Every Little Bit Counts!

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I haven't been on Shoddy Battle in I don't know how long, and just created a UU team that I thought was fairly balanced. Anyway I click find battle and this is what happens.....

Shelcario's Team:


caltest's Team:


~Leftovers recovery will be omitted once revealed.
~Other excessive damage will be omitted once revealed.
~My comments will be in blue.
~Other comments will be in black.

Rules: Ladder Match, Sleep Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Evasion Clause, Species Clause, Strict Damage Clause
caltest sent out Umbreon (lvl 100 Umbreon ?).
Shelcario sent out Hitmonlee (lvl 100 Hitmonlee ?).
caltest switched in Spiritomb (lvl 100 Spiritomb ?).
Spiritomb is exerting its pressure!
Hitmonlee used Close Combat.
It doesn't affect Spiritomb...

Score: 6-6


I use a choice scarf hitmonlee lead which I believe to be a fairly good revenge killer. Outspeeding most things that usually are other leads, the only downside to him is he can't taunt, set up stealth rock, or status other opposing leads. Anyway he leads with an umbreon which is too easy for him to predict what hitmonlee is going to do. Getting the drop on hitmonlee spiritomb comes in completely blocking my close combat. Being locked into close combat thanks to scarf forces me to switch.
Shelcario switched in Steelix (lvl 100 Steelix ?).
Spiritomb used Will-o-wisp.
Steelix was burned!
Steelix was hurt by its burn!
Steelix lost 12% of its health.


Not my best showing of my prediction skills, costing me my steelix being crippled. It's not a complete loss though, and you'll see in the next turn...
caltest switched in Registeel (lvl 100 Registeel).
Steelix used Stealth Rock.
Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!
Steelix's leftovers restored its health a little!
Steelix restored 6% of its health.


I manage to set up stealth rocks which being on the field is a plus in any battle. Now to stay in and hit for "lol" damage, or switch, hmmmmm.....
Registeel used Toxic.
It doesn't affect Steelix...
Steelix used Earthquake.
It's super effective!
Registeel lost 19% of its health.
Registeel's leftovers restored its health a little!
Registeel restored 6% of its health.


I decide to stay in to take whatever registeel can hit steelix with, and it looks like it was the best choice as he hits me with toxic but, to no avail. I hit registeel with a pathetic hit for at least some damage on the bulky registeel.
Registeel used Stealth Rock.
Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!
Steelix used Earthquake.
It's super effective!
Registeel lost 20% of its health.


I stay in again while he sees this as the perfect opportunity to set up his own stealth rocks. Only one of my pokemon are really weak to stealth rock, and you can probably guess who that is.
caltest switched in Blastoise (lvl 100 Blastoise ?).
Pointed stones dug into Blastoise.
Blastoise lost 12% of its health.
Steelix used Earthquake.
Blastoise lost 13% of its health.
Blastoise's leftovers restored its health a little!
Blastoise restored 6% of its health.


Blastoise comes in taking a measly 20% damage from EQ. Now I believe I'm going to switch because leaving a steelix in against a water type is just pure suicide.
Shelcario switched in Tangrowth (lvl 100 Tangrowth ?).
Pointed stones dug into Tangrowth.
Tangrowth lost 12% of its health.
Blastoise used Toxic.
Tangrowth was badly poisoned!
Tangrowth is hurt by poison!
Tangrowth lost 6% of its health.
Blastoise's leftovers restored its health a little!
Blastoise restored 6% of its health.


Blastoise is becoming increasingly annoying, and me wanting it dead just makes many more mistakes. I go for the obvious power whip but, I should've predicted better the obvious...
caltest switched in Registeel (lvl 100 Registeel).
Pointed stones dug into Registeel.
Registeel lost 6% of its health.
Tangrowth used Sleep Powder.
Registeel fell asleep!


I decided not to go for the obvious, sleep powder the switch, and manage to nail registeel. Now things are starting to look up just a bit:)
caltest switched in Spiritomb (lvl 100 Spiritomb ?).
Spiritomb is exerting its pressure!
Pointed stones dug into Spiritomb.
Spiritomb lost 12% of its health.
Tangrowth used Earthquake.
Spiritomb lost 35% of its health.

Tangrowth--41%(still poisoned)

Not wanting to waste anytime I use earthquake hoping to get damage on registeel but, things don't work out the way I planned. Spiritomb comes back in getting a nice chunk of its health taken off, and every little bit counts:D

caltest switched in Umbreon (lvl 100 Umbreon ?).
Pointed stones dug into Umbreon.
Umbreon lost 12% of its health.
Shelcario switched in Steelix (lvl 100 Steelix ?).
Pointed stones dug into Steelix.
Steelix lost 3% of its health.
Umbreon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Umbreon restored 6% of its health.

Steelix--53%(still burned)

A double switch, steelix pitted against umbreon, where steelix can't do much to it due to being burned. I just decide to get as much damage on it as I can.
Umbreon used Wish.
Umbreon made a wish!
Steelix used Earthquake.
Umbreon lost 14% of its health.


Umbreon tries to get in some healing, while I continue to damage anything that tries to come in. Though burn damage is becoming worrying, I'm beginning to think this is a sort of stall team.
caltest switched in Spiritomb (lvl 100 Spiritomb ?).
Spiritomb is exerting its pressure!
Pointed stones dug into Spiritomb.
Spiritomb lost 12% of its health.
Shelcario switched in Hitmonlee (lvl 100 Hitmonlee ?).
Pointed stones dug into Hitmonlee.
Hitmonlee lost 6% of its health.
The wish came true!
Spiritomb restored 50% of its health.


Spiritomb comes back in, and I switch to hitmonlee who can at least damage spirtitomb but, I've seen him use Will-o-wisp before so leaving hitmonlee in isn't such a good idea.
Shelcario switched in Altaria (lvl 100 Altaria ?).
Pointed stones dug into Altaria.
Altaria lost 25% of its health.
Spiritomb used Will-o-wisp.
Altaria was burned!
Altaria was hurt by its burn!
Altaria lost 12% of its health.


My altaria comes in who is the mixed version so its like a backup plan if something should go wrong. Now that I'm burned altaria has become half useless taking into consideration its physical moves.
caltest switched in Blastoise (lvl 100 Blastoise ?).
Pointed stones dug into Blastoise.
Blastoise lost 12% of its health.
Altaria used Draco Meteor.
Blastoise lost 59% of its health.
Altaria's special attack was harshly lowered.
Altaria lost 10% of its health.


I decide to stay in since blastoise is fairly weak I use eq since altaria is pretty much out of commission with -2 special attack, and being crippled by burn.

caltest switched in Registeel (lvl 100 Registeel).
Pointed stones dug into Registeel.
Registeel lost 6% of its health.
Altaria used Earthquake.
It's super effective!
Registeel lost 16% of its health.
Altaria lost 10% of its health.
Altaria was hurt by its burn!
Altaria lost 12% of its health.
Registeel's leftovers restored its health a little!
Registeel restored 6% of its health.

Altaria--19%(slowly dying)

He thinks otherwise bringing in registeel which is a risk for him if altaria wasn't burned but, that's not the case. Registeel taking futile damage from altaria's earthquake and letting altaria take more damage, slowly meeting its end.
caltest switched in Umbreon (lvl 100 Umbreon ?).
Pointed stones dug into Umbreon.
Umbreon lost 12% of its health.
Altaria used Flamethrower.
Umbreon lost 9% of its health.
Altaria lost 10% of its health.
Altaria was hurt by its burn!
Altaria lost 8% of its health.
Shelcario's Altaria fainted.
Umbreon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Umbreon restored 6% of its health.



Great switch here, umbreon shrugs off the weak flamethrower and letting altaria succumb to burn and life orb damage.
Shelcario switched in Mismagius (lvl 100 Mismagius ?).
Pointed stones dug into Mismagius.
Mismagius lost 12% of its health.
Mismagius used Hidden Power.
It's super effective!
Umbreon lost 19% of its health.
Umbreon used Payback.
It's super effective!
Mismagius lost 74% of its health.
Mismagius's leftovers restored its health a little!
Mismagius restored 6% of its health.


I bring in mismagius who carries hp fighting which is perfect for umbreon but, umbreon has payback which I neglect to remember. Doing a hefty amount of damage there's only one more thing mismagius can do.
Mismagius used Will-o-wisp.
Umbreon was burned!
Mismagius was burned!
Umbreon used Toxic.
But it failed!


To burn umbreon which seems kind of useless but, the burn damage will help me to take down the defensive night fox. Instead of KO'ing mismagius, umbreon decides to poison me, or a switch in that he predicts I would switch in. This is all done in vain as mismagius is just death fodder for me right now.
Mismagius used Pain Split.
Mismagius restored 24% of its health.
Umbreon lost 20% of its health.
Umbreon used Payback.
It's super effective!
Mismagius lost 37% of its health.
Mismagius's leftovers restored its health a little!
Mismagius restored 6% of its health.
Mismagius was hurt by its burn!
Mismagius lost 7% of its health.
Shelcario's Mismagius fainted.
Umbreon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Umbreon restored 6% of its health.
Umbreon was hurt by its burn!
Umbreon lost 12% of its health.



I pain split here to try and get some health back hoping he toxics again, or wastes the turn in some other way. It's all for nothing as umbreon finishes off mismagius with payback as he slowly weakens with each passing turn.
Shelcario switched in Tangrowth (lvl 100 Tangrowth ?).
Pointed stones dug into Tangrowth.
Tangrowth lost 12% of its health.
caltest switched in Spiritomb (lvl 100 Spiritomb ?).
Spiritomb is exerting its pressure!
Pointed stones dug into Spiritomb.
Spiritomb lost 12% of its health.
Tangrowth used Power Whip.
Tangrowth's attack missed!


I now have to step up the pace, bringing in tangrowth hoping to take down whatever I can. I use power whip but, unfortunately misses his spiritomb switch in.
Tangrowth used Power Whip.
Spiritomb lost 63% of its health.
Tangrowth lost 10% of its health.
Spiritomb used Spite.
It reduced the PP of the foe's Tangrowth's Power Whip by 4!



I go for the power whip which does a good amount of damage to his spiritomb, while he does spite for no apparent reason, maybe to stall out my tangrowth who dies next turn.
Shelcario switched in Hitmonlee (lvl 100 Hitmonlee ?).
Pointed stones dug into Hitmonlee.
Hitmonlee lost 6% of its health.
Hitmonlee used Earthquake.
Spiritomb lost 37% of its health.
caltest's Spiritomb fainted.



Things are looking bad now, as caltest is up by two and I have to act quickly and efficiently. Hitmonlee seems to be the best choice here as spiritomb is weak enough to be ko'ed by hitmonlee.
caltest switched in Miltank (lvl 100 Miltank ?).
Pointed stones dug into Miltank.
Miltank lost 12% of its health.
Shelcario switched in Steelix (lvl 100 Steelix ?).
Pointed stones dug into Steelix.
Steelix lost 3% of its health.
Miltank used Body Slam.
It's not very effective...
Steelix lost 6% of its health.
Miltank's leftovers restored its health a little!
Miltank restored 6% of its health.


I score a ko on spiritomb who was annoying as hell burning everything and was the counter to hitmonlee's close combat which half of his team is weak to. Now that it's gone and I'm locked into earthquake while his miltank just came out, I decide to switch to steelix who shrugs off miltanks body slam with NO PARALYSIS!!!! if it matters:)
Miltank used Heal Bell.
Steelix used Gyro Ball.
Miltank lost 9% of its health.


Miltank heal bells for curing his umbreon, gyro balling to no avail while steelix is slowly dying to burn damage.
Miltank used Earthquake.
It's super effective!
Steelix lost 18% of its health.
Steelix used Earthquake.
A critical hit!
Miltank lost 26% of its health.
Miltank's leftovers restored its health a little!
Miltank restored 6% of its health.
Steelix's leftovers restored its health a little!
Steelix restored 6% of its health.
Steelix was hurt by its burn!
Steelix lost 12% of its health.


Earthquake back to back both sides suffering measly damage but, steelix's time is almost up.
Miltank used Milk Drink.
Miltank restored 29% of its health.
Steelix used Earthquake.
Miltank lost 11% of its health.
Shelcario's Steelix fainted.



Miltank does the right thing here healing himself up while steelix falls before it. The battle is becoming more intense now.
Shelcario switched in Hitmonlee (lvl 100 Hitmonlee ?).
Pointed stones dug into Hitmonlee.
Hitmonlee lost 6% of its health.
caltest switched in Blastoise (lvl 100 Blastoise ?).
Pointed stones dug into Blastoise.
Blastoise lost 12% of its health.
Hitmonlee used Close Combat.
Blastoise lost 9% of its health.
caltest's Blastoise fainted.
Hitmonlee's defence was lowered.
Hitmonlee's special defence was lowered.


Score-->4-3(still caltest)

Wanting to gain the upper hand in this battle I bring in my reliable revenge killer who nets a kill in blastoise. I didn't have to worry about using close combat as his only reliable close combat counter is spiritomb who happens to be dead.
caltest switched in Roserade (lvl 100 Roserade ?).
Pointed stones dug into Roserade.
Roserade lost 12% of its health.
Shelcario switched in Espeon (lvl 100 Espeon ?).
Pointed stones dug into Espeon.
Espeon lost 12% of its health.
Roserade used Substitute.
Roserade lost 25% of its health.
Roserade made a substitute!
Espeon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Espeon restored 6% of its health.
Roserade's Black Sludge restored a little health!
Roserade restored 6% of its health.

Roserade--69%(w/ Sub)

Roserade comes in, so there's only one logical switch in. To espeon I go while roserade subs, I wonder what he's up to?
Espeon used Psychic.
It's super effective!
The substitute took damage for Roserade!
Roserade's substitute faded!
Roserade used Leech Seed.
Espeon was seeded!


Using leech seed I'm thinking he's trying more stall tactics. I break his sub easily with psychic but, he absorbs more of my health, and espeon gears up for another psychic to hopefully finish off the subbing plant.
caltest switched in Umbreon (lvl 100 Umbreon ?).
Pointed stones dug into Umbreon.
Umbreon lost 12% of its health.
Espeon used Psychic.
It doesn't affect Umbreon...


Great prediction, yet somewhat obvious umbreon comes in to counter my psychic kitty. My kitty has something in store though for situations like this:D
caltest switched in Registeel (lvl 100 Registeel).
Pointed stones dug into Registeel.
Registeel lost 6% of its health.
Espeon used Hidden Power.
It's super effective!
Registeel lost 28% of its health.


Registeel makes a reappearance but, to my kitties hp fighting though. Taking a good chunk of health I'm going to hit it again, needing a critical to beat it, my odds are slim.
Espeon used Hidden Power.
It's super effective!
A critical hit!
Registeel lost 39% of its health.
caltest's Registeel fainted.



I land the critical that I needed to bring down the steel beast that is registeel. Nothing more to say....
caltest switched in Roserade (lvl 100 Roserade ?).
Pointed stones dug into Roserade.
Roserade lost 12% of its health.
caltest switched in Umbreon (lvl 100 Umbreon ?).
Pointed stones dug into Umbreon.
Umbreon lost 12% of its health.
Espeon used Psychic.
It doesn't affect Umbreon...


Roserade comes out again and I do the obvious while he also does the obvious switch to umbreon. To psychic or not to psychic as he might predict right again.
caltest switched in Roserade (lvl 100 Roserade ?).
Pointed stones dug into Roserade.
Roserade lost 12% of its health.
Espeon used Hidden Power.
It's not very effective...
Roserade lost 12% of its health.


I opt for hp fighting hitting roserade for low damage while espeon suffers more damage from leech seed healing roserade. Now an important decision, to psychic in which he could switch back to umbreon thus stalling espeons health out more with leech seed damage or hp fight umbreon for a little bit more damage. The choice is hard but, the outcome is unexpected....
Espeon used Psychic.
It's super effective!
Roserade lost 65% of its health.
caltest's Roserade fainted.



I use psychic to great success, netting yet another important ko on roserade, no more leech seed damage. Things are starting to look up for me in this battle finally:D
caltest switched in Miltank (lvl 100 Miltank ?).
Pointed stones dug into Miltank.
Miltank lost 12% of its health.
Shelcario: victory is mine:D
Espeon used Fake Tears.
Miltank's special defence was harshly lowered.
Miltank used Body Slam.
Espeon lost 51% of its health.
Espeon is paralysed! It may be unable to move!
Miltank is paralysed! It may be unable to move!


Miltank comes back in, paralyzes my espeon which is bad as espeon uses its speed, takes off a huge chunk of health, and I was wrong about the leech seed damage being off which is even worse. I need to eliminate this cow, and fast.
caltest switched in Umbreon (lvl 100 Umbreon ?).
Pointed stones dug into Umbreon.
Umbreon lost 12% of its health.
Espeon is paralysed! It can't move!

Espeon--13%(still Par.)

I was going to hp fight here but, paralysis took over, and umbreon gets a free switch in with minimal damage. Espeon is becoming more and more weak thanks to leech seed. I have two options here, 1. I can let espeon die so I can clean things up with hitmonlee while getting a free switch in and win this match, or 2. I can switch out to hitmonlee risking him dying and losing the match. I think the choice is obvious.
Umbreon used Payback.
It's super effective!
A critical hit!
Espeon lost 12% of its health.
Shelcario's Espeon fainted.



Choice 1 is what I go with, bring in hitmonlee to finish this fight.
Shelcario switched in Hitmonlee (lvl 100 Hitmonlee ?).
Pointed stones dug into Hitmonlee.
Hitmonlee lost 6% of its health.
Hitmonlee used Close Combat.
It's super effective!
Umbreon lost 38% of its health.
caltest's Umbreon fainted.
Hitmonlee's defence was lowered.
Hitmonlee's special defence was lowered.


Hitmonlee finishes off umbreon with a swift close combat, and the battle narrows down.
caltest switched in Miltank (lvl 100 Miltank ?).
Pointed stones dug into Miltank.
Miltank lost 12% of its health.
Hitmonlee used Close Combat.
It's super effective!
Miltank lost 84% of its health.
Hitmonlee's defence was lowered.
Hitmonlee's special defence was lowered.
Miltank used Body Slam.
Hitmonlee lost 75% of its health.
Shelcario's Hitmonlee fainted.



Freaking miltank survives with 1% health!!!! Well it was a good match, and I shoud've never underestimated the bulkiness of miltank.


~Hitmonlee for gaining so many kills
~my opponent for awesome prediction


~My prediction skills

Well that's my warstory, it's been awhile, and I'm glad I wrote it, hope you guys enjoy it as well.
The battle was pretty average, but the comments were pretty lacking in my opinion. You recapped the turns mostly and gave no insight into your thought process. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either, maybe adding more to your comments would be helpful
Close =/= Good. Number 1 mistake with most warstories.

Biggest issue: comments. You always recapped the previous turn and gave insight AFTER we read the turn. In the actual battle, you don't think about the turn after it happens, so while reading it we don't want to 'think' after the turn either. An example,

caltest switched in Miltank (lvl 100 Miltank ?).
Pointed stones dug into Miltank.
Miltank lost 12% of its health.
Shelcario switched in Steelix (lvl 100 Steelix ?).
Pointed stones dug into Steelix.
Steelix lost 3% of its health.
Miltank used Body Slam.
It's not very effective...
Steelix lost 6% of its health.
Miltank's leftovers restored its health a little!
Miltank restored 6% of its health.


I score a ko on spiritomb who was annoying as hell burning everything and was the counter to hitmonlee's close combat which half of his team is weak to. Now that it's gone and I'm locked into earthquake while his miltank just came out, I decide to switch to steelix who shrugs off miltanks body slam with NO PARALYSIS!!!! if it matters:)

This time you recapped the last 2 turns, but I digress. We want to know what you're going to do and why, and THEN see what happens. Not what happens and then what/why. After we read the log, we can deduct why you did your move ourselves (unless it was a dumbass play, in which case not even you can explain usually), and full recaps are basically reading the log twice. So it should look like:

<insert previous turn>
caltest switched in Miltank (lvl 100 Miltank ?).
Pointed stones dug into Miltank.
Miltank lost 12% of its health.

I score a ko on spiritomb who was annoying as hell burning everything and was the counter to hitmonlee's close combat which half of his team is weak to. Now that it's gone and I'm locked into earthquake while his miltank just came out, I decide to switch to steelix <insert reason here>.

Shelcario switched in Steelix (lvl 100 Steelix ?).
Pointed stones dug into Steelix.
Steelix lost 3% of its health.
Miltank used Body Slam.
It's not very effective...
Steelix lost 6% of its health.
Miltank's leftovers restored its health a little!
Miltank restored 6% of its health.


So basically if you'd move all of your comments back one and take out the result of the next turn (in the above case remove the bit about body slam and no paralysis), you're comments will be fine outside of content (which was somewhat lacking, but not my major gripe).

Other than that, the battle was really meh. It was you struggling the whole battle without much to get yourself out of it. A lot of it was "well I'm boned. Doing this just because." Key examples are Steelix and Altaria.
I stopped reading when you just left Altaria in. The burn didn't cripple it at all... she has natural cure. You could have just switched her out and she would have still been perfectly viable.

This wasn't the only misplay either, but I dunno... this one just really hurt my feelings.
Sorry but this was not a good warstory. The comments were pretty bad. Also the battle was pretty boring and full of mistakes like switching Mismagius into Umbreon.
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