Approved by Mekkah
List of possible players:
If you would like a certain type of role or role name(if this role even exists in the game) please speak with me, we may be able to accommodate you.
Role PMs will be finished by the time this starts.
Signups will last 48 hours, maybe 72. Sign up asap tho.
Please join #EXPERTS during sign ups to show you are more intelligent than a functional retard and you understand how to access IRC.
More information on the breakdown will come in the game opening post.
1. While you are alive, feel free to talk about the game. Once you have died, you may not discuss the game with anyone not allied with you. You may not share information you gained after death no matter what.
2. The game will begin on Night 0. There will be no kills on Night 0. During Night 0, no one may paste their Role PM or anything from it. Role PMs may be freely distributed starting from Day 1. PM Yeti and/or Quagsires for help in faking a role PM.
3. Do not take grammatical errors in PMs as proof of faking. We are human and can make mistakes. We have tried to keep all text relatively the same, but there may be discrepancies. If you believe there are, PM us and we will correct them. Do NOT correct them yourself. Yeti and Quag both wrote PMs and will both send. There is no set number of sentences for intro or action flavor, but all have at least something.
4. You may paste things the hosts tell you, but do not anticipate everything we tell you is true. You can paste fake logs; PM Yeti or Quagsires for help faking a log. No screenshots. We may lie to you as hosts, notably about Walrein's actual alliance (hint: he's an Aquanaut).
5. Each Day period will last 48 hours at the start, then be cut to 24 as people die, likely becoming 24 hours before the nights do. There are no grace periods. Depending on the type of lynch, if majority is relevant to the outcome, majority will end the lynch early, assuming all actions are also in.
6. We will allow stealth lynching if you can successfully pull this off. Good luck. You'll need it.
7. During the day you must bold your vote and post flavor <User>. To change your vote, you must edit your original post with your new vote. You may choose to No Lynch during the day as well, and any votes towards a dead user (if he or she has been godkilled) will count as No Lynch. If you wish to vote for nothing at that time but have already voted, unbold your original vote and state something along the lines that it is retracted. Any ties will result in a no lynch or failure to award prize, aka no winner.
8. Each Night period will last 48 hours or until all PMs have been received. This will be cut to 24 as people die.
9. Feel free to target dead users with your abilities. We cannot say if anything will come of this, and it is very likely nothing will happen. However, there are exceptions.
10. Priorities have been set beforehand. You don't get to know them until the game ends.
11. Items ITG. Items are SEPARATE from Profit. You can spend Profit to gain Items. You can use Items for their stated purpose. You can thief Items. You cannot thief Profit. You can lose Items and Profit. You have no items at the start. There are few others ways to obtain items.
12. Day Actions are BACK and up in this. Be sure to send your Day Actions or you might wind up sorry!
13. Inform Yeti and Quagsires of all channels, spreadsheets, etc. you make for this game. Give us access: ask for our emails, our registered IRC nicks are Yeti and Quagsires. PLEASE NAME YOUR SPREADSHEETS WITH YOUR FACTION NAME SOMETIMES IT'S HARD TO SEE WHAT IS OURS AND WHAT IS YOURS.
14. IRC is required in this game and other users may be very annoyed if you don't have it. It's not that hard to gain access to: you never have to pay to use mIRC if you hit Continue twice, Mibbit is free, etc. No IRC, no dice.
15. Send all PMs to Yeti and Quagsires so we can both update. If you are choosing to idle, please PM "NX/DX - Idling" so we know you are active. You may submit actions on IRC, if you want to confirm kingofko- I mean Quagsires wrote the right target down you may do so. If your result is screwy, Snyp- Quagsires might have sent you and half the game someone else's results.
16. Be active or get out. You will almost assuredly lose this game if you are not active and anyone who could rely on you will be hampered by your inactivity. We will send a warning PM if you do not show to the channel and/or send a PM. After that, we will sub you out. We will NOT postpone deadlines if you do not meet them unless you ask us to give you an extra hour to discuss/coordinate. We WILL ask for subs on anyone who signed up and didn't get in.
17. If a role PM and the rules clash in something, the role PM takes precedence.
18. We are your hosts and we will be writing the Postgame, so please talk to us about your thoughts on the game. While we cannot confirm or deny any suspicions you may have, we would love to hear them. We would also like reasons for your actions if possible.
19. Your WC has two parts: certain factions need to bite the dust. You also must gain a specific item. Note that if you are mentioned in someone's WC, you need them dead, even if they are hiding from yours!
20. If you post while silenced/kidnapped/break a restriction/show on IRC in NOC or anything similar you will be godkilled. If you try to obtain Lady Salamence nudes you will 100% be godkilled.
21. The official IRC channel will be #experts so please join.
22. If you have a non-information role, you will not receive a result unless it fails. If you think you should have received a result PM but did not, you should contact the host that performed the last update, or the other one if they appear to be free to review your case.
23. This is a multi-faction game. You know of numerous named factions. There may or may not be further individuals up in this.
24. There may or may not be some unaligned chaps. We all know how crappy most neutrals are so whether there's any or not is up to you to figure out.
25. There is WEATHER in this game. Each of the five factions has a player that will benefit from a certain weather. To activate weather, you must purchase a TM and use it. The weather will remain until another TM is used. The default weather is: None. TMs used the same night will trigger based on your priority.
26. You will need to obtain an item to win if you are on the named factions. A member of your team must be holding the item at the time your win would occur.
27. You will start the game with 50 Profit each. Through various means, you can obtain more. Some being: taking that of your kill target, taking part in the lynch, successfully following the lynch's requirement, etc.
28. Items that belong to those who are killed will go into the SANDS ARENA. As always, you can give up your day action to battle it out for your selected item. Multiple people going for one item results in you all losing the fight and nobody gets it.
29. The lynch does not just kill people. Every day it will be announced what exactly the lynch's "prize" is. Some lynches result in death. Some result in a boosted role. Some provide profit.
30. You as a faction must work for the lynch. You will also either suffer factional help or harm based on your team's lynch participation. You will be told how, as a faction, you need to distribute your votes, etc. at the start of each day, along with the lynch rewards.
31. Via the lynch system, you will gain Profit, more so than you have. Each Day, the Profit Shop will open. Here, you may pay Profit and gain an item. These items will have various uses. There are also varying quantities of the item in the Shop.
32. Items with Unlimited stock can be purchased as often as they are in the Shop. Items with limited numbers, but more than 1, will be in the Shop, and when all their stock is purchased, will be removed.
33. Items with 1 quantity in the Shop will be auctioned: you may place a maximum bid you want to pay, higher than the starting value of bidding. The highest bidder will win. If there is a tie....... it will return for the next day.
34. The Shop will gain and lose items based on the day. Some will permanently stick around, some are one-day-only, some are in on their stocking day until their quantity is gone.
35. You start ununited. Each of you has a posting restriction that links you to another member of your team, and you also know restrictions. You may use these to trace the circle of your team.
36. There are moles. These moles are included in the restriction circles.
37. The factions in this game have kills on a once every three nights cycle, so 1/3 nights you may kill. Then after 3 nights it resets regardless of when you killed.
38. To kill, your faction must send in with their actions: "NX - Send USER1 to kill USER2" with USER1 being a member of your faction and USER2 being the intended target. If a majority of your faction sends in this PM, the kill will succeed. If a minority does, the kill will be held until the next night.
39. Each faction has preset flavor that will be used. In short, picking a user to kill is to account for cross-kills and hooks. Remember if the majority of a faction doesn't send the kill request, it will be assumed the majority does not wish to execute the kill that night.
40. You may include in your Night/Day actions "N/DX - UNITING with USER1, USER2, USER3, etc." up to as many users as you believe your faction has. If this is the proper number of living members of your faction and is not missing anyone alive or including someone not actually allied with you, you will unite. After this, one person may include the kill with their actions. The person who sends the kill will perform it.
41. Further motivations for uniting, besides rooting out the mole and streamlining your action process, include some Profit gain. The more Profit, the more you can buy.
2. The game will begin on Night 0. There will be no kills on Night 0. During Night 0, no one may paste their Role PM or anything from it. Role PMs may be freely distributed starting from Day 1. PM Yeti and/or Quagsires for help in faking a role PM.
3. Do not take grammatical errors in PMs as proof of faking. We are human and can make mistakes. We have tried to keep all text relatively the same, but there may be discrepancies. If you believe there are, PM us and we will correct them. Do NOT correct them yourself. Yeti and Quag both wrote PMs and will both send. There is no set number of sentences for intro or action flavor, but all have at least something.
4. You may paste things the hosts tell you, but do not anticipate everything we tell you is true. You can paste fake logs; PM Yeti or Quagsires for help faking a log. No screenshots. We may lie to you as hosts, notably about Walrein's actual alliance (hint: he's an Aquanaut).
5. Each Day period will last 48 hours at the start, then be cut to 24 as people die, likely becoming 24 hours before the nights do. There are no grace periods. Depending on the type of lynch, if majority is relevant to the outcome, majority will end the lynch early, assuming all actions are also in.
6. We will allow stealth lynching if you can successfully pull this off. Good luck. You'll need it.
7. During the day you must bold your vote and post flavor <User>. To change your vote, you must edit your original post with your new vote. You may choose to No Lynch during the day as well, and any votes towards a dead user (if he or she has been godkilled) will count as No Lynch. If you wish to vote for nothing at that time but have already voted, unbold your original vote and state something along the lines that it is retracted. Any ties will result in a no lynch or failure to award prize, aka no winner.
8. Each Night period will last 48 hours or until all PMs have been received. This will be cut to 24 as people die.
9. Feel free to target dead users with your abilities. We cannot say if anything will come of this, and it is very likely nothing will happen. However, there are exceptions.
10. Priorities have been set beforehand. You don't get to know them until the game ends.
11. Items ITG. Items are SEPARATE from Profit. You can spend Profit to gain Items. You can use Items for their stated purpose. You can thief Items. You cannot thief Profit. You can lose Items and Profit. You have no items at the start. There are few others ways to obtain items.
12. Day Actions are BACK and up in this. Be sure to send your Day Actions or you might wind up sorry!
13. Inform Yeti and Quagsires of all channels, spreadsheets, etc. you make for this game. Give us access: ask for our emails, our registered IRC nicks are Yeti and Quagsires. PLEASE NAME YOUR SPREADSHEETS WITH YOUR FACTION NAME SOMETIMES IT'S HARD TO SEE WHAT IS OURS AND WHAT IS YOURS.
14. IRC is required in this game and other users may be very annoyed if you don't have it. It's not that hard to gain access to: you never have to pay to use mIRC if you hit Continue twice, Mibbit is free, etc. No IRC, no dice.
15. Send all PMs to Yeti and Quagsires so we can both update. If you are choosing to idle, please PM "NX/DX - Idling" so we know you are active. You may submit actions on IRC, if you want to confirm kingofko- I mean Quagsires wrote the right target down you may do so. If your result is screwy, Snyp- Quagsires might have sent you and half the game someone else's results.
16. Be active or get out. You will almost assuredly lose this game if you are not active and anyone who could rely on you will be hampered by your inactivity. We will send a warning PM if you do not show to the channel and/or send a PM. After that, we will sub you out. We will NOT postpone deadlines if you do not meet them unless you ask us to give you an extra hour to discuss/coordinate. We WILL ask for subs on anyone who signed up and didn't get in.
17. If a role PM and the rules clash in something, the role PM takes precedence.
18. We are your hosts and we will be writing the Postgame, so please talk to us about your thoughts on the game. While we cannot confirm or deny any suspicions you may have, we would love to hear them. We would also like reasons for your actions if possible.
19. Your WC has two parts: certain factions need to bite the dust. You also must gain a specific item. Note that if you are mentioned in someone's WC, you need them dead, even if they are hiding from yours!
20. If you post while silenced/kidnapped/break a restriction/show on IRC in NOC or anything similar you will be godkilled. If you try to obtain Lady Salamence nudes you will 100% be godkilled.
21. The official IRC channel will be #experts so please join.
22. If you have a non-information role, you will not receive a result unless it fails. If you think you should have received a result PM but did not, you should contact the host that performed the last update, or the other one if they appear to be free to review your case.
23. This is a multi-faction game. You know of numerous named factions. There may or may not be further individuals up in this.
24. There may or may not be some unaligned chaps. We all know how crappy most neutrals are so whether there's any or not is up to you to figure out.
25. There is WEATHER in this game. Each of the five factions has a player that will benefit from a certain weather. To activate weather, you must purchase a TM and use it. The weather will remain until another TM is used. The default weather is: None. TMs used the same night will trigger based on your priority.
26. You will need to obtain an item to win if you are on the named factions. A member of your team must be holding the item at the time your win would occur.
27. You will start the game with 50 Profit each. Through various means, you can obtain more. Some being: taking that of your kill target, taking part in the lynch, successfully following the lynch's requirement, etc.
28. Items that belong to those who are killed will go into the SANDS ARENA. As always, you can give up your day action to battle it out for your selected item. Multiple people going for one item results in you all losing the fight and nobody gets it.
29. The lynch does not just kill people. Every day it will be announced what exactly the lynch's "prize" is. Some lynches result in death. Some result in a boosted role. Some provide profit.
30. You as a faction must work for the lynch. You will also either suffer factional help or harm based on your team's lynch participation. You will be told how, as a faction, you need to distribute your votes, etc. at the start of each day, along with the lynch rewards.
31. Via the lynch system, you will gain Profit, more so than you have. Each Day, the Profit Shop will open. Here, you may pay Profit and gain an item. These items will have various uses. There are also varying quantities of the item in the Shop.
32. Items with Unlimited stock can be purchased as often as they are in the Shop. Items with limited numbers, but more than 1, will be in the Shop, and when all their stock is purchased, will be removed.
33. Items with 1 quantity in the Shop will be auctioned: you may place a maximum bid you want to pay, higher than the starting value of bidding. The highest bidder will win. If there is a tie....... it will return for the next day.
34. The Shop will gain and lose items based on the day. Some will permanently stick around, some are one-day-only, some are in on their stocking day until their quantity is gone.
35. You start ununited. Each of you has a posting restriction that links you to another member of your team, and you also know restrictions. You may use these to trace the circle of your team.
36. There are moles. These moles are included in the restriction circles.
37. The factions in this game have kills on a once every three nights cycle, so 1/3 nights you may kill. Then after 3 nights it resets regardless of when you killed.
38. To kill, your faction must send in with their actions: "NX - Send USER1 to kill USER2" with USER1 being a member of your faction and USER2 being the intended target. If a majority of your faction sends in this PM, the kill will succeed. If a minority does, the kill will be held until the next night.
39. Each faction has preset flavor that will be used. In short, picking a user to kill is to account for cross-kills and hooks. Remember if the majority of a faction doesn't send the kill request, it will be assumed the majority does not wish to execute the kill that night.
40. You may include in your Night/Day actions "N/DX - UNITING with USER1, USER2, USER3, etc." up to as many users as you believe your faction has. If this is the proper number of living members of your faction and is not missing anyone alive or including someone not actually allied with you, you will unite. After this, one person may include the kill with their actions. The person who sends the kill will perform it.
41. Further motivations for uniting, besides rooting out the mole and streamlining your action process, include some Profit gain. The more Profit, the more you can buy.
List of possible players:
General Spoon
Staraptor Call
Metal Bagon
Steven Snype
Nightmare Jigglypuff
General Spoon
Staraptor Call
Metal Bagon
Steven Snype
Nightmare Jigglypuff
If you would like a certain type of role or role name(if this role even exists in the game) please speak with me, we may be able to accommodate you.
Role PMs will be finished by the time this starts.
Signups will last 48 hours, maybe 72. Sign up asap tho.
Please join #EXPERTS during sign ups to show you are more intelligent than a functional retard and you understand how to access IRC.
More information on the breakdown will come in the game opening post.