EvAlNo's Thread - ROTOM now available!

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NOTICE: I will not be accepting requests for 12.5% Females because I have really really really crappy luck. I apologize for any inconvenience.

Pokemon Holding Policy:
I will hold your requested Pokemon for up to seven days starting the day it was successfully bred. After that, it will be made available for others to trade for. You will be notified via PM that your Pokemon is no longer reserved, and you will be free to request another.
This policy is effective starting 12:00am on January 9th, 2014.

Hello, everyone. I'm fairly new to Smogon and I've just begun to get into serious competitive battling recently, though I have been dabbling in it for quite some time. However, as I want to begin expanding my ingame competitive Pokemon collection, I thought it was high time for me to create my own forum thread.

1) No hacks of ANY KIND. This includes clones.
2) Don't be dishonest. I'll give you what I say I'll give you, and I expect the same in return.
3) Be pleasant. Please.
4) All of my Pokemon are NON-REDISTRIBUTABLE unless specified otherwise.
5) That's about it.

Wish List

Just about any 5IV or near-flawless w/ Hidden Power competitive Pokemon I don't have.
Particularly interested in:
-Near-Flawless Zapdos - Will give 3-5 5IV Pokes for it, depending on the spread and nature.
-Any useful Pokemon for Doubles/VGC rain or sand teams
-Dratini (Jolly, Male, 5IV, with ExtremeSpeed)
-5 Lucky Eggs

Current Jobs
To ensure that I do not fall behind on jobs, I will only be actively working on up to 4 breeding jobs and 6 training jobs at a time. Please allow up to 7 days for your order to be completed (though I likely will have it done in less time.) Additional jobs will be placed on a wait list. I will notify you via PM when I begin work on your job, as well as when I complete it.
4) Female Adamant 5IV HA Torchic for prof_clayton (on hold)
Wait List:

Completed Trades (I will only put major trades here):
1) 5IV Impish Male Gligar for Rawbi's 5IV Quiet Male Bulbasaur (Bacchus) - 1/2/2014
2) 5IV Jolly Male Nincada for gabriel's 5IV Modest Horsea (Charybdis) - 1/2/2014
3) 5IV Impish Female Gligar for Chill's 5IV Adamant Marill
4) 5IV Adamant Torchic for KingChase's Goomy
5) 5IV Jolly Nincada for KingChase's Poliwag

Pending Trades:
1) Jolly 5IV Nincada for Skandu

Wait List:

Completed Jobs:

Trading (Info on training services located below)
Here are the Pokemon I have available. All are bred to order, and I don't have unlimited time, so I must request patience on your part when waiting for your order to be filled.
So, without further ado, here they are:

Quick Access
Available to breed on request: Torchic, Gastly, Kangaskhan, Honedge, Fletchling, Scyther, Dratini, Gible, Magikarp, Gligar, Nincada, Horsea
In stock: 5IV Big Pecks Fletchling, 5IV Male Hyper Cutter Gligar, 5IV Female Sand Veil Gligar, 5IV Gible, various 3-5IV spitbacks
Coming soon: Absol, Prankster Klefki

Detailed Information

Ability: Levitate
Nature: Modest
Spread: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: None
In Stock:


Ability: Protean (HA)
Nature: Timid or Hasty
Spread: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: None
In Stock: 0 (Male, 0 Female)


Ability: Speed Boost (DW)
Nature: Adamant
Spread: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Egg Moves: Baton Pass
In Stock: 0 (0 Male, 0 Female)


Ability: Levitate (Shadow Tag when Mega Evolved)
Nature: Timid or Modest
Spread: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: None
In Stock: 0 (0 Male, 0 Female)


Ability: Scrappy (Parental Bond when Mega Evolved)
Nature: Adamant or Jolly
Spread: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: None
In Stock: 0 (0 Male, 0 Female)


Ability: No Guard (Stance Change when fully evolved)
Nature: Brave, others available on request.
Spread: 31/31/31/xx/31/0, others available on request.
Egg Moves: None
In Stock: 0 (0 Male, 0 Female)


Ability: Gale Wings (or Big Pecks, if you're into that...)
Nature: Adamant
Spread: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Egg Moves: Tailwind, Quick Guard
In Stock:
Gale Wings: 0 (0 Male, 0 Female)
Big Pecks: 2 (2 Male, 0 Female)


Ability: Technician
Nature: Adamant (Jolly could be arranged if you'd like)
Spread: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Egg Moves: None
In Stock: 0 (0 Male, 0 Female)


Ability: Marvel Scale (Becomes Multiscale when fully evolved)
Nature: Adamant or Jolly
Spread: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Egg Moves: Dragon Dance, Dragon Rush
In Stock: 0 (0 Male, 0 Female)


Ability: Sand Veil or Rough Skin
Nature: Adamant or Jolly
Spread: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Egg Moves: None
In Stock: 0 (0 Male, 0 Female)


Ability: Swift Swim (becomes Intimidate) or Rattled (becomes Moxie)
Nature: Adamant or Jolly (Jolly only available for Swift Swim for the time being)
Spread: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Egg Moves: None
In Stock: 0 (0 Male, 0 Female)


Ability: Immunity (becomes Poison Heal) or Sand Veil
Nature: Impish, Adamant, Jolly
Spread: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Egg Moves: None
In Stock: 1 (1 Male, 0 Female)
Sand Veil: 0 (0 male, 0 Female)
Hyper Cutter: 1 (1 Male, 0 Female)
Immunity: 0 (0 Male, 0 Female)


Ability: Compoundeyes (becomes Speed Boost)
Nature: Jolly or Adamant (Adamant would take more time.)
Spread: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Egg Moves: None
In Stock: 0 (0 Male, 0 Female)


Ability: Swift Swim
Nature: Modest or Timid
Spread: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: None
In Stock: 0 (0 Male, 0 Female)

I am capable of EV training your Pokemon for you as well. I can do this either to your own Pokemon or to the ones I breed for you. A trade can be worked out depending on the complexity of your requested spread.


Thank you very much! Have a nice day!
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You can check my thread for anything you like but if you're looking for specifics I have the azumarril you are after. I'm interested in a female impish immunity gligar.
You can check my thread for anything you like but if you're looking for specifics I have the azumarril you are after. I'm interested in a female impish immunity gligar.
Is there any chance I could get a 5IV Rotom, or is that too much to ask?
I can give you a 4Iv but I'll only trade a 5IV for good offers.
Alright, that's fine. I think I already have a 4IV floating around somewhere, but I haven't gotten around to breeding him yet. In that case, could I get an Adamant Huge Power Female Azumarill with Belly Drum and Aqua Jet?
I'll get working on that Gligar.
Interested In female Nincada..

I have:

**Feebas | Bold Swift swim (-atk);
Egg moves: Dragon Dance, Hypnosis, Dragon breath and SPLASH

**Misdreavus | Modest Levitate (-atk);
Egg moves: Nasty Plot;

**Chimchar | Jolly Iron fist (-sp.atk);
Egg moves: Thunder and fire punch;

**Bulbasaur | Modest Overgrow (-atk);
Egg moves: none;

**Sneasel |Jolly Keen eye (-sp.atk);
Egg moves: none;
Interested In female Nincada..

I have:

**Feebas | Bold Swift swim (-atk);
Egg moves: Dragon Dance, Hypnosis, Dragon breath and SPLASH

**Misdreavus | Modest Levitate (-atk);
Egg moves: Nasty Plot;

**Chimchar | Jolly Iron fist (-sp.atk);
Egg moves: Thunder and fire punch;

**Bulbasaur | Modest Overgrow (-atk);
Egg moves: none;

**Sneasel |Jolly Keen eye (-sp.atk);
Egg moves: none;

I'm sorry, but I'm really not interested in any of these. You can check back at some point if you amass more options. Thank you for your interest, but I unfortunately do not have a use for your listed Pokemon.
CMT for Nincada and Torchic
What spread do you want on the Ninjask? 4IV or 5IV?
I'd like to get a 5IV Swift Swim Poliwag, and I'd also like a Hydration Goomy if its spread is 5IV flawless (both female, preferably).
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You can check my thread for anything you like but if you're looking for specifics I have the azumarril you are after. I'm interested in a female impish immunity gligar.
Does it have to be female? I have a couple males, but no females yet.
Added Swift Swim Horsea
Added "Coming Soon" list
-Froakie, Klefki, Absol coming soon.
Updated Wish List
-Added 5 Lucky Eggs; Near-flawless Zapdos
I'm interested in a Female 5IV Torchic... which is a tall order, so I can offer a 5IV static Mareep and a 5IV Larvitar with Stealth Rock/ Pursuit egg moves for one.
I'm interested in a Female 5IV Torchic... which is a tall order, so I can offer a 5IV static Mareep and a 5IV Larvitar with Stealth Rock/ Pursuit egg moves for one.
Hmmmm... I'll see what I can do. What are the exact specifications of your Larvitar and Mareep? Depending on their spreads and natures, I may not be interested. Do you have anything else to offer?
Hmmmm... I'll see what I can do. What are the exact specifications of your Larvitar and Mareep? Depending on their spreads and natures, I may not be interested. Do you have anything else to offer?
Well, the Mareep is 31/xx/31/31/31/31 with Static and a Modest nature.
Larvitar is 31/31/31/xx/31/31 with Guts, Adamant Nature and Stealth Rock, Pursuit and Dragon Dance egg moves available.
Also have Noibat with Infiltrator, 31/xx/31/31/31/31, Timid nature.
And Mawile with 31/31/31/xx/31/31 Adamant nature.

All would be bred on request. Feel free to make a deal you feel is fair.
Could I get the Noibat and the Larvitar? And could I also get a 4IV copy of the Mareep and/or Mawile missing Speed?
Breeding a starter for a hidden ability female is hard to do. It might take a while.
Could I get the Noibat and the Larvitar? And could I also get a 4IV copy of the Mareep and/or Mawile missing Speed?
Breeding a starter for a hidden ability female is hard to do. It might take a while.
Yeah, I understand it would take a while, and you could have a 4IV Intimidate Mawile and a 4IV Static Mareep along with 5IV Noibat & Larvitar. Sound good?
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