Pet Mod Eramons [Slate 5 - Industrial Revolution and Apocalypse Eramons] (Submissions Open)

Original Pokemon: Metagross
New Pokemon: Terminatagross
Era: Far Future
Type: Steel/Fighting
Abilities: Sturdy / Analytic
Stats: 90 / 100 / 120 / 125 / 90 / 75 [BST 600] (HP + 10, Atk - 35, Def - 10, Sp. Atk + 30, Speed + 5)
Move Changes:
+ Cross Chop, Discharge, Earth Power, Electric Terrain, Extrasensory, Fire Punch, Flare Blitz, Focus Blast, Heavy Slam, Knock Off, Overdrive, Overheat, Spin Out, Superpower, Trick Room, Wild Charge, Zap Cannon
- Cosmic Power, Grass Knot, Expanding Force, Hone Claws, Ice Punch, Psychic, Psycho Cut, Psyshock, Rock Polish, Rock Slide, Toxic, Trick, Zen Headbutt
Role: Bulky Offensive Steel type with multiple potential roles. New stat spread makes it more inclined to be a slower attacker thanks to Analytic, with good tools for both physical and special attacks.
Era Justification: Metagross continues to have a supercomputer powering its mind, but now the machine is designed for destruction as a super fighting robot.

Original Pokemon: Magearna
New Pokemon: Mahogana (named after the Mahogany tree)
Era: Early Civilization
Type: Grass/Fairy
Abilities: Serene Grace
Stats: 75 / 100 / 120 / 110 / 120 / 75 [BST 600] (HP - 5, Atk + 5, Def + 5, Sp. Atk - 20, Sp. Def + 5, Speed + 10)
Move Changes:
+ Ancient Power, Body Press, Bulldoze, Bullet Seed, Earth Power, Giga Drain, Grassy Glide, Grassy Terrain, Healing Wish, Hex, Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Magical Leaf, Mystical Fire, Power Gem, Rock Tomb, Seed Bomb, Teleport, Trailblaze, Will-O-Wisp
- Electro Ball, Flash Cannon, Gyro Ball, Heavy Slam, Iron Head, Shift Gear, Steel Beam, Volt Switch, Zap Cannon
Role: Bulky attacker with several tools for physical, special, or defensive play.
Era Justification: Instead of a small robot, this new iteration is a wooden totem that came to life after being worshipped by an early culture

Original Pokemon: Gyarados
New Pokemon: Hydrados (heil Hydra)
Era: Early Civilization
Type: Water/Dragon
Abilities: Mold Breaker / Defiant
Stats: 125 / 90 / 75 / 80 / 100 / 70 [BST 540] (HP + 30, Atk - 35, Def - 4, Sp. Atk + 20, Speed - 11)
Move Changes:
+ Draco Meteor, Dragon Breath, Hydra Head Slam, Liquidation, Recover, Rock Slide, Work Up
- Dragon Dance
Signature Move: Hydra Head Slam (Dragon, Physical, 50 BP, 100% accuracy, 10 (16) PP. Hits twice. If the user is below 50% HP, hits three times. Flags: Contact.)
Role: Bulky mixed attacker with longevity and strong potential for solid damage.
Era Justification: Where once one sea serpent resided, now two (or more) heads combine to form the Hydra, the most feared of any serpentine creature, renowned for how any time one of its head is cut off, two more come to take its place.

:sv/Aegislash: :Aegislash-Blade:
Original Pokemon: Aegislash
New Pokemon: Achilleslash
Era: Early Civilization
Type: Steel/Fighting
Abilities: Stance Change
Stats (Shield): 75 / 60 / 130 / 60 / 130 / 45 [BST 500] (HP + 15, Atk + 10, Def - 10, Sp. Atk + 10, Sp. Def - 10, Speed - 15)
Stats (Blade): 75 / 120 / 60 / 110 / 60 / 75 [BST 500] (HP + 15, Atk - 20, Def + 10, Sp. Atk - 30, Sp. Def + 10, Speed + 15)
Move Changes:
+ Acrobatics, Aura Sphere, Body Press, Chilling Water, Curse, Focus Blast, Last Resort, Liquidation, Low Sweep, Lunge, Knock Off, Kowtow Cleave, Psyshield Bash, Smart Strike, Surf, Trailblaze
- Head Smash, Shadow Claw, Spite, Toxic
Change for Flavour: King's Shield is renamed to Hero's Shield, but has the same effect.
Role: Strong attacker who can take advantage of his defensive stance to set up before unleashing his might after changing form.
Era Justification: This new form is that of a spear and a shield, like the ones wielded by heroes such as Achilles or Theseus. Due to a spear having more reach than a sword, the higher speed allows for faster attacks in battle.

Original Pokemon: Florges
New Pokemon: Borgus (named after the Borg from Star Trek)
Era: Far Future
Type: Steel/Psychic
Abilities: Clear Body / Download
Stats: 90 / 72 / 80 / 110 / 125 / 75 [BST 552] (HP + 12, Atk + 7, Def + 12, Sp. Atk - 2, Sp. Def - 29)
Move Changes:
+ Agility, Charge Beam, Discharge, Cosmic Power, Extrasensory, Flash Cannon, Future Sight, Gyro Ball, Iron Head, Parabolic Charge, Psychic Terrain, Psyshock, Reflect, Shock Wave, Smart Strike, Steel Beam, Teleport, Thunder Wave, Volt Switch, Zen Headbutt, Zap Cannon
- All Grass type moves (except Energy Ball), All Fairy-type moves (except Dazzling Gleam and Moonblast), Wish
Role: Slow special attacker with solid bulk and utility.
Era Justification: Instead of a fairy that sees life symbiotically, this is now the Borg, a race of cybernetically enhanced alien set to absorb all life in the universe into their collective.

Original Pokemon: Volcanion
New Pokemon: Voltcannon
Era: Far Future
Type: Water/Poison
Abilities: Volt Absorb
Stats: 90/100/110/120/100/80 [BST 600] (HP + 10, Atk - 10, Def - 10, Sp. Atk - 10, Sp. Def +10 , Speed + 10)
Move Changes:
+ Charge Beam, Discharge, Gunk Shot, Hydro Steam, Magnet Rise, Muddy Water, Poison Jab, Shock Wave, Sludge Wave, Surf, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Toxic, Waterfall, Wave Crash, Zap Cannon
- All Fire-type moves
Role: Bulky Special attacker with a useful immunity.
Era Justification: The steam engines of the past have been replaced with a new form of energy, and it is weaponized against the enemies of Earth.
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Original Pokemon: Corviknight
Eramon: Planeknight
Era: Far Future
Type: Water/Flying
Abilities: Cloud Nine/Lightning Rod | Mirror Armor
Stats: 89/40/105/95/70/96 (495) (-9 HP, -47 Atk, +42 SpAtk, -15 SpDef, +29 Spd)
Move Changes: +Hydro Pump, Surf, Liquidation, Water Pulse, Water Gun, Volt Switch, Thunderbolt, Stealth Rock, Vacuum Wave, Wind Missile
95BP | 100% Acc | 16PP | Flying | Special | Flags: Wind | No secondary effect
Role: Special offensive pivot and hazard control capable, currently its only fearing Stonjourner cus of it being a wallbrraker able to hit is superefectively, which is good cus currently Stonjourner is slightly on the weaker side, but can switch into most phys attacking mons cus of its decent physdef, and great defensive profile with Lightning Rod being able to cover its 4x weakness to Electric, and threaten opposing mons with decent damage from STAB Hydro Pump and Wind Missile, has decent coverage in Tbolt and Flash Cannon, as well as being able to heal with Roost, and good utility with Taunt and U-Turn/Volt Switch, as well as access to Defog and Stealth Rocks, and if needed, set up and become a wincon with Nasty Plot, balanced out by a weak SpDef
Era Justification:
Corviknight but its a water-cooled plane, plane technology will probably become better on the future, and one of those improvements may be better motor cooling on planes, will probably draw if it wins

Original Pokemon: Tangrowth
Eramon: Blobgrowth
Era: Far Future
Type: Water
Volt Absorb/Water Veil | Gooey
Stats: 100/120/90/90/70/65 (535) (+20 Atk, -35 Def, -20 SpAtk, +20 SpDef, +15 Spd)
Move Changes: +Wave Crash, Liquidation, Flip Turn, Surf, Hydro Pump, Water Pulse, Water Gun, Chilling Water, Rain Dance

-Power Whip, Knock Off, Solar Blade, Seed Bomb, Leaf Storm, Energy Ball, Giga Drain, Grass Knot, Swords Dance, Synthesis, Poison Jab, Sludge Bomb
Role: Very bulky physical wallbreaker, which is something Far Future doesnt have currently, has a great defensive profile with Water + Volt Absorb, with good defenses, great Atk stat, Flip Turn and STAB Wave Crash makes it a very strong attacker for Far Future, balanced out by only having one STAB, being slow, having limited coverage in Earthquake, Brick Break and Rock Slide, which the latter two have very low BP, and its STAB and best coverage move being walled by Grass types
Era Justification: Tangrowth but as some sort of water blob, there may be some weird experiments with making inanimate stuff alive in the future, will probably draw if it wins

Original Pokemon: Sceptile
Eramon: Solartile
Era: Far Future
Type: Grass/Fire
Solar Power | Grassy Surge
Stats: 80/100/70/85/75/110 (530) (+10 HP, +15 Atk, +5 Def, -20 SpAtk, -10 SpDef, -10 Spd)
Move Changes: +Flare Blitz, Fire Blast, Heat Wave, Flamethrower, Bitter Blade, Fire Punch, Ember
-Outrage, Dragon Claw, Dragon Pulse, Drain Punch, Acrobatics, Breaking Swipe, Earthquake, Crunch, Dual Chop, Scale Shot
Role: Great wallbreaker, offensive pivot and sweeper, with a good offensive and defensive type, great STAB moves in Leaf Blade, Flare Blitz and Bitter Blade, with a great ability in Grassy Surge, which lets it hit harder as well as helping its teammates resist Ground-type attacks better, as well as Dragon Dance and Swords Dance to set up and sweep, balanced out by poor starting Atk, small amount of coverage in Thunder Punch, X-Scissor, Iron Tail, Brick Break and Rock Slide, three have 75 bp, one is a Bug Type move and one has 75% acc, and both STABs being resisted by Dragon
Era Justification: Solar panel Sceptile! There may be advances in how we obtain electricity, specially in solar panel technology in the future, will probably draw if it wins

Original Pokemon: Dudunsparce
Eramon: Dudunswyrm
Era: Early Civilization
Type: Normal/Dragon
: Cloud Nine/Run Away | Mold Breaker
Stats: 125/45/60/120/85/85 (520) (-55 Atk, -20 Def, +35 SpAtk, +10 SpDef, +30 Spd)
Move Changes: +Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Claw, Rapid Spin, Judgement
-Ice Beam, Blizzard, Calm Mind, Roost, Hurricane, Boomburst
Role: Bulky special wallbreaker, resists both the Water and Grass type attacks all current Early Civ mons are weak to, as well as adding a special attacker to them, it can deal huge damage with STAB Judgement and Draco Meteor, as well as having good coverage in Flamethrower, Earth Power and Shadow Ball, its also the first hazard control in Early Civ with Rapid Spin and Stealth Rocks, which when paired with its speed, can make it work in a similar role as OU Great Tusk, it spins, fixes one of its weaknesess which is its Spd, and can now fire off strong attacks while having a decent Spd stat, but is balanced out by lack or recovery, which lets it get chipped easily, as well as a kinda low Def
Era Justification: Wyrms and wyverns were some of the first mythological creatures to be created, will probably draw if it wins

Original Pokemon: Hydreigon
Eramon: Hyrootgon
Era: Early Civilization
Type: Grass/Dark
Stats: 92/110/90/120/98/90 (600) (+5 Atk, +8 SpDef, -5 SpAtk, -8 Spd)
Move Changes: +Leaf Storm, Fiery Wrath, Solar Beam, Giga Drain Leaf Blade, Power Whip, Energy Ball, Vine Whip, Ingrain, Defog

-Nasty Plot, Draco Meteor, Dragon Dance, Surf, Hydro Pump, Earth Power, Dragon Pulse, Outrage, Head Smash

Role: Offensive pivot and wallbreaker, it has good defenses and decent speed, and an amazing ability in Regenerator, and pivoting in U-Turn, has good STAB attacks in Leaf Storm, Energy Ball and Fiery Wrath, as well as good coverage in Flamethrower/Fire Blast, Flash Cannon and Focus Blast, it can also run mixed due to its decent Atk, letting it use Eq, Stone Edge and Power Whip, and access to Defog if we need any hazard control, but it is balanced out by a very weak defensive type
Era Justification: Agriculture was an important part of early civilization's survival, because of this, they ravaged and stole each others crops and food, will probably draw if it wins

Original Pokemon: Exeggutor
Eramon: Coffeggutor

Era: Early Civilization
Type: Grass/Electric
Chlorophyll | Spark Seeds
When this Pokemon hits the opponent with any move, it gives them the Powder status (see Powder, Vivillon's signature move)
Stats: 80/59/80/111/80/120 (530) (-15 HP, -36 Atk, -5 Def, -4 SpAtk, +5 SpDef, +65 Spd)
Move Changes: +Thunder, Thunderbolt, Wild Charge, Thundershock, Thunder Wave, Volt Switch, Dazzling Gleam
-Reflect, Psyshock, Calm Mind, Psychic
Role: Good special wallbreaker, which is something Early Civ doesnt have, and offensive pivot, with a good offensive typing, great Spd and SpAtk stats, decent defenses, and an amazing ability in Spark Seeds, which lets it eliminate one of its weaknesses if it outspeeds its opponent, as well as when pivoting out with Volt Switch, it lets its teammates that switch in be inmune to Fire-type moves, which is great since all Early Civ mons are physical attackers, so they are weak to Will-o-Wisp, which when the user is Powdered, makes it not work, as well as being able to stay in if the opponent uses Scald, balanced out by a lack of coverage, only having Dazzling Gleam
Era Justification:
Agriculture was a big part of early civilizations, and one of the first plants to be harvested in latinoamerica were coffee beans, will probably draw if it wins
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Original Pokemon: Claydol
Eramon: Claywheel
Era: Early Civilization
Type: Water/Grass
Abilities: Endless Rotation
Effect: Heals 1/8th of the user's hp when the user uses or is hit by a "spinning" move (any move involving rotation)
Spinning Moves: Rapid Spin, Ice Spinner, Spin Out, Fire Spin, Blazing Torque, Combat Torque, Magical Torque, Noxious Torque, Wicked Torque, Drill Run, Gyro Ball, Rollout, Ice Ball, Flip Turn, U-Turn, Rain Dance, Electro Drift, Darkest Lariat, Flame Wheel
Stats: 70/60/105/90/120/55 (500)
Move Changes: + Ice Spinner, Flip Turn, Synthesis, Energy Ball, Trailblaze, Wood Hammer, Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Muddy Water, Surf, Hydro Pump, Grassy Terrain -Dazzling Gleam, Expanding Force, Future Sight, Extrasensory, Hex, Psychic, Psyshock, Smack Down, Rock Slide, Stealth Rock, Scorching Sands, Stored Power, Teleport, Trick, Toxic, Trick Room, Zen Headbutt, Bulldoze, Charge Beam, Confusion, Cosmic Power, Dig, Dream Eater, Eerie Impulse, Guard Split, Guard Swap, Imprison, Power Swap, Psybeam, Psychic Terrain, Rock Tomb, Sandstorm, Wonder Room
Role: early civ epic water fail
Era Justification: Based on the waterwheel which was a vital aspect of early civilizations due to it being the only effective method of milling grain

Original Pokemon: Brambleghast
Eramon: Brambleburn
Era: Early Civ
Type: Grass/Fire
Abilities: Wind Rider/Flash Fire
Stats: 65/60/70/115/70/105 (480)
Move Changes: +Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Will-O-Wisp, Flaming Prophecy, Heat Wave, Ember, Sunny Day. -Curse, Hex, Poltergeist, Pain Split, Shadow Ball, Shadow Sneak, Astonish, Confuse Ray, Phantom Force, Spite

Sunny day chilly reception clone

Role: Fast offensive threat for early civ they do not have fast offensive threats. Helps with early civ water fail once we get waters (get waters)
Era Justification: god is coming in 5 days (the burning bush was depicted in an early civilization type deal


Original Pokemon: Golisopod
Eramon: Golisobot
Era: Far Future
Type: Water/Steel
Abilities: Download
Stats: 80/110/70/100/70/100
Move Changes: + Volt Switch + U-Turn + Thunderbolt
Role: the 100 speed threat
Era Justification: they made evil killer robots lol
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Original Pokemon: Tropius
Eramon: Tropion
Era: Early Civilization
Type: Grass/Dragon
Abilities: Thick Fat/Natural Cure/(Harvest)
Stats: 120/60/70/110/80/20 (460 BST)
Move Changes: +Defog, Draco Meteor, Dragon Hammer, Earth Power, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Slack Off
Role: Bulky defogger that also provides early civilization with a Grass and Water resist because wow they need it. Generally shouldn't be too passive since it has a solid 110 SpAtk to fire off Dracos from and also did you know Tropius gets CM? Anyway yeah this is just generally nice with Garganacl and ground types.
Era Justification: Before they were forced into the evolutionary niche of flying by humans, Tropion were relying on their raw bulk and power to chase away predators and barely moved. Tropion slowly started becoming rarer and rarer as human civilization grew and managed to harvest it and take advantage of its lack of mobility.

Original Pokemon: Urshifu-Rapid-Strike
Eramon: Flowshifu
Era: Early Civilization
Type: Water/Fighting
Abilities: Calming Technique*
*Calming Technique: User restores 1/16 of its health every time it damages an opponent with a punching move. (Surging Strikes heals 3 times)
Stats: 100/110/100/63/80/97
Move Changes: +Mach Punch, Stealth Rock, -Bulk Up, Close Combat, Swords Dance
Role: Offensive/Defense utility, Wallbreaker, Hazard Setter, Pivot
Era Justification: Humans once learned a fighting style based around the calmness of the waves from this pokemon. Flowshifu harnesses its power from its calculated movements and its clear mind in battle, making its style extremely fluid and efficient.
Justification: I'm taking a gamble with this one, but it's meant as a pokemon with generally good defensive utility thanks to a solid defensive typing and bulk (alongside taking genesect's stabs fairly well) that can then strike back with decent power while healing itself. Calming Technique is a way to keep your health pool relatively high while staying active, but it doesn't give you reliable survivability.
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Original Pokemon: Zoroark
Eramon: Sharoark
Era: Early Civilization

Abilities: Storm Drain
Stats: 75 / 125 / 75 / 75 / 75 / 85 [BST: 510]
Move Changes: + Aqua Cutter, Aqua Jet, Close Combat, Dragon Dance, Flip Turn, Hydro Pump, Liquidation, Scald, Smart Strike, Storm Trident, Surf, Triple Axel, Water Gun, Waterfall, Water Pulse
- Burning Jealousy, Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Swords Dance


BP: 80
PP: 1
Accuracy: 100%
Secondary Effects: +2 priority. Regains PP if this successfully land a KO.
Role: A rather strong wallbreaker with well-balanced stats, setup with DD. Having a very strong STAB priority in Storm Trident which is made to be used wisely. Banded Storm Trident could still do stupidly well, but we'll see about that one.
Era Justification: This one is based on the myth of sea people. Additional, trident is a pretty old weapon (500 BC if my research is correct).


Original Pokemon: Braviary
Eramon: Slithiary
Era: Early Civilization

Abilities: Glaring Issue / Sheer Force | Cursed Body (HA)
If this Pokemon's move misses, it raises its Attack by 2 stages.
Stats: 95 / 118 / 75 / 92 / 75 / 55 [BST: 510]
Move Changes: + Coil, Dark Pulse, Fiery Wrath, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Flare Blitz, Freezing Glare, Glare, Ice Beam, Inferno, Knock Off, Lash Out, Mean Look, Nasty Plot, Night Slash, Power Gem, Sludge Bomb, Stone Edge, Throat Chop, Thunderbolt
- Metal Claw
Role: A funny gimmick mon that's designed to abuse Blunder Policy to its fullest potential. With Glaring Issue, It's like you DD twice in a single turn. Obviously, a setup move with 50% to do something else (assuming you'll use Inferno) is far from reliable, but since that "something else" is solid damage with guaranteed burn, I don't really see a downside here.
Era Justification: This is Cockatrice, the half-chicken, half-snake creature that can gaze into one's eyes to petrify them.

Tabletta Pirouette.png

Original Pokemon: Meloetta (and its Pirouette form)
Eramon: Tabletta (and its Pirouette form)
Era: Early Civilization
Abilities: Forewarn
Stats: 77 / 77 / 128 / 100 / 128 / 90 [BST: 600]
(77 / 77 / 100 / 128 / 90 / 128 [BST: 600])
Move Changes: + Ancient Power, Future Sight, Karmic Noise, Meteor Beam, Moonblast, Moonlight, Mystical Power, Power Gem, Rock Tomb, Teleport


BP: 120
PP: 8
Accuracy: 100%
Secondary Effects: Lands 2 turns after being used. (Future Sight clone)
Role: A big wall that can turn into a big wallbreaker. Relic Song is now a viable move? Let's go?
Era Justification: The first music ever composed has been discovered to be in a long time ago and was written on a tablet.


Original Pokemon: Samurott
Eramon: Samuradarr
Era: Far Future

Abilities: Scanner | Intrepid Sword (HA)
Frisk effect. If the found items are either Choice Band, Choice Scarf, or Choice Specs, then also applies Embargo.
Stats: 120 / 90 / 75 / 145 / 50 / 48 [BST: 528]
Move Changes: + Dark Pulse, Defog, Doom Desire, Flash Cannon, Foul Play, Future Sight, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Lash Out, Lock-On, Metal Burst, Metal Claw, Metal Sound, Nasty Plot, Parting Shot, Psyblade, Psychic, Psycho Cut, Psyshock, Sucker Punch, Trick Room, Wonder Room
- Aqua Cutter, Aqua Jet, Aqua Tail, Chilling Water, Flip Turn, Hydro Cannon, Hydro Pump, Liquidation, Rain Dance, Razor Shell, Soak, Surf, Water Gun, Water Pledge, Water Pulse, Waterfall
Role: I hope you guys understand how Cursola is a bad mon despite 145 SpA. An absurdly strong wallbreaker. However, special frailty with no resistance aren't gonna be a forgiven weakness. Intrepid Sword set is funny, and to be fair, might be better because it has priority in form of Sucker Punch.
Era Justification: A cyborg. Uh... yeah! With radar on its chest, and that's it.


Original Pokemon: Lilligant
Eramon: Stellagant
Era: Far Future

Abilities: Victory Star / Super Luck | Illusion (HA)
Stats: 70 / 85 / 75 / 50 / 75 / 125 [BST: 480]
Move Changes: + Attack Order, Attract, Blaze Kick, Captivate, Cosmic Power, Cross Chop, Cross Poison, Dark Pulse, Defend Order, Drill Run, Grand-Stars Kick, High Jump Kick, Knock Off, Lunar Dance, Moonblast, Moonlight, Night Slash, Play Rough, Stone Edge, Triple Axel, Zen Headbutt
- Absorb, Bullet Seed, Grass Knot, Grassy Glide, Grassy Terrain, Ingrain, Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Magical Leaf, Mega Drain, Petal Blizzard, Petal Dance, Pollen Puff, Quiver Dance, Seed Bomb, Stun Spore, Synthesis, Teeter Dance, Trailblaze, Worry Seed


BP: 20
PP: 16
Accuracy: 100%
Secondary Effects: Hits 4 times; 5 with Super Luck. High critical hit ratio.
Role: Designed to be fishing for critical with a bunch of high crit rate moves + Super Luck. If you want consistency, you can run Scope Lens as an item. Talking about consistency, VStar can ensure that Play Rough, High Jump Kick, 3-hit Taxel and more will land.
Era Justification: It's an alien superstar with a bit of space elements in the design. Signal receivers on the head, UFO skirt, and rollerblades because lol, why not. It has 125 Speed after all.

Melodiva Pirouette.png

Original Pokemon: Meloetta (and its Pirouette form)
Eramon: Melodiva (and its Pirouette form)
Era: Far Future
Abilities: Stylizinger
If Melodiva is not holding any item, changes to Pirouette form before using a physical move and reverts back to Aria form before using a special move. Additionally, Pirouette form can be chosen from outside of the battle.
Stats: 70 / 91 / 60 / 121 / 147 / 111 [BST: 600]
(70 / 121 / 60 / 91 / 147 / 111 [BST: 600])
Move Changes: + Assurance, Darkest Lariat, Dark Pulse, Discharge, Foul Play, Ice Spinner, Lash Out, Nasty Plot, Parabolic Charge, Payback, Snarl, Sucker Punch, Switcheroo, Triple Axel, Volt Switch
- Calm Mind, Confusion, Dazzling Gleam, Grass Knot, Gravity, Low Kick, Low Sweep, Psybeam, Psychic, Relic Song, Stone Edge, Thunder Punch, Trick Room, Zen Headbutt
Role: Either an Electric mon that can threaten Dragon, Grass and Ground or an Ice mon that doesn't require Boots and can threaten Water (without Freeze-Dry). Just depends on how you look at it.
Era Justification: The robot singer that is hacked and turned evil.
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This was the original plan, but there was debate among the council that taking in the top 6 per era would overbloat the meta too fast, so we've moved to taking Top 3 Returning Mons and Top 3 Eramons to give every era a clean 6 to play with, although each era will be revisited later down the line so players aren't restricted to using the same 6 for every team comp.

I dont really see how it would be overbloated considering the nature of the meta (monotype+). A meta like this should have at the least 15 mons per era, just so they dont feel stale playing the same 6 or 8 mons per team, and with its current rate that is gonna take awhile.

Some ideas in the meantime

Original Pokemon: Thundurus
Eramon: Thunderzeus
Era: Early Civilization

Abilities: Lightning Rod | HA: Teravolt
Stats: 79 / 101 / 110 / 100 / 70 / 120 [BST: 570]
Move Changes: +Dazzling Gleam, Hurricane, Sky Attack, Defog, Zing Zap, Superpower, Stone Edge, Sucker Punch, Parabolic Charge, Bolt Strike
-Bulk Up, Focus Blast, U-turn, Sludge Bomb, Grass Knot
Role: Thunderzeus adds the needed check to future Fighting, Grass and Ground type Pokémon that will litter the tier, making Zeus a well needed component of its team structure. It also adds a dashing 125 Speed tier, WELL above the likes of Krookodile's 92 speed, and makes the team much more worthwhile in that aspect.
Era Justification: Thunderzeus is based on Zeus, the leader of the pantheon of Gods belonging to perhaps the most important ancient civilization and mythology in the ancient Greeks. He is the Sky Father of the Greek Myth, and this commands a lot of power.

Original Pokemon: Hydreigon
Eramon: Hydradon
Era: Early Civilization

Abilities: Toxic Chain
Stats: 92 / 115 / 90 / 105 / 100 / 98 [BST: 600]
Move Changes: +Muddy Water, Sludge Bomb, Poison Jab, Gunk Shot, Waterfall, Aqua Jet, Soak, Recover, Whirlpool, Ice Beam, Baneful Bunker, Sludge Wave, Toxic
-Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot, U-turn, Assurance, Lash Out, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Heat Wave, Fire Spin, Focus Blast, Flash Cannon
Role: Adds another SpD tank and importantly a Water resist. Makes a ton of progress with its patented Toxic Chain Knock Off and pairs up excellently with Copperajah and Dachsbun to create a Steel+Fairy+Dragon defensive core.
Era Justification: Based on the myth of the Hydra monster of Greek Mythology. Toxic Chain is because the monster was said to have an incredibly poisonous breath, blood and claws, essentially making everything it does poisonous. Recover references the technically later in history (but still ancient Greece) Regeneration aspect of the myth, without making a degenerate Water Dragon Regen Pokémon lol.

Original Pokemon: Centiskorch
Eramon: Tikitorch
Era: Early Civilization

Abilities: Flash Fire / Regenerator | HA: White Smoke
Stats: 105 / 50 / 90 / 120 / 90 / 70 [BST: 525]
Move Changes: +Giga Drain, Energy Ball, Jungle Healing, Synthesis, Bullet Seed, Leech Seed, Lava Plume, Haze, Taunt, Leaf Storm, Razor Leaf, Magical Leaf, Seed Bomb, U-turn, Wood Hammer
-Bug Buzz, Struggle Bug, X-Scissor, Venoshock, Scorching Sands, Leech Life, Lunge, Skitter Smack, Bug Bite, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Bite, Wrap, Knock Off
Role: Blanks Grass types, who are without a doubt Early Civilization's toughest customers. Regenerator + 105 / 90 / 90 bulk should prove a hot commodity on this team to sponge hits and pivot out. Seriously though, beating basically all Grasses and most bulky Waters is really important for a team like Early Civ to function.
Era Justification: Represents literal Fire and the birth of civilization itself - Fire was fundamental to Early Man's ability to create gatherings that developed into society. Fire is also commonly used as a figurative representation of the start of human ingenuity.

Original Pokemon: Sylveon
Eramon: Syntheon
Era: Far Future

Abilities: Trace | HA: Adaptability
Stats: 95 / 65 / 65 / 110 / 130 / 60 [BST: 525]
Move Changes: +Sludge Wave, Toxic, Toxic Spikes, Haze, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Stealth Rock, Corrosive Gas, Poison Gas, Acid Armor, Acid, Acid Spray, Steel Beam, Iron Defense, Steel Roller, Gunk Shot, Body Press, Whirlwind
-Calm Mind, Wish, Draining Kiss, Moonblast, Charm, Misty Explosion, Misty Terrain, Magical Leaf, Play Rough, Psychic
Role: Useful bulky defensive and offensive option for Far Future. It's special bulk is outstanding and its power backed by Adaptability is very high. No form of recovery nor set up is annoying for it though, but it can make do. Steel types also annoy it to hell but I gave it options to try and circumvent them without outright killing them.
Era Justification: Its a futuristic super material - a synthetic polymer that can do anything in any situation.

Original Pokemon: Latias
Eramon: Latotality
Era: Far Future

Abilities: Hivemind*
(Inverse Supreme Overlord - 50% boost to it's Attack and Special Attack. For every ally fainted or inflicted with status, loses 10% off boost)
Stats: 100 / 100 / 100 / 100 / 100 / 100 [BST: 600]
Move Changes: +Dark Pulse, Lash Out, Crunch, Parting Shot, Power Trip, Beat Up, Fling, Foul Play, Swords Dance, Psychic Fangs, Volt Switch, Hex, Will-O-Wisp, Teleport
-Calm Mind, Wish, Aura Sphere, Breaking Swipe, Defog, Draco Meteor, Dragon Claw, Dragon Pulse, Earthquake, Healing Wish, Mystical Fire, Scale Shot, Sweet Kiss
Role: Mixed Attacker with a fantastic ability - granting it x1.5 boost to it's offenses, provided none of its allies are fainted or statused. This sounds great until you realize Latotality isn't that forth coming when it comes on to spectacular coverage, or that the team it is locked onto is not exactly one of the bulkiest it could be. And ofc, Toxic Spikes legit ruins the strat of running it. Still, it is a powerful threat that can bring the hurt against a wide variety of builds, even as a choice user.
Era Justification: Latotality is based on the SciFi concept of evil alien beings who are usually apart of a massive Hivemind of interconnected singular organisms.
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Eleveggutor (Original Pokemon: Exeggutor-Alola)
Era: Far Future

Abilities: Filter, Prankster
Stats: 105 | 95 | 110 | 100 | 110 | 10 [BST= 530]
Movepool Changes: +Blizzard, Cosmic Power, Flash Cannon, Meteor Mash, Mirror Shot, Moonblast, Rain Dance, Snowscape, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Wish, - Hypnosis, All Dragon moves and Grass moves except Ingrain (flavor choice) and Solar Beam.
Signature Move: Airlift -
| 10/16 PP, -- Acc | User switches out to an ally. The incoming ally is considered airborne on switch-in and is not affected by grounded entry hazards. Almost always goes last (-6 priority).​
Role: Defensive pivot, Prankster mon, and Trick Room guy (okay buddy). Prankster Hypnosis would be kinda scummy so I removed that.
Era Justification: To keep it brief, a space elevator is a big ol' rope between the Earth and an orbiting satellite that can be used to transport materials into space. It was once a concept relegated to science fiction novels, but the long-term cost saving of not needing to fight against Earth's gravity to launch stuff into space makes this idea very attractive in the field of space travel. So yeah, this Alolan Exeggutor is so damn long is reaches into space. Is Psychic because that's the type that's been most related to space (you could argue Fairy but w/e)


Solossal (Original Pokemon: Coalossal)
Era: Far Future

Abilities: Flash Fire, Solar Power, Steam Engine
Stats: 105 | 75 | 80 | 100 | 108 | 42 [BST= 510]
Movepool Changes: +Energy Ball, Flash Cannon, Lava Plume, Psychic, Recover -All Rock moves (yes, including Stealth Rock)
Role: Special wall with some sweeping potential thanks to its abilities: I specifically increased the Speed just enough so that after a +3 from Steam Engine it has a respectable base speed of 105, and while Solar Power is a lot more gimmicky and will depend on how easily the Far Future playstyle can set up sun, having Fire moves boosted by 1.5 three-fold is too juicy to ignore. Main new tools for it defensively are the baller Steel/Fire type and access to some actual recovery for once. No Stealth Rock is a big loss, but if you care about hazards that much it can still do spikes stacking.
Era Justification: A Coalossal that is solar-powered rather than coal-powered; no, I don't mean like solar panels or the like, this Coalossal IS the Sun! Fusion power is an in-development energy source which uses the same process that occurs in star cores to generate massive amounts of energy


Nanolinks (Original Pokemon: Falinks)
Era: Far Future

Abilities: Healer, Regenerator
Stats: 60 | 100 | 70 | 70 | 100 | 70 [BST= 470]
Movepool Changes: +Knock Off, U-turn, Zing Zap
Role: Regenerator guy, but it's offensive regen so it's cool. STAB U-turn go brrr, and also I totally wasn't intending it but base Falinks actually gets First Impression, so it being STAB now is a big plus. Resisting Fighting, Ground, and Dark moves will make it a quite useful pivot in the Far Future playstyle, whose theming tends to bias towards Steel and Psychic-types.
Era Justification: Nanomachines, son.

Yes they are all Far Future subs, cry about it

Original Pokemon: Floatzel
Eramon: Boatzel
Era: Early Civ
Type: Water/Grass
Abilities: Reckless/Wind Rider

Stats: 75/105/90/90/40/95 (BST 495)
Move Changes:
+ Wood Hammer, Energy Ball, Grassy Glide, Trailblaze, Giga Drain, Tailwind
-Focus Punch, Dig, Ice Punch, Low Kick, Low Sweep
Role: Press Wood Hammer and Wave Crash.
Era Justification: Boats have been around for ages. The oldest boat recovered was from sometime between 8200 and 7600 BC.


Original Pokemon: Feraligatr
Eramon: Feramigatr
Era: Early Civ
Type: Dark/Ghost
Abilities: Strong Jaw/Soul Drain
This Pokemon's Biting Moves heal 1/8th of its max HP.
Stats: 80/110/90/90/100/60 (BST 530)
Move Changes:
+ Poltergeist, Nasty Plot, Fire Fang, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball
-All Water moves sans Aqua Tail, Toxic
Role: It bites things and heals.
Era Justification: Based on Ammit/Ammut, a deity in Ancient Egypt who was a judge of the deceased. If the deceased were impure, Ammit would eat the deceased's heart, rendering them without a soul.


Original Pokemon: Alcremie
Eramon: Moldcremie
Era: Far Future
Type: Poison/Fairy
Abilities: Poison Touch/Liquid Ooze/Neutralizing Gas
Stats: 65/110/100/60/75/85 (BST 495)
Move Changes:

+Poison Jab, Gunk Shot, Swords Dance, Toxic Spikes, Clear Smog, Strength Sap, Seed Bomb
-Solar Beam, Recover

Role: N-Gas mon :). Knows Seed Bomb for the multitude of ground types on the Past side of things.
Era Justification: In the present day, a science teacher used Alcremie cream in an experiment about food decay. Unfortunately, after the teacher put the slide together, the school was almost all destroyed in a freak accident, leaving the slide forgotten in the rubble. Now, hundreds of years later, urban explorers have found a new kind of Pokemon has formed.


Original Pokemon: Scrafty
Eramon: Swapfty
Era: Far Future
Type: Psychic/Dark
Abilities: Trace/Opportunist
Stats: 60/65/68/100/105/90 (BST 488)
Move Changes:
+Heart Swap, Nasty Plot, Psychic, Psyshock, Trick, Strange Steam, Guard Swap, Skill Swap, Speed Swap, Power Trick, Agility
-All Fighting moves except Focus Blast
Role: Fun Abilities Mon. Also has good tools for the Past Mons.
Era Justification: Is actually an example of futuristic Body Swap technology. Used to swap bodies for instances such as espionage, some speculate that some people are using it to achieve immortality.


Original Pokemon: Probopass
Eramon: Probophis
Era: Far Future
Type: Rock/Fire
Abilities: Rock Head/Flame Body/Rocky Payload
Stats: 65/115/120/35/90/100 (BST 525)
Move Changes:
+Meteor Mash, Bulk Up, Accelerock, Head Smash, Flare Blitz, Fire Lash, Moonlight, Fire Blast, Flamethrower
-Discharge, Ice Punch, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Spark, Zap Cannon, Thunder Wave
Role: Throw Stealth Rocks and do big damage.
Era Justification: Named after 99942 Apophis, a meteor that could possibly impact Earth in the future due to close proximity.
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NOTE: For coders' reference and until further notice, all new TM moves for each submission are taken from the Scarlet/Violet TM list.


Original Pokemon: Rapidash
Eramon: Rapidampos (Rapidash + Damp + Greek κάμπος kámpos, "sea monster")
Era: Early Civilization
Type: Fire/Water
: Magic Guard/Flash Fire (Hidden Ability: Sap Sipper)
Stats: 65 HP/85 ATK/65 DEF/95 SP ATK/65 SP DEF/125 SPD = 500
Move Changes: +Aqua Jet (level-up), +Aqua Tail (level-up), +Wave Crash (level-up), -Quick Attack (level-up), -Stomp (level-up), -Take Down (level-up), +Water Pulse (TM), +Rain Dance (TM), +Waterfall (TM), +Liquidation (TM), +Surf (TM), +Hydro Pump (TM), +Scald (TM), +Flip Turn (TM)

Rapidash isn't exactly a top-tier 'mon to start with in either form, as its monotype and the fact that its only useful STAB damaging move is a recoil move means it will often be seriously crippled by the time it's actually gotten anything done, on top of its vulnerability to entry hazards and having terrible defensive bulk. Rapidampos has even worse bulk and a slightly worse Attack stat, and as a speedy mixed attacker it may be outclassed by other mixed Fire-type sweepers on paper, but there are nonetheless two things that will hopefully make it "the cooler Rapidash" in more ways than one. First, its added Water-type not only literally cools it down, but also gives it more versatility in terms of its main damage output, and the fact that it actually has fewer type resistances than a pure-Fire-type doesn't matter as much as it would on something tankier, with both types instead being employed offensively for a greater spread of neutral damage than Fire on its lonesome. Second, and more importantly, the terminally useless Run Away is replaced by Magic Guard, which saves it from both entry hazards and recoil damage in one fell swoop, thereby giving it more flexibility with item usage than being stuck with Heavy-Duty Boots all the time. Flare Blitz and Wave Crash thus become potent offensive options to make up for a slightly worse attack stat, and with greater speed, it can easily be expected to get at least one mighty hit in, though with skilled prediction it can also switch into an opponent trying to hobble either it or a teammate with a damaging status move like Toxic, set up with a Swords Dance or two, and go to town. The main thing holding it back from being a force to be reckoned with is that for all the benefits of its new typing, Water negates only one of the type weaknesses Fire has and adds a different one in its place, so although it doesn't have to worry about Stealth Rock anytime soon, such is its fragility that a single incoming Earthquake or Thunder would be more than enough to send it on a one-way trip to the glue factory.

Era Justification: The horse in general is one of the earliest domesticated animals and a significant fixture in human cultures around the world, and was instrumental in the colonization of many places by people before more advanced transportation came along. More specifically, however, this specific Eramon is also based on the hippocampus, a creature from Classical mythology with the front half of a horse and the back half of a fish, said to be the steed of many Greek and Roman sea gods and other oceanic beings.

Graceful and majestic underwater in the same way that its cousin is on land, Rapidampos has the head, neck, and chest of Rapidash as well as a similar color scheme, but its similarities end there. Its back half is more like that of Dewgong with vertical cetacean-like swimming movement, and instead of front limbs, it has flippers with knobby back edges like a humpback whale's, and a smaller pair of teardrop-shaped flippers replaces its hind legs. Its mane and tail are replaced by beautiful, flowing fins like a betta fish (though the tail fin is horizontal like a whale's), with a gradient from orange at the base to red at the edges; when it uses its Fire-type attacks, these glow a bright red-orange. Its long head horn is like that of Galarian Rapidash, but gold instead of black, and angled more forward to invoke a narwhal's tusk and offer better streamlining. Scalloped ridges with golden edges suggesting fish-like scales also run down the upper side of the otherwise cream-colored body, which is a little thicker and more torpedo-shaped for streamlining in the water. Overall, the look of this design is something akin to this "marine unicorn" design on DeviantArt, but a little skinnier, longer, and with Rapidash's colors and the flowing, fiery fins for a mane and tail. The shiny sprite replaces the gold with silver, and the red and orange of the fins with blue and purple.

"If a Ponyta that lives by the sea loses its fear of water, it will play in the surf until it evolves into Rapidampos. While clumsy on land, it swims quickly and gracefully."
"Legend has it that they arose from a herd of Rapidash that escaped into the sea from a terrible disaster. Their fins billow like blazing fire as they race below the waves."


Original Pokemon: Aerodactyl
Eramon: Aerodaemon (Aerodactyl + Daemon)
Era: Early Civilization
Type: Dark/Flying
: Hyper Cutter/Tough Claws (Hidden Ability: Unnerve)
Stats: 80 HP/95 ATK/65 DEF/80 SP ATK/65 SP DEF/130 SPD = 515
Move Changes: +Throat Chop (level), +Tearing Talon* (level), +Fake Tears (TM), +Thief (TM), +Fire Spin (TM), +Snarl (TM), +Flame Charge (TM), +Fling (TM), +Dragon Tail (TM), +Sunny Day (TM), +Shadow Claw (TM), +Foul Play (TM), +Fire Punch (TM), +Taunt (TM), +Dark Pulse (TM), +Will-O-Wisp (TM), +Flamethrower (TM), +Fire Blast (TM), +Outrage (TM), +Overheat (TM), +Flare Blitz (TM), +Knock Off (TM), +Heat Crash (TM), +Burning Jealousy (TM), +Lash Out (TM), +Scale Shot (TM), move Rock Slide (level) and Stone Edge (level) to TMs, tutors, or egg moves as appropriate
Name: Tearing Talon


Base Points: 90
Power Points: 24
Accuracy: 100%
Effect: Increased critical hit ratio (Leaf Blade clone)

Aerodactyl has a reasonably high BST in canon already, so I didn't feel the need to change it by adding any more points than it already has. What I did do however was add a little emphasis to the Dark-type moves it can learn, what with going for the throat of its prey with its teeth and all. Essentially, this is what would happen if you taped a jet turbine to a Honchkrow, shaved off some of its feathers, and gave it a shitload of knives: a blindingly fast and brutal Dark-type sweeper that's as durable as tissue paper, but which blithely ignores that as it tears its foes to pieces with such STAB options as Throat Chop and Tearing Talon. It also has the same speed as regular Aerodactyl which enables it to employ some fun support tricks like Taunt and Torment, and even Will-O-Wisp, Spikes, and Stealth Rock. In the right hands it can make a fun suicide lead that can set up hazards and take down at least one enemy before going down, but its capabilities in sweeping are hindered by its virtually nonexistent defenses and few coverage options to help it take care of its type weaknesses, Fire attacks as an anti-Ice policy notwithstanding. Since even neutral damage is fatal to it, though, type effectiveness means little here - its overall fragility is more than made up for by its aptitude for hitting as fast and hard as it can.

Era Justification: This might seem like an odd choice for the Ancient Civilization Eramon slate, but Aerodactyl owes a lot less to actual pterosaurs than it does to dragons and other flying monsters of fantasy, so I decided to play on that idea by giving it a demonic twist like a mythical beast from the underworld. Keeping this in mind and also trying to balance more modern depictions of my favorite animal group with the monstrous, draconic feel of the original design, I based this form off of Sordes, the "hairy devil" pterosaur which was one of the first pterosaurs discovered to have had the hair-like scales or pycnofibers that pterosaurs in general are now known to have had. Given the name etymology and the fact that Aerodactyl learns a lot of Dark-type moves, I gave it the aforementioned demonic theme as well as basing it a little off of the more retro-pterodactyl-like depictions of Ridley in the more recent Metroid games. In a nod to the hypothesis that a lot of mythical creatures are based on ancestral memories of recently extinct creatures as well as the similar if less sound idea of such beasts being distorted sightings of dinosaurs and kin that somehow survived to the present, it also owes a lot in its design to Mega Aerodactyl as well, due to some of the latter's dex entries stating that some scholars believe that was what Aerodactyl really looked like in prehistoric times.

Overall, this design most closely resembles Mega Aerodactyl, complete with all those spikes sprouting from its everywhere, but with several differences. Most notable is the fact that its torso is covered in ratty, hair-like filaments like what Archeops has, but black in color; a ring of this same fluff forms a ruff around the base of the stooped, vulture-like neck, and some more of it sticks out from the back of the head to form a crest that flares out backwards like a sort of mane. Its otherwise scaly skin is brick red with spikes and horns of pale gray - made of exposed bone here, not rock - and vivid yellow eyes with slitted pupils, and its wing membrane, which is bright red with striped black edging, extends all the way down to the lower leg instead of just stopping at the hip, for better control of the trailing edge of the wing in flight. The horns on its head curve upwards a bit to resemble devil horns, and its snout is longer and thinner than on Kantonian Aerodactyl; notably, in place of a long chin spike like the mega, there is a shorter triangular one, laterally flattened like a blade and pointing straight down, and a matching blade on the top of the snout invokes the beak crests of an Ornithocheirus. The upper jaw also has two long fangs near the front which are visible when the mouth is closed. The arrowhead on the end of the tail is gray like the body spikes and is also larger and longer, and can be used as a spear to stab at opponents. Its shiny coloration resembles Mega Aerodactyl, with the fluff on the torso having a purplish tint.

"Legend has it that this relative of Aerodactyl is a kind of winged demon. It resembles a form of its cousin from another region, but has hair-like scales covering its body."
"Instead of stone, the blades jutting out of its body are made of bone - and constantly growing. It snaps the tips of its blades off as weapons so they can grow back stronger."


Original Pokemon: Crobat
Eramon: Drobat (Drone + Crobat)
Era: Far Future
Type: Electric/Flying
: Sniper (Hidden Ability: Infiltrator)
Stats: 85 HP/70 ATK/70 DEF/110 SP ATK/70 SP DEF/130 SPD = 535
Move Changes: +Electrolaser* (level-up), +Eerie Impulse (level-up), +Signal Beam (level-up), +Charge Beam (level-up), +Solar Beam (level-up), +Thunder Fang (TM), +Charge Beam (TM), +Volt Switch (TM), +Electro Ball (TM), +Thunder Wave (TM), +Eerie Impulse (TM), +Thunderbolt (TM), +Electric Terrain (TM), +Wild Charge (TM), +Thunder (TM), +Charge (TM), -Cross Poison (level-up), -Toxic (level-up), -Bite (level-up), -Poison Fang (level-up), -Venoshock (level-up), -Leech Life (level-up), -Cross Poison (TM), -Venoshock (TM), -Sludge Bomb (TM), -Venom Drench (TM)
Name: Electrolaser


Base Points: 70
Power Points: 32
Accuracy: 100%
Effect: Increased critical hit ratio, 10% chance of causing paralysis (special Cross Poison clone)

Drobat is a swift, agile, and lethally precise special attacker with an ear for critical hits, and lots of them. Combining its Sniper ability and its signature move, Electrolaser, its main STAB option is resisted or blocked by only four types, and Grass is easily taken care of with a Flying-type STAB such as Air Slash; even the weaker Air Cutter, which also has a high crit chance, isn't unusable here. Because most of the Far Future lineup struggles against Ground, being immune to that type as well as packing Solar Beam will hopefully allow Drobat to cover that weakness, especially on sun teams, with the latter also giving it an answer to Rock-types that'd otherwise threaten it, though its only answer to Ice-types is Heat Wave and without proper team support to take care of blind spots or clear away things that can resist its beam spam, it's probably for the best that it's able to learn Volt Switch via TM, because it's probably going to be clicking that a lot. Its defenses leave something be desired and as a Flying-type it has every right to be scared of Stealth Rock, but since it's quick enough to have a good chance of using Volt Switch before its opponent even realizes what's happened, it's not as if this bat-bot has any need to stay in a prolonged battle anyway.

Era Justification: If the name and signature move weren't obvious enough, Drobat is based on a laser-blasting attack drone, which are a frequent staple of sci-fi fiction be it in the form of futuristic human technology or alien invasions. It also takes a few cues from satellites as well, what with the idea of satellites raining hell on the surface world with incredibly destructive beams being a trope in and of itself.

Basically, this is what you'd get if you crossed a Crobat with a satellite and a predator drone. It is black (or very dark gray) instead of purple, and while its four wings remain a little bat-like in structure, all four of them are diamond-shaped and equally sized, and if anything they resemble those of Iron Moth, except bright blue like solar panels and with a small yellow spike on the top corner like a bat's wing claw, with each also connected to the body by a small black sphere instead of floating freely. Its eyes are solid yellow and surrounded by a gray mask pattern like night vision goggles, but its ears are more important - they're large and shaped like semicircles, and come out of a single black sphere on top of its head, so they can come together to form a shape like a satellite or radar dish. The insides are blue like the wings, but jutting forward from the midpoint of each straight edge of the ear is a long yellow spike, such that when the ears come together, the two spikes together form a single one coming from the center of the dish, perfect for firin' its lazahs! It also has yellow angular glowing circuit-board lines on its body here and there like the bodysuits from TRON, to further emphasize the cybertronic look. Its shiny is colored like normal Crobat, but its eyes, spikes, and circuit patterns are cyan and its mask pattern is lavender.

"Modified by a strange technology, Drobat seems to be different enough from Crobat to be considered a separate species. It fires beams of plasma from strange organs in its ears."
"Once engineered for surveillance, it has since been repurposed as a long-ranged weapon. Using its sensitive ears to aim, it can shoot down a fist-sized target from six miles away."


Original Pokemon: Sunflora
Eramon: Suncora (Sunflora + Core)
Era: Far Future
Type: Grass/Fire
Chlorophyll/Solar Power (Hidden Ability: Flash Fire)
Stats: 75 HP/45 ATK/55 DEF/125 SP ATK/75 SP DEF/50 SPD = 425
Move Changes: +Agility (level-up), +Ember (level-up), +Heat Wave (level-up), +Fire Blast (level-up), +Overheat (level-up), -Ingrain (level-up), -Absorb (level-up), -Mega Drain (level-up), -Giga Drain (level-up), -Double-Edge (level-up), -Leech Life (level-up), +Fire Fang (TM), +Acid Spray (TM), +Charge Beam (TM), +Fire Spin (TM), +Snarl (TM), +Flame Charge (TM), +Venoshock (TM), +Electro Ball (TM), +Thunder Wave (TM), +Poison Jab (TM), +Stomping Tantrum (TM), +Toxic Spikes (TM), +Eerie Impulse (TM), +Gunk Shot (TM), +Will-O-Wisp (TM), +Heat Wave (TM), +Flamethrower (TM), +Thunderbolt (TM), +Fire Blast (TM), +Overheat (TM), +Flare Blitz (TM), +Thunder (TM), +Heat Crash (TM), +Burning Jealousy (TM)

Sunflora is frankly terrible as it is, both competitively and flavor-wise, so with some inspiration from this post here, I came up with Suncora as an attempt to fix its overall concept by giving it Fire STAB and the potential to obliterate everything in atomic fire and destructive petals. It retains its low speed and poor defenses but now makes up for it with a higher special attack stat, allowing it to make full use of such high-power attacks as Fire Blast and Leaf Storm. As a sun-team player, Sunflora has the option of either boosting its speed with Chlorophyll or its special attack with Solar Power, but ideally it would need boosts for both stats to be effective, which is why I gave Suncora Agility as well as a slight speed boost just in case. As Sunflora's only coverage options are Dazzling Gleam, Earth Power, and Sludge Bomb, I also provided additional coverage with Electric as a Flying and Water counter along with more Poison moves to fit the flavor and also complement Sludge Bomb. Suncora still has no way of boosting its defenses, however, especially with Solar Power, making this a special heavy hitter that lacks staying power, but still has a good chance of roasting someone's ass to hell and back before going down.

Era Justification: Apparently, sunflowers absorb radioactive isotopes which means it's a common practice to plant them around the sites of nuclear disasters. I could easily make a case for this being in the Post-Apocalyse era as well, but atomic energy is definitely on its way to being a cleaner energy source for the future as well, so it could go either way. Regardless, something's gotta be on standby at any good nuclear power plant in case things go wrong, and the Far Future just wouldn't be complete without an embodiment of a terrible disaster. Say it with me, everyone: Radioactive sunflower kaiju!

It's like Sunflora and Biollante had a big, terrifying, fire-breathing baby! Twice the size of Sunflora and styled a little more after Blossomon, this ferocious flower has a bulbous, dark green lower body with three root legs instead of two, glowing orange markings like a furnace decorating the front of the bulb. The leaves growing from the base of the stem are now jagged and serrated with two lime-green glowing thorns like sharp claws on the ends, and more such thorns protrude from the long, flexible stem at arbitrary locations. Its head resembles Sunflora's but with much longer petals with a wispy shape to them, fading from yellow to orange at the ends as if made of fire. The face is now very dark gray as though ashen and charred, with orange lines on it like it was made of burning charcoal, but its angry-looking eyes are slightly open to reveal a lime-green glow, which is also present inside the massive, jagged mouth like Blossomon's, from which it can spew a poisonous green flame. In its hypothetical 3D animations, its petals, thorns, and belly markings would normally be slightly faded, but would glow brilliantly as it attacks.

"For some reason, Sunkern are drawn to places imbued with a strange, harmful energy. If they can absorb enough of it without getting hurt, they evolve into this fearsome Pokemon."
"Though its very presence causes an ecological disaster, it is fiercely protective of nature. The heat from its fiery breath changes nearby plants into deadlier forms, overtaking entire habitats."
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Original Pokemon: Iron Leaves
Eramon: Ion Leaves
Era: Far Future

Abilities: Sharpness
Stats: 90 / 130 / 88 / 70 / 108 / 104
Move Changes: +Aqua Cutter, -Swords Dance
Role: Gives Far Future a way to get past the Grounds it currently struggles with. Also clean sweeps the existing Early Civ mons which is fun.
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Original Pokemon: Lucario
Eramon: Lucoria
Era: Early Civilization

Abilities: Steadfast / Inner Focus / Orichalcum Pulse(HA)
Stats: 80 / 100 / 75 / 85 / 75 / 90
Move Changes:
+Kowtow Cleave, Sucker Punch, Fire Punch, Overheat, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Flare Blitz
- N/A
Role: Phys Wallbreaker
Era Justification: So it turns out Lucario is literally Orichalcum but reversed in a weird way, so I changed it again to add "ori" (from orichalcum) in it. Gets clapped by Porygon-Z and Krookodile but this hits quite hard.
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Original Pokemon: Arboliva
Eramon: Cerealiva
Era: Early Civilization

Abilities: Harvest / Filter
Stats: 105 / 60 / 90 / 105 / 80 / 70 (510)
Move Changes:
+ Stockpile, U-turn
- Petal Blizzard, Petal Dance
Role: Mixed wall that comes in on Water, Grass, and Ground attacks, something EC's current roster really wants.
Era Justification: Cereal crop. Agriculture was central to formation of early civilization.
Pokemon: Lapras
Eramon: Lapseus (Lapras + Theseus)
Era: Early Civilization

Water Absorb / Battle Armor / Regenerator
Stats: 130 / 105 / 100 / 75 / 65 / 60
Movepool: Lapras' Gen 8 Movepool
(Body Press, Dragon Dance, Iron Head, Liquidation)
+Aqua Jet, Aura Sphere, Bulk Up, Change of Heart, Close Combat, Earth Power, Earthquake, Focus Blast, Scald, Superpower, Swords Dance
- Aurora Beam, Avalanche, Freeze-Dry, Frost Breath, Ice Shard

Change of Heart |
| Physical | 130 | 100 | 8 | Secondary typing permanently becomes the type of the first move in the moveset (Move fails if Fighting). Contact.

Flavor: Ship of Theseus Pokemon, both the philosophical paradox and the actual ship of myth. so like the body is a ship, the fins are oars, and the head becomes more bull-like (cuz theseus killed the minotaur)
Competitive: heres a water resist. basic bitch regen pivot except no utility lol gg. can use the bulk and healing to find multiple opportunities to DD, but ig ur just a phys wall most the time. checks genesect too thats cool

edit: G-Luke >:(

Pokemon: Clefable
Eramon: Clefquifer
Era: Far Future

Levitate / Magic Guard / Water Bubble
Stats: 80 / 50 / 53 / 110 / 105 / 85
Movepool: Clefable's Gen 9 Movepool
(Calm Mind, Ice Beam, Knock Off, Moonblast, Moonlight, Stealth Rock)
+Aurora Veil, Freeze-Dry, Hydro Pump, Liquidation, Ice Shard, Icicle Crash, Meteor Beam, Phase Out, Power Gem, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, Snowscape, Surf, Trick Room, Waterfall
- Fire Blast, Fire Punch, Flamethrower, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Thunder Punch, Thunder Wave

Phase Out |
| Status | - | - | 16 | User becomes a Water-type and gains the ability Ice Scales. +1 Priority.

Flavor: water on the moon. its like in this spacesuit made of moon rocks, and its extrusions are ice crystals
Competitive: offensive ice that can turn into a bulky water cuz i thought it would be funny also FF lacks either so there you go.

Pokemon: Grafaiai
Eramon: Graf.AI
Era: Far Future

Unprompted / Trace / Prankster
Stats: 65 / 115 / 65 / 50 / 72 / 120
Movepool: Grafaiai's Gen 9 Movepool
(Copycat, Gunk Shot, Low Kick, Switcheroo, Swords Dance, Toxic, Toxic Spikes, U-turn)
+ Calm Mind, Recover, Reflect, Light Screen, Psychic, Psyshock, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Thunder Punch, Zen Headbutt
- Foul Play, Fling, Parting Shot, Metronome, Taunt

Unprompted | If this Pokemon uses a move outside its moveset, it gains +3 Attack.

Flavor: AI Art Pokemon. give em like 16 fingers lmao
Competitive: Physical breaker for FF. gives something for garg and krook to beat
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getting serious poketypo vibes here

Original Pokemon: Baxcalibur
Eramon: Autocaliber
Era: Far Future
Type: Dragon/Psychic
Abilities: Bulletproof | Filter | Rock Head(HA)
Stats: 90/110/90/110/95/105 (BST 600)
Move Changes: +Automata Rush, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Flash Cannon, Volt Switch, Fiery Wrath, Defog, Trick, Psyshock, Psychic, Dragon Hammer, Autotomize, Lock-On, Wild Charge, Double Edge, Volt Tackle, Aura Sphere
-Scale Shot, All Ice moves, Glaive Rush, Swords Dance, Aqua Tail, Swords Dance
110 BP, Physical, Psychic-type, Special if user’s Sp. Atk > Atk. Ignores abilities. User takes 1/4 recoil.
Role: Mixed Wallbreaker, Pivot, and Hazard Controller. It removes hazards and pivots into it’s fellow scary Far Future sweepers/breakers. It can also break for it’s other Far Future partners with a DD or CM set.
Era Justification: Automation of… everything, is becoming more common every day. Automated machines, programs, and quite frankly, anything, exist, and we could possibly have automated robots doing the heavy lifting of basic tasks for us, given enough time. Who’s to say they wouldn’t have automated war machines? I could see an automated dragon with hyper-intelligent AI being used for war, and I am scared for that day. (also no caliber does not mean it’s a gun, it has multiple meanings.)
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getting serious poketypo vibes here

Original Pokemon: Baxcalibur
Eramon: Autocaliber
Era: Far Future
Type: Dragon/Psychic
Abilities: Bulletproof | Filter | High Caliber(HA)
Effects of Rock Head and Battle Armor.
Stats: 90/110/90/110/95/105 (BST 600)
Move Changes: +Automata Rush, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Flash Cannon, Volt Switch, Fiery Wrath, Defog, Trick, Psyshock, Psychic, Dragon Hammer, Autotomize, Lock-On, Wild Charge, Flare Blitz, Double Edge, Volt Tackle, Aura Sphere
-Scale Shot, All Ice moves, Glaive Rush, Swords Dance, Aqua Tail, Swords Dance
95 BP, Physical, Psychic-type, Special if user’s Sp. Atk > Atk. Ignores abilities.
Role: Mixed Wallbreaker, Pivot, and Hazard Controller. It removes hazards and pivots into it’s fellow scary Far Future sweepers/breakers. It can also break for it’s other Far Future partners with a DD or CM set.
Era Justification: Automation of… everything, is becoming more common every day. Automated machines, programs, and quite frankly, anything, exist, and we could possibly have automated robots doing the heavy lifting of basic tasks for us, given enough time. Who’s to say they wouldn’t have automated war machines? I could see an automated dragon with hyper-intelligent AI being used for war, and I am scared for that day. (also no caliber does not mean it’s a gun, it has multiple meanings.)
Why isn't it's STAB move a recoil move? Kinda makes the ability feel arbitrary no?
As some may or may not have noticed, the original plan as listed in the OP was to allow the top 6 mons that won the vote during the Returning Mons phase into the meta. There was discussion among the council that this was too much and would overbloat the meta at an unreasonable rate, so we hastily changed the rule to top 3 during voting and (supposedly) before anyone noticed. But after concerns brought up by some users and further consideration, the rest of the council has been convinced the rule change was unnecessary and thus have decided to revert it.

Where does this leave us?

Well, in the interest of fairness, we're retroactively applying this change to the results of the first phase since we're still within Slate 1. So, our extended list of winners from last phase, the Top 6 of both eras, are...

Slate 1 - Returning Mons WINNERS (Addendum)

Early Civilization
(Beaf Cultist, G-Luke, Gaboswampert, lavarina, Darkentheskies & T.I.A.)

Far Future
(Beaf Cultist, Orangesodapop, IceLevelIncarnate, PQRDG, Gaboswampert & G-Luke)
(Click the mons above to view their subs!)

With that said, it'd be kinda unfair to pull the rug out from under you guys, especially if one of these newly added mons competes with an Eramon you were submitting prior. So with that said, we're extending the deadline for submissions to the 3rd of October. Tomorrow/later today, when vetoes were initially planned to roll out, we'll roll out a pseudo-vetoes post to point out any issues, especially ones caused by these sudden additions, then we'll have a proper veto session on the 3rd. If needed, please contact us ahead of time for extensions.

Thanks for bearing with the growing pains as we sort things out early into the PM, folks.
Some thoughts about the new additions ~
:copperajah:It's not bad per se, just kinda boring - it's basically just Copperajah but even more bulky, but that doesn't exactly fix it being a mid-tier steel attacker, not to mention it doesn't gel as well as you'd hope with the other Early Civ mons.
:dachsbun:Finally, a non-Ground/Rock/Steel Early Civ mon. The additions of more HP, Morning Sun and WoW will make this a solid physical wall (what do you mean every other EC mon is physical-oriented?)
:stonjourner:Funky MGuard mon, and getting essentially tripled special bulk really helps Stonjourner out. That being said it's held back hard by its movepool: Curse is its only setup option, Stealth Rock is its only utility option, and while Superpower and TAxel are good additions, its coverage is still lacking. Not too bad, just deserving of a buff at some point in the future.

:beheeyem:Analytic off a base 140 SpAtk is going to make this a bitch to face, especially with the insane coverage choices given to it. Kinda crumples to Krook and U-turns though so maybe its fine?... Who am I kidding this guy needs a nerf ASAP
:dracozolt:Definitely the most balanced of the three new FF mons here. Losing Bolt Beak sucks but at least you get another good phys electric move in exchange with Volt Tackle, and Dragon Hammer is... an option. Looks to be a just okay physical attacker
:genesect:Looks very slightly overtuned for the meta, even with the loss of Download. Biggest offender here is SD + Extreme Speed, it's not STAB but it's still gonna be stupid. That plus the Mega Launcher-boosted moves further improving its coverage will make counterplay for Genesect tough.
Gonna share my thoughts on the new additions, and how they impact how they're Eras function. I agree that this might feel really awkward off rip, but ultimately this is a step in the right direction for the mod.

Early Civ has a quick turn around, with it's main problems going from being Water and Grass (don't worry, they are still there) to being Fighting and Ground. It's still fundamentally a slightly scattered Era, but I feel will be a bit easier to help guide now that 3 mons don't have to do all the lifting.

As said, it is kinda just generic Steel, but in a metagame where it can possibly be the only Steel on it's type, that doesn't matter. Anyway, it gives the Era a real specially defensive option, something the team SORELY lacked, and gives it an important Grass resist. AV sets are probably gonna be it's bread and butter given nothing else on the team can suit this role better, and how everything gets Rocks here anyways.

Blanking Fighting types without dying to a stray Knock Off is huge for Early Civ, and specifically it's relationship with Copper will help it form a fantastic early defensive backbone for the Era eating up Fighting and Fire weaknesses, while Copper eats all of his ones. Not much else to say, Wish seemed important to give out so it got it.

Probably least impactful addition, it's essentially a fusion of Garg and Golurk, but with none of their best traits. Depending on how the meta spins I can see this falling by the wayside, but Magic Guard LO might serve purpose on specific teambuilds, as I said depends on how meta shakes out.

Far Future finally FEELS like it has something more than a nebulous form of a meta, a relatively fast paced offense squad that clearly leans heavily into just clicking SpA, it's defensive backbone and utility is lacking, and it's physical options are scarce looking, but I feel like it's alot easier to sub for.

Yeah it can drop really big Psychics, but it still has issues to get over, mainly being slow and somewhat frail, making it have a sloppy matchup into physical offense. The raw power might be enough to keep it relevant but we will have to see.

I hate that this is a future Pokémon. I HATE that. Gives the team a real physical attacker so that is neat for it, but yeah I am a bit miffed on this mon's presence.

Genesect is pretty fine, probably really good. I don't see how it can be seen as broken since it has no STAB Mega Launcher options to really feel the nuking aspect, nor is the SD + Extreme Speed that big a deal - that is not performing well versus itself nor Early Civ. All of this ofc is assuming this meta has no Tera options, because non STAB ESpeed has never been an issue.

Neat stuff, I will have to adjust my shit.
Original Pokemon: Ribombee
Eramon: Rebabee
Era: Early Civilization
Type: Bug/Ghost
Abilities: Desolate Land
Stats: 70/55/60/99/70/110
Move Changes:
+ Fiery Dance, Heat Wave, Morning Sun, Mystical Fire, Life Dew, Shadow Ball, Hex, Will-O-Wisp, Shadow Sneak
- Aromantic Mist, Draining Kiss, Fairy Wind, Moonblast, Play Rough, Sticky Web
Role: Quiver Dancer, switch-in for Ground and Fighting-type attacks
Era Justification: In Egyptian mythology, bees were said to have grown from the tears of sun god Ra when they landed on the desert, turning into worker bees later. Desolate Land is given because 1. my ass was not gonna make a custom that was basically desolate land 2. funny sun bee

Original Pokemon: Musharna
Eramon: Mushacryo
Era: Far Future
Type: Ice/Dark
Abilities: Refrigerate | Gluttony | Unaware
Stats: 80/110/80/50/65/102
Move Changes:
+ Icicle Crash, Icicle Spear, Triple Axel, Knock Off, Darkest Lariat, Memento, Bulk Up, Body Slam, Close Combat, Double Edge, Slack Off, Ice Shard, Ice Spinner, Freeze Dry, Blizzard, Ice Beam, Dark Pulse, Earthquake, Sucker Punch, Swords Dance
- Ally Switch, Amnesia, Baton Pass, Dream Eater, Energy Ball, Psychic, Psyshock, Dazzling Gleam, Expanding Force, Future Sight, Psychic Terrain, Psybeam, Gravity, Guard Swap, Healing Wish, Hypnosis, Light Screen, Magic Coat, Misty Explosion, Moonlight, Moonblast, Reflect, Stored Power, Skill Swap, Trick Room, Wonder Room, Worry Seed, Rain Dance, Shadow Ball
Role: Physical attacker with access to priority
Era Justification: Based on how scientists are trying to preserve people beyond medical help with cryonics (basically freezing them at cold temperatures). Chose Musharna because pigs have been """revived"""" before through scientific means.
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Original Pokemon: Arboliva
Eramon: Arboyggdra
Era: Early Civilization
Type: Grass / Fairy
Abilities: Cloud Nine / Hospitality (Fairy Aura)
Stats: 119 / 87 / 70 / 113 / 72 / 49
Move Changes: +Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Moonlight, Misty Terrain, Fairy Wind
Role: Has very important resistances for Early Civ, being able to resist Water, Grass, Ground, and Fighting. Strong offensive Fairy, but is slow and has an exploitable typing, being weak to several common types like Fire and Ice.
Era Justification: Yggdrasil, the tree that's the center of the universe in Norse mythology. Cloud Nine is funny because it's the Nine Worlds.
Sorry for the delay! Submissions are now closed, please don't edit them unless your sub has been brought up here. If you see your sub below, check to see if it has been veto'd or if we're simply handing out edit suggestions.

:samurott: Scanner auto-disabling AV and Choice items with no drawback is pretty uncompetitive, veto'd. Remove/rework Scanner and it should be fine.

:meloetta::meloetta-pirouette: There's technically nothing against submitting the same mon to both eras, but like the dual Bundles last phase, be aware that voters won't be allowed to vote for both mons, and if both Tabletta and Melodiva secure a winning spot, council will only let one of them in. With that said, Tabletta is fine, but Melodiva is veto'd for having BoltBeam coverage, essentially 121/121 offenses + 111 Speed, powerful STAB and coverage, and Style Switch means accessing the best parts of both forms is pretty trivial. Make Style Switch harder to trigger/more of a commitment. Additionally, remove Boomburst, as this mon has higher speed and SpA than any current user of the move in SV, and this is without Throat Spray or a turn of set-up prior.

:latias: This mon is an insane lead with essentially 150/150 offenses at the start of a game and a decent speed tier at 100. Terrible typing mostly balances it out, but First Impression gives it a free KO against Dark types that should counter it. Veto'd, remove FImp and it should be fine.

The link is appreciated, but especially for the sake of our coders in the future, please just paste whatever moves you plan on adding instead of generically linking to "all TMs of [insert type here] type". It reads easier as well, and in most cases a mon isn't even going to want every TM of its type. Anywho...

:rapidash: Flare Blitz/Wave Crash STAB with Magic Guard (and with that, incentive to run a Life Orb for free) with 125 Speed and an Electric move as coverage for Water types makes this a bit too effective of a wallbreaker, veto'd. Reduce it's Atk by 10 or so and it should be fine.

:iron-leaves: One SD pretty much gives this thing all the tools it needs to shred through the meta with Sharpness-boosted Leaf Blade/Sacred Sword/Wild Charge for Flying mons, and its new typing doesn't leave it frail enough to justify, so veto'd. Either remove Sharpness or Swords Dance for Bulk Up or smth so it can't get its win-con so easily.

:lucario: The Early Civ flavor feels sorta non-existent here besides it having Orichalcum Pulse tbh. But besides that, veto'd for being a bit too strong with good coverage and Orichalcum's boost, reduce Atk down to 100 and it should be fine.

:baxcalibur: As a reminder, Eramons only get 1 custom, so they can have a custom move or a custom ability, but not both, so veto'd. Remove High Caliber or Automata Rush and it'll be up to snuff.

And with that, you have 24 hours to make edits if your sub was mentioned above! Voting will start tomorrow, possibly a bit earlier than when this is being posted due to how late this came out in my timezone.
Every veto we mentioned before has since fixed the issues mentioned, so every sub is good to go and voting is now underway!

You can vote for three Pokemon from each era in this slate, allowing for 6 total votes. Votes award points in descending order per era, so the first mon you vote for will get 3 points, next will get 2, etc. If you vote for less than 3 mons per era, the 2 mons or single mon you vote for will only count for 2 points then 1 point, or just 1 point respectively. You can only SV one of your mons for each era, making 2 max, and can not place them as your highest-value vote.

You have 48 hours to vote, votes will close around this time on the 7th.
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