Tournament Fantasy OMPL

drampa's grandpa

benign auto-cannibal
is a Community Contributoris a Community Leader Alumnusis a Metagame Resource Contributor Alumnus
fantasy ompl.png
or FOMPL for short
art by me and espn

Welcome to Fantasy OMPL! The game where you too can be an OMPL manager.
The rules are as follows;
  • Each would-be manager is issued 100k credits for them to spend on players. They may then draft from the pool of OMPL players using those credits at the OMPL draft price. Players may be bought by as many teams as want them. Managers cannot be bought. No 13.5K Quantum Tesseract sorry.​
  • Each week managers will submit a lineup of eight of their drafted players, one for each metagame being played in OMPL, prior to the week beginning. There MUST be a player in each metagame, not just eight players who happen to be playing.​
  • Your performance will be measured based on week-by-week wins, just like in OMPL. Three or fewer wins in a week is considered losing a week and worth 0 points, four wins tying and worth 1 point, and five or more winning and worth 2 points.​
  • The player with the most points at the end of the regular season will win. Ties will be determined by win differential (wins-losses).​
  • Any rules not covered here or the FAQ will be dealt with on a case by case basis.​
  • As always all Smogon and OM forum rules apply.​

Ready to play?
Sign up using this format!
Team Name:
Drafted Players:

for example

Username: drampa's grandpa
Team Name: dead drampas
Drafted Players: quojova, shiloh, yuki, lepton, Inder, Fissure, Career Ended, tlenit, blinkboy, Lasen, SpaceSpeakers, Instruct, Shaneghoul, tzaur, seroo, TectonicDestroyer

Then submit your lineup in this thread, in the same post, using the following format.
SV 2v2 Doubles - PlayerName
SV Almost Any Ability - PlayerName
SV Anything Goes - PlayerName
SV Balanced Hackmons - PlayerName
SV Godly Gift - PlayerName
SV Mix and Mega - PlayerName
SV NFE - PlayerName
SV STABmons - PlayerName

Future weeks' lineups may be submitted either in my Smogon PMs or in the thread.

Signups will continue through the end of Week 2.
However Week 1 counts, so sign up now or accept your point disadvantage.

Q: Can I make substitutions?
A: Yes! Any number of substitutions can be made so long as you have players left for it. There is no time limit on substitutions, although once a match has been played you cannot sub out your player (duh). A player cannot be subbed out and subbed back in, although if they are automatically removed due to not playing that slot they can be added back in the appropriate slot (so no you don't have to guess where xavgb is going every week).

Q: Can I draft managers?
A: No. And Ponchlake is a manager guys stop trying to draft them.

Q: If I'm an OMPL manager can I play here?
A: You can. Please weigh the potential disadvantages however (morale issues, revealing lineups to an opposing manager).

Q: What if I don't have a player who can be slotted into a particular metagame?
A: That's a loss, sorry. Draft accordingly.

Q: What if I submit a lineup with a player in the wrong metagame or who isn't playing?
A: That's no problem! Just resubmit the lineup with people in the appropriate slots. Remember though, once someone has played you can't slot them in, so try to resubmit quickly.

Q: What is the minimum number of players?
A: Just like in OMPL, 12 players on a team.

Q: What if no lineup is submitted, or is submitted too late?
A: I will use last weeks lineup once. If you show no continued interest I will stop keeping track of your team altogether after that. This is entirely at my discretion.

Q: Do I have to use all my credits?
A: No! Unlike OMPL you do not have to use the maximum amount of credits, although there is no real advantage to not doing so.
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Records and Rosters
Why isn't my roster here? Because Drampa got sloppy. Let me know ASAP!
Rank - Name - Team Name - Wins | Losses | Ties (Differential) Points
1 - SpaceSpeakers - Speakers of Space 1 | 0 | 1 (+4) 3
Week 1 | 6-2 (+4)
Week 2 | 4-4 (0)
2 - Itchy - Gym Bro Terrakions 1 | 0 | 0 (+2) 2
Week 1 | 5-3 (+2)
Week 2 | 4-4 (0)
3 - Tranquility - The Dynamax Dratinies - 1 | 1 | 0 (+2) 2
Week 1 | 3-5 (-2)
Week 2 | 6-2 (+4)
4 - Blinkboy - Blinks Baby 1 | 1 | 0 (-2) 2
Week 1 | 5-3 (+2)
Week 2 | 2-6 (-4)
4 - Tuthur - Negapi - 1 | 1 | 0 (-2) 2
Week 1 | 2-6 (-4)
Week 2 | 5-3 (+2)
6 - Icemaster - Skoom Stealing Seven Skarp Siddhus - 0 | 1 | 1 (-2) 1
Week 1 | 3-5 (-2)
Week 2 | 4-4 (0)
6 - ojr - LA FRANCE - 0 | 1 | 1 (-2) 1
Week 1 | 3-5 (-2)
Week 2 | 4-4 (0)
6 - Orangex - Home Replacement Trevenant - 0 | 1 | 1 (-2) 1
Week 1 | 4-4 (+0)
Week 2 | 3-5 (-2)
9 - Chris32156 - Gods (as ghold) - 0 | 1 | 1 (-4) 1
Week 1 | 4-4 (0)
Week 2 | 2-6 (-4)
9 - UT - Top-Flight Talonflames - 0 | 1 | 1 (-4) 1
Week 1 | 2-6 (-4)
Week 2 | 4-4 (0)
10 - Dr. PhD BJ - Rugshop Rillabooms - 0 | 0 | 1 (-2) 0
Week 1 N/A
Week 2 | 3-5 (-2)
11 - Osake - Tangela's Merkel - 0 | 2 | 0 (-6) 0
Week 1 | 2-6 (-4)
Week 2 | 3-5 (-2)

Username: Icemaster
Team Name: Skoom Stealing Seven Skarp Siddhus
Drafted Players: Crying, The Number Man, Guard, PDT, Icemaster, Stareal, Fc

Username: ojr
Team Name: Tangela's Merkel
Drafted Players: atha, luisin, king leo V, xavgb, Staxi, yuki, meta, fissure, XxLazzerpenguinxX, Leru, baconeatinassassin, Frozoid

Username: Tuthur
Team Name: Negapi
Drafted Players: xavgb, stareal, kaif, fogbound lake, vrji, xxlazerpenguinxx, lily, shiloh, dugza, leru, tyo, hariyana grande

Username: SpaceSpeakers
Team Name: Speakers of Space
Drafted Players: Chris32156, Ivar57, TaxFraud, Chessking345, blinkboy, kDCA, lepton, pannu, clean, DugZa, RoFna, Vrji

Username: UT
Team Name: Top-Flight Talonflames
Drafted Players: MZ, Vrji, Staxi, XxLazzerpenguinxX, gum, db, Stareal, Fissure, hariyana grande, King Leo V, Kaif, blinkboy, Taka, Krytocon, kDCA, Potatochan

Username: Blinkboy
Team Name: Blinks Babes
Drafted Players: xavgb, ojr, polt, jrdn, quojova, DripLegend, DugZa, kaif, spacespeakers, Krytocon ,BoingK, shiloh

Team Name: Home Replacement Trevenant
Drafted Players: Vrji, shiloh, Fogbound Lake, cityscapes, blinkboy, xavgb, Stareal, Kaif, bored glitch, luisin, Meta, King Leo V

Username: Itchy
Team Name: Gym Bro Terrakions
Drafted Players: Vrji, hariyana grande, polt, cityscapes, Dr. PhD. BJ, xavgb, Stareal, Kaif, luisin, tyo, blinkboy, RoFnA, cumps

Username: Tranquility
Team Name: The Dynamax Dratinies
Drafted Players: luisin, Icemaster, Pichus, King Leo V, Leru, pannu, Stareal, Pokemon Trainer 596, Blinkboy, quojova, Polt, The Number Man, Vrji

Username: Chris32156
Team Name: Gods (as ghold)
Drafted Players: Chris32156, Lancert, TaxFraud, ChessKing345, Fraise, damflame3, PandaDoux, Abriel, Ivar57, Ballfire, avarice, boingk

Username: Dr. Phd BJ
Team Name: Rugshop Rillabooms
Drafted Players: Crying, The Number Man, Geysers, PDT, Icemaster, Stareal, Fc
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Team Name: Skoom Stealing Seven Skarp Siddhus
SV 2v2 Doubles - Crying
SV Almost Any Ability - The Number Man
SV Anything Goes - Guard
SV Balanced Hackmons - PDT
SV Godly Gift - Kris
SV Mix and Mega - Icemaster
SV NFE - Stareal
SV STABmons - Fc
2 3k subs. Doesn't matter, my starters will play every week no exceptions.
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Username: me
Team Name: Tangela's Merkel
Drafted Players: atha, luisin, king leo V, xavgb, Staxi, yuki, meta, fissure, XxLazzerpenguinxX, Leru, baconeatinassassin, Frozoid
which if I did my maths correctly (prob not) gives 18 + 4 + 3 + 22 + 7 + 10 + 4 + 7.5 + 9.5 + 4 + 7 + 4 = 100

SV 2v2 Doubles - yuki
SV Almost Any Ability - Atha
SV Anything Goes - Staxi
SV Balanced Hackmons - XxLazzerpenguinxX
SV Godly Gift - Meta
SV Mix and Mega - Stresh
SV NFE - King Leo V
SV STABmons - Fissure

Hopefully I understood everything and did that correctly, lmk if I'm right/wrong lol it was a bit hard to understand

I count on all of you guys to win :blobtriumph: except Fissure if you could lose this week it would be cool :3
Username: Tuthur
Team Name: Negapi
Drafted Players: xavgb, stareal, kaif, fogbound lake, vrji, xxlazerpenguinxx, lily, shiloh, dugza, leru, tyo, hariyana grande

Week 1
2v2: vrji
AAA: shiloh
AG: Fogbound Lake
BH: xxLazerPenguinxx
GG: Lily
NFE: Stareal
STAB: Kaif
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Username: ojr
Team Name: LA FRANCE
SV 2v2 Doubles - lancert (5k) (I dont care that they are benched ill take the loss)
SV Almost Any Ability - Osake (13k) (I have confidence in my teammate to win so im benching atha)
SV Anything Goes - inder (8k)
SV Balanced Hackmons - augustakira (5k) (TTTech said akira speaks french)
SV Godly Gift - Fraise (5.5k)
SV Mix and Mega - damflame 3 (6.5k)
SV NFE - PandaDoux (11.5k)
SV STABmons - LBDC (11k)
subs: Atha (18k), Staxi (7k), Tuthur (5k), willdbeast (3k) (still honorary french)
5 + 13 + 8 + 5 + 5.5 + 6.5 + 11.5 + 11 + 18 + 7 + 5 + 3 = 98.5
Username: SpaceSpeakers
Team Name: Speakers of Space
Drafted Players: Chris32156, Ivar57, TaxFraud, Chessking345, blinkboy, kDCA, lepton, pannu, clean, DugZa, RoFna, Vrji

SV 2v2 Doubles : Chris32156 - 9.5k
SV Almost Any Ability : Ivar57 - 18.5k
SV Anything Goes : TaxFraud - 10k
SV Balanced Hackmons : Chessking345 - 7k
SV Godly Gift : blinkboy - 5.5k
SV Mix and Mega : kDCA - 7k
SV NFE : lepton - 9.5k
SV STABmons : pannu - 13k
Subs : clean - 5k, DugZa - 3k, RoFna - 6k, Vrji - 5k
Username: UT
Team Name: Top-Flight Talonflames
Drafted Players: MZ, Vrji, Staxi, XxLazzerpenguinxX, gum, db, Stareal, Fissure, hariyana grande, King Leo V, Kaif, blinkboy, Taka, Krytocon, kDCA, Potatochan
(Costs: 11 + 5 + 7 + 9.5 + 3 + 7.5 + 8 + 7.5 + 3 + 3 + 7 + 5.5 + 4.5 + 6 + 7 + 5.5 = 100)

Week One
SV 2v2 Doubles: Vrji
SV Almost Any Ability: MZ
SV Anything Goes: Taka
SV Balanced Hackmons: XxLazzerpenguinxX
SV Godly Gift: gum
SV Mix and Mega: kDCA
SV NFE: Stareal
SV STABmons: Fissure
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Username: Blinkboy
Team Name: Blinks Babes

Drafted Players: xavgb, ojr, polt, jrdn, quojova, DripLegend, DugZa, kaif, spacespeakers, Krytocon ,BoingK, shiloh

SV 2v2 Doubles - Krytocon
SV Almost Any Ability - DugZa
SV Anything Goes - Polt
SV Balanced Hackmons - quojova
SV Godly Gift - jrdn
SV Mix and Mega - xavgb
SV NFE - ojr
SV STABmons - kaif

Fixed my team i think after mistakenly taking a self buy manager
Team Name: Home Replacement Trevenant
Drafted Players: Vrji, shiloh, Fogbound Lake, cityscapes, blinkboy, xavgb, Stareal, Kaif, bored glitch, luisin, Meta, King Leo V

SV 2v2 Doubles - Vrji
SV Almost Any Ability - shiloh
SV Anything Goes - Fogbound Lake
SV Balanced Hackmons - cityscapes
SV Godly Gift - blinkboy
SV Mix and Mega - xavgb
SV NFE - Stareal
SV STABmons - Kaif
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:terrakion: Gym Bro Terrakions :terrakion:

SV 2v2 Doubles - Vrji (5k)
SV Almost Any Ability - hariyana grande (3k)
SV Anything Goes - polt (7k)
SV Balanced Hackmons - cityscapes (15k)
SV Godly Gift - Dr. PhD. BJ (11k)
SV Mix and Mega - xavgb (22k)
SV NFE - Stareal (8k)
SV STABmons - Kaif (7k)

Subs: luisin (4k), tyo (3k), blinkboy (5.5k), RoFnA (6k), cumps (3k)

Total: 99.5
Username: Tranquility
:dratini: The Dynamax Dratinies :dratini:

SS 2v2 Doubles - Vrji (5000)
SS Almost Any Ability - The Number Man (13500)
SV Anything Goes - Polt (7000)
SV Balanced Hackmons - quojova (15000)
SV Godly Gift - Blinkboy (5500)
SV Mix and Mega - Pokemon Trainer 596 (7000)
SV NFE - Stareal (8000)
SV STABmons - pannu (13000)

Subs: luisin (4000), Icemaster (9500), Pichus (4500), King Leo V (3000), Leru (4000)

Total: 99000
Username: Chris32156
Team Name: Gods (as ghold)
Drafted Players:
SV 2v2 Doubles - Chris32156 (9500)
SV Almost Any Ability - Lancert(5000)
SV Anything Goes - TaxFraud(10000)
SV Balanced Hackmons - ChessKing345(7000)
SV Godly Gift - Fraise(5500)
SV Mix and Mega - damflame3(6500)
SV NFE - PandaDoux(11500)
SV STABmons - Abriel(13000)

Subs: Ivar57(18500), Ballfire (4500), avarice(4000), boingk(3000)
9500 + 18500 + 10000 + 7000 + 5500 + 6500 + 11500 + 13000 + 5000 + 4500 + 4000 + 3000
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Week Two
SV 2v2 Doubles: Krytocon
SV Almost Any Ability: MZ
SV Anything Goes: Staxi
SV Balanced Hackmons: XxLazzerpenguinxX
SV Godly Gift: blinkboy
SV Mix and Mega: kDCA
SV NFE: Stareal
SV STABmons: Fissure
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SV 2v2 Doubles - yuki
SV Almost Any Ability - Atha
SV Anything Goes - Staxi
SV Balanced Hackmons - XxLazzerpenguinxX
SV Godly Gift - Meta
SV Mix and Mega - Stresh
SV NFE - King Leo V
SV STABmons - Fissure
Team Name: Skoom Stealing Seven Skarp Siddhus
SV 2v2 Doubles - Crying
SV Almost Any Ability - The Number Man
SV Anything Goes - Guard
SV Balanced Hackmons - PDT
SV Godly Gift - Kris
SV Mix and Mega - Icemaster
SV NFE - Stareal
SV STABmons - Fc
2 3k subs. Doesn't matter, my starters will play every week no exceptions.
It's fine if you want to play the same people every week, but Kris was not drafted and will be counted as an auto-loss every week. I recommend finding someone else.
Username: me
Team Name: Tangela's Merkel
Drafted Players: atha, luisin, king leo V, xavgb, Staxi, yuki, meta, fissure, XxLazzerpenguinxX, Leru, baconeatinassassin, Frozoid
which if I did my maths correctly (prob not) gives 18 + 4 + 3 + 22 + 7 + 10 + 4 + 7.5 + 9.5 + 4 + 7 + 4 = 100

SV 2v2 Doubles - yuki
SV Almost Any Ability - Atha
SV Anything Goes - Staxi
SV Balanced Hackmons - XxLazzerpenguinxX
SV Godly Gift - Meta
SV Mix and Mega - Stresh
SV NFE - King Leo V
SV STABmons - Fissure

Hopefully I understood everything and did that correctly, lmk if I'm right/wrong lol it was a bit hard to understand

I count on all of you guys to win :blobtriumph: except Fissure if you could lose this week it would be cool :3
As Staxi was subbed out I will be giving you the slot that Staxi was in... Which was a loss. Woops. This will be the policy from here out. If you have an issue with this please let me know ASAP

Week Two
SV 2v2 Doubles: Krytoon
SV Almost Any Ability: MZ
SV Anything Goes: Staxi
SV Balanced Hackmons: XxLazzerpenguinxX
SV Godly Gift: blinkboy
SV Mix and Mega: kDCA
SV NFE: Stareal
SV STABmons: Fissure
Krytoon isn't a player on your roster and talonflame sucks

Week 2
2v2: tyo
AAA: shiloh
AG: Fogbound Lake
BH: xxLazerPenguinxx
GG: Lily
NFE: Stareal
STAB: Kaif
Mix and Mega is being played in this tour. You even drafted a player for it (no hints on who).
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