Ferroseed is one of the greatest and most versatile defensive Pokemon, as its great typing allows it to take care of Pokemon like Foongus and Staryu and take both physical attacks from Onix and special attacks from Spritzee, Porygon, and Abra. Ferroseed is also a great entry hazard settler with access to both Spikes and Stealth Rock, as well as utility options such as Knock Off and Thunder Wave to help cripple opposing Pokemon. However, even with its great typing, Ferroseed has problems with Fire- and Fighting-type attacks. It also is easy for Pokemon like Nasty Plot Vullaby and Dragon Dance Scraggy to set up on due to its low Attack and Speed stats, which leave it unable to do a lot of damage and outpaced by most Pokemon. Ferroseed also has no reliable way to recover HP, making it easy to wear down over time from switching into hazards and weak resisted attacks. It also has trouble with Knock Off users like Pawniard and Vullaby, as losing Eviolite makes it easier to take care of.
name: Defensive Support
move 1: Spikes / Stealth Rock
move 2: Giga Drain / Bullet Seed
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Thunder Wave
item: Eviolite
ability: Iron Barbs
nature: Bold / Impish
evs: 84 HP / 36 Atk / 108 Def / 4 SpA / 228 SpD / 36 Spe
Spikes can be used in order to form a entry hazard stacking core with Pokemon such as Onix to greatly chip down Pokemon on the switch and make it easier for teammates to sweep. Stealth Rock can be used over Spikes if the team lacks a Stealth Rock user, which helps out with crippling threats to Ferroseed, namely Vullaby and Ponyta. Giga Drain gives Ferroseed passive recovery and enables it to take care of Water- and Ground-types such as Staryu and Onix. Bullet Seed is a stronger option that allows Ferroseed to take care of Focus Sash Abra and Sturdy Onix but cannot take out Mudbray. Knock Off allows Ferroseed to remove items from bulky Pokemon such as Foongus, Porygon, and Spritzee as it threatens out a foe, which can greatly help out its teammates with taking out the Pokemon later in the game. Thunder Wave is a useful move to slow down its usual checks such as Ponyta, Vullaby, and Mienfoo.
Set Details
Eviolite, with the given defensive EVs and a Defense-boosting nature, allows Ferroseed to effectively take physical and special attacks. A Bold nature is preferred to avoid reducing Giga Drain damage, but Ferroseed should use an Impish nature if using Bullet Seed. Iron Barbs makes Ferroseed able to wear down physical attackers.
Usage Tips
Use Ferroseed early-game to set down Stealth Rock or Spikes or soften up its checks by getting rid of Eviolite with Knock Off. It can also use Thunder Wave on a predicted switch to help slow down threats such as Ponyta, Mienfoo, and Vullaby. Switch Ferroseed in on Spritzee, Mareanie, and Foongus, as these Pokemon cannot do much to it. Use Knock Off or set entry hazards when Ferroseed switches into these to help its soften up Pokemon for its teammates to take care of. Try to scout Vullaby, Abra, and Galarian Ponyta before trying to use a move because they can potentially bypass Ferroseed with Fire-type coverage. Ferroseed should be preserved to check setup sweepers such as Dragon Dance Onix and Agility Porygon or threats like Foongus, Mudbray, and Staryu if the team lacks a way to deal with them.
Team Options
Spritzee and Mareanie are great partners for Ferroseed because their typing allows them to come in on Fighting-types such as Timburr and Mienfoo. Spritzee also is good for absorbing Knock Off for Ferroseed and keeping it healthy with Wish, while Mareanie can put down Toxic Spikes to cripple switch-ins and in return likes Ferroseed's ability to put up entry hazards, take care of Ground-types such as Onix if it's lacking Iron Defense, and come in on Foongus. Stealth Rock setters like Onix and Mudbray are great to pair with Ferroseed if it is running Spikes to form an entry hazard stacking duo and make it easier to pressure switch-ins and wear down Pokemon. Onix is useful to take care of Vullaby, while Mudbray is more useful in taking down Timburr and threatening Fire-types such as Ponyta and Vulpix. Trappers like Diglett and Trapinch are good to pair with Ferroseed to trap Ponyta and Pawniard and take care of them. Staryu is a great Water-type partner because of it checking Fire-types like Ponyta and Vulpix and appreciating Ferroseed's ability to switch in on Foongus's attacks. Staryu can also use Thunderbolt to take care of Wingull and dent Vullaby while also using Rapid Spin to get rid of hazards that wear Ferroseed down. Setup sweepers such as Onix, Shellder, and Nasty Plot Vullaby can sweep mid- to late-game thanks to Ferroseed's ability to soften up threats with Knock Off and cripple faster Pokemon like Mienfoo, Galarian Ponyta, Wingull, and Ponyta with Thunder Wave.
Other Options
Iron Head can be used over Knock Off or Thunder Wave to hit Spritzee super effectively; however, it has no use outside of this. Protect can be used to cause crash damage from Mienfoo using High Jump Kick on Ferroseed; however, it does not do much else. Stealth Rock can be used over Thunder Wave in order for Ferroseed to run both Spikes and Stealth Rock, but the drawback to this would be that Ferroseed can no longer slow down threats such as Ponyta. A fast physical set with Bullet Seed and Explosion can be used on offensive teams to get momentum. Revenge can be used to lure in Pawniard and OHKO it; however, it does not have much use outside of this.
Checks and Counters
**Fire-types and Fire-type coverage**: Fire-types such as Ponyta and Vulpix can easily OHKO Ferroseed with their STAB attacks. Similarly, Pokemon that can run Fire-type coverage like Galarian Ponyta and Vullaby can OHKO Ferroseed with Mystical Fire and Heat Wave, respectively.
**Fighting-types**: Fighting-types like Mienfoo, Scraggy, Timburr, and Mienfoo give Ferroseed trouble, as they can switch into its attacks and 2HKO it with their STAB attacks.
**Knock Off Users**: Pokemon that run Knock Off like Pawniard, Timburr, Mareanie, and Vullaby can cripple Ferroseed's bulk and make it easier to take care of it.
- Written by: [[Yami, 393488]]
- Quality checked by: [[Stoward, 420389], [Nineage, 195129], [Coconut, 150971], [Fiend, 208173], [DC, 449990]]
- Grammar checked by: [[The Dutch Plumerjack, 232216], [Estronic, 240732]]
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