Forever 1000

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I watch a lot of competitive E-Sports, that is, competitive video gaming like DOTA2, LoL, or Starcraft, and a lot of the time, there's a big bunch of people who want to try to be like their E-Sports heroes. Unfortunately, not everyone has the skill to actually be at the highest level of competitive play.

In Starcraft II, there's also an MMR system, plus a league system, which groups people with relatively close MMRs in a big group. People who really can't play well, are often stuck in the lowest league, Bronze. Hence, the term Forever Bronze appeared on the internet, even spawning a song based on "Forever Young" by Alphaville.

I'm a really streaky VGC2014 player, and I'm either on 1250+ or on 1000 MMR. To be honest, I spend more time on 1000 MMR than I do anywhere else. That being said, I want to highlight the life of people stuck on 1000 MMR. Basically to highlight low level life on PS.

Highlights of the Article:
  • Common mistakes as confessed by new players
  • Common Pokemon picks in lower tiers
  • Pokemon that low level players have problems with
  • Low level analysis with as much humor as I can possibly give
Interviewing newer players will be necessary for this to survive. If it gets through, I plan to interview my younger brother, who, like me, never really hit above 1300.
ShinySleepy, competitive articles may be included if they're particularly good, but I'm not really sure this is something that will draw a lot of interest. That said, you look like a decent writer so don't be afraid to submit future ideas if you have them!
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