Pet Mod Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Slate 8 | Submission Phase | Open for Submissions!

i have scoliosis
DNA Donors: Scolipede / Staraptor
Fusion Name: Scoliraptor
New Types:

Base Stats: 75 / 120 / 80 / 55 / 65 / 106 [BST: 501] (+3 HP / +10 Atk / +1 Def / +3 SpA / +1 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Toxic Attitude = (Poison Point + Intimidate)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
Brave Bird, Close Combat, Earthquake, Poison Jab, U-Turn
Spikes, Swords Dance, Toxic Spikes
Intended Role: Physical Wallbreaker, Set-Up Sweeper, Offensive Pivot
Role Justification: Finally, a real offensive Flying type (i miss braviedge). Threatens Conkelbun and Buzzscor, although having Brave Bird as a STAB does cause it to take more damage than it'd probably appreciate.

DNA Donors: Whirlipede / Staravia
Fusion Name: Whirlavia
New Types:

Base Stats: 50 / 65 / 75 / 40 / 60 / 65 [BST: 355] (+3 HP / +0 Atk / +1 Def / +0 SpA / +1 SpD / +2 Spe)
New Ability: Toxic Attitude = (Poison Point + Intimidate)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:



Intended Role: nfe
Role Justification: nfe

DNA Donors: Venipede / Starly
Fusion Name: Starpede
New Types:

Base Stats: 35 / 50 / 45 / 30 / 35 / 60 [BST: 255] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +1 Def / +0 SpA / +1 SpD / +2 Spe)
New Ability: Quick Wit = (Speed Boost + Keen Eye)
Ability Description: Combined effects of both the abilities.

Notable Moves:



Intended Role: lc

Role Justification: lc
guess who's back (back again)
DNA Donors: Flygon / Espeon
Fusion Name: Espegon
New Types:

Base Stats: 72 / 82 / 70 / 105 / 90 / 110 [BST: 529] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +3 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability: Lunar Magic = (Levitate + Magic Bounce)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
Boomburst, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Earth Power, Fire Blast, Psychic, Psyshock
Calm Mind, Defog, Roost, Thunder Wave, Trick
Intended Role: Special Wallbreaker, Setup Sweeper (Calm Mind), Hazard Control, Offensive Pivot
Role Justification: Resub from OU but with a slightly more restrained offensive profile to fit the lower tier. Comes with MBounce for funny hazard/status move shenanigans, as well as being an actual real offensive Dragon-type unlike SOME mons (not naming names because i will get in trouble).

and here's the eeper
DNA Donors: Trapinch / Eevee
Fusion Name: Eepinch
New Types:

Base Stats: 50 / 97 / 47 / 45 / 55 / 52 [BST: 346] (+0 HP / +20 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability: Sheer Force = (Sheer Force + Run Away)
Notable Moves:



Intended Role: nfe
Role Justification: nfe
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Behold a knight in shining armor
DNA Donors: Corviknight / Bewear
Fusion Name: Knightwear
New Types:

Base Stats: 120 / 108 / 96 / 55 / 72 / 64 [BST: 515] (+11 HP / +2 Atk / +4 Def / +1 SpA / +0 SpD / +1 Spe)
New Ability: Greased Palms = (Unnerve + Klutz)
Ability Description: While this Pokemon is on the field, all Pokemon's held items have no effect.
Notable Moves:
Body Press, Brave Bird, Close Combat, Darkest Lariat, Drain Punch, Earthquake, High Horsepower, Iron Head, U-Turn
Bulk Up, Defog, Iron Defense, Roar, Roost, Swords Dance, Toxic
Intended Role: Physical attacker or anti-meta defensive Pokemon.
Role Justification: Do you dislike a certain rocks-weak Pokemon and want it to get no benefit from its Heavy Duty Boots? Do certain attackers get too much damage on you because of Band/Specs/Life Orb/Booster Energy? Do you want to stop a certain Guts Pokemon from immediately triggering its Flame Orb? Or a Pokemon with a Mega stone that could really use that stat boost? This Pokemon is solid in its own right, but it also has the added bonus of preventing enemies from benefiting from their held items, at the cost of your own.

The guardian of the sea (but still not a Water type)
DNA Donors: Sharpedo / Lugia
Fusion Name: Sharplug
New Types:

Base Stats: 88 / 108 / 88 / 98 / 98 / 108 [BST: 588] (+0 HP / +3 Atk / +3 Def / +6 SpA / +1 SpD / +6 Spe)
New Ability: Sharp Scales = (Rough Skin + Multiscale)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
Aqua Jet, Brave Bird, Close Combat, Crunch, Earthquake, Flip Turn, Liquidation, Poison Jab, Psychic Fangs
Aeroblast, Dark Pulse, Earth Power, Giga Drain, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Psychic Noise, Scald, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt
Agility, Curse, Calm Mind, Recover, Roar, Toxic
Intended Role: Bulky but fast mixed attacker
Role Justification: Do you like Rough Skin but hate that Sharpedo has next to no bulk? Do you like Lugia's bulk but hate how passive it is? Well now you have something that combines their two strengths into something new. This Pokemon has a lot of stats, but the lack of any good boosting move such as Swords Dance or Nasty Plot, as well as a defensive typing that gives it no resistances, allows this Pokemon to be interesting without being overwhelming.

DNA Donors: Sharpedo-Mega / Lugia
Fusion Name: Sharplug-Mega
New Types:

Base Stats: 88 / 128 / 118 / 113 / 123 / 118 [BST: 688] (+0 HP / +23 Atk / +33 Def / +21 SpA / +26 SpD / +16 Spe)
New Ability: Strong Jaw = (Rough Skin + Multiscale)
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finally, resub electric
DNA Donors: Kleavor / Raikou
Fusion Name: Raikleav
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 110 / 85 / 95 / 85 / 105 [BST: 560] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +15 SpA / +0 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability: Stimulant = (Sharpness + Inner Focus)
Ability Description: Moves that can flinch do x1.5 damage but can no longer cause flinching.
Notable Moves:
Close Combat, Rock Slide, Stone Axe, Thunder Fang, Trailblaze, U-turn (Iron Head, Zen Headbutt)
Aura Sphere, Scald, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch (Air Slash, Extrasensory)
Calm Mind, Swords Dance
Intended Role: Physical Wallbreaker, Special Wallbreaker
Role Justification: Has strong STAB(s) and funky coverage on both sides. air slash is now tech for buzzcor, conk, and maracto. additionally has the funny rocks move
She airing my cutter till I technician
DNA Donors: Persian-Alola / Zapdos
Fusion Name: Perzap-Alola
New Types:

Base Stats: 90 / 75 / 72 / 105 / 77 / 109 [BST: 528] (+13 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +5 SpA / +0 SpD / +2 Spe)
New Ability: Electrician = (Technician + Static)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
Air Cutter, Dark Pulse, Heat Wave, Thunderbolt, Icy Wind
Nasty Plot, Parting Shot, Roost
Intended Role: Special sweeper, Special Wallbreaker
Role Justification: I hate slither. And some people have been struggling to take it down. As a dark type, Perzap is able to set up plots in front of it since slither can't do anything about it (until it starts running play rough or something). Also gives more variety of fast mons and has actual flying STAB, enabling it to face down other guys like conk and buzzcor. Could also run weird boltbeam, but that's kind of niche.
ugliest fusion ever
DNA Donors: Stunfisk-Galar / Enamorus-Therian
Fusion Name: Stunmorus-Galar-Therian
New Types:

Base Stats: 95 / 100 / 105 / 105 / 95 / 40 [BST: 540] (+4 HP / +2 Atk / +1 Def / +5 SpA / +3 SpD / +1 Spe)
New Ability: Camo Coat = (Mimicry + Overcoat)
Ability Description: Overcoat effects. This Pokemon is immune to the effects of terrains.
Notable Moves:

Earth Power, Draining Kiss, Moonblast, Scald
Calm Mind, Pain Split, Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave
Intended Role: Physical Wall, Special Wallbreaker, Defensive Pivot, Hazard Setter
Role Justification: It is intended to break through problematic guys like conk, buzz and meat with cm and high enough spa while also helping itself with dkiss or split to recover. It also loves to spread burns with scald.
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DNA Donors: Ninetales-Alola / Bellibolt
Fusion Name: Ninebolt-Alola
New Types:

Base Stats: 91 / 65 / 83 / 92 / 101 / 77 [BST: 509] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +10 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Snowstorm = (Snow Warning + Damp)
Ability Description: Sets up Snow on switch-in. While on the field, prevents opposing weather-changing abilities from activating.
Notable Moves:
Thunderbolt, Moonblast, Blizzard, Volt Switch, Muddy Water, Dark Pulse, Draining Kiss, Freeze-Dry.
Slack Off, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Aurora Veil, Calm Mind, Nasty Plot, Encore, Disable, Hypnosis.
Intended Role: Special Wall, Weather Setter (Snow)
Role Justification: Introduces Snow to the format, its type is neutral or resists everything Ice is weak to, and has an Aurora Veil that cannot be stopped by changing the weather, but can still be stopped by Taunt, mainly Taunt from Magnegiri, Chomptry, Overgyara and Slither King, works as a good special wall, something the meta seems to have few of, can take on Magnegiri, Mawlakazam, Eisephalon and depending on their coverage, Mr. Heat and Necroqueen too.

DNA Donors: Vulpix-Alola / Tadbulb
Fusion Name: Vulbulb-Alola
New Types:

Base Stats: 49 / 36 / 40 / 54 / 50 / 55 [BST: 284] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Snowstorm = (Snow Warning + Damp)
Ability Description: Snowstorm
Notable Moves:



Intended Role: blub
Role Justification: doobdoob

DNA Donors: Mandibuzz / Volcanion
Fusion Name: Mandicanion
New Types:

Base Stats: 95 / 87 / 112 / 92 / 92 / 75 [BST: 553] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Water Drinker = (Overcoat + Water Absorb)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both abilities.
Notable Moves:
Knock Off, U-Turn, Foul Play, Body Press, Explosion.
Scald, Steam Eruption.
Defog, Iron Defense, Taunt, Roost, Toxic, Whirlwind, Roar, Haze, Will-o-Wisp.
Intended Role: Physical Wall, Defensive Pivot, Hazard Cleaner.
Role Justification: Dark-type wall, something the meta lacks, that can take on mons like Chomptry, Frosgambit, Tentazor, and mainly the Hattepons, exept Cornerstone, which we currently seem to need more answers for, pivots around with U-Turn, and its also able to clear hazards in front hazard setters like Overgyara, Kabupult, and again the Hattepons. It has Iron Defense Body Press to break through bulky attackers like Chomptry, Overgyara or Lashiram, and if the opponent switches in a Ghost-type into it, it can also run STAB Foul Play.
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DNA Donors: Jumpluff / Yveltal
Fusion Name: Jumptal
New Types:

Base Stats: 100 / 93 / 85 / 93 / 100 / 114 [BST: 585] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +3 Def / +0 SpA / +4 SpD / +10 Spe)
New Ability: Cover of the Night = (Infiltrator + Dark Aura)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
Knock Off, U-Turn, Fly, Seed Bomb, Foul Play, Acrobatics
Oblivion wing, Hurricane, Dark Pulse, Energy ball
Strenght Sap, Sword Dance, Leech Seed, Roost, Sleep Powder, Toxic, Defog
Intended Role: fast utility, fast wall
Role Justification:
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a blank slate [basically anything you want]
DNA Donors: Terapagos(-Terastal) / Furret
Fusion Name: Furrapagos(-Terastal)
New Types:

Base Stats: 95 / 70 / 75 / 60 / 75 / 75 [BST: 450] (+8 HP / +0 Atk / +1 Def / +5 SpA / +5 SpD / +0 Spe)
Terastal Form Stats: 100 / 100 / 100 / 100 / 100 / 100 [BST: 600]
New Ability: Tera Sift = (Tera Shift + Frisk)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Terastal Form Ability: Tera Shell
Ability Description: If full HP, attacks taken have 0.5x effectiveness unless naturally immune.
Notable Moves:
Double-Edge, Body Slam, Knock Off, U-Turn, Rapid Spin, Earthquake, Ice Spinner, Sucker Punch, Super Fang, Quick Attack, Last Resort, Play Rough, Seed Bomb, Flare Blitz
Tera Starstorm, Earth Power, Surf, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Focus Blast, Aura Sphere, Shadow Ball, Meteor Beam
Tidy Up, Coil, Calm Mind, Rock Polish/Agility, Toxic, Trick, Roar
Intended Role: Offensive Pivot, Setup Sweeper, Hazard Control, Hazard Setter, Wallbreaker
Role Justification: Really should've done this in Slate 1 but anyway, Furrapagos is able to do basically whatever it wants thanks to its pixie statline and near infinite movepool, though it's definitely offensive leaning with its great setup options in Coil, Tidy Up, Calm Mind, and Rock Polish. Outside of that, Furrapagos can still fill a variety of roles, be it a pivot, hazard control, hazard setter, status spreader, Choiced attacker, and probably more. The Normal-typing is also pretty decent into the metagame right now, with very few bulky resists, with the ones that do exist getting folded by Ground, Water, or Fire coverage. On the flip side, being a pure Normal-type with only 100/100/100 offenses is pretty meh, especially with 2 faster Fighting-types in the metagame, plus it lacks resistances after Tera Shell breaks so naturally strong attackers like Tyranix or Tera'd Hattepon deal a lot more damage to it than it'd like. Still, Furrapagos should be an amazing glue mon.
DNA Donors: Terapagos-Stellar / Furret
Fusion Name: Furrapagos-Stellar
New Types:

Base Stats: 165 / 110 / 100 / 125 / 100 / 100 [BST: 700]
New Ability: Teraform Zero
Ability Description: Terastallizing ends the effects of weather and terrain. Once per battle.
Role Justification: banned in OU lol
flygon but epic [Offensive Pivot]
DNA Donors: Gabite / Miraidon
Fusion Name: Gabraidon
New Types:

Base Stats: 85 / 90 / 85 / 95 / 85 / 110 [BST: 550] (+1 HP / +3 Atk / +3 Def / +3 SpA / +0 SpD / +2 Spe)
New Ability: Dusty Engine = (Sand Veil + Hadron Engine)
Ability Description: If Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's Special Attack is boosted by 1.333333x.
Notable Moves:
U-Turn, Earthquake, Scale Shot, Outrage, Stone Edge, Fire Fang, Iron Head
Draco Meteor, Earth Power, Fire Blast, Electro Drift, Volt Switch, Power Gem, Overheat, Flash Cannon
Stealth Rock, Swords Dance, Taunt, Thunder Wave
Intended Role: Offensive Pivot, Wallbreaker, Hazard Setter, Setup Sweeper
Role Justification: Flygon if it was a good Special Attacker. Adds a fast offensive Dragon that can take on Mr. Heat, along with a lot of the rest of the metagame simply thanks to its great 110 Speed tier, while providing some good utility in Rocks, U-Turn, Taunt, Thunder Wave, and more. Plus, it's a potential Sand abuser, getting to hit super hard with Dracos and Earth Powers in Sand. It is quite frail uninvested, however, so it needs to be really careful coming in and really needs to KO what's in front of it since most of the tier can KO it with ease, which is slightly difficult out of Sand since 95 SpA is only okay.
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DNA Donors: Medicham / Togedemaru
Fusion Name: Medimaru
New Types:

Base Stats: 62 / 79 / 69 / 50 / 74 / 96 [BST: 430] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +8 Spe)
New Ability: Lighting Power = (Pure Power + Lightning Rod)
Ability Description: This pokemon's special attack is doubled
Notable Moves:

Volt Switch, Thunderbolt, Psyshock, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Focus Blast
Calm Mind
Intended Role: Scarfer, Wallbreaker
Role Justification: I know this is just me revisiting Pikacham but now made to be less oppressive on account of the lower speed and lack of plot. This is pretty much going to be relegated to being a scarfer, however it can run specs if you prefer to go all out on damage.

DNA Donors: Zoroark-Hisui / Sharpedo
Fusion Name: Zoroshark-Hisui
New Types:

Base Stats: 65 / 110 / 50 / 110 / 50 / 105 [BST: 490] (+3 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +3 Spe)
New Ability: Rough Image = (Illusion + Rough Skin)
Ability Description: Illusion effects + deals 1/8th of the opponents hp when illusion is broken
Notable Moves:
Shadow Sneak, Poltergeist, Crunch, Knock Off, Close Combat, U-Turn, Psychic Fangs
Bitter Malice, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Flamethrower, Sludge Bomb, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump
Nasty Plot, Swords Dance
Intended Role: Mixed Sweeper
Role Justification: I am only submitting this because I was told 1/4th damage was too high. It does the same things my previous sub did but probably healthier for the meta.
Role Justification: It is irrelevant because it's gonna get banned. The only reason I acknowledge it at all is because I have to.
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DNA Donors: Weezing-Galar / Pecharunt
Fusion Name: Pechazing-Galar
New Types:

Base Stats: 76 / 89 / 140 / 95 / 79 / 74 [BST: 553] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +9 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Noxious Acid = (Neutralizing Gas + Poison Puppeteer)
Ability Description: If this Pokemon poisons a target, that target's ability has no effect.

Notable Moves:
Foul Play, Gunk Shot, Play Rough, Poltergeist...
Hex, Malignant Chain, Shadow Ball, Strange Stream...
Defog, Memento, Pain Split, Parting Shot, Recover, Toxic, Toxic Spikes, Will-O-Wisp...

Intended Role: Physcial Wall, Hazard Removal, Support
Role Justification: Sneak one in before subs close... Doesn't wall Hattepon as hard now, but it does mean that its slightly worse against Conk. Doesn't really matter all that much since this mon still has bonkers physical bulk. Its ability is pretty interesting, since as long as Pechazing can poison the opponent, it can temporarily remove its ability. No, this is not permanent, as it only works when Pechazing poisons a target, not when the target has the poisoned status condition. Unfortunately, this is most likely not going to matter to the most important matchup that matters, Conk, but it does have some interesting interactions with mons like Mr. Heat, which disables its Filter, and Buzzscor which disables its Beast Boost (or whatever ability it'll have once it gets nerfed). Other than that, this mon has some appealing utility with Defog, Parting Shot, and Toxic Spikes alongside Recover, and its typing and bulk sets it up to wall some of the most important physical attackers in the meta while threatening them outright or crippling them.

Fairy/Ghost is pretty decent given the current meta, but Pechazing is weak on the special side and can't tank many hits there. Meanwhile, although Fairy/Ghost is good defensively, it leaves it weak to Poisons and Steels, as well as opposing Ghosts. Lastly, Pechazing can be quite passive, even if Malignant Chain helps a lot with spreading Poison around and Fairy/Ghost being quite the good offensive type.
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New Types:

Base Stats: 103 / 106 / 97 / 79 / 102 / 103 [BST: 590] (+0 HP / +1 Atk / +5 Def / +10 SpA / +0 SpD / +2 Spe)

New Ability: Tillage = (Intrepid Sword + Thick Fat)
Ability Description: Takes halved damage from Fire and Ice moves, +1 Atk if hit by a move of those types.

Notable Moves:
Double-Edge, High Horsepower, Play Rough, Sacred Sword

Swords Dance

Intended Role: Set-up Sweeper
Role Justification: WIP

A real Flying-type?!
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 120 / 112 / 85 / 67 / 105 [BST: 569] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +20 Spe)

New Ability: Hard Strength = (Sturdy + Sheer Force)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.

Notable Moves:
Dragon Claw, Close Combat, Earthquake, Iron Head, Rock Slide, U-turn
Swords Dance, Stealth Rock

Intended Role:
Role Justification:

Fusion Name: Scythaludon
New Types:

Base Stats: 70 / 112 / 97 / 87 / 65 / 105 [BST: 536] (+0 HP / +10 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +10 Spe)

New Ability: Alloy Melding = (Light Metal + Technician)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.

Notable Moves:
Breaking Swipe, Close Combat, Dual Wingbeat, Thief, U-turn
Swords Dance

Intended Role:
Role Justification:
this looks like an ou sub when you just see the preview
DNA Donors: Naganadel / Iron Thorns
Fusion Name: Iron Nadel
New Types:

Base Stats: 87 / 103 / 91 / 103 / 79 / 107 [BST: 570] (+1 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +5 SpA / +1 SpD / +11 Spe)
New Ability: Sleeping Monster = (Beast Boost + Quark Drive)
Ability Description: quark + quark boost when you KILL

Notable Moves:
Earthquake, Stone Edge, Supercell Slam, U-Turn, Scale Shot, Rock Blast

Draco Meteor, Sludge Wave, Power Gem, Volt Switch, Fire Blast

Dragon Dance, Nasty Plot, Swords Dance

Intended Role: Special Sweeper, Physical Sweeper, Offensive Pivot, Offensive Dragon

Role Justification: Excellent tools on both the physical and special sides get balanced by a very bad offensive and defensive typing and generally low offenses. Either blow people up with Plot/Draco Meteor like a baby Naganadel, blow people up with Swords Dance/Stone Edge like a baby Iron Thorns, or run a pivot set on either side with Volt Switch or U-Turn.
:ogerpon: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly :pecharunt:

I said I'd do it, and here I am. For those of you who aren't familiar with this, GBU is a sub review style pioneered by yours truly that focuses on highlighting specific mons in areas of concern, namely The Good (mons I like), The Bad (mons that are overoptimized), and The Ugly (gimmick mons / shitmons I think people will vote for). This isn't meant to be a comprehensive review of every sub, but instead aims to inform voters on which subs are best for the meta and which would be bad additions. Full disclaimer, everything stated here is my own opinion. I am not a council member and have very little influence over their decision-making. Without further ado, let's begin.

To start off, I want to make my areas of focus clear here. The meta right now is in a pretty rough state. Slate 2 added a lot of centralizing mons, and Slate 3 did pretty much nothing to fix that, while also adding the heavily overoptimized Buzzscor (oops) who, along with existing threats like Mr. Heat and Magnegiri, necessitates the addition of faster offensive mons to provide revenge killers for the meta. However, the biggest problem in my opinion is the lack of usable walls. The meta is INCREDIBLY offensive right now, with mons like Mr. Heat and Conkelbun having next to no reliable defensive counterplay, and most existing walls are either extremely passive (Celeblim, Muktaria) or lack reliable recovery (Mr. Heat, Goopert), so the addition of fatmons that can handle these offensive mons is imperative. So, with that being said, let's see what people have brought to the table.

The Good
:hydreigon::latios: This guy is somewhat borderline, but I'm generally on board with the idea of adding a big Dragon button clicker so I like it. Definitely a bit borderline though.

:kilowattrel::kommo-o: You might notice a trend with my Good mons this slate. This guy is very effective at what it does, clicking STABs and setting hazards that our foggers don't want to remove while it's in (and it beats Muktaria even without Competitive!) Only complaint is that this is pretty strong for an Electric type and kinda lacks switchins currently, but I suppose that's something we can address down the line.

:flygon::espeon:Can't promote my own mon, but I can at least promote the same mon but again !! Not huge on Levitate on this cause it screams Heat counter, but otherwise this is a very solid add and helps with the current issue of every Dragon losing to Conkelbun.

:kleavor::raikou: Buzzscor winning puts a bit of a damper on this guy's viability, but it's still a solid and unique fast Electric with tons of coverage and a good bit of utility. RIP Golegon

:naganadel::iron-thorns: he funni

The Bad
:ceruledge::pawmot: I want to like this mon, I really do. But I just don't see what slows this down in the current meta. SD Bitter Blade sets are extremely powerful, with next to no counterplay outside of Goopert (passive and easy to handle with teammates) and Conkelbun (can't Mach Punch so you can just kill it after some chip). Your bulk isn't horrible and your base Attack is so high that it's fairly easy to find mons that you can force out, making setup opportunities plentiful and overall making this mon too strong in my eyes.

:yanmega::basculegion: I don't understand why this wouldn't just run special sets if most of its common counterplay are physdef mons. But yeah, this is broken. Specs just cleans up teams with ease thanks to Tinted Lens + Mold Breaker removing all defensive counterplay outside of hyperfat mons (which don't exist), meaning it's basically just a matchup fish for if the opponent has a Muktaria or not. It also adds a third fast offensive Water type, which just really isn't something we need right now.

:dusknoir::porygon-z: So to start off, this was obviously subbed for the NFE, who is an optimized stall tool. Beyond that, the final evolution is also incredibly optimized. Adaptability Shadow Ball is extremely powerful, and when that's combined with Tri-Attack you end up with a mon that has zero defensive counterplay besides itself (lol), and that's before mentioning Calm Mind and Nasty Plot. The Speed holds this back a little bit, but its great bulk and god-tier defensive typing, plus access to and enough slots to run Recover, make it pretty much a moot point.

:scolipede::staraptor: This is kind of silly as a revenge killer with Sink Or Swim. I vibe with the general idea of a fast physical Flying type, but I think the ability pushes what is an otherwise acceptable mon over the edge.

:mandibuzz::volcanion: Super optimized. The meta REALLY doesn't need another Water immunity, and the Hatts don't really need additional counterplay either. I'm not really sure what role this is supposed to fill in a meta where the mons it beats are already mid and the mons it loses to (Conkelbun, Buzzscor) are already amazing, but what I do know is that I don't like this at all.

The Ugly
:centiskorch::zarude: Bro used the Flash Fire to beat the Flash Fire. This mon is pretty obviously made to hard counter Mr. Heat, which it does do, but outside of that it's kind of just a big nothingburger that encroaches on roles already filled by existing mons like Buzzscor and Brambleshao, and it also hard loses to Conkelbun, one of the most centralizing mons in the meta right now. We can do better for a Heat answer.

:centiskorch::trapinch: Aggressively optimized trapper. Not only does it have a super effective STAB to easily dispatch of Fire types, but it's also completely immune to Fire attacks, making them basically sitting ducks while it's around. Ironically, this probably doesn't beat Mr. Heat specifically, since Filter + this mon's bulk being awful mean that Heat can probably just 2HKO you with Psychic.

:cacturne::scyther: Hard counters are SO uncool. Just like Skorcrude above, this is specifically made to hard counter one mon, in this case Buzzscor. Not only does it not do that very well (Stone Edge or even just any neutral coverage is going to be doing a billion considering how shit your bulk is), but it also heavily overlaps with Overgyara, a middlingly viable mon in the current meta who really doesn't need competition in its roles. I would really prefer to just nerf Buzzscor, but if we're going to sub counters at least try to make them unique from existing options.

:tangrowth::florges: Hattepon literally JUST won. Can we please give that mon some room to breathe before we sub something that competes with it harder than I competed with your mother last night?

:terapagos::furret: Sorry Yoshi, but this mon is definitely a Curse of Mid scenario. This may be a jack of all trades, but it's also a master of none, with the only role it truly performs in being Calm Mind wincon sets with Tera Starstorm (which might honestly be broken). I know the Terapagos gimmick is alluring to voters, but this mon is not what the meta needs right now.

:archaludon::jumpluff: This is basically the Hydra-Pao of this slate, in that voters might like it but it is VERY bad. I just legitimately do not know what this mon does. Grass/Dragon is not a good physdef type, and we lack mons that this can beat, not to mention its extreme passivity making a sitting duck in front of most relevant offensive mons. Cotton Guard + Body Press is also pretty fake, as any halfway decent Fighting resist just eats that up.

And that's all. I had to look at every sub to make this, so feel free to ask about any of the mons I didn't mention, but chances are if I didn't mention a mon it's because I don't have too many thoughts on it. Last slate was kind of a dumpster fire, so hopefully this helps voters to sort through the chaff a bit and actually add good mons this time around.
Please pretend my previous submission didn’t exist…

DNA Donors: Pidgeot / Houndstone
Fusion Name: Pidgestone
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 90 / 90 / 60 / 84 / 96 [BST: 500] (+3 HP / +0 Atk / +3 Def / +0 SpA / +1 SpD / +12 Spe)
New Ability: Fluffed Feathers = (Big Pecks + Fluffy)
Ability Description: Combined effects of both abilities.
Notable Moves:
Brave Bird, Poltergeist, Shadow Sneak, Body Press, U-Turn, Stomping Tantrum, Play Rough
Not yet
Defog, Roost, Will-O-Wisp, Toxic, Trick
Intended Role: Physical Wall, Hazard Control, Defensive Pivot, Physical Wallbreaker, Offensive Pivot
Role Justification: With its typing and strong STAB moves, this Pokémon can beat Pokémon like Mawlakazam, Conkelbun, Frosgambit, Hattepon, Mr. Heat, and Maractorus. Fluffy in combination with Roost and Wisp can also let it check physical attackers like Conkelbun, Sir Bundle, Buzzscor, and Brambleshao, as long as it can take a Knock Off. However, outside of Fluffy, it isn’t especially bulky in combination with its weakness to Rocks and other common types.

DNA Donors: Pidgeot-Mega / Houndstone
Fusion Name: Pidgestone-Mega
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 90 / 95 / 125 / 94 / 116 [BST: 600] (+3 HP / +0 Atk / +8 Def / +65 SpA / +11 SpD / +32 Spe)
New Ability: No Guard = (No Guard + No Guard)
Ability Description: No Guard.
Notable Moves:
Shadow Sneak, U-Turn
Hurricane, Shadow Ball, Heat Wave
Defog, Roost
Intended Role: Special Wallbreaker, Offensive Pivot, Hazard Control
Role Justification: We’re still in need of fast attackers, so here’s one that has a strong STAB in No Guard Hurricane. It hits Pokémon like Buzzscor, Maractorus, Kabupult, Golosoros, Mawlakzam, and Brambleshao very hard with its good STAB combo. However, its weakness to Rocks on top of a forced mega stone means it can be worn down. It also doesn’t have any set-up, which in combination with a lack of boosting item, means it's weaker than you might think.

DNA Donors: Pidgey / Greavard
Fusion Name: Pidgard
New Types:

Base Stats: 50 / 55 / 50 / 35 / 50 / 50 [BST: 290] (+5 HP / +2 Atk / +0 Def / +3 SpA / +5 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability: Fluffed Feathers = (Big Pecks + Fluffy)
Ability Description: Combined effects of both abilities.
Notable Moves:
Brave Bird, Poltergeist, Shadow Sneak, U-Turn, Stomping Tantrum, Play Rough, Psychic Fangs
Defog, Roost, Toxic, Trick, Yawn
Intended Role: LC
Role Justification: Does the same as its evolution basically, although a lack of Wisp makes it harder to take physical attacks. Its stats are passable for a LC and it has surprisingly strong STAB moves, so it should be viable if there is a meta.

DNA Donors: Munkidori / Seismitoad
Fusion Name: Munkitoad
New Types:

Base Stats: 100 / 85 / 70 / 110 / 85 / 100 [BST: 550] (+4 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +3 SpA / +3 SpD / +10 Spe)
New Ability: Sludge Swim = (Toxic Chain + Swift Swim)
Ability Description: Combined effects of both abilities.
Notable Moves:
Earth Power, Sludge Wave, Sludge Bomb, Hydro Pump, Surf, Scald, Focus Blast, Icy Wind
Nasty Plot, Parting Shot, Calm Mind, Trick, Stealth Rock
Intended Role: Special Wallbreaker, Set-Up Sweeper, Offensive Pivot, Hazard Setter
Role Justification: With its offensive typing, it can hit all the overwhelming Hattepons with Nasty Plot and STAB Sludge Wave, including Wellspring, although it can hit back with its Water moves. It also outspeeds and hits Mr. Heat, Tentazor, Magnegiri, Conkelbun, and Mawlakazam super-effectively, establishing it as a fierce wallbreaker and revenge killer. It also serves as a threatening pivot with U-Turn and Toxic Chain. However, it does have its flaws. Goopert-Hisui walls it completely, and Pokémon like Kabupult, Eisephalon, and Sneasel-Prime outspeed and revenge kill it.
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Time's up! Here's what is disqualified:

New Ability: idk = (Protean + Mold Breaker)

Name your ability, nerd

After a discussion with council, we came to the agreement that Regen activating if the opponent has no item is stretchy to come off of Frisk; we'll ask you to replace the ability

Due to its combination of high Special Attack, very good Speed for the tier, Nasty plot, and amazing STAB in Draco Meteor and coverage gallore, we find this to simply be too strong for this tier

We find this fusion's combination of Adaptability, near perfect neutral coverage with its STABs, Nasty Plot, Recover, Trick Room and very good natural bulk to be too much for the tier.

Aditionally, the mid evo is also too strong. This wouldn't disqualify the fusion as a whole, but we will warn you that the mid evo would be quickbanned to UUBL.

We let this one slip up last time, but upon a further look, it may be too strong for the tier. We suggest removing Speed and Sp Atk boosts.

This is a bit too strong for the current meta. We recommend lowering Sp Atk and potentially removing Magic Bounce

We recommend lowering Sp Atk by 10 due to Nasty Plot

We believe Strength Sap pushes this fusion over the edge

We'll ask you to lower Sp Atk by 5

As for Megas:


You have 24 hours to rework these submissions!
Every disqualified sub (incluiding Dusclops/Porygon2) has been fixed and is now legal! With this, Hydreigon/Mega Latias has also been added to the list of banned Megas

Voting may now begin and will last for 2 days, closing on Wednesday, 1st. You vote either through our discord or by DMing a council member. You vote for up to 6 Pokémon.

Due to the nature of this slate, each person is only allowed one self-vote.
Alright, we will also be testing something a little bit different with the Voting this time: Two-Phase voting system!

The way this works is that we have a first round of voting. Top results from that round will then be put up against one another, and users vote for their favourites amongst those. In this slate's case, the voting is as it follows right now:

Kilommo-o-Totem: 8

Lateigon: 7
Celebeedee-F: 7

Zoroshark-Hisui: 6
Iron Nadel: 6

Bombirdus: 5
Bascuninja: 5

Raikleav: 4
: 4
Scoliraptor: 4
Lunarunt: 4
Iron Revenant: 4
Espegon: 4
Archaleavor: 4
Zoinkian: 4

Kartamora: 3

Pidgestone: 2
Pechazing-Galar: 2
Furrapagos: 2
Jumptal: 2
Medimaru: 2
Hitmonedge: 2
Gabraidon: 2

Munkitoad: 1
Zekhorn: 1
Tsaroar: 1
Sharplug: 1
Perzap-Alola: 1
Munkizar: 1
Knightwear: 1
Flamanny: 1
Clodgoro: 1
Stunmorus-Galar-Therian: 1

We will then cut out any Pokémon with 2 or less votes. This means our current list is as follows:

Fusion Name: Iron Nadel
New Types:

Base Stats: 87 / 103 / 91 / 103 / 79 / 107 [BST: 570] (+1 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +5 SpA / +1 SpD / +11 Spe)
New Ability: Sleeping Monster = (Beast Boost + Quark Drive)
Ability Description: quark + quark boost when you KILL

Fusion Name: Zoinkian
New Types:

Base Stats: 103 / 106 / 97 / 79 / 102 / 103 [BST: 590] (+0 HP / +1 Atk / +5 Def / +10 SpA / +0 SpD / +2 Spe)

New Ability: Tillage = (Intrepid Sword + Thick Fat)
Ability Description: Takes halved damage from Fire and Ice moves, +1 Atk if hit by a move of those types.

Fusion Name: Archaleavor
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 120 / 112 / 85 / 67 / 105 [BST: 569] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +20 Spe)

New Ability: Hard Strength = (Sturdy + Sheer Force)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.

Fusion Name: Zoroshark-Hisui
New Types:

Base Stats: 65 / 110 / 50 / 110 / 50 / 105 [BST: 490] (+3 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +3 Spe)
New Ability: Rough Image = (Illusion + Rough Skin)
Ability Description: Illusion effects + deals 1/8th of the opponents hp when illusion is broken

Fusion Name: Raikleav
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 110 / 85 / 95 / 85 / 105 [BST: 560] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +15 SpA / +0 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability: Stimulant = (Sharpness + Inner Focus)
Ability Description: Moves that can flinch do x1.5 damage but can no longer cause flinching.

Fusion Name: Espegon
New Types:

Base Stats: 72 / 82 / 70 / 105 / 90 / 110 [BST: 529] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +3 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability: Lunar Magic = (Levitate + Magic Bounce)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.

Fusion Name: Scoliraptor
New Types:

Base Stats: 75 / 120 / 80 / 55 / 65 / 106 [BST: 501] (+3 HP / +10 Atk / +1 Def / +3 SpA / +1 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Toxic Attitude = (Poison Point + Intimidate)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.

Fusion Name: Kilommo-o-Totem
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 90 / 95 / 105 / 85 / 106 [BST: 561] (+8 HP / +0 Atk / +3 Def / +3 SpA / +3 SpD / +1 Spe)
New Ability: Rogue = (Competitive + Overcoat)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.

Fusion Name: Kartamora
New Types:

Base Stats: 73 / 121 / 113 / 97 / 59 / 97 [BST: 560] (+2 HP / +3 Atk / +3 Def / +3 SpA / +3 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Erosive Boost = (Beast Boost + Corrosion)
Ability Description: Corrosion + Whenever the user poisons a foe with a move, Beast Boost effects

:swsh/hydreigon: :sv/latias:
Fusion Name: Lateigon
New Types:

Base Stats: 86 / 93 / 90 / 117 / 110 / 104 [BST: 600] (+0 HP / +1 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Levitate = (Levitate + Levitate)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.

Fusion Name: Celebeedee-F
New Types:

Base Stats: 88 / 77 / 88 / 100 / 102 / 100 [BST: 555] (+3 HP / +0 Atk / +6 Def / +3 SpA / +0 SpD / +8 Spe)
New Ability: Mystic Flux = (Psychic Surge + Natural Cure)
Ability Description: This Pokemon summons Psychic Terrain when it switches out.

Fusion Name: Iron Revenant
New Types:

Base Stats: 88 / 116 / 78 / 66 / 96 / 90 [BST: 534] (+1 HP / +1 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +1 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Quark Scan = (Quark Drive + Frisk)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.

Fusion Name: Bombirdus
New Types:

Base Stats: 75 / 120 / 77 / 92 / 85 / 101 [BST: 550] (+1 HP / +11 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +3 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability: Riot Payload = (Rocky Payload + Defiant)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.

Fusion Name: Lunarunt
New Types:

Base Stats: 95 / 71 / 115 / 95 / 90 / 80 [BST: 546] (+6 HP / +0 Atk / +3 Def / +4 SpA / +4 SpD / +1 Spe)
New Ability: UFO = (Levitate + Poison Puppeteer)
Ability Description: Levitate effects. If this Pokemon would be hit by a Ground move, the attacker becomes confused.

Fusion Name: Bascuninja
New Types:

Base Stats: 96 / 95 / 68 / 107 / 73 / 101 [BST: 540] (+0 HP / +2 Atk / +2 Def / +6 SpA / +0 SpD / +1 Spe)
New Ability: Lazyhead = (Protean + Mold Breaker)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.

You now have 24 Hours to vote for up to 3 of the fusions listed above, at a limit of 1 self-vote per person.

We are sory for the sudden announcement. We originally planned this to be implemented during another slate where users would've been aware of the two phase system from the start. However, this slate was lining up to have very similar winners as offensive fast dragons, so we figured ouroptios were to either have a slate with redundant winners or to implement this right now to give another shot at this slate's finalists. Sorry for the short notice.
And here's your winners!


80 / 90 / 95 / 105 / 85 / 106

Rogue - Combined effects of Competitive and Overcoat.


95 / 71 / 115 / 95 / 90 / 80

UFO - Levitate effects. If this Pokemon would be hit by a Ground move, the attacker becomes confused.


65 / 110 / 50 / 110 / 50 / 105

Rough Image - Illusion effects + deals 1/8th of the opponents hp when illusion is broken.


65 / 130 / 80 / 125 / 75/ 115

Strong Jaw - Biting moves are boosted by 1.5x.


40 / 75 / 30 / 75 / 30 / 70

Rough Image - Illusion effects + deals 1/8th of the opponents hp when illusion is broken.


75 / 120 / 77 / 92 / 85 / 101

Riot Payload - Effects of Rocky Payload and Defiant.


75 / 120 / 80 / 55 / 65 / 106

Toxic Attitude - Effects of Poison Point and Intimidate.


50 / 65 / 75 / 40 / 60 / 65

Toxic Attitude - Effects of Poison Point and Intimidate.


35 / 50 / 45 / 30 / 35 / 60

Quick Wit - Effects of Speed Boost and Keen Eye.

Kilommo-o-Totem: 8

Lunarunt: 7

Zoroshark-Hisui: 6
Bombirdus: 6

Scoliraptor: 5

Celebeedee-F: 4

Lateigon: 3

Raikleav: 2
Iron Nadel: 2
Archaleavor: 2
Kartamora: 2
Iron Revenant: 2

Zoinkian: 1
Espegon: 1
Bascuninja: 1


It seems people enjoyed this new version of the voting system, so we will likely use it again on the future. Next up, a discussion phase followed by a Drop Slate! During the next Drop Slate, we will do things a little differently - People will analyze the listed drop candidates as per usual, but council is also looking to get feedback on the Pokémon currently existing in the metagame. If you have any suggestion for buffs or nerfs, be sure to mention it at the end of your post when the next slate comes around. Prepare your ideas for that!

For now, discuss the current winners:

:kilowattrel::kommo-o: -

:lunatone::pecharunt: -

:zoroark-hisui::sharpedo: -

:bombirdier::tornadus: -

:scolipede::staraptor: -
:kilowattrel::kommo-o: - Really solid offensive Pokémon, and imo will be a front runner for what headlines the meta for a hot minute. 106 Speed is very solid, esp in the context of the other winners. Its bulk is honestly alot more credible than its currently being given credit for as well, it can take a few neutral hits and Roost them off. Great mon 9/10

:lunatone::pecharunt: - A bit overtuned statwise, but it does its job of immediately putting a few of the best Pokémon in the tier rn under manners like Buzzscor, sometimes Mr. Heat and to a lesser extent Conkelbun. It also helps elevate Grounds like Maractorus-Therian (who probably also sucks again with Intim proccing LMAO) and mons like Overgyara since they can comfortably beat it. Rock/Ghost with Levitate as said by Bob is a really unique and interesting defensive profile, so I look forward to seeing how this shakes out. Good mon 8/10

:zoroark-hisui::sharpedo: - Not much to say here, I don't see the hype in this at all. Honestly its very understated its ability is cheesy cringe enough to ensure viability. Don't giveaf 6/10

:bombirdier::tornadus: - Strong wallbreaker, Dark Flying is really good offensively, with Knock Off, Stone Edge and Brave Bird being able to do huge chunks versus many threats in the tier right now. Sucker Punch also grants great priority as well. Defiant being here might honestly push this Pokémon a bit over the edge at the moment, and I can see arguments for changing / nerfing that in the future. As for now what I can say, this is a solid offensive mon rn. Solid mon 7.5/10

:scolipede::staraptor: - Honest? Kinda ass, and hot take, thats even before it got both outclassed and hardwalled in the same slate. Swords Dance and a superior speed tier (something that probably be even more important post drop slate) might give ut a shot, but Poison Flying is a dreadful offensive typing that is probably destined to age out. Existence of competition only extradites the process. Meh mon 5/10

Good slate overall, 7.5/10
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people are asleep or smth so there hasn't been much discussion yet, but i wanted to get out early thoughts anyway, so just take these with a grain of salt

:kilowattrel::kommo-o: - The best Dragon of the bunch. Zero complaints here. Gonna be a very good mon, though it unfortunately doesn't have the greatest matchup into Mr. Heat.

:lunatone::pecharunt: - My guy. Gonna actually take a sec to defend this one because I know a lot of people were calling it bad when it absolutely isn't. Mon does incredibly well into Conkelbun, Mr. Heat, Aerodirge, and Scoliraptor (oops), all of which are very viable mons, and is also a dangerous wincon in its own right with NP sets. Def gonna be a great option for teams, and I'm looking forward to using it.

:zoroark-hisui::sharpedo: - I still don't like this mon. It's not very strong, its offensive typing sucks, and it overlaps a ton with Meowscorio (a very likely potential drop candidate). However, I wouldn't call it unviable at this point. SD sets are pretty nutty with Poltergeist+CC for coverage, and I'm sure it will see use, though I still wish something else had won in its place. Illusion shenanigans are gonna be super annoying btw

:bombirdier::tornadus: - Great. Way to completely outclass offensive Overgyara (its best sets). This mon's offensive profile is admittedly pretty interesting in the current meta, but with how seriously it competes with Overgyara and Scoliraptor, I'm just not a fan of it.

:scolipede::staraptor: - Pretty cool mon. Sucks that it won in the same slate as Lunarunt and Bombirdus tho. Should still see a good bit of usage just by virtue of good stats and typing, but it def got hurt by its fellow winners.

Overall, easily the best slate for the mod so far comp-wise. Even if I'm not the biggest fan of all the winners, none of these are going to be bad, and none of them are likely to be broken either, so it's good all around. Definitely wanna see more of the double voting in the future (and also keeping the lower sub caps even if every subber hates them lol), cause things turned out really well this slate and I think the voting was a big part of it (Celebeedee and 3 Dragons would've won otherwise :row:).
:lunatone::pecharunt:: Does the ability also triggers on Spikes? Anyways, Rock/Ghost with Levitate is a really interesting defensive profile, and it's also good offensively, I could see this mon being easy to use.

:kilowattrel::kommo-o:: :delibird::miraidon: 2, very simple, but effective.

:zoroark-hisui::sharpedo:: Wait, the mega is legal? If so, would the ability being removed trigger itself upon Mega Evolving? Anyways, will probably be annoying with Illusion, but its typing also sucks offensively, so that evens out.

:bombirdier::tornadus:: :overqwil::gyarados: is just dead at this point, chances are it'll drop to FERU even. Anyways, this seems more up to the power level of this meta.

:scolipede::staraptor:: INB4 this ends up underpowered and gets Speed Boost. Anyways, this mon seems okay right now, but I feel it may age poorly.
:kilowattrel::kommo-o: - this is pretty basic but clanging scales Thunderbolt is a very nasty stab combo. Also since everything has intim, this can pretty easily spam clanging scales. Pretty good for meta tho, more neutral stabs makes mr meat worse

:lunatone::pecharunt: - it’s mid but it does things. Not much else to say other than this gets ice beam. Do with this knowledge what you wish

:zoroark-hisui::sharpedo: - I half fused this so I think it’s zazed. However I do think it overlaps w bomb for what I wanted out of it - a decent knock turner, and something with a usable ghost stab that is fast. It’s an all round decent offensive mon that provides a pretty great ability to take attacks for your mons as it is an illusion mon

:bombirdier::tornadus: - based af, the ideal knock turn mon, plus big neutral brave birds. The amount of intim in this meta does make this mon particularly nasty but the mons that intimidate it already lose to it, so not exactly much of a loss. Mons like lashi and tyranix, also benefit from this as they handle it decently well. Although superpower exists, it does come at the loss of a stab or pivoting.
Edit since this has become apparent. This and overgary provide different roles, as this is almost entirely a band user, with bu sets being niche at best due to this things not fastest speed tier, while overgary provides a defensive mon that can run setup, and more importantly doesn’t have flying stab. This also doesn’t get competent setup like Gary has, nor the bulk. Sick to my bones play game

:scolipede::staraptor: - this does the same offensive profile of bomb nadus but its intim mon number billion. No more intim. I really feel with the other additions of mons, this mons value becomes less important, with it being more or less a sidegrade to bomb, lacking knock, but having close combat and swords dance. It’s a pick which not a “who’s better” situation, so I’m not entirely opposed to seeing both

Overall this voting method is solid but I think a cap of 4-3 subs is still the best method, as voting was particularly restrictive
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Gonna do something slightly different, and look over some potential crap tier Pokémon, what they would add to the tier if they were added and ultimately if we should allow them into the tier once drop slate comes.

Not Broken, Should Drop

:pincurchin::iron-leaves: - Brings Eletric Terrain to the tier, which buffs a few existing threats, while also being a formidable offensive threat in its own right, hitting hard with Psyblade. Overall quite an inoffensive addition to the tier.

:brambleghast::mamoswine: - Helps further diversity speed tiers, and adds a very useful check for the various birds that roam the meta, without being extremely overbearing thanks to its rather limiting defensive typing and existence of solid counterplay.

:Bronzong::brute-bonnet: - Does a couple great things for the tier. Adds a bulky Steel, even if its typing has exploitable weaknesses. Stomachs strong Dragon, Ghost, Psychic, Dark and Flying moves, resists that are really useful for the current metagame, and has the goated momentum grabber in Spore.

:snorlax::decidueye: - I do not think this is anywhere near as egreigious as what people try to make this out to be, and recent developments in the metagame have only strengthened my resolve - Decidulax is a fine drop right now, that soft checks many threats. Losing tools like Toxic, Seismic Toss and Whirlwind help level out its potential effectiveness at stalling without being too steep a nerf for its presence here. Honestly not much in regards to notes, this thing is really good and I expect it to be a great add to the tier to flesh out its defensive options.

:okidogi::ferrothorn: - Adds a decent bulky Grass type that isn't present in the tier, gives bulky teams an insane form of progress making thanks to its ability + Knock Off and Spikes. Enough Flying types and famous Psychic guys exist that put it in it's place so it shouldn't be too overbearing to check.

:dragonite::coalossal: - Incredibly bulky, with a unique defensive profile and funny ability, essentially allowing it to check a vast portion of the metagame, especially the physical options, and it comes with an insane amount of utility fom Spikes, SR, Rapid Spin, DTail and Will-O-Wisp. It's held in check by key threats like Conk, various Hatt forms and the ilk.

:empoleon::braviary-hisui: - A bulky Water that can fight back versus the very hostile Water metagame thanks to its strong secondary STAB, Empo can either be a bulky utility mon or it can be a strong wincon / wallbreaker. I am honestly not sure if it warrants having a stat rearrangement, but it can be a useful addition if deemed wanted.

Not Broken, Not Sure

:Revavroom::Lurantis: - It would add another bulky Steel and Grass to the tier, which is great for the meta. The snowballing aspect of his ability though, might be too strong. Depending on what drops into the tier with it, it could range from pretty problematic to high tier but can be reasonably dealt with.

:arboliva::typhlosion-hisui: - Just like Rev, Arbo adds a very strong wallbreaker to the tier. Instead of snowballing fast, it has really high output right out the gate thanks to it's 122 SpA. Just like Rev again, it has quite a few soft checks that already exist and even more depending on what drops into the tier with it. Frankly, if people do decide that Rev can come, Arbo can be argued for as well.

:eelektrik::necrozma-dawn-wings: - A slow bulky wallbreaker here, at first I was hesitant to it dropping, but I think the existing metagame has grown to be able to match it, with this latest slate imo pushes the meta into the realm of being able to really handle this Pokémon. Adds a strong breaker that can check a few "problem Pokemon" due to its great type matchuo and powerful Moongeist Beam, but said MBeam has very little switchins itself ad its defensive profile can allow it to Set up quite easily and wreck teams. OTR stands out as a quick and powerful means of cleaning up teams with litte effort to put a damper on this thing's potential as a free mon imo.

:flamigo::dugtrio-alola: - We just got two 100+ Speed physical Flying types, honestly not all that psyched to add a third one to the mix this soon. That is all.

:farigiraf::infernape: - Not broken at all, I'm just not sold on a third 90 Speed special Psychic added. This one is probably not as egregious since Darks are great rn, but it has a few growing pains in the meta fo get over imo, which I am not sure we need to invest into.

Probably Broken, Don't Drop

:Absol::iron-valiant: - Not sure what people are saying, this Pokémon is an absolute menace to deal with for both offensive and defensive teams like. SD LO kinda just wins versus anything slower than it, and 100 speed is still really solid in the tier, while Booster Energy sets can be EV'ed to creep the meta very easily. Not enough bulky Steels in the meta to drop this imo, since the Dark resists are washed by Play Rough.

:oricorio-sensu::meowscarada: - Quiver Dance is still too much in my opinion. It also directly outclasses a very recent addition to the tier, which is also bad news. 108 Speed is great even before it goes crazy, too much.

:relicanth::marshadow: - Really strong and fast, Relishadow's big banded Head Smashes may cause problems when u need to find resists to switch into it. Our Grounds are either not that great or are neutral into Head Smash, and even if they resisted they have to contend with banded Poltergeist as well, which should mince meat the rest of the Ground patrol. I think we leave this be.

Not feeling particularly strong abut anything else but people definitely have differing opinions on what they think should and could drop into the tier rn and not shit on the metagame, so they should voice or build on these opinions as well.

Edit: I have decided to stand behind The Seven, the rest of the mons can suck c coloured rocks.
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:latias::hydreigon: if i had a nickel for every time council has decided to rob my sub-

:kilowattrel::kommo-o: seems like its gonna be good, really annoying atm though because there's nothing that really wants to stomach its buttons, electric, dragon, and fire/flying coverage hits everything in the tier neutrally at least and they're all really potent buttons to click

:lunatone::pecharunt: its cool, probs gonna be fine in the meta, and now we have a rock that isn't named tyranix so that's good

:zoroark-hisui::sharpedo: should've been sharkoark- jokes aside this thing looks surprisingly potent in the tier, relatively easy to setup with, good speed tier, punishes common moves like u-turns, and makes illusion useful even after health is revealed, and ghost+fight coverage is actually kinda bonkers

:bombirdier::tornadus: lmfao buff man in a maid dress, uh it looks ok, good breaker and all but it has a lot of flaws that hurt its meta matchups and completely outcompetes overg

:scolipede::staraptor: cool af mon, great conk check, spams brave birds and gunk shots w/ eq coverage, can actually run choice items because of 4x resist into match punches so it still checks conk, plus intim makes it a silly pivot, SD goes hard too
slate was good, I feel like we should stick to 3-4 subs if were doing this method though, the final vote ended up getting very skewed by how few and concentrated the options were, so itd be a good idea to fix that

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:decidueye::snorlax: drop this mf already we need him in the tier he'd be so perfect
:ferrothorn::okidogi: this guy seems cool
:eelektrik::necrozma-dawn-wings: he could just be broken, but if he isn't it would go really hard in the tier, has so many good matchups, but tbh it probably just warps the tier around it, a shame
:fomantis::varoom: this guy wont drop but god it would be funny
ima be honest there ain't many drops that I really care for outside of these, a lot of these seem like they would warp the tier on its head so idk
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