Florges has a niche in the UU metagame as a defensive Fairy-type thanks to its ability to compress roles well and offer different utility compared to its main competition in Sylveon. Instant recovery in Synthesis lets Florges directly come in on what it needs to check more easily, not fearing having to wait a second turn with Wish. Having this additional moveslot lets it use options such as Hidden Power Fire effectively, giving it more versatility overall. Florges can also use Defog, letting it combine the roles of cleric and entry hazard remover into one teamslot, and it does not have the Stealth Rock weakness that can hinder Togekiss in performing both of these duties. Unfortunately, Florges's mediocre physical bulk leaves it competing with Sylveon, which takes on physical threats like Mega Aerodactyl and Infernape much more efficiently. Florges is also weaker, not having an ability to boost its damage as Sylveon does in Pixilate. Florges's low HP stat makes it a mediocre Wish passer compared to other users like Alomomola, Blissey, and Sylveon. Finally, Florges suffers from competition with other Fairy-types besides Sylveon, such as Primarina, Togekiss, and Mega Altaria, all of which bring secondary typings and much more power to teams.
name: Cleric
move 1: Moonblast
move 2: Synthesis
move 3: Aromatherapy
move 4: Hidden Power Fire / Defog / Wish
item: Leftovers
ability: Symbiosis
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Moonblast is Florges's strongest STAB option, hitting threats such as Hydreigon, Krookodile, Kommo-o, and unboosted Latias hard. Synthesis gives Florges instant reliable recovery, which is useful when compared to its competition as a cleric. Aromatherapy lets it remove status conditions from teammates. This is especially useful for clearing burns from the Steel-types and Toxic poison from the Water-types that are commonly run as teammates. Hidden Power Fire is excellent at dealing with Scizor, which Florges lures in, 2HKOing any set while also making Florges less passive versus other Steel-types like Klefki and Bronzong. Defog removes entry hazards for your team, letting your Pokemon switch in more easily. Florges does struggle to use Defog against a number of common hazard setters, but it has good recovery options, so it can keep removing hazards over the course of a match. Wish gives Florges another recovery option, letting it choose between healing itself or switching to a teammate, although its low HP stat compared to other clerics makes it worse at performing this job than its competition.
Set Details
252 HP and 252 Defense EVs with a Bold nature give Florges as much physical bulk as possible, giving it a better chance at switching into the physical Dark- and Fighting-types it wants to check. Leftovers provides passive recovery that helps Florges perform its role as a cleric for longer periods of time. Both abilities Florges has are completely worthless, so it doesn't matter which one you choose.
Usage Tips
Be careful of preserving the PP of Aromatherapy. When running into a Toxic user that Florges can’t beat with Moonblast or Hidden Power Fire, such as Empoleon, Alomomola, or Blissey, it's best to save its ability to clear status and switch to a proper check instead of trying to brute force through Toxic. Florges can't threaten any Steel- or Poison-type entry hazard setters such as Mega Aggron, Cobalion, Klefki, and Tentacruel. Instead of trying to remove hazards against these threats, Florges should find time to use Defog when it forces out something that doesn't want to take a Moonblast, such as Kommo-o or Krookodile. Hidden Power Fire should mostly be used when you expect Scizor to switch in, as it is often too risky to keep Florges on the field in case Scizor uses Bullet Punch. Use Wish a lot early-game if Florges is not in dire need of healing. By using Wish as a buffer for your teammates, you can pivot into your wallbreakers more easily, knowing they will have some health restored. Florges can be overworked if it has to remove hazards and status at the same time. Assess which one being removed would be more valuable, as it often only has a chance to choose one before it faints or is forced out.
Team Options
Florges fits very well onto common balanced teams, letting it support the other members of a defensive core and keep offensive threats free of status. It can also support common sweepers on bulky offense such as Calm Mind Chandelure and Nasty Plot Togekiss, which both appreciate entry hazard removal and Wish support. Steel-types such as Mega Aggron, Empoleon, and Cobalion support Florges well by checking the opposing Steel- and Poison-types that Florges has trouble with, as well as setting up Stealth Rock to give it more breathing room to find chances to use Aromatherapy or recover lost health. In return, Florges switches into Fighting-types like Kommo-o that would beat them and can recover their health if running Wish. Ground-types such as Swampert, Hippowdon, and Rhyperior check the Steel- and Poison-types that like to come in on Florges, and they also block pivots attempting to use Volt Switch on Florges to gain momentum. In return, Florges can heal their status conditions, preventing them from being worn down. Water-types like Suicune and Mega Slowbro check threats such as Talonflame and Stakataka that could use Florges to switch in and also appreciate Aromatherapy support from Florges. Hazard removal options like Tentacruel and Empoleon let Florges comfortably run Wish and focus on its cleric role instead of having to perform as both a source of hazard removal and a cleric, letting it avoid being overworked.
Other Options
Toxic can be used to try and beat walls that will usually badly poison Florges in return in a one-on-one situation, but many of them are immune to Toxic, have Natural Cure, or have Regenerator. Florges also struggles to find room to fit Toxic over options that support its team better. A Calm Mind set can be run with Hidden Power Fire and a Babiri Berry to lure Scizor, but it is outclassed by Sylveon and Togekiss, which have more power and a secondary typing in Togekiss's case. A Choice Specs set is also plausible but is outclassed by the stronger Fairy-types like Primarina and Togekiss. It is also easily worn down due to Florges's poor physical bulk and lack of recovery.
Checks and Counters
**Steel-types**: UU's large number of Steel-types all take advantage of Florges to some degree. Mega Aggron and Cobalion can set Stealth Rock and boost with Curse and Swords Dance, respectively, and Stakataka finds a chance to set up Trick Room. Scizor threatens Florges with Bullet Punch but must be cautious of Hidden Power Fire, so it cannot safely switch in. Cobalion can also fall to repeated uses of Moonblast because its special bulk is mediocre.
**Poison-types**: Poison-types can also use Florges for free turns easily, resisting its only STAB option and hitting hard with either neutral STAB attacks or super effective Poison-type moves. Crobat and Tentacruel can safely remove entry hazards against Florges; Nidoking and Nihilego get opportunities to wallbreak or set hazards; Mega Beedrill gets more chances to pivot using U-turn; and Alolan Muk threatens Florges with Poison Jab and Gunk Shot while getting opportunities to use Knock Off.
**Toxic Users**: Many Toxic users such as Blissey, Empoleon, Klefki, and Alomomola can beat Florges by stalling it out of PP for Aromatherapy , taking little from Moonblast or Hidden Power Fire and eventually forcing it to switch. They can also use Florges for free turns to perform a variety of roles, including passing Wishes and removing or setting entry hazards.
**Strong Physical Attackers**: Florges's lackluster Defense stat leaves it weak to most neutral physical wallbreakers in the tier. Attackers like Heracross and Rockium Z Terrakion all threaten to KO it with just a little chip damage.
- Written by: [Sage, 192227]
- Quality checked by: [martha, 384270], [Nuked, 382658], [Hilomilo, 313384]
- Grammar checked by: [martha, 384270], [A Cake Wearing A Hat, 388157]
Florges has a niche in the UU metagame as a defensive Fairy-type thanks to its ability to compress roles well and offer different utility compared to its main competition in Sylveon. Instant recovery in Synthesis lets Florges directly come in on what it needs to check more easily, not fearing having to wait a second turn with Wish. Having this additional moveslot lets it use options such as Hidden Power Fire effectively, giving it more versatility overall. Florges can also use Defog, letting it combine the roles of cleric and entry hazard remover into one teamslot, and it does not have the Stealth Rock weakness that can hinder Togekiss in performing both of these duties. Unfortunately, Florges's mediocre physical bulk leaves it competing with Sylveon, which takes on physical threats like Mega Aerodactyl and Infernape much more efficiently. Florges is also weaker, not having an ability to boost its damage as Sylveon does in Pixilate. Florges's low HP stat makes it a mediocre Wish passer compared to other users like Alomomola, Blissey, and Sylveon. Finally, Florges suffers from competition with other Fairy-types besides Sylveon, such as Primarina, Togekiss, and Mega Altaria, all of which bring secondary typings and much more power to teams.
name: Cleric
move 1: Moonblast
move 2: Synthesis
move 3: Aromatherapy
move 4: Hidden Power Fire / Defog / Wish
item: Leftovers
ability: Symbiosis
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Moonblast is Florges's strongest STAB option, hitting threats such as Hydreigon, Krookodile, Kommo-o, and unboosted Latias hard. Synthesis gives Florges instant reliable recovery, which is useful when compared to its competition as a cleric. Aromatherapy lets it remove status conditions from teammates. This is especially useful for clearing burns from the Steel-types and Toxic poison from the Water-types that are commonly run as teammates. Hidden Power Fire is excellent at dealing with Scizor, which Florges lures in, 2HKOing any set while also making Florges less passive versus other Steel-types like Klefki and Bronzong. Defog removes entry hazards for your team, letting your Pokemon switch in more easily. Florges does struggle to use Defog against a number of common hazard setters, but it has good recovery options, so it can keep removing hazards over the course of a match. Wish gives Florges another recovery option, letting it choose between healing itself or switching to a teammate, although its low HP stat compared to other clerics makes it worse at performing this job than its competition.
Set Details
252 HP and 252 Defense EVs with a Bold nature give Florges as much physical bulk as possible, giving it a better chance at switching into the physical Dark- and Fighting-types it wants to check. Leftovers provides passive recovery that helps Florges perform its role as a cleric for longer periods of time. Both abilities Florges has are completely worthless, so it doesn't matter which one you choose.
Usage Tips
Be careful of preserving the PP of Aromatherapy. When running into a Toxic user that Florges can’t beat with Moonblast or Hidden Power Fire, such as Empoleon, Alomomola, or Blissey, it's best to save its ability to clear status and switch to a proper check instead of trying to brute force through Toxic. Florges can't threaten any Steel- or Poison-type entry hazard setters such as Mega Aggron, Cobalion, Klefki, and Tentacruel. Instead of trying to remove hazards against these threats, Florges should find time to use Defog when it forces out something that doesn't want to take a Moonblast, such as Kommo-o or Krookodile. Hidden Power Fire should mostly be used when you expect Scizor to switch in, as it is often too risky to keep Florges on the field in case Scizor uses Bullet Punch. Use Wish a lot early-game if Florges is not in dire need of healing. By using Wish as a buffer for your teammates, you can pivot into your wallbreakers more easily, knowing they will have some health restored. Florges can be overworked if it has to remove hazards and status at the same time. Assess which one being removed would be more valuable, as it often only has a chance to choose one before it faints or is forced out.
Team Options
Florges fits very well onto common balanced teams, letting it support the other members of a defensive core and keep offensive threats free of status. It can also support common sweepers on bulky offense such as Calm Mind Chandelure and Nasty Plot Togekiss, which both appreciate entry hazard removal and Wish support. Steel-types such as Mega Aggron, Empoleon, and Cobalion support Florges well by checking the opposing Steel- and Poison-types that Florges has trouble with, as well as setting up Stealth Rock to give it more breathing room to find chances to use Aromatherapy or recover lost health. In return, Florges switches into Fighting-types like Kommo-o that would beat them and can recover their health if running Wish. Ground-types such as Swampert, Hippowdon, and Rhyperior check the Steel- and Poison-types that like to come in on Florges, and they also block pivots attempting to use Volt Switch on Florges to gain momentum. In return, Florges can heal their status conditions, preventing them from being worn down. Water-types like Suicune and Mega Slowbro check threats such as Talonflame and Stakataka that could use Florges to switch in and also appreciate Aromatherapy support from Florges. Hazard removal options like Tentacruel and Empoleon let Florges comfortably run Wish and focus on its cleric role instead of having to perform as both a source of hazard removal and a cleric, letting it avoid being overworked.
Other Options
Toxic can be used to try and beat walls that will usually badly poison Florges in return in a one-on-one situation, but many of them are immune to Toxic, have Natural Cure, or have Regenerator. Florges also struggles to find room to fit Toxic over options that support its team better. A Calm Mind set can be run with Hidden Power Fire and a Babiri Berry to lure Scizor, but it is outclassed by Sylveon and Togekiss, which have more power and a secondary typing in Togekiss's case. A Choice Specs set is also plausible but is outclassed by the stronger Fairy-types like Primarina and Togekiss. It is also easily worn down due to Florges's poor physical bulk and lack of recovery.
Checks and Counters
**Steel-types**: UU's large number of Steel-types all take advantage of Florges to some degree. Mega Aggron and Cobalion can set Stealth Rock and boost with Curse and Swords Dance, respectively, and Stakataka finds a chance to set up Trick Room. Scizor threatens Florges with Bullet Punch but must be cautious of Hidden Power Fire, so it cannot safely switch in. Cobalion can also fall to repeated uses of Moonblast because its special bulk is mediocre.
**Poison-types**: Poison-types can also use Florges for free turns easily, resisting its only STAB option and hitting hard with either neutral STAB attacks or super effective Poison-type moves. Crobat and Tentacruel can safely remove entry hazards against Florges; Nidoking and Nihilego get opportunities to wallbreak or set hazards; Mega Beedrill gets more chances to pivot using U-turn; and Alolan Muk threatens Florges with Poison Jab and Gunk Shot while getting opportunities to use Knock Off.
**Toxic Users**: Many Toxic users such as Blissey, Empoleon, Klefki, and Alomomola can beat Florges by stalling it out of PP for Aromatherapy , taking little from Moonblast or Hidden Power Fire and eventually forcing it to switch. They can also use Florges for free turns to perform a variety of roles, including passing Wishes and removing or setting entry hazards.
**Strong Physical Attackers**: Florges's lackluster Defense stat leaves it weak to most neutral physical wallbreakers in the tier. Attackers like Heracross and Rockium Z Terrakion all threaten to KO it with just a little chip damage.
- Written by: [Sage, 192227]
- Quality checked by: [martha, 384270], [Nuked, 382658], [Hilomilo, 313384]
- Grammar checked by: [martha, 384270], [A Cake Wearing A Hat, 388157]
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