Base Stats: 80 Health Points | 100 attack | 80 Defense | 80 Special attack | 80 Special defense | 100 Speed
Abilities: Levitate
Weight: 082.0kg (Takes 80 from Grass knot/Low kick)
(Notable changes will be underlined)
New moves
Take Down, Agility, Stealth Rock, Helping Hand, Tera Blast, Vacuum Wave, Dragon Cheer, Alluring Voice, Psychic Noise.
Lost Moves
Attract, Brutal Swing, Bug Bite, Confide, Defog, Double Team, Focus Energy, Headbutt, Hone Claws, Incinerate, Iron Tail, Laser Focus, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mimic, Power-Up Punch, Rock Smash, Roost, Round, Snore, Steel Wing, Strength, Swagger, Toxic.
Current relevant moves
(STAB will be bolded)
Physical(STAB will be bolded)
Crunch, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Fire Punch, First Impression, Outrage, Rock Slide, Scale Shot, Stone Edge, Superpower, Tera Blast, Thunder Punch, U-turn.
Alluring Voice, Boomburst, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Earth Power, Fire Blast, (Edited) Giga Drain, Tera Blast, Vacuum Wave.
Dragon Dance, Protect, Stealth Rock, Substitute.
Terastalization Potential
- Setup sweepers and All-Out attackers are the ideal users of terastalization on offense, especially if they feel that need a little push like Flygon.
- Flygon has a x4 weakness to Ice as well as an immunity to ground, making Tera also rewarding when trying to setup.
- Taking that into account I'm seeing 6 potential Tera forms, half of them abusing levitate and the other half being purely offensive.
- All in all, Flygon on paper is an amazing tera abuser.
- Is oddly resiliant to passive damage due to spikes immunity and stealth rock resistance.
- It has a deceptively large movepool and versatility in terms of playstyles, from setup to banded to scarfer.
- Unlike most physical dragons, Flygon is an actual good user of choice items due to U-turn.
- Ground and Dragon is a great offensive typing, and Flygon is also able to learn rock moves for the QuakeSlide combo.
- Conceptually speaking is an amazing tera abuser due to the combo of typing, hability and movepool.
- For an attacker its offensive stats of 100 and 80 are just underwhelming, meaning is not as good of a tera user as it would suggest.
- It lacks the utility to distinguish itself from other Dragons and ground types, like it did back in the day.
- It leaves to be desire defensively, with 3 common weaknesses and an unimpressive 80 | 80 | 80 bulk.
- Despite the diminished movepool, Flygon still has a bit of a 4MSS on its offensive sets.
- Is just a worse Garchomp/Dragonite/Roaring Moon/Excadrill/Landorus-Therian in every single way, this time for real.
Dragon Dance

Flygon @ Life Orb / Lum Berry
Ability: Levitate
Tera Type: Fire / Steel / Electric / (edited) Dragon
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly / Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake
- Dragon Claw / Outrage
- Fire Punch / Stone Edge / Thunder Punch / Draco Meteor
- The stat distribution is your standard for a setup sweeper. Adamant is an option because it still outspeeds Dragapult after a boost and Glimmora without. Now that Porygon is back is better to put points in special defense.
- Levitate is kinda mandatory with Flygon, but is a good one.
- Life Orb help us to get crucial damage thresholds and making Flygon less reliant on Dragon Dance.
- Alternatively Lum Berry is useful to deal with Outrage confusion and enemy status.
- Dragon Dance is Flygon's best boosting option, allowing it to outspeed everything but scarfers and +speed deoxys-speed after a single boost.
- Earthquake is our Main damaging move, being just consistent damage output.
- Dragon Claw is safer but weaker, while Outrage is riskier but more damaging.
- Fire Punch is mostly there to cover Steel types like Corviknight and air baloon Gholdengo, as well as grass types without being locked.
- Stone edge covers almost everything Ground does not, giving us. Due to the powerlevel of higher tiers and lack of bulk investment this move is preferred over rock slide.
- Thunder Punch hits flying types for super effective damage, but it does not work on Gliscor or Landorus-T.
- (Edited) Draco Meteor is to break through physically defensive enemies like Dondozo or Great tusk.
- Tera Fire and Electric want to power up our punches with their added defensive utility, while Steel is recommended with Stone edge for easier setup.
- Since we're usually are wanting our tera to get a setup, tera into Ground or Dragon type isn't advisable. (Edited) with that being said, Dragon has some utility if going with Draco Meteor.

Flygon @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
Tera Type: Steel / Fire
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly / Hasty Nature
- Earthquake
- Outrage / Dragon Claw
- U-turn
- Stealth Rock / Stone edge / Fire Punch / Fire Blast
- Natures and EVs are your standard physically offensive pokémon. Hasty would be
- You cannot be a scarfer without a choice scarf, and you cannot be Flygon without Levitate.
- Earthquake is mandatory with a scarf Flygon as its strongest reliable STAB move.
- Outrage is powerful but locks you, while Dragon claw is weak but reliable.
- U-Turn is the main reason this set works to begin with since DPP, acting as a pivot before any fast threat could respond and ignoring the lock.
- Stealth Rock gives the scarf set utility as a secondary hazard setter.
- Stone edge forms the QuakeSlide combo with Earthquake.
- Fire Punch and Fire Blast are options used for melting power. Uninvested Fire Blast is actually as strong as Fire Punch with the benefit of avoiding contact, but it forces you to a Hasty/Naive nature which is unideal.
- This version of Flygon doesn't want to tera, but when it does it prefers either Steel for general defense utility, or Fire for burn immunity and a bit of power to fire moves.
Flygon @ Choice Band
Ability: Levitate
Tera Type: Ground / Fire / Bug / Dragon
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Outrage
- First Impression / U-Turn
- Stone Edge / Superpower / Fire Punch / U-Turn / Throat chop
- EVs and nature are for your standard physically offensive pokémon.
- Choice band is mandatory on your choice band pokémon, while Levitate is mandatory on Flygon.
- Earthquake and Outrage are our main offensive moves. Unlike with other sets, this one demands raw power, meaning you should not rely on the safe Dragon claw.
- First Impression is a very strong bug type priority move who can only be used on first turn, which is great on banded pokémon like Flygon.
- U-Turn is a natural choice on choiced sets due to ignoring the drawback of the move lock.
- Stone edge, again, formes a great offensive pair with earthquake making it great as coverage.
- Superpower is one of our best ways of dealing with certain threats, most notably dark and normal, for supereffective damage, but is usually a bit redundant with earthquake.
- Fire Punch is used to deal more efficiently with grass types, without being locked like with outrage.
- Throat Chop is that move who is always situationally useful, most notably to deal with ghosts.
- Tera Fire is used for stronger fire punch, Bug for first impression, and Ground and Dragon for general wallbreaking duties.
Not going to sugarcoat it, things don't look good for our Garchomp at home. Flygons lost many of the moves who made it good in RU back in the day, most notably Roost, Defog and Toxic, making it more one-dimensional and therefore easier to deal with. In compensation it got stealth rock, which isn't that special, and a bunch of special moves who use its meager 80 special attack. I expect this thing to end up in NU, and unlike last gen, not rise to RU. The days for the king of RU are over.
And That would be it. Do you have any Idea on how a mixed, support or special Flygon would work? Because I would genuinely want to know it.
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