Fun Trick Room team is fun. [UU]

Another RMT from me. This one isn't quite as serious as the last team, but it has proved to be surprisingly effective so I figured I should see if you raters can make it as good as possible. Onto the team.

Team Building Process:

Since my last team is out of date, I needed a new one. I love Exeggutor, and wanted to base a team around it. I also had a cunning plan about how to use it, so I thought why not.

My cunning plan involved Trick Room, my most beloved play style. So, I needed some Pokemon to set up Trick Room, and some to benefit from it. I consider Porygon2 the best Trick Roomer, so it was instantly in the team.

Now I need a lead, preferably one which can set up Trick Room and Stealth Rock. Uxie instantly came to mind of course, and it's nice and bulky to tank hits for the team whilst setting up Trick Room.

Now time for sweepers. I love using Ursaring in my OU Trick Room teams, so it was instantly in. I was also concerned with my notable Ghost, Dark and Bug weaknesses, so I decided to go with Aggron for my second sweeper as it patched up that hole nicely, not to mention it has that STAB drawbackless Head Smash to play with.

Now I needed a revenge killer for when Trick Room isn't active, just for insurance. I decided to go for Moltres, as it's fast and powerful. It has another benefit to it: Fire STAB, which would be very useful to my cunning plan.

And that's the team.



Levitate | Impish | 252 HP/252 Def/4 SpD
~ Trick Room
~ Stealth Rock
~ Toxic
~ U-turn

Uxie is a solid Trick Room lead, but I'm sad it does nothing to Froslass leads. Nevertheless, it sets up Stealth Rock in addition to the ever-important Trick Room I need for the team to work. I chose Toxic over Thunder Wave because paralysis is obviously a bad idea for this team, and Toxic helps break down Pokemon from the start. U-turn is a fantastic attack, as it breaks sashes and deals a bit of damage whilst I get a sweeper in to wreck shit. I went with maximum defenses because speed does not matter at all to me and I want Uxie to take as many hits as it can.

Trace | Sassy | 252 HP/4 Def/252 SpD | 0 Spe IV
~ Trick Room
~ Recover
~ Thunderbolt
~ Ice Beam

Porygon2 is amazing for Trick Room. People think of it as a paperclip, but I think of it as a thing of beauty. It has great bulk in UU and Trace is a fantastic ability, providing many opportunities to switch in and set up Trick Room. The fact Porygon2 is a Normal type (ie. not Psychic) makes it even better, as the Dark and Ghost weaknesses of most Trick Room teams are quite annoying. I opted to use specially defensive Porygon2 so it works with my Uxie well, even though I tend to not switch between the two much. Trick Room is obvious for a Trick Room team. Recover is an excellent move for something I want to live for a long time to have, and since Porygon2 is quite bulky he often gets quite a few chances to use it. Thunderbolt and Ice Beam provide good coverage, and I don't feel STAB is needed.

@Flame Orb
Guts | Brave | 252 HP/252 Atk/4 Def | 0 Spe IV
~ Swords Dance
~ Facade
~ Earthquake
~ Crunch

Porygon2 is my favourite Trick Room user, and Ursaring is my favourite Trick Room sweeper. This thing is so dangerous in Trick Room it's not funny, and it doesn't even need a Swords Dance to smack stuff silly. I chose Guts over Quick Feet for obvious reasons, and the EVs maximize power as I want this beast to hit as hard as possible. Swords Dance is there just in case I get a free turn, as it makes Ursaring hit with even more ridiculous power. Facade is the move of choice here, as with STAB and Guts along with Facade's autoboost it can kill so much. Crunch and Earthquake are essentially filler for things which resist Facade; Ghosts and Steels mainly.

@Life Orb
Rock Head | Brave | 252 HP/252 Atk/4 Def | 0 Spe IV
~ Curse
~ Head Smash
~ Earthquake
~ Aqua Tail

Ok I admit I couldn't resist trying out Aggron's new toy, and boy have I not been disappointed. This is almost as ridiculous as Ursaring. I chose Life Orb to get the damage output up some more, and maximum attack ensures that it does as much as it can. Curse is mainly filler, but if I get a free turn it is quite handy to have that +1 defense boost. Aggron appreciates the attack boost that comes with it too. Head Smash is vicious STAB, and with no recoil it's awesome. Only drawback is Stone Edge accuracy, but I don't mind that since it's significantly stronger than Stone Edge. Earthquake is for coverage against Steels, and Aqua Tail is mainly filler but hits Rhyperior harder than anything else.

@Choice Scarf
Pressure | Modest | 4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe
~ Air Slash
~ Fire Blast
~ Hidden Power Grass
~ Roost

I have always hated playing against Moltres, and of course conversely using Moltres is so fun. This is my revenge killer, and it's very effective at its job. The EVs maximize speed and damage output so I can revenge as much as possible, and Choice Scarf aids this even more. Air Slash and Fire Blast are fantastic dual STABs that hit a lot of UU for neutral damage (everything in UU?). Hidden Power Grass is there to hit bulky Waters on the switch and Rhyperior. Roost is essentially filler, since I didn't know what else I could put there, but it has been useful a couple of times. It's nice to make people think again about my item too.

@Life Orb
Chlorophyll | Timid | 4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe
~ Sunny Day
~ SolarBeam
~ Psychic
~ Hidden Power Fire

Enter Exeggutor. Damn you used to be good. Anyway, using a Chlorophyll abuser on a Trick Room team may seem odd, but it works surprisingly well if I time it right. If I get Exeggutor in on the last turn of Trick Room to set up Sunny Day, it goes from very fast to very fast, and can sweep quite well. Timid 252 makes me as fast as I can, and even though I try to send it out during Trick Room it's slow enough for it not to matter. SolarBeam and Psychic are very powerful STABs, and the lack of charging for SolarBeam makes it great to abuse off Exeggutor's great SpA. Hidden Power Fire is coverage for Steels, and it gets a boost from Sunny Day too which is nice. I use Life Orb rather than Heat Rock because I really need the extra power, and I'm not too concerned with using more than four turns sweeping as I've usually killed something by the time I send him in.

There is the team, rate away.
Roos seems kind of pointless on a scarf moltres. Maybe you should try overheat over Roost to put a huge dent in something before running away
Yes, Roost is pretty pointless on a ScarfTres (Especially if SR is up). I'd use U-Turn in its place to scout for switches.
See I didn't see the point in U-turn because if SR is up it's pretty much taking 50% off Moltres for no reason (I have no spinner remember).
@Choice Scarf
Pressure | Modest | 4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe
~ Air Slash
~ Fire Blast
~ Hidden Power Grass
~ Roost

I have always hated playing against Moltres, and of course conversely using Moltres is so fun. This is my revenge killer, and it's very effective at its job. The EVs maximize speed and damage output so I can revenge as much as possible, and Choice Scarf aids this even more. Air Slash and Fire Blast are fantastic dual STABs that hit a lot of UU for neutral damage (everything in UU?). Hidden Power Grass is there to hit bulky Waters on the switch and Rhyperior. Roost is essentially filler, since I didn't know what else I could put there, but it has been useful a couple of times. It's nice to make people think again about my item too.
Hey,I am not a team rater so I can't fix team threats. I can only help you improve your moveset. Hidden Power Grass can be easily replaced by Hidden Power Fighting because it provides your moveset good coverage. Flying and Fighting hits everything in UU for neutral damage except for Rotom. You can Fire Blast Rotom for neutral damage.If you replace Hidden Power Grass with Fighting, you get an unresisted moveset for your Moltres.

About Roost. I'll explain why it doesn't work in conjunction with Choice Scarf. Let's say you switch into an opponent with SR in play. You lose 50% HP so you'll be wanting to Roost unless you're willing to kill your Moltres to kill that opponent. If you do Roost, you're locked into Roost so after you Roost, you will be wanting to switch out right? Once you come in again you lose that 50% you roosted off which makes it totally useless and can even harm you if the opponent attacked you after you Roosted. Something like Extrasensory or another attacking move should be nice.
See I didn't see the point in U-turn because if SR is up it's pretty much taking 50% off Moltres for no reason (I have no spinner remember).
As opposed to using Roost to heal SR damage, only to be forced out by Magicarp? Switch the item on Moltres, or the set. Without a spinner, changing the item might be the way to go if you want the durability.

kingdra22, HP Grass is far more beneficial than HP Fighting. What is HP Fighting for that Fire Blast and HP Grass can't hit, besides not OHKOing the likes of Rhyperior?
HP Fighting hits the likes of Regirock, Registeel and Steelix and provides better coverage than Grass. Rhyperior isn't the pokemon you should go against with Moltres anyway,and 0 HP/ SpecDef variants are 2HKOed in sandstorm or not. with HP fighting.
HP Fighting hits the likes of Regirock, Registeel and Steelix and provides better coverage than Grass. Rhyperior isn't the pokemon you should go against with Moltres anyway,and 0 HP/ SpecDef variants are 2HKOed in sandstorm or not. with HP fighting.

HP Grass hits Regirock just as hard as HP Fighting. It hits Rhyperior twice as hard as HP Fighting, and Registeel and Steelix will never switch into Moltres in fear of Fire Blast.