Ferrothorn (Analysis)


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okay if I did this wrong, blame Matthew.



<p>Ferrothorn has always enjoyed a spot in the top 5 in standard OU thanks to its incredible bulk, access to an array of support moves, and unique defensive typing giving it resistances to the top threats in the tier. One would think, then, that a metagame infested by Shadow Tag Chandelure makes it incredibly difficult to do its job. However, this is not the case. Sure, Chandelure obliterates Ferrothorn with any Fire-type attack bar a rain-soaked Flamethrower, but with the proper precautions, such as the vital item Shed Shell, Ferrothorn can work around Chandelure to perform its regular duties, from laying down hazards to dealing nasty status to your opponents. Ferrothorn is just one of those Pokemon that can fit into just about any team style, since the support it supplies is universally important.</p>

name: Standard
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Leech Seed / Spikes
move 3: Protect / Thunder Wave
move 4: Gyro Ball / Power Whip
item: Shed Shell / Leftovers
nature: Relaxed
evs: 252 HP / 88 Def / 168 SpD
ivs: 0 Spe


<p>This set encompasses the variety of roles Ferrothorn can play. Stealth Rock is perhaps the most important support move, breaking Dragonite's Multiscale, hindering Flying-types in general, and dealing harsh damage to common Fire-types on sun teams, such as Volcarona. Leech Seed provides vital recovery for Ferrothorn in lieu of Leftovers, while chipping away at your opponent's health. However, Spikes further perpetuates the entry hazard damage, making it very hard for your opponent to switch in hastily and repeatedly. Protect is as cowardly as ever, helping Ferrothorn scout for your opponent's attacks and gaining it a free turn of recovery from Leech Seed. However, Thunder Wave can be used to cripple common switch-ins, such as the deadly Chandelure. Finally, Ferrothorn has access to two powerful STAB moves that prevent it from becoming total Taunt bait; Gyro Ball is a great choice, as it takes advantage of Ferrothorn's dirt slow Speed to attain a massive 150 Base Power against most opponents. However, Power Whip is the preferred option if you are running Thunder Wave support, as your opponent's Pokemon will be much slower, neutering Gyro Ball's power.</p>


<p>First of all, the most important thing to note is the use of Shed Shell over Leftovers. This allows Ferrothorn to escape the clutches of Chandelure, which also makes it a makeshift Chandelure lure. Instead of making a risky double switch, you can stay in, lay your hazard, and if Chandelure comes in, you can switch to the appropriate counter. The given EVs and a Relaxed nature are not too difficult to understand, investing completely in Ferrothorn's fantastic bulk while reducing its Speed, allowing for the strongest possible Gyro Ball. If you run Thunder Wave, you should instead run the full 31 IVs and an Impish nature. This allows Ferrothorn to outspeed paralyzed max Speed positive-natured Rotom-A and slower, which also includes Gyarados, Dragonite, Toxicroak, Heatran, and Chandelure, which is useful if you need Ferrothorn to lay one last hazard or Leech Seed before sacrificing itself.</p>

<p>Anything that can take a massive hit from Chandelure makes a great partner for Ferrothorn, since that is most likely what is switching in. In rain, Politoed and Tentacruel giggle at Chandelure's Fire-type attacks; neither are even 5HKOed by Choice Specs Overheat in the rain—in other words, Chandelure is switching out immediately before getting drenchedwith a rain-boosted Water attack. However, if your opponent is wise to your Ferrothorn's Shed Shell, it may choose to fire off an Energy Ball or Shadow Ball to hit either Pokemon hard. Hydreigon is the best switch-in, resisting all of Chandelure's attacks aside from its Hidden Power of choice and threatening to OHKO Chandelure with Dark Pulse. Outside of rain, a Chandelure of your own partners well with Ferrothorn, with paralysis support and entry hazards paving the way for Chandelure to eliminate Pokemon that threaten the rest of your team.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Ferrothorn has a colorful array of support moves, but it has little room for them on its sets. Swords Dance and Curse are great options to give Ferrothorn some fire power, the latter boosting its defense simultaneously. Toxic provides further status and can provide further residual damage for your opponent alongside Leech Seed, but Ferrothorn is strapped for move slots as it is and Thunder Wave is typically the more valuable status move.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Shadow Tag Chandelure is, bar none, the best check to Ferrothorn. Shed Shell only provides Ferrothorn an escape route, while Chandelure can easily set up a Substitute, boost with Calm Mind, or just blast away with any move it thinks will cover your switch-in. If Ferrothorn is running Leftovers, Chandelure can do the same things at its leisure, although it's usually better off attacking because Ferrothorn's attacks will always break its Substitutes. Powerful Fighting-types such as Terrakion, Conkeldurr, Breloom, and Infernape can take on Ferrothorn with little effort, the latter roasting Ferrothorn with any Fire-type move, but all of these must take the residual damage from Iron Barbs into account. Ninetales can come in to set up sun almost for free, since it is not threatened by neither Gyro Ball nor Power Whip and can force Ferrothorn out, threatening it with its mere presence, not to mention a nuclear Flamethrower or Fire Blast.</p>
Mention Gravity in OO. On the set, make the first move Spikes, the more important hazard, and change the Spikes slash in the second slot to Stealth Rock. I would make an amateur GP check, but it seems too early. This needs to get on-site as soon as possible. And damn boy you first.
Thanks for the input, but I'm going to keep the current slashes as they are. Sun and Chandelure are just so powerful in DW metagame that having an instant hazard to strip the Fire-types of 25% is just too good to pass up. If it can get Spikes up, that's a huge bonus. I know Gravity is mentioned on the OU analysis but there's no precedent to include Gravity on every Pokemon that uses learns it.

Also, I don't see a need to rush these. Who knows when we're going to have a functional DW section and the correct CSS and whatever else needs to be done? When that stuff is closer to completion, I'll fix this up as much as possible to make it easier for the grammar checkers.

<p>Ferrothorn has always enjoyed a spot in the top 5 in standard OU, thanks to its incredible bulk, access to an array of support moves, and unique defensive typing giving it resistances to the top threats in the tier. One would think, then, that a metagame infested by Shadow Tag Chandelure makes it incredibly difficult to do its job. However, this is not the case. Sure, Chandelure obliterates Ferrothorn with any Fire-type attack bar a rain-soaked Flamethrower, but with the proper precautions, such as the vital item Shed Shell, Ferrothorn can works around Chandelure to perform its regular duties, from laying down hazards to dealing nasty status to your opponents. Ferrothorn is just one of those Pokemon that can fit into just about any team style, since the support it supplies is universally important.</p>

name: Standard
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Leech Seed / Spikes
move 3: Protect / Thunder Wave
move 4: Gyro Ball / Power Whip
item: Shed Shell / Leftovers
nature: Relaxed
evs: 252 HP / 88 Def / 168 SpD
ivs: 0 Spe


<p>This set encompasses the variety of roles Ferrothorn can play. Stealth Rock is perhaps the most important support move, breaking Dragonite's Multiscale, hindering Flying-types in general, and dealing harsh damage to common Fire-types on sun teams, such as Volcarona. Leech Seed provides vital recovery for Ferrothorn in lieu of Leftovers, while chipping away at your opponent's health. However, Spikes further perpetuates the entry hazard damage, making it very hard for your opponent to switch in hastily and repeatedly. Protect is as cowardly as ever, helping Ferrothorn scout for your opponent's attacks and gaining it a free turn of recovery from Leech Seed. However, Thunder Wave can be used to cripple common switch-ins, such as the deadly Chandelure. Ferrothorn has access to two powerful STAB moves that prevent it from becoming total Taunt bait; Gyro Ball is a great choice, utilizingas it takes advantage of Ferrothorn's dirt slow Speed andto attaining a massive 150 Base Power on most faster opponents. However, if you are running Thunder Wave support, Power Whip is the preferred option since, as your opponent's Pokemon will be much slower, neutering Gyro Ball's power.</p>


<p>First of all, the most important thing to note is the use of Shed Shell over Leftovers. This allows Ferrothorn to escape the clutches of Chandelure, which also makes it a makeshift Chandelure lure. Instead of making a risky double switch, you can stay in, lay your hazard, and if Chandelure comes in, you can switch to the appropriate counter. The given EVs and a Relaxed nature are not too difficult to understand, investing completely in Ferrothorn's fantastic bulk while, in tandem with 0 Speed IVs, allowing for maximum power output for Gyro Ball.(alternatively, perhaps "—investing completely in Ferrothorn's fantastic bulk while reducing its Speed, allowing for the strongest possible Gyro Ball.) If you run Thunder Wave, you may want toshould instead run the full 31 IVs and an Impish nature. This allows itFerrothorn to outspeed paralyzed max Speed positive-natured Rotom-A and slower, which also includes Gyarados, Dragonite, Toxicroak, Heatran, and Chandelure, which is useful if you need Ferrothorn to lay one last hazard or Leech Seed before sacrificing itself.</p>

<p>Anything that can take a massive hit from Chandelure makes a great partner for Ferrothorn, since that is most likely what is switching in. In rain, Politoed and Tentacruel (the latter in the rain of course) giggle at Chandelure's Fire-type attacks; neither are even 5HKOed by Choice Specs Overheat in the rain—in other words, Chandelure is switching out immediately before getting drenched in a rain-boosted Water attack. However, if your opponent is wise to your Ferrothorn's Shed Shell, it may choose to fire of an Energy Ball or Shadow Ball to hit either Pokemon hard (therefore? suggest a partner to cover all bases, or simply say "smart play is essential" or something of that sort? right now it's just kind of hanging). Outside of rain, a Chandelure of your own partners well with Ferrothorn, with paralysis support and entry hazards paving the way for Chandelure to eliminate Pokemon that threaten the rest of your team.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Ferrothorn has a colorful array of support moves, but it has little room for them on its sets. Swords Dance and Curse are great options to give Ferrothorn some fire power, the latter boosting its defense simultaneously. Toxic provides further status and can provide further residual damage for your opponent alongside Leech Seed, but Ferrothorn is strapped for move slots as it is and Thunder Wave is typically the more valuable status move.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Shadow Tag Chandelure is, bar none, the best check to Ferrothorn. Shed Shell only provides Ferrothorn an escape route, while Chandelure can easily set up a Substitute, boost with Calm Mind, or just blast away with any move it thinks will cover your switch-in. If Ferrothorn is running Leftovers, Chandelure can do the same things at its leisure, laughing while Ferrothorn weakly slaps it with either of its resisted STAB attacks (do they break chandelure's subs?). Powerful Fighting-types such as Terrakion, Conkeldurr, Breloom, and Infernape can take on Ferrothorn with little effort, the latter roasting Ferrothorn with any Fire-type move, but all of these must take the residual damage from Iron Barbs into account. Ninetales can come in to set up sun almost for free, since it is not threatened by either Gyro Ball or Power Whip and can force Ferrothorn out, threatening it with its mere presence, not to mention a nuclear Flamethrower or Fire Blast.</p>



<p>Ferrothorn has always enjoyed a spot in the top 5 in standard OU, thanks to its incredible bulk, access to an array of support moves, and unique defensive typing giving it resistances to the top threats in the tier. One would think, then, that a metagame infested by Shadow Tag Chandelure makes it incredibly difficult to do its job. However, this is not the case. Sure, Chandelure obliterates Ferrothorn with any Fire-type attack bar a rain-soaked Flamethrower, but with the proper precautions, such as the vital item Shed Shell, Ferrothorn can work around Chandelure to perform its regular duties, from laying down hazards to dealing nasty status to your opponents. Ferrothorn is just one of those Pokemon that can fit into just about any team style, since the support it supplies is universally important.</p>

name: Standard
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Leech Seed / Spikes
move 3: Protect / Thunder Wave
move 4: Gyro Ball / Power Whip
item: Shed Shell / Leftovers
nature: Relaxed
evs: 252 HP / 88 Def / 168 SpD
ivs: 0 Spe


<p>This set encompasses the variety of roles Ferrothorn can play. Stealth Rock is perhaps the most important support move, breaking Dragonite's Multiscale, hindering Flying-types in general, and dealing harsh damage to common Fire-types on sun teams, such as Volcarona. Leech Seed provides vital recovery for Ferrothorn in lieu of Leftovers, while chipping away at your opponent's health. However, Spikes further perpetuates the entry hazard damage, making it very hard for your opponent to switch in hastily and repeatedly. Protect is as cowardly as ever, helping Ferrothorn scout for your opponent's attacks and gaining it a free turn of recovery from Leech Seed. However, Thunder Wave can be used to cripple common switch-ins, such as the deadly Chandelure. Ferrothorn has access to two powerful STAB moves that prevent it from becoming total Taunt bait; Gyro Ball is a great choice, as it takes advantage of Ferrothorn's dirt slow Speed to attain a massive 150 Base Power on most faster opponents. However, if you are running Thunder Wave support, Power Whip is the preferred option, as your opponent's Pokemon will be much slower, neutering Gyro Ball's power.</p>


<p>First of all, the most important thing to note is the use of Shed Shell over Leftovers. This allows Ferrothorn to escape the clutches of Chandelure, which also makes it a makeshift Chandelure lure. Instead of making a risky double switch, you can stay in, lay your hazard, and if Chandelure comes in, you can switch to the appropriate counter. The given EVs and a Relaxed nature are not too difficult to understand, investing completely in Ferrothorn's fantastic bulk while, in tandem with 0 Speed IVs, allowing for maximum power output for Gyro Ball. (alternatively, perhaps "—investing completely in Ferrothorn's fantastic bulk while reducing its Speed, allowing for the strongest possible Gyro Ball.") If you run Thunder Wave, you should instead run the full 31 IVs and an Impish nature. This allows Ferrothorn to outspeed paralyzed max Speed positive-natured Rotom-A and slower, which also includes Gyarados, Dragonite, Toxicroak, Heatran, and Chandelure, which is useful if you need Ferrothorn to lay one last hazard or Leech Seed before sacrificing itself.</p>

<p>Anything that can take a massive hit from Chandelure makes a great partner for Ferrothorn, since that is most likely what is switching in. In rain, Politoed and Tentacruel giggle at Chandelure's Fire-type attacks; neither are even 5HKOed by Choice Specs Overheat in the rain—in other words, Chandelure is switching out immediately before getting drenched in a rain-boosted Water attack. However, if your opponent is wise to your Ferrothorn's Shed Shell, it may choose to fire of an Energy Ball or Shadow Ball to hit either Pokemon hard (therefore? suggest a partner to cover all bases, or simply say "smart play is essential" or something of that sort? right now it's just kind of hanging). Outside of rain, a Chandelure of your own partners well with Ferrothorn, with paralysis support and entry hazards paving the way for Chandelure to eliminate Pokemon that threaten the rest of your team.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Ferrothorn has a colorful array of support moves, but it has little room for them on its sets. Swords Dance and Curse are great options to give Ferrothorn some fire power, the latter boosting its defense simultaneously. Toxic provides further status and can provide further residual damage for your opponent alongside Leech Seed, but Ferrothorn is strapped for move slots as it is and Thunder Wave is typically the more valuable status move.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Shadow Tag Chandelure is, bar none, the best check to Ferrothorn. Shed Shell only provides Ferrothorn an escape route, while Chandelure can easily set up a Substitute, boost with Calm Mind, or just blast away with any move it thinks will cover your switch-in. If Ferrothorn is running Leftovers, Chandelure can do the same things at its leisure, laughing while Ferrothorn weakly slaps it with either of its resisted STAB attacks (do they break chandelure's subs? if they don't, might be worth a mention). Powerful Fighting-types such as Terrakion, Conkeldurr, Breloom, and Infernape can take on Ferrothorn with little effort, the latter roasting Ferrothorn with any Fire-type move, but all of these must take the residual damage from Iron Barbs into account. Ninetales can come in to set up sun almost for free, since it is not threatened by either Gyro Ball or Power Whip and can force Ferrothorn out, threatening it with its mere presence, not to mention a nuclear Flamethrower or Fire Blast.</p>
(Quick Comments)


<p>Ferrothorn has always enjoyed a spot in the top 5 in standard OU, thanks to its incredible bulk, access to an array of support moves, and unique defensive typing giving it resistances to the top threats in the tier. One would think, then, that a metagame infested by Shadow Tag Chandelure makes it incredibly difficult to do its job. However, this is not the case. Sure, Chandelure obliterates Ferrothorn with any Fire-type attack bar a rain-soaked Flamethrower, but with the proper precautions, such as the vital item Shed Shell, Ferrothorn can work around Chandelure to perform its regular duties, from laying down hazards to dealing nasty status to your opponents. Ferrothorn is just one of those Pokemon that can fit into just about any team style, since the support it supplies is universally important.</p>

name: Standard
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Leech Seed / Spikes
move 3: Protect / Thunder Wave
move 4: Gyro Ball / Power Whip
item: Shed Shell / Leftovers
nature: Relaxed
evs: 252 HP / 88 Def / 168 SpD
ivs: 0 Spe


<p>This set encompasses the variety of roles Ferrothorn can play. Stealth Rock is perhaps the most important support move, breaking Dragonite's Multiscale, hindering Flying-types in general, and dealing harsh damage to common Fire-types on sun teams, such as Volcarona. Leech Seed provides vital recovery for Ferrothorn in lieu of Leftovers, while chipping away at your opponent's health. However, Spikes further perpetuates the entry hazard damage, making it very hard for your opponent to switch in hastily and repeatedly. Protect is as cowardly as ever, helping Ferrothorn scout for your opponent's attacks and gaining it a free turn of recovery from Leech Seed. However, Thunder Wave can be used to cripple common switch-ins, such as the deadly Chandelure. (Finally,) Ferrothorn has access to two powerful STAB moves that prevent it from becoming total Taunt bait; Gyro Ball is a great choice, as it takes advantage of Ferrothorn's dirt slow Speed to attain a massive 150 Base Power on (against) most faster opponents. However, (Power Whip is the preferred option) if you are running Thunder Wave support, Power Whip is the preferred option, as your opponent's Pokemon will be much slower, neutering Gyro Ball's power.</p>


<p>First of all, the most important thing to note is the use of Shed Shell over Leftovers. This allows Ferrothorn to escape the clutches of Chandelure, which also makes it a makeshift Chandelure lure. Instead of making a risky double switch, you can stay in, lay your hazard, and if Chandelure comes in, you can switch to the appropriate counter. The given EVs and a Relaxed nature are not too difficult to understand, investing completely in Ferrothorn's fantastic bulk while, in tandem with 0 Speed IVs, (forgot to delete this when you revised the sentence, haha) investing completely in Ferrothorn's fantastic bulk while reducing its Speed, allowing for the strongest possible Gyro Ball. If you run Thunder Wave, you should instead run the full 31 IVs and an Impish nature. This allows Ferrothorn to outspeed paralyzed max Speed positive-natured Rotom-A and slower, which also includes Gyarados, Dragonite, Toxicroak, Heatran, and Chandelure, which is useful if you need Ferrothorn to lay one last hazard or Leech Seed before sacrificing itself.</p>

<p>Anything that can take a massive hit from Chandelure makes a great partner for Ferrothorn, since that is most likely what is switching in. In rain, Politoed and Tentacruel giggle at Chandelure's Fire-type attacks; neither are even 5HKOed by Choice Specs Overheat in the rain—in other words, Chandelure is switching out immediately before getting drenched in (with) a rain-boosted Water attack. However, if your opponent is wise to your Ferrothorn's Shed Shell, it may choose to fire of(f) an Energy Ball or Shadow Ball to hit either Pokemon hard. Hydriegon (Hydreigon) is the best switch-in, resisting all of Chandelure's attacks aside from its Hidden Power of choice and threatening to OHKO Chandelure with Dark Pulse. Outside of rain, a Chandelure of your own partners well with Ferrothorn, with paralysis support and entry hazards paving the way for Chandelure to eliminate Pokemon that threaten the rest of your team.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Ferrothorn has a colorful array of support moves, but it has little room for them on its sets. Swords Dance and Curse are great options to give Ferrothorn some fire power, the latter boosting its defense simultaneously. Toxic provides further status and can provide further residual damage for your opponent alongside Leech Seed, but Ferrothorn is strapped for move slots as it is and Thunder Wave is typically the more valuable status move.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Shadow Tag Chandelure is, bar none, the best check to Ferrothorn. Shed Shell only provides Ferrothorn an escape route, while Chandelure can easily set up a Substitute, boost with Calm Mind, or just blast away with any move it thinks will cover your switch-in. If Ferrothorn is running Leftovers, Chandelure can do the same things at its leisure, although it's usually better off attacking because Ferrothorn's attacks will always break its Substitutes. Powerful Fighting-types such as Terrakion, Conkeldurr, Breloom, and Infernape can take on Ferrothorn with little effort, the latter roasting Ferrothorn with any Fire-type move, but all of these must take the residual damage from Iron Barbs into account. Ninetales can come in to set up sun almost for free, since it is not threatened by (n)either Gyro Ball (n)or Power Whip and can force Ferrothorn out, threatening it with its mere presence, not to mention a nuclear Flamethrower or Fire Blast.</p>


<p>Ferrothorn has always enjoyed a spot in the top 5 in standard OU thanks to its incredible bulk, access to an array of support moves, and unique defensive typing giving it resistances to the top threats in the tier. One would think, then, that a metagame infested by Shadow Tag Chandelure makes it incredibly difficult to do its job. However, this is not the case. Sure, Chandelure obliterates Ferrothorn with any Fire-type attack bar a rain-soaked Flamethrower, but with the proper precautions, such as the vital item Shed Shell, Ferrothorn can work around Chandelure to perform its regular duties, from laying down hazards to dealing nasty status to your opponents. Ferrothorn is just one of those Pokemon that can fit into just about any team style, since the support it supplies is universally important.</p>

name: Standard
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Leech Seed / Spikes
move 3: Protect / Thunder Wave
move 4: Gyro Ball / Power Whip
item: Shed Shell / Leftovers
nature: Relaxed
evs: 252 HP / 88 Def / 168 SpD
ivs: 0 Spe


<p>This set encompasses the variety of roles Ferrothorn can play. Stealth Rock is perhaps the most important support move, breaking Dragonite's Multiscale, hindering Flying-types in general, and dealing harsh damage to common Fire-types on sun teams, such as Volcarona. Leech Seed provides vital recovery for Ferrothorn in lieu of Leftovers, while chipping away at your opponent's health. However, Spikes further perpetuates the entry hazard damage, making it very hard for your opponent to switch in hastily and repeatedly. Protect is as cowardly as ever, helping Ferrothorn scout for your opponent's attacks and gaining it a free turn of recovery from Leech Seed. However, Thunder Wave can be used to cripple common switch-ins, such as the deadly Chandelure. Finally, Ferrothorn has access to two powerful STAB moves that prevent it from becoming total Taunt bait; Gyro Ball is a great choice, as it takes advantage of Ferrothorn's dirt slow Speed to attain a massive 150 Base Power against most opponents. However, Power Whip is the preferred option if you are running Thunder Wave support, as your opponent's Pokemon will be much slower, neutering Gyro Ball's power.</p>


<p>First of all, the most important thing to note is the use of Shed Shell over Leftovers. This allows Ferrothorn to escape the clutches of Chandelure, which also makes it a makeshift Chandelure lure. Instead of making a risky double switch, you can stay in, lay your hazard, and if Chandelure comes in, you can switch to the appropriate counter. The given EVs and a Relaxed nature are not too difficult to understand, investing completely in Ferrothorn's fantastic bulk while reducing its Speed, allowing for the strongest possible Gyro Ball. If you run Thunder Wave, you should instead run the full 31 IVs and an Impish nature. This allows Ferrothorn to outspeed paralyzed max Speed positive-natured Rotom-A and slower, which also includes Gyarados, Dragonite, Toxicroak, Heatran, and Chandelure, which is useful if you need Ferrothorn to lay one last hazard or Leech Seed before sacrificing itself.</p>

<p>Anything that can take a massive hit from Chandelure makes a great partner for Ferrothorn, since that is most likely what is switching in. In rain, Politoed and Tentacruel giggle at Chandelure's Fire-type attacks; neither are even 5HKOed by Choice Specs Overheat in the rain—in other words, Chandelure is switching out immediately before getting drenched with a rain-boosted Water attack. However, if your opponent is wise to your Ferrothorn's Shed Shell, it may choose to fire off an Energy Ball or Shadow Ball to hit either Pokemon hard. Hydreigon is the best switch-in, resisting all of Chandelure's attacks aside from its Hidden Power of choice and threatening to OHKO Chandelure with Dark Pulse. Outside of rain, a Chandelure of your own partners well with Ferrothorn, with paralysis support and entry hazards paving the way for Chandelure to eliminate Pokemon that threaten the rest of your team.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Ferrothorn has a colorful array of support moves, but it has little room for them on its sets. Swords Dance and Curse are great options to give Ferrothorn some fire power, the latter boosting its defense simultaneously. Toxic provides further status and can provide further residual damage for your opponent alongside Leech Seed, but Ferrothorn is strapped for move slots as it is and Thunder Wave is typically the more valuable status move.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Shadow Tag Chandelure is, bar none, the best check to Ferrothorn. Shed Shell only provides Ferrothorn an escape route, while Chandelure can easily set up a Substitute, boost with Calm Mind, or just blast away with any move it thinks will cover your switch-in. If Ferrothorn is running Leftovers, Chandelure can do the same things at its leisure, although it's usually better off attacking because Ferrothorn's attacks will always break its Substitutes. Powerful Fighting-types such as Terrakion, Conkeldurr, Breloom, and Infernape can take on Ferrothorn with little effort, the latter roasting Ferrothorn with any Fire-type move, but all of these must take the residual damage from Iron Barbs into account. Ninetales can come in to set up sun almost for free, since it is not threatened by neither Gyro Ball nor Power Whip and can force Ferrothorn out, threatening it with its mere presence, not to mention a nuclear Flamethrower or Fire Blast.</p>

