i end up losing meowth to May. that was annoying. Then i lose my dang weepinbel (which i expected to carry me through the fighting gym) to an aqua grunt on dewford. son of a bitch. i catch a machop in the grass and decide to raise it up with a ton of grinding in the whismur cave. after sufficient grinding and seismic tossing to avoid losing to the wobbuffets in the cave i face brawley with this team:
Combusken Lv 30
- Aerial Ace
- Flame Wheel
- Double Kick
- Seismic Toss
Machoke Lv 30 @Chesto Berry
- Karate Chop
- Revenge
- Headbutt
- Seismic Toss
Omanyte Lv 30
- Bubblebeam
- Rock Slide
- Aurora Beam
- Bite
filler mons including caterpie i caught on first route.
combusken trades back and forth with hitmontop, surprisingly taking a lot of damage despite being 14 levels higher. in comes poliwrath, the mon i was most afraid of and the reason i trained so much. i sent caterpie as a sacrifice and then went to machoke. a headbutt flinch and karate chop didnt finish it but i brought chesto for hypnosis. he mustve known and used water pulse but i didnt get confused and koed with the next karate chop. in comes hitmonlee. it crits rolling kick and i ko back with revenge. chan next, it facades but i again kill with revenge. low on health, i switch out of meditite to omanyte on the fake out and then ohko with bubblebeam. finally in comes hariyama, i switch back to combusken on fake out and then use 2 aerial aces to kill it. im not sure what it used after fake out but it wasnt enough.
truthfully i see the run ending soon. its a bitch to grind and im not going to use the daycare. but i imagine watson's team is going to wreck me unless i catch some good pokemon soon. though i plan on evolving to blaizken before the watson fight, i think his team will be too tough as most are fully evolved mons with good coverage and strong electric attacks.