**art by me**
Escavalier is a wallbreaker that is almost impossible to switch into thanks to its amazing Attack stat and powerful STAB moves that allow it to beat Pokemon like Shaymin, Cresselia, and Florges. Its access to Pursuit also allows it to trap faster Pokemon like Metagross, Gardevoir, and Roserade lacking Hidden Power Fire. Escavalier can find multiple opportunities to switch into Pokemon like Gardevoir, Mega Sceptile, and Espeon because of its good defensive typing and respectable bulk. Unfortunately, Escavalier's poor Speed leaves it outpaced by the majority of the tier, which makes it easy to revenge kill. This is further exacerbated by Escavalier's 4x weakness to Fire-type moves, meaning that Pokemon such as Salazzle, Arcanine, and Ninetales and Pokemon with Fire-type coverage like Necrozma, Nidoqueen, and Venusaur will always force it out. Escavalier also lacks a reliable method of recovery outside of Leftovers, which, combined with its low Speed and its tendency to switch into resisted hits and entry hazards, makes it easy to wear down. Finally, Escavalier faces immense competition from Metagross as a bulky offensive Steel-type thanks to the latter's better Speed tier, stronger STAB moves, and greater versatility. It also competes with Golisopod as an offensive Bug-type thanks to Golisopod's access to First Impression and Spikes, giving it a much stronger offensive presence.
name: Tank
move 1: Megahorn
move 2: Iron Head
move 3: Protect
move 4: Pursuit / Knock Off
item: Leftovers
ability: Overcoat
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 HP / 52 Atk / 204 SpD
Protect allows Escavalier to scout for moves from Choice item Pokemon and gives it a free turn of Leftovers recovery. Pursuit allows Escavalier to trap and chip down Pokemon such as Metagross, Mega Sceptile, and Shaymin. Knock Off, alternatively, can remove items from defensive Pokemon like Registeel, Bronzong, Porygon2, and Slowbro.
Set Details
The given EV spread allows Escavalier to hit as hard as possible while avoiding the 2HKO from Nidoqueen's Earth Power, assuming Escavalier uses Protect once for Leftovers recovery.
Usage Tips
Escavalier should use its bulk and defensive typing to pivot into Pokemon such as Gardevoir, Shaymin, and Mega Sceptile. Once in battle, it can begin spamming Megahorn, which is very powerful but risks missing, or Iron Head, which picks up KOs more safely and hits targets like Bewear, Mismagius, and Florges that can take Megahorn. Use Protect to scout for moves from Choice item Pokemon, especially Trick and Switcheroo from Gardevoir and Noivern, and give Escavalier a free turn of Leftovers recovery so it can continue pivoting into special attackers. Protect is also great for scouting for Fire-type coverage from the likes of Nidoqueen, Goodra, and Venusaur, and it allows Escavalier to take less damage from Z-Moves. Pursuit should be used to trap Bronzong and frail Pokemon that cannot really hurt Escavalier, like Shaymin and Gardevoir Choice locked into their respective STAB moves. Since Escavalier needs its Leftovers to regain its health, it needs to steer clear of Knock Off, Trick, and Switcheroo, and its teammates should make sure that entry hazards are cleared.
Team Options
Fire-type checks such as Zygarde-10%, Slowbro, and Hariyama are practically mandatory when running Escavalier. Fire-types such as Salazzle, Ninetales, and Arcanine pair well with Escavalier, as they can take on the bulky Steel-types that give Escavalier trouble. Pokemon such as Roserade, Salazzle, Passimian, and Necrozma appreciate Escavalier's ability to pivot into and Pursuit trap Psychic-types, giving them an easier time setting up and cleaning later. Necrozma and Roserade can further limit the ability of foes to switch into Escavalier by setting up entry hazards, while Passimian can provide U-turn support to allow Escavalier to come into battle safely. Teammates like Raikou, Shaymin, and Mega Sceptile can support Escavalier by taking care of bulky Water-types that it doesn't threaten. Knock Off sponges such as Z-Move Virizion and Acrobatics Passimian can also help Escavalier by allowing it to keep its Leftovers. Healing Wish and cleric support from the likes of Gardevoir, Shaymin, and Florges can help keep Escavalier healthy, since it lacks a reliable method of recovery.
name: Choice Band
move 1: Megahorn
move 2: Iron Head
move 3: Pursuit
move 4: Knock Off / Drill Run
item: Choice Band
ability: Overcoat
nature: Adamant
evs: 172 HP / 252 Atk / 84 Spe
Pursuit allows Escavalier to trap frail Pokemon that do not want to stay in against it like Choice-locked Shaymin, Gardevoir, and Mega Sceptile lacking Hidden Power Fire. Knock Off can deal solid damage to and remove items from defensive switch-ins like Registeel and Porygon2. Drill Run can catch Fire-type switch-ins like Salazzle and Ninetales off guard as well as deal a good amount of damage to Nidoqueen, Registeel, and Toxicroak.
Set Details
With the given EV spread, Escavalier outspeeds uninvested base 30 Speed Pokemon like Slowbro and Snorlax and still has a considerable amount of bulk to pivot into Pokemon like Shaymin and Gardevoir.
Usage Tips
While Escavalier can pivot into certain special attackers, it also greatly appreciates coming into battle with the help of a pivot, since this set lacks the passive recovery that Leftovers provides. Escavalier's STAB moves should be used the most on this set; Megahorn has absurd power, but Iron Head is safer due to its better accuracy. Use Pursuit to chip down foes that do not want to stay in against Escavalier such as Roserade lacking Hidden Power Fire, Shaymin locked into Seed Flare, and Bronzong. If running Knock Off, use it to cripple defensive switch-ins like Porygon2 and Registeel. Drill Run should be used to catch Pokemon like Metagross, Salazzle, and Toxicroak off guard(RH) as they pivot into Escavalier expecting a STAB move. Keep Escavalier as healthy as possible so it can continue to wallbreak.
Team Options
A check to Fire-types, such as Zygarde-10%, Goodra, or Snorlax, is required when running Escavalier. Because it lacks Leftovers recovery, pivots such as Passimian, Flygon, and Noivern are good Pokemon to pair with Escavalier so it can enter the battle safely. Healing Wish users like Shaymin and Gardevoir are also recommended, since they can heal Escavalier if it has sustained prior damage. Setup sweepers like Raikou, Salazzle, and Virizion also appreciate Escavalier weakening the opposition so they have an easier time cleaning up late-game. Raikou and Stone Edge Virizion can also help Escavalier beat bulky Water- and Flying-types. Other defensive Pokemon like Florges, Goodra, and Hariyama can help Escavalier by taking Fire-type attacks aimed at it, which is helpful because of its lack of Leftovers. Offensive Pokemon such as Roserade, Passimian, and Necrozma appreciate Escavalier's ability to Pursuit trap Psychic-types, giving them an easier time setting up and cleaning later. Roserade and Necrozma can also set entry hazards to limit the ability of foes to switch into Escavalier. Finally, entry hazard removers such as Mega Blastoise, Mandibuzz, and Golbat can help Escavalier by letting it switch into battle more often.
Other Options
An alternative EV spread of 172 HP / 252 Atk / 84 Spe on the tank set allows Escavalier to hit much harder and outspeed uninvested base 30 Speed Pokemon like Slowbro and Snorlax. This, however, comes at the cost of Escavalier's bulk. A set utilizing Swords Dance / Megahorn / Rest / Sleep Talk can make Escavalier a dangerous late-game cleaner provided its checks are taken care of, but it requires too much support to function well. Toxic can catch bulky Water- and Flying-types off guard, but Escavalier's other utility options are usually better.
Checks and Counters
**Fire-types and Fire-type Coverage**: Escavalier's very low Speed and 4x weakness to Fire mean that it is always forced out by Fire-types such as Salazzle, Ninetales, and Arcanine as well as Pokemon with Fire-type coverage like Necrozma, Nidoqueen, and Roserade. Keep in mind that none of these Pokemon want to directly switch into Escavalier's moves, however.
**Residual Damage**: Because of Escavalier's reliance on Leftovers for recovery, it is often worn down by constantly switching into entry hazards and weak attacks from Pokemon such as Gardevoir, Shaymin, and Mega Sceptile.
**Physically Defensive Pokemon**: Bulky Pokemon such as Registeel, Gastrodon, and Mantine that resist one or both of Escavalier's STAB moves can usually stop it. Gastrodon and Mantine can also punish Escavalier with a Scald burn. However, these Pokemon do not want to lose their items to Knock Off.
- Written by: [[JustoonSmitts, 239732]]
- Quality checked by: [[phantom, 180300], [banks, 379208], [zizalith, 410251]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Empress, 175616], [Rabia, 336073]]
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