Festival Plaza

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[Part 1]

Title: Festival Plaza


The Festival Plaza (FP), first introduced in the Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon (SM) and kept in the Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon (USM) sequels, is the spiritual successor of the Player Search System (PSS) known from the Pokémon X and Pokémon Y (XY) and Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire (ORAS) games. The FP is the place that allows players to access online trading and battling, including the Global Trade Station (GTS), Wonder Trade (WT), and Battle Spot (BS). It does, however, also house a variety of booths and other facilities where you can, once per day, exchange earned Festival Coins (FC) for services that are beneficial for offline in-game purposes. By participating during online missions and by interacting with your Plaza guests, you can level up your FP, gain access to more features, and optimize your current facilities. The level of a facility is visualized with the help of stars: a Rare Kitchen food stall's level can, for example, range from ★ to ★★★★★, whereas a Switcheroo booth's level only ranges from ★ to ★★★. As you will learn throughout this article, some booths are version exclusive and can only offer certain services when they have the maximum level, ★★★ or ★★★★★. While the FP feature is undeniably far from flawless, farming FC to help level up your Pokémon faster at a Rare Kitchen or to help raise your Pokémon's EVs faster is still worth the time and effort. Battling at the Battle Agency (BA) facility and participating during the Global Missions with other players can help you earn a lot of FC in a short amount of time especially. You will be able to find more information about the BA and the missions later on in this article. I decided to use tables to help our dear readers keep track of all this information. In this article, I will explain to the best of my abilities everything you need to know about the FP and how you can get the most out of it for your journey through the Alola region.

Before we talk about the unlockable facilities and services, let us take a look at how many FC are needed to rank your FP all the way up in the first place.
It is important to note that the level of your FP cannot go higher than 999. You can of course still collect FC and level up your facilities after having reached that milestone, but the level will always stay at 999 for future "level ups".

Current Festival Plaza Level:Amount of FC required to Reach the Next Festival Plaza Level:Unlockable Feature(s):
You can henceforth participate in missions by spending Festival Tickets at the female Dancer in front of your FP's castle.
You can henceforth purchase facilities, including version-exclusive ones, from guests in exchange for FC. You can do so by interacting with them and asking: "Do you know any good facilities?".
You can henceforth purchase clothes, including version-exclusive ones, from guests in exchange for FC. You can do so by interacting with them and saying: "Your outfit looks great!".
Once you reach Level 20, you are able to give your FP a customizable nickname that you can change any time you want.
Once you reach Level 30, you will be able to make use of the rarest and most expensive facility services. It is important, however, to note that becoming the champion of the Alola region is a preqreuisite to accessing this feature!
Once you reach Level 40, you will unlock the ability to change your FP's background music!
Once you reach Level 50, you will unlock the "Glitz" theme, the first theme that you can use to customize your FP's castle.
Once you reach Level 60, you will unlock the "Fairy Tale" theme, the second theme that you can use to customize your FP's castle.
Once you reach Level 70, you will unlock the "Subdued" theme, the third and final theme that you can use to customize your FP's castle.
Once you reach Level 100, you will be able to boast and proudly greet your FP guests with your newly gained chatchphrase: "I reached Festival Plaza Rank 100!".

1. The Castle

The castle, which houses a variety of useful non-playable characters (NPCs), at the center is the beating heart of your FP. Once you enter the castle, you will immediately find a help desk to your right and to your left. The female Golfer on the left will explain how things work at the FP, and you can reread the information as many times as you need. This is recommendable for new players who are not as experienced with the FP yet. The Dancer on the right will help you participate during the online global missions that are hosted occasionally. The PC on the right help desk allows you to both upload and view battle videos, and you can use it to link your game(s) to your Pokémon Trainer Club and Pokémon Global Link (PGL) accounts via the Game Sync feature. Further inside the castle you can find two more help desks to your right and to your left. The female Office Worker on the left allows you to page a specific FP guest from your list into the castle, whereas the male Worker on the right allows you to rearrange your booths and to customize your FP by changing the theme of your FP castle (Glitz, Fairy Tale, Subdued, and the USM-exclusive Team Rainbow Rocket one, as well as the background music that plays in your FP (You can choose between 10 of them: Festival Plaza, Hau'oli City, Hau's Theme, Konikoni City, Malie City, Iki Town, Paniola Town, Po Town, Seafolk Village, and the USM-exclusive Team Rainbow Rocket's Castle one). I should also mention here that the facility in the first spot to the right of your FP castle will be the one that players can purchase from you. So, if you want to help out a friend with a specific facility they are looking for, you will have to rearrange your facilities so that the desired one is in the first spot. You can always come back and talk to the male Worker to change the order of your facilities again. In the table below you can find a complete list of the facility levels and their respective prices:

Facility Level:FC Costs:

As of the USM games, the male Worker was moved to the left and now shares a help desk with the female Office Worker, whereas the former right help desk is now housing the Battle Agency (BA) facility, which I will explain in more detail in the next paragraph. To the left of the throne you can find a man who trades you normal Bottle Caps in exchange for 30 Shards of the some color (red, green, blue, and yellow), which your Pokémon can find while exploring the cave of your Poké Pelago's Isle Aphun. Last but not least, there is the throne. Every time you rank up your FP, Sophocles will appear here and reward you with a brand new booth that you can either accept or decline. If you decline the booth, he will reward you with different prizes such as Pearls (both regular ones and big ones, Nuggets (both regular ones and big ones), and Festival Tickets, which you can use at the dancer in front of your FP's castle to participate in missions.

2. The Plaza Guests

Once you have completed the FP tutorial and you connect to the internet for the first time, the FP will start filling with people, both random passersby and friends whose friend codes you had already registered prior. Your FP can contain up to 50 guests, and you can also register up to 50 guests as your VIPs. You can, however, add up to 100 guests to the block list. Sometimes you will notice that the color of the speech-bubble with a guest's name has changed from blue to red. This means, for example, that this guest has a "quest" and can be interacted with. Some will ask you personal questions, and some others will kindly ask you to guide them to a specific booth they are looking for. Depending on how satisfactorily you fulfill their requests and answer their questions, you will be handsomely rewarded with FC. Below you can find a complete list in alphabetical order of the interactions and their respective rewards:

Message:Action:FC Earned:
"Battle! Battle!"Compare your player stats with your guest's15 (Guest)
23 (VIP)
"Do you know how I feel?"Guide your guest to one of your FP's shops10 (Guest)
15 (VIP)
"Do you understand?" (SM)
"Do you know?" (USM)
Compare your player stats with your guest's15 (Guest)
23 (VIP)
"Do you want to know a secret?"Just listen to your guest's secret20 (Guest)
30 (VIP)
"I'm hungry"Guide your guest to one of your FP's food stalls5 (Guest)
8 (VIP)
"I want my Pokémon to play"Guide your guest to one of your FP's Bouncy Houses or Haunted Houses5 (Guest)
8 (VIP)
"I want to be excited"Guide your guest to one of your FP's Fortune Teller tents, Haunted Houses, Lotteries, or Switcheroo facilities5 (Guest)
8 (VIP)
"I want to make my Pokémon happy"Guide your guest to one of your FP's Bouncy Houses, food stalls, or Haunted Houses5 (Guest)
8 (VIP)
"I want to meet! I want to meet!"Compare your guest's stats with the ones of another guest15 or 30 (Guest)
23 or 45 (VIP)
"I want to see great moves!" (SM)
"I want to see great skills!" (USM)
Guide your guest to one of your FP's Bouncy Houses, Dye Shops, or food stalls5 (Guest)
8 (VIP)
"I want to shop"Guide your guest to one of your FP's shops5 (Guest)
8 (VIP)
"I want to treat myself!"Guide your guest to one of your FP's Fortune Teller tents, Lotteries, shops, and Switcheroo facilities5 (Guest)
8 (VIP)
"Listen! Listen!"Just listen to what your guest has to say5 (Guest)
8 (VIP)
"Listen! Listen!"
"Will you listen about the story of my Festival Plaza?"
Just listen to what your guest has to say20 (Guest)
30 (VIP)
"Tell me! Tell me!"Just answer the personal question that your guest wants to know about you10 (Guest)
15 (VIP)

While random passersby get replaced frequently, registered VIPs stick around at your FP. So, if you want to keep certain people close to you, you can do so by adding them to your VIP list. Once you rank your FP up to Level 8, you will also be able to purchase certain booths from guests in exchange for FC, including version-exclusive Stores, Bouncy Houses, Restaurants, Dye Shops, and Fortune Teller tents. That way you can acquire specific booths of certain ranks more reliably than, say, having to wait until Sophocles finally offers to introduce it. ★ facilities can be purchased for 50 FC, ★★ ones for 100 FC, ★★★ ones for 400 FC, ★★★★ ones for 800 FC, and ★★★★★ for 1500 FC! In addition to this, once you rank your FP up to Level 10, you can also ask your guests about their favorite clothes and even purchase one piece of clothing per day from them in exchange for FC. This is an important piece of information for the fashion gurus and completionists among our readers, since this is the only way of owning a full clothing collection with all of the version-exclusives clothes.

3. The Missions

The missions can be subdivided into two categories: the Festival Plaza missions and the Global Missions.

The regular FP missions can be accessed by interacting with the female Dancer on the left in front of your FP's castle. In exchange for Festival Tickets you can play a variety of short, funny minigames with your FP guests and win some more FC to spend. While online, you can both host said minigames yourself or join other players' missions. You can also play these minigames offline by yourself, but the rewards will not be as lucrative. You can play as many minigames as you like, provided you have enough Festival Tickets to spend. Should you run out of tickets, you need to wait until midnight when the female Dancer hands you three new tickets or until Sophocles rewards you with some when you level up your FP. The minigames are usually very short and only last around 3 minutes per round. They require you to do minor tasks like breaking boulders while riding on Tauros, finding fans of specific Pokémon types among your guests, and polishing your foreign language skills by interacting with guests from all over the world. Below you can find a complete list in alphabetical order of the missions you can play:

Mission:Target:Time Limit:Activity:FC Earned:
Active in my free time!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that say they spend their free time outside of the house
5 - 50​
Big costume contest!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that wear completely different clothes as you
4 - 40​
Break boulders quickly!
1:30 minutes​
Destroy as many boulders as you can by riding Tauros in circles around your FP
3 - 30​
Chill out in your free time?
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that say they spend their free time inside the house
5 - 50 (SM)
6 - 60
Cross-cultural communications!
3:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that play their game in a language that is different from yours
4 - 40 (SM)
5 - 50
Find big brothers and sisters!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that say they are the oldest person among their siblings
5 - 50 (SM)
6 - 60
Find fans!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that wear exactly the same clothes as you
4 - 40 (SM)
5 - 50
Find lonely people!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that say they do not have a person they love
5 - 50​
Find middle children!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that say they are in the middle among their siblings
5 - 50​
Find people in love!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that say they have a person they love
5 - 50 (SM)
6 - 60
Find [Type]-enthusiasts! Part 1
3:00 minutes​
Interact with guests whose favorite Pokémon matches the typing you are supposed to search. During Part 1, only Pokémon from the Alola Dex count!
3 - 30 (SM)
4 - 40
Find [Type]-enthusiasts! Part 2
3:00 minutes​
Interact with guests whose favorite Pokémon matches the typing you are supposed to search. During Part 2, all of the Pokémon count!
5 - 50​
Greet experienced Trainers!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that claim to be experienced trainers
5 - 50 (SM)
6 - 60
Inverse-type matchup tests!
3:00 minutes​
Contrary to the type matchup tests, you are supposed to pick a type that is weak against the one mentioned by your guest. Immunity counts as "not very effective" in the case of a dual typing
6 - 60​
[Language] lesson!
3:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that speak the language that you are supposed to search (Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish)
3 - 30 (SM)
4 - 40
Looks matter most!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that say looks matter
5 - 50​
Personality matters most!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that say personality matters
5 - 50 (SM)
6 - 60
Research [color]!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that wear clothes and accessories that match the color you are supposed to search
5 - 50 (SM)
6 - 60
Secrets are something to keep!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that say they keep secrets at all costs
5 - 50 (SM)
6 - 60
Secrets are something to leak!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that admit they cannot keep secrets
5 - 50​
See through people's disguises!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that wear hats and glasses
4 - 40​
Send people to [facility]!
2:30 minutes​
Guide guests to facilities that correspond to their descriptions
4 - 40 (SM)
5 - 50
Show off muscles!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that cheer you and your Machamp on
6 - 60​
Survey about [gender] friends!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that say that that they have a lot of male/female friends
5 - 50 (SM)
6 - 60
True selves are the best!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that do not wear hats or glasses
4 - 40 (SM)
5 - 50
Type matchup tests!
3:00 minutes​
Pick a type that is very effective against the one mentioned by your guest
5 - 50 (SM)
6 - 60

The Global Missions, however, can only be accessed if you use the PC inside your FP's castle to link your game to your PGL account. As the name already suggests, these missions are aimed towards a bigger group of participants, and players get around two weeks to fulfill the missions' objectives in order to receive the full rewards. In SM, the mission tasks consisted, for example, of catching Pokémon, harvesting Berries, hatching Eggs, and winning Battle Points (BP) at the Battle Tree. If the goal was met, players were handsomly rewarded with Rare Candies and even Apricorn Balls. However, this is unfortunately no longer the case in USM. Earning Beach Points (BP) at the Mantine Surfing minigame and winning at the BA were added as USM-exclusive Global Mission goals, but the rewards only consist of notable amounts of FC. However, it is important to note that only your contributions after registering will count towards the goal. Your contributions from before signing up for the respective Global Missions will not count. Even if the goal of a mission is not quite achieved by players worldwide, the participants do not end up empty-handed and receive a consolation prize: While the full reward would have, for example, been 2000 FC, you will still end up with 1000 FC even if the mission failed. Why not give it a try? You have literally nothing to lose.

4. The Stores

The Stores can be subdivided into five categories: General Store, Ball Shop, Battle Shop, Soft Drink Parlor and the Pharmacy.
In the table down below you can find a complete list in alphabetical order of all of the item sets you can purchase once per day:

Set:Content & Quantity:FC Cost:Availability:
Attack Set
Protein x4​
Ball Set A
Poké Ball x12​
Ball Set B
Great Ball x12​
Ball Set C
Ultra Ball x12​
Ball Set D
Dive Ball x12​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Ball Set E
Nest Ball x12​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Ball Set F
Repeat Ball x12​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Ball Set G
Timer Ball x12​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Ball Set H
Dusk Ball x12​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Ball Set I
Heal Ball x12​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Ball Set J
Quick Ball x12​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Ball Set K
Premier Ball x12​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Battle Set A
Guard Spec. x4​
Battle Set B
Dire Hit x4​
Battle Set C
X Accuracy x4​
Battle Set D
X Attack x4​
Battle Set E
X Defense x4​
Battle Set F
X Sp. Atk x4​
Battle Set G
X Sp. Def x4​
Battle Set H
X Speed x4​
Defense Set
Iron x4​
Full Heal Set
Full Heal x4​
Hoenn Set
Lava Cookie x4​
Honey Set
Honey x4​
HP Set
HP Up x4​
Johto Set
Rage Candy Bar x4​
Kalos Set
Shalour Sable x4​
Lemonade Set
Lemonade x12​
Medicine Set
Hyper Potion x4​
Milk Set
Moomoo Milk x24​
Repel Set
Max Repel x12​
Revive Set
Revive x4​
Sinnoh Set
Old Gateau x4​
Soda Set
Soda Pop x12​
Special Attack Set
Calcium x4​
Special Defefense Set
Zinc x4​
Toy Set
Poké Toy x4​
Unova Set
Casteliacone x4​
Unusual Product
PP Up x1​
Unusual Med A
Max Revive x1​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Unusual Med B
Ether x1​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Value Product
Big Pearl x1​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Water Set
Fresh Water x12​

Below you can find the version-exclusive shops, including all of the item sets that the individual shops have to offer:

General Stores

★ General Stores are available in both versions of the games.
★★ General Stores are exclusive to the Sun and Ultra Sun games.
★★★ General Stores are exclusive to the Moon and Ultra Moon games.
★★★★ General Stores are exclusive to the Sun and Ultra Sun games.
★★★★★ General Stores are exclusive to the Moon and Ultra Moon games.
★ General Stores offer Ball Set A, Water Set, Honey Set, Johto Set, and Value Product.
★★ General Stores offer Ball Set A, Water Set, Honey Set, Johto Set, Value Product, and Hoenn Set.
★★★ General Stores offer Ball Set B, Soda Set, Honey Set, Johto Set, Value Product, Hoenn Set, and Sinnoh Set.
★★★★ General Stores offer Ball Set B, Soda Set, Honey Set, Johto Set, Value Product, Hoenn Set, Sinnoh Set, and Unova Set.
★★★★★ General Stores offer Ball Set B, Lemonade Set, Honey Set, Johto Set, Value Product, Hoenn Set, Sinnoh Set, Unova Set, Kalos Set, and Unusual Product.

Ball Shops

★ Ball Shops are available in both versions of the games.
★★ - ★★★ Ball Shops are are exclusive to the Moon and Ultra Moon games.
★ Ball Shops offer Ball Set A, D, and E.
★★ Ball Shops offer Ball Set A, B, D, E, F, and G.
★★★ Ball Shops offer Ball Set A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, and K.

Battle Shops

★ Battle Shops are available in both versions of the games.
★★ - ★★★ Battle Shops are exclusive to the Moon and Ultra Moon games.
★ Battle Shops offer Repel Set, Battle Set D, E, and H, Honey Set, and Toy Set.
★★ Battle Shops offer Repel Set, Battle Set D, E, F, G, and H, Honey Set, and Toy Set.
★★★ Battle Shops offer Repel Set, Battle Set A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H, Honey Set, and Toy Set.

Soft Drink Parlors

★ - ★★★ Soft Drink Parlors are exclusive to the Sun and Ultra Sun games.
★ - ★★★ Soft Drink Parlors offer Milk Set, Water Set, Soda Set, and Lemonade Set.


★ Pharmacies are available in both versions of the games.
★★ - ★★★ Pharmacies are are exclusive to the Sun and Ultra Sun games.
★ - ★★ Pharmacies offer Medicine Set, Full Heal Set, and Unusual Med B.
★★★ Pharmacies offer Medicine Set Full Heal Set, Revive Set, HP Set, Attack Set, Defense Set, Special Attack Set, Special Defense Set, Speed Set, Unusual Med A, and Unusual Med B.

5. The Dye Shops

The Dye Shops can be subdivided into eight major "teams": Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Navy Blue, Orange, Purple, and Pink. For a small fee of 10-100 FC, you can dye any white piece of clothing either via the shop's color or via the help of certain Berries that you can find in the Alola region.

Dye Shop Level:Action:FC Costs:
You can redye any previously dyed piece of clothing back to white​
You can dye any white or previously dyed piece of clothing in the pastel shade of your respective shop's color​

With the help of Berries, you can dye any white or previously dyed piece of clothing in the pastel shade of any color​
You can dye any white or previously dyed piece of clothing in the dark shade of your respective shop's color​
With the help of Berries, you can dye any white or previously dyed piece of clothing in the dark shade of any color​
You can dye any white or previously dyed piece of clothing in the bright shade of your respective shop's color​

Similarly to how certain clothes are version exclusive, Dye Shops of certain colors are also version exclusive. Additionally, the various color shades depend on the rank of the booth. Pastel shades always require 15 of each Berry, dark shades require 30 of each Berry, and bright shades always cost 100 FC and cannot be obtained with the help of Berries.

Game Version:Color & Rank of the Shop:Available Shades:Necessary Berries:
SunTeam Red ★PastelCheri, Pomeg, Tamato
SunTeam Red ★★★Pastel, DarkCheri, Pomeg, Tamato, Figy, Liechi, Occa
SunTeam Red ★★★★★Pastel, Dark, BrightCheri, Pomeg, Tamato, Figy, Liechi, Occa
SunTeam Green ★PastelHondew, Lum, Rawst
SunTeam Green ★★★Pastel, DarkHondew, Lum, Rawst, Aguav, Rindo, Salac
SunTeam Green ★★★★★Pastel, Dark, BrightHondew, Lum, Rawst, Aguav, Rindo, Salac
SunTeam Orange ★PastelKee, Leppa, Sitrus
SunTeam Orange ★★★Pastel, DarkKee, Leppa, Sitrus, Charti, Chople, Shuca
SunTeam Orange ★★★★★Pastel, Dark, BrightKee, Leppa, Sitrus, Charti, Chople, Shuca
SunTeam Purple ★PastelChesto, Custap, Ganlon, Wiki
SunTeam Purple ★★★Pastel, DarkChesto, Custap, Ganlon, Wiki, Payapa, Colbur, Kasib
SunTeam Purple ★★★★★Pastel, Dark, BrightChesto, Custap, Ganlon, Wiki, Payapa, Colbur, Kasib
MoonTeam Yellow ★PastelGrepa, Qualot, Sitrus
MoonTeam Yellow ★★★Pastel, DarkGrepa, Qualot, Sitrus, Aspear, Iapapa, Wacan
MoonTeam Yellow ★★★★★Pastel, Dark, BrightGrepa, Qualot, Sitrus, Aspear, Iapapa, Wacan
MoonTeam Blue ★PastelMaranga, Oran, Kelpsy
MoonTeam Blue ★★★Pastel, DarkMaranga, Oran, Kelpsy, Yache, Coba, Passho
MoonTeam Blue ★★★★★Pastel, Dark, BrightMaranga, Oran, Kelpsy, Yache, Coba, Passho
MoonTeam Navy Blue ★PastelKelpsy, Apicot, Chesto
MoonTeam Navy Blue ★★★Pastel, DarkKelpsy, Apicot, Chesto, Coba, Passho, Payapa
MoonTeam Navy Blue ★★★★★Pastel, Dark, BrightKelpsy, Apicot, Chesto, Coba, Passho, Payapa
MoonTeam Pink ★PastelPecha, Persim, Mago
MoonTeam Pink ★★★Pastel, DarkPecha, Persim, Mago, Petaya, Roseli
MoonTeam Pink ★★★★★Pastel, Dark, BrightPecha, Persim, Mago, Petaya, Roseli
Last edited:
[Part 2]

6. The Haunted Houses

The Haunted Houses can be subdivided into three categories: Ghost's Den, Trick Room, and Confuse Ray. In exchange for only 10 FC, you can let one of your brave Pokémon go and explore these facilities once per day. They will be rewarded with one and sometimes even two prizes, which they will proudly hand over. The prizes are mostly the same for all three kinds of Haunted Houses: Sacred Ashes, regular Bottle Caps, Heart Scales, Festival Tickets, and Hard Stones. The exclusive prizes for Ghost's Den are PP Ups, HP Ups, Protein, and Full Heals; the ones for Trick Room are Max Revives, Iron, Carbos, and Hyper Potions; and the ones for Confuse Ray are Max Elixirs, Calcium, Zinc, and Ultra Balls.

7. The Bouncy Houses

The Bouncy Houses can be subdivided into three categories: Thump-Bump Park, Clink-Clunk Land, and Stomp-Stomp House (all three are recognizable thanks to them looking like Drifblim). In exchange for FC you can let your Pokémon complete training courses that will boost their Effort Values (EVs). A lot of the different courses are version exclusive, hence why I will try to summarize this unnecessarily complicated matter to the best of my abilities.

The following info applies to all of the Bouncy Houses:

Course Level:EVs Raised:FC Costs:

Let us take a look at what makes the Bouncy Houses different:

Thump-Bump Parks

★ Thump-Bump Parks are available in both versions of the games.
★★ - ★★★★★ Thump-Bump Parks are exclusive to the Moon and Ultra Moon games.
They offer the courses B and D, raising Attack and Special Attack, respectively.
★ Thump-Bump Parks offer the courses B 1★, D 1★, B 6★, and D 6★.
★★ Thump-Bump Parks offer the courses B 1★-2★, D 1★-2★, B 6★, and D 6★.
★★★ Thump-Bump Parks offer the courses B 1★-3★, D 1★-3★, B 6★, and D 6★.
★★★★ Thump-Bump Parks offer the courses B 1★-4★, D 1★-4★, B 6★, and D 6★.
★★★★★ Thump-Bump Parks offer the courses B 1★-7★ and D 1★-7★.

Clink-Clunk Lands

★ Clink-Clunk Lands are available in both versions of the games.
★★ - ★★★★★ Clink-Clunk Lands are exclusive to the Sun and Ultra Sun games.
They offer the courses C and E, raising Defense and Special Defense, respectively.
★ Clink-Clunk Lands offer the courses C 1★, E 1★, C 6★, and E 6★.
★★ Clink-Clunk Lands offer the courses C 1★-2★, E 1★-2★, C 6★, and E 6★.
★★★ Clink-Clunk Lands offer the courses C 1★-3★, E 1★-3★, C 6★, and E 6★.
★★★★ Clink-Clunk Lands offer the courses C 1★-4★, E 1★-4★, C 6★, and E 6★.
★★★★★ Clink-Clunk Lands offer the courses C 1★-7★ and E 1★-7★.

Stomp-Stomp Houses

★ Stomp-Stomp Houses are available in both versions of the games.
★★ Stomp-Stomp Houses are exclusive to the Sun and Ultra Sun games.
★★★ Stomp-Stomp Houses are exclusive to the Moon and Ultra Moon games.
★★★★ Stomp-Stomp Houses are exclusive to the Sun and Ultra Sun games.
★★★★★ Stomp-Stomp Houses are exclusive to the Moon and Ultra Moon games.
They offer the courses A and F, raising HP and Speed, respectively.
★ Stomp-Stomp Houses offer the courses A 1★, F 1★, A 6★, and F 6★.
★★ Stomp-Stomp Houses offer the courses A 1★-2★, F 1★-2★, A 6★, and F 6★.
★★★ Stomp-Stomp Houses offer the courses A 1★-3★, F 1★-3★, A 6★, and F 6★.
★★★★ Stomp-Stomp Houses offer the courses A 1★-4★, F 1★-4★, A 6★, and F 6★.
★★★★★ Stomp-Stomp Houses offer the courses A 1★-7★ and F 1★-7★.

8. The Food Stalls

The Food Stalls can be subdivided into four categories: Rare Kitchen, Friendship Café, Friendship Parlor, and the Battle Table.
In the table below you can find a complete list in alphabetical order of the meals you can purchase once per day:
I would like to welcome the opportunity to give a shout to oppardesu for helping research some of the data:

Meal:Effect:FC Cost:Availability:
Attack Lunch
Attack EVs +10​
Defense Lunch
Defense EVs +10​
Friendship Combo
Friendship +20​
Friendship Drink
Friendship +5​
Friendship Lunch
Friendship +10​
HP Lunch
HP EVs + 10​
Level-Up Lunch 3
+3 Levels if the Pokémon's Level is ≤ Level 69​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Level-Up Lunch 5
+5 Levels if the Pokémon's Level is ≤ Level 79​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Rare Appetizer
+1 Level if the Pokémon's Level is ≤ Level 69​
Rare Breakfast
+1 Level if the Pokémon's Level is ≤ Level 29​
Rare Buffet
+9 Levels if the Pokémon's Level is ≤ Level 89​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Rare Dessert
+1 Level if the Pokémon's Level is ≤ Level 59​
Rare Dinner
+7 Levels if the Pokémon's Level is ≤ Level 79​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Rare Lunch
+1 Level if the Pokémon's Level is ≤ Level 39​
Secret Meal A
Friendship +50 + HP EVs are reduced to 0​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Secret Meal B
Friendship +50 + Attack EVs are reduced to 0​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Secret Meal C
Friendship +50 + Defense EVs are reduced to 0​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Secret Meal D
Friendship +50 + Special Attack EVs are reduced to 0​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Secret Meal E
Friendship +50 + Special Defense EVs are reduced to 0​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Secret Meal F
Friendship +50 + Speed EVs are reduced to 0​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Special Attack Lunch
Special Attack EVs +10​
Special Defense Lunch
Special Defense EVs +10​
Speed Lunch
Speed EVs +10​
Sweets Set A
Friendship +40 + HP EVs are reduced by 100​
Sweets Set B
Friendship +40 + Attack EVs are reduced by 100​
Sweets Set C
Friendship +40 + Defense EVs are reduced by 100​
Sweets Set D
Friendship +40 + Special Attack EVs are reduced by 100​
Sweets Set E
Friendship +40 + Special Defense EVs are reduced by 100​
Sweets Set F
Friendship +40 + Speed EVs are reduced by 100​

Down below you can find the version-exclusive food stalls, including all of the meals that the individual places have to offer:

Rare Kitchens

★ Rare Kitchens are available in both versions of the games.
★★ Rare Kitchens are exclusive to the Moon and Ultra Moon games.
★★★ Rare Kitchens are exclusive to the Sun and Ultra Sun games.
★★★★ Rare Kitchens are exclusive to the Moon and Ultra Moon games.
★★★★★ Rare Kitchens are exclusive to the Sun and Ultra Sun games.
★ Rare Kitchens offer Rare Breakfast and Rare Dinner.
★★ Rare Kitchens offer Rare Breakfast, Rare Dinner, and Rare Lunch.
★★★ Rare Kitchens offer Rare Breakfast, Rare Dinner, Rare Lunch, and Rare Brunch.
★★★★ Rare Kitchens offer Rare Breakfast, Rare Dinner, Rare Lunch, Rare Brunch, and Rare Dessert.
★★★★★ Rare Kitchens offer Rare Breakfast, Rare Lunch, Rare Brunch, Rare Dessert, Rare Appetizer, and Rare Buffet.

Friendship Cafés

★ Friendship Cafés are available in both versions of the games.
★★ - ★★★★★ Friendship Cafés are exclusive to the Moon and Ultra Moon games.
★ Friendship Cafés offer Sweets Set D, Friendship Drink, Friendship Lunch, Friendship Combo, and Secret Meal D.
★★ Friendship Cafés offer Sweets Set D, E, and F, Friendship Drink, Friendship Lunch, Friendship Combo, and Secret Meal D.
★★★ Friendship Cafés offer Sweets Set A, D, E, and F, Friendship Drink, Friendship Lunch, Friendship Combo, and Secret Meal D and E.
★★★★ Friendship Cafés offer Sweets Set A, B, D, E, and F, Friendship Drink, Friendship Lunch, Friendship Combo, and Secret Meal D and E.
★★★★★ Friendship Cafés offer Sweets Set A, B, C, D, E, and F, Friendship Drink, Friendship Lunch, Friendship Combo, and Secret Meal D, E, and F.

Friendship Parlors

★ Friendship Parlors are available in both versions of the games.
★★ - ★★★★★ Friendship Parlors are exclusive to the Sun and Ultra Sun games.
★ Friendship Parlors offer Sweets Set A, Friendship Drink, Friendship Lunch, Friendship Combo, and Secret Meal A.
★★ Friendship Parlors offer Sweets Set A, B, and C, Friendship Drink, Friendship Lunch, Friendship Combo, and Secret Meal A.
★★★ Friendship Parlors offer Sweets Set A, B, C, and D, Friendship Drink, Friendship Lunch, Friendship Combo, and Secret Meal A and B.
★★★★ Friendship Parlors offer Sweets Set A, B, C, D, and E, Friendship Drink, Friendship Lunch, Friendship Combo, and Secret Meal A and B.
★★★★★ Friendship Parlors offer Sweets Set A, B, C, D, E, and F, Friendship Drink, Friendship Lunch, Friendship Combo, and Secret Meal A, B, and C.

Battle Tables

★ Battle Tables are available in both versions of the games.
★★★ Battle Tables available in both versions of the games.
★★★★★ Battle Tables are exclusive to the Sun and Ultra Sun games.
★ and ★★★ Battle Tables offer HP Lunch, Attack Lunch, Defense Lunch, Special Attack Lunch, Special Defense Lunch, and Speed Lunch.
★★★★★ Battle Tables offer HP Lunch, Attack Lunch, Defense Lunch, Special Attack Lunch, Special Defense Lunch, Speed Lunch, and Level-Up Lunch 3 and 5.

9. The Lotteries

The Lotteries can be subdivided into three categories: Big Dreams, Gold Rush, and Treasure Hunt. These shops are a lot less complicated than other facilities, and you can even try your luck by drawing a ticket once per day free of charge. If you are especially lucky you might even get a bonus try. The levels of the lottery shops range from ★ to ★★★★★ and, the higher the level of your facility, the higher the chance of winning better prizes. In some cases you can even increase your chance of winning better prizes by consulting the clairvoyants in front of the Fortune Teller tents. The three different kind of lottery shops share the same prizes: Berry Juices, Full Heals, Ultra Balls, Max Ethers, Max Elixirs, Max Revives, PP Ups, PP Maxes, and only the first and second prizes vary. The first and seconds prizes are Gold Bottle Caps and regular Bottle Caps for Treasure Hunt facilities; Big Nuggets and regular Nuggets for the Gold Rush ones; and Master Balls and Rare Candies for Big Dream ones. So, why not give it a try and see if Goddess Fortuna is smiling upon you.

10. The Fortune Tellers

The clairvoyants in front of the Fortune Teller tents will give you, in exchange for 10 FC, instructions on how you can temporarily win better prizes at some of the booths and how you can increase the amount of FC that you receive from FP guests. Sometimes they will, for example, tell you to participate in missions, to use the GTS, to use the WT, or to engage in battles at the BS. The Fortune Teller tents can be subdivided into the 6 first Pokémon regions: Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos. As you might have guessed already, the Fortune Teller tents, much like a plethora of other FP facilities, are version-exclusive. In Pokémon Sun and Ultra Sun you can only obtain the Johto, Sinnoh, and Kalos tents, whereas you can only get the Kanto, Hoenn, and Unova tents in Pokémon Moon and Ultra Moon. Much like other version-exclusive facilities, you will have to purchase them in exchange for FC from your FP guests. In addition to the aforementioned perks, you can also unlock new catchphrase for you to use, based on iconic NPC quotes from the respective region your tent is based on. So, what are you waiting for? See what the future holds for you and see if you recognize any of the unlockable memorable trainer quotes. Below you can find a table with all of the unlockable catchphrases sorted alphabetically and by region:

"Begone... Intruders...""...But selling Slowpoke tails?""And confoundedly elegant!""Gagyagyaah!""Bazzazzazzash!""But this is adieu to you all."
"Bonjour!""Dragonite, Hyper Beam.""Have a blast, Pokémon Trainers!""Gugyugubah!""Bravo! Excellent!!""Fantastic! Just fantastic!"
"Hey! Wait! Don't go out!""Everyone is into Pokémon.""Hyahhn!""I'm going to get tougher...""Haaahraaan!""Fool! You silly, unseeing child!"
"Hiya! I'm a Pokémon...""For 10 years I've chased Suicune.""I can't see Mirage Island today...""It's a $10 million fine if you're late!""I'll defeat the champion.""I'll see you all later!"
"Hoo hah!""Gyaaas!""I got ashes in my eyelashes!""It's not possible that I lose!""I was expecting exactly that kind of move!""I want to know what a "Trainer" is."
"Mew!""I am just so deeply moved!""I'm just the strongest there is right now.""I was just thinking out loud.""I won't allow anyone to stop me!""Let's give it all we've got!"
"Pokémon are for battling!""I bought an adorable doll with your money.""I'm not buying any dolls.""My code name, it is Looker.""Knock it off!""Outstanding!"
"Shades of your journey await!""I'm going to train 24 hours a day!""Number of collisions: 5 times!""Please come!""Nimbasa's Pokémon can dance a nimble bossa!""Stop right there!"
"Slowbro took a snooze...""I'm the real deal!""Please! Help me out!""See? Just as analyzed.""People call me Mr. Medal!""That really hit me right here..."
"Smell ya later!""I just don't understand.""Shwahhn!""The ring is my rolling sea. ?""Plasbad, for short!""These people have a few screws loose..."
"Sorry! Bad call!""Shaooo!""So what I am talking about...""This is it! My trump card!""Preeeeaah!""Try as hard as possible!"
"Well, I better get going!""Spread the fun around.""Take your time and rest up!""Trying to monopolize Pokémon just isn't...""See who's stronger!""We'll become friends. ?"
"What do you want?"We have finally made it!""You ended up giving me a thrill!.""What do you think you're doing?!""Stop!""When I lose, I go out in style!"
"WHAT! This can't be!""What are you staring at?""You guys need some imagination.""You'll never be able to stem the flow of time!""Trainer, do your best, too!""Xsaaaaaah!"
"You better have Burn Heal!""With a jolt of electricity...""You made a much bigger splash!""Your team! I sense your strong aura!""Use Bug-type Pokémon!""You're just too, much, you know?"
"You're 10.000 light-years away from facing Brock!""You've taken your first step!""You're sharp!""Your will is overwhelming me!""You're about to feel my rage!""Yvaaaaaar!"

Apart from the region-based Fortune Teller tents, there are also Pokémon Houses with more catchphrases that are available to all Generation 7 games:

Pokémon House:
"1, 2, and... Ta-da!"
"How's the future Champ today?"
"No thanks!"
"The power of science is awesome."
"There! All happy and healthy!"
"There's nothing funny about Nuggets."
"Why, you!"
"Would you like to use Cut?"
"Your Pokémon seems to be very happy!"

11. The Battle Agency

The aforementioned Battle Agency (BA) is an USM-exclusive FP feature where players can borrow one of 3 available Pokémon and team up with registered friends or current FP guests to challenge the BA trainers that also happen to be Battle Tree (BT) trainers. This overlap is why the movesets may look familiar to you. Despite the set of 3 available Pokémon only changing at midnight, you can use the USM-exclusive Switcheroo booths (recognizable thanks to them looking like Alolan Persian) to try your luck and get 3 new Pokémon to choose from. A maximum level ★★★ Switcheroo booth even allows you to re-roll new Pokémon up to 3 times at the cost of 10 FC per roll. Not only can you farm a considerable amount of FC through battling at the BA, but you can also win prizes such as Rare Candies and Gold Bottle Caps by completing grades and by defeating Giovanni, the final boss of every 10th grade (starting at Grade 9). Every time you complete a Grade, your Pokémon's Level also increases by one, meaning that you start at Level 50 at Grade 0 and finish with Level 100 at Grade 50 (the maximum grade). As you reach new grades, you also unlock battle settings such as weather and Terrains. At Grade 10 you unlock sun and rain; at Grade 16 you unlock hail and sandstorm; at Grade 21 you unlock Electric Terrain and Misty Terrain; at Grade 31 you unlock Grassy Terrain and Psychic Terrain; at Grade 41 you unlock extremely harsh sunlight, heavy rain, and strong winds. However, it is also worth noting that your teammates' availability expires after only 3 days. Once that happens, both you and said players will have to meet online at the FP again at the same time in order to renew the availability. While the BA is undeniably a useful feature on one hand, it is unfortunately not flawless on the other hand. So, in order to get the most out of it, I can only highly recommend you to look for fellow teammates in online Pokémon communities, since the random AI partners are locked to Grade 0. Finally, once you reach Grade 30 at the BA, you will be able to show off your achievement by wearing your newly gained Agent Sunglasses too.


This about sums up everything you need to know about how the FP works and how you can effectively aim to obtain certain ranks, booths, and services to help you and your Pokémon get the most out of your journey through the Alola region. So, what are you waiting for? Go out there and be the best trainer you can be!
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Alright, I welcome the opportunity to tag shiny finder, DHR-107 and Jellicent to proudly announce that this in-game article is henceforth ready for the QC stage!

I also welcome the opportunity to give a big shout out to my friend and fellow Wi-Fier oppardesu for helping me with some research.
None of the other online FP guides give the exact amount of raised friendship when consuming Secret Meals and Sweets Sets at the FP food stalls.
oppardesu tested it out with the help of PKHeX and helped provide the information that will help make this guide more "accurate" and "complete" than all of the others! Thank you very much!

I did however leave out a list with all of the catchphrases that you can unlock when using the fortune teller tents, since they're just a gimmick and don't give you any in-game advantages. If you think it's worthwhile, then I'll gladly add it though!
Wow that was a lot of info lol (2 hours was a bit of an underestimate). Great work Max. Optimizer! I gave it a read (cross-checking serebii/bulba as I went) and I have a few comments/corrections/suggestions. Please amend as you see fit:

You may consider adding the max number of people in festival plaza (i.e. max size of VIP list). I think it's set to 50.

Another bit of info you could include is: Any particular recommendations on efficient ways to farm for FC or a specific house? Any items/services of note? For example, is grinding for the level up or EV services worth my time? If you choose to add these (or similar concepts), they don't necessarily need to be extra sections.
Once you reach Level 50, you will unlock the "Fairy Tale" theme, the second theme that you can use to customize your FP's castle.
I think you mean level 60.

It may be helpful to add that you can change music at lvl 40 within the table.
Not sure if you want to add it, but there might be a slight difference in the sayings whether you're in SM or USUM (i.e. moves/skills and understand/know). Really minor.

Please double-check the FC values for the "Listen! Listen!..." entry.
Personally, I'd get rid of the leading zeros for the targets in the mission list. I know that's how Bulba has it, but it looks bad to me lol.

Please double-check the type matchup rewards.

Optional: You may consider adding that your trades or w/e don't count toward the global mission before you register for it. I know I was disappointed to learn that after I had just spent a bunch of time GTS trading haha.
Please double-check the price of the Value Product (Big pearl)

The value product is missing from the General Store list of goods.

3/4/5 star General Store Ball sells Ball Set B, not A

3/4 star General Store sells Soda Set not water

5star General sells Lemonade not water

Ball shop 1 star in S/US as well (maybe 2 star as well, I've seen conflicting info)

Similarly, 1 star battle in Sun/US too

Likewise, 1star pharmacy in M/UM

1star pharm also sells Unusual Med B
According to Serebii, Cornn can be used for Dark Red, and I think Kelpsy is needed for Pastel Blue.
Max Elixer, Max Revive, PP Up are also exclusives among the houses
You have some copy/paste errors for the Click-cluck (CE) and stomp houses (AF) when you list the available services
I've seen conflicting info about the version exclusives, so it may be worth double checking that the Rare Kitchens are in fact version exclusive below 5 star

Is the Rare Dinner only available on 5 star or can you get it on 1 Star as well?

Similarly, double check battle table 3-star not in M/UM as well.
This may come out in GP, but "Whit With a jolt of electricity..."

Please double check battle agency levels at which the weather/terrain occurs.
Many of those places I asked for a double-check are a result of discrepancies. I'm not saying you're wrong, and in fact I'm not 100% sure myself. But it might be worth a double-check just in case.

All-in-all, super minor. Again, nice work and thanks! ^_^
Thank you very much for your valuable feedback, shiny finder!
It's indeed a lot of info and GF made it unnecessarily complicated by having version-exclusive facilities and ranks.
I will gladly double-check the things you suggested and apply the changes once I'm back home later.

Once I apply the changes I'll proceed to leave a detailed change log for future reference!
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Change log:
You may consider adding the max number of people in festival plaza (i.e. max size of VIP list). I think it's set to 50.

Another bit of info you could include is: Any particular recommendations on efficient ways to farm for FC or a specific house? Any items/services of note? For example, is grinding for the level up or EV services worth my time? If you choose to add these (or similar concepts), they don't necessarily need to be extra sections.

Yes, 50 guests. You can register 50 as VIPs and you can block up to 100! This has been added to the "Guests" section.
The grinding recommendations have been added as well!


I think you mean level 60.

It may be helpful to add that you can change music at lvl 40 within the table.

Yes, I meant 60. This was corrected.
Being able to change the music from Level 40 onwards was added to the table.

Plaza Guests
Not sure if you want to add it, but there might be a slight difference in the sayings whether you're in SM or USUM (i.e. moves/skills and understand/know). Really minor.

Please double-check the FC values for the "Listen! Listen!..." entry.

The formulation nuances between SM and USUM games were added.
I divided the "Listen! Listen!..." into two segments.
The gained amount of FC is correct


Personally, I'd get rid of the leading zeros for the targets in the mission list. I know that's how Bulba has it, but it looks bad to me lol.

Please double-check the type matchup rewards.

Optional: You may consider adding that your trades or w/e don't count toward the global mission before you register for it. I know I was disappointed to learn that after I had just spent a bunch of time GTS trading haha.

I got rid of the leading zeros for the targets.
The type matchup rewards were fixed!
The info regarding Global Missions was added!


Please double-check the price of the Value Product (Big pearl)

The value product is missing from the General Store list of goods.

3/4/5 star General Store Ball sells Ball Set B, not A

3/4 star General Store sells Soda Set not water

5star General sells Lemonade not water

Ball shop 1 star in S/US as well (maybe 2 star as well, I've seen conflicting info)

Similarly, 1 star battle in Sun/US too

Likewise, 1star pharmacy in M/UM

1star pharm also sells Unusual Med B

The price for the Big Pearl (Value Product) seems to be correct: 10 FC.
The Value Product was added to the "General Stores" section.
The "General Store" lists were updated.
The other shops were updated as well!

Dye shops

According to Serebii, Cornn can be used for Dark Red, and I think Kelpsy is needed for Pastel Blue.

(The Cornn berry is programmed into Gen 7, but it's only available in Gen 6, similar to how the gems were programmed in Gen 6 and yet they were never used.) That's something I researched when I initially implemented the table around a week ago. I already had Kelpsy implemented in the table for both Blue and Navy Blue.


Max Elixer, Max Revive, PP Up are also exclusives among the houses

The Haunted Houses were updated!


You have some copy/paste errors for the Click-cluck (CE) and stomp houses (AF) when you list the available services

This was fixed!

Food Stalls

I've seen conflicting info about the version exclusives, so it may be worth double checking that the Rare Kitchens are in fact version exclusive below 5 star

Is the Rare Dinner only available on 5 star or can you get it on 1 Star as well?

Similarly, double check battle table 3-star not in M/UM as well.

The Kitchens are indeed version-exclusive.
The Rare Dinner is available for all of the Kitchens. This was fixed!
★★★ Battle Tables are available in both versions. This was fixed!

Fortune Tellers

This may come out in GP, but "Whit With a jolt of electricity..."

Please double check battle agency levels at which the weather/terrain occurs.

"Whit" was corrected to "With" (that was a minor typo on my part).
The weather/terrain levels were fixed!
Last edited:
The price for the Big Pearl (Value Product) seems to be correct: 10 FC.
I already had Kelpsy implemented in the table for both Blue and Navy Blue.
It appears to still be listed as 100 FC for the Big Pearl in the table (Stores section, second to last entry in the table)
Similarly, the Team Blue 1 star is missing the Kelpsy entry. I think all need 3 berry types, unless I'm mistaken.

Other than that, looks great! Thanks. :)
It appears to still be listed as 100 FC for the Big Pearl in the table (Stores section, second to last entry in the table)
Similarly, the Team Blue 1 star is missing the Kelpsy entry. I think all need 3 berry types, unless I'm mistaken.

Other than that, looks great! Thanks. :)

There we go! Everything was implemented.
With the help of my friend Frazone (Aizawa Shōta) I was also able to both confirm and implement further useful information regarding the dye shops!
amcheck post 1

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Title: Festival Plaza


The Festival Plaza (FP), first introduced in the Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon (SM) and kept in the Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon (USM) sequels, is the spiritual successor of the Player Search System (PSS) known from the Pokémon X and Pokémon Y (XY) and Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire (ORAS) games (parallelism). The FP is the place that allows the players to access online trading and battling, including the Global Trade Station (GTS), Wonder Trade (WT), and Battle Spot (BS). It does, (AC) however, (AC) also house a variety of booths and other facilities where you can, once per day, exchange earned Festival Coins (FC) for services that are beneficial for offline in-game purposes. By participating during online missions and by interacting with your Plaza guests, you can level up your FP, (AC) and gain access to more features, (AC) and optimize your current facilities. The level of a facility is visualized with the help of stars: a Rare Kitchen food stall's level can, (AC) for example, (AC) range from ★ to ★★★★★, whereas a Switcheroo booth's level only ranges from ★ to ★★★. As you will learn throughout this article, some booths are version-exclusive and can only offer certain services when they have the maximum level, ★★★ or ★★★★★. While the FP feature is undeniably far from being flawless, farming FC to help level up your Pokémon level up faster at a Rare Kitchen or to help raise your Pokémon's EVs faster is still worth the time and effort. Especially battling Battling at the Battle Agency (BA) facility and participating during the Global Missions with other fellow players can help you earn a lot of FC in a short amount of time especially! You will be able to find more information about the BA and the missions later on in this article. I decided to use tables in order to in order to help our dear readers keeping track of all of this information. In this article, (AC) I will try to explain to the best of my abilities everything you need to know about the FP and how you can get the most out of it for your journey through the Alola region!

Before we talk about the unlockable facilities and services, let us take a look at how many FC are needed to rank your FP all the way up in the first place.
It is also important to note that the level of your FP cannot go higher than 999. You can of course still collect FC and level up your facilities (should specify what you're leveling since it's not the FP level) after having reached that milestone, but the level will always stay at 999 for future "level ups".

Current Festival Plaza Level:Amount of FC required to reach Reach the Next Festival Plaza Level:Unlockable feature(s) Feature(s):
You can henceforth participate during in missions by spending Festival Tickets at the female dancer Dancer in front of your FP's castle.
You can henceforth purchase facilities, including version-exclusive ones, from guests in exchange for FC. You can do so by interacting with them and asking: "Do you know any good facilities?". (AP)
You can henceforth purchase clothes, including version-exclusive ones, from guests in exchange for FC. You can do so by interacting with them and saying: "Your outfit looks great!". (AP)
Once you reach Level 20, you are able to give your FP a customizable nickname that you can change any time you want.
Once you reach Level 30, you will be able to make use of the most rare rarist and most expensive facility services. It is however important, (AC) however, (AC) to note that having defeated the Elite 4 and subsequently having become becoming the champion of the Alola region are also is a necessary prerequisites preqreuisite to accessing this feature! (becoming champ implies the former. Should specify what the feature is--facilities, in which case change to these features, or L30)
Once you reach Level 40, you will unlock the ability to change your FP's background music!
Once you reach Level 50, you will unlock the "Glitz" theme, the first theme that you can use to customize your FP's castle.
Once you reach Level 60, you will unlock the "Fairy Tale" theme, the second theme that you can use to customize your FP's castle.
Once you reach Level 70, you will unlock the "Subdued" theme, the third and final theme that you can use to customize your FP's castle.
Once you reach Level 100, you will be able to boast and proudly greet your FP guests with your newly gained chatchphrase: "I reached Festival Plaza Rank 100!". (AP)

1. The Castle

The castle, which houses a variety of useful non-playable characters (NPCs), at the center is the beating heart of your FP that houses a variety of useful NPCs. Once you enter the castle, (AC) you will immediately find a help desk (Add space) to your right and to your left. The female golfer Golfer on the left will explain how things work at the FP, (AC) and you can reread the information as many times as you need. This is recommendable for new players that are not as experienced with the FP yet. The dancer Dancer on the right will help you participate during the online global missions that are hosted occasionally every now and then. The PC on the right help desk (Add space) also allows you to both upload and view battle videos, (AC) and you can use it to link your game(s) to your Pokémon Trainer Club and Pokémon Global Link (PGL) accounts via the Game Sync feature as well. Further back inside the castle you can find 2 more help desks (Add space) to your right and to your left. The female office worker (if this is a trainer class, it should be capitalized) on the left allows you to page a specific FP guest from your list into the castle, whereas the male worker (if this is a trainer class, it should be capitalized) on the right allows you to rearrange your booths and he lets you to customize your FP by changing the theme of your FP castle (Glitz, Fairy Tale, Subdued, and the USM-exclusive Team Rainbow Rocket one (if this is unlocked at a level, considering adding to the table above)), as well as the background music that plays in your FP (You can choose between 10 of them: Festival Plaza, Hau'oli City, Hau's Theme, Konikoni City, Malie City, Iki Town, Paniola Town, Po Town, Seafolk Village, and the USM-exclusive Team Rainbow Rocket's Castle one). I should also mention here that the facility in the first spot to the right of your FP castle will be the one that players can purchase from you. So, if you want to help out a friend with a specific facility they are looking for, you will have to rearrange your facilities so that the desired one is in the first spot! You can always come back and talk to the male construction worker (if this is a trainer class, it should be capitalized) to change the order of your facilities again. In the table down below you can find a complete list with all of the facility levels and their respective prices:

Facility Level:FC Costs:
As of the USM games, the male worker was moved to the left and now shares a help desk (add space) with the female office worker, whereas the former right help desk (add space) is now housing the Battle Agency (BA) facility, (AC) which that I will explain in more detail in the next paragraph (again, capitalize trainer class if applicable). To the left of the throne you can find a man that trades you normal Bottle Caps in exchange for 30 shards of the some color (red, green, blue, and yellow), (AC) that which your Pokémon can find while exploring the cave of your Poké Pelago's Isle Aphun. Last but not least, there is the throne. Every time you rank up your FP, Sophocles will appear here and reward you with a brand new booth that you can either accept or decline. If you decline the booth, he will reward you with different prizes such as Pearls (both regular ones and big ones, Nuggets (both regular ones and big ones), (AC) and Festival Tickets, (AC) which that you can use at the dancer in front of your FP's castle in order to participate in some more missions.

2. The Plaza Guests

Once you have completed the FP tutorial and you connect to the internet for the first time, it the FP will start filling with people, both random passerby passersby and friends whose friend codes you had already registered prior. Your FP can contain up to 50 guests, (AC) and you can also register up to 50 guests as your VIPs. You can, (AC) however, (AC) add up to 100 guests to the block list! Sometimes you will notice that the color of the speech-bubble with a guest's name changed has changed from blue to red read. This means, (AC) for example, (AC) that this guest has a "quest" and can be interacted with. Some will ask you personal questions, (AC) and some others will kindly ask you to guide them to a specific booth they are looking for. (AP) and, depending Depending on how satisfactorily you fulfill their requests and answer their questions, you will be handsomly handsomely rewarded with FC. Down below Below you can find a complete list in alphabetical order with all of the interactions and their respective rewards:

Message:Action:FC Earned earned:
"Battle! Battle!"Compare your player stats with your guest's15 (Guest)
23 (VIP)
"Do you know how I feel?"Guide your guest to one of your FP's shops10 (Guest)
15 (VIP)
"Do you understand?" (SM)
"Do you know?" (USM)
Compare your player stats with your guest's15 (Guest)
23 (VIP)
"Do you want to know a secret?"Just listen to your guest's secret20 (Guest)
30 (VIP)
"I'm hungry"Guide your guest to one of your FP's food stalls5 (Guest)
8 (VIP)
"I want my Pokémon to play"Guide your guest to one of your FP's Bouncy Houses or Haunted Houses5 (Guest)
8 (VIP)
"I want to be excited"Guide your guest to one of your FP's Fortunte Fortune Teller tents, Haunted Houses, Lotteries, (AC) or Switcheroo facilities5 (Guest)
8 (VIP)
"I want to make my Pokémon happy"Guide your guest to one of your FP's Bouncy Houses, food stalls, (AC) (capitalize if official name) or Haunted Houses5 (Guest)
8 (VIP)
"I want to meet! I want to meet!"Compare your guest's stats with the ones of one of your another guest's15 or 30 (Guest)
23 or 45 (VIP)
"I want to see great moves!" (SM)
"I want to see great skills!" (USM)
Guide your guest to one of your FP's Bouncy Houses, Dye Shops, (AC) or food stalls (capitalize if official name)5 (Guest)
8 (VIP)
"I want to shop"Guide your guest to one of your FP's shops5 (Guest)
8 (VIP)
"I want to treat myself!"Guide your guest to one of your FP's Fortune Teller tents, Lotteries, shops, and Switcheroo facilities5 (Guest)
8 (VIP)
"Listen! Listen!"Just listen to what your guest has to say5 (Guest)
8 (VIP)
"Listen! Listen!"
"Will you listen about the story of my Festival Plaza?"
Just listen to what your guest has to say20 (Guest)
30 (VIP)
"Tell me! Tell me!"Just answer the personal question that your guest wants to know about you10 (Guest)
15 (VIP)

While random passerby passersby get replaced frequently, registered VIPs stick around at your FP. So, if you want to keep certain people close to you, you can do so by adding them to your VIP list. Once you rank your FP up to Level 8, you will also be able to purchase certain booths from guests in exchange for FC, including version-exclusive Stores, Bouncy Houses, Restaurants, Dye Shops, and Fortune Teller tents. That way you can acquire specific booths of certain ranks more reliably than, say, having to wait until Sophocles finally offers to introduce it. ★ facilities can be purchased for 50 FC, ★★ ones for 100 FC, ★★★ ones for 400 FC, ★★★★ ones for 800 FC, (AC) and ★★★★★ for 1500 FC! In addition to this, once you rank your FP up to Level 10, you can also ask your guests about their favorite clothes and even purchase one piece of clothing per day from them in exchange for FC. This is for example an important piece of information for the fashion gurus and completionists among our readers, since this is the only way of owning a full clothing collection with all of the version-exclusives clothes.

3. The Missions

The missions can be subdivided into 2 categories: The the Festival Plaza missions and the Global Missions.

The regular FP missions can be accessed by interacting with the female dancer Dancer on the left in front of your FP's castle. In exchange for Festival Tickets you can play a variety of short, (AC) funny minigames with your FP guests and win some more FC to spend. While online, you can both host said minigames yourself, (RC) or you can join other players' missions. You can also play these minigames offline all by yourself, but the rewards will obviously not be as lucrative. You can play as many minigames as you like, provided you have enough Festival Tickets to spend. Should you run out of tickets, then you need to wait until midnight until when the female dancer Dancer hands you 3 new tickets or until Sophocles rewards you with some when you level up your FP. The minigames are usually very short and only last around 3 minutes per round. They require you to do minor tasks like breaking boulders while riding on Tauros, finding fans of specific Pokémon types among your guests, (AC) and you can even polish polishing your foreign language skills by interacting with guests from all over the world! (parallelism) Down below Below you can find a complete list in alphabetical order with all of the missions you can play:

Mission:Target:Time Limit:Activity:FC Earnedearned:
Active in my free time!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that say that they spend their free time outside of the house
5 - 50​
Big costume contest!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that wear completely different clothes as you
4 - 40​
Break boulders quickly!
1:30 minutes​
Destroy as many boulders as you can by riding Tauros in circles around your FP
3 - 30​
Chill out in your free time?
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that say that I they spend their free time inside the house
5 - 50 (SM)
6 - 60
Cross-cultural communications!
3:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that play their game in a language that is different from yours
4 - 40 (SM)
5 - 50
Find big brothers and sisters!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that say that they are the oldest person among their siblings
5 - 50 (SM)
6 - 60
Find fans!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that wear exactly the same clothes as you
4 - 40 (SM)
5 - 50
Find lonely people!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that say that they do not have a person they love
5 - 50​
Find middle children!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that say that they are the in the middle among their siblings
5 - 50​
Find people in love!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that say that they have a person they love
5 - 50 (SM)
6 - 60
Find [Type]-enthusiasts! Part 1
3:00 minutes​
Interact with guests whose favorite Pokémon matches the typing you are supposed to search. During Part 1, only Pokémon from the Alola Dex count!
3 - 30 (SM)
4 - 40
Find [Type]-enthusiasts! Part 2
3:00 minutes​
Interact with guests whose favorite Pokémon matches the typing you are supposed to search. During Part 2, all of the Pokémon count!
5 - 50​
Greet experienced Trainers!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that claim to be experienced trainers
5 - 50 (SM)
6 - 60
Inverse-type matchup tests!
3:00 minutes​
Contrary to the type matchup tests, you are supposed to pick a type that is weak against the one mentioned by your guest. Immunity counts as "not very effective" in the case of a dual typing
6 - 60​
[Language] lesson!
3:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that speak the language that you are supposed to search (RP) (Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish)
3 - 30 (SM)
4 - 40
Looks matter most!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that say that looks matter
5 - 50​
Personality matters most!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that say that personality matters
5 - 50 (SM)
6 - 60
Research [color]!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that wear clothes and accessories that match the color you are supposed to search
5 - 50 (SM)
6 - 60
Secrets are something to keep!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that say that they keep secrets at all costs
5 - 50 (SM)
6 - 60
Secrets are something to leak!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that admit that they cannot keep secrets
5 - 50​
See through people's disguises!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that wear hats and glasses
4 - 40​
Send people to [facility]!
2:30 minutes​
Guide guests to facilities that correspond to their descriptions
4 - 40 (SM)
5 - 50
Show off muscles!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that cheer you and your Machamp on
6 - 60​
Survey about [gender] friends!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that say that that they have a lot of male/female friends
5 - 50 (SM)
6 - 60
True selves are the best!
2:00 minutes​
Interact with guests that do not wear hats or glasses
4 - 40 (SM)
5 - 50
Type matchup tests!
3:00 minutes​
Pick a type that is very effective against the one mentioned by your guest
5 - 50 (SM)
6 - 60

lots of "that"s so tried to remove some in the table

The Global Missions, (AC) however, (AC) can only be accessed if you use the PC inside your FP's castle to link your game to your PGL account. As the name already suggests, these missions are aimed towards a bigger group of participants, (AC) and players get around 2 weeks to fulfill the missions' objectives satisfactorily in order to receive the full rewards. In SM, (AC) the mission tasks consisted, (AC) for example, (AC) of catching Pokémon, harvesting Berries, hatching eggs, and winning Battle Points (BP) at the Battle Tree. (AP) and, if If the goal was met, players were handsomly rewarded with Rare Candies and even Apricorn Balls! However, this is unfortunately no longer the case in USM. Earning Beach Points (BP) at the Mantine Surfing minigame and winning at the BA were added as USM-exclusive Global Mission goals, but the rewards only consist of notable amounts of FC anymore. However, it is however (changing up sentence structure a bit) important to note that only your contributions after registering will count towards the goal! Your contributions from before signing up for the respective Global Missions will not count. Even if the goal of a mission is not quite achieved by players worldwide, the participants do not end up empty-handed and receive a consolation prize: While the full reward would have, (AC) for example, (AC) been 2000 FC, you will still end up with 1000 FC even if the mission failed. Why not give it a try? You have literally nothing to lose!

4. The Stores

The Stores can be subdivided into 5 categories: General Store, Ball Shop, Battle Shop, Soft Drink Parlor and the Pharmacy.
In the table down below you can find a complete list in alphabetical order of all of the item sets you can purchase once per day:

Set:Content & Quantity:FC cost Cost:Availability:
Attack Set
Protein x4​
Ball Set A
Poké Ball x12​
Ball Set B
Great Ball x12​
Ball Set C
Ultra Ball x12​
Ball Set D
Dive Ball x12​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Ball Set E
Nest Ball x12​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Ball Set F
Repeat Ball x12​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Ball Set G
Timer Ball x12​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Ball Set H
Dusk Ball x12​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Ball Set I
Heal Ball x12​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Ball Set J
Quick Ball x12​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Ball Set K
Premier Ball x12​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Battle Set A
Guard Spec. x4​
Battle Set B
Dire Hit x4​
Battle Set C
X Accuracy x4​
Battle Set D
X Attack x4​
Battle Set E
X Defense x4​
Battle Set F
X Special Attack X Sp. Atk x4 (use official name)
Battle Set G
X Special Attack X Sp. Def x4​
Battle Set H
X Speed x4​
Defense Set
Iron x4​
Full Heal Set
Full Heal x4​
Hoenn Set
Lava Cookie x4​
Honey Set
Honey x4​
HP Set
HP Up x4​
Johto Set
Rage Candy Bar x4​
Kalos Set
Shalour Sable x4​
Lemonade Set
Lemonade x12​
Medicine Set
Hyper Potion x4​
Milk Set
Moomoo Milk x24​
Repel Set
Max Repel x12​
Revive Set
Revive x4​
Sinnoh Set
Old Gateau x4​
Soda Set
Soda Pop x12​
Special Attack Set
Calcium x4​
Special Defefense Set
Zinc x4​
Toy Set
Poké Toy x4​
Unova Set
Casteliacone x4​
Unusual Product
PP Up x1​
Unusual Med A
Max Revive x1​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Unusual Med B
Ether x1​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Value Product
Big Pearl x1​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Water Set
Fresh Water x12​

Down below Below you can find the version-exclusive shops, including all of the item sets that the individual shops have to offer:

General Stores

★ General Stores are available in both versions of the games.
★★ General Stores are exclusive to the Sun and Ultra Sun games.
★★★ General Stores are exclusive to the Moon and Ultra Moon games.
★★★★ General Stores are exclusive to the Sun and Ultra Sun games.
★★★★★ General Stores are exclusive to the Moon and Ultra Moon games.
★ General Stores offer Ball Set A, Water Set, Honey Set, Johto Set, and Value Product.
★★ General Stores offer Ball Set A, Water Set, Honey Set, Johto Set, Value Product, and Hoenn Set.
★★★ General Stores offer Ball Set B, Soda Set, Honey Set, Johto Set, Value Product, Hoenn Set, and Sinnoh Set.
★★★★ General Stores offer Ball Set B, Soda Set, Honey Set, Johto Set, Value Product., (AC and RP) Hoenn Set, Sinnoh Set, and Unova Set.
★★★★★ General Stores offer Ball Set B, Lemonade Set, Honey Set, Johto Set, Value Product, Hoenn Set, Sinnoh Set, Unova Set, Kalos Set, and Unusual Product.

Ball Shops

★ Ball Shops are available in both versions of the games.
★★ - ★★★ Ball Shops are are exclusive to the Moon and Ultra Moon games.
★ Ball Shops offer Ball Set A, D, and E.
★★ Ball Shops offer Ball Set A, B, D, E, F, and G.
★★★ Ball Shops offer Ball Set A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, and K.

Battle Shops

★ Battle Shops are available in both versions of the games.
★★ - ★★★ Battle Shops are are exclusive to the Moon and Ultra Moon games.
★ Battle Shops offer Repel Set, Battle Set D, E, and H, Honey Set, and Toy Set.
★★ Battle Shops offer Repel Set, Battle Set D, E, F, G, and H, Honey Set, and Toy Set.
★★★ Battle Shops offer Repel Set, Battle Set A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H, Honey Set, and Toy Set.

Soft Drink Parlors

★ - ★★★ Soft Drink Parlors are exclusive to the Sun and Ultra Sun games.
★ - ★★★ Soft Drink Parlors offer Milk Set, Water Set, Soda Set, and Lemonade Set.


★ Pharmacies are available in both versions of the games.
★★ - ★★★ Pharmacies are are exclusive to the Sun and Ultra Sun games.
★ - ★★ Pharmacies offer Medicine Set, Full Heal Set, and Unusual Med B.
★★★ Pharmacies offer Medicine Set Full Heal Set, Revive Set, HP Set, Attack Set, Defense Set, Special Attack Set, Special Defense Set, Speed Set, Unusual Med A, and Unusual Med B.

5. The Dye Shops

The Dye Shops can be subdivided into 8 major "teams": Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Navy Blue, Orange, Purple, and Pink. For a small fee of 10-100 FC, (AC) you can dye any white piece of clothing either via the shop's color or with via the help of certain Berries that you can find in the Alola region.

Dye Shop Level:Action:FC Costs:
You can redy redye any previously dyed piece of clothing back to white​
You can dye any white or previously dyed piece of clothing in the pastel shade of your respective shop's color​

With the help of Berries, you can dye any white or previously dyed piece of clothing in the pastel shade of any color​
You can dye any white or previously dyed piece of clothing in the dark shade of your respective shop's color​
With the help of Berries, you can dye any white or previously dyed piece of clothing in the dark shade of any color​
You can dye any white or previously dyed piece of clothing in the bright shade of your respective shop's color​

Similar to how certain clothes are version-exclusive, Dye Shops of certain colors are also version-exclusive. In addition to this Additionally, the various color shades depend on the rank of the booth. Pastel shades always require 15 of each Berry, dark shades require 30 of each Berry, (AC) and bright shades always cost 100 FC and cannot be obtained with the help of Berries.

Game Version:Color & Rank of the Shop:Available Shades:Necessary Berries:
SunTeam Red ★PastelCheri, Pomeg, Tamato
SunTeam Red ★★★Pastel, DarkCheri, Pomeg, Tamato, Figy, Liechi, Occa
SunTeam Red ★★★★★Pastel, Dark, BrightCheri, Pomeg, Tamato, Figy, Liechi, Occa
SunTeam Green ★PastelHondew, Lum, Rawst
SunTeam Green ★★★Pastel, DarkHondew, Lum, Rawst, Aguav, Rindo, Salac
SunTeam Green ★★★★★Pastel, Dark, BrightHondew, Lum, Rawst, Aguav, Rindo, Salac
SunTeam Orange ★PastelKee, Leppa, Sitrus
SunTeam Orange ★★★Pastel, DarkKee, Leppa, Sitrus, Charti, Chople, Shuca
SunTeam Orange ★★★★★Pastel, Dark, BrightKee, Leppa, Sitrus, Charti, Chople, Shuca
SunTeam Purple ★PastelChesto, Custap, Ganlon, Wiki
SunTeam Purple ★★★Pastel, DarkChesto, Custap, Ganlon, Wiki, Payapa, Colbur, Kasib
SunTeam Purple ★★★★★Pastel, Dark, BrightChesto, Custap, Ganlon, Wiki, Payapa, Colbur, Kasib
MoonTeam Yellow ★PastelGrepa, Qualot, Sitrus
MoonTeam Yellow ★★★Pastel, DarkGrepa, Qualot, Sitrus, Aspear, Iapapa, Wacan
MoonTeam Yellow ★★★★★Pastel, Dark, BrightGrepa, Qualot, Sitrus, Aspear, Iapapa, Wacan
MoonTeam Blue ★PastelMaranga, Oran, Kelpsy
MoonTeam Blue ★★★Pastel, DarkMaranga, Oran, Kelpsy, Yache, Coba, Passho
MoonTeam Blue ★★★★★Pastel, Dark, BrightMaranga, Oran, Kelpsy, Yache, Coba, Passho
MoonTeam Navy Blue ★PastelKelpsy, Apicot, Chesto
MoonTeam Navy Blue ★★★Pastel, DarkKelpsy, Apicot, Chesto, Coba, Passho, Payapa
MoonTeam Navy Blue ★★★★★Pastel, Dark, BrightKelpsy, Apicot, Chesto, Coba, Passho, Payapa
MoonTeam Pink ★PastelPecha, Persim, Mago
MoonTeam Pink ★★★Pastel, DarkPecha, Persim, Mago, Petaya, Roseli
MoonTeam Pink ★★★★★Pastel, Dark, BrightPecha, Persim, Mago, Petaya, Roseli
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6. The Haunted Houses

The Haunted Houses can be subdivided into 3 categories: Ghost's Den, Trick Room, and Confuse Ray. In exchange for only 10 FC, (AC) you can let one of your brave enough Pokémon go and explore these facilities once per day. (AP) and they They will be rewarded with one and sometimes even two prizes that which they will proudly hand you over. The prizes are mostly the same for the all 3 different kinds of Hauntes houses Haunted Houses: Sacred Ashes, regular Bottle Caps, Heart Scales, Festival Tickets, and Hard Stones. The exclusive prizes for Ghost's Den are PP Ups, HP Ups, Protein, and Full Heals,; (RC and AS) the ones for Trick Room are Max Revives, Iron, Carbos, and Hyper Potions; (AS) and the ones for Confuse Ray are Max Elixirs, Calcium, Zinc, and Ultra Balls.

7. The Bouncy Houses

The Bouncy Houses can be subdivided into 3 categories: Thump-Bump Park, Clink-Clunk Land, and Stomp-Stomp House (all 3 are recognizeable recognizable thanks to them looking like Driblims Drifblim). In exchange for FC you can let your Pokémon complete training courses that will boost their Effort Values (EVs). A lot of the different courses are version-exclusive, hence why I will try to summarize this unnecessarily-(AH)complicated matter to the best of my abilities.

The following info applies to all of the Bouncy Houses:

Course Level:EVs raised Raised:FC Costs:

Let us take a look at what makes the Bouncy Houses different:

Thump-Bump Parks

★ Thump-Bump Parks are available in both versions of the games.
★★ - ★★★★★ Thump-Bump Parks are exclusive to the Moon and Ultra Moon games.
They offer the courses B and D, respectively raising Attack and Special Attack, (AC) respectively.
★ Thump-Bump Parks offer the courses B 1★, D 1★, B 6★, and D 6★.
★★ Thump-Bump Parks offer the courses B 1★-2★, D 1★-2★, B 6★, and D 6★.
★★★ Thump-Bump Parks offer the courses B 1★-3★, D 1★-3★, B 6★, and D 6★.
★★★★ Thump-Bump Parks offer the courses B 1★-4★, D 1★-4★, B 6★, and D 6★.
★★★★★ Thump-Bump Parks offer the courses B 1★-7★ and D 1★-7★.

Clink-Clunk Lands

★ Clink-Clunk Lands are available in both versions of the games.
★★ - ★★★★★ Clink-Clunk Lands are exclusive to the Sun and Ultra Sun games.
They offer the courses C and E, respectively raising Defense and Special Defense, (AC) respectively.
★ Clink-Clunk Lands offer the courses C 1★, E 1★, C 6★, and E 6★.
★★ Clink-Clunk Lands offer the courses C 1★-2★, E 1★-2★, C 6★, and E 6★.
★★★ Clink-Clunk Lands offer the courses C 1★-3★, E 1★-3★, C 6★, and E 6★.
★★★★ Clink-Clunk Lands offer the courses C 1★-4★, E 1★-4★, C 6★, and E 6★.
★★★★★ Clink-Clunk Lands offer the courses C 1★-7★ and E 1★-7★.

Stomp-Stomp Houses

★ Stomp-Stomp Houses are available in both versions of the games.
★★ Stomp-Stomp Houses are exclusive to the Sun and Ultra Sun games.
★★★ Stomp-Stomp Houses are exclusive to the Moon and Ultra Moon games.
★★★★ Stomp-Stomp Houses are exclusive to the Sun and Ultra Sun games.
★★★★★ Stomp-Stomp Houses are exclusive to the Moon and Ultra Moon games.
They offer the courses A and F, respectively raising HP and Speed, (AC) respectively.
★ Stomp-Stomp Houses offer the courses A 1★, F 1★, A 6★, and F 6★.
★★ Stomp-Stomp Houses offer the courses A 1★-2★, F 1★-2★, A 6★, and F 6★.
★★★ Stomp-Stomp Houses offer the courses A 1★-3★, F 1★-3★, A 6★, and F 6★.
★★★★ Stomp-Stomp Houses offer the courses A 1★-4★, F 1★-4★, A 6★, and F 6★.
★★★★★ Stomp-Stomp Houses offer the courses A 1★-7★ and F 1★-7★.

8. The Food Stalls

The Food Stalls can be subdivided into 4 categories: Rare Kitchen, Friendship Café, Friendship Parlor, and the Battle Table.
In the table down below you can find a complete list in alphabetical order of all of the meals you can purchase once per day:
I would like to welcome the opportunity to give a shout to oppardesu for helping research some of the data:

Meal:Effect:FC cost Cost:Availability:
Attack Lunch
Attack EVs +10​
Defense Lunch
Defense EVs +10​
Friendship Combo
Friendship +20​
Friendship Drink
Friendship +5​
Friendship Lunch
Friendship +10​
HP Lunch
HP EVs + 10​
Level-Up Lunch 3
+3 Levels if the Pokémon's Level is ≤ Level 69​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Level-Up Lunch 5
+5 Levels if the Pokémon's Level is ≤ Level 79​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Rare Appetizer
+1 Level if the Pokémon's Level is ≤ Level 69​
Rare Breakfast
+1 Level if the Pokémon's Level is ≤ Level 29​
Rare Buffet
+9 Levels if the Pokémon's Level is ≤ Level 89​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Rare Dessert
+1 Level if the Pokémon's Level is ≤ Level 59​
Rare Dinner
+7 Levels if the Pokémon's Level is ≤ Level 79​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Rare Lunch
+1 Level if the Pokémon's Level is ≤ Level 39​
Secret Meal A
Friendship +50 + HP EVs are reduced to 0​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Secret Meal B
Friendship +50 + Attack EVs are reduced to 0​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Secret Meal C
Friendship +50 + Defense EVs are reduced to 0​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Secret Meal D
Friendship +50 + Special Attack EVs are reduced to 0​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Secret Meal E
Friendship +50 + Special Defense EVs are reduced to 0​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Secret Meal F
Friendship +50 + Spe Speed EVs are reduced to 0​
Post-E4 + FP Rank 30+​
Special Attackk Attack Lunch
Special Attack EVs +10​
Special Defense Lunch
Special Defense EVs +10​
Spe Speed Lunch
Spe Speed EVs +10​
Sweets Set A
Friendship +40 + HP EVs are reduced by 100​
Sweets Set B
Friendship +40 + Attack EVs are reduced by 100​
Sweets Set C
Friendship +40 + Defense EVs are reduced by 100​
Sweets Set D
Friendship +40 + Special Attack EVs are reduced by 100​
Sweets Set E
Friendship +40 + Special Defense EVs are reduced by 100​
Sweets Set F
Friendship +40 + Spe Speed EVs are reduced by 100​

Down below you can find the version-exclusive food stalls, including all of the meals that the individual places have to offer:

Rare Kitchens

★ Rare Kitchens are available in both versions of the games.
★★ Rare Kitchens are exclusive to the Moon and Ultra Moon games.
★★★ Rare Kitchens are exclusive to the Sun and Ultra Sun games.
★★★★ Rare Kitchens are exclusive to the Moon and Ultra Moon games.
★★★★★ Rare Kitchens are exclusive to the Sun and Ultra Sun games.
★ Rare Kitchens offer Rare Breakfast and Rare Dinner.
★★ Rare Kitchens offer Rare Breakfast, Rare Dinner, and Rare Lunch.
★★★ Rare Kitchens offer Rare Breakfast, Rare Dinner, Rare Lunch, and Rare Brunch.
★★★★ Rare Kitchens offer Rare Breakfast, Rare Dinner, Rare Lunch, Rare Brunch, and Rare Dessert.
★★★★★ Rare Kitchens offer Rare Breakfast, Rare Lunch, Rare Brunch, Rare Dessert, Rare Appetizer, and Rare Buffet.

Friendship Cafés

★ Friendship Cafés are available in both versions of the games.
★★ - ★★★★★ Friendship Cafés are exclusive to the Moon and Ultra Moon games.
★ Friendship Cafés offer Sweets Set D, Friendship Drink, Friendship Lunch, Friendship Combo, and Secret Meal D.
★★ Friendship Cafés offer Sweets Set D, E, and F, Friendship Drink, Friendship Lunch, Friendship Combo, and Secret Meal D.
★★★ Friendship Cafés offer Sweets Set A, D, E, and F, Friendship Drink, Friendship Lunch, Friendship Combo, and Secret Meal D and E.
★★★★ Friendship Cafés offer Sweets Set A, B, D, E, and F, Friendship Drink, Friendship Lunch, Friendship Combo, and Secret Meal D and E.
★★★★★ Friendship Cafés offer Sweets Set A, B, C, D, E, and F, Friendship Drink, Friendship Lunch, Friendship Combo, and Secret Meal D, E, and F.

Friendship Parlors

★ Friendship Parlors are available in both versions of the games.
★★ - ★★★★★ Friendship Parlors are exclusive to the Sun and Ultra Sun games.
★ Friendship Parlors offer Sweets Set A, Friendship Drink, Friendship Lunch, Friendship Combo, and Secret Meal A.
★★ Friendship Parlors offer Sweets Set A, B, and C, Friendship Drink, Friendship Lunch, Friendship Combo, and Secret Meal A.
★★★ Friendship Parlors offer Sweets Set A, B, C, and D, (AC) Friendship Drink, Friendship Lunch, Friendship Combo, and Secret Meal A and B.
★★★★ Friendship Parlors offer Sweets Set A, B, C, D, and E, Friendship Drink, Friendship Lunch, Friendship Combo, and Secret Meal A and B.
★★★★★ Friendship Parlors offer Sweets Set A, B, C, D, E, and F, Friendship Drink, Friendship Lunch, Friendship Combo, and Secret Meal A, B, and C.

Battle Tables

★ Battle Tables are available in both versions of the games.
★★★ Battle Tables available in both versions of the games.
★★★★★ Battle Tables are exclusive to the Sun and Ultra Sun games.
★ and ★★★ Battle Tables offer HP Lunch, Attack Lunch, Defense Lunch, Special Attack Lunch, Special Defense Lunch, and Speed Lunch.
★★★★★ Battle Tables offer HP Lunch, Attack Lunch, Defense Lunch, Special Attack Lunch, Special Defense Lunch, Speed Lunch, and Level-Up Lunch 3 and 5.

9. The Lotteries

The Lotteries can be subdivided into 3 categories: Big Dreams, Gold Rush, (AC) and Treasure Hunt. These shops are a lot less complicated than other facilities, (AC) and you can even try your luck by drawing a ticket once per day free of charge! If you are especially lucky you might even sometimes be able to get a bonus try! The levels of the lottery shops range from ★ to ★★★★★ and, the higher the level of your facility, the higher the chance of winning better prizes. In some cases you can even increase your chance of winning better prizes by consulting the clairvoyants in front of the Fortune Teller tents. The 3 different kind of lottery shops share the same prizes: Berry Juices, Full Heals, Ultra Balls, Max Ethers, Max Elixirs, Max Revives, PP Ups, PP Maxs Maxes, (AC) and only the first and second prizes vary. The first and seconds prizes are Gold Bottle Caps and regular Bottle Caps for Treasure Hunt facilities,; (RC and AS) Big Nuggets, (RC) and regular Nuggets for the Gold Rush ones; (AS) and Master Balls and Rare Candies for Big Dream ones. So, why not give it a try and see if Goddess Fortuna is smiling upon you!

10. The Fortune Tellers

The clairvoyants in front of the Fortune Teller tents will give you, in exchange for 10 FC, instructions on how you can temporarily win better prizes at some of the booths and how you can increase the amount of FC that you receive from FP guests. Sometimes they will, (AC) for example, (AC) tell you to participate in missions, to use the GTS, to use the WT, (AC) or to engage in battles at the BS. The Fortune Teller tents can be subdivided into the 6 first Pokémon regions: Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos. As you might have guessed already, the Fortune Teller tents, much like a plethora of other FP facilities, are version-exclusive. In Pokémon Sun and Ultra Sun you can for example only get obtain the Johto, Sinnoh, and Kalos tents, whereas you can only get the Kanto, Hoenn, and Unova tents in Pokémon Moon and Ultra Moon. Much like other version-exclusive facilities, you will have to purchase them in exchange for FC from your FP guests. In addition to the aforementioned perks, you can also unlock new catchphrase for you to use, based on iconic NPC quotes from the respective region your tent is based on. So, what are you waiting for? See what the future holds for you and see if you recognize any of the unlockable memorable trainer quotes! Down below Below (down below is repititive) you can find a table with all of the unlockable catchphrases sorted alphabetically and by region:

"Begone... Intruders...""...But selling Slowpoke tails?""And confoundedly elegant!""Gagyagyaah!""Bazzazzazzash!""But this is adieu to you all."
"Bonjour!""Dragonite, Hyperbeam." Check spelling since it's Hyper Beam"Have a blast, Pokémon Trainers!""Gugyugubah!""Bravo! Excellent!!""Fantastic! Just fantastic!"
"Hey! Wait! Don't go out!""Everyone is into Pokémon.""Hyahhn!""I'm going to get tougher...""Haaahraaan!""Fool! You silly, unseeing child!"
"Hiya! I'm a Pokémon...""For 10 years I've chased Suicune.""I can't see Mirage Island today...""It's a $10 million fine if you're late!""I'll defeat the champion.""I'll see you all later!"
"Hoo hah!""Gyaaas!""I got ashes in my eyelashes!""It's not possible that I lose!""I was expecting exactly that kind of move!""I want to know what a "Trainer" is."
"Mew!""I am just so deeply moved!""I'm just the strongest there is right now.""I was just thinking out loud.""I won't allow anyone to stop me!""Let's give it all we've got!"
"Pokémon are for battling!""I bought an adorable doll with your money.""I'm not buying any dolls.""My code name, it is Looker.""Knock it off!""Outstanding!"
"Shades of your journey await!""I'm going to train 24 hours a day!""Number of collisions: 5 times!""Please come!""Nimbasa's Pokémon can dance a nimble bossa!""Stop right there!"
"Slowbro took a snooze...""I'm the real deal!""Please! Help me out!""See? Just as analyzed.""People call me Mr. Medal!""That really hit me right here..."
"Smell ya later!""I just don't understand.""Shwahhn!""The ring is my rolling sea. ?""Plasbad, for short!""These people have a few screws loose..."
"Sorry! Bad call!""Shaooo!""So what I am talking about...""This is it! My trump card!""Preeeeaah!""Try as hard as possible!"
"Well, I better get going!""Spread the fun around.""Take your time and rest up!""Trying to monopolize Pokémon just isn't...""See who's stronger!""We'll become friends. ?"
"What do you want?"We have finally made it!""You ended up giving me a thrill!.""What do you think you're doing?!""Stop!""When I lose, I go out in style!"
"WHAT! This can't be!""What are you staring at?""You guys need some imagination.""You'll never be able to stem the flow of time!""Trainer, do your best, too!""Xsaaaaaah!"
"You better have Burn Heal!""With a jolt of electricity...""You made a much bigger splash!""Your team! I sense your strong aura!""Use Bug-type Pokémon!""Your just too, much, you know?"
"You're 10.000 Bright-years away from facing Brock!""You've taken your first step!""You're sharp!""Your will is overwhelming me!""You're about to feel my rage!""Yvaaaaaar!"

Apart from the region-based Fortune Teller tents, there is are also Pokémon Houses with more catchphrases that are available to all Generation 7 games:

Pokémon House:
"1, 2, and... Ta-da!"
"How's the future Champ today?"
"No thanks!"
"The power of science is awesome."
"There! All happy and healthy!"
"There's nothing funny about Nuggets."
"Why, you!"
"Would you like to use Cut?"
"Your Pokémon seems to be verry very happy!"

11. The Battle Agency

The aforementioned Battle Agency (BA) is an USM-exclusive FP feature where players can borrow one of 3 available Pokémon and team up with registered friends or current FP guests to challenge the BA trainers that also happen to be Battle Tree (BT) trainers,. (AP) hence This overlap is why the movesets may look familiar to you! Was a rather long sentence so broke it up. Despite the fact that a the set of 3 available Pokémon only ever changes changing at midnight, you can make use of use the USM-exclusive Switcheroo booths (recognizeable recognizable thanks to them looking like Alolan Persians Persian) to try your luck and get 3 new Pokémon to choose from. A maximum level ★★★ Switcheroo booth even allows you to re-(AH)roll new Pokémon up to 3 times! Not only can you farm a considerable amount of FC through battling at the BA, but you can also win prizes such as Rare Candies and Gold Bottle Caps by completing grades and by defeating Giovanni, the final boss of every 10th grade (starting at grade Grade 9 you capitalize grade everywhere else, so did same here for consistency). Every time you complete a grade Grade, your Pokémon's level Level also increases by one level, meaning that you start at Level 50 at Grade 0 and that you finish with Level 100 at Grade 50 (the maximum grade). As you reach new grades, you also unlock battle settings such as weather and terrains Terrains! At Grade 10 you unlock Sunlight sun and Rain rain,; (RC and AS) at Grade 16 you unlock Hail hail and Sandstorm sandstorm,; (RC and AS) at Grade 21 you unlock Electric Terrain and Misty Terrain,; (RC and AS) at Grade 31 you unlock Grassy Terrain and Psychic Terrain,; (RC and AS) at Grade 41 you unlock Extremely Harsh Sunlight , Heavy Rain and Strong Winds extremely harsh sunlight, heavy rain, and strong winds. However, it is however also worth noting that your teammates' availability expires after only 3 days! Once that happens, both you and said players will have to meet online at the FP again at the exact same time in order to renew the availability. While the BA is undeniably a useful feature on one hand, it is however unfortunately not flawless on the other hand. So, in order to get the most our of it, I can only highly recommend you to look for fellow teammates in online Pokémon communities, since the random AI partners are locked to Grade 0. Finally, once you reach Grade 30 at the BA, you will be able to show off your achievement by wearing your newly-gained Agent Sunglasses too!

terrains are capitalized; weathers are not


This about sums up everything you need to know about how the FP works and how you can effectively aim to obtain certain ranks, booths, and services to help you and your Pokémon get the most out of your journey through the Alola region. So, what are you waiting for? Go out there and be the best trainer you can be!
Looks good MO, thanks!
Last edited:
sorry for late reply I missed this tag

validationwise this checks out & i have no major qualms with the design so most of this is gonna be nitpicks


this looks rly cramped, make sure you keep the games on the same line as the values, cleanest way that i'm aware of/have found is set whitespace:nowrap; to the td

also these are technically unordered lists so you probably? should use that over <br /> (& use some classes accordingly)
- remove the colons from the table header cells
- center the values in the "current festival plaza level" (section 1), "set" (section 4), and "meal" (section 8) columns for consistency (that way your system roughly will be centering "values" and left-aligning "phrases", only exception is section 5 which doesn't look jarring this way), rn that looks kinda off

i think that's it Ryota Mitarai
sorry for late reply I missed this tag

validationwise this checks out & i have no major qualms with the design so most of this is gonna be nitpicks


this looks rly cramped, make sure you keep the games on the same line as the values, cleanest way that i'm aware of/have found is set whitespace:nowrap; to the td

also these are technically unordered lists so you probably? should use that over <br /> (& use some classes accordingly)
- remove the colons from the table header cells
- center the values in the "current festival plaza level" (section 1), "set" (section 4), and "meal" (section 8) columns for consistency (that way your system roughly will be centering "values" and left-aligning "phrases", only exception is section 5 which doesn't look jarring this way), rn that looks kinda off

i think that's it Ryota Mitarai
everything should be in

for the <br /> thing, I used that property and also played a bit with the size of that <td> in particular and the <table> to achieve the effect.

lmk if there's something else I need to address.
everything should be in

for the <br /> thing, I used that property and also played a bit with the size of that <td> in particular and the <table> to achieve the effect.

lmk if there's something else I need to address.
Thanks again Ryota! Think you addressed TDP's comments so only suggestion I have would be to center the #guests table itself in section 2 to keep it consistent with the others.
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