ZU Frosmoth


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Frosmoth @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Ice Scales
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Quiver Dance
- Ice Beam
- Giga Drain
- Substitute

With access to Quiver Dance and boasting an incredible base 125 Special Attack stat, Frosmoth is one of the coolest setup sweepers in ZU. Thanks to Ice Scales, Frosmoth can set up on common defensive Pokemon such as Uxie, Tangela, and Clefairy, blocking their status and Knock Off attempts with Substitute. Giga Drain 2HKOes Water-types such as Wishiwashi, Poliwrath, and Jellicent after a single boost. Specially defensive walls such as Ferroseed, Galarian Stunfisk, and Articuno can impede Frosmoth's sweeping attempts, so checks to them such as Gurdurr, Centiskorch, Ninetales, and Rapidash are greatly appreciated. The aforementioned Fire-types also pose a problem to Frosmoth itself, so switch-ins to them like Qwilfish and Altaria make for great teammates. Qwilfish also provides entry hazard support in Spikes, while Altaria has access to Defog should Frosmoth lose its Heavy-Duty Boots.
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QC 1/1. Very cool.
With access to Quiver Dance and boasting an incredible base 125 Special Attack stat, Frosmoth is one of the coolest setup sweepers in ZU. Thanks to Ice Scales, Frosmoth can set up on common defensive Pokemon such as Uxie, Tangela, and Clefairy, and block their status and Knock Off attempts with Substitute. Giga Drain 2HKOes Water-types such Wishiwashi, Poliwrath, and Jellicent after a single boost. Specially defensive walls such as Ferroseed, Articuno, and Galarian Stunfisk can impede Frosmoth's sweeping attempts, so checks to them such as Centiskorch, Rapidash, and Ninetales (you can mention attackers that aren't fire-types) are greatly appreciated. The aforementioned Fire-types also pose a problem to Frosmoth itself so switch-ins to them like Qwilfish and Altaria make for great teammates. Qwilfish also provides entry hazard support in Spikes, while Altaria has access to Defog should Frosmoth lose its Heavy-Duty Boots.
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Frosmoth @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Ice Scales
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Quiver Dance
- Ice Beam
- Giga Drain
- Substitute

With access to Quiver Dance and boasting an incredible base 125 Special Attack stat, Frosmoth is one of the coolest setup sweepers in ZU. Thanks to Ice Scales, Frosmoth can set up on common defensive Pokemon such as Uxie, Tangela, and Clefairy, and block blocking their status and Knock Off attempts with Substitute. Giga Drain 2HKOes Water-types such as Wishiwashi, Poliwrath, and Jellicent after a single boost. Specially defensive walls such as Ferroseed, Galarian Stunfisk, and Articuno (RC. did you mean to add another example?) can impede Frosmoth's sweeping attempts, so checks to them such as Gurdurr, Centiskorch, Ninetales, and Rapidash are greatly appreciated. The aforementioned Fire-types also pose a problem to Frosmoth itself, (AC) so switch-ins to them like Qwilfish and Altaria make for great teammates. Qwilfish also provides entry hazard support in Spikes, while Altaria has access to Defog should Frosmoth lose its Heavy-Duty Boots.