Florges @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Flower Veil
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
IVs: 0 Atk
Tera Type: Poison
Timid Nature
- Moonblast
- Psychic Noise / Calm Mind
- Trick
- Synthesis
The Garden Pokemon is in full bloom! Although it usually prefers a bulky Wish set, Florges is also one of PU's best Choice Scarf users thanks to its powerful Moonblast, great bulk even without investment, and Trick to debilitate a switch-in like Bronzong or Galarian Slowbro. Psychic Noise targets Poison-types like Salazzle while also blocking the foe from healing, wearing down checks like Gastrodon, while Calm Mind can turn it into a threatening sweeper once its Choice Scarf has been removed. Synthesis allows Florges to heal reliably and to capitalize on the switches it forces, though it's risky to click before using Trick. Tera Poison allows Florges to effectively check powerful attackers like Venusaur and Skuntank that would otherwise threaten it. Florges is unable to answer or meaningfully damage Steel-types like Bronzong and Copperajah; therefore, teammates like Salazzle and Paldea Tauros-F are very appreciated to break these walls. Florges greatly appreciates entry hazard removal from the likes of Tatsugiri, Coalossal, and Altaria, allowing it to better take advantage of its good longevity. In turn, Florges can greatly hinder or outright defeat their checks like Milotic and Gligar.
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