Pet Mod Fusion Evolution UU [Gen 9] - Balance Patch! | Not open for Submissions | Council Applications Open


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Approved by the Pet Mods Moderators


(Original banner by imas234)

Welcome to Fusion Evolution UU, the sequel to Fuion Evolution SV! There's one additional rule regarding abilities, so be sure to re-read the rules below.

Important Rules

Submissions and Voting

- You may only submit up to four fusions per slate.

- Each fusion can only be submitted by the same user up to three times over the course of the mod. In other words, every submission can only be further resubmitted up to two times.

- You vote for up to 6 fusions submitted in one round, and you are allowed to vote for up to 2 of your own submissions. Voting is done either through our Discord server or through DM'ing a council member

Submission Format & Guide

(Fusion name)
Type: The type of the fusion
Stat Distribution: The stats of the fusion
Ability: Ability (A + B) - Effect
Relevant Moves: What moves will be most common on this fusion's sets?
Intended Role: (Eg. Hazard Setter, Special Wall, Set-Up Sweeper)
Role Justification: Why should this fusion be voted in and what does it bring to the meta? How does this fusion fill its role?

It should be noted that all submissions should be based around the metagame- If "fast" in this pet mod ends up being around 90-100 a powerful attacker with a "poor" speed of 90 wouldn't be appropriate. Also, while not necessarely a rule, please avoid the jokey/silly names.

Now, onto how each thing works:

- You can fuse any official Pokemon so long as the result is balanced. The only exception is that unreleased Pokémon, such as Eternal Floette, are not allowed.

- To get the stats of the Fusion, you simply average the stats of both Pokemon, rounded down. Then, you may have a total of up to +20 to add to its bst. However, this aditional +20 is opitional.

- The fusion inherits one type from each parent. So, for an example, a fusion between Kilowattrel and Togedemaru could be any of Electric / Flying, Electric / Steel, Flying / Steel or Pure Electric.

- The ability should be a mix of the effects of one of each of the abilities that the parents have. In our Kilowattrel/Togedemaru example, you would choose one of Wind Power/Volt Absorb/Competitive and mix its effects with one of Iron Barbs/Lightning Rod/Sturdy. You can also just make it an ability that has the same effect as two other abilities, similar to As One. If both of the abilities fused have the same effect (Say, I fuse Technician Cinccino with Technician Scizor), or if one of the used abilities is Run Away, Honey Gather or Ball Fetch, you gain an aditional +20 to freely distribute in stats (with a cap of +20 in a single stat). If two abilities with no in-battle effects are fused, the boost is instead +30. These boosts are entirely opitional and you don't have to use the full stat boosts.

- By default, fusions only get one ability. However, Council may retroactively give a fusion an aditional ability as means to buff it.

- Fusions get the movepool of both of their parents. The movepool used to determine this is the most recently available movepool for each parent, in the priority of SV > SwSh > BDSP > USUM. If a Pokémon recieves a movepool change mid gen, the fusion will be adjusted accordingly.

- Do note that Terastalization is banned from this Pet Mod.

To aid everyone, we have a Fusion Tool made by charizard8888

As for alternate forms, if it's an out-of-battle form change, it's treated as a separate pokémon. Otherwise, the formula goes as it follows:

Origin and Crowned
Nothing happens when you give Griseous Orb to Altered Giratina fusions, or Rusted Shield/Sword to base Zamazenta/Zacian forms. You can use those forms separately for fusions (Pikachu + Crowned Zacian, for example).

Mega Evolutions
Use Mix 'n' Mega rules, so Mega Fused Pokemon get the same stat buffs that their parent would, and the custom ability is overwritten with the Mega's ability. Also the SECONDARY type changes accordingly.

Eiscue -> Noice Eiscue
A/B/C/D/E/F becomes A/B/C(-40)/D/E(-40)/F(+80)

Darmanitan -> Darmanitan-Zen
Stat out with its base form, the pure Fire type, as the basis of the fusion. Then the stats are made as A/B/C/D/E/F to A/D/(C+50)/B/(E+50)/(F-40) and secondary type becomes Psychic (even if there was no secondary type).

Galarian Darmanitan -> Galarian Darmanitan-Zen
Stat out with its base form, the pure Ice type, as the basis of the fusion. Then the stats are made as A/B/C/D/E/F to A/B(+20)/C/D/E/F(+40) and secondary type becomes Fire (even if there was no secondary type).

Meloetta Aria -> Meloetta Pirouette
Meloetta's form changes are the same as its normal forms, and you create the fusion as if it were fusing with Meloetta Aria form, and then it can transform with Relic Song. This causes the secondary typing to become Fighting (even if there was no 2nd type before). Also, the stats are swapped, not calculated again. If the base form has stats A/B/C/D/E/F, the Fighting-type form has stats of A/D/F/B/C/E.

Aegislash Shield -> Aegislash Blade
Aegislash works similarly to Meloetta, with you creating the Fusion with the Shield form, and then changing forms with King's Shield or by attacking (i.e. How Stance Change works) and the stats swap like such: A/B/C/D/E/F becomes A/C/B/E/D/F.

Minior Meteor -> Minior
This one is similar to Aegislash in how it should be fused. Start out with Shield Form then the Stats swap as A/B/C/D/E/F to A/C/B/E/D/(F+60)

School Wishiwashi -> Solo Wishiwashi
This one is very tricky, but we found a solution.
It goes as follows:
  1. Calculate the raw stats (and apply DNA boosts when applicable) of the other parent and Wishiwashi-School.
  2. To find the stats of Solo form, do the following:
    • Multiply Attack by 1/7
    • Multiply Defense by 1/6
    • Multiply Special Attack and Special Defense by 1/5
    • add 10 points to speed
    • round all stats down when applicable
Zygarde-10% -> Zygarde-100%
A/B/C/D/E/F becomes (A+162)/B/(C+50)/(D+30)/(E+10)/(F-30).

Zygarde-50% -> Zygarde-100%
A/B/C/D/E/F becomes (A+108)/B/C/(D+10)/E/(F-10).

Dawn Wings and Dusk Mane Necrozma -> Ultra Necrozma
This is how Stitch98 figured out the form change process:
Just like Giratina Origin and Black&White Kyurem, this forms are considered as independent from regular Necrozma, since they are obtainable outside of the battle. Fusions that come from any of the two can transform into their Ultra form if holding the UltraNecrozmium Z, similarly to Mega Evolutions. Do note that the UltraNecrozium Z cannot trigger Light That Burns the Sky. Ultra form's characteristics are defined as follows:
  1. Calculate base form's stats as usual, making averages between Necrozma DW/DM's and other DNA donors's stats and adding a total of +20 base points.
  2. After adding the +20 bonus, select the highest attacking stat between Attack and Special Attack and the highest defensive stat between Defense and Special Defense.
  3. The stat spread of the Ultra form is calculated like this:
    • Attack and Special Attack are equal to the highest attacking stat chosen before, +10 base points.
    • Defense and Special Defense are equal to the highest defensive stat chosen before, -30 base points.
    • Speed is equal to base form's Speed, +52 base points.
    • HP are the same as base form's.
  4. Secondary type of the Ultra form becomes Dragon (even if there was no secondary type).
  5. The ability of the Ultra form becomes Neuroforce.

Eternamax Eternatus
Eternamax is both unobtainable and an in-battle form change that is only triggered in story, so it can't be used in any way.

Zero Palafin -> Hero Palafin
A/B/C/D/E/F becomes A/(B+90)/(C+25)/(D+53)/(E+25)/F

Ogerpon Masks and Terastalized State
- To start with, you have to fuse with Teal Mask Ogerpon, doing the usual process for generating fusions
- Holding a mask will cause it to change form, having its ability replaced by Mold Breaker, Sturdy or Water Absorb and the Ogerpon type replaced by Fire, Rock or Water
- Lastly, Ogerpon fusions will be one of two fusions allowed to terastallize. They will have their tera types locked to their respective Ogerpon forms and their abilities will be replaced by Embody Aspect. Ogerpon's Embodied Forms will be treated like Megas in that they can be banned and vetoed separately from the base form.

- You start by fusing with Normal Form Terapagos and attribute a form change ability using Tera Shift
- When changing into Terastal Form, +5 HP / +30 Atk / +25 Def / +40 Sp Atk / +25 Sp Def / +25 Speed; replace ability with Tera Shell
- Terapagos fusions will also be allowed to Terastallize. When changing into Stellar form, +65 HP / +10 Atk / +0 Def / +25 Sp Atk / +0 Sp Def / +0 Speed and replace ability with Teraform Zero. Terapagos' Stellar Form will be treated like Megas in that they can be banned and vetoed separately from the base form.





florgerouge-red.png @DenebStargazerflorgerouge-red.png

- Gen 9 OU mechanics and clauses
- Terastallizing is banned; except for Ogerpon or Terapagos fusions
- Shed Tail, Last Respects and Revival Blessing are banned
- Mega Evolution is allowed

- Magnegiri
- Varantis
- Mega Aerodirge
- Mega Tentazor
- Mega Hisuian Zoroshark
- Mega Giracham



Play here!
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:electivire:Slate 0 - Familiar Beginnings:magmortar:

We'll actually start this off with a Drop Slate this time around! Having pre-existing fusions as out starting point helps us define a power level for the metagame right away, so we've selected some Pokémon that aren't doing too well in OU for our players to judge. The Fusions listed below are our candidates for a Slate 1. Of course, they can't all get in at once, so we will have a vote next week deciding which of them drop and which of them stay OU (even if just for now).



Base Stats: 82 / 123 / 75 / 75 / 65 / 104
Squall: This Pokemon's Attack is raised by 1 if hit by a Fire or Ice move or Tailwind begins; Fire and Ice immunity.



Base Stats: 95 / 95 / 95 / 115 / 100 / 100
Natural Pressures: Effects of Natural Cure and Pressure.



Base Stats: 99 / 115 / 77 / 105 / 72 / 91
Sand Rush

Mega Chomptry


Base Stats: 99 / 155 / 97 / 145 / 82 / 81
Sand Force



Base Stats: 81 / 110 / 110 / 52 / 72 / 85
Well-Baked Flame Orb: Effects of Guts and Well-Baked Body.



Base Stats: 95 / 95 / 100 / 70 / 80 / 75
Hourglass: Effects of Mirror Armor and Sand Rush.



Base Stats: 70 / 57 / 55 / 122 / 105 / 117
Rising Tension: Effects of Levitate and Cursed Body.



Base Stats: 120 / 108 / 70 / 82 / 105 / 50
Fat Fingers: Effects of Thick Fat and Long Reach.



Base Stats: 104 / 84 / 79 / 111 / 95 / 65
Sharp Goggles: Effects of Tinted Lens and Competitive.



Base Stats: 100 / 100 / 70 / 110 / 70 / 95
Armor Fist: Immune to Priority and Punching moves; it own have 1.2x power.



Base Stats: 79 / 125 / 125 / 45 / 85 / 70
Mad Cow: Effects of Emegency Exit + Intimidate + Lowers opponent's Attack when Emergency Exit activates.



Base Stats: 90 / 105 / 100 / 110 / 120 / 60
Pondweed: Immune to Grass and Water, raises Atk by 1 if hit by either.



Base Stats: 179 / 101 / 67 / 109 / 67 / 71
All-Devouring: Effects of Beast Boost.



Base Stats: 80 / 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 90
Winter Storm: If the weather is Snow, this Pokemon heals 1/16 max HP and the opponent is damaged 1/8 max HP at the end of each turn.

Iron Pins
Iron Pins.png


Base Stats: 70 / 116 / 92 / 80 / 96 / 76
Quark Surge: Effects of Quark Drive and Electric Surge.



Base Stats: 95 / 110 / 120 / 100 / 85 / 65
Molten Core: Effects of Turboblaze and Rock Head.



Base Stats: 52 / 67 / 65 / 95 / 75 / 95
Overwhelming: Effects of Magic Guard and Sheer Force.

Mega Mawlakazam X


Base Stats: 52 / 87 / 105 / 95 / 115 / 95
Huge Power

Mega Mawlakazam Y


Base Stats: 52 / 67 / 85 / 135 / 85 / 125



Base Stats: 75 / 90 / 70 / 109 / 70 / 108
Choerography: After another Pokemon uses a dance move, this Pokemon uses the same move; but this effect only works once per switch-in. This Pokemon's type changes to the type of the move it is using.



Base Stats: 90 / 87 / 82 / 67 / 122 / 65
Neutralizing Gas



Base Stats: 83 / 101 / 89 / 127 / 101 / 59
Airbone Armor: Effects of Prism Armor and Levitate.



Base Stats: 85 / 115 / 125 / 60 / 105 / 50
Barbed Chain: This Pokemon's contact moves damage the opponent for 1/8 max HP.



Base Stats: 90 / 120 / 105 / 75 / 85 / 85

Mega Overgyara


Base Stats: 90 / 150 / 135 / 85 / 115 / 85
Mold Breaker



Base Stats: 95 / 108 / 105 / 67 / 77 / 109
Stone Wheel: Effects of Rock Head and Technician.



Base Stats: 75 / 112 / 90 / 87 / 78 / 67
Unfiltered: If this Pokemon has a stat stage raised it is lowered instead, and vice versa. This Pokemon receives 3/4 damage from supereffective attacks and deals 4/3 damage with resisted attacks.

Slither King
Slither King.png


Base Stats: 79 / 107 / 93 / 83 / 97 / 79
Opening Act: This Pokemon's Status moves have priority raised by 1, but Dark types are immune. Sunny Day active, Booster Energy used or priority move used: highest stat is 1.3x, or 1.5x if Speed.



Base Stats: 97 / 109 / 155 / 75 / 82 / 55
Sand Srteam

Mega Tyranix X


Base Stats: 97 / 139 / 195 / 75 / 102 / 65
Sand Stream

Mega Tyranix Y


Base Stats: 97 / 149 / 185 / 75 / 112 / 55
Sand Force



Base Stats: 93 / 90 / 82 / 101 / 94 / 91
Aura Shield: This Pokemon is not affected by the secondary effect of another Pokemon's attack. While this Pokemon is active, moves with secondary effects used by any Pokemon have 1.33x power.



Base Stats: 101 / 120 / 95 / 69 / 97 / 108
Pillage: Swaps ability with an opponent when switching in.

Please use the template below when presenting your thoughts:

:brambleghast::mamoswine: -

:celebi::zapdos: -

:garchomp::shiftry: -

:garchomp-mega::shiftry: -

:conkeldurr::dachsbun: -

:corviknight::dracozolt: -

:cryogonal::gengar: -

:decidueye::snorlax: -

:empoleon::braviary-hisui: -

:farigiraf::infernape: -

:golisopod::tauros-paldea-blaze: -

:goodra-hisui::swampert: -

:guzzlord::dudunsparce: -

:regice::darkrai: -

:iron leaves::pincurchin: -

:lairon::reshiram: -

:mawile::alakazam: -

:mawile-mega::alakazam: -

:mawile::alakazam-mega: -

:meowscarada::oricorio-sensu: -

:muk-alola::altaria: -

:necrozma-dawn-wings::eelektrik: -

:okidogi::ferrothorn: -

:overqwil::gyarados: -

:overqwil::gyarados-mega: -

:relicanth::marshadow: -

:revavroom::lurantis: -

:slither wing::klefki: -

:tyranitar::steelix: -

:tyranitar-mega::steelix: -

:tyranitar::steelix-mega: -

:yveltal::dustox: -

:zamazenta::oinkologne: -

When discussing these, keep in mind the context of how well the fusions would work around eachother and what kind of power level they are setting for the meta!

This is all for now. You'll have until the 27th to discuss.
DNA Donors: Runerigus / Hatterene
Fusion Name: Hatterune
New Types:

Base Stats: 60 / 95 / 120 / 95 / 110 / 30 [BST: 500] (+3 HP / +3 Atk / +0 Def / +2 SpA / +6 SpD / +1 Spe)
New Ability: Pillage = (Wandering Spirit + Anticipation)
Ability Description: On switch-in, this Pokemon swaps its ability with the opponent.
Notable Moves:
Earthquake, Play Rough, Nuzzle, Stone Edge, Body Press
Earth Power, Dazzling Gleam, Mystical Fire
Stealth Rock, Haze, Will-o-Wisp, Trick Room, Memento, Healing Wish, Nasty Plot, Swords Dance
Intended Role: Defensive Pivot, Hazard Setter (Stealth Rock), Mixed Wall, Trick Room Setter
Role Justification: this would be great for the meta i think
ok shitposts aside here are my real thoughts on the (very few) mons I want let in at the moment:

Mon sucks hard in OU and by virtue of its typing I really dont think its possible for it to be broken. Way too easy to revenge kill. Drop it as a generically useful mon, it can wallbreak, has rocks, can play the defense, etc
get this shit outta the FEOU builder
also a certified OU shitmon, but I see the vision in a lower tier. Maybe the ability will need a tweak, but I'd love to play it in a lower power environment
:garchomp: :shiftry: this is pure agenda. I voted for it specifically as a cool UU drop. sorry! mega is also fine imo
I have thought more and I think I'm also fine with this dropping. but please keep out Corvizolt
this is a maybe. While its a favorite of mine and is weak in OU, its by no means useless there and I'm not sure if it'll be a repeat of last gen FERU's claylamar contrary dominance (the direct cause of hatt)
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:garchomp::shiftry: - Roaring Moon mini if we drop Tyranix, Chomper mini if we don't. Either way, I'm down for testing it.

:garchomp-mega::shiftry: - Kinda worrying just because of that beefy Attack stat, but if need be we can just ban the Mega and live with base.

:conkeldurr::dachsbun: - Slightly better (arguably sidegrade) Conk is an easy drop. Man we have so many slow Fighters in OU.

:cryogonal::gengar: - Shitmon. Might need a stat nerf but it needs to get out of OU no matter what.

:empoleon::braviary-hisui: - We'll definitely need to keep an eye on this but it's another easy drop imo.

:golisopod::tauros-paldea-blaze: - Yeah this is a shitter in OU. Drop it.

:goodra-hisui::swampert: - RUPERT. This mon was always hanging on by a thread in OU and looks pretty great down here, so I'm definitely down to try it out.

:guzzlord::dudunsparce: - Lol this mon will still be ass here. But yeah, let it ride.

:iron leaves::pincurchin: - Free him.

:lairon::reshiram: - RU lookin ass. Free the evo in OU if real.

:meowscarada::oricorio-sensu: - Seems pretty strong but it's giga ass in OU so it's definitely worth giving a shot down here.

:muk-alola::altaria: - That bulk is honestly kinda scary and might need to be tuned down a bit, but this is another OU shitter that I'd be fine dropping. Free the mega if real.

:okidogi::ferrothorn: - This guy is S rank in OU what is it doing here

:overqwil::gyarados: - RU lookin ass (the sequel!)

:overqwil::gyarados-mega: - What does this DO?????

:relicanth::marshadow: - Relish. Kinda cracked but we can give it a shot.

:slither wing::klefki: - Remember when I got Light Clay banned by spamming this guy in tournament? Fun times. Anyway, this is an easy drop, though the ability might need to be reworked to its pre-buff state.

:tyranitar::steelix: - Easy drop with or without Corvizolt. This guy's a shitter in OU.

:tyranitar-mega::steelix: - Worse than base.

:tyranitar::steelix-mega: - Worse than base.

:yveltal::dustox: - Probably fine in UU, but we've got a lot of stats we can remove if it ends up being a problem.


:brambleghast::mamoswine: - Lowkey kinda broken in early meta UU. This thing existing (and specifically Loaded Dice sets) will force fat, Ground-neutral Steels into the meta early on, which I'm not a fan of.

:celebi::zapdos: - Yeah fuck no lol. Just because we made multiple hard counters for this in OU doesn't mean it'll fly in UU. This mon is honestly still usable in OU and will be downright good once we nerf dumbass Weez.

:corviknight::dracozolt: - As much as I think this mon would cook in UU, and as mid as it is in OU, I can kinda see this mon being too much defensively. That bulk and typing along with Roost, Defog, and U-Turn make this mon a pretty ridiculous defensive piece, and that's not even mentioning STAB Bolt Beak. I'll probably vote to drop it because it's my baby but I encourage folks to think about this one a bit.

:decidueye::snorlax: - Nope. Nope nope nope. WAAAAAAAY too fat for what it does. In a UU power level this mon's bulk and typing are fucked up, basically forcing you to run a mon with STAB Knock if you want to have any hope of breaking it. Also this mon is good in OU so like, why is it here?

:farigiraf::infernape: - Uhhhh seems pretty strong by UU standards but should be manageable? I might hold off on dropping this until later.

:regice::darkrai: - Erm. I missed this when I first looked through the mons but like. No?????? This is way too strong for UU lmao.

:mawile::alakazam: - Kinda spooky. I'd be down to drop it later on but I don't really wanna start a meta off with this guy.

:mawile-mega::alakazam: - See above.

:mawile::alakazam-mega: - Ditto.

:necrozma-dawn-wings::eelektrik: - Nah fuck this guy. Keep it OU.

:revavroom::lurantis: - Nah I agree with Earl's sentiment that this might be a bit much in early meta. Once we get a more robust defensive metagame I'd be down to give it another chance though.

:zamazenta::oinkologne: - Not sure how I feel about this one. Stats are pretty cracked and its coverage is kinda nutty. I think Zoink deserves a lower power level meta to run wild in, but maybe now's not the time.
:brambleghast::mamoswine: - I remember this being kind of a pain in early OU so I'm hesitant about it in a lower-power format.

:celebi::zapdos: - no

:garchomp::shiftry: - This is probably perfectly fine for UU, I think. Gives us an early weather core with Tyranix if that drops too.

:garchomp-mega::shiftry: - Not sure about this dropping early into the meta, big Sand Force mon might be a bit too much without stuff to take its hits.

:conkeldurr::dachsbun: - I mean I guess? Probably fine and I don't think I've really seen this in OU, so.

:corviknight::dracozolt: - Not straight away, at least. Mon is pretty goddamn fat and Bolt Beak is scary when we're not sure about the state of Grounds in the format yet.

:cryogonal::gengar: - Same as Conkelbun, mon is fine in a lower power format like this and it's already not doing anything in OU.

:decidueye::snorlax: - no

:empoleon::braviary-hisui: - On the fence about this one, mostly because I don't know enough about how it performs in OU to say either way.

:farigiraf::infernape: - Mostly same as Empoliary, although I'd lean more towards this being fine in UU.

:golisopod::tauros-paldea-blaze: - Sure. Mon is pretty dogwater in OU.

:goodra-hisui::swampert: - On the fence about this one too, but I don't really have any sort of opinion on it overall.

:guzzlord::dudunsparce: - Yeah this guy is doing nothing in OU, free him.

:regice::darkrai: - no

:iron leaves::pincurchin: - Not sure about this guy in UU, seems pretty fine in OU as is post-Dirge changes. Maybe not good enough in its own right though?

:lairon::reshiram: - hey remember when this guy was good. anyway easiest drop of all time

:mawile::alakazam: - Questionable so early, I think.

:mawile-mega::alakazam::mawile::alakazam-mega: - Lumping both megas together since they can't really exist if Mawlakazam isn't a UU mon, can they?

:meowscarada::oricorio-sensu: - Quiver Dance is a big scary boosting move ooooo but I think it's fine honestly.

:muk-alola::altaria: - yeah this guy is just fine and good i think

:necrozma-dawn-wings::eelektrik: - Feels like it could go insane with its good offensive typing + high offenses. Not sure about this one, could go either way on it personally.

:okidogi::ferrothorn: - lmao no what

:overqwil::gyarados: - yeah this guy is prob totally fine lol

:overqwil::gyarados-mega: - also fine probably? it has stats but not really much else

:relicanth::marshadow: - Dice sets seem scary but I'd be down to give it a shot in UU.

:revavroom::lurantis: - Seems kinda crazy now that it has actual moves, definitely not something I'd want in an early meta. Maybe later though.

:slither wing::klefki: - sure. no complaints here.

:tyranitar::steelix: - Absolutely drop. This guy is the mon of all time in OU and made building sand up there feel kinda wack.

:tyranitar-mega::steelix::tyranitar::steelix-mega: - both seem worse than base so they can follow it down

:yveltal::dustox: - See Meowscorio.

:zamazenta::oinkologne: - Not sure about this one either, offenses and movepool are really good for a lower power level.
:tyranitar: :steelix: sand srteam

:brambleghast::mamoswine: - pretty broken imo since speed tiers here are like meowscorio and crygarg

:celebi::zapdos: - solid mon, def has stuff holding it back but will be a staple

:garchomp::shiftry: - it’s a mon, will be resident sand abuser once corvizolt is removed from tier

:garchomp-mega::shiftry: - ass. It does get scale shot sd tho, good ho piece

:conkeldurr::dachsbun: - I guess it’s a mon? checks chomp tree

:corviknight::dracozolt: - broken

:cryogonal::gengar: - also broken, buff was underutilized and def has an ou power level

:decidueye::snorlax: - broken

:empoleon::braviary-hisui: - probably broken, just so few things to actually wall it once decidulax dissapears

:farigiraf::infernape: -idk this one is weird but prob safe

:golisopod::tauros-paldea-blaze: - our one and only water resist. No others exist. Otherwise it kinda sucks ngl bc the stuff it wants to beat either kill with power whip or sludge wave

:goodra-hisui::swampert: - very vital to the meta as it does a lot. Knock turn and being a water type is really great

:guzzlord::dudunsparce: - honestly pretty interesting at a lower power level with fewer normal resists (with there being two midder ones here). Probably ass but it will be good to start off

:regice::darkrai: - broken because it’s a massive stat stick that is unwallable

:iron leaves::pincurchin: - kinda broken? We have no grounds other than tyranix and this gets the blade

:lairon::reshiram: - tier staple due to it being the only good defensive steel

:mawile::alakazam: - idk this feels kinda strong tbh, same issue with steels

:mawile-mega::alakazam: - kinda ass

:mawile::alakazam-mega: - good bc it has the best tier rn

:meowscarada::oricorio-sensu: - it’s a mon. I genuinely don’t understand what this mon accomplishes other than being a worse quiver dancer than yveltox

:muk-alola::altaria: - the other special wall, weak to ice. Ngas is useful but you really don’t do much w it

:necrozma-dawn-wings::eelektrik: - probably pretty good

:okidogi::ferrothorn: - def a Mon, really just a great spiker, which worries me since our removal kinda sux once decidulax and corvizolt die

:overqwil::gyarados: - good by virtue of lack of defensive typings. This mon isn’t great

:overqwil::gyarados-mega: -

:relicanth::marshadow: - omg relishadow… profits due to low iron count and has new tool in head smash. Probably pretty good

:revavroom::lurantis: - I refuse to count this as a steel type. However it does seem better at a lower power level, considering its enemy steels either can’t beat it or are weak to superpower

:slither wing::klefki: - the mon of the tier, it does everything

:tyranitar::steelix: - refer to above. Our only (technically) ground. It does ground things

:tyranitar-mega::steelix: - these two are the same thing so do not tell me otherwise

:tyranitar::steelix-mega: - above

:yveltal::dustox: - quiver dancer that can’t beat tier sole ground. Ass

:zamazenta::oinkologne: - def kinda mid but it has the speed tiering
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:brambleghast::Mamoswine: Personally we should bite the bullet, and drop the goat. But I doubt this gets the clearance necessary and it probably lacks even one check rn anyways. No.

:celebi::Zapdos: Way too powerful and consistent an offensive pivot and wallbreaker. No way Jose. No.

:shiftry::garchomp: Never seen this before, but I think this Pokémon at least statline wise is pretty fine for what the meta wants to be. I am honestly unsure about it's Mega, that's a maybe for me ATM. Yes (Maybe Mega).

:conkeldurr::dachsbun: Another perfectly fine and reasonable Pokémon imo. Mach Punch offers for great early meta speed control as well. Yes.

:corviknight::dracozolt: Seems borderline as is, due to being a Pokémon with a very good defensive and offensive typing, but ironically it's best check dropping imo seals it's fate as something I'd keep out for the time being. Not sure if I wanna face this under Sand given our current options. No.

:cryogonal::Gengar: Yes. Solid offensive potential, but frail as molasses makes it an easy drop imo. If it's too strong a small stat nerf is easy (probably to speed). Yes.

:Empoleon::braviary-hisui: Another fine drop. See what Braviary-Hisui gets down with in lower tiers, but no Sheer Force. Bring a beefcake or revenge kill it's slow ass and your golden. Yes.

:farigiraf::infernape: I believe if you think Empo can fall, this can too, because it's worse Empo in most aspects, outside of potential Scarf sets. NP is pretty decent actually, but imo not enough to keep it out. Yes.

:decidueye::snorlax: I don't understand why everyome is calling this Pokémon broken? What is this broken at doing? Sitting down, clicking Knock Off? Clicking STAB? A million Darks are dropping rn. Mon is a certified shitcake, and the tier probably likes a beefy boy that can switvh into a stray hit if needed be early on. Yes.

:golisopod::tauros-paldea-blaze: This is a defensive mon. Good utility, useful defensive type. I think this is a very easy drop and would be very beneficial for the meta's development. Yes.

:goodra-hisui::swampert: See above. They compete with each other but each's differences serve it well and will continue to do so as the tier develops. Yes.

:guzzlord::dudunsparce: Certified shitmon in OU. Jury's out if its viable in a meta where we already have a Fairy Fighter dropping (Free Tera Please). Yes.

:regice::darkrai: This doesn't seem like it belongs imo. I have yet to see this in action ever, but something tells me this guy ain't right. No.

:iron leaves::pincurchin: Another imo easy drop. Very strong but requires alot of funny positioning to be as good as it wants to be. It got Rising Voltage recently so it can be a viabke physical or special breaker, so that's fun. Yes.

:lairon::reshiram: Shitmon. Not even UU worthy! Yes.

:mawile::alakazam: Shitmon. Not even UU worthy! Yes.

:mawile-mega::alakazam: Idk. Maybe.

:mawile::alakazam-mega: This probably can work. Yes.

:meowscarada::oricorio-sensu: Adds alot of good for the tier. Scarfer, Spikes setter. Offensive pivot. If it's ability works like I think apparently QDancer as well. Yes.

:muk-alola::altaria: This is the fat mon people should be calling broken, not Decilax! This actually has results! This mon is definitely a shitmon but has shown itself to be quite the bitch to face in a metagame in the hands of a skillful player. The overwhelming swamp of Psychic types might be enough though. Maybe.

:necrozma-dawn-wings::eelektrik: Funny. People are hating on it but want to see it simply because I am a fan of it's vibe. Yes.

:okidogi::ferrothorn: The only reason this is UU is bevause anaconja is hellbent on creating dogshit. If you don't Iron Barbs + Poison Touch this in OU. No.

:overqwil::gyarados: Shitmon. Yes.

:overqwil::gyarados-mega: Very strong DDancer if we being honest. It's lack of any other STAB optio outside of Crunch is a huge nerf though, so I think it is a tentative yes. Yes.

:relicanth::marshadow: Another strong offensive mon, I think it will be fine if it drops. Keeps you on your toes. Yes.

:revavroom::lurantis: I want the meta to develop some more before considering it for UU. No.

:slither wing::klefki: Utility glue god, something I am actually looking forward to dropping in the tier. Yes.

:tyranitar::steelix: :tyranitar-mega::steelix: :tyranitar::steelix-mega:
I have no feelings about the Sand triplets. It's kinda funny how these not being good even if they drop, but ghey have a near Gen 3 TTar level influence on the tier if they do join us. Let them come. Yes.

:yveltal::dustox: I think it's fine. QDances on a certain Ghost type check due to Oblivion Wing. Yes.

:zamazenta::oinkologne: I also do not think this Pokémon is as dangerous as people are letting it out to be, I think ths would be a fine drop. Yes.

Yeah, I think most selections made so far are pretty fine for our meta, very few mons imo are too strong, and they def aren't Snorlax.
:brambleghast::mamoswine: - My son, my liege, how hard the times have treated you. Anyways Bramble remains as a great spinner on the account that it is also the only spinner (excluding defoggers). Also retains a solid offensive and defensive profile.

:celebi::zapdos: - How did this drop but deciperior didn't lmao??? Get this thing out.

:garchomp::shiftry: - Okay finally we get to a shitmon that deserved the fall.

:garchomp-mega::shiftry: - With Tyranix sand it might be a legit breaker, Typing is also not bad considering the other mons around.

:conkeldurr::dachsbun: - Decent typing and okayish bulk, main draw is being a fairy which will give this a good niche

:corviknight::dracozolt: - Glad to see people finally open their eyes on how much of a fraud this mon is in OU. In here however it might actually be quite threatning here now that sand can be more than just a meme, especially considering that the one ground type of the meta happens to boost its speed as well..

:cryogonal::gengar: - Fast and can spin, but with Icekrai on the tier it will have to rely onits speed to gain a niche.

:decidueye::snorlax: - Probably the best mon of the meta. Has knock-off, u-turn, Defog and is absurdly fat, maybe even too much for its own good. Not using this thing would be throwing.

:empoleon::braviary-hisui: - One of many niche water pivots, this one differentiates itself by having an actual offensive pressence.

:farigiraf::infernape: - Versatile, Im not sure which set might be best for it with the current meta but it has enough options to prep for any sudden tier changes.

:golisopod::tauros-paldea-blaze: - Always thought this mon was underrated on OU, but here it might have a niche as a pivot, defintely a spiker one at that.

:goodra-hisui::swampert: - Great pivot, sets rocks and typing is pretty decent for the meta.

:guzzlord::dudunsparce: - Funny Boomburst mon might make it down here, but its chances are low.

:regice::darkrai: - Hits Fast and can sweep with nasty plot. Our special walls aren't quite sturdy right now so it might be too overwhelming.

:iron leaves::pincurchin: - This mon was already ass in OU but in a meta without Quark Drive it has no other purpose other than to spam Psyblade. Admitedly its decent at that.

:lairon::reshiram: - This poor thing is so incredibly miserable, just kill it already. Wait its the only fire type in the meta it might not be Lashirover (it absolutely is).

:mawile::alakazam: - Surprisingly decent, not much in the special wall department here which means htis can probably carve out a good niche as a sweeper.

:mawile-mega::alakazam: - Ice punch coverage is nice, just ignore its fucking awful stabs.

:mawile::alakazam-mega: - Zam Y. This is literally just Zam y in UU.

:meowscarada::oricorio-sensu: - The quiver Dancer with the better typing for the meta. Can be quite scary to deal with.

:muk-alola::altaria: - This thing could be potentially obnoxious asf, wisp roost sludge is a war criminal set and will make dealing with it quite annoying to do.

:necrozma-dawn-wings::eelektrik: - Actually insane, this thing looks likely to farm the entire meta since its just Deliraidon mini once it activates its special form. Nvm i had forgotten ultra form was banned this should be just a fine mon.

:okidogi::ferrothorn: - Was a tadbit underrated in OU I admit, here it will most likely have the time of its life with so many mid removal options.

:overqwil::gyarados: - I forgot what tthis thing even does but its sorta vorse Venomicon, should drop soley cause mega.

:overqwil::gyarados-mega: - Interesting Mega, can be a potent lategame sweeper.

:relicanth::marshadow: - Good Offensive mon, also has the advantage of potentially stopping the ddancers of the tier on their tracks.

:revavroom::lurantis: - Another ridiculous drop, Revrantis had steadily grown to be an actual threat in OU after an entire generation of failure, and now with only Corvizolt and Yveltox in its way it more than likely will be extremely threatning.

:slither wing::klefki: - Screens Ho, That's the joke. Twave will actually handle so much of the early meta so I can see this being a fine mon.

:tyranitar::steelix: - Ladies and gentlemen I present to you our ONLY ground type, which is crazy since OU has like 10. Outside of that this is the only weather setter so far, so its unique traits are likely to grant it a niche.

:tyranitar-mega::steelix: - A somewhat decent mon right now considering the lack of megas, we'll see how it does.

:tyranitar::steelix-mega: - Extra Power could be nice ig but this looks pretty worse than X.

:yveltal::dustox: - Quiver Bot 2, worse bulk but better damage. Run screens and it should do things Ig.

:zamazenta::oinkologne: -Insane scarfer, but its typing leaves a lot to be desired. Still the near complete lack of mons with paradox abilities will most likely make this thing quite interesting to use.

Also free Deciperior, I don't care how much Earl gasses that mon is so fake in ou. Same with Deoslash and Dragacoal.
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History will repeat itself on users subbing/voting for stuff that expands OU and rendering it into a bloated meta, but eh.

:Mamoswine::Brambleghast:: Told y'all this mon was overrated, undexit nerfing it further didn't help. Would be a safe drop.

:celebi::Zapdos:: :bellibolt::togekiss: sure outclassed it, huh? Considering it's primarily a fatmon the meta should be able to accomodate for it.

:garchomp::shiftry:: Fairies wall it hard, safe drop.

:Conkeldurr::Dachsbun:: Depends on if :yveltal::dustox: and :muk-alola::altaria: drop too TBH, otherwise I'd rather hold off on it for a bit.

:corviknight::dracozolt:: With no sand setter this mon is a bit mid, would be fine to drop. Edit: Oh, :tyranitar::steelix: exists, yeah no.

:gengar::cryogonal:: Should be fine given it's just a frail but offensive Ice-type.

:decidueye::snorlax:: Given its passivity and minimal amount of utility it should be fine.

:empoleon::braviary-hisui:: On the fence on this one as Tinted Lens is no joke, but it's also slow and weak to U-Turn.

:infernape::farigiraf:: Minimal defensive utility by lacking resists and its offenses aren't that good as it can't exactly afford going mixed, should be fine.

:golisopod::tauros-paldea-blaze:: Quite slow and its own ability kinda backfires when trying to sweep, should be fine.

:goodra-hisui::swampert:: No reliable recovery or good setup, should be fine.

:dudunsparce::guzzlord:: Easy to force out yet has a niche with its nice movepool, would be a nice addition.

:regice::darkrai:: Overlaps with :cryogonal::gengar: IMO, but if that mon is fine so is this one.

:iron leaves::pincurchin:: While it was mid for the meta it ended up on, it may be a bit too optimized here.

:reshiram::lairon:: By not having Roost this is fine here, it's limited to just spam Flare Blitz.

:alakazam::mawile:: Sheer Force Magic Guard Life Orb is strong, but it has no bulk and it has no bulk, should be fine.

:alakazam::mawile-mega:: Huge Power with that speed can be too much here.

:alakazam-mega::mawile:: It's quite scary here between that speed tier and NP.

:meowscarada::oricorio-sensu:: Quiver Dance sets can be concerning given the lower power level.

:muk-alola::altaria:: Should be fine as it's passive and if anything would be solid as an anti-meta option.

:necrozma-dawn-wings::eelektrik:: Should be fine as it's quite slow, does have multiple potential niches however.

:okidogi::ferrothorn:: Vaporemons reference, eh? I just forgot about this mon as it was always mid and was entirely unsure how it even got in. Anyways, this should be fine here as it's limited to Leech Seed for recovery.

:gyarados::qwilfish:: Told y'all this mon was a waste of a meta slot in FEOU, it's funny that even the mega is nominated for dropping as well, but in any case I'd think these would be fine drops here.

:relicanth::marshadow:: Should be fine, it's movepool is surprisingly lacking.

:revavroom::lurantis:: I'd think this may be too optimized for this power level IMO.

:slither wing::klefki:: Would be a fine drop as it does little besides set screens and maybe revenge kill something with First Impression.

:tyranitar::steelix:: Fine drop, thus is just :rhyperior: 2.

:tyranitar-mega::steelix:: With those stats it may be difficult to properly check given that it probably can overwhelm some of the proposed walls.

:tyranitar::steelix-mega:: See above.

:yveltal::dustox:: Should be fine, it can't EV all the stats it'd want, and its ability further limits its options and consistency (Hurricane hits about as twice as hard as Oblivion Wing but misses 30% more).

:zamazenta::oinkologne:: Not sure if Pillage would be a good idea here, especially in a meta with far less Protosynthesis/Quark Drive.
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Voting may now begin. You will vote for each Pokémon individually, either voting for a Yes, No or Abstain. The Pokémon that reach a certain approval rate will be dropped into UU and the mod will then properly begin

You have until Saturday to cast your votes. Please use the template below when presenting your votes:

:brambleghast::mamoswine: -

:celebi::zapdos: -

:garchomp::shiftry: -

:garchomp-mega::shiftry: -

:conkeldurr::dachsbun: -

:corviknight::dracozolt: -

:cryogonal::gengar: -

:decidueye::snorlax: -

:empoleon::braviary-hisui: -

:farigiraf::infernape: -

:golisopod::tauros-paldea-blaze: -

:goodra-hisui::swampert: -

:guzzlord::dudunsparce: -

:regice::darkrai: -

:iron leaves::pincurchin: -

:lairon::reshiram: -

:mawile::alakazam: -

:mawile-mega::alakazam: -

:mawile::alakazam-mega: -

:meowscarada::oricorio-sensu: -

:muk-alola::altaria: -

:necrozma-dawn-wings::eelektrik: -

:okidogi::ferrothorn: -

:overqwil::gyarados: -

:overqwil::gyarados-mega: -

:relicanth::marshadow: -

:revavroom::lurantis: -

:slither wing::klefki: -

:tyranitar::steelix: -

:tyranitar-mega::steelix: -

:tyranitar::steelix-mega: -

:yveltal::dustox: -

:zamazenta::oinkologne: -
:brambleghast::mamoswine: - No

:celebi::zapdos: - No

:garchomp::shiftry: - Yes

:garchomp-mega::shiftry: - Yes

:conkeldurr::dachsbun: - Yes

:corviknight::dracozolt: - No

:cryogonal::gengar: - No

:decidueye::snorlax: - No

:empoleon::braviary-hisui: - No

:farigiraf::infernape: - No

:golisopod::tauros-paldea-blaze: - Yes

:goodra-hisui::swampert: - No

:guzzlord::dudunsparce: - Yes

:regice::darkrai: - No

:iron leaves::pincurchin: - No

:lairon::reshiram: - Yes

:mawile::alakazam: - No

:mawile-mega::alakazam: - No

:mawile::alakazam-mega: - No

:meowscarada::oricorio-sensu: - No

:muk-alola::altaria: - No

:necrozma-dawn-wings::eelektrik: - No

:okidogi::ferrothorn: - Yes

:overqwil::gyarados: - Yes

:overqwil::gyarados-mega: - Yes

:relicanth::marshadow: - No

:revavroom::lurantis: - No

:slither wing::klefki: - No

:tyranitar::steelix: - Yes

:tyranitar-mega::steelix: - Yes

:tyranitar::steelix-mega: - Yes

:yveltal::dustox: - No

:zamazenta::oinkologne: - No
:brambleghast::mamoswine: - No

:celebi::zapdos: - No

:garchomp::shiftry: - Yes

:garchomp-mega::shiftry: - Yes

:conkeldurr::dachsbun: - Yes

:corviknight::dracozolt: - No

:cryogonal::gengar: - Yes

:decidueye::snorlax: - No

:empoleon::braviary-hisui: - No

:farigiraf::infernape: - No

:golisopod::tauros-paldea-blaze: - Yes

:goodra-hisui::swampert: - Yes

:guzzlord::dudunsparce: - Yes

:regice::darkrai: - No

:iron leaves::pincurchin: - No

:lairon::reshiram: - Yes

:mawile::alakazam: - Yes

:mawile-mega::alakazam: - No

:mawile::alakazam-mega: - No

:meowscarada::oricorio-sensu: - No

:muk-alola::altaria: - Yes

:necrozma-dawn-wings::eelektrik: - No

:okidogi::ferrothorn: - No

:overqwil::gyarados: - Yes

:overqwil::gyarados-mega: - Yes

:relicanth::marshadow: - No

:revavroom::lurantis: - No

:slither wing::klefki: - Yes

:tyranitar::steelix: - Yes

:tyranitar-mega::steelix: - Yes

:tyranitar::steelix-mega: - Yes

:yveltal::dustox: - No

:zamazenta::oinkologne: - Yes
:brambleghast::mamoswine: - No

:celebi::zapdos: - No

:garchomp::shiftry: - Yes

:garchomp-mega::shiftry: - Abstain

:conkeldurr::dachsbun: - Yes

:corviknight::dracozolt: - No

:cryogonal::gengar: - No

:decidueye::snorlax: - No

:empoleon::braviary-hisui: - No

:farigiraf::infernape: - No

:golisopod::tauros-paldea-blaze: - Yes

:goodra-hisui::swampert: - Yes

:guzzlord::dudunsparce: - Yes

:regice::darkrai: - No

:iron leaves::pincurchin: - Yes

:lairon::reshiram: - Yes

:mawile::alakazam: - No

:mawile-mega::alakazam: - No

:mawile::alakazam-mega: - No

:meowscarada::oricorio-sensu: - No

:muk-alola::altaria: - Yes

:necrozma-dawn-wings::eelektrik: - No

:okidogi::ferrothorn: - No

:overqwil::gyarados: - Yes

:overqwil::gyarados-mega: - Yes

:relicanth::marshadow: - No

:revavroom::lurantis: - No

:slither wing::klefki: - Yes

:tyranitar::steelix: - Yes

:tyranitar-mega::steelix: - Yes

:tyranitar::steelix-mega: - Yes

:yveltal::dustox: - No

:zamazenta::oinkologne: - Yes
:brambleghast::mamoswine: No

:celebi::zapdos: No

:garchomp::shiftry: Yes

:garchomp-mega::shiftry: Yes

:conkeldurr::dachsbun: Yes

:corviknight::dracozolt: No

:cryogonal::gengar: Yes

:decidueye::snorlax: No

:empoleon::braviary-hisui: Yes

:farigiraf::infernape: Yes

:golisopod::tauros-paldea-blaze: Yes

:goodra-hisui::swampert: Yes

:guzzlord::dudunsparce: Yes

:regice::darkrai: Abstain

:iron leaves::pincurchin: Yes

:lairon::reshiram: Yes

:mawile::alakazam: Abstain

:mawile-mega::alakazam: Abstain

:mawile::alakazam-mega: Abstain

:meowscarada::oricorio-sensu: No

:muk-alola::altaria: Yes

:necrozma-dawn-wings::eelektrik: No

:okidogi::ferrothorn: No

:overqwil::gyarados: Yes

:overqwil::gyarados-mega: Yes

:relicanth::marshadow: Yes

:revavroom::lurantis: No

:slither wing::klefki: Yes

:tyranitar::steelix: Yes

:tyranitar-mega::steelix: Yes

:tyranitar::steelix-mega: Yes

:yveltal::dustox: Yes

:zamazenta::oinkologne: Yes
Last edited:
:brambleghast::mamoswine: - No

:celebi::zapdos: - No

:garchomp::shiftry: - Yes

:garchomp-mega::shiftry: - Yes

:conkeldurr::dachsbun: - Yes

:corviknight::dracozolt: - No

:cryogonal::gengar: - No

:decidueye::snorlax: - No

:empoleon::braviary-hisui: - No

:farigiraf::infernape: - Yes

:golisopod::tauros-paldea-blaze: - Yes

:goodra-hisui::swampert: - Yes

:guzzlord::dudunsparce: - Yes

:regice::darkrai: - No

:iron leaves::pincurchin: - Yes

:lairon::reshiram: - Yes

:mawile::alakazam: - Yes

:mawile-mega::alakazam: - No

:mawile::alakazam-mega: - No

:meowscarada::oricorio-sensu: - Yes

:muk-alola::altaria: - No

:necrozma-dawn-wings::eelektrik: - No

:okidogi::ferrothorn: - No

:overqwil::gyarados: - Yes

:overqwil::gyarados-mega: - Yes

:relicanth::marshadow: - Yes

:revavroom::lurantis: - No

:slither wing::klefki: - Yes

:tyranitar::steelix: - Yes

:tyranitar-mega::steelix: - Yes

:tyranitar::steelix-mega: - Yes

:yveltal::dustox: - Yes

:zamazenta::oinkologne: - No
:brambleghast::mamoswine: - Yes

:celebi::zapdos: - No

:garchomp::shiftry: - Yes

:garchomp-mega::shiftry: - Yes

:conkeldurr::dachsbun: - Yes

:corviknight::dracozolt: - No

:cryogonal::gengar: - Yes

:decidueye::snorlax: - Abstain

:empoleon::braviary-hisui: - Abstain

:farigiraf::infernape: - Yes

:golisopod::tauros-paldea-blaze: - Yes

:goodra-hisui::swampert: - Yes

:guzzlord::dudunsparce: - Yes

:regice::darkrai: - Yes

:iron leaves::pincurchin: - Yes

:lairon::reshiram: - Yes

:mawile::alakazam: -Yes

:mawile-mega::alakazam: - Yes

:mawile::alakazam-mega: - Yes

:meowscarada::oricorio-sensu: - Yes

:muk-alola::altaria: - Yes

:necrozma-dawn-wings::eelektrik: - Yes

:okidogi::ferrothorn: - Abstain

:overqwil::gyarados: - Yes

:overqwil::gyarados-mega: - Yes

:relicanth::marshadow: - Yes

:revavroom::lurantis: - No

:slither wing::klefki: - Yes

:tyranitar::steelix: - Yes

:tyranitar-mega::steelix: -Yes

:tyranitar::steelix-mega: - Yes

:yveltal::dustox: - Yes

:zamazenta::oinkologne: - Yes
:brambleghast::mamoswine: - no
:celebi::zapdos: - no
:garchomp::shiftry: - yes
:garchomp-mega::shiftry: - no
:conkeldurr::dachsbun: - yes
:corviknight::dracozolt: - no
:cryogonal::gengar: - no
:decidueye::snorlax: - no
:empoleon::braviary-hisui: - no
:farigiraf::infernape: - yes
:golisopod::tauros-paldea-blaze: - yes
:goodra-hisui::swampert: yes
:guzzlord::dudunsparce: - yes
:regice::darkrai: - no
:iron leaves::pincurchin: - yes
:lairon::reshiram: - yes
:mawile::alakazam: - yes
:mawile-mega::alakazam: - yes
:mawile::alakazam-mega: - yes
:meowscarada::oricorio-sensu: - yes
:muk-alola::altaria: - yes
:necrozma-dawn-wings::eelektrik: - yes
:okidogi::ferrothorn: - no
:overqwil::gyarados: - yes
:overqwil::gyarados-mega: - yes
:relicanth::marshadow: - yes
:revavroom::lurantis: - abstain
:slither wing::klefki: - yes
:tyranitar::steelix: - yes
:tyranitar-mega::steelix: - yes
:tyranitar::steelix-mega: - yes
:yveltal::dustox: - yes
:zamazenta::oinkologne: - yes
:brambleghast::mamoswine: - No

:celebi::zapdos: - No

:garchomp::shiftry: - Yes

:garchomp-mega::shiftry: - No

:conkeldurr::dachsbun: - No

:corviknight::dracozolt: - No

:cryogonal::gengar: - No

:decidueye::snorlax: - No

:empoleon::braviary-hisui: - No

:farigiraf::infernape: - Yes

:golisopod::tauros-paldea-blaze: - Yes

:goodra-hisui::swampert: - Yes

:guzzlord::dudunsparce: - Yes

:regice::darkrai: - No

:iron leaves::pincurchin: - Yes

:lairon::reshiram: - Yes

:mawile::alakazam: - Yes

:mawile-mega::alakazam: - No

:mawile::alakazam-mega: - No

:meowscarada::oricorio-sensu: - No

:muk-alola::altaria: - No

:necrozma-dawn-wings::eelektrik: - No

:okidogi::ferrothorn: - No

:overqwil::gyarados: - Yes

:overqwil::gyarados-mega: - Yes

:relicanth::marshadow: - No

:varoom::fomantis: - BIG No

:revavroom::lurantis: - No

:slither wing::klefki: - Yes

:tyranitar::steelix: - Yes

:tyranitar-mega::steelix: - Yes

:tyranitar::steelix-mega: - Yes

:yveltal::dustox: - Yes

:zamazenta::oinkologne: - Yes