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  1. Don't post a thread without asking either myself, DragonWhale, or Psynergy first! The only exception is if a new Online Competition or Special Season ruleset gets announced and none of us are online to ask, however you need to put effort into the OP. Use past threads as a reference, make sure the rules are clear and tag The Immortal so he can add the format to Showdown!
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Use this thread to ask about anything you're unsure of!

If you've got a simple question about Battle Spot and not sure where to post, this is the place!

  • What is Battle Spot?
    • Battle Spot is the collection of online ranked modes on the 3DS games themselves. The modes are 3v3 Singles, 4v4 Doubles, The Official VGC Ladder (discuss that in the proper forum), and a rotating Special Ladder that changes every season. In all modes you bring 6 Pokemon and choose the required amount at team preview
  • How do I play Battle Spot?
    • You need to register on the Pokemon Global Link (PGL) website first. You'll need to go to the Festival Plaza in your game, go to the PC in the castle and choose Game Sync, create your Game Sync ID, then enter it on the registration page on the PGL. Now you're done! You can choose to battle from the Festival Plaza.
  • What are the rules? What's banned?
    • The simplest way of explaining the rules of Battle Spot is that it's an online, player-vs-player version of the Battle Tree. Only certain legendary Pokemon are banned (cover legends such like Lugia, Ho-oh, Solgaleo, and Lunaala, and mythical Pokemon like Mew, Celebi, and Magearna), and you can only use one of each item on your team
  • Can I use Pokemon transferred from older games?
    • The Rated Battle Spot ladders only allow Pokemon caught/bred/obtained in XY, ORAS, SM, and USUM. You can only use Pokemon from the RBY/GS virtual console games, or RSE, DPPt, or BW in Free Battle or certain Online Competitions.
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Mine it's not completely a question, but i wanna talk about a thing. I think it's not the case of open a new topic about this.

People complain about the absence of a 6v6 battle spot in-game. I understand they wanna try a ladder like showdown give to us, but I don't really understand when people say things like "Gf hates fun", "6v6 is better than 3v3", "BSS is for noob. u just need power, priority and enjoy the win", etc.
We know 3v3 is a fast battle system, which Gf really likes; but I don't really think 6v6 is the god battle style while 3v3 is sheet.
3v3 it's not bad at all, I mean, it's a tier where just a category of Pokémon is banned, while things that are terrifying in OU like M-Kanga, M-Mence, M-Lucario, Aegislash, etc; in BSS they are free and they are not so uncontainable.

I remember Reflect Suicune, Cant Say posted this set an year ago on the core's topic, was really good to stop Garchomp+M-Kangaskhan.
Aegislash is really good but it's not terrifying.
Baton pass it's not so used (out of M-Slowbro+Smeargle core I suppose) and others.
I'm talking about ORAS since SM is just started. *

So, really 6v6 >>> 3v3??
I don't wanna say 3v3 is the best tier but it's not so unplayable.

* While we are, do you think SM BSS will be (or already is) more aggressive and unbalanced than ORAS?
Mine it's not completely a question, but i wanna talk about a thing. I think it's not the case of open a new topic about this.

People complain about the absence of a 6v6 battle spot in-game. I understand they wanna try a ladder like showdown give to us, but I don't really understand when people say things like "Gf hates fun", "6v6 is better than 3v3", "BSS is for noob. u just need power, priority and enjoy the win", etc.
We know 3v3 is a fast battle system, which Gf really likes; but I don't really think 6v6 is the god battle style while 3v3 is sheet.
3v3 it's not bad at all, I mean, it's a tier where just a category of Pokémon is banned, while things that are terrifying in OU like M-Kanga, M-Mence, M-Lucario, Aegislash, etc; in BSS they are free and they are not so uncontainable.

I remember Reflect Suicune, Cant Say posted this set an year ago on the core's topic, was really good to stop Garchomp+M-Kangaskhan.
Aegislash is really good but it's not terrifying.
Baton pass it's not so used (out of M-Slowbro+Smeargle core I suppose) and others.
I'm talking about ORAS since SM is just started. *

So, really 6v6 >>> 3v3??
I don't wanna say 3v3 is the best tier but it's not so unplayable.

* While we are, do you think SM BSS will be (or already is) more aggressive and unbalanced than ORAS?
It just comes down to personal preference. Some people just flat out don't like 3v3 and that's fine, but it's somewhat true that there's a bit of a stigma surrounding it where people say bad things (Mega Kang's broken / Minimize is stupid / Moody is unfair etc etc), but I think those people just really haven't given it a fair shot yet. I think ORAS Battle Spot ended up being really quite balanced, and the same will surely happen for SuMo eventually.
What's a good Tapu Lele set that pairs well with Celesteela?
I don't think those two pair up well at all together, tbf. Unless I'm missing something, they do nothing for one another as far as I know; they cover pretty much the same things and Celesteela can't even take advantage of Psychic Terrain.
I'm a complete pleb and I'm playing a A-Raichu-Tapu Koko-Pelipper core. I need some good suggestions for the last 3. Mainly a mega for the ladder. I have a breeding base in ORAS/XY so once pokebank update comes out thats not an issue. Till then though I need something. Any suggestions? I'm a competent breeder as I've supplied many of friends for competitions but when it comes to battling I'm as I said, a pleb, could use some help. Thank you in advance.
I'm a complete pleb and I'm playing a A-Raichu-Tapu Koko-Pelipper core. I need some good suggestions for the last 3. Mainly a mega for the ladder. I have a breeding base in ORAS/XY so once pokebank update comes out thats not an issue. Till then though I need something. Any suggestions? I'm a competent breeder as I've supplied many of friends for competitions but when it comes to battling I'm as I said, a pleb, could use some help. Thank you in advance.
VGC is "Alola-born" only for now so that's your only worry. Otherwise, Drizzle + Electric Terrain is a cool combo but you have to watch out for ground and electric moves and especially offensive tanks like Celesteela.
VGC is "Alola-born" only for now so that's your only worry. Otherwise, Drizzle + Electric Terrain is a cool combo but you have to watch out for ground and electric moves and especially offensive tanks like Celesteela.

Yea I know the format's rules I guess I didn't know that megas weren't allowed? In anycase, ground and electric moves/Celesteelia being a problem leads me to believe I want some sort of solid ground type for the team. How do you feel about Mudsdale as a support attacker poke vs. that? Otherwise I'm perfectly open to suggestions. I really have 0 clue what to do past this. I'm almost done with my Pelipper and I already have the Raichu and Tapu Koko done so I'm looking towards what to train next. Thank you agtain :)
Yea I know the format's rules I guess I didn't know that megas weren't allowed? In anycase, ground and electric moves/Celesteelia being a problem leads me to believe I want some sort of solid ground type for the team. How do you feel about Mudsdale as a support attacker poke vs. that? Otherwise I'm perfectly open to suggestions. I really have 0 clue what to do past this. I'm almost done with my Pelipper and I already have the Raichu and Tapu Koko done so I'm looking towards what to train next. Thank you agtain :)
Lightning Rod Alolan-Marowak is a really solid choice. It stops Tapu-Koko cold and handles Celesteela to boot.

0 Atk Thick Club Marowak-Alola Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Celesteela: 162-192 (79.4 - 94.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Lightning Rod Alolan-Marowak is a really solid choice. It stops Tapu-Koko cold and handles Celesteela to boot.

0 Atk Thick Club Marowak-Alola Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Celesteela: 162-192 (79.4 - 94.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Nice, little did anyone know that A-Marowak is one of the most interesting new pokes to me. I'll be happy to train one up for my team. Thank you.
Lightning Rod Alolan-Marowak is a really solid choice. It stops Tapu-Koko cold and handles Celesteela to boot.

0 Atk Thick Club Marowak-Alola Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Celesteela: 162-192 (79.4 - 94.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Secondary question, I did some prelim research on A-Marowak builds but can't find a solid nature. Which would you suggest?
Secondary question, I did some prelim research on A-Marowak builds but can't find a solid nature. Which would you suggest?
I'm running Adamant because the set I'm using doesn't really need extra bulk and I want it to hit as hard as possible so I'm not bothering with Careful or Impish, but they're both viable as well I think. It depends of how you want your Marowak to operate, really.
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I'm running Adamant because the set I'm using doesn't really need extra bulk and I want it to hit as hard as possible so I'm not bothering with Careful or Impish, but they're both viable as well I think. It depends of how you want your Marowak to operate, really.

Are you also running the rain/electric terrain team though? The way I see it, Marrowak works well in counter the electric types that come for your pelipper right? So frankly its not there to take damage, its there to just completely block attacks and dish out some damage in return so a Adamant makes sense. That said is the rain comp more about creating openings for ur team? Cuz if so then you may want a defensive Marrowak to force a switch out right?
Are you also running the rain/electric terrain team though? The way I see it, Marrowak works well in counter the electric types that come for your pelipper right? So frankly its not there to take damage, its there to just completely block attacks and dish out some damage in return so a Adamant makes sense. That said is the rain comp more about creating openings for ur team? Cuz if so then you may want a defensive Marrowak to force a switch out right?

Rain weakens Marowak-A's Fire-type moves.
Lightning Rod messes with your own Electric-type moves too.
Is that really a good idea?
Rain weakens Marowak-A's Fire-type moves.
Lightning Rod messes with your own Electric-type moves too.
Is that really a good idea?
Marowak should be more of back up plan for you to fall-back on in order to deal with opposing Thunder Spam teams more reliably, not something to use alongside it.

I read the whole comment chain again and I just realized that I derped here and thought you were talking about singles... That said, yeah... don't use Marowak at all if you're going for a full blown out rain team.
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Megas are allowed in regular Battle Spot rated battles, but are banned in VGC. They're also banned on the Special ladder but that's because no items are allowed.

I'll sit and wait for Pokémon Bank to update 6->7 transfers then because my Mega Metagross is stuck in Hoenn.

Speaking of,
I have 3 spots left in my team to fill. I'm currently training Pheromosa, Mimikyu and Salazzle.. I don't like Garchomp, but I need Earthquake to remove Toxapex. That leaves me two spots, one is reserved for Mega Metagross I guess, unless someone suggests I keep a different Mega.

Pheromosa, Mimikyu, Salazzle, Garchomp, Metagross.. 6th Pokémon?
I'll sit and wait for Pokémon Bank to update 6->7 transfers then because my Mega Metagross is stuck in Hoenn.

Speaking of,
I have 3 spots left in my team to fill. I'm currently training Pheromosa, Mimikyu and Salazzle.. I don't like Garchomp, but I need Earthquake to remove Toxapex. That leaves me two spots, one is reserved for Mega Metagross I guess, unless someone suggests I keep a different Mega.

Pheromosa, Mimikyu, Salazzle, Garchomp, Metagross.. 6th Pokémon?
Well if you really want to use Metagross you can. Beldums are available via Island Scan. Battle Spot isnt the same ruleset as VGC where only Alola dex mons are allowed.
Yea I know the format's rules I guess I didn't know that megas weren't allowed? In anycase, ground and electric moves/Celesteelia being a problem leads me to believe I want some sort of solid ground type for the team. How do you feel about Mudsdale as a support attacker poke vs. that? Otherwise I'm perfectly open to suggestions. I really have 0 clue what to do past this. I'm almost done with my Pelipper and I already have the Raichu and Tapu Koko done so I'm looking towards what to train next. Thank you agtain :)

Pelipper can have U-turn, right? Imagine your anti-ground coverage is it as well because Water/Flying type. Your 4th Pokémon (in doubles) should be support. Ribombee with that puffy ball attack thing that damages opposing Pokémon OR heals ally Pokémon.. Put a Focus Sash on it so it can't get OHKO'd. Mudsdale won't help much, you already have 2 attackers and one support-attacker. Marowak I guess can surprise someone for 3 seconds in this team but has nothing except status conditions to add.

Well if you really want to use Metagross you can. Beldums are available via Island Scan. Battle Spot isnt the same ruleset as VGC where only Alola dex mons are allowed.
Nu uh I'm not going to train another Beldum when I already have one ready in a different region. Baby Salamence is also there somewhere in Alola but same thing; I'd rather train something else for the team meanwhile.

Anyone know the EV yields from the 50FC courses in Festival Square?
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Well if you really want to use Metagross you can. Beldums are available via Island Scan. Battle Spot isnt the same ruleset as VGC where only Alola dex mons are allowed.

Beldum can be found on Mount Hokulani as a regular, albeit fairly rare, encounter. Metagross is #216 in the Alola Dex.