Metagame Frantic Fusions

New Tools: Knock Off and Icicle Spear
Weavile gaining both Icicle Spear AND Knock Off may catapult it into unmanageable range. As it is now, very few things are comfortable switching into it, with even resisted Beat Up doing massive damage to nearly every pokemon in the meta. Adding Icicle Spear onto that, as well as the ability to cripple its limited pool of checks with Knock Off, I am very skeptical of its continued presence in the metagame.

Walking Wake
New Tools: Scald, Knock Off, and Flip Turn
It's the same as before, except it can now cripple RegenVest mons, pivot out on it's plethora of forced switches, and use the bullshit that is Scald. Get this out of here.

New Tools: Scald and Flip Turn
I can't wait for the increase in complaints about Regenerator now. All things considered, this is a bigger buff for balance than it is for stall, as being able to safely pass Wish from Alomomola's massive HP pool is a major boon, as you can keep breakers like Zapdos-G, Weavile, or Sneasler healthy throughout the game, allowing you to thoroughly break through defensive teams.

New Tools: Knock Off
Zapdos-G is already horrendously powerful with CB Tough Claws, but now it can cripple its few checks and hit Gholdengo for massive damage (it has a solid chance to 2HKO Uxie Gholdengo through Colbur Berry, guaranteed with Adamant). I am genuinely terrified of what Gapdos is going to do now.

FINALLY we have a Magic Guard Fusion. Clef gives awful stats but it's all worth it for the ability lmao. Heatran, Gholdengo, and maybe Lucario are gonna be good Steel Beam users, and Electrode-H might finally have something to do.
Now time to wait for showdown to implement all of this... Anyways, while we wait, let's share some post-Teal Mask sets!
Why is somebody literally burning down the kitchen here?
Stats: 73/103/96/139/110/120
Ninetales (Typhlosion-Hisui) @ Charcoal
Ability: Drought
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Eruption
- Shadow Ball
- Fire Blast
- Extrasensory
With an actually fast Drought setter, these eruptions can hit hard against neutral Pokemon and do major chip damage against resists. It can also set up sun and then switch out into another sweeper that resists the foe's pokemon you are facing against.
Crawdaunt vs Basculegion?
I think this will be seen over Basculegion on already very fast pokemon, due to slightly higher attack and better defense. I might be wrong and Basculegion might still be better, but you only lose 6 points in speed, which might be a lot. It might be a competition of bulky vs fast. Anyways, here is an example of a Pokemon using Crawdunt as a donor.
You can Dragon Dance up on a switch in from a choiced fire,water,grass,or electric type attack, and then since you are faster than nearly everything, you can spam Outrage if there are no fairies or use Iron head to remove fairies as they generally don't have high defense stats and you have a crazy attack stat. Earthquake for steels and you are good!
so you're forced to run Empoleon or a Water Absorb Fairy. That does not sound like a healthy presence to me, especially when we have a lack of good Fairies or Water Absorb fusions...
forced? Idts, there's AV regen and no damp rock does way more against Wake than anything it gets from the DLC. Also it's just me, but I'm willing to bet Empoleon is a top tier mon anyway. Roost Water/Steel type is incredible
forced? Idts, there's AV regen and no damp rock does way more against Wake than anything it gets from the DLC. Also it's just me, but I'm willing to bet Empoleon is a top tier mon anyway. Roost Water/Steel type is incredible
RegenVest is an entirely moot point because of Knock Off, and Empoleon takes a lot damage from any of Wake's common sets, even being outright 2HKOed by Tinted Lens. Even against Adapt/Drought/Drizzle Empoleon is forced to roost or it risks getting KOed the next time it switches into Wake, which is highly abuseable, especially for such a slow mon that's weak to two of the meta's most common attacking types. Take into account the abundance of hazard pressure in the meta, and Empoleon is even shakier. No matter which way you cut it, Wake does not sound like a healthy presence.
Now that the DLC is up on Showdown I took the liberty of creating some fun little sets as contained here:

So we finally have been graced with the presence of our lord and savior Magic Guard. A stellar offensive and defensive ability it has a myriad of applications on mons like Gapdos and Talonflame but it's funniest application has to be allowing for Gholdnego to spam Steel Beam all day every day. It hits harder than Make It Rain and is spammable by comparison which coupled with Ghold's monstrous special attack will put a considerable dent in a lot of things. MG also has applications such as making it entirely unafraid of Salt Cure, letting it more freely come in with hazards up, and absorbing burns. Ghold is still Ghold so you run a dozen different sets with MG I just went with a kinda bulky Nego that can throw off nukes when it wants.

The ladder really loves spamming pixilate fusions but I think this one is actually pretty crazy. Clangorous Soul is an incredible boosting move netting you an omni-boost + triggers throat spray and Kommo-o's stat distribution allows it to run strong mixed sets to tear down walls. Pixilate Boomburst off a real attacking stat is absurd damage even without boosts and with is absolutely menacing to be staring down. The set was just a proof of concept and considerations to stuff like Fezpanti (which walls the set super hard) should probably taken into account. Notable is that Alolan Golem also got added to allow Galvanize sets but it's staline is less friendly to Boomburst spamming and of course it has an immunity.

Grassy Surge Meow was already good but now it has prio. Meadow Plate because you're clicking Grass moves 9/10 times. Very self explanatory. In general any single one of Grassy Glide's learners really likes the Rilla fusion to get strong prio out the gate. Other notable users are Hisui Liligant and Torterra with it's newly obtained Shell Smash

Okay this one is bad admittedly but Multi-Hits + Toxic Chain + Dice is VERY funny. It essentially forces progress every time you press the button so long as your opponent doesn't swap to a poison immunity. Mamoswine just happened to be the most notable beneficiary I found with both Rock Blast and STAB Icicle Spear and a statline that compliments Okidogi fusion. If your opponent wants to dodge the toxic by switching to a steel or poison type then they still have to fear the STAB EQ from Mamo (if they don't have levitate that is lol). it has really bad 4MSS on this set between the Mult-hits, Knock, ground STAB, Ice Shard prio, and rocks. Chomp or RM with Scale Shot is another 'idea' for this but I think they have generally better things to be doing than spreading toxicity.
Hi guys, this new DLC just gave me some ideas, thanks for reviewing me!

:clefable: + :diancie:
HP 95 - 110 Def - 120 SpA - 127 SpD - 72 Spe
Diancie (Clefable) @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Moonblast
- Flamethrower / Thunderbolt
- Moonlight

Just a bulkier Clefable that also hits harder.

:manaphy: + :thundurus-therian:
HP 100 - Def 117 - SpA 136 - SpD 120 - Spe 125
Thundurus-Therian (Manaphy) @ Leftovers
Ability: Volt Absorb
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Tail Glow
- Scald
- Ice Beam
- Energy Ball

Only weak to Grass which is easy to cover. It hits hard at +3.
Screenshot 2023-09-14 11.43.42 AM.png

I did about 20 games on ladder with this team to get #1, no losses.

ngas needs to go. It shuts down too much and is too splashable because Weezing gives pretty damn good stats. I was originally RegenVest Fezandipiti but I changed to vessel of ruin because regen is shut down by ngas. the fact that I'm fusing with both Weezing formes should tell you how centralizing it is.

Fezandipiti is good into Darkrai and Walking Wake, is a fine backup into Skymin if Corv is too low or dead, and is an overall decent special pivot with U-turn. You can replace Poison Jab with Toxic if you want but I prefer being able to fish for poison on shit like Magic Bounce. Neutralizing Gas Manaphy is the primary stallbreaker and is able to put Pressure on Corviknight. The last moveslot is pretty free between stuff like Energy Ball and Protect, I just decided to go with Knock Off because it's simply great at applying pressure. Neutralizing Gas Corv counters Skymin, can deny Regen, and is a good pivot into Weavile, Great Tusk, and all the other mons you probably already know. It's Corviknight, what do you expect? You should already know what Tusk and Dragonite do. Tinted Lens Shaymin-Sky is a fucking horrifying wallbreaker, with really the only consistent check that doesn't mind Seed Flare drops being Neutralizing Gas Corviknight.

broken mons/abilities

the only check with any consistency is Fezandipiti, and even it is afraid of Psychic/Psyshock. It's way too strong and fast, and has solid enough bulk that makes it difficult to get rid of. Please get this out of here.

Why was this freed? ngas corv is the only consistent check to skymin. It has a ridiculous speed tier that only loses to Weavile, which would Ice Shard it even if it was slower, and is strong enough to get OHKOes on almost every offensive mon. Utterly ridiculous.

see above.
View attachment 551737
I did about 20 games on ladder with this team to get #1, no losses.

ngas needs to go. It shuts down too much and is too splashable because Weezing gives pretty damn good stats. I was originally RegenVest Fezandipiti but I changed to vessel of ruin because regen is shut down by ngas. the fact that I'm fusing with both Weezing formes should tell you how centralizing it is.

Fezandipiti is good into Darkrai and Walking Wake, is a fine backup into Skymin if Corv is too low or dead, and is an overall decent special pivot with U-turn. You can replace Poison Jab with Toxic if you want but I prefer being able to fish for poison on shit like Magic Bounce. Neutralizing Gas Manaphy is the primary stallbreaker and is able to put Pressure on Corviknight. The last moveslot is pretty free between stuff like Energy Ball and Protect, I just decided to go with Knock Off because it's simply great at applying pressure. Neutralizing Gas Corv counters Skymin, can deny Regen, and is a good pivot into Weavile, Great Tusk, and all the other mons you probably already know. It's Corviknight, what do you expect? You should already know what Tusk and Dragonite do. Tinted Lens Shaymin-Sky is a fucking horrifying wallbreaker, with really the only consistent check that doesn't mind Seed Flare drops being Neutralizing Gas Corviknight.

broken mons/abilities

the only check with any consistency is Fezandipiti, and even it is afraid of Psychic/Psyshock. It's way too strong and fast, and has solid enough bulk that makes it difficult to get rid of. Please get this out of here.

Why was this freed? ngas corv is the only consistent check to skymin. It has a ridiculous speed tier that only loses to Weavile, which would Ice Shard it even if it was slower, and is strong enough to get OHKOes on almost every offensive mon. Utterly ridiculous.

see above.

Holy Shit. Ngas was't on my radar in the slightest but yeah that is broken
i yoinked the team and yeah its really really good. Ngas needs to go lmao
Braviary-Hisui (Darkrai) @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Dark Pulse
- Ice Beam
- Focus Blast
- Psyshock
NEW STATS: 70/110/107/163/107/141

A fast special attacker with great coverage and access to both Sheer Force and Tinted Lens... Where have I seen this one before?
Darkrai absolutely needs to go. It's just the whole Valiant situation all over again, with SFLO sets being extremely powerful and very hard to come in on. It even gets to live two hits instead of one now! Why? Beats me! As Post #212 mentioned, though, Fezandipiti can switch in on it, but Darkrai can also just use Psyshock and win. It's essentially Button Clicking Simulator 2023: The Pokemon: The Sequel. I don't see any reason not to ban this thing into the ground like Valiant.

...Oh, yeah. :shaymin_sky: and Neutralizing Gas are there too, I guess. Have fun with those.

UPDATE: Darkrai, Shaymin-Sky, and Neutralizing Gas have been banned. See Post #221 for details.
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Ogerpon... And how it relates to Haxcalibur

Ogerpon-Hearthflame could become a great sweeper when being the base and Barraskewda is the donor for the speed and attack. It has Mold Breaker, so it ignores Unaware (oh lord, not another haxcalibur (A note in a note? Alright... It seems like it is weaker than Haxcaibur.), Grass-Fire STAB is pretty great, beating both Great Tusk and water types is good, and the only monotype resist is Fire types, which water can switch into or it could use Stomping Tantrum to beat them.
Heatran can wall this... Until Ogerpon gets Low Kick and destroys it. Iron Moth walls this... Until Stomping Tantrum comes along and OHKOs it or it U-turns away into a Pokemon that can counter it. When Weavile, Darkrai, and Shaymin-Sky are banned, expect this to be one of the top pokemons, and it has Swords Dance too!
The only problem is it can't really use an item, but the benefits are better than this drawback. Turns out that the masks boost the power of moves by 20%! Yippee! Also, can we have a Frantic fusions VR?
Stats when fused with Barraskewda: 80/150/99/75/108/144
Barraskew'd! A! (Ogerpon-Hearthflame) @ Hearthflame Mask
Ability: Mold Breaker
Evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Ivy Cudgel
- Swords Dance
- Power Whip
- U-Turn/Low Kick/Stomping Tantrum
I think this would be good as a donor to some Pokemon to give them Water Absorb, since Walking Wake is such a threat. Giving some defense and special defense could also prevent some KOs, but the main highlight is the attack and speed needed to strike back. Not really much else to say except that this can also check fire types with a water type Ivy Cudgel.
This could be good with great stabs which can beat Dachsbun-Corviknight and Great Tusk. I think this will be a staple with a built in focus sash, great attack and speed, both when donating and when as a base. You could use it for utility or for offense, it is the most variable of the masks. Here is a set when fused with Diancie!
Diancie (Ogerpon-Cornerstone) @ Cornerstone Mask
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Calm Nature
- Leech Seed
- Spiky Shield
- Ivy Cudgel/Power Whip/U-Turn
- Taunt
And with Hawlucha...
Hawlucha (Ogerpon-Cornerstone) @ Cornerstone Mask
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Ivy Cudgel
- Swords Dance
- Stomping Tantrum
- Power Whip
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Ogerpon... And how it relates to Haxcalibur

Ogerpon-Hearthflame could become a great sweeper when being the base and Barraskewda is the donor for the speed and attack. It has Mold Breaker, so it ignores Unaware (oh lord, not another haxcalibur), Grass-Fire STAB is pretty great, beating both Great Tusk and water types is good, and the only monotype resist is Fire types, which water can switch into or it could use Stomping Tantrum to beat them.
Heatran can wall this... Until Ogerpon gets Low Kick and destroys it. Iron Moth walls this... Until Stomping Tantrum comes along and OHKOs it or it U-turns away into a Pokemon that can counter it. When Weavile, Darkrai, and Shaymin-Sky are banned, expect this to be one of the top pokemons, and it has Swords Dance too!
The only problem is it can't really use an item, but the benefits are better than this drawback. Turns out that the masks boost the power of moves by 20%! Yippee! Also, can we have a Frantic fusions VR?
Stats when fused with Barraskewda: 80/150/99/75/108/144
Barraskew'd! A! (Ogerpon-Hearthflame) @ Hearthflame Mask
Ability: Mold Breaker
Evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Ivy Cudgel
- Swords Dance
- Power Whip
- U-Turn/Low Kick/Stomping Tantrum
I think this would be good as a donor to some Pokemon to give them Water Absorb, since Walking Wake is such a threat. Giving some defense and special defense could also prevent some KOs, but the main highlight is the attack and speed needed to strike back. Not really much else to say except that this can also check fire types with a water type Ivy Cudgel.
This could be good with great stabs which can beat Dachsbun-Corviknight and Great Tusk. I think this will be a staple with a built in focus sash, great attack and speed, both when donating and when as a base. You could use it for utility or for offense, it is the most variable of the masks. Here is a set when fused with Diancie!
Diancie (Ogerpon-Cornerstone) @ Cornerstone Mask
Ability: Sturdy
Evs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Calm Nature
- Leech Seed
- Spiky Shield
- Ivy Cudgel/Power Whip/U-Turn
- Taunt
Due to discovery that the Ogerpon masks increase all her attacks by x1.2 you should probably be always donating to Ogerpon rather than using Ogerpon to donate to other Pokemon. You otherwise lose out on that x1.2 damage bonus.
Clefable beeing back not only gives Steel Beam spammers the ability to run Magic Gaurd + LO sets, but also this:

Clefable (Electrode-Hisui) @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
Tera Type: Electric
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Chloroblast
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Leech Seed/Taunt/Thunder Wave

Problem with this thing is that it has only stabs as moves lol. But anything that dislikes grass will be chloroblasted away.
Due to discovery that the Ogerpon masks increase all her attacks by x1.2 you should probably be always donating to Ogerpon rather than using Ogerpon to donate to other Pokemon. You otherwise lose out on that x1.2 damage bonus.
I know, but you can both use a pokemon as a base and as a donor on the same team.
Ogerpon... And how it relates to Haxcalibur

Ogerpon-Hearthflame could become a great sweeper when being the base and Barraskewda is the donor for the speed and attack. It has Mold Breaker, so it ignores Unaware (oh lord, not another haxcalibur), Grass-Fire STAB is pretty great, beating both Great Tusk and water types is good, and the only monotype resist is Fire types, which water can switch into or it could use Stomping Tantrum to beat them.
Heatran can wall this... Until Ogerpon gets Low Kick and destroys it. Iron Moth walls this... Until Stomping Tantrum comes along and OHKOs it or it U-turns away into a Pokemon that can counter it. When Weavile, Darkrai, and Shaymin-Sky are banned, expect this to be one of the top pokemons, and it has Swords Dance too!
The only problem is it can't really use an item, but the benefits are better than this drawback. Turns out that the masks boost the power of moves by 20%! Yippee! Also, can we have a Frantic fusions VR?
Stats when fused with Barraskewda: 80/150/99/75/108/144
Barraskew'd! A! (Ogerpon-Hearthflame) @ Hearthflame Mask
Ability: Mold Breaker
Evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Ivy Cudgel
- Swords Dance
- Power Whip
- U-Turn/Low Kick/Stomping Tantrum
I think this would be good as a donor to some Pokemon to give them Water Absorb, since Walking Wake is such a threat. Giving some defense and special defense could also prevent some KOs, but the main highlight is the attack and speed needed to strike back. Not really much else to say except that this can also check fire types with a water type Ivy Cudgel.
This could be good with great stabs which can beat Dachsbun-Corviknight and Great Tusk. I think this will be a staple with a built in focus sash, great attack and speed, both when donating and when as a base. You could use it for utility or for offense, it is the most variable of the masks. Here is a set when fused with Diancie!
Diancie (Ogerpon-Cornerstone) @ Cornerstone Mask
Ability: Sturdy
Evs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Calm Nature
- Leech Seed
- Spiky Shield
- Ivy Cudgel/Power Whip/U-Turn
- Taunt

Hearthflame has a bit of a 4MSS, it has coverage to hit its checks but it can only run 1 coverage move due to needing SD and dual stab:

It's not just Fire, both of your stabs are also resisted by Dragon, you need Play Rough for Dragonite, Kommo-O and Haxorus, Play Rough/Low Kick for Roaring Moon, STantrum for Iron Moth, Knock Off/STantrum for Skeledirge/Ceruledge and Rock Tomb for Moltres, Talonflame and Drizzle Zapdos, no matter what your coverage move is, you will be walled by something

Don't get me wrong, it's a certainly a relevant threat but imo not nearly as strong as Bax was
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DLC has been out for almost two days now and we've voted on the most broken elements that have appeared in this time, as well as potential unbans.

hidinzastraOrangexHiusi GuyTaxFraudResult
in summary
Neutralizing Gas, Shaymin-Sky, Darkrai, and Weavile are now BANNED
Eviolite, Ursaluna, and Dondozo are now UNBANNED

Oh and if you somehow didn't notice, TaxFraud is now part of the Frantic Fusions council!

:weezing-galar: :darkrai: :shaymin-sky: I have already explained why these three are broken here, but in short, they are simply too powerful and/or centralizing, and have thus been banned

:weavile: Already a top threat due to its ability to tear through the bulkiest walls with its Technician boosted Beat Up, with the coming of the Teal Mask Weavile regained Knock Off and Icicle Spear. Both of these tools boost its effectiveness as a wallbreaker, Knock Off allowing Weavile to wear down its already limited checks as well as act as a potent cleanup option. Icicle Spear complements Beat Up as an extremely powerful move with little drawback. Because of Weavile's restricting presence in the teambuilder and in game, it has been banned.

:eviolite: There simply aren't any common (or good) pokemon capable of utilizing Eviolite, and as such it has been unbanned.

:ursaluna: Ursaluna was initially banned due to being too powerful with both Poison Heal and Unburden sets. Now that both Poison Heal and Unburden are banned, Ursaluna has been freed to guage its impact on the metagame.

:dondozo: Dondozo was banned because of its Poison Heal and Regenerator sets, which were believed to be too difficult to break at the time. Poison Heal is now banned and Regenerator sets have heavy competition in Alomomola, an extremely similar presence that also has access to Scald, Flip Turn, and Wish. Seeing as Alomomola is not an unhealthy presence, Dondozo has been freed.
Kris please implement <3
Fezandipiti @ Leftovers
Ability: Toxic Chain

- Salt Cure

Both buffed & nerfed. Access to toxic chain, inhibited by magic guard. As for typing, only poison types are safe.

Surprised neutralizing gas was banned. Player diff, I guess.
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Maybe not the best set, but this thing deserves to be used!

Garchomp (Dusknoir) @ Leftovers
Ability: Rough Skin
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 20 Atk / 40 Def / 196 SpD
Careful Nature
- Shadow Sneak
- Pain Split
- Curse
- Destiny Bond
Here is a set that might go well in this format:
Stats: 105/165/132/80/102/57
This is when somebody takes the term "bulky attacker" too far. It has low speed, but that is rectified by Mach Punch. It gas the Guts ability, so burns and paralysis only power it up. It has Drain Punch to recover HP, and Bulk up to power itself up. Here is a set with this in mind.
Diancie (CONKeldurr) @ Flame Orb
Ability: Guts
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 196 Def / 56 SpD
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD (remove one of the EVs rows, which one you prefer)
Adamant Nature
- Bulk Up
- Knock Off
- Drain Punch
- Mach Punch
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EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 196 Def / 56 SpD

What do those Evs in defence and special defence do?

Electrode (Cramorant) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Gulp Missile
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 SpA (or HP) / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Air Slash / Defog
- Surf
- Protect
- Roost

Goes up to 377 speed. Those spa evs could be HP, probably. The only attacking move you need is surf, tbh. Not a useful mon, there are so many better ones, but if you want to spam something kind of fun, here's the only interesting set I have right now.
The rest are classic regen walls or a Sylveon Kommo-o that actually gets walled by so much rn LMAO

Sylveon (Kommo-o) @ Leftovers
Ability: Pixilate
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Clangorous Soul
- Close Combat
- Earthquake
- Boomburst

This should bank on the fact that you don't want to get bopped by a special fairy boomburst to bop stuff with CC/EQ, but really there are a bunch of common mons that resist every move, so...
It's middling, right now.
Maybe not the best set, but this thing deserves to be used!

Garchomp (Dusknoir) @ Leftovers
Ability: Rough Skin
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 20 Atk / 40 Def / 196 SpD
Careful Nature
- Shadow Sneak
- Pain Split
- Curse
- Destiny Bond
With the Evio unban wouldn't Clops be a better base if you just want it to be a defensive nuisance? Pain split and a fat wish passer would help with the lack of recovery. Ghost type curse also seems a bit strange since it's just kinda toxic but it kills you. Wisp is right there. This is my 'be annoying as possible' Dusclops set

Ting-Lu (Dusclops) @ Eviolite
Ability: Vessel of Ruin
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Pain Split
- Poltergeist
- Haze/Filler

Here's some fun sample calcs
252 SpA Choice Specs Adaptability Iron Moth Overheat vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Eviolite Vessel of Ruin Dusclops: 138-164 (48.5 - 57.7%) -- 95.3% chance to 2HKO (Basculegion-F fuse)

252 Atk Meowscarada Flower Trick vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Dusclops in Grassy Terrain on a critical hit: 106-126 (37.3 - 44.3%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Grassy Terrain recovery

252 Atk Meowscarada Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Dusclops: 150-176 (52.8 - 61.9%) -- 98.4% chance to 2HKO after Grassy Terrain recovery (evio gets knocked but it also gets crippled by wisp)
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I may not post often in threads but i wanted to show this to the world

:torterra: + :fezandipiti:

Fezendipiti (Torterra) @ Loaded Dice
Ability: Technician
Tera Type: ???
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Shell Smash
- Bullet Seed
- Earthquake
- Rock Blast
Stats: 95/131/125/92/116/80

To stop this from being a total nothing-burger i will also mention that using scizor as a donor gives more attack and defense at the cost of some special defense and some speed.
I thought I'd throw my name in the ring and post some sets that may or may not be any good. I've only tested the first 2 so far.


Espeon (Greninja) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Magic Bounce
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Spikes
- Switcheroo
- Hydro Pump
- U-turn


Anyone else think his ears look like boomerangs or origami?
This thing is FAST. Espeon gives Greninja magic bounce, allowing Greninja to act as both a lead and an anti-lead. Spikes is usual Greninja stuff, but Switcheroo + any choice item gives him utility and can change how he plays. Specs gives him more offensive presence while allowing him to neuter physical attackers and support pokemon, while scarf lets Greninja outspeed almost everything that isn't at +2 speed while still letting it cripple things. You don't even have to lead with it, making it easier to bounce rocks back due to the opponent not knowing it's fused with Espeon yet.


Glimmora (Kleavor) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Toxic Debris
Tera Type: Bug
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stone Axe
- Close Combat
- Lunge
- Tailwind


Shake his hand at your own risk.
This set is a dedicated lead. Kleavor gets hazards up very reliably by using Tailwind (unless a stupid Walking Wake decides to land a burn as you Tailwind...) and then Stone Axe. Tailwind lets you move before most things, and paired with the sash the opponent needs specific counterplay or rng through Kleavor missing (or a turn 1 burn...) to stop rocks from going up. Toxic Debris is why I chose Glimmora, so even if you don't get rocks up, Tspikes likely will. If this thing dies before Tailwind goes down, you also get a turn or 2 of tailwind for other threats to abuse which is a nice bonus.


Bombirdier (Lycanroc) @ Life Orb
Ability: Rocky Payload
Tera Type: Rock
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Accelerock
- Stone Edge
- Drill Run
- Swords Dance


Get ready to be rocked and rolled!
Rocky Payload boosts Lycanroc's Accelerock so it can smack things with powerful priority, further boosted with Life Orb and Swords Dance if you can get it up. Stone Edge for more immediate power and Drill run for opposing rocks and steels, unless they have Levitate. You could drop something for Close Combat to hit them, but Levitate Gholdengo doesn't really care either way.


Diancie (Dragonite) @ Leftovers
Ability: Multiscale
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 244 HP / 252 Def / 12 SpD
Impish Nature
- Roost
- Thunder Wave
- Outrage
- Iron Head


Here's a friendly reminder that Dragonite learns more than just Extremespeed.
I wanted to build a bulky support Dragonite set after remembering Diancie exists, and this is the result. It boasts amazing defensive stats while still hitting decently hard without investment. You can invest in either defense, depending on what you want/need. Roost and Leftovers for recovery and Multiscale lets him switch in easier and even can take an ice attack. Thunder Wave for RNG and speed control while Outrage or Dragon Claw for damage and Iron Head for fairies and paraflinch shenanigans.


Okidogi (Chansey) (F) @ Eviolite
Ability: Toxic Chain
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
- Body Slam
- Seismic Toss
- Soft-Boiled
- Chilling Water


Refusing to die since 1998.
Gen 9 hit Chansey like a +2 Close Combat, so out of pity for the thing, I tried fusing it with Okidogi, who has more defense than the other 2 with Toxic Chain. That and I wanted to see if I could do something with Eviolite following it's unban. With Eviolite it's defenses hit 271 and 435. The HP EV's aren't maxed so it takes slightly less passive damage. Body Slam can paralyze or badly poison. Seismic Toss is Chansey's best direct damage and can badly poison. Chilling Water lowers the opponents attack and can hit ghosts. Oh, and it can badly poison in case you didn't already know. Do I expect this set to be any good? Not really. Do I think it's funny? Kinda.

EDIT: Chansey could probably take Thunder Wave, Heal Bell or Stealth Rock over Body Slam for more/better support.
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I've been running this set and getting alot of sweeps with it. The combo of take heart which heals status and rest makes a crazy combo. Pair that with unaware and you have a sweeper that can stop other sweepers and out boost them every time.
Skeledirge (Manaphy) @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Scald
- Take Heart