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LC Ferroseed


Ultimate Edgelord
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:Ferroseed: :ss/Ferroseed: :Ferroseed:


Ferroseed is one of the greatest and most versatile defensive Pokemon, as its great typing allows it to take care of Pokemon like Foongus and Staryu and take both physical attacks from Onix and special attacks from Spritzee, Porygon, and Abra. Ferroseed is also a great entry hazard settler with access to both Spikes and Stealth Rock, as well as utility options such as Knock Off and Thunder Wave to help cripple opposing Pokemon. However, even with its great typing, Ferroseed has problems with Fire- and Fighting-type attacks. It also is easy for Pokemon like Nasty Plot Vullaby and Dragon Dance Scraggy to set up on due to its low Attack and Speed stats, which leave it unable to do a lot of damage and outpaced by most Pokemon. Ferroseed also has no reliable way to recover HP, making it easy to wear down over time from switching into hazards and weak resisted attacks. It also has trouble with Knock Off users like Pawniard and Vullaby, as losing Eviolite makes it easier to take care of.

name: Defensive Support
move 1: Spikes / Stealth Rock
move 2: Giga Drain / Bullet Seed
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Thunder Wave
item: Eviolite
ability: Iron Barbs
nature: Bold / Impish
evs: 84 HP / 36 Atk / 108 Def / 4 SpA / 228 SpD / 36 Spe


Spikes can be used in order to form a entry hazard stacking core with Pokemon such as Onix to greatly chip down Pokemon on the switch and make it easier for teammates to sweep. Stealth Rock can be used over Spikes if the team lacks a Stealth Rock user, which helps out with crippling threats to Ferroseed, namely Vullaby and Ponyta. Giga Drain gives Ferroseed passive recovery and enables it to take care of Water- and Ground-types such as Staryu and Onix. Bullet Seed is a stronger option that allows Ferroseed to take care of Focus Sash Abra and Sturdy Onix but cannot take out Mudbray. Knock Off allows Ferroseed to remove items from bulky Pokemon such as Foongus, Porygon, and Spritzee as it threatens out a foe, which can greatly help out its teammates with taking out the Pokemon later in the game. Thunder Wave is a useful move to slow down its usual checks such as Ponyta, Vullaby, and Mienfoo.

Set Details

Eviolite, with the given defensive EVs and a Defense-boosting nature, allows Ferroseed to effectively take physical and special attacks. A Bold nature is preferred to avoid reducing Giga Drain damage, but Ferroseed should use an Impish nature if using Bullet Seed. Iron Barbs makes Ferroseed able to wear down physical attackers.

Usage Tips

Use Ferroseed early-game to set down Stealth Rock or Spikes or soften up its checks by getting rid of Eviolite with Knock Off. It can also use Thunder Wave on a predicted switch to help slow down threats such as Ponyta, Mienfoo, and Vullaby. Switch Ferroseed in on Spritzee, Mareanie, and Foongus, as these Pokemon cannot do much to it. Use Knock Off or set entry hazards when Ferroseed switches into these to help its soften up Pokemon for its teammates to take care of. Try to scout Vullaby, Abra, and Galarian Ponyta before trying to use a move because they can potentially bypass Ferroseed with Fire-type coverage. Ferroseed should be preserved to check setup sweepers such as Dragon Dance Onix and Agility Porygon or threats like Foongus, Mudbray, and Staryu if the team lacks a way to deal with them.

Team Options

Spritzee and Mareanie are great partners for Ferroseed because their typing allows them to come in on Fighting-types such as Timburr and Mienfoo. Spritzee also is good for absorbing Knock Off for Ferroseed and keeping it healthy with Wish, while Mareanie can put down Toxic Spikes to cripple switch-ins and in return likes Ferroseed's ability to put up entry hazards, take care of Ground-types such as Onix if it's lacking Iron Defense, and come in on Foongus. Stealth Rock setters like Onix and Mudbray are great to pair with Ferroseed if it is running Spikes to form an entry hazard stacking duo and make it easier to pressure switch-ins and wear down Pokemon. Onix is useful to take care of Vullaby, while Mudbray is more useful in taking down Timburr and threatening Fire-types such as Ponyta and Vulpix. Trappers like Diglett and Trapinch are good to pair with Ferroseed to trap Ponyta and Pawniard and take care of them. Staryu is a great Water-type partner because of it checking Fire-types like Ponyta and Vulpix and appreciating Ferroseed's ability to switch in on Foongus's attacks. Staryu can also use Thunderbolt to take care of Wingull and dent Vullaby while also using Rapid Spin to get rid of hazards that wear Ferroseed down. Setup sweepers such as Onix, Shellder, and Nasty Plot Vullaby can sweep mid- to late-game thanks to Ferroseed's ability to soften up threats with Knock Off and cripple faster Pokemon like Mienfoo, Galarian Ponyta, Wingull, and Ponyta with Thunder Wave.

Other Options

Iron Head can be used over Knock Off or Thunder Wave to hit Spritzee super effectively; however, it has no use outside of this. Protect can be used to cause crash damage from Mienfoo using High Jump Kick on Ferroseed; however, it does not do much else. Stealth Rock can be used over Thunder Wave in order for Ferroseed to run both Spikes and Stealth Rock, but the drawback to this would be that Ferroseed can no longer slow down threats such as Ponyta. A fast physical set with Bullet Seed and Explosion can be used on offensive teams to get momentum. Revenge can be used to lure in Pawniard and OHKO it; however, it does not have much use outside of this.

Checks and Counters

**Fire-types and Fire-type coverage**: Fire-types such as Ponyta and Vulpix can easily OHKO Ferroseed with their STAB attacks. Similarly, Pokemon that can run Fire-type coverage like Galarian Ponyta and Vullaby can OHKO Ferroseed with Mystical Fire and Heat Wave, respectively.

**Fighting-types**: Fighting-types like Mienfoo, Scraggy, Timburr, and Mienfoo give Ferroseed trouble, as they can switch into its attacks and 2HKO it with their STAB attacks.

**Knock Off Users**: Pokemon that run Knock Off like Pawniard, Timburr, Mareanie, and Vullaby can cripple Ferroseed's bulk and make it easier to take care of it.

- Written by: [[Yami, 393488]]
- Quality checked by: [[Stoward, 420389], [Nineage, 195129], [Coconut, 150971], [Fiend, 208173], [DC, 449990]]
- Grammar checked by: [[The Dutch Plumerjack, 232216], [Estronic, 240732]]
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:Ferroseed: :ss/Ferroseed: :Ferroseed:


* Ferroseed is a great defensive wall thanks to its bulk allowing it to take physical attacks from Onix and Corphish.
* It is also able to use utility options such as Stealth Rock, Spikes and Thunder Wave.
* Ferroseed also has a great Grass-typing, allowing it to take care of Onix and Chinchou and be able to come in on Oddish to absorb Sleep Powder.
* Ferroseed can also come in on Special attacks from Spritzee thanks to its Steel-typing.
* However, Ferroseed has problems with Fire-types such as Ponyta and Fighting-types such as Timburr and Galarian Farfetch'd due to these being able to OHKO it.
* Ferroseed also makes it easy for Pokemon like Nasty Plot Vullaby and Bulk Up Timburr to set up on the switch due to Ferroseed not being able to do much to them.
* It also has trouble with Knock Off users like Pawniard and Vullaby due to losing Eviolite makes it less bulky and more easier to take care of.
* It also has a low Attack and Speed stat, making it unable to do a lot of damage and gets outpaced by most Pokemon.

name: Defensive
move 1: Bullet Seed
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Thunder Wave
move 4: Stealth Rock / Spikes
item: Eviolite
ability: Iron Barbs
nature: Impish
evs: 84 HP / 36 Atk / 188 Def / 148 SpD / 36 Spe


* Bullet Seed allows Ferroseed to take care of Water- and Ground-type Pokemon such as Corphish, Onix, and Dribur.
* Knock Off allows it to Knock items when a Pokemon is threaten out by it that can greatly help out its teammates with taking out the Pokemon later in the game. This is very good against bulky Pokemon such as Frillish, Mareanie and Spritzee and Choice Scarf users like Krabby.
* Thunder Wave is a useful move to slow down its usual checks such as Ponyta and Timburr.
* Stealth Rock can be used for chip damage, which helps out with crippling two of its threats, Vullaby and Ponyta, while providing chip damage to other Pokemon.
* Spikes can be used over Stealth Rock in order to form a hazard stacking core to greatly chip down Pokemon on the switch, and making it easier for its teammates to sweep.

Set Details

* Having Eviolite, defense EVs with an Impish nature allows Ferroseed to take a Superpower from Corphish and two Earthquake from Mudbray.
* The Special Defense EVs along with Eviolite allows Ferroseed to take an unboosted Heat Wave from Vullaby.

Usage Tips

* Use ferroseed early game to set down Stealth Rock or Spikes. It can also use Thunder Wave on a predicted switch to help slow down threats such as Ponyta, Galarian Farfetch'd, Vullby and Timburr; However, be wary about Thunder Wave Timburr, because it will let to an Attack boost if it is running Guts,
* Use Knock Off early game to help get rid of Eviolite and Choice Scarf items to make it easier for its teammates to sweep late game.
* Switch Ferroseed in on Spritzee, Mareanie, and Chinchou, as these Pokemon cannot do much to it.
* Ferroseed can also come in on Grass-type attacks from Oddish and Dewpider, because these two cannot do much to it.
* Try to scout Vullaby and Galarian Ponyta before trying to use a move because if it has Heat Wave or Mystial Fire respectively, it can OHKO it.
* Do not leave Ferroseed in on Pokemon such as Timburr, Ponyta and Saldanit, as these can either cripple or OHKO Ferroseed for the rest of the game.
* Be careful about letting Ferroseed getting worn down if it is needed to check Chinchou or Spritzee for the team.

Team Options

* Stealth Rock settlers like Onix and Mudbray are great to pair with Ferroseed if it is running Spikes to form a hazard stack duo. This will make it easier to pressure switchins and wear down Pokemon. Onix is useful for being able to take on Vullaby while Mudbray is more useful in taking down Timburr.
* Spirtzee and Mareanie are great partners for Ferroseed because of their typing allowing them to come in on Fighting-types such as Timburr and Galarian Farfetch'd. Spirtzee can also absorb Knock Off for Ferroseed and keep it healthy with using Wish while Mareanie can put down Toxic Spikes to cripple Pokemon on switch in. Mareanie also likes Ferrroseed for being able to put up Stealth Rock and taking care Ground-types such as Onix if lacking Iron Defense.
* Corphish and Chinchou are great Water-types to pair with Ferroseed. Corphish can sweep mid- to late-game thanks to Ferroseed being able to soften up threats with Knock Off and cripple faster Pokemon like Galarian Farfetch'd and Ponyta with Thunder Wave. Chinchou is a great check to Flying-types that can give Ferroseed trouble like Wingull and Vullaby and take care of them with its Electric-STAB.
* Vullaby can be a helpful check to to Fighting-types such as Timburr and Galarian Farfetch'd and Grass-types like Oddish.
* Ponyta is useful for crippling physical attackers such as Corphish and Vullaby with Will-O-Wisp. It is especially useful for taking care of Pawniard and Oddish, two Pokemon Ferroseed that it cannot touch.
* Timburr and Galarian Farfetch'd are great to pair with Ferroseed due to them being able to take on Onix and Pawniard.
* Diglett and Trapinch are good to pair with Ferroseed to be able to trap Ponyta and Pawniard and take care of them.

Other Options

* Giga Drain can be used in order to give Ferroseed a way to help it restore some health, and be able to take care of Mudbray; however, Bullet Seed is better because it can deal more damage, and net an OHKO most of the time on Chinchou and Corphish that Giga Drain cannot.
* Revenge can be used over Thunder Wave to allow Ferroseed to take care of Pawniard, but does not do anything outside of that.

Checks and Counters

**Fighting-types**: Fighting-types like Timburr and Galarian Farfetch'd give Ferroseed trouble as it can 2HKO it with their Fighting-STAB atttacks.

**Fire-types and Fire-type coverage**: Fire-types such as Ponyta and Saladit can easily OHKO Ferroseed with their Fire STAB attacks. Pokemon that can run Fire-type coverage like Galarian Ponyta and Vullaby can OHKO Ferroseed with Mystial Fire and Heat Wave.

**Mudbray**: Mudbray can use Ferroseed to get multiple Defense boosts from Stamina, which means that it can tank Bullet Seed and take care of Ferroseed with Earthquake.

**Knock Off users**: Pokemon that run Knock Off like Pawniard and Vullaby can cripple Ferroseed's bulk and make it easier to take care of it.

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- Quality checked by: [[, ], [, ], [, ]]
- Grammar checked by: [[, ], [, ]]

No one:
Me: May as well give it an AM check

Firstly, the set. I know the set posted is the "standard" but realistically the majority of people are using a set similar to this because of how good the giga recovery is.
Ferroseed @ Eviolite
Ability: Iron Barbs
Level: 5
EVs: 164 HP / 188 Def / 4 SpA / 148 SpD
Sassy Nature
- Thunder Wave
- Knock Off
- Stealth Rock
- Giga Drain

I think Ferro is one of the best and most splashable defensive mons in the tier, as it checks a wide variety of mons, and the overview should reflect this. I would mention Spritzee as another mon checked by Ferro since this gives a good idea of the variety of threats it can stop.
I don't think each of its types should be separate points, i.e. talk about a grass-steel typing not a grass typing and a steel typing. It's typing gives it lots of resistances with very few weaknesses.
When describing its weaknesses, be sure to mention its lack of reliable recovery.
I also think it might be worth mentioning how Ferro has benefitted from hidden power being removed from the game, since nothing can run HP fire coverage.

On the knock off point, I think Chinchou is a better example of a scarfer, as it's more relevant and also Krabby threatens with superpower.

Set details:
Considering the speed and attack EVs could be invested to get an extra HP, explain why you're running the investment here. I'm not convinced the attack investment improves many important bullet seed rolls, the only one i found was vs 12 Defence Evio Drilbur.

Usage tips:
On the point about thunder wave, just make sure it's clear that you should be wary of using t wave on timburr; at the moment it sounds like timburr would run t wave.
Maybe mention that when it comes in on Chinchou, Oddish etc. that it uses the opportunity to use knock off and set hazards, because in some cases Ferro doesnt do much damage to them either.
Mention that Ferro should be preserved if the opponent has setup sweepers such as Shellder, Corphish and Onix and the team otherwise lacks checks to them.

Team options:
Ferro needs water/rock types such as shellos, mareanie and onix to help check fire types. Onix and Mareanie can link with some of the other points here.
The vullaby point is weird, vull doesn't really check fighting types that well, and grass-types are not an issue for Ferro. You've already mentioned Spritz and Mareanie as fighting checks.
Again with the Ponyta point, remove the Oddish mention, because ferro can definitely hurt oddish.
I think in general, setup sweepers appreciate Ferro, because it can knock items to make sweeps easier, and t wave can give setup opportunities.

Other options:
Mention Acid Spray, as it's very good with giga drain
Revenge hits other Ferroseed, as well as Pawniard

Checks and counters:
Remove mudbray if you change to giga drain
Fire types should be the first check/counter because they threaten Ferro the most
EnzoLapras's check is good. Please implement everything except for the Other Options Other options should be showing viable options that aren't quite worthy of making it to a set. I'd rather see things like Iron Head or running Stealth Rock in place of Thunder Wave, rather than the options listed.

Discussed with QC. Set should be:

name: Defensive Support
move 1: Spikes / Stealth Rock
move 2: Giga Drain / Bullet Seed
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Thunder Wave
item: Eviolite
ability: Iron Barbs
nature: Impish
evs: 84 HP / 36 Atk / 188 Def / 148 SpD / 36 Spe

Once you've done that, tag me so I can do my own check (Analysis looks good, just trying to not be a lazy QCer).
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* Ferroseed is one of the greatest defensive and versatile Pokemon, as it can check many Pokemon i thanks to its bulk allowing it to take physical attacks from Onix and Corphish and Special attacks from Spritzee.
* Ferroseed also has a great Grass and Steel-typing, allowing it to have many resistances and be able to take care of Corphish, Onix and Chinchou and come in on Oddish to absorb Sleep Powder.

Honestly I think these can be merged.

* However, Ferroseed has problems with Fire-types such as Ponyta and Fighting-types such as Timburr and Galarian Farfetch'd due to these being able to OHKO it.
* Ferroseed also makes it easy for Pokemon like Nasty Plot Vullaby and Bulk Up Timburr to set up on the switch due to Ferroseed not being able to do much to them.
Same with these tbh.

I'm really not a fan of analyses reiterating things that is already stated in the dex info like it's typing. I'd much rather see this point talk about despite its typing being great Ferroseed struggles with the prevalence of Timburr and Heat Wave Vullaby


Honestly all I'd really like to see the overview talk about is a brief sentence about its great physical bulk and typing, a brief sentence about its capabilities as a hazard setter, as well as great utility in Thunder Wave and Knock Off. Then a couple of sentences about its generally passive nature makes it setup fodder for certain Pokemon and how it struggles with the prevalence of Timburr and Heat Wave Vullaby, who can both invalidate Ferroseeds role by removing hazards with Defog and threaten to do heavy damage with their coverage options, and how it needs adequate support in order to deal with these.


* Bullet Seed allows Ferroseed to take care of Water- and Ground-type Pokemon such as Chinchou, Onix, and Dribur, but cannot take care of Mudbray.
Mention how you can generally get more damage output from Bullet Seed though. Also allowing you to OHKO Sturdy Onix Sets

Set Details

Usage Tips

* Do not leave Ferroseed in on Pokemon such as Timburr, Ponyta and Saldanit, as these can either cripple or OHKO Ferroseed for the rest of the game.
I'd delete this tbh. Like it's not inaccurate, but I'm not sure if it needs to be said.

* Ferroseed should be preversed if the opponent's team has setup sweepers such as Onix, Corphish and Onix if the team lacks a way to deal with this.
You've got Onix twice here. Put in a different 3rd example.

* Be careful about letting Ferroseed getting worn down if it is needed to check Chinchou or Spritzee for the team.
This kinda implies that Ferroseed only really checks Chinchou or Spritzee, rather than the large multitude of threats that Ferroseed can deal with. Because of this, Ferroseed can be worn down pretty easily. Might be worth talking about trying to keep Ferroseed healthy with Wish if possible.

Team Options
* Spirtzee and Mareanie are great partners for Ferroseed because of their typing allowing them to come in on Fighting-types such as Timburr and Galarian Farfetch'd. Spirtzee can also absorb Knock Off for Ferroseed and keep it healthy with using Wish while Mareanie can put down Toxic Spikes to cripple Pokemon on switch in. Mareanie also likes Ferrroseed for being able to put up Stealth Rock and taking care Ground-types such as Onix if lacking Iron Defense.
Just rephrase the last sentence to say "Entry Hazards" instead of Stealth Rock as it could be running spikes.

Other Options

* Iron Head can be used over Knock Off or Thunder Wave to be able to hit Spritzee super effectively; however, it has no use outside of this.
* Stealth Rock can be used over Thunder Wave in order for Ferroseed to run both Spikes and Stealth Rock, but the drawback to this would be that Ferroseed can no longer slow down threats such as Ponyta with Thunder Wave.

Checks and Counters
**Mudbray**: Mudbray can use Ferroseed to get multiple Defense boosts from Stamina if Ferroseed is running Bullet Seed and take care of it with Earthquake.
General consensus from QC is that Mudbray is a pretty weak check here. If it's going to be on the list, should probably be further to the bottom.

**Knock Off users**: Pokemon that run Knock Off like Pawniard and Vullaby can cripple Ferroseed's bulk and make it easier to take care of it.

Knock Off is all over the place - it's also on Timburr and some Mareanie sets. I'm not quite sure if it needs to be stated in Checks and Counters though as just about every Bulky Pokemon is affected by Knock Off. I personally think that Ferroseed handles the removal of an item much better than other Defensive Pokemon like Munchlax and Mareanie but you can keep it on here if you want

Would also like to see Flying-types mentioned here as both Wingull and Vullaby can do a pretty massive chunk.

Pawniard is also good here cos Ferroseed is basically setup fodder for it (Doesn't really like twave but can sucker stuff if it doesn't get full para'd)
Also mention that Timburr and Vullaby can remove its hazards with Defog.

Good job. 1/3
  • The examples of heat wave vull and timburr feel a little overly specific here. Just say the typing leaves it open to common fire and fighting type attacks
  • Similarly, when you say "or weak attacks from Chinchou" this feels like you're saying it ONLY gets worn down by Chou. Just say that it is prone to getting worn down even by resisted attacks.
  • The last point can be integrated into the point about how it becomes setup bait.

name: Defensive Support
move 1: Stealth Rock / Spikes (switch order)
move 2: Giga Drain / Bullet Seed
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Thunder Wave
item: Eviolite
ability: Iron Barbs
nature: Impish
evs: 164 HP / 188 Def / 4 SpA / 148 SpD (change EVs)

  • Change move order of Stealth Rock / Spikes. SR should be the default and spikes should be run if SR is elsewhere on the team.
  • Mudbray is not the primary reason to run Giga over Bullet. Just say that Bullet Seed hits harder but forgoes recovery and risks giving Mudbray/Vullaby boosts. You also don't need the Chinchou and Drilbur examples here.
  • Don't include the examples in the Knock point - these should go in usage tips.
Set Details
  • Change to reflect new EV spread. Keep the old spread here as an option for if u run bseed.

Usage Tips
  • Mention also using Knock Off on predicted switches at the beginning
  • Remove "Use Knock Off or set hazards when Ferroseed switches into these as it will help its soften up Pokemon for its teammates to take care of."

Team Options
  • I wouldn't say "take care of Fire-types" in the first point, since Mudbray doesnt really check either...maybe just say "threaten Fire-types"
  • Spritzee/Mareanie point should be first
  • Pony doesn't check Corphish, and Corp doesn't threaten Ferro especially. Remove the whole ponyta point.
  • Remove the final point

Other Options
  • Add the possibility of a fast set with Bullet Seed and Explosion. It is well suited to offensive teams.

Checks and Counters
  • Mention that Fighting types can also somewhat easily switch into Ferro
  • Remove the flying type point, as they only hit neutrally
  • Remove the Pawn and Mudbray points
Your analysis mentions Oddish one time, and things like Oddish and Budew are some of the best reasons to run Ferroseed—they can't hit you.
nature: Impish
Change your nature to Relaxed, the - SpA is too much to give up, while - Speed only loses matchups when you're paralyzed.
Not a great example, as this thing does significant damage back to Ferroseed with CC. Maybe Shellos?
An alternative spread of 84 HP / 36 Atk
Specify the nature change as well, as you changed it prior to this paragraph.
with gett rid of Evioi.
GP is gonna have a field day with this paragraph. You should re-read it for spelling and grammar mistakes.

Switch out some of the examples for Oddish, it's really one of the biggest mons that Ferroseed beats.

Nice job!

QC 3/3

Remove Chinchou mentions
Mention Abra, Porygon, Staryu instead

name: Defensive Support
move 1: Stealth Rock / Spikes
move 2: Giga Drain / Bullet Seed
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Thunder Wave
item: Eviolite
ability: Iron Barbs
nature: Relaxed
evs: 164 HP / 188 Def / 4 SpA / 148 SpD


Thunder Wave is a useful move to slow down its usual checks such as Ponyta and Timburr (remove) Mienfoo (add).
Drilbur is misspelt
Remove Chinchou mentions
Mention that Bullet Seed is nice for Abra's Focus Sash

Set Details

Trapinch is misspelled.

Usage Tips

  • Try to scout Vullaby, Abra, (add) and Galarian Ponyta before trying to use a move because if it has Heat Wave, Fire Punch, (add) or Mystical Fire respectively, it can OHKO (remove) bypass (add) it.
Dwebble is misspelled
Oddish -> Foongus

Team Options

Mienfoo mention in place of Farfetch'd-G
Spritzee is misspelled
Oddish -> Foongus
Remove Chinchou (Staryu works in water-type mentions, also can spin)

Other Options

Add Protect for Mienfoo's HJK

Checks and Counters

Salandit and Mystical Fire are mispelt.
Last edited:
Hi there. Friendly GP AM check. Only implement what you want.

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:Ferroseed: :ss/Ferroseed: :Ferroseed:


Ferroseed is one of the greatest best defensive and versatile Pokemon, as it has a (RC) due to its great defensive typing that , which (AC) allows it to take care of check Water-types Pokemon like Corphish and Staryu and also take ,as well as (AC) physical attacks from attackers such as Onix and Special attacks from special attackers like Spritzee, Porygon and Abra. Ferroseed is also a great hazard user and has access to both Spikes and Stealth Rock, making it useful for stacking entry hazards (AC). It also has utility options such as Knock Off and Thunder Wave to help cripple down Pokemon. However, even with its great typing, Ferroseed has problems with Fire- and Fighting-type attacks Pokemon such as (add examples here). It also makes it easy for Pokemon is also setup fodder for sweepers like Nasty Plot Vullaby and Bulk Up Timburr to set up on the switch due to Ferroseed's low Attack and Speed stat making it unable to do a lot of damage and gets outpaced by most Pokemon. Ferroseed also has no reliable way to get some recovery back, making it easy to wear down from it switching into entry hazards, weak attacks, or resisted attacks from Pokemon over time. It also has trouble with Knock Off users like Pawniard and Vullaby due to because losing Eviolite makes it less bulky and more easier to take care of.

name: Defensive Support
move 1: Stealth Rock / Spikes
move 2: Giga Drain / Bullet Seed
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Thunder Wave
item: Eviolite
ability: Iron Barbs
nature: Relaxed
evs: 164 HP / 188 Def / 4 SpA / 148 SpD


Stealth Rock can be used over Spikes if the team lacks a Stealth Rocker user. Stealth Rock can be used for chip damage, which can helps out with crippling two threats to it, which is (RC) switch ins such as Vullaby and Ponyta. Spikes can be used in order to form a hazard stacking core to greatly chip down Pokemon on the switch, and thus making it easier for its teammates to sweep. Giga Drain gives Ferroseed a way to get some passive recovery and enables it to take care of Water- and Ground-types such as Corphish, Shellos, and Onix. Bullet Seed allows Ferroseed to output more damage and take care of Water- and Ground-type Pokemon such as Staryu, (AC) and Drilbur, (AC) and take care of Sturdy Onix, but cannot take care of Mudbray. Bullet Seed is also very good to break Abra's Focus Sash and take care of it. Knock Off allows it to knock remove items when a Pokemon is threaten out by it Fluff that can greatly help out its teammates with taking out the Pokemon later in the game. This is very good against bulky Pokemon such as Frillish, Foongus, Porygon and Spritzee. Thunder Wave is a useful move to slow down its usual checks such as Ponyta and Mienfoo.

Set Details

Having Eviolite, 188 Defense EVs with an Impish nature allows Ferroseed to take a Superpower from Corphish and two Earthquake from Mudbray. The 148 Special Defense EVs along with Eviolite allows Ferroseed to take an unboosted Heat Wave from Vullaby. An alternative spread of 84 HP / 36 Atk / 188 Def / 148 SpD / 36 Spe and an Impish nature can be used with Bullet Seed to take care of Eviolite Drilbur, outpace Trapinch and Munchlax, a Superpower from Corphish, two Earthquake from Mudbray and an unboosted Heat Wave from Vullaby.

Usage Tips

Use Ferroseed early game to set down up Stealth Rock or Spikes entry hazards. It can also use Knock Off early game to soften up its checks with getting rid of Eviolite Fluff. It can also use Thunder Wave on a predicted switch to help slow down threats such as Ponyta, Galarian Farfetch'd, Vullaby and Timburr;. (Add Period) However, Ferroseed should be wary about using Thunder Wave on Timburr, because this will let it get an Attack boost if it is running Guts. Switch Ferroseed in on Spritzee, Mareanie, Foongus, and Porygon, as these Pokemon cannot do much to it. Use Knock Off or set hazards when Ferroseed switches into these as it will help its soften up Pokemon for its teammates to take care of. Try to scout Vullaby, Abra, and Galarian Ponyta before trying to use a move because if it has Heat Wave, Fire Punch, or Mystical Fire respectively, it can bypass it. Ferroseed should be preserved if the opponent's team has setup sweepers such as Onix, Corphish, and Dwebble if the team lacks a way to deal with this. Be careful about letting Ferroseed getting worn down if it is needed to check threats for the team such as Porygon, Onix, Mudbray, Staryu or Foongus.

Team Options

Spirtzee Spritzee (wrong spelling) and Mareanie are great partners for Ferroseed because of since their typing allows them to come in on Fighting-types such as Timburr and Mienfoo. Spritzee is good notable (I wouldn’t call Spritzee good since it is one of Ferroseed’s best teammates.) for absorbing Knock Off for Ferroseed and keeping it healthy with using Wish. Mareanie can put down Toxic Spikes to cripple Pokemon on switch in and also likes Ferrroseed for being able to put up entry hazards and taking care of Ground-types such as Onix if lacking Iron Defense and being able to come in on Foongus. Stealth Rock setters like Onix and Mudbray are great to pair with Ferroseed if it is running Spikes to form a hazard stacking duo core and make making it easier to pressure switch ins (put spacing between switch and ins) and wear down Pokemon. Onix is useful to take care of Vullaby while Mudbray is more useful in taking down Timburr and threatening Fire-types such as Ponyta and Salandit. Trappers like Diglett and Trapinch are good to pair with Ferroseed to trap Ponyta and Pawniard and take care of them. Staryu and Shellos are great Water-types to pair with Ferroseed because of both of them can check Fire-types like Ponyta and Salandit, (AC) and appreciate Ferroseed to be able to switch in (spacing again) on Foongus's attacks. Staryu can also use Thunderbolt to take care of Wingull and dent Vullaby while also using Rapid Spin to get rid of hazards that wear Ferroseed down. Shellos is a great wall that can help with Nasty Plot Vullaby and take care of Galarian Ponyta. Set up sweepers such as Corphish, Onix, Shellder, and Vullaby can sweep mid- to late-game thanks to Ferroseed being able to soften up threats with Knock Off and cripple faster Pokemon like Galarian Farfetch'd, Galarian Ponyta, Wingull, and Ponyta with Thunder Wave.

Other Options

Iron Head can be used over Knock Off or Thunder Wave to be able to hit Spritzee super effectively; however, it has no use outside of this. Protect can be used in order for to cause crash damage from Mienfoo using High Jump Kick on Ferroseed; however, it does not do much else for it. Stealth Rock can be used over Thunder Wave in order for Ferroseed to run both Spikes and Stealth Rock, but the drawback to this would be that Ferroseed can no longer slow down threats such as Ponyta with Thunder Wave. A fast physical set with Bullet Seed and Explosion can be used on offensive teams to get momentum.

Checks and Counters

**Fire-types and Fire-type coverage**: Fire-types such as Ponyta and Salandit can easily OHKO Ferroseed with their Fire STAB attacks. Pokemon that can run Fire-type coverage like Galarian Ponyta and Vullaby can OHKO Ferroseed with Mystical Fire and Heat Wave, respectively.

**Fighting-types**: Fighting-types like such as (I think like is too repetitive IMO) Timburr and Galarian Farfetch'd give Ferroseed trouble as since they can switch into Ferroseed's attack and can 2HKO it with their Fighting-STAB atttacks.

**Knock Off users**: Pokemon that run Knock Off like Pawniard, Timburr, Mareanie, and Vullaby can cripple Ferroseed's bulk and make it easier to take care of it.

- Written by: [[Yami, 393488]]
- Quality checked by: [[Stoward, 420389], [Nineage, 195129], [Coconut, 150971], [Fiend, 208173]]
- Grammar checked by: [[, ], [, ]]
Last edited:
Post DLC check to keep the analysis up-to-date. This one needs to be reworked a bit more due to wrong EV spread.
Standard Colors Remove Add Comments


Ferroseed is one of the greatest defensive and versatile Pokemon, as it has a great typing that allows it to take care of Pokemon like Corphish Foongus and Staryu and also take physical attacks from Onix and Special attacks from Spritzee, Porygon and Abra. Ferroseed is also a great hazard user and has access to both Spikes and Stealth Rock. It also has utility options such as Knock Off and Thunder Wave to help cripple down Pokemon. However, even with its great typing, Ferroseed has problems with Fire- and Fighting-type attacks. It also makes it easy for Pokemon like Nasty Plot Vullaby and Dragon Dance Scraggy Bulk Up Timburr to set up on it the switch due to Ferroseed's low Attack and Speed stat making it unable to do a lot of damage and gets outpaced by most Pokemon. Ferroseed also has no reliable way to get some recovery back, making it easy to wear down from it switching into hazards, weak attacks, or resisted attacks from Pokemon over time. It also has trouble with Knock Off users like Pawniard and Vullaby due to losing Eviolite makes it less bulky and more easier to take care of.

name: Defensive Support
move 1: Stealth Rock / Spikes Spikes / Stealth Rock
move 2: Giga Drain / Bullet Seed
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Thunder Wave
item: Eviolite
ability: Iron Barbs
nature: Relaxed Bold / Impish
evs: 164 HP / 188 Def / 4 SpA / 148 SpD 84 HP / 36 Atk / 108 Def / 4 SpA / 228 SpD / 36 Spe


Stealth Rock can be used over Spikes if the team lacks a Stealth Rocker user. Stealth Rock can be used for chip damage, which helps out with crippling two threats to it, which is Vullaby and Ponyta. Spikes can be used in order to form a hazard stacking core to greatly chip down Pokemon on the switch, and making it easier for its teammates to sweep. (Reorder the two sentences) Giga Drain gives Ferroseed a way to get some passive recovery and enables it to take care of Water- and Ground-types such as Corphish, Shellos, Staryu and Onix. Bullet Seed allows Ferroseed to output more damage and take care of Water- and Ground-type Pokemon such as Staryu and Drilbur and take care of Focus Sash Abra and Sturdy Onix, but cannot take care of Mudbray. Bullet Seed is also very good to break Abra's Focus Sash and take care of it. Knock Off allows it to knock items when a Pokemon is threaten out by it that can greatly help out its teammates with taking out the Pokemon later in the game. This is very good against bulky Pokemon such as Frillish, Foongus, Porygon and Spritzee. Thunder Wave is a useful move to slow down its usual checks such as Ponyta and Mienfoo (Add Vullaby in here too).

Set Details

Having Eviolite, 188 Defense EVs with an Impish nature allows Ferroseed to take a Superpower from Corphish and two Earthquake from Mudbray. The 148 Special Defense EVs along with Eviolite allows Ferroseed to take an unboosted Heat Wave from Vullaby. An alternative spread of 84 HP / 36 Atk / 188 Def / 148 SpD / 36 Spe and an Impish nature can be used with Bullet Seed to take care of Eviolite Drilbur, outpace Trapinch and Munchlax, a Superpower from Corphish, two Earthquake from Mudbray and an unboosted Heat Wave from Vullaby.
Sorry for this, but this spread was never meant to be. Just state that the HP and defense investments help it reach 22 HP and 18 defenses, which helps it take both physical and special hits, especially with an Eviolite. Bold is preferred to not reduce Giga damage, but Impish can be used if using Bullet Seed. Also, add a sentence on Iron Barbs wearing down physical attackers.

Usage Tips

Use Ferroseed early game to set down Stealth Rock or Spikes. It can also use Knock Off early game to soften up its checks with getting rid of Eviolite. It can also use Thunder Wave on a predicted switch to help slow down threats such as Ponyta, Mienfoo, Vullaby and Timburr; However, Ferroseed should be wary about using Thunder Wave on Timburr, because this will let it get an Attack boost if it is running Guts. Switch Ferroseed in on Spritzee, Mareanie, Foongus, and Porygon, as these Pokemon cannot do much to it. Use Knock Off or set hazards when Ferroseed switches into these as it will help its soften up Pokemon for its teammates to take care of. Try to scout Vullaby, Abra, and Galarian Ponyta before trying to use a move because if it has Heat Wave, Fire Punch, or Mystical Fire respectively, it can bypass it. Ferroseed should be preserved if the opponent's team has setup sweepers such as Dragon Dance Onix, Corphish, and Dwebble Agility Porygon if the team lacks a way to deal with this. Be careful about letting Ferroseed getting worn down if it is needed to check threats for the team such as Porygon, Onix, Mudbray, Staryu or Foongus. (Combine this sentence with the last sentence; rn, its just repeating info)

Team Options

Spirtzee and Mareanie are great partners for Ferroseed because of their typing allows them to come in on Fighting-types such as Timburr and Mienfoo. Spritzee is good for absorbing Knock Off for Ferroseed and keeping it healthy with using Wish. Mareanie can put down Toxic Spikes to cripple Pokemon on switch in and also likes Ferrroseed for being able to put up entry hazards and taking care Ground-types such as Onix if lacking Iron Defense and being able to come in on Foongus. Stealth Rock setters like Onix and Mudbray are great to pair with Ferroseed if it is running Spikes to form a hazard stack duo and make it easier to pressure switchins and wear down Pokemon. Onix is useful to take care of Vullaby while Mudbray is more useful in taking down Timburr and threatening Fire-types such as Ponyta and Vulpix. Trappers like Diglett and Trapinch are good to pair with Ferroseed to trap Ponyta and Pawniard and take care of them. Staryu and Shellos are great Water-types to pair with Ferroseed because of both of them can check Fire-types like Ponyta and Vulpix and appreciate Ferroseed to be able to switchin on Foongus' attacks. Staryu can also use Thunderbolt to take care of Wingull and dent Vullaby while also using Rapid Spin to get rid of hazards that wear Ferroseed down. Shellos is great wall that can help with Nasty Plot Vullaby and take care of Galarian Ponyta. Set up sweepers such as Corphish, Dragon Dance Scraggy and Onix, Shellder, and Nasty Plot Vullaby can sweep mid- to late-game thanks to Ferroseed being able to soften up threats with Knock Off and cripple faster Pokemon like Mienfoo, Galarian Ponyta, Wingull, and Ponyta with Thunder Wave.

Other Options

Iron Head can be used over Knock Off or Thunder Wave to be able to hit Spritzee super effectively; however, it has no use outside of this. Protect can be used in order for to cause crash damage from Mienfoo using High Jump Kick on Ferroseed; however, it does not do much else for it. Stealth Rock can be used over Thunder Wave in order for Ferroseed to run both Spikes and Stealth Rock, but the drawback to this would be that Ferroseed can no longer slow down threats such as Ponyta with Thunder Wave. A fast physical set with Bullet Seed and Explosion can be used on offensive teams to get momentum. Mention Revenge to lure and KO Pawniard.

Checks and Counters

**Fire-types and Fire-type coverage**: Fire-types such as Ponyta and Vulpix can easily OHKO Ferroseed with their Fire STAB attacks. Pokemon that can run Fire-type coverage like Galarian Ponyta and Vullaby can OHKO Ferroseed with Mystical Fire and Heat Wave.

**Fighting-types**: Fighting-types like Timburr and Mienfoo give Ferroseed trouble as they can switch into Ferroseed's attack and can 2HKO it with their Fighting-STAB atttacks. (Move Mienfoo first and add Scraggy)

**Knock Off users**: Pokemon that run Knock Off like Pawniard, Timburr, Mareanie, and Vullaby can cripple Ferroseed's bulk and make it easier to take care of it.

- Written by: [[Yami, 393488]]
- Quality checked by: [[Stoward, 420389], [Nineage, 195129], [Coconut, 150971], [Fiend, 208173]]
- Grammar checked by: [[, ], [, ]]

Should be good for GP now. Good work.
remove add / fix (comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)
GP 1/2

Ferroseed is one of the greatest and most versatile defensive and versatile Pokemon, as it has a its great typing that allows it to take care of Pokemon like Foongus and Staryu and also take both physical attacks from Onix and special attacks from Spritzee, Porygon, (AC) and Abra. Ferroseed is also a great entry hazard user and has setter with access to both Spikes and Stealth Rock, (comma) It also has as well as utility options such as Knock Off and Thunder Wave to help cripple down opposing Pokemon. However, even with its great typing, Ferroseed has problems with Fire- and Fighting-type attacks. It also makes it is easy for Pokemon like Nasty Plot Vullaby and Dragon Dance Scraggy to set up on due to Ferroseed's its low Attack and Speed stats, (AC) making which leave it unable to do a lot of damage and gets outpaced by most Pokemon. Ferroseed also has no reliable way to get some recovery back recover HP, making it easy to wear down over time from it switching into hazards (RC) and weak attacks, or resisted attacks from Pokemon over time. It also has trouble with Knock Off users like Pawniard and Vullaby, (AC) due to as losing Eviolite makes it less bulky and more easier to take care of.

name: Defensive Support
move 1: Spikes / Stealth Rock
move 2: Giga Drain / Bullet Seed
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Thunder Wave
item: Eviolite
ability: Iron Barbs
nature: Bold / Impish
evs: 84 HP / 36 Atk / 108 Def / 4 SpA / 228 SpD / 36 Spe


Spikes can be used in order to form an entry hazard stacking core to greatly chip down Pokemon on the switch (RC) and making make it easier for its teammates to sweep. Stealth Rock can be used over Spikes if the team lacks a Stealth Rock user that can be used for chip damage, which helps out with crippling two threats to it Ferroseed, which is namely Vullaby and Ponyta. Giga Drain gives Ferroseed a way to get some passive recovery and enables it to take care of Water- and Ground-types such as Staryu and Onix. Bullet Seed is a stronger option that allows Ferroseed to output more damage and take care of Focus Sash Abra and Sturdy Onix (RC) but cannot take care of out Mudbray. Knock Off allows it Ferroseed to knock remove items when a Pokemon is from bulky Pokemon such as Foongus, Porygon, and Spritzee as it threatens out by it that a foe, which can greatly help out its teammates with taking out the Pokemon later in the game. This is very good against bulky Pokemon such as Foongus, Porygon and Spritzee. Thunder Wave is a useful move to slow down its usual checks such as Ponyta, Vullaby, and Mienfoo.

Set Details

Having Eviolite, 84 HP EVs, 108 Defensive EVs and a Bold or Impish with the given defensive EVs and a Defense-boosting nature makes Ferroseed hit 22 HP and 18 Defensve which allows it Ferroseed to effectively take physical and special attacks. (surely there's more specific reasoning than this) A Bold nature is perferred preferred to avoid reducing Giga Drain damage, but it Ferroseed can should use an Impish nature if using Bullet Seed. Iron Barbs makes Ferroseed able to wear down phsyical physical attackers.

Usage Tips

Use Ferroseed early-game (AH) to set down Stealth Rock or Spikes. It can also use Knock Off early game to or soften up its checks with by getting rid of Eviolite with Knock Off. It can also use Thunder Wave on a predicted switch to help slow down threats such as Ponyta, Mienfoo,(space)and Vullaby. Switch Ferroseed in on Spritzee, Mareanie, and Foongus, as these Pokemon cannot do much to it. Use Knock Off or set entry hazards when Ferroseed switches into these as it will to help its soften up Pokemon for its teammates to take care of. Try to scout Vullaby, Abra, and Galarian Ponyta before trying to use a move because if it has Heat Wave, Fire Punch, or Mystical Fire respectively, it they can potentially bypass it Ferroseed with Fire-type coverage. Ferroseed should be preserved if the opponent's team has to check setup sweepers such as Dragon Dance Onix and Agility Porygon or check threats like Foongus, Mudbray, and Staryu if the team lacks a way to deal with this these.

Team Options

Spirtzee and Mareanie are great partners for Ferroseed because of their typing allows them to come in on Fighting-types such as Timburr and Mienfoo. Spritzee also is good for absorbing Knock Off for Ferroseed and keeping it healthy with using Wish, (comma) while Mareanie can put down Toxic Spikes to cripple Pokemon on switch-ins (AH) and also in return likes Ferrroseed for being able Ferroseed's ability to put up entry hazards, (AC) and taking take care of Ground-types such as Onix if it's lacking Iron Defense, (AC) and being able to come in on Foongus. Stealth Rock setters like Onix and Mudbray are great to pair with Ferroseed if it is running Spikes to form an entry hazard stacking duo and make it easier to pressure switch-ins (AH) and wear down Pokemon. Onix is useful to take care of Vullaby, (AC) while Mudbray is more useful in taking down Timburr and threatening Fire-types such as Ponyta and Vulpix. Trappers like Diglett and Trapinch are good to pair with Ferroseed to trap Ponyta and Pawniard and take care of them. Staryu (missing example here?) are great Water-type partners to pair with Ferroseed because of both of them can check Fire-types like Ponyta and Vulpix and appreciate Ferroseed's ability to be able to switch(space)in on Foongus's attacks. Staryu can also use Thunderbolt to take care of Wingull and dent Vullaby while also using Rapid Spin to get rid of hazards that wear Ferroseed down. Set up Setup sweepers such as Onix, Shellder, and Nasty Plot Vullaby can sweep mid- to late-game thanks to Ferroseed's ability being able to soften up threats with Knock Off and cripple faster Pokemon like Mienfoo, Galarian Ponyta, Wingull, and Ponyta with Thunder Wave.

Other Options

Iron Head can be used over Knock Off or Thunder Wave to be able to hit Spritzee super effectively; however, it has no use outside of this. Protect can be used in order for to cause crash damage from Mienfoo using High Jump Kick on Ferroseed; however, it does not do much else for it. Stealth Rock can be used over Thunder Wave in order for Ferroseed to run both Spikes and Stealth Rock, but the drawback to this would be that Ferroseed can no longer slow down threats such as Ponyta with Thunder Wave. A fast physical set with Bullet Seed and Explosion can be used on offensive teams to get momentum. Revenge can be used to lure in Pawniard and OHKO it; however, it does not have much use outside of this.

Checks and Counters

**Fire-types and Fire-type coverage**: Fire-types such as Ponyta and Vulpix can easily OHKO Ferroseed with their Fire STAB attacks. Similarly, Pokemon that can run Fire-type coverage like Galarian Ponyta and Vullaby can OHKO Ferroseed with Mystical Fire and Heat Wave.

**Fighting-types**: Fighting-types like Mienfoo, Scraggy, Timburr, and Mienfoo give Ferroseed trouble, (AC) as they can switch into Ferroseed's its attacks and can 2HKO it with their Fighting-STAB atttacks.

**Knock Off users**: Pokemon that run Knock Off like Pawniard, Timburr, Mareanie, and Vullaby can cripple Ferroseed's bulk and make it easier to take care of it.

- Written by: [[Yami, 393488]]
- Quality checked by: [[Stoward, 420389], [Nineage, 195129], [Coconut, 150971], [Fiend, 208173], [DC, 449990]]
- Grammar checked by: [[, ], [, ]]
add remove (comments)

Ferroseed is one of the greatest and most versatile defensive Pokemon, as its great typing allows it to take care of Pokemon like Foongus and Staryu and take both physical attacks from Onix and special attacks from Spritzee, Porygon, and Abra. Ferroseed is also a great entry hazard settler with access to both Spikes and Stealth Rock, as well as utility options such as Knock Off and Thunder Wave to help cripple opposing Pokemon. However, even with its great typing, Ferroseed has problems with Fire- and Fighting-type attacks. It also is easy for Pokemon like Nasty Plot Vullaby and Dragon Dance Scraggy to set up on it due to its low Attack and Speed stats, which leave it unable to do a lot of damage and outpaced by most Pokemon. Ferroseed also has no reliable way to recover HP, making it easy to wear down over time from switching into hazards and weak resisted attacks. It also has trouble with Knock Off users like Pawniard and Vullaby, as losing Eviolite makes it easier to take care of.

name: Defensive Support
move 1: Spikes / Stealth Rock
move 2: Giga Drain / Bullet Seed
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Thunder Wave
item: Eviolite
ability: Iron Barbs
nature: Bold / Impish
evs: 84 HP / 36 Atk / 108 Def / 4 SpA / 228 SpD / 36 Spe


Spikes can be used in order to form am an entry hazard stacking core (with what?) to greatly chip down Pokemon on the switch and make it easier for teammates to sweep. Stealth Rock can be used over Spikes if the team lacks a Stealth Rock user, which helps out with crippling two threats to Ferroseed, namely Vullaby and Ponyta. Giga Drain gives Ferroseed passive recovery and enables it to take care of Water- and Ground-types such as Staryu and Onix. Bullet Seed is a stronger option that allows Ferroseed to take care of Focus Sash Abra and Sturdy Onix but cannot take out Mudbray. Knock Off allows Ferroseed to remove items from bulky Pokemon such as Foongus, Porygon, and Spritzee as it threatens out a foe, which can greatly help out its teammates with taking out the Pokemon later in the game. Thunder Wave is a useful move to slow down its usual checks such as Ponyta, Vullaby, and Mienfoo.

Set Details

Eviolite, with the given defensive EVs and a Defense-boosting nature, (AC) allows Ferroseed to effectively take physical and special attacks. A Bold nature is preferred to avoid reducing Giga Drain damage, but Ferroseed should use an Impish nature if using Bullet Seed. Iron Barbs makes Ferroseed able to wear down physical attackers.

Usage Tips

Use Ferroseed early-game to set down Stealth Rock or Spikes or soften up its checks by getting rid of Eviolite with Knock Off. It can also use Thunder Wave on a predicted switch to help slow down threats such as Ponyta, Mienfoo, and Vullaby. Switch Ferroseed in on Spritzee, Mareanie, and Foongus, as these Pokemon cannot do much to it. Use Knock Off or set entry hazards when Ferroseed switches into these to help its soften up Pokemon for its teammates to take care of. Try to scout Vullaby, Abra, and Galarian Ponyta before trying to use a move because they can potentially bypass Ferroseed with Fire-type coverage. Ferroseed should be preserved to check setup sweepers such as Dragon Dance Onix and Agility Porygon or threats like Foongus, Mudbray, and Staryu if the team lacks a way to deal with these them.

Team Options

Spirtzee Spritzee and Mareanie are great partners for Ferroseed because their typing allows them to come in on Fighting-types such as Timburr and Mienfoo. Spritzee also is good for absorbing Knock Off for Ferroseed and keeping it healthy with using Wish, while Mareanie can put down Toxic Spikes to cripple switch-ins and in return likes Ferrroseed's Ferroseed's ability to put up entry hazards, take care of Ground-types such as Onix if it's lacking Iron Defense, and come in on Foongus. Stealth Rock settlers setters like Onix and Mudbray are great to pair with Ferroseed if it is running Spikes to form an entry hazard stacking duo and make it easier to pressure switch-ins and wear down Pokemon. Onix is useful to take care of Vullaby, while Mudbray is more useful in taking down Timburr and threatening Fire-types such as Ponyta and Vulpix. Trappers like Diglett and Trapinch are good to pair with Ferroseed to trap Ponyta and Pawniard and take care of them. Staryu is a great Water-type partner because of it checking Fire-types like Ponyta and Vulpix and appreciate appreciating Ferroseed's ability to switch in on Foongus's attacks. Staryu can also use Thunderbolt to take care of Wingull and dent Vullaby while also using Rapid Spin to get rid of hazards that wear Ferroseed down. Setup sweepers such as Onix, Shellder, and Nasty Plot Vullaby can sweep mid- to late-game thanks to Ferroseed's ability to soften up threats with Knock Off and cripple faster Pokemon like Mienfoo, Galarian Ponyta, Wingull, and Ponyta with Thunder Wave.

Other Options

Iron Head can be used over Knock Off or Thunder Wave to hit Spritzee super effectively; however, it has no use outside of this. Protect can be used to cause crash damage from Mienfoo using High Jump Kick on Ferroseed; however, it does not do much else. Stealth Rock can be used over Thunder Wave in order for Ferroseed to run both Spikes and Stealth Rock, but the drawback to this would be that Ferroseed can no longer slow down threats such as Ponyta. A fast physical set with Bullet Seed and Explosion can be used on offensive teams to get momentum. Revenge can be used to lure in Pawniard and OHKO it; however, it does not have much use outside of this.

Checks and Counters

**Fire-types and Fire-type Coverage**: Fire-types such as Ponyta and Vulpix can easily OHKO Ferroseed with their STAB attacks. Similarly, Pokemon that can run Fire-type coverage like Galarian Ponyta and Vullaby can OHKO Ferroseed with Mystical Fire and Heat Wave, (AC) respectively.

**Fighting-types**: Fighting-types like Mienfoo, Scraggy, Timburr, and Mienfoo give Ferroseed trouble, as they can switch into its attacks and 2HKO it with their STAB atttacks attacks.

**Knock Off Users**: Pokemon that run Knock Off like Pawniard, Timburr, Mareanie, and Vullaby can cripple Ferroseed's bulk and make it easier to take care of it.

- Written by: [[Yami, 393488]]
- Quality checked by: [[Stoward, 420389], [Nineage, 195129], [Coconut, 150971], [Fiend, 208173], [DC, 449990]]
- Grammar checked by: [[, ], [, ]]
2/2 :blobthumbsup: