E3 2008 Nintendo Press Conference: 1:1 Motion Tracking, Animal Crossing, some crap


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Press Conference will begin on:
July 15, 2008 at 9:00 AM PDT | 12:00 PM EDT | 5:00 PM GMT

Live Streams:

The best stream is watching it on G4TV on your television.

If it's anything like Microsoft's, IGN has the slowest stream (like 5 minutes behind) but is in the best quality. GameSpot has the fastest stream but goes down and needs to be refreshed periodically. G4 has a choppy stream but at least stays up. So take your pick or switch between GameSpot and G4 like I do =P

This topic obviously. Also discuss it live during the event at #smogon on irc.dejatoons.net. Learn how to connect here. I'll be in there as well as a dozen other channels.
I think I will stick with the IGN stream, only if Gamespot doesn't load for me like it did today. (But I really don't like being 5 minutes behind everyone. It sucks to have to hear about things that I haven't seen yet.)
I'm going to stick this here. This was announced earlier today:


Nintendo's upcoming Wii MotionPlus accessory for the revolutionary Wii Remote controller again redefines game control, by more quickly and accurately reflecting motions in a 3-D space. The Wii MotionPlus accessory attaches to the end of the Wii Remote and, combined with the accelerometer and the sensor bar, allows for more comprehensive tracking of a player’s arm position and orientation, providing players with an unmatched level of precision and immersion. Every slight movement players make with their wrist or arm is rendered identically in real time on the screen, providing a true 1:1 response in their game play. The Wii MotionPlus accessory reconfirms Nintendo’s commitment to making games intuitive and accessible for everyone. Nintendo will reveal more details about the Wii MotionPlus accessory and other topics Tuesday morning at its E3 media briefing.
Oh wow, that's impressive, and I'm sure many things can come good of those sharp controls.

But, I don't anything that really extends too much on the 1:1 for a long time. But, maybe, this will finally get developers to actually really try to make some revolutionary games. This really shows the Wii has serious potential, I'm sure Nintendo's games will really use this, but the third parties are still making me nervous.

Overall, good news so far, it's slick and it looks easy to put in, and the five year old child in me is secretly hoping for the 1:1 lightsaber star wars game...
I wonder if the attachment will be able to apply itself with older games on the console. That would save a lot of time and money, not to mention make a lot of games replayable with all the accuracy they'd die for.
I personally hope it would be compatible with older games; I can just imagine playing Prime 3 with this attachment! I wish this was here from the beginning though. Truthfully, this is kind of what I expected when I first heard about the concept of the "Revolution". Also, I wonder if this 1:1 motion tracking would carry over to the nunchuck controller as well? It seems to have a little space at the bottom for the nunchuck, but I guess we'll have to wait and see. If they wanted to capture people's attention, Nintendo sure has mine!
Yeah, I too thought that this was ht king of thing we'd get with the wii when it first arrived, but still it's awesome news!
This is almighty bad so far!

All we've seen is Animal Crossing (fun), Star Wars (alright), Rayman rabbits (rubbish) and Call of duty (decent). WAAAAY too many graphs and sales talk, with an annoying woman.
E3 is pretty lame so far. Gears 2 was cool, Fable 2 looks ok...

it feels like everyone is trying to gear towards a new audience but they've forgotten about the one they already had.
So should I just close this topic?
Nintendo gave us nothing to discuss. This was worse than last year.
I despised her as well. Hopefully we won't see her again next year. What a way to crush my hopes and dreams, Nintendo :(
Oh wait guys, we could talk about the five hundredth six hundred seventy five thousandth billion kajillion Guitar Hero. /sarcasm

Really excited for Animal Cross: City Folks and the new Wii Speak. But cmon nintendo. Thats the really only hardcore game... Although after the conference Reggie told G4 that the developers of Mario and Zelda games are currently working on titles for Wii.
wii music looked like fun away from guitar hero/rock band

kind of depressing though as said... motion attachment should have been built in before and the games announced weren't too spectacular :/
Really excited for Animal Cross: City Folks and the new Wii Speak. But cmon nintendo. Thats the really only hardcore game... Although after the conference Reggie told G4 that the developers of Mario and Zelda games are currently working on titles for Wii.

I agree. Animal Crossing: City Folks looks to be a hot title to be released this year. Another game I am looking forward to is WiiMusic, it looks awesome. I hope I can play the Mario theme. :naughty:
Really excited about Animal Crossing, it seems to have everything that could possibly make Animal Crossing even better, and then some.

I have a bad feeling about Wii Music, however. I just feel that it'll be too simple and all you do is bash buttons and swing your remote about to make noise, with no effort needed. That drummer looked like he was really drumming, but I bet he could've made any movements and got a similar sound. The Mario theme at the end kind of proves my point, the song is probably pre recorded on the game and you just bash your instruments however you like, and it'll sound okay. (Note loads of random instruments making random noise, while the Mario Theme was obviously not played by the people present).

Releasing a new Motion system now is a bit harsh on people who have already forked out money for multiple Wii Remotes, but hopefully it's worth it.

GTA DS will make many people happy, but I for one am not bothered about that. The rest of the showing was pretty poor really..

I was hoping for some Pikmin 3, StarFox etc