heat. truly confusing winner. speed ties with buzzscor so i hate it and doesn't really do much offensively so it will be bad.

:sirfetchd::iron bundle: - because golisoros needed competition. lol. again, why the fuck did this win? it's not particularly unique (literally steps all over kabupult's toes, not even mentioning fully outclassing offensive golisoros), and it gets NO good water STAB on the phys side and no fighting STAB period on the special side. like, why?

:buzzwole::gliscor: - at least we got a couple good mons this slate. my sub so i won't talk on it too much, but i think this will be a pretty good meta addition.

:hatterene::ogerpon: - folks have been hating on this but it's by far the best ogerpon fusion anyone has subbed. mon looks gas in current meta, fucking up maract and pairing well with mr heat WITHOUT passing stupid big wishes to it (osp...), plus all the forms do something, even if some might be a bit much.

:hatterene::ogerpon: ☆ - uhh funny bulu. i fw it

:hatterene::ogerpon-hearthflame: - pretty strong but also pretty slow. should be a solid breaker.

:hatterene::ogerpon-hearthflame: ☆ - not gonna be good in OU

:hatterene::ogerpon-wellspring: - brokemon, plz ban. but like legitimately this is way too fat for what it brings to the table, and also a 4th water immune is very uncool. i'm not looking forward to having to find ways of dealing with this.

:hatterene::ogerpon-wellspring: ☆ - might be kinda funny in OU, we'll see

:hatterene::ogerpon-cornerstone: - diancie 2. shitmon

:hatterene::ogerpon-cornerstone: ☆ - diancie 3. shitmon 2

:golisopod::tauros-paldea-blaze: - thank god you don't get forced out at half health anymore. should be a much better defensive tool now, though new competition from trash winner bundle def hurts its viability, so we'll see.

:overqwil::gyarados: - awesome. half-baked mon becomes slightly more baked.

:overqwil::gyarados-mega: - uhhh this might be a bit much now. gonna need to see it in action, but fat fairies wall it to hell and back so making counterplay shouldn't be too hard.

:lairon::reshiram: - not even a buff highkey lmao. mon's best sets at this point were more offensive leaning, and this type change completely removes its best STAB while not even letting it beat giri like it's supposedly able to (i just volt switch out for a clean 30 lol). please just free aggram

yeah this slate sucked. blind voting doesn't let me see who ruined stuff for everyone but if you voted for any of the first 3 mons you should seriously be questioning your decision-making. all three of them have very glaring flaws and many far better subs existed that could've taken their place, but instead we're stuck with the consequences of yall's actions. hopefully things shape up next slate, but i doubt it.
:aerodactyl::skeledirge: - Not a particular fan of this Pokémon. Its weak outside of Flare Blitz, and nothing in the tier gets set up to abuse Unaware that much. I guess it can be a fast defensive pivot ala Talonflame in lower tiers, but TO ME the pressure to do that in the meta isn't here as yet.

:hydrapple::chien-pao: - Genuinely awful and will get get worse every single slate. 89 speed on a mon with such a shoddy typing and no means to remedy it is bad. Even if the pickings are low, it loses the 1v1 versus most offensive mons in the tier, and has alot of decent mons to wall it. Hatterpon-Welspring genuinely dogwalks it's entire existence.

:sirfetchd::iron-bundle: - Defending my son. 104 Speed is pretty solid, and not alot of meta pressures exist to spec into Booster Energy just yet, so I can see this being a pretty solid Life Orb user to break balance teams atm. Once the metagame eventually picks up te pace it will be interesting to see how it adapts with Booster Energy. Since it primarily specs into mixed sets it will be cool to see mons try and switvh around it to properly check it. Look out for Freeze Dry Water immunes!

Beaf Edit: Shut Up Beaf, offensive Golisoros is dogshit even prior to it losing 15 attack points, no wonder you think its bad.

:buzzwole::gliscor: - I don't like this Pokémon, I don't find it particularly necessary. Beaf gaslit people into thinking the meta needs Grounds and Ground resists....even though we have 3 different Grounds and 2 out of the three Grounds are resistant / immune to Ground anyways. Outside if that I guess this actually forces the need for Ground checks on ur team, but luckily the tier isn't lacking.

:hatterene::ogerpon: - Base Form imo is kinda ass, 100% outclassed by it's Tera Form since Fairy resist profile aren't that necessary right now.

:hatterene::ogerpon: ☆ - Offers the meta a fun form of Speed control, in combination with it's utility and fact that nothing else can Tera so it will go hard. As a mon, its largely ok. It's hardwalled by alot of good Pokemon tbh so it will probably just pivot and be utility focused.

:hatterene::ogerpon-hearthflame: - Strong Wallbreaker! Fire Fairy backed by Mold Breaker kinda goes crazy, its defensive typing + good bulk allows it to get off a Swords Dance versus a surprising amount of Pokémon in the tier and stack smacking fat around. Dual STAB + Power Whip is only bricked by a certain heat thing ig. Also this def beats defensive Aerodirge loool. Its criminal speed tier hurts it alot versus more offensive squads though.

:hatterene::ogerpon-wellspring: - Broken. Think about every Water type in the tier right now. It beats almost all of them. Some can adjust their toolkit (Sludge Bomb Goopert, Aforementioned Bundle Freeze Dry), but the large majority of Water types in the tier will be struggling once this drops. Like did we need the fourth Water immune lool.

:hatterene::ogerpon-cornerstone: - Fine? Competes hard with it's brethren, and its only selling point is it being a hodgepodge of good elements of each (offensive capacities rivaling Hearth, ability to Tera like Teal, ability to beat Mr. Heat like Wellspring) while still having shortcomings that hurt it overall. I don't expect any use for this until certain things get banned.

:hatterene::ogerpon-cornerstone: ☆ - See above, give it a Mach Punch weakness remove its extra Bullet Punch weakness.

:golisopod::tauros-paldea-blaze: - Great Buff. Goli never truly cared about it's damn offensive stat tbh, so having this rise in defensive prowess + eliminating te forced pivot will make its job of walling stuff alot better. Time will tell if its good.

:overqwil::gyarados: - Base is fine, I have never seen it be used in standard.

:overqwil::gyarados-mega: - Mega gets a small buff will DDance even easier.

:lairon::reshiram: - If council genuinely cared about this thing, they would have modified its stats and abilities to better utilize its typing change, because now it has a near useless Attack stat and an actually useless ability.

Edit: Holy Shit there is nothing much council can do here! Stats are not as wasted as thought.

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call me 007: 0 U-Turn, 0 Brave Bird, 7 thousand rocks damage

I find it hilarious that none of the nine fast electric type submissions made it in lmfao. Raikleav will see the light of day soon, trust. Vote in jellevoir next time btw--but on a more serious manner, I liked a lot of the submissions (I went through them all before voting trust).

:aerodactyl::skeledirge: - A large part of why I voted this in is because one of the most dynamic mons from early Gen 9 UU was talonflame, which operates a lot like Aerodirge but with a worse ability, worse defenses and U-Turn. Fast defensive will-o-wisp is always cool to see, and on top of that it can click torch song sometimes! I desperately wish this thing learnt brave bird and U-Turn though.

:aerodactyl-mega::skeledirge: - idk if this is gonna do much in OU considering it's just a flare blitz spammer but it's fun

:hydrapple::chien-pao: - I thought this submission was interesting but Fickle Beam's a dumb move even if it wouldn't use it and midspeed beakers are too much in fashion as is. A nasty plot set could be interesting maybe. This getting subbed alongside hattepon-wellspring is just awful though.

:sirfetchd::iron bundle: - A physical set with close combat/knockoff/pjab/u-turn or swords dance could actually be pretty cool. Other than that it does seem kind of limited. It doesn't have the stats to pull off a mixed set and no focus blast sucks (not that I particularly like a pokemon whose two stabs are 80/70 accuracy). Fast breaker though. Booster Energy sets could make for a cool cleaner.

:buzzwole::gliscor: - Not sure what to think of this one off a glance. I sort of dislike it since bug-ground really sucks and idt maractorus and tentazor needed to be taken down a peg. It does provide another offensive answer to mr heat but that mon's gonna be good regardless.

:hatterene::ogerpon: - Grass/Fairy does Grass/Fairy things. It's cool but barring Magnegiri and I guess Bramble, the mons it beats seem to be things that weren't in a great spot already.

:hatterene::ogerpon: ☆ - I'm really glad we got a fire/flying sub lol this might not have been fun to fight otherwise.

:hatterene::ogerpon-hearthflame: - Another slow breaker, but this one loses to mr heat so that becomes more viable! Not the biggest fan but it's fine, it also incidentally gives Aerodirge more to do.

:hatterene::ogerpon-hearthflame: ☆ - goodnight sweet prince

:hatterene::ogerpon-wellspring: - uh oh. water/fairy wth reliable recovery not only cooks a lot of what this slate added, it cooks a lot of the meta period. I'm excited to see it in action since it'll be strong af. Hopefully not broken!

:hatterene::ogerpon-wellspring: ☆ - goodnight sweet prince

:golisopod::tauros-paldea-blaze: - pretty good buff, could finally give this mon real purpose!

:overqwil::gyarados: - Probably could'v done with something meatier but still fine.

:overqwil::gyarados-mega: - See above.

:lairon::reshiram: - I suggested that this should become dragon/steel as a potential buff but I'm not sure if even that will save it lmao. it might get more use overtime but poor lashiram...if aggram doesn't become real this mon may have no hope.
:aerodactyl::skeledirge: - to my bones. This is a Mon that not only beats tf out of mons that already pretty suck in this tier (brambleshao, tentazor, most lashi) and physically doesn’t beat conk bun without running a bad set (facade kills if adamant) while being knock weak, and having a crazy fast unaware wisp, which is oppressive for the likes of pretty much every not conk bun physical attacker in this tier, which we already have two other mons who do this. Just really dislike this mon and it just really doesn’t fit into this meta

:aerodactyl-mega::skeledirge: - I love absolutely shafting the higher speed tiers and immediately making them suck

:hydrapple::chien-pao: - the middler ! It not only loses to priority prime conk bun, it also loses to slither, mr heat and, doesn’t provide anything for its speed. It’s slower than maw, doesn’t deal with mons faster than it, and just doesn’t hit hard enough to justify using a dragon ice, which is a momentum loss. Really don’t like it, as it infringes on the already pretty niche role of eis, while not really providing anything new to the role, and infact doing it worse other than being faster than conk (which doesn’t matter because priority)

:sirfetchd::iron bundle: - I voted for this, it’s neat and stops intim for phys sets, and doesn’t entirely reward special sets due to poor movepool. Overall neat mon for the 100+ tier

:buzzwole::gliscor: - I voted for this. Despite it being oppressive defensively, it has a type that really only beats conk, which is great. It has every hazard in the game, but imo that is a waste of its offensive profile, with intim immune plus ice punch uturn eq filler (sedge) to be a good scarfer or band mon

:hatterene::ogerpon: - I guess it’s a Mon. Genuinely bad without Tera, as it’s offensive type loses to the best mon in the tier (mr meat) and requires coverage on its already strained base moveset to hit mons like slither, which is already good, while being naturally slower than conk, eis and so much more. Really is just another bad mid speed Mon

:hatterene::ogerpon: ☆ - broken because Tera is broken, a free + 1 speed in this meta is def way too much, not to mention it having coverage for nearly every mon it needs to hit, either through band or sd. Just really think Tera being oger exclusive is stupid as there is no point in running the base mon, you are unpunished for Teraing turn 1, running some kinda sd encore set to win vs every defensive mon because you outrun them and encore them. You also outrun everything below 130 speed, which we have one that will be banned. Free scarf is notoriously broken

:hatterene::ogerpon-hearthflame: - kinda mid tbh, as it’s kinda weak and slow and forced to take hazard damage, while ivy cudgel hits hard, we happen to have the meat master, who does the job of an offensive fire way better. I guess this has uturn but it’s like only ok at best.

:hatterene::ogerpon-hearthflame: ☆ - this is banned

:hatterene::ogerpon-wellspring: - broke, unpunishable nuzzle + broken type. Way too much defensively for this tier

:hatterene::ogerpon-wellspring: ☆ - this is banned

:hatterene::ogerpon-cornerstone: - no point in using base, as you have free tera

:hatterene::ogerpon-cornerstone: ☆ - is a sand mon I guess

:golisopod::tauros-paldea-blaze: - ok buff I guess. Beats phys mons better now, but they already r not very good barring conk

:overqwil::gyarados: - it’s ok

:overqwil::gyarados-mega: - it’s ok

:lairon::reshiram: - it beats giri now, but giri also traps it, which creates an unfavorable situation for you after it gets volted on. It’s now even more passive too

overall sick to my bones. Priority mons r still broken and like 3 middlers and 3 brokens were thrown into the tier
:aerodactyl::skeledirge: -Who asked for this? Genuinely who wanted this? Why did you want this? This is just a fucking flying identity crisis that can't tell what it wants to be when it grows up aside from being fast.

:aerodactyl-mega::skeledirge: -It'll certainly exist in OU.

:hydrapple::chien-pao: -I don't see a point to this thing. This thing just has better compound eyes for an ability and it somehow won. Technically a worse compound eyes if we want to take double battles into account.

:sirfetchd::iron bundle: -For what it's worth I see the vision here. Even now it's still one of the faster mons in the tier and with booster energy it can do a lot. I get why some people are criticizing it but I can at least see the niche trying to be filled here.

:buzzwole::gliscor: -I think Diggersbee was the better sub. All I see from this is another snowballer and another bulky ground type, both of which I don't think we really needed another one of.

:hatterene::ogerpon: -I am going to bitch about the Ogerpon rules after I rate all of these. This one just sort of exists in my opinion. Mirror armor is neat especially with the intimidates bouncing around now, but I genuinely am not feeling this mon too much.

:hatterene::ogerpon: ☆ -This is an interesting option for sure, and definitely the one that'll end up being seen in the meta since the other option is cobblestone. Congrats for being the best tera type in UU by default I guess?

:hatterene::ogerpon-hearthflame: -One of the two actually good forms because mold breaker is pretty good to have in a meta where abilities are the name of the game. This will probably end up being the face of this mon by the end of the meta.

:hatterene::ogerpon-hearthflame: ☆ -Big bonk in OU

:hatterene::ogerpon-wellspring: -The other one of the two actually good forms, but this time it's because it may be too good. It's a fat fuck with a fat ability that makes it immune to water type attacks, BECAUSE WE HAVEN'T HAD ENOUGH THIRSTY FUCKS IN THE META! Anyway I forsee this getting kicked up to OU later down the line

:hatterene::ogerpon-wellspring: ☆ -Wet bonk in OU

:hatterene::ogerpon-cornerstone: -This is probably going to be the dark horse of the forms going forward. It'll probably be the least used by far, but it will probably carve out some sort of niche later down the line, most likely much later though.

:hatterene::ogerpon-cornerstone: ☆ -Much like the base form this is going to be the dark horse terra form and one that will probably be a lot harder to slot onto teams. Odds are that this won't get much usage though unless someone really wants to go all out on rock power.

For the life of me I don't get why the ogerpon forms aren't treated as three separate mons. The origin forms and the crowned forms are treated as their own separate mons for fusion purposes, so why isn't ogerpon. It makes fusing it unwieldy as you now have to consider every possibility for it, and if you only wanted to fuse say one form so you can use that ability then you're shit out of luck. I don't get the reasoning behind this but please treat the mask forms as separate mons in the future.

:golisopod::tauros-paldea-blaze: -The biggest winner in the slate, no more forced pivots just a mad cow who is ready to tank the world.

:overqwil::gyarados: -It's bulkier, hooray? I understand the buff is really for the mega but hey maybe base might see some use now. I doubt it though.

:overqwil::gyarados-mega: -It's also bulkier and thus makes it easier to get its groove on. Pretty neat I guess.

:lairon::reshiram: -In a slate with questionable winners this thing still manages to lose the most. What the fuck does it gain by this? Was this the best way to buff this thing? Genuinely how is this a buff because it loses on its offensive prowess in exchange for a typing where it gets 0 moves that take advantage of its ability. I understand the reluctance to release Aggram into the world, but there has to be some other thing you can do to make this work, right?

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quick thoughts because i have to get ready for another week of school tomorrow

:aerodactyl::skeledirge: - i sure love my downgraded Moltres

:aerodactyl-mega::skeledirge: - would probably be fine if it was unbanned

:hydrapple::chien-pao: - big fat "hmm, maybe?"

:sirfetchd::iron bundle: - we did NOT need a mixed attacker like this

:buzzwole::gliscor: - see hydra pao

:hatterene::ogerpon: - actually decent mon let's go??? also ogerpon fusion rules... :zonger:

:hatterene::ogerpon: ☆ - what if it got a speed buff too

:hatterene::ogerpon-hearthflame: - chip everything with hazards. Kool

:hatterene::ogerpon-hearthflame: ☆ - banned loser

:hatterene::ogerpon-wellspring: - banned to UUBL loser

:hatterene::ogerpon-wellspring: ☆ - banned loser

:hatterene::ogerpon-cornerstone: - its fine i guess

:hatterene::ogerpon-cornerstone: ☆ - its fine i guess

:golisopod::tauros-paldea-blaze: - GOOD BUFF.

:overqwil::gyarados: - damn that fish sure is bulky

:overqwil::gyarados-mega: - see above

:aggron::reshiram: - FEUU council i need to know about the kidnapping of this mon. where did it go. why is it not here. why did lashiram get a useless buff. we need to riot. this is NOT okay. /j
:aerodactyl::skeledirge: - as an offensive mon its shit yeah, but it could be a cool unaware mon going forward as we don't have any of those, free the damn mega omfl

:hydrapple::chien-pao: - apple, jokes aside idk my thoughts on this

:sirfetchd::iron bundle: - ngl i thought he was slightly better than he actually was, sorry for hyping him up yall, i thought he got liquidation

update: nah, mons solid and ima stand by that, yall are haters, this thing has a ton of sets it can run, it is baby valiant, let the duck cook
:buzzwole::gliscor: - probs the best winner of the slate

:hatterene::ogerpon: - i love being speeeeeeeedy

:hatterene::ogerpon-hearthflame: - Step 1. SD Step 2. Ivy Cudgel Step 3. Recover or Knock if needed

:hatterene::ogerpon-wellspring: - wtf, goddamn yall were complaining about Cruelveon being too fat, nevermind this is like tapu fini level bs with recovery

:hatterene::ogerpon-cornerstone: - what does she even do, tera could be an ok spdef wall i guess

:golisopod::tauros-paldea-blaze: - lets watch him fight with the penguin

:overqwil::gyarados: - intimidate is real again

:overqwil::gyarados-mega: - maybe ok with dd? still gets fucked by every prio user but womp womp

:lairon::reshiram: - its time to accept fate, now instead of just dying to magnegiri, its momentum fodder, in exchange it has lost usefulness in every other matchup and all of its offensive capabilities, my child has had a good run, let him rest|

:reshiram: Aggram must rise :aggron:
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I think we should honestly hear out Lashiram for a lil bit before we sentence him to death. Dragon Tail Heavy Slam/EQ SR Toxic is eh but at the very least somewhat usable, and the meta has yet to be able to explore a bulky Steel that walls Magne nstead of being victim too it's trap. Yeah, it's not the Lashiram edit people want nor is it one people find an immediate use for, but it can be shocking what mons can do once push comes to shove and creativity comes out.

I will say though council, I think some level of stat tweaking and ability manipulation prior to moving into Slate 4 is in order to really get the full extent of Lashiram. If you want to commit to it's defensive profile more, Sturdy or Heavy Metal are both better for it rn than Rock Head as well.
Time to bring some thoughts to these mons, this slate is certainly an interesting one. A weird slate for sure, but if I'm being honest all things considered this slate isn't awful. I do think that this slate has been aggressively and frustratingly mediocre, but its not horrible. I'll edit this post later to give some words about voting and all that junk.

:aerodactyl::skeledirge: - Definition of mid. Rock Head Flare Blitz is alright and is certainly an offensive Unaware mon. Seems to have decent switch-in opportunities, but it does beat out mons that already seem to struggle, and also doesn't really do much to actually balance the top tier mons aside from being faster and hitting them for some damage (that damage tho as weak as it may be). 95 Attack is not doing it any favors here.
:aerodactyl-mega::skeledirge: - Banned.

:hydrapple::chien-pao: - Day 1 and its already aged poorly. It's an offensive Dragon that can't switch into Mr. Heat, has average offenses at best, and matches up poorly to a lot of mons, especially somehow the winners of this very slate (I'm starting to see a pattern here... HMMM......). It can easily be remedied with buffs, but it's just sad to see this as the state of the winners of the mod that basically need buffs as early as Day 1. Once those remedies do come around though, this mon becomes fairly good as its got some fairly consistent STABs in Blizzard, and coverage in Hydro Pump. Fickle Beam is also pretty funny.

:sirfetchd::iron bundle: - Honestly pretty weird. The fact that its missing a good STAB option on either its physical or special side does not give me much hope of it being a "mixed" attacker, like some people seem to be suggesting. SD is the obvious strongest set here, and its funny because this mon can literally go toe to toe against Golisoros and doesn't give a crap. Aside from that it's pretty inoffensive, I think.

:buzzwole::gliscor: - Probably the objectively "best" sub viability wise in this slate, but also the one in the most dubious spot imo. It's another bulky Ground in a meta filled with Ground-types, which I don't think is really necessary in the meta given the mons that already exist. It's a big old U-turn clicker that matches up well into basically every mon in the meta. I find it ironic that Beaf says that we need more Ground-resists and subs Buzzscor when Buzzscor itself will be the reason why. Its Earthquake hits basically every mon in the meta, and it can just U-turn out of the resists. The best check against Buzzscor is ironically itself. Honestly the more I think about this mon the more I'm having mixed feelings on it. Hey, atleast Overgyara seems to have a positive matchup against it, so that's good.

:hatterene::ogerpon: - The only mon I voted for out of the winners, and I think it's solid. Grass/Fairy is nice as a type and the sub has a positive matchup against two of the best mons in the meta; Maractorus and Magnegiri. A defensive Fairy isn't exactly in high demand, but it does do decently well against Conk and also retroactively makes Lashiram better after the buff (honestly awesome how that works). Aside from that its got a ton of utility and some interesting interactions with the rest of the meta, and also somehow matches up positively against Buzzscor.
:hatterene::ogerpon: ☆ - Very cool. It's a nice form of speed control with the speed boost and SD, and its got a deadly Ivy Cudgel, but its STAB is walled by a decent set of mons, so it looks decently balanced, though Tera may be a problem so we'll need to watch out for that.

:hatterene::ogerpon-hearthflame: - Strong breaker. Fire/Fairy is great offensively and defensively and has a lot of opportunities to set up SD. Its got recovery, Knock to annoy Mr. Heat, and U-turn to pivot. Goop can switch-in on Ivy Cudgel, though it has to watch out for Play Rough, and its so slow so most mons should be able to outspeed and kill it, but I think it'll find opportunities to dent teams quite a bit.
:hatterene::ogerpon-hearthflame: ☆ - Banned.

:hatterene::ogerpon-wellspring: - Most likely gonna be banned. I'm not going to repeat what everyone else has said, this thing is the quintessential bulky Water and its simply too much imo. It puts all the bulky waters in the meta out of a job and just seems overall insanely good at its job.
:hatterene::ogerpon-wellspring: ☆ - Banned.

:hatterene::ogerpon-cornerstone: - I agree with RDG and G-Luke, this seems like the Dark Horse of the different forms and also is a bit like a "jack-of-all-trades, master of none" type of mon. The fact it can Tera is already a pretty big deal and gives the mon the offensive prowess of Hearthflame while also giving it a good matchup against Mr. Heat. Its probably gonna be worse than either Teal or Hearthflame, but its unique combination of traits might be pretty interesting to see and could give it a niche.
:hatterene::ogerpon-cornerstone: ☆ - Ditto G-Luke's thoughts.
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:hatterene:Slate 4 - Test Subject:ogerpon:

Well that certainly was... a slate!

For slate 4, we will do a little experiment. During this slate, users will only be allowed to sub 2 fusions at most. This is an attempt to increase the higher overall quality of subs, as a lower number allows users to dedicate more time to the two they submit as well as making it a lot easier for people to check out every sub when the time comes to vote. If the test is successful, we will implement this on other slates as well.

Slate 4 will last until saturday, 27th. Enjoy!​
DNA Donors: Ceruledge / Hitmonchan
Fusion Name: Hitmonedge
New Types:

Base Stats: 65 / 115 / 80 / 50 / 105 / 90 [BST: 505] (+3 HP / +0 Atk / +1 Def / +3 SpA / +0 SpD / +10 Spe)
New Ability: Bob and Weave = (Flash Fire + Iron Fist)
Ability Description: Iron Fist + If hit by one punching move, this Pokemon's punching moves have 1.5x power; immune to punching moves.
Notable Moves:
Bitter Blade, Close Combat, Mach Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Knock Off, Rapid Spin

Swords Dance, Taunt
Intended Role: Physical Wallbreaker, Stallbreaker, Hazard Control (Rapid Spin)
Role Justification: pretty fast and strong mon who can sustain itself easily with bitter blade. its also immune to slither wing's wisps, and blocks bullet punch and mach punch through its ability so its a good speed control in that sense.

DNA Donors: Greninja / Basculegion-F
Fusion Name: Bascuninja
New Types:

Base Stats: 96 / 95 / 68 / 107 / 73 / 101 [BST: 540] (+0 HP / +2 Atk / +2 Def / +6 SpA / +0 SpD / +1 Spe)
New Ability: Lazyhead = (Protean + Mold Breaker)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
Wave Crash, Flip Turn, Aqua Jet, Gunk Shot, Low Kick, U-Turn
Hydro Pump, Water Shuriken, Ice Beam, Grass Knot, Sludge Wave
Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Taunt, Switcheroo
Intended Role: Offensive Pivot, Special Wallbreaker, Mixed Wallbreaker, Hazard Setter (Spikes, Toxic Spikes)
Role Justification: fake water that ignores all the wabsorbers out there. good speed for scarf and decent for specs. has regular gren suicide lead set too ig
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solving the problem I created
DNA Donors: Lunatone / Pecharunt
Fusion Name: Lunarunt
New Types:

Base Stats: 95 / 71 / 115 / 95 / 90 / 80 [BST: 546] (+6 HP / +0 Atk / +3 Def / +4 SpA / +4 SpD / +1 Spe)
New Ability: UFO = (Levitate + Poison Puppeteer)
Ability Description: Levitate effects. If this Pokemon would be hit by a Ground move, the attacker becomes confused.
Notable Moves:
Earth Power, Hex, Meteor Beam, Moonblast, Power Gem, Shadow Ball
Calm Mind, Nasty Plot, Recover, Parting Shot, Stealth Rock, Toxic
Intended Role: Physical Wall, Defensive Pivot, Hazard Setter
Role Justification: Buzzscor is pretty stupid and most of our walls for it share weaknesses. Lunarunt provides a great switchin for its STABs that also doesn't really mind Stone Edge or Thunder Punch, forcing Buzz to diversify its sets. It's also just a pretty solid CM wincon and defensive piece, with plenty of other good matchups such as Conkelbun, Mr. Heat, and Aerodirge.

wouldn't it be cool if we added a real offensive dragon this slate?
DNA Donors: Cyclizar / Munkidori
Fusion Name: Munkizar
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 85 / 70 / 110 / 85 / 113 [BST: 543] (+1 HP / +0 Atk / +5 Def / +3 SpA / +8 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Antidote = (Regenerator + Toxic Chain)
Ability Description: This Pokemon cures its Poison on switch out.
Notable Moves:
Knock Off, Rapid Spin, U-Turn
Draco Meteor, Focus Blast, Overheat, Psychic, Psyshock, Sludge Wave
Calm Mind, Nasty Plot, Parting Shot, Trick
Intended Role: Special Wallbreaker, Offensive Pivot, Setup Sweeper
Role Justification: This guy is a revamp of Melogon from last slate. I get that Melo was pretty boring and maybe a bit undertuned, so here's something a little spicier. Offensive pivot that pairs well with Brambleshao, switches easily into Mr. Heat, and has strong setup sets to serve as a potent wincon. Struggles somewhat into our Steels, as you can't run enough coverage to hit all of Slither King, Frosgambit, and Lashiram (not to mention Overheat really sucking on sweeper sets), but obviously the rest of its kit still makes it a very strong option.
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Back with a vengance
DNA Donors: Centiskorch / Zarude
Fusion Name: Skorcrude
New Types:

Base Stats: 102 / 120 / 85 / 80 / 92 / 101 [BST: 580] (+0 HP / +3 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +16 Spe)
New Ability: Purifying Fire = (Flash Fire + Leaf Guard)
Ability Description: Flash Fire effects. Flash Fire is activated by being statused + status immune, rest fails on use
Notable Moves:
FIRE LASH, U-Turn, Leech Life, Knock Off, Flare Blitz, Close Combat, Rock Slide
Swords Dance, Coil, Will-O-Wisp, Synthesis, Taunt
Intended Role: Offensive Pivot / Swords Dance Cleaner
Role Justification: I don’t like slither. Status immunity plus a good assortment of moves allows this to be a competent pivot that beats the meat, while knocking key items. Notably checked pretty well by hattepon-h and conk, but a good offensive knock pivot is something we don’t exactly have, and having stab on those two moves allows it to pivot on its checks to bring in other mons that deal with it

This be a Mon
DNA Donors: Bombirdier / Tornadus
Fusion Name: Bombirdus
New Types:

Base Stats: 75 / 120 / 77 / 92 / 85 / 101 [BST: 550] (+1 HP / +11 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +3 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability: Riot Payload = (Rocky Payload + Defiant)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
Brave Bird, Knock Off, Stone Edge, U-Turn, Superpower
Prob not
Roost, Stealth Rock
Intended Role: Choice band breaker
Role Justification: Tri stab with rock dark flying is pretty neat . You also click brave bird. It’s kinda basic but it provides many things this meta needs, particularly a faster dark type with pivoting, that isn’t crippled by slither priority burn. Has to choose coverage or pivoting for the niche factor of hitting lashi which makes lashi a good answer. Big neutral stab in brave bird is also good for dealing with Mr meat.

I’m tired and I am going to sleep
DNA Donors: Flutter Mane / Bellibolt
Fusion Name: Flutter Belly
New Types:

Base Stats: 83 / 59 / 79 / 119 / 109 / 101 [BST: 550] (+1 HP / +0 Atk / +6 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +11 Spe)
New Ability: Protostasis = (Protosynthesis + Damp) (yes I don’t care it sounds good)
Ability Description: Prevents booster energy /proto / quark boost while active
Notable Moves:
Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Hex, Volt Switch, Moonblast, Mystical Fire, Muddy Water, Energy Ball
Calm Mind, Slack Off, Toxic, Thunder wave, Taunt
Intended Role: CM sweeper, special pivot, Specs Breaker
Role Justification: Fast offensive ghost and fast offensive electric that doesn’t immediately cripple physical attackers in two and a half seconds with burn. Did I mention it resists not sucker punch priority? It does that. Also would give some more viability to other dark types like gugu in order to resist this mons powerful shadow balls and thunderbolts.
Hard to name fusion
DNA Donors: Yanmega / Basculegion
Fusion Name: Bascuyan
New Types:

Base Stats: 105 / 98 / 75 / 98 / 65 / 100 [BST: 541] (+2 HP / +4 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +14 Spe)
New Ability: Broken Lens = (Tinted Lens + Mold Breaker)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
Wave Crash, U-Turn, Aqua Jet, Flip Turn, Leech Life
Hydro Pump, Surf, Bug Buzz
Intended Role: Choiced Wallbreaker / Physical Pivot / Special Pivot
Role Justification: Offensive water number billion. However this provides a different role than sir bundle and kabupult because notably their stabs are god awful. This however can click tinted lens hydro pump and wave crash, while ignoring the MANY water immune mons. However, answers still exist due to the speed not being the highest, encouraging mons like golisoros and goopert who carry more raw bulk. Also notable: this one shots Mr meat. Potent offensive mon that can provide many things to this tier.
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Lion Queen
DNA Donors: Tsareena / Pyroar
Fusion Name: Tsaroar
New Types:

Base Stats: 79 / 109 / 90 / 79 / 82 / 89 [BST: 528] (+0 HP / +15 Atk / +5 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Queenly Terror = (Queenly Majesty + Moxie)
Ability Description: Priority Immunity. If targeted by priority: Moxie Effects
Notable Moves:
Power Whip, Flare Blitz, Rapid Spin, Knock Off, Bullet Seed, Triple Axel, U-Turn, High Jump Kick, Psychic Fangs
Taunt, Will-O-Wisp, Work Up ig
Intended Role: Physical Wallbreaker, Hazard Removal (Rapid Spin)
Role Justification: Priority denial for fun and profit

DNA Donors: Bounsweet / Litleo
Fusion Name: Bountleo
New Types:

Base Stats: 52 / 51 / 48 / 51 / 46 / 52 [BST: 300] (+0 HP / +11 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Veil of Superiority = (Sweet Veil + Moxie)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:



Intended Role: Lc
Role Justification: Baby

Mighty Cleave My Beloved.
DNA Donors: Iron Boulder / Trevenant
Fusion Name: Iron Revenant
New Types:

Base Stats: 88 / 116 / 78 / 66 / 96 / 90 [BST: 534] (+1 HP / +1 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +1 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Quark Scan = (Quark Drive + Frisk)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
Mighty Cleave, Poltergeist, Close Combat, Drain Punch, Poison Jab, Horn Leech, Wood Hammer
Swords Dance, Leech Seed, Toxic, Will-O-Wisp, Substitute
Intended Role: Set-Up Sweeper (Swords Dance), Choice Band (Scarf maybe)
Role Justification: sub rises from the dead to deal with heat ig.
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DNA Donors: Zekrom / Rhyhorn
Fusion Name: Zekhorn
New Types:

Base Stats: 90 / 117 / 107 / 75 / 65 / 77 [BST: 531] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability: Unyielding Force = (Teravolt + Reckless)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
Supercell Slam, Bolt Strike, Fusion Bolt, Wild Charge, Head Smash, Earthquake, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Scale Shot, Rock Blast

Dragon Dance, Swords Dance, Stealth Rock
Intended Role: Physical sweeper, ability buster
Role Justification:

DNA Donors: Talonflame / Leavanny
Fusion Name: Flamanny
New Types:

Base Stats: 76 / 102 / 85 / 72 / 74 / 109 [BST: 518] (+0 HP / +10 Atk / +10 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Swift Stinger = (Gale Wings + Swarm)
Ability Description: The user's Bug-type moves receive +1 priority.
Notable Moves:
U-turn, Lunge, Flare Blitz, Fell Stinger, Skitter Smack, Knock Off

Swords Dance, Roost, Will-o-Wisp
Intended Role:
Role Justification: Priority webs and U-turns ahoy! But it pretty much needs to wear boots.

DNA Donors: Centiskorch / Trapinch
Fusion Name: Skorchtrap
New Types:

Base Stats: 72 / 107 / 55 / 87 / 67 / 37 [BST: 425] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +20 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Heat Trap = (Flash Fire + Arena Trap)
Ability Description: Traps opposing Fire-types + Flash Fire effects
Notable Moves:
First Impression, Fire Flash, Flare Blitz, Leech Life, Lunge, Crunch, Earthquake, Power Whip
Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Scald, Giga Drain, Earth Power, Scorching Sands
Coil, Will-o-Wisp
Intended Role: Mr. Heat Counter, Fire trapper
Role Justification:

DNA Donors: Tsareena / Garchomp
Fusion Name: Tsarchomp
New Types:

Base Stats: 95 / 125 / 96 / 65 / 93 / 100 [BST: 574] (+5 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +2 SpD / +13 Spe)
New Ability: Speed Buster = (Queenly Majesty + Rough Skin)
Ability Description: Priority moves used against this Pokemon fail + user takes 1/8th of its maximum HP as damage
Notable Moves:
Trop Kick Rapid Spin, Scale Shot, Power Whip, Dragon Claw, Outrage, Dragon Tail, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Iron Head, Triple Axel

Swords Dance, Stealth Rock, Spikes
Intended Role: Hazard setter, sweeper, phazer, priority punisher
Role Justification:

DNA Donors: Tsareena / Garchomp-Mega
Fusion Name: Tsarchomp
New Types:

Base Stats: 95 / 165 / 116 / 105 / 103 / 90 [BST: 674] (+5 HP / +40 Atk / +20 Def / +40 SpA / +12 SpD / +3 Spe)
New Ability: Sand Force = (Queenly Majesty + Rough Skin)
Ability Description:
Notable Moves:
Trop Kick Rapid Spin, Scale Shot, Power Whip, Dragon Claw, Outrage, Dragon Tail, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Iron Head, Triple Axel

Swords Dance, Stealth Rock, Spikes
Intended Role: Hazard setter, sweeper, phazer, priority punisher
Role Justification:
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i hate priority. [Support]
DNA Donors: Indeedee-F / Celebi
Fusion Name: Celebeedee-F
New Types:

Base Stats: 88 / 77 / 88 / 100 / 102 / 100 [BST: 555] (+3 HP / +0 Atk / +6 Def / +3 SpA / +0 SpD / +8 Spe)
New Ability: Mystic Flux = (Psychic Surge + Natural Cure)
Ability Description: This Pokemon summons Psychic Terrain when it switches out.
Notable Moves:
Psychic/Psyshock, Future Sight, Earth Power, Dazzling Gleam
Calm Mind, Nasty Plot, Stealth Rock, Recover, Thunder Wave, Healing Wish
Intended Role: Support (Future Sight, Rocks), Pivot, Setup Sweeper
Role Justification:
Do you hate Slither? Do you hate when your setup sweepers all lose to Cockbun? You're in luck! Celebeedee has great utility options, reliable recovery, pivot, and most importantly Future Sight. Future Sight gets boosted by terrain after you click it, letting your breakers punch huge holes into the enemy team. Terrain also helps your setup sweepers from getting revenged by all the priority mons in the tier or from getting crippled by Slither status shennanigans. Pair with any darks that drop in the future to totally fuck up Mr. Heater!!
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:swsh/corviknight: :sv/garganacl:
Big Stall, Unite
DNA Donors: Corviknight / Garganacl
Fusion Name: Gorvinacl
New Types:

Base Stats: 110 / 95 / 120 / 49 / 90 / 51 [BST: 515] (+11 HP / +2 Atk / +3 Def / +0 SpA / +3 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Table Salts = (Pressure + Purifying Salt)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
Salt Cure, U-Turn, Body Press, Brave Bird

Recover, Protect, Defog, Stealth Rock, Iron Defense
Intended Role: Wall, Bulky Pivot, Hazard Setter/Removal, Ironpresser
Role Justification: the meta needs good defensive walls, and this is definetly one, it’s a defensive mon that handles a fuckload of the broken threats in the meta while not being passive thanks to Salt Cure. It has recovery, pivoting, is a phenomenal defogger, pretty much gets everything you want out of a wall. It can handle conkelbun (Adamant Conk CC is a bit of a roll to 2hko, but you can use pressure and protect to severely limit its ability to click that cc), buzz, and by extension most phys attackers in the meta. Even handles some special stuff too, matching up solidly into Mr. Meat due to typing and naturally solid special bulk. Now onto its flaws, knock off is a very present tool in the meta and this was kept in mind when designing the mon, as once it loses its boots it becomes a lot more susceptible to hazards when it has to switch in over the course of a game, and despite its great bulk it Definetly has to watch out for that, as it’ll no longer be able to check stuff like conk. In addition to that the typing ain’t amazing, and still lets celeblim maintain its niche due to not resisting stuff like fighting or grass.

DNA Donors: Corvisquire / Naclstack
Fusion Name: Naclsquire
New Types:

Base Stats: 70 / 63 / 90 / 39 / 60 / 56 [BST: 378] (+6 HP / +0 Atk / +13 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Smelling Salts = (Unnerve + Purifying Salt)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Intended Role:
Role Justification: RU/NU defensive unit

DNA Donors: Rookidee / Nacli
Fusion Name: Naclidee
New Types:

Base Stats: 50 / 55 / 60 / 35 / 35 / 45 [BST: 280] (+4 HP / +4 Atk / +5 Def / +1 SpA / +0 SpD / +4 Spe)
New Ability: Smelling Salts = (Keen Eye + Purifying Salt)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Intended Role:
Role Justification: how dare you add this into my precious LC meta (nobody has played lc osp)

:swsh/hydreigon: :sv/latias:
Death's little sister
DNA Donors: Hydreigon / Latias
Fusion Name: Lateigon
New Types:

Base Stats: 86 / 93 / 90 / 117 / 110 / 104 [BST: 600] (+0 HP / +1 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Levitate = (Levitate + Levitate)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
Draco Meteor, Mist Ball, Earth Power, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Fire Blast, Focus Blast, Flash Cannon
Nasty Plot, Recover, Thunder Wave, Calm Mind, Stealth Rock, Healing Wish
Intended Role: Special Breaker, Choice user, Offensive Pivot, Setup Breaker, Calm Mind / Plot Sweeper, Support
Role Justification: You see these two mons and know what’s up. Pure Dragon is a huge downside, but ground immune helps, and it has so many positive traits to accompany it. Huge Draco, amazing special coverage, Solid speed tier, Doesn’t care much about hazards, very nice bulk for an offensive Mon, setup, and some solid matchups into a lot of mons, particularly spdef ones, such as Maractorus and Mr. Meat, as well as being able to wipe Tentazor and Goopert off the map, though having to be more wary of those. Overall just a very simple yet potent offensive mon with some tank capacity.

Minor Edit: no longer latios, instead its latias, this change makes it a lot more well rounded and less stupid as a breaker, 10 points less spatk is a fairly large difference, especially off a mon so offensively potent, and itll be a noticeable enough damage reduction to where current and future special walls will actually be able to handle this thing without being outrageously power crept, plus now this thing can do some more interesting stuff with its roles

the reaper's left hand
DNA Donors: Hydreigon / Latias-Mega
Fusion Name: Lateigon
New Types:

Base Stats: 86 / 113 / 120 / 147 / 130 / 104 [BST: 700] (+0 HP / +21 Atk / +30 Def / +30 SpA / +20 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Levitate = (Levitate + Levitate)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities
Role Justification: forgot to mention the super omega banned mega, here she is
gone with the wind [Versatile Offensive Pivot]
DNA Donors: Starmie / Braviary-Hisui
Fusion Name: Bravistar-Hisui
New Types:

Base Stats: 85 / 80 / 80 / 106 / 80 / 101 [BST: 532] (+0 HP / +1 Atk / +3 Def / +0 SpA / +3 SpD / +11 Spe)
New Ability: Sharpshooter = (Analytic + Keen Eye)
Ability Description: Analytic Effects, This Pokémon’s moves accuracy are boosted by 1.3x
Notable Moves:
Flip Turn, Rapid Spin
Hydro Pump, Hurricane, Thunder, Blizzard, Scald, Meteor Beam, (Stored Power?)
Thunder Wave/Toxic, Calm Mind, Recover/Roost
Intended Role: Offensive Pivot, Hazard Removal, Breaker, Setup Cleaner
Role Justification: ok nvm (:houndoom::tornadus-therian:) was broko and not really what anyone wanted, here’s a cooler offensive flying. Abil lets it use hella strong coverage and stabs, though that leaves it walled by Brambleshao (fun wind gaming), with good bulk, cm, spin, and pivoting enough to be a good util mon as well. Overall it kinda does starmie things but as a bird, it’s an offensive water, deals with Meat well, and is just a solid special breaker, that gives Storm clinic a purpose besides regen, and revitalizes a mon that has been falling off for generations, that isnt hyperoptimized for its role yet has really strong role compression and can slot on a lot of teams. Only major negative imo of the sub is that its another water but that is bound to happen in metas like these, and this does fairly different stuff from our other waters.
Hey now, you’re an all star
DNA Donors: Rufflet / Staryu
Fusion Name: Starlet
New Types:

Base Stats: 50 / 64 / 52 / 53 / 52 / 72 [BST: 343] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Biggest Pecks = (Hustle + Analytic)
Ability Description: Attack is 1.5x, Accuracy is 1.3x
Intended Role: violent child
Role Justification: he’s troubled (lc)
my main goal, is to blow up [Breaker]
DNA Donors: Staraptor / Blaziken
Fusion Name: Starziken
New Types:

Base Stats: 85 / 120 / 70 / 80 / 65 / 97 [BST: 517] (+3 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +7 Spe)
New Ability: Burning Spirit = (Reckless + Blaze)
Ability Description: This pokemon's recoil moves and fire moves are boosted by 1.2x (they do not stack)
Notable Moves:
Double Edge, High Jump Kick, Flare Blitz, Stone Edge, U-turn
no, don't
Swords Dance
Intended Role: Choice User, Breaker, Speed Control

Role Justification: Reckless doesn't solve blaziken's issue of killing itself, so lets remove speed boost instead.
Jokes aside, this thing is a nuclear breaker through and through, with strong af STABs, coverage to wipe shit like slither off the map, and pivoting. Has SD too if you are an absolutely ballsy lad. Of course theres the downsides to the mon tho, constantly spamming recoil moves, including high jump kick, is a very likely way to end up dead on your own accord, the speed tier isn't phenomenal, but its good enough to scarf. Without that though its still solid in this meta, but lotta stuff that can outspeed it, including other scarfers (brambleshao?), kabupult which is a very secure counter, Aerodirge which can stomach double edge quite well and wisp, Sir Bundle which can booster speed or scarf into wipe you off the map, or can be revenged with priority. Overall a nifty sub that deals with a lot of problematic meta mainstays, promotes some weaker mons, adds another normal to the meta, and adds some speed control.
free bird [banned asf mega]
DNA Donors: Staraptor / Blaziken-Mega
Fusion Name: Starziken-Mega
New Types:

Base Stats: 85 / 160 / 80 / 100 / 75 / 117 [BST: 617] (+3 HP / +40 Atk / +10 Def / +20 SpA / +10 SpD / +27 Spe)
New Ability: Speed Boost
Notable Moves:
Double Edge, Close Combat, Flare Blitz, Stone Edge, Earthquake
Swords Dance
Intended Role: broken as FUCK
Role Justification: this is just mega blaziken but with better stats what the hell ofc its banned to FEUbers, not just OU
cockadoodle doo
DNA Donors: Staravia / Combusken
Fusion Name: Starbusken
New Types:

Base Stats: 60 / 80 / 55 / 62 / 50 / 74 [BST: 381] (+3 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +7 Spe)
New Ability: Burning Spirit = (Reckless + Blaze)
Intended Role: nfe
Role Justification: what

Cute spring baby chick wearing cool sunglasses. Generative ai
DNA Donors: Starly / Torchic
Fusion Name: Starchic
New Types:

Base Stats: 45 / 57 / 35 / 50 / 40 / 59 [BST: 286] (+3 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +7 Spe)
New Ability: Burning Spirit = (Reckless + Blaze)
Notable Moves:
Flare Blitz
Intended Role: baby
Role Justification: wow look its a 3 stage evo
reap what you sew [Offensive Pivot (beats buzz and slither)]
DNA Donors: Cacturne / Scyther
Fusion Name: Cacther
New Types:

Base Stats: 70 / 116 / 70 / 85 / 70 / 96 [BST: 507] (+0 HP / +4 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +16 Spe)
New Ability: Bug Absorb = (Water Absorb + Swarm)
Ability Description: Bug Immunity, Heal 25% When hit by bug move
Notable Moves:
Dual Wingbeat, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Close Combat, U-turn

Swords Dance, Spikes, Switcheroo
Intended Role: Offensive Setup, Hazard Setting pivot
Role Justification: Everybody knows buzzscor is an issue, and this pretty much stops it from just being able to press its buttons all over the place. U-Turn actively heals this thing, and its immune to eq from the rip, and while yes you gotta be weary of potential rock coverage, its a very solid check especially when combined with having super effective STAB on it. Slither King is another major issue and this is the sort of prio blocking setup sweeper that can deal with that effectively. U-Turn immunity and dark typing mean that slither king really struggles to touch this thing, and can't status it either. Aside from that its just a strong offensive mon, can use the switches it forces to set spikes and pivot out, outspeeds all the mid speed breakers that run the tier right now, etc.
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Fat *and* Breaker
DNA Donors: Dusknoir / Porygon-Z
Fusion Name: Duskgon-Z
New Types:

Base Stats: 65 / 90 / 105 / 100 / 105 / 67 [BST: 532] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +3 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Preparation = (Pressure + Adaptability)
Ability Description: Adaptability but whenever the user uses a STAB move it also loses an extra PP.
Notable Moves:

Shadow Ball, Tri Attack, Ice Beam
Recover, Will-O-Wisp, Nasty Plot, Trick
DNA Donors: Dusclops / Porygon2
Fusion Name: Poryclops2
New Types:

Base Stats: 62 / 75 / 113 / 82 / 112 / 42 [BST: 486] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +3 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Last Minute = (Pressure + Trace)
Ability Description: Effect of both abilities
Intended Role: Wallbreaker, Mixed Wall, Choice Specs
Role Justification: Unresisted STAB combination by everything besides itself, with sufficient utility and a single weakness to also be usable as a wall; speaking of which, the prevolution shines better as a wall as Trace is a strong anti-meta ability, plus having higher innate bulk even without Eviolite, both still really dislike Knock Off and are easy to outspeed, however, and the prevolution is way more passive. Of note is that with how Trace works, the prevolution still discourages foes immune to such ability from staying too long out of retaining Pressure's effects. The ability however does limit its longevity as in practice it has 8 PP STAB moves and 4 PP Recover being very easy to overwhelm.

Cripple Breaker
DNA Donors: Kartana / Glimmora
Fusion Name: Kartamora
New Types:

Base Stats: 73 / 121 / 113 / 97 / 59 / 97 [BST: 560] (+2 HP / +3 Atk / +3 Def / +3 SpA / +3 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Erosive Boost = (Beast Boost + Corrosion)
Ability Description: Corrosion + Whenever the user poisons a foe with a move, Beast Boost effects
Notable Moves:
Leaf Blade, Gunk Shot, Mortal Spin, Knock Off, Sacred Sword, Explosion

Swords Dance, Stealth Rock, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Memento, Synthesis
Intended Role: Suicide Lead, Setup Sweeper, Hazard Control, Offensive Support
Role Justification: Its typing may not be the best one offensively, but it can cripple foes while also pulling setup at the same time, has a wide movepool to fill basically anything a offensive team would want, but easily struggles with Steel-types.
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clangorous soul isnt real(resub, nerfed)
DNA Donors: Kilowattrel / Kommo-o-Totem
Fusion Name: Kilommo-o-Totem
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 90 / 95 / 105 / 85 / 106 [BST: 561] (+8 HP / +0 Atk / +3 Def / +3 SpA / +3 SpD / +1 Spe)
New Ability: Rogue = (Competitive + Overcoat)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Draco Meteor, Flamethrower, Discharge, Clanging Scales
Thunder Wave, Roost, Stealth Rock, Taunt
Intended Role: Special Wallbreaker, Offensive Pivot, Defensive Pivot, Hazard Setter
Role Justification: decently bulky fast electric with a nice movepool and an actual primary draco meteor user with some really nice utility. checks mons like magnegiri, kabupult, and celeblim and uses that to fire off strong attacks or use its good utlity movepool to set rocks or bring dangerous teammates in on the switch.
big fella
DNA Donors: Clodsire / Pangoro
Fusion Name: Clodgoro
New Types:

Base Stats: 112 / 117 / 70 / 57 / 85 / 39 [BST: 480] (+0 HP / +18 Atk / +1 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Grave Robber = (Water Absorb + Scrappy)
Ability Description: Effects of Scrappy. Immune to Ghost-type moves. If hit by a Ghost-type move or Intimidated: heal 25% of this Pokemon's maximum health.
Notable Moves:
Gunk Shot, Close Combat, Earthquake, Drain Punch, Knock Off, Stone Edge, Bullet Punch
Recover, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Parting Shot, Bulk Up, Swords Dance
Intended Role: Physical Wallbreaker, Mixed Wall, Set-up Sweeper, Defensive Pivot, Hazard Setter
Role Justification: wip(nice check to hatterpons and our fighting and ghost friends alongside others with decent mixed bulk, nice utility and it's not passive at all! weaknesses suck though)
little guy
DNA Donors: Wooper-Paldea / Pancham
Fusion Name: Woopan-Paldea
New Types:

Base Stats: 65 / 70 / 55 / 35 / 40 / 30 [BST: 295] (+4 HP / +7 Atk / +2 Def / +0 SpA / +4 SpD / +1 Spe)
New Ability: Grave Robber = (Water Absorb + Scrappy)
Ability Description: Grave Robber
Notable Moves:



Intended Role: baby
Role Justification: baby punches baby
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