Metagame Formemons


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Approved by KaenSoul and kenn

Megamons Art by Pent
Derived from Megamons, previous iterations of Megamons by Chloe, Halliday & Whydon
Welcome to Formemons! Formemons is a metagame where alternate Formes of existing Pokemon can be used directly and without any restrictions! This includes Megas, Primals, Origin formes, Ogerpon formes, and more! There is also no limit to the number of such Pokemon you can use, including for Mega Evolutions! Life Orb Mega Mewtwo Y? Choice Scarf Primal Kyogre? Leftovers Giratina-Origin? Colbur Berry Mega Slowbro? These are just some of the many possibilities in this diverse metagame.

Alternate Formes of existing Pokemon can be used directly without any restrictions, being treated like regular Pokemon. The limit on the number of Mega Evolutions is also removed. More specifically, the following can be used (not accounting for bans):
Mega Evolutions - Useable without Mega Stone (Dragon Ascent for Rayquaza), unlimited number, do not need to undergo Mega Evolution
Abomasnow, Altaria, Ampharos, Banette, Blastoise, Blaziken, Camerupt, Charizard X, Charizard Y, Diancie, Gallade, Garchomp, Gardevoir, Gengar, Glalie, Gyarados, Heracross, Houndoom, Latias, Latios, Lucario, Medicham, Metagross, Mewtwo X, Mewtwo Y, Rayquaza, Sableye, Salamence, Sceptile, Scizor, Slowbro, Swampert, Tyranitar, Venusaur

Primal Reversions - Useable without Red/Blue Orb, do not need to undergo Primal Reversion
Groudon, Kyogre

Origin Formes - Useable without transformation item
Dialga, Giratina, Palkia

Ogerpon - All non-Terastal formes useable without the proper Mask

Necrozma-Ultra - Useable without Ultranecrozium Z, does not need to undergo Ultra Burst. See FAQ

Greninja-Ash - Useable without needing to KO a Pokemon. See FAQ
Clauses: Standard OMs, Evasion Abilities Clause, Evasion Items Clause, Hackmons Forme Legality, Sleep Moves Clause, Species Reveal Clause
Bans: Calyrex-Shadow, Gengar-Mega, Moody, King's Rock, Razor Fang, Baton Pass
Terastal Clause
Shadow Tag
Last Respects
Mar 12, 2025Meta created with initial banlist.
Many alternate formes, such as Ultra Necrozma, Primals, and certain Mega Evolutions, were previously completely unusable formes in the current generation, but are now useable directly with a free item slot. Coupled with generally high BST and good abilities, the vast majority of these become competitive with some of the strongest Pokemon this generation. Regular strong Pokemon such as Koraidon, Miraidon, Ho-Oh, and Arceus formes can also still be very relevant with their Speed tiers or bulk.

Many alternate formes are offensive powerhouses. Primal Groudon is able to further bolster its offensive potential with Choice or boosting items, or it can opt for increased longevity with items like Leftovers. Mega Mewtwo Y can get additional power from Life Orb or Choice Specs, or opt for Choice Scarf to outspeed even the likes of Choice Scarf Koraidon. Mega Rayquaza doesn't get too much more, but it benefits from immediate Delta Stream on switch-in, while specially offensive sets can choose to forgo Dragon Ascent if they want.

Alternate formes also introduce several defensive presences. Mega Altaria has an amazing typing to check threats like Koraidon and Miraidon and has access to the coveted Defog. Mega Slowbro has enormous physical bulk to potentially check Primal Groudon and Mega Salamence. Mega Tyranitar can increase its longevity with Leftovers or boost its special bulk to crazy levels with Assault Vest to tackle dangerous Pokemon like Mega Rayquaza and Mega Mewtwo Y.

Regular Ubers-level Pokemon can still be highly relevant. Koraidon, Miraidon, and Zacian-C still have excellent Speed tiers and high damage outputs to remain as top-tier threats. Ho-Oh easily keeps up with other walls to act as a solid defensive pivot with Regenerator.

While not many hazard removal options are added outside of Mega Altaria, Magic Bounce Megas such as Mega Diancie and Mega Sableye can help combat entry hazards. Giratina-O now has the option to run an item like Leftovers to increase its longevity and reliability in removing hazards.

:Kyogre-Primal: Chessking345
:Groudon-Primal: Glory
:Scorbunny: splodge
:Milotic: zastra

What alternate formes can I not use?
A: Alternate formes of Pokemon that are not in the Scarlet Violet dex cannot be used. A complete list of unusable Megas:
Formes of Pokemon that are in the SV dex, but auto-revert to the base forme cannot be used directly (e.g. to use Zacian-C you need to use Zacian @ Rusted Sword). In other words, this follows the BH behaviour. This includes

Q: Why can't Arceus formes hold a different item?
A: Arceus must run Multitype, meaning that if it does not run a Plate then Multitype will set its type to Normal.

Q: How does Necrozma-Ultra work?
A: Necrozma-Ultra inherits its movepool depending on which Necrozma-forme it is based from, so it's moveset must validate for either Necrozma-Dusk-Mane or Necrozma-Dawn Wings. i.e. you cannot mix moves by running both Moongeist Beam and Sunsteel Strike.

Q: Why does Battle Bond not work?
A: While Greninja-Ash is useable directly, Battle Bond is hard coded to the base Greninja forme and does not proc for Greninja-Ash.

Q: Can you Knock Off items attached to the alternate Forme Pokemon?
A: Yes! As long as it's an item that could regularly be removed via Knock Off.

Q: Which Pokemon can Terastallize?
A: Since Megas and Primals are not undergoing their respective mechanic, all Pokemon can use Terastallization.

XY Megamons Thread
ORAS Megamons Thread
USUM Megamons Thread

This format is not currently implemented yet, but is playable through the following challenge code credit to splodge
/challenge Gen9AnythingGoes @@@ -Calyrex-Shadow,-King's Rock,-Razor Fang,-Baton Pass,-Moody,+Abomasnow-Mega,+Altaria-Mega,+Ampharos-Mega,+Banette-Mega,+Blastoise-Mega,+Blaziken-Mega,+Camerupt-Mega,+Charizard-Mega-X,+Charizard-Mega-Y,+Diancie-Mega,+Gallade-Mega,+Garchomp-Mega,+Gardevoir-Mega,+Glalie-Mega,+Gyarados-Mega,+Heracross-Mega,+Houndoom-Mega,+Latias-Mega,+Latios-Mega,+Lucario-Mega,+Medicham-Mega,+Metagross-Mega,+Mewtwo-Mega-X,+Mewtwo-Mega-Y,+Rayquaza-Mega,+Sableye-Mega,+Salamence-Mega,+Sceptile-Mega,+Scizor-Mega,+Slowbro-Mega,+Swampert-Mega,+Tyranitar-Mega,+Venusaur-Mega,+Groudon-Primal,+Kyogre-Primal,+Necrozma-Ultra,+Greninja-Ash,Standard OMs,!Obtainable Formes,Evasion Abilities Clause,Evasion Items Clause,Sleep Moves Clause,Hackmons Forme Legality
Welcome back, PDon.
it's in 9ph but we don't talk about revival blessing spam meta

EDIT: Just made a code for it that I'm 99% sure works, you can yell at me if I forgot to ban any dexited megas

/challenge [user],gen9anythinggoes@@@-calyrexshadow,-king's rock,-razorfang,-batonpass,-moody,+Abomasnow-Mega,+Altaria-Mega,+Ampharos-Mega,+Banette-Mega,+Blastoise-Mega,+Blaziken-Mega,+Camerupt-Mega,+Charizard-Mega-X,+Charizard-Mega-Y,+Diancie-Mega,+Gallade-Mega,+Garchomp-Mega,+Gardevoir-Mega,+Glalie-Mega,+Gyarados-Mega,+Heracross-Mega,+Houndoom-Mega,+Latias-Mega,+Latios-Mega,+Lucario-Mega,+Medicham-Mega,+Metagross-Mega,+Mewtwo-Mega-X,+Mewtwo-Mega-Y,+Rayquaza-Mega,+Sableye-Mega,+Salamence-Mega,+Sceptile-Mega,+Scizor-Mega,+Slowbro-Mega,+Swampert-Mega,+Tyranitar-Mega,+Venusaur-Mega,+Groudon-Primal,+Kyogre-Primal,+Necrozma-Ultra,+Greninja-Ash, Standard OMs,!Obtainable Formes,Evasion Abilities Clause,Evasion Items Clause,Sleep Moves Clause,Hackmons Forme Legality

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:SV/kyogre-primal: @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Drizzle
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Water Spout
- Origin Pulse
- Ice Beam
- Earthquake


:SV/groudon-primal: @ Charcoal
Ability: Drought
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Eruption
- Precipice Blades
- Rock Tomb
- Overheat

Also behold
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