Original Pokemon: Metagross
New Pokemon: Terminatagross
Era: Far Future
Type: Steel/Fighting
Abilities: Sturdy / Analytic
Stats: 90 / 100 / 120 / 125 / 90 / 75 [BST 600] (HP + 10, Atk - 35, Def - 10, Sp. Atk + 30, Speed + 5)
Move Changes:
+ Cross Chop, Discharge, Earth Power, Electric Terrain, Extrasensory, Fire Punch, Flare Blitz, Focus Blast, Heavy Slam, Knock Off, Overdrive, Overheat, Spin Out, Superpower, Trick Room, Wild Charge, Zap Cannon
- Cosmic Power, Grass Knot, Expanding Force, Hone Claws, Ice Punch, Psychic, Psycho Cut, Psyshock, Rock Polish, Rock Slide, Toxic, Trick, Zen Headbutt
Role: Bulky Offensive Steel type with multiple potential roles. New stat spread makes it more inclined to be a slower attacker thanks to Analytic, with good tools for both physical and special attacks.
Era Justification: Metagross continues to have a supercomputer powering its mind, but now the machine is designed for destruction as a super fighting robot.

Original Pokemon: Magearna
New Pokemon: Mahogana (named after the Mahogany tree)
Era: Early Civilization
Type: Grass/Fairy
Abilities: Serene Grace
Stats: 75 / 100 / 120 / 110 / 120 / 75 [BST 600] (HP - 5, Atk + 5, Def + 5, Sp. Atk - 20, Sp. Def + 5, Speed + 10)
Move Changes:
+ Ancient Power, Body Press, Bulldoze, Bullet Seed, Earth Power, Giga Drain, Grassy Glide, Grassy Terrain, Healing Wish, Hex, Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Magical Leaf, Mystical Fire, Power Gem, Rock Tomb, Seed Bomb, Teleport, Trailblaze, Will-O-Wisp
- Electro Ball, Flash Cannon, Gyro Ball, Heavy Slam, Iron Head, Shift Gear, Steel Beam, Volt Switch, Zap Cannon
Role: Bulky attacker with several tools for physical, special, or defensive play.
Era Justification: Instead of a small robot, this new iteration is a wooden totem that came to life after being worshipped by an early culture

Original Pokemon: Gyarados
New Pokemon: Hydrados (heil Hydra)
Era: Early Civilization
Type: Water/Dragon
Abilities: Mold Breaker / Defiant
Stats: 125 / 90 / 75 / 80 / 100 / 70 [BST 540] (HP + 30, Atk - 35, Def - 4, Sp. Atk + 20, Speed - 11)
Move Changes:
+ Draco Meteor, Dragon Breath, Hydra Head Slam, Liquidation, Recover, Rock Slide, Work Up
- Dragon Dance
Signature Move: Hydra Head Slam (Dragon, Physical, 50 BP, 100% accuracy, 10 (16) PP. Hits twice. If the user is below 50% HP, hits three times. Flags: Contact.)
Role: Bulky mixed attacker with longevity and strong potential for solid damage.
Era Justification: Where once one sea serpent resided, now two (or more) heads combine to form the Hydra, the most feared of any serpentine creature, renowned for how any time one of its head is cut off, two more come to take its place.

Original Pokemon: Aegislash
New Pokemon: Achilleslash
Era: Early Civilization
Type: Steel/Fighting
Abilities: Stance Change
Stats (Shield): 75 / 60 / 130 / 60 / 130 / 45 [BST 500] (HP + 15, Atk + 10, Def - 10, Sp. Atk + 10, Sp. Def - 10, Speed - 15)
Stats (Blade): 75 / 120 / 60 / 110 / 60 / 75 [BST 500] (HP + 15, Atk - 20, Def + 10, Sp. Atk - 30, Sp. Def + 10, Speed + 15)
Move Changes:
+ Acrobatics, Aura Sphere, Body Press, Chilling Water, Curse, Focus Blast, Last Resort, Liquidation, Low Sweep, Lunge, Knock Off, Kowtow Cleave, Psyshield Bash, Smart Strike, Surf, Trailblaze
- Head Smash, Shadow Claw, Spite, Toxic
Change for Flavour: King's Shield is renamed to Hero's Shield, but has the same effect.
Role: Strong attacker who can take advantage of his defensive stance to set up before unleashing his might after changing form.
Era Justification: This new form is that of a spear and a shield, like the ones wielded by heroes such as Achilles or Theseus. Due to a spear having more reach than a sword, the higher speed allows for faster attacks in battle.

Original Pokemon: Florges
New Pokemon: Borgus (named after the Borg from Star Trek)
Era: Far Future
Type: Steel/Psychic
Abilities: Clear Body / Download
Stats: 90 / 72 / 80 / 110 / 125 / 75 [BST 552] (HP + 12, Atk + 7, Def + 12, Sp. Atk - 2, Sp. Def - 29)
Move Changes:
+ Agility, Charge Beam, Discharge, Cosmic Power, Extrasensory, Flash Cannon, Future Sight, Gyro Ball, Iron Head, Parabolic Charge, Psychic Terrain, Psyshock, Reflect, Shock Wave, Smart Strike, Steel Beam, Teleport, Thunder Wave, Volt Switch, Zen Headbutt, Zap Cannon
- All Grass type moves (except Energy Ball), All Fairy-type moves (except Dazzling Gleam and Moonblast), Wish
Role: Slow special attacker with solid bulk and utility.
Era Justification: Instead of a fairy that sees life symbiotically, this is now the Borg, a race of cybernetically enhanced alien set to absorb all life in the universe into their collective.

Original Pokemon: Volcanion
New Pokemon: Voltcannon
Era: Far Future
Type: Water/Poison
Abilities: Volt Absorb
Stats: 90/100/110/120/100/80 [BST 600] (HP + 10, Atk - 10, Def - 10, Sp. Atk - 10, Sp. Def +10 , Speed + 10)
Move Changes:
+ Charge Beam, Discharge, Gunk Shot, Hydro Steam, Magnet Rise, Muddy Water, Poison Jab, Shock Wave, Sludge Wave, Surf, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Toxic, Waterfall, Wave Crash, Zap Cannon
- All Fire-type moves
Role: Bulky Special attacker with a useful immunity.
Era Justification: The steam engines of the past have been replaced with a new form of energy, and it is weaponized against the enemies of Earth.
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