Tournament Friendly Series IV - SV DUbers Trios (Won by DOU Illuminati)

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Zephyr Moonbeam gets activity, eragon vs tyo is deadgame, neither affects the outcome of the set

playoffs tonight
:groudon: SEMIFINALS :kyogre:

DOU Illuminati vs Team Kyogre
DUbers: Actuarily vs FunneeMonkee
RDU: bagel vs Sir AaronVGC
ND DUbers: DaWoblefet vs lunarc

Team Rayquaza vs Team Groudon:
DUbers: Pie Smells Good vs big pichu
RDU: CodeVG vs Arcticblast
ND DUbers: grayblood vs volcaronavgc

The deadline for this round will be Monday, January 13th at 11:00 PM GMT -5. Good luck and have fun!

* | Team Name           |Score| Resistance | Opp's Resistance
1 | DOU Illuminati      | 3-0 |   55.56%   |   0.7037037037 |
2 | Team Rayquaza       | 2-1 |   77.78%   |   0.4444444444 |
3 | Team Groudon        | 2-1 |   66.67%   |   0.5185185185 |
4 | Team Kyogre         | 2-1 |   44.44%   |   0.5925925926 |
5 | Whimsicott Warriors | 2-1 |   44.44%   |   0.4444444444 |
6 | LPGB                | 2-1 |   33.33%   |   0.6296296296 |
7 | US West             | 1-2 |   66.67%   |   0.4444444444 |
8 | One-Armed Scissor   | 1-2 |   55.56%   |   0.4814814815 |
9 | Ruffians in Paris   | 1-2 |   44.44%   |   0.4814814815 |
10| Spaceship Agency    | 1-2 |   33.33%   |   0.4814814815 |
11| 2 indo 1 cheese     | 1-2 |   33.33%   |   0.4444444444 |
12| Team Spidops        | 0-3 |   44.44%   |   0.3333333333 |
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aw man we don't wanna see this.jpg

Keen Eye Sableye instead of Prankster; sorry teammates.
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