Approved by the Pet Mods Moderators
(Original banner by imas234)
(Original banner by imas234)
Welcome to Fusion Evolution UU, the sequel to Fuion Evolution SV! There's one additional rule regarding abilities, so be sure to re-read the rules below.
Important Rules
Submissions and Voting
- You may only submit up to four fusions per slate.
- Each fusion can only be submitted by the same user up to three times over the course of the mod. In other words, every submission can only be further resubmitted up to two times.
- You vote for up to 6 fusions submitted in one round, and you are allowed to vote for up to 2 of your own submissions. Voting is done either through our Discord server or through DM'ing a council member
Submission Format & Guide
Fusion: (Fusion name)
Type: The type of the fusion
Stat Distribution: The stats of the fusion
Ability: Ability (A + B) - Effect
Relevant Moves: What moves will be most common on this fusion's sets?
Intended Role: (Eg. Hazard Setter, Special Wall, Set-Up Sweeper)
Role Justification: Why should this fusion be voted in and what does it bring to the meta? How does this fusion fill its role?
It should be noted that all submissions should be based around the metagame- If "fast" in this pet mod ends up being around 90-100 a powerful attacker with a "poor" speed of 90 wouldn't be appropriate. Also, while not necessarely a rule, please avoid the jokey/silly names.
Now, onto how each thing works:
- You can fuse any official Pokemon so long as the result is balanced. The only exception is that unreleased Pokémon, such as Eternal Floette, are not allowed.
- To get the stats of the Fusion, you simply average the stats of both Pokemon, rounded down. Then, you may have a total of up to +20 to add to its bst. However, this aditional +20 is opitional.
- The fusion inherits one type from each parent. So, for an example, a fusion between Kilowattrel and Togedemaru could be any of Electric / Flying, Electric / Steel, Flying / Steel or Pure Electric.
- The ability should be a mix of the effects of one of each of the abilities that the parents have. In our Kilowattrel/Togedemaru example, you would choose one of Wind Power/Volt Absorb/Competitive and mix its effects with one of Iron Barbs/Lightning Rod/Sturdy. You can also just make it an ability that has the same effect as two other abilities, similar to As One. If both of the abilities fused have the same effect (Say, I fuse Technician Cinccino with Technician Scizor), or if one of the used abilities is Run Away, Honey Gather or Ball Fetch, you gain an aditional +20 to freely distribute in stats (with a cap of +20 in a single stat). If two abilities with no in-battle effects are fused, the boost is instead +30. These boosts are entirely opitional and you don't have to use the full stat boosts.
- By default, fusions only get one ability. However, Council may retroactively give a fusion an aditional ability as means to buff it.
- Fusions get the movepool of both of their parents. The movepool used to determine this is the most recently available movepool for each parent, in the priority of SV > SwSh > BDSP > USUM. If a Pokémon recieves a movepool change mid gen, the fusion will be adjusted accordingly.
- Do note that Terastalization is banned from this Pet Mod.
To aid everyone, we have a Fusion Tool made by charizard8888
As for alternate forms, if it's an out-of-battle form change, it's treated as a separate pokémon. Otherwise, the formula goes as it follows:
Origin and Crowned
Nothing happens when you give Griseous Orb to Altered Giratina fusions, or Rusted Shield/Sword to base Zamazenta/Zacian forms. You can use those forms separately for fusions (Pikachu + Crowned Zacian, for example).
Mega Evolutions
Use Mix 'n' Mega rules, so Mega Fused Pokemon get the same stat buffs that their parent would, and the custom ability is overwritten with the Mega's ability. Also the SECONDARY type changes accordingly.
Eiscue -> Noice Eiscue
A/B/C/D/E/F becomes A/B/C(-40)/D/E(-40)/F(+80)
Darmanitan -> Darmanitan-Zen
Stat out with its base form, the pure Fire type, as the basis of the fusion. Then the stats are made as A/B/C/D/E/F to A/D/(C+50)/B/(E+50)/(F-40) and secondary type becomes Psychic (even if there was no secondary type).
Galarian Darmanitan -> Galarian Darmanitan-Zen
Stat out with its base form, the pure Ice type, as the basis of the fusion. Then the stats are made as A/B/C/D/E/F to A/B(+20)/C/D/E/F(+40) and secondary type becomes Fire (even if there was no secondary type).
Meloetta Aria -> Meloetta Pirouette
Meloetta's form changes are the same as its normal forms, and you create the fusion as if it were fusing with Meloetta Aria form, and then it can transform with Relic Song. This causes the secondary typing to become Fighting (even if there was no 2nd type before). Also, the stats are swapped, not calculated again. If the base form has stats A/B/C/D/E/F, the Fighting-type form has stats of A/D/F/B/C/E.
Aegislash Shield -> Aegislash Blade
Aegislash works similarly to Meloetta, with you creating the Fusion with the Shield form, and then changing forms with King's Shield or by attacking (i.e. How Stance Change works) and the stats swap like such: A/B/C/D/E/F becomes A/C/B/E/D/F.
Minior Meteor -> Minior
This one is similar to Aegislash in how it should be fused. Start out with Shield Form then the Stats swap as A/B/C/D/E/F to A/C/B/E/D/(F+60)
School Wishiwashi -> Solo Wishiwashi
This one is very tricky, but we found a solution.
Zygarde-10% -> Zygarde-100%
A/B/C/D/E/F becomes (A+162)/B/(C+50)/(D+30)/(E+10)/(F-30).
Zygarde-50% -> Zygarde-100%
A/B/C/D/E/F becomes (A+108)/B/C/(D+10)/E/(F-10).
Dawn Wings and Dusk Mane Necrozma -> Ultra Necrozma
This is how Stitch98 figured out the form change process:
Eternamax Eternatus
Eternamax is both unobtainable and an in-battle form change that is only triggered in story, so it can't be used in any way.
Zero Palafin -> Hero Palafin
A/B/C/D/E/F becomes A/(B+90)/(C+25)/(D+53)/(E+25)/F
Ogerpon Masks and Terastalized State
- To start with, you have to fuse with Teal Mask Ogerpon, doing the usual process for generating fusions
- Holding a mask will cause it to change form, having its ability replaced by Mold Breaker, Sturdy or Water Absorb and the Ogerpon type replaced by Fire, Rock or Water
- Lastly, Ogerpon fusions will be one of two fusions allowed to terastallize. They will have their tera types locked to their respective Ogerpon forms and their abilities will be replaced by Embody Aspect. Ogerpon's Embodied Forms will be treated like Megas in that they can be banned and vetoed separately from the base form.
- You start by fusing with Normal Form Terapagos and attribute a form change ability using Tera Shift
- When changing into Terastal Form, +5 HP / +30 Atk / +25 Def / +40 Sp Atk / +25 Sp Def / +25 Speed; replace ability with Tera Shell
- Terapagos fusions will also be allowed to Terastallize. When changing into Stellar form, +65 HP / +10 Atk / +0 Def / +25 Sp Atk / +0 Sp Def / +0 Speed and replace ability with Teraform Zero. Terapagos' Stellar Form will be treated like Megas in that they can be banned and vetoed separately from the base form.
Nothing happens when you give Griseous Orb to Altered Giratina fusions, or Rusted Shield/Sword to base Zamazenta/Zacian forms. You can use those forms separately for fusions (Pikachu + Crowned Zacian, for example).
Mega Evolutions
Use Mix 'n' Mega rules, so Mega Fused Pokemon get the same stat buffs that their parent would, and the custom ability is overwritten with the Mega's ability. Also the SECONDARY type changes accordingly.
Eiscue -> Noice Eiscue
A/B/C/D/E/F becomes A/B/C(-40)/D/E(-40)/F(+80)
Darmanitan -> Darmanitan-Zen
Stat out with its base form, the pure Fire type, as the basis of the fusion. Then the stats are made as A/B/C/D/E/F to A/D/(C+50)/B/(E+50)/(F-40) and secondary type becomes Psychic (even if there was no secondary type).
Galarian Darmanitan -> Galarian Darmanitan-Zen
Stat out with its base form, the pure Ice type, as the basis of the fusion. Then the stats are made as A/B/C/D/E/F to A/B(+20)/C/D/E/F(+40) and secondary type becomes Fire (even if there was no secondary type).
Meloetta Aria -> Meloetta Pirouette
Meloetta's form changes are the same as its normal forms, and you create the fusion as if it were fusing with Meloetta Aria form, and then it can transform with Relic Song. This causes the secondary typing to become Fighting (even if there was no 2nd type before). Also, the stats are swapped, not calculated again. If the base form has stats A/B/C/D/E/F, the Fighting-type form has stats of A/D/F/B/C/E.
Aegislash Shield -> Aegislash Blade
Aegislash works similarly to Meloetta, with you creating the Fusion with the Shield form, and then changing forms with King's Shield or by attacking (i.e. How Stance Change works) and the stats swap like such: A/B/C/D/E/F becomes A/C/B/E/D/F.
Minior Meteor -> Minior
This one is similar to Aegislash in how it should be fused. Start out with Shield Form then the Stats swap as A/B/C/D/E/F to A/C/B/E/D/(F+60)
School Wishiwashi -> Solo Wishiwashi
This one is very tricky, but we found a solution.
It goes as follows:
- Calculate the raw stats (and apply DNA boosts when applicable) of the other parent and Wishiwashi-School.
- To find the stats of Solo form, do the following:
- Multiply Attack by 1/7
- Multiply Defense by 1/6
- Multiply Special Attack and Special Defense by 1/5
- add 10 points to speed
- round all stats down when applicable
A/B/C/D/E/F becomes (A+162)/B/(C+50)/(D+30)/(E+10)/(F-30).
Zygarde-50% -> Zygarde-100%
A/B/C/D/E/F becomes (A+108)/B/C/(D+10)/E/(F-10).
Dawn Wings and Dusk Mane Necrozma -> Ultra Necrozma
This is how Stitch98 figured out the form change process:
Just like Giratina Origin and Black&White Kyurem, this forms are considered as independent from regular Necrozma, since they are obtainable outside of the battle. Fusions that come from any of the two can transform into their Ultra form if holding the UltraNecrozmium Z, similarly to Mega Evolutions. Do note that the UltraNecrozium Z cannot trigger Light That Burns the Sky. Ultra form's characteristics are defined as follows:
- Calculate base form's stats as usual, making averages between Necrozma DW/DM's and other DNA donors's stats and adding a total of +20 base points.
- After adding the +20 bonus, select the highest attacking stat between Attack and Special Attack and the highest defensive stat between Defense and Special Defense.
- The stat spread of the Ultra form is calculated like this:
- Attack and Special Attack are equal to the highest attacking stat chosen before, +10 base points.
- Defense and Special Defense are equal to the highest defensive stat chosen before, -30 base points.
- Speed is equal to base form's Speed, +52 base points.
- HP are the same as base form's.
- Secondary type of the Ultra form becomes Dragon (even if there was no secondary type).
- The ability of the Ultra form becomes Neuroforce.
Eternamax Eternatus
Eternamax is both unobtainable and an in-battle form change that is only triggered in story, so it can't be used in any way.
Zero Palafin -> Hero Palafin
A/B/C/D/E/F becomes A/(B+90)/(C+25)/(D+53)/(E+25)/F
Ogerpon Masks and Terastalized State
- To start with, you have to fuse with Teal Mask Ogerpon, doing the usual process for generating fusions
- Holding a mask will cause it to change form, having its ability replaced by Mold Breaker, Sturdy or Water Absorb and the Ogerpon type replaced by Fire, Rock or Water
- Lastly, Ogerpon fusions will be one of two fusions allowed to terastallize. They will have their tera types locked to their respective Ogerpon forms and their abilities will be replaced by Embody Aspect. Ogerpon's Embodied Forms will be treated like Megas in that they can be banned and vetoed separately from the base form.
- You start by fusing with Normal Form Terapagos and attribute a form change ability using Tera Shift
- When changing into Terastal Form, +5 HP / +30 Atk / +25 Def / +40 Sp Atk / +25 Sp Def / +25 Speed; replace ability with Tera Shell
- Terapagos fusions will also be allowed to Terastallize. When changing into Stellar form, +65 HP / +10 Atk / +0 Def / +25 Sp Atk / +0 Sp Def / +0 Speed and replace ability with Teraform Zero. Terapagos' Stellar Form will be treated like Megas in that they can be banned and vetoed separately from the base form.

- Gen 9 OU mechanics and clauses
- Terastallizing is banned; except for Ogerpon or Terapagos fusions
- Shed Tail, Last Respects and Revival Blessing are banned
- Mega Evolution is allowed
- Magnegiri
- Varantis
- Mega Aerodirge
- Mega Tentazor
- Mega Hisuian Zoroshark
- Mega Giracham
- Varantis
- Mega Aerodirge
- Mega Tentazor
- Mega Hisuian Zoroshark
- Mega Giracham
Play here!
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