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Gen 1 Dugtrio (UU) [QC 2/2] [GP 2/2]


Rustiest Player Around
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Dugtrio is one of the most influential Pokemon in RBY UU. Its fantastic Speed tier, respectable damage output, and Thunder Wave immunity make it one of the strongest offensive Pokemon in the entire tier. Dugtrio also has the worst defensive stats in the tier, however; almost any Pokemon in the metagame can OHKO Dugtrio easily, which heavily limits how often it can come on the field.

name: Physical Attacker
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Rock Slide
move 3: Slash / Substitute
move 4: Toxic

Set Description

STAB Earthquake is excellent given Tentacruel's prominence, both 2HKOing it and supporting your own Tentacruel by 2HKOing all of its counters save Persian. Many of these targets can be put in KO range with a small amount of chip damage or a critical hit. Dugtrio also outspeeds all threats to Tentacruel besides opposing Dugtrio, which lets it worry less about its frailty. Earthquake's high power combined with Dugtrio's high critical hit chance makes Dugtrio an effective wallbreaker and general attacker. Through Rock Slide, Dugtrio can hit all Flying-types for super effective damage, further limiting how often the opponent can let Dugtrio come on the field before they start losing Pokemon. The next move is commonly Slash, which stops Tangela from completely walling Dugtrio and can act as a safe midground option to avoid reading whether opponents will switch to a Flying-type or not. Substitute is another option for Dugtrio's third move to make it an even more effective late-game sweeper. Dugtrio can set up a Substitute while the opponent switches to sacrifice a team member at low health, and it can then close out the game against a weakened team that can't break the Substitute and force Dugtrio out. The last moveslot is dedicated to Toxic, as it prevents Dragonite from freely coming in on Earthquake and setting up Agility safely.

Dugtrio acts as a late-game sweeper and a potent offensive threat. Using Dugtrio optimally is a delicate balancing act of making the most of its limited opportunities to come onto the field while also keeping it as healthy as possible, a balance that often separates novice players from veterans. Partial-trapping moves—most commonly Wrap—are one of the primary ways Dugtrio can be brought onto the field safely, since they both provide the chip damage needed to bring targets into OHKO range and allow Dugtrio to switch in while the opposing Pokemon is unable to attack. Therefore, Wrap users such as Dragonite and especially Tentacruel make for excellent Dugtrio partners. Tentacruel is the best Dugtrio partner in the game; not only does it provide Wrap support and benefit from Dugtrio KOing primary answers to it after minor chip damage, such as opposing Tentacruel, Kadabra, Electabuzz, and Raichu, but it takes very little damage from Blizzard and Surf aimed at Dugtrio. The opponent's Tentacruel using Wrap is another common way Dugtrio can get onto the battlefield safely, as Dugtrio takes relatively little chip damage from Wrap while outspeeding and KOing the opposing Tentacruel if it is sufficiently weakened. A teammate using Explosion or fainting is another common entrance point for Dugtrio, as its high Speed and damage output allow it to act as an effective revenge killer. Other good opportunities for Dugtrio to enter the battlefield include sleeping Pokemon, a predicted switch, a recovery move that doesn't let the foe escape Dugtrio's KO range, and Electric-type moves such as Thunder Wave and Thunderbolt. Frequently, Dugtrio will be able to clean up teams that have been weakened to the point where it can OHKO every remaining Pokemon; this is a relatively common win condition in RBY UU that should always be kept in mind over the course of the game. Learning to capitalize on opportunities to set up this endgame while simultaneously hindering an opponent carrying Dugtrio from doing the same is an important skill for UU players to learn.

Other Options
Generally, Dugtrio doesn't need any moves outside of its main set. Body Slam can be nice to paralyze checks such as the relatively uncommon Aerodactyl, but the only Pokemon you will commonly see that Dugtrio doesn't naturally outspeed is opposing Dugtrio. Even worse, Body Slam is only useful against opposing Dugtrio on the switch, as either Dugtrio can 2HKO the other with Earthquake one-on-one. Another severe downside of using Body Slam is its damage output in comparison to Slash: whereas Slash can do 30% to Gyarados, Body Slam does half that. Where Slash lets Dugtrio 4HKO Tangela and potentially catch it at half health while it switches in, Body Slam can't even reliably 6HKO Tangela. Sand Attack could be used to pray for misses in desperate scenarios, like when Dodrio is about to set up and run over your team or Dugtrio is your last Pokemon left and needs to land multiple critical hits. It can also stop Dragonite from setting up Agility and sweeping through your team with Wrap, but it's less reliable than Toxic and has its effect nullified by switching. It can technically be used to severely reduce Tentacruel's Wrap accuracy, though the only time Dugtrio should be facing Tentacruel is if it is in Earthquake KO range anyway.

Checks and Counters
**Paralysis**: Dugtrio relies heavily on its Speed to stop foes from capitalizing on its weak defenses, which makes paralysis so deadly for it. Dugtrio is immune to Thunder Wave, but Stun Spore—used commonly by Tangela and the rare Venomoth—and Body Slam—from attackers like Kangaskhan, Gyarados, and opposing Dugtrio—can cripple Dugtrio for the rest of the game.

**Strong Attacks**: In general, Dugtrio is unable to take more than one attack without fainting, so any strong attack—such as Kangaskhan's Body Slam and Hypno or Kadabra's Psychic—hitting it should enable any other Pokemon to pick it off. Even worse, many common special attacks, such as Articuno's Blizzard and Surf from Tentacruel, Vaporeon, and Omastar, are super effective and will OHKO Dugtrio.

**Flying-types**: Flying-types are most teams' main defensive answers to Dugtrio, as they can switch into its Earthquake and threaten it out with heavy damage, if not an outright OHKO. Dragonite is best at dealing with Dugtrio, as the threat Dragonite poses with Agility and Wrap is so significant that Dugtrio often has to stay in and use Toxic, which can come at the cost of Dugtrio taking a Blizzard and being put at 20% health or lower. Gyarados is similar in its ability to answer Dugtrio, and while it lacks the threat of Agility + Wrap to keep Dugtrio from switching out, it is much harder for Dugtrio's teammates to force out due to its superior defensive typing. Dodrio and Articuno are the last two common Flying-types that teams use to check Dugtrio. While they are significantly frailer than Dragonite and Gyarados, respectively 3HKOed and 2HKOed by Rock Slide, they can both OHKO Dugtrio with their STAB attacks and threaten to run through its team after an Agility boost.

**Bulky Water-types**: Bulky Water-types like Vaporeon, Poliwrath, and the rare Dewgong can take Earthquake multiple times while KOing Dugtrio with their STAB Surf and using Rest to remain healthy and answer Dugtrio over the course of a match. However, Dugtrio's critical hit rate can allow it to bypass these answers if they are below 75% health, and Dewgong cannot switch into repeated Rock Slide without being forced to use Rest.

**Tangela and Venusaur**: Tangela is one of the best Dugtrio answers in RBY UU, taking almost no damage from Earthquake and threatening Dugtrio in return with Sleep Powder or Stun Spore. Tangela can also heal off any chip damage it sustains on the way in with Mega Drain, and it can potentially use Dugtrio as an opportunity to begin accumulating boosts with Growth. Venusaur is similar in this regard, coming in on Earthquake and threatening to put Dugtrio or a teammate to sleep with Sleep Powder or OHKO Dugtrio with Razor Leaf. However, Venusaur is worse at checking Dugtrio than Tangela due to its worse bulk and Ground neutrality.

**Kangaskhan**: If Kangaskhan is healthy, it can switch into Dugtrio's Earthquake and threaten to cripple or KO Dugtrio with its STAB Body Slam or Hyper Beam.

**Persian and Hypno**: While they can't switch in, Hypno and Persian can win the one-on-one matchup with Dugtrio from full health if it doesn't land a critical hit.

- Written by: [[Shellnuts, 491544], [Plague von Karma, 236353]]
- Quality checked by: [[Plague von Karma, 236353], [phoopes, 96315]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429], [CryoGyro, 331519]]
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This is really, really good. Most of my criticisms are nitpicks, though there are some grammar issues and weird sentences at times.

Set Details
This fact makes Tentacruel the best Dugtrio partner in the game as most answers to it such as opposing Tentacruel, Kadabra, Electabuzz, and Raichu, take massive amounts of damage from Earthquake while taking negligible damage from Surf’s or Blizzard’s aimed at Dugtrio.
This reads oddly and is worth rewording.

A teammate fainting is another common entrance for Dugtrio, as its high speed and high damage allows it to act as an effective revenge killer to pick up a KO in return.
Mention Explosion here, Boom -> Dug puts it in a super good position, even if the opposing Pokemon doesn't faint.

Other Options
Generally, Dugtrio doesn’t need any moves outside of its main set since it has all it needs to be a top threat in the tier. Body Slam can be nice on Dugtrio as a way of spreading Paralysis, but the only Pokemon you will see in UU which Dugtrio doesn’t naturally outspeed is opposing Dugtrio. Even worse, you only get one chance in the Dugtrio mirror to actually go for the paralysis, but if you don’t get the paralysis you need to both outspeed the opposing Dugtrio and land a critical hit to win the 1-on-1, and if you do get the paralysis you need to pray that either you hit them and they fully paralyze, or that you land a critical hit before they can attack.
Body Slam's main purpose on a Dugtrio set is denying common switch-ins (it really annoys Aerodactyl, eg). You are right in that it makes the mirror much less consistent, but the central purpose isn't established due to the vagary of "spreading paralysis" without much explanation. It's not wrong, just vague.

You should mention that you lose out on quite a few calcs. Look here for the comparison sheet I made a while back. You can absolutely pull a few for citation.

Sand Attack could be used as a means of trying to pray for misses in desperate scenarios. This can also stop Dragonite from setting up Agility and wrapping your team to death, but it’s less reliable than Toxic and has its effect nullified by switching, so using Sand Attack is generally a waste of a moveslot.
Are you sure it's worth mentioning if it's being regarded as a waste of a moveslot? I'd say elaborate on other uses (eg. Utility vs Tentacruel, what scenarios can be considered desperate).

Checks & Counters
**Paralysis**: Dugtrio relies heavily on its speed and attack to avoid allowing the opponent to capitalize on its weak defences, which is what makes Paralysis so deadly for Dugtrio. While Dugtrio is immune to Thunder Wave, Stun Spore or Body Slam paralyzing Dugtrio absolutely cripples Dugtrio.
We need some examples here. Tangela and Venomoth are the notable Stun Spore users that come to mind, and Normal-type attackers like Kangaskhan are worth mentioning for Body Slam. Gyarados is a big one too since it's a common check. You go on to mention these Pokemon a bit later, but it's best to make the connections here so it's easier to digest.

**Strong Attacks**: In general Dugtrio is unable to take more than 1 attack without fainting, so any strong attack hitting it should sufficiently cripple it to the point where something else can pick it off. Even worse, if a Water-type attack or Blizzard off any decent special stat should OHKO Dugtrio on the spot.
Again, examples are king when visualizing this stuff to players. Articuno, Tentacruel, Vaporeon and Gyarados should fit the bill for the attacks you're mentioning.

**Bulky Water-types**: Bulky Water-types like Vaporeon, Poliwrath, and the rare Dewgong, can take multiple Earthquakes while KO’ing Dugtrio in return with their STAB Surfs and using Rest to remain healthy and answer Dugtrio over the course of a match.
You could mention that Dewgong doesn't want to repeatedly switch into Rock Slide. Critical hits can really do a number on Vaporeon as well, so citing its volatility factor could be worth exploring.

**Tangela and Venusaur**: Tangela is one of the best Dugtrio answers in RBY UU, taking virtually no damage from Earthquake while threatening to sleep or paralyze Dugtrio in return with Sleep Powder and Stun Spore respectively, healing off any chip it may have sustained on the way in with Mega Drain, and potentially using Dugtrio as an opportunity to begin boosting with Growth. Venusaur is similar in this regard, coming in on Earthquake and threatening to sleep something with Sleep Powder and OHKO Dugtrio with Razor Leaf, though its worse bulk and Poison-typing makes it a worse, though still decent, Dugtrio answer when compared to Tangela.
It should be worth mentioning that Tangela specifically resists Earthquake, as you can then draw comparisons between it and Venusaur as Dugtrio checks. Right now, it's a bit vague in this regard, and makes the "Poison-typing" bit make less sense to the uninformed.

**Kangaskhan**: If the Kangaskhan is healthy, it can switch into Dugtrio’s Earthquake and threaten to at least cripple, if not outright win the one-on-one matchup due to Body Slam dealing half of Dugtrio’s health and potentially paralyzing or OHKO’ing Dugtrio from full health if the Kangaskhan lands a critical hit, and Hyper Beam dealing at minimum 87% of Dugtrio’s health and OHKO’ing Dugtrio 17% of the time.
This could use a bit of rewording. It's currently a run-on sentence and is really, really hard to read.

**Persian and Hypno**: While Hypno and Persian cannot switch into Dugtrio and win the matchup; if they are at full health and Dugtrio does not land a critical hit, they can both win the one-on-one matchup against Dugtrio.
You may want to point out that they're revenge killing if "they can't switch in". Something like "While they can't switch in, Hypno and Persian can win the one-on-one matchup with Dugtrio from full health, at least if it doesn't land a critical hit." would be much clearer.
I think the content is excellent, however there's a few sentences that it took me a minute to wrap my brain around because of how long they are/the way they're structured. I'm going to try and give replacements that keep the same content while breaking the sentences up into more manageable chunks.

With STAB Earthquake, it can 2HKO nearly every single Tentacruel counter in the tier, as well as Tentacruel itself, while only requiring a small amount of chip to bring every single one of those, barring opposing Dugtrio, into KO range where it can abuse its speed to KO its target without worrying about its frailty.

"STAB Earthquake 2HKOs Tentacruel as well as nearly all of Tentacruel's counters. With a small amount of chip damage, all of these counters, with the exception of opposing Dugtrio, are now in KO range. Thus, Dugtrio can abuse its speed and KO its target without worrying about its frailty."

Substitute is also another option for Dugtrio’s third move to make it an even more effective endgame sweeper since Dugtrio can now set up a substitute while the opponent switches to a low health sacrifice and can close out the game against weakened teams that do not have the resources left to break the substitute and force out Dugtrio afterwards.

"Substitute is also another option for Dugtrio's third move to make it an even more effective endgame sweeper. Dugtrio can set up a Substitute while the opponent switches and attempts to sacrifice a team member at low health. Now Dugtrio can close out the game against a weakened team that doesn't have the resources to break the Substitute and force Dugtrio out."

Partial-trapping moves—most commonly Wrap—are one of the primary ways Dugtrio can be brought onto the field safely since it both provides the chip needed to bring targets into OHKO range and allows Dugtrio to switch into the opposing Pokemon while they are unable to attack, therefore Wrap users such as Dragonite and especially Tentacruel make for excellent Dugtrio partners; Tentacruel, in particular, is the best Dugtrio partner in the game, since it takes very little damage from the Blizzards and Surfs aimed at Dugtrio while opposing teams main answers to Tentacruel—such as their own Tentacruel, Kadabra, Electabuzz, and Raichu—require only a minor amount of chip to guarantee Dugtrio's Earthquake KO's them.

"Partial-trapping moves—most commonly Wrap—are one of the primary ways Dugtrio can be brought onto the field safely since they both provide the chip damage needed to bring targets into OHKO range and allow Dugtrio to switch into the opposing Pokemon while they are unable to attack. Therefore, Wrap users such as Dragonite and especially Tentacruel make for excellent Dugtrio partners; Tentacruel, in particular, is the best Dugtrio partner in the game, since it takes very little damage from the Blizzards and Surfs aimed at Dugtrio. Meanwhile, opposing teams' main answers to Tenatcruel—such as their own Tentacruel, Kadabra, Electabuzz, and Raichu—require only a minor amount of chip damage to guarantee Dugtrio's Earthquake KOs them."

Even worse, you only get one chance in the Dugtrio mirror to actually go for the paralysis, but if you don’t get the paralysis you need to both outspeed the opposing Dugtrio and land a critical hit to win the 1-on-1, and if you do get the paralysis you need to pray that either you hit them and they fully paralyze, or that you land a critical hit before they can attack.

"Even worse, you only get one chance in the Dugtrio mirror to actually go for the paralysis. If you don't get the paralysis, you need to both win the speed tie against the opposing Dugtrio and land a critical hit to win the 1-on-1. If you do, you need to pray that you either hit them and they full paralyze or that you land a critical hit before they can attack."

While Dugtrio is immune to Thunder Wave, Stun Spore, used commonly by Tangela and the rare Venomoth, and Body Slam, from attackers like Kangaskhan, Gyarados, and Dugtrio, can paralyze and cripple the opposing Dugtrio for the rest of the game.

"While Dugtrio is immune to Thunder Wave, Stun Spore—used commonly by Tangela and the rare Venomoth—and Body Slam—from attackers like Kangaskhan, Gyarados, and opposing Dugtrio—can paralyze and cripple Dugtrio for the rest of the game."

Tangela is one of the best Dugtrio answers in RBY UU, taking virtually no damage from Earthquake—due to its bulk and Ground resistance—while threatening to sleep or paralyze Dugtrio in return with Sleep Powder and Stun Spore respectively, healing off any chip it may have sustained on the way in with Mega Drain, and potentially using Dugtrio as an opportunity to begin boosting with Growth.

"Tangela is one of the best Dugtrio answers in RBY UU, taking virtually no damage from Earthquake—due to its bulk and Ground resistance—while threatening to sleep or paralyze Dugtrio in return with Sleep Powder and Stun Spore respectively. Tangela can also heal off any chip damage it may have sustained on the way in with Mega Drain, and potentially use Dugtrio as an opportunity to begin boosting with Growth."


As mentioned, I think the content is awesome. Just let me know if I've butchered any of your intended meanings with the replacement sentences I came up with.

QC 2/2
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While Tentacruel and Hypno are the two dominant forces in shaping the UU landscape, Dugtrio is right behind them, threatening to demolish any opposing team unable to answer it. With its Thunder Wave (RH) immunity thanks to its Ground-typing, respectable damage output, and unmatched Speed tier, Dugtrio is one of the most dangerous offensive threats in the tier and is one of the main tools for teams to break down the opposition, dealing significant damage to the opponent, confirming KOs (remove apostrophe) on weakened targets, and sweeping teams at the drop of a hat. (This whole sentence is quite long and wordy. Terms like "at the drop of a hat" fit more in Team Bazaar than in analyses, but I'm not quite sure what to do about it.) Despite these fantastic traits, Dugtrio does have its fair share of issues; (RC) most notably, its frailty. With the worst defensive stats in the entire tier, just breathing in Dugtrio's general vicinity will put it on life support—if not KO it outright— almost any Pokemon in the metagame can OHKO Dugtrio easily, which heavily limits how frequently it can come on the field. However, even with its frailty, Dugtrio remains a staple in the UU metagame and the threat it poses should never be underestimated.

name: Physical Attacker
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Rock Slide
move 3: Slash / Substitute (add spaces)
move 4: Toxic

Set Description

When you see Dugtrio, expect it to be running this set. STAB Earthquake 2HKOes Tentacruel as well as all of Tentacruel's counters—save only Persian. With a small amount of chip damage, all of these targets, with the exception of opposing Dugtrio, are in KO range and are naturally slower than Dugtrio. Thus, Dugtrio can abuse utilize its speed and KO its target without worrying about its frailty. (Did you mean Speed as in the stat, or general speed? If the former, capitalize Speed.) Furthermore, the high damage output of Earthquake, (AC) in addition to Dugtrio's high critical hit chance, (AC) also allows Dugtrio to act as an effective wallbreaker and general attacker. Through the use of Rock Slide, Dugtrio can hit all Flying-types for super effective damage, and further limit how often the opponent can let it Dugtrio come on the field before they need to start dropping Pokemon. (Changed it here because for a moment I was confused whether "it" meant Dugtrio, or Flying-types, so I would want to avoid other people thinking the same.) The next move is commonly Slash, which allows Dugtrio to avoid getting completely walled by Tangela and can act as a safe midground option to avoid relying on reading whether they will switch to a Flying-type or not. Substitute is also another option for Dugtrio's third move to make it an even more effective endgame sweeper. Dugtrio can set up a Substitute while the opponent switches and attempts to sacrifice a team member at low health. Now Dugtrio can now close out the game against a weakened team that doesn't have the resources to break the Substitute and force Dugtrio out. The final moveslot is dedicated to Toxic, (AC) as it prevents Dragonite from freely coming in on an Earthquake and setting up Agility safely.

Dugtrio plays very similar to how Tauros plays in OU, acting acts as an endgame win condition and a potent offensive threat to begin hammering away at the opposition. Using Dugtrio optimally is a delicate balancing act of making the most of the limited opportunities it has to come onto the field while also keeping it as healthy as possible; a balance that often separates novice players from veterans. Partial-trapping moves—most commonly Wrap—are one of the primary ways Dugtrio can be brought onto the field safely since they both provide the chip damage needed to bring targets into OHKO range and allow Dugtrio to switch into the opposing Pokemon while they are unable to attack. Therefore, Wrap users such as Dragonite and especially Tentacruel make for excellent Dugtrio partners. (Removed the semicolon and added a period, since it's cleaner that way.) Tentacruel, in particular, is the best Dugtrio partner in the game, since it takes very little damage from the Blizzards and Surfs aimed at Dugtrio. (Strange wording, but it's objectively correct.) Meanwhile, opposing teams' main answers to Tentacruel—such as their own Tentacruel, Kadabra, Electabuzz, and or Raichu—require only a minor amount of chip damage to guarantee that Dugtrio's Earthquake KOs them. The opponent's Tentacruel using Wrap is another common way Dugtrio can get onto the battlefield safely, (AC) as Dugtrio takes relatively little chip from Wrap while outspeeding and KOing (remove apostrophe) the opposing Tentacruel if it is sufficiently weakened. A teammate using Explosion or fainting is another common entrance for Dugtrio, as its high speed and high damage output allow it to act as an effective revenge killer to pick up a KO in return. Other good opportunities for Dugtrio to enter the battlefield can be found against Pokemon which are asleep, on a predicted switch, on a recovery move which leaves the opponent in KO range for Dugtrio, or on Electric-type attacks such as Thunder Wave or Thunderbolt. Frequently, Dugtrio will be able to clean up opposing teams that have been weakened to the point where Dugtrio can OHKO every Pokemon the opponent has.
This endgame should be kept in mind over the course of a game, and capitalizing on opportunities to set up this endgame while simultaneously hindering an opponent carrying Dugtrio from doing the same is an important skill for UU players to learn.

Other Options
Generally, Dugtrio doesn't need any moves outside of its main set since it has all it needs to be a top threat in the tier. Body Slam can be nice on Dugtrio as a way of spreading paralysis to annoy its checks such as the relatively uncommon Aerodactyl, but the only Pokemon you will commonly see in UU which Dugtrio doesn't naturally outspeed is opposing Dugtrio. Even worse, you only get one chance in the Dugtrio mirror to actually go for the paralysis. If you don't get the paralysis, you need to both win the speed tie against the opposing Dugtrio and land a critical hit to win the one-on-one. If you do, you need to pray that you either hit them and they are full paralyzed, (AC) or that you land a critical hit before they can attack. Another severe downside of using Body Slam is its damage output in comparison to Slash; (RC) whereas Slash can do 30% to Gyarados, Body Slam does half that. (RC, add period) Where Slash lets Dugtrio 4HKO Tangela and potentially catch it at half health while it switches in, Body Slam can't even reliably 6HKO Tangela. Sand Attack could be used as a means of trying to pray for misses in desperate scenarios, (AC) like when Dodrio is about to set up and run over your team or your Dugtrio is the last Pokemon left and needs to land multiple critical hits. This can also stop Dragonite from setting up Agility and Wrapping your team to death, but it's less reliable than Toxic and has its effect nullified by switching. It can technically be used to severely reduce Tentacruel's Wrap accuracy, (AC) though the only time Dugtrio should be facing down Tentacruel is if they are it is in Earthquake range.

Checks and Counters
**Paralysis**: Dugtrio relies heavily on its speed and attack to avoid allowing the opponent to capitalize on its weak defences, which is what makes
paralysis so deadly for Dugtrio. While Dugtrio is immune to Thunder Wave, however Stun Spore—used commonly by Tangela and the rare Venomoth—and Body Slam—from attackers like Kangaskhan, Gyarados, and opposing Dugtrio—can paralyze and cripple Dugtrio for the rest of the game.

**Strong Attacks**: In general, (AC) Dugtrio is unable to take more than one attack without fainting, so any strong attack—such as Kangaskhan's Body Slam or Hypno and Kadabra's Psychic—hitting it should sufficiently cripple it to the point where something else can pick it off. Even worse, many common super effective (RH) special attacks such as Articuno's Blizzard or a Surf from Tentacruel, Vaporeon, or Omastar (RC) will OHKO Dugtrio.

**Flying-types**: Flying-types are most teams' main defensive answers to Dugtrio, as they can switch into its Earthquake and threatening Dugtrio out with heavy damage, (AC) if not an outright OHKO. Dragonite is best at dealing with Dugtrio, (AC) as the threat Dragonite poses with Agility and Wrap is so significant that Dugtrio often has to stay in and use Toxic on the Dragonite to avoid letting it use Agility for free and go on a rampage, which can come at the cost of Dugtrio taking a Blizzard and being put at 20% health or lower. Gyarados is similar in its ability to answer Dugtrio, and while it lacks the threat of AgiliWrap to keep Dugtrio from switching out like Dragonite, it is much harder for Dugtrio's teammates to force out due to its superior defensive typing. Dodrio and Articuno are the last two common Flying-types that teams use to check Dugtrio. (RC, add period) and While they are significantly frailer than Dragonite and Gyarados, respectively 3HKOed and 2HKOed by Rock Slide, they can both OHKO Dugtrio with their STAB attacks and threaten to run through the opposing team after an Agility boost.

**Bulky Water-types**: Bulky Water-types like Vaporeon, Poliwrath, and the rare Dewgong (RC) can take multiple Earthquakes while KOing (Remove apostrophe) Dugtrio in return with their STAB Surfs and using Rest to remain healthy and answer Dugtrio over the course of a match, (AC, remove period) though Dugtrio's crit rate can allow it to bypass these answers if they are below 75% health (RC) and Dewgong cannot switch into repeated Rock Slides without being forced to Rest.

**Tangela and Venusaur**: Tangela is one of the best Dugtrio answers in RBY UU, taking virtually no damage from Earthquake, (AC)due to its bulk and Ground resistance, (AC)while threatening to sleep or paralyze Dugtrio in return with Sleep Powder and or Stun Spore respectively. Tangela can also heal off any chip damage it may have sustained on the way in with Mega Drain, and potentially use Dugtrio as an opportunity to begin boosting accumulating boosts with Growth. Venusaur is similar in this regard, coming in on Earthquake and threatening to sleep something with Sleep Powder and OHKO Dugtrio with Razor Leaf. However, Venusaur is worse at checking Dugtrio when compared to Tangela, (AC) due to its worse bulk and secondary Poison-typing, (AC) making it neutral to Ground-type attacks.

**Kangaskhan**: If the Kangaskhan is healthy, it can switch into Dugtrio's Earthquake and threaten to at least cripple, if not outright win the one-on-one matchup cripple or KO Dugtrio with its STAB Body Slam and or Hyper Beam.

**Persian and Hypno**: While they can't switch in, Hypno and Persian can win the one-on-one matchup with Dugtrio from full health, at least if it doesn't land a critical hit.
By the way, make sure to always use the ASCII apostrophe ' not the curly apostrophe ’. I've corrected them in this amcheck. :blobthumbsup:
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Dugtrio is one of the most influential Pokemon in the RBY UU metagame. Its fantastic Speed tier, respectable damage output, and Thunder Wave immunity—thanks to its Ground typing—make (removed hyphen in "Ground-typing" and replaced commas surrounding that phrase with analysis emdashes: —) Dugtrio one of the strongest offensive Pokemon in the entire tier. Despite these fantastic traits, Dugtrio does have its fair share of issues; most notably, its frailty. With the worst defensive stats in the entire tier; (comma -> semicolon) almost any Pokemon in the metagame can OHKO Dugtrio easily, which heavily limits how frequently it can come on the field.

name: Physical Attacker
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Rock Slide
move 3: Slash / Substitute
move 4: Toxic

Set Description

When you see Dugtrio, expect it to be running this set. STAB Earthquake 2HKOes Tentacruel as well as all of Tentacruel's counters—save only Persian. With a small amount of chip damage, all of these targets, with the exception of opposing Dugtrio, are in KO range and are naturally slower than Dugtrio. Thus, Dugtrio can utilize its speed and KO its target without worrying about its frailty. STAB Earthquake is excellent given Tentacruel's prominence, both 2HKOing it and supporting your own Tentacruel by 2HKOing all of its counters save Persian. Many of these targets can be put in KO range with a small amount of chip damage or a critical hit. Dugtrio also outspeeds all threats to Tentacruel besides opposing Dugtrio, which lets it worry less about its frailty. (bunch of minor stuff, basically optimized information and prevented a few possible confusing implications with your text: "Persian can enter KO range even though it's not even 2HKOed?" "Dugtrio is a counter even though it dies to Surf?" If any wording or info is wanted changed/added/removed, lmk) Furthermore, the high damage output of Earthquake, in addition to Dugtrio's high critical hit chance, also allows Dugtrio it to act as an effective wallbreaker and general attacker. Through the use of Rock Slide, Dugtrio can hit all Flying-types for super effective damage, and further limit further limiting how often the opponent can let Dugtrio come on the field before they need to start dropping start losing Pokemon. The next move is commonly Slash, which allows Dugtrio to avoid getting completely walled by Tangela stops Tangela from completely walling Dugtrio and can act as a safe midground option to avoid relying on reading whether they opponents will switch to a Flying-type or not. Substitute is also another option for Dugtrio's third move to make it an even more effective endgame late-game (note: endgame is a noun) sweeper. Dugtrio can set up a Substitute while the opponent switches and attempts to sacrifice a team member at low health, (period -> comma) Dugtrio can now and it can then close out the game against a weakened team that doesn't have the resources to can't break the Substitute and force Dugtrio out. The final moveslot is dedicated to Toxic, as it prevents Dragonite from freely coming in on an Earthquake and setting up Agility safely.

Dugtrio acts as an endgame win condition a late-game wincon and a potent offensive threat. Using Dugtrio optimally is a delicate balancing act of making the most of the limited opportunities it has its limited opportunities to come onto the field while also keeping it as healthy as possible, (semicolon -> comma) a balance that often separates novice players from veterans. Partial-trapping moves—most commonly Wrap—are moves—most commonly Wrap—are one of the primary ways Dugtrio can be brought onto the field safely, (AC) since they both provide the chip damage needed to bring targets into OHKO range and allow Dugtrio to switch into the opposing Pokemon while they are in while the opposing Pokemon is unable to attack. Therefore, Wrap users such as Dragonite and especially Tentacruel make for excellent Dugtrio partners. Tentacruel (RC) in particular (RC) is the best Dugtrio partner in the game, since it takes very little damage from the Blizzards and Surfs aimed at Dugtrio. Meanwhile, opposing teams' main answers to Tentacruel—such as their own Tentacruel, Kadabra, Electabuzz, or Raichu—require only a minor amount of chip damage to guarantee that Dugtrio's Earthquake KOs them. game; not only does it provide Wrap support and benefit from Dugtrio KOing primary answers to it after minor chip damage, such as opposing Tentacruel, Kadabra, Electabuzz, and Raichu, but it takes very little damage from the Blizzards and Surfs aimed at Dugtrio. The opponent's Tentacruel using Wrap is another common way Dugtrio can get onto the battlefield safely, as Dugtrio takes relatively little chip from Wrap while outspeeding and KOing the opposing Tentacruel if it is sufficiently weakened. A teammate using Explosion or fainting is another common entrance for Dugtrio, as its high Speed and high damage output allow it to act as an effective revenge killer. Other good opportunities for Dugtrio to enter the battlefield can be found against Pokemon which are asleep, on include sleeping Pokemon, a predicted switch, on a recovery move which leaves the opponent in KO range for Dugtrio, or on that doesn't let the foe escape Dugtrio's KO range, and (I assume this makes sense?) Electric-type attacks moves such as Thunder Wave or and Thunderbolt. Frequently, Dugtrio will be able to clean up opposing teams that have been weakened to the point where Dugtrio can OHKO every Pokemon the opponent has; it can OHKO every remaining Pokemon; this is a relatively common win condition (removed hyphen) in RBY UU and, as such, that should always be kept in mind over the course of the game. Learning to capitalize on opportunities to set up this endgame while simultaneously hindering an opponent carrying Dugtrio from doing the same is an important skill for UU players to learn.

Other Options
Generally, Dugtrio doesn't need any moves outside of its main set since it has all it needs to be a top threat in the tier. Body Slam can be nice on Dugtrio as a way of spreading paralysis to annoy its to spread paralysis to annoy checks such as the relatively uncommon Aerodactyl, but the only Pokemon you will commonly see in UU which that Dugtrio doesn't naturally outspeed is opposing Dugtrio. Even worse, you only get one chance in the Dugtrio mirror to actually go for the paralysis. If you don't get the paralysis, you need to both win the speed tie against the opposing Dugtrio and land a critical hit to win the one-on-one. If you do, you need to pray that you either hit them and they are full paralyzed, or that you land a critical hit before they can attack. Body Slam is only useful against opposing Dugtrio on the switch, as either Dugtrio can 2HKO the other with Earthquake one-on-one. (Your possibility-routes seem right, but I just don't believe they are necessary to add if you should just never use Body Slam one-on-one vs Dug anyway. I imagine BSlam on the switch could be not totally useless bc u can para Dug for the game instead of "merely" chunking 50%, but if you'd rather just call it flat bad against opposing Dugtrio or smth, that's fine too) Another severe downside of using Body Slam is its damage output in comparison to Slash: (semicolon -> colon) whereas Slash can do 30% to Gyarados, Body Slam does half that. Where Slash lets Dugtrio 4HKO Tangela and potentially catch it at half health while it switches in, Body Slam can't even reliably 6HKO Tangela. Sand Attack could be used as a means of trying to pray for misses in desperate scenarios, like when Dodrio is about to set up and run over your team or your Dugtrio is the your last Pokemon left and needs to land multiple critical hits. This It can also stop Dragonite from setting up Agility and wrapping your team to death sweeping through your team with Wrap, but it's less reliable than Toxic and has its effect nullified by switching. It can technically be used to severely reduce Tentacruel's Wrap accuracy, though the only time Dugtrio should be facing Tentacruel is if it is in Earthquake range anyway.

Checks and Counters
**Paralysis**: Dugtrio relies heavily on its speed and attack to avoid allowing the opponent to capitalize Speed to stop foes from capitalizing on its weak defences, defenses, which is what makes paralysis so deadly for Dugtrio. it. Dugtrio is immune to Thunder Wave, however but Stun Spore—used commonly by Tangela and the rare Venomoth—and Body Slam—from attackers like Kangaskhan, Gyarados, and opposing Dugtrio—can paralyze and cripple Dugtrio for the rest of the game.

**Strong Attacks**: In general, Dugtrio is unable to take more than one attack without fainting, so any strong attack—such as Kangaskhan's Body Slam or Hypno and or Kadabra's Psychic&mdashhitting it should sufficiently cripple it to the point where something else where any other Pokemon can pick it off. Even worse, many common super effective special attacks, (AC) such as Articuno's Blizzard or a and Surf from Tentacruel, Vaporeon, or and Omastar, (AC) are super effective and will OHKO Dugtrio.

**Flying-types**: Flying-types are most teams' main defensive answers to Dugtrio, as they can switch into its Earthquake and threaten Dugtrio it out with heavy damage, if not an outright OHKO. Dragonite is best at dealing with Dugtrio, as the threat Dragonite poses with Agility and Wrap is so significant that Dugtrio often has to stay in and use Toxic on the Dragonite to avoid letting it use Agility for free and go on a rampage, which can come at the cost of Dugtrio taking a Blizzard and being put at 20% health or lower. Gyarados is similar in its ability to answer Dugtrio, and while it lacks the threat of AgiliWrap to keep Dugtrio from switching out like Dragonite, it is much harder for Dugtrio's teammates to force out due to its superior defensive typing. Dodrio and Articuno are the last two common Flying-types that teams use to check Dugtrio. While they are significantly frailer than Dragonite and Gyarados, respectively 3HKOed and 2HKOed (removed bold on prior two Es) by Rock Slide, they can both OHKO Dugtrio with their STAB attacks and threaten to run through the opposing its team after an Agility boost.

**Bulky Water-types**: Bulky Water-types like Vaporeon, Poliwrath, and the rare Dewgong can take multiple Earthquakes while KOing Dugtrio with their STAB Surfs and using Rest to remain healthy and answer Dugtrio over the course of a match, though match. However, Dugtrio's critical hit rate can allow it to bypass these answers if they are below 75% health, (AC) and Dewgong cannot switch into repeated Rock Slides without being forced to use Rest.

**Tangela and Venusaur**: Tangela is one of the best Dugtrio answers in RBY UU, taking virtually no damage from Earthquake (RC) due to its bulk and Ground resistance, while and threatening to sleep or paralyze Dugtrio in return with Sleep Powder or Stun Spore. Tangela can also heal off any chip damage it may have sustained sustains on the way in with Mega Drain, and it can potentially use Dugtrio as an opportunity to begin accumulating boosts with Growth. Venusaur is similar in this regard, coming in on Earthquake and threatening to sleep something Dugtrio or a teammate with Sleep Powder and or OHKO Dugtrio with Razor Leaf. However, Venusaur is worse at checking Dugtrio when compared to than Tangela (RC) due to its worse bulk and secondary Poison typing (removed hyphen and removed comma) making it neutral to Ground-type attacks.

**Kangaskhan**: If Kangaskhan is healthy, it can switch into Dugtrio's Earthquake and threaten to cripple or KO Dugtrio with its STAB Body Slam or Hyper Beam.

**Persian and Hypno**: While they can't switch in, Hypno and Persian can win the one-on-one matchup with Dugtrio from full health, at least if it doesn't land a critical hit. (added linebreak under here)

- Written by: [[Shellnuts, 491544], [Plague von Karma, 236353]]
- Quality checked by: [[Plague von Karma, 236353], [phoopes, 96315]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429], [, ]]
GP 2/2

Dugtrio is one of the most influential Pokemon in RBY UU. Its fantastic Speed tier, respectable damage output, and Thunder Wave immunity—thanks to its Ground typing—make Dugtrio it one of the strongest offensive Pokemon in the entire tier. Despite these fantastic traits, Dugtrio does have also has the worst defensive stats in the tier, (comma) however; almost any Pokemon in the metagame can OHKO Dugtrio easily, which heavily limits how frequently it can come on the field.

name: Physical Attacker
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Rock Slide
move 3: Slash / Substitute
move 4: Toxic

Set Description

STAB Earthquake is excellent given Tentacruel's prominence, both 2HKOing it and supporting your own Tentacruel by 2HKOing all of its counters save Persian. Many of these targets can be put in KO range with a small amount of chip damage or a critical hit. Dugtrio also outspeeds all threats to Tentacruel besides opposing Dugtrio, which lets it worry less about its frailty. Furthermore, the high damage output of Earthquake, in addition to Dugtrio's high critical hit chance, also allows it to act as an Earthquake's high power combined with Dugtrio's high critical hit chance makes Dugtrio a effective wallbreaker and general attacker. Through the use of Rock Slide, Dugtrio can hit all Flying-types for super effective damage, further limiting how often the opponent can let Dugtrio come on the field before they start dropping start losing Pokemon. The next move is commonly Slash, which stops Tangela from completely walling Dugtrio and can act as a safe midground option to avoid relying on reading whether opponents will switch to a Flying-type or not. Substitute is another option for Dugtrio's third move to make it an even more effective late-game sweeper. Dugtrio can set up a Substitute while the opponent switches and attempts to sacrifice a team member at low health, and it can then close out the game against a weakened team that can't break the Substitute and force Dugtrio out. The final moveslot is dedicated to Toxic, as it prevents Dragonite from freely coming in on an Earthquake and setting up Agility safely.

Dugtrio acts as a late-game wincon sweeper and a potent offensive threat. Using Dugtrio optimally is a delicate balancing act of making the most of its limited opportunities to come onto the field while also keeping it as healthy as possible, a balance that often separates novice players from veterans. Partial-trapping moves—most commonly Wrap—are one of the primary ways Dugtrio can be brought onto the field safely, since they both provide the chip damage needed to bring targets into OHKO range and allow Dugtrio to switch in while the opposing Pokemon is unable to attack. Therefore, Wrap users such as Dragonite and especially Tentacruel make for excellent Dugtrio partners. Tentacruel in particular is the best Dugtrio partner in the game; not only does it provide Wrap support and benefit from Dugtrio KOing primary answers to it after minor chip damage, such as opposing Tentacruel, Kadabra, Electabuzz, and Raichu, but it takes very little damage from the Blizzards and Surfs Blizzard and Surf aimed at Dugtrio. The opponent's Tentacruel using Wrap is another common way Dugtrio can get onto the battlefield safely, as Dugtrio takes relatively little chip damage from Wrap while outspeeding and KOing the opposing Tentacruel if it is sufficiently weakened. A teammate using Explosion or fainting is another common entrance point for Dugtrio, as its high Speed and damage output allow it to act as an effective revenge killer. Other good opportunities for Dugtrio to enter the battlefield include sleeping Pokemon, a predicted switch, a recovery move that doesn't let the foe escape Dugtrio's KO range, and Electric-type moves such as Thunder Wave and Thunderbolt. Frequently, Dugtrio will be able to clean up teams that have been weakened to the point where it can OHKO every remaining Pokemon; this is a relatively common win condition in RBY UU that should always be kept in mind over the course of the game. Learning to capitalize on opportunities to set up this endgame while simultaneously hindering an opponent carrying Dugtrio from doing the same is an important skill for UU players to learn.

Other Options
Generally, Dugtrio doesn't need any moves outside of its main set. Body Slam can be nice to spread paralysis to annoy paralyze checks such as the relatively uncommon Aerodactyl, but the only Pokemon you will commonly see that Dugtrio doesn't naturally outspeed is opposing Dugtrio. Even worse, Body Slam is only useful against opposing Dugtrio on the switch, as either Dugtrio can 2HKO the other with Earthquake one-on-one. Another severe downside of using Body Slam is its damage output in comparison to Slash: whereas Slash can do 30% to Gyarados, Body Slam does half that. Where Slash lets Dugtrio 4HKO Tangela and potentially catch it at half health while it switches in, Body Slam can't even reliably 6HKO Tangela. Sand Attack could be used to pray for misses in desperate scenarios, like when Dodrio is about to set up and run over your team or your Dugtrio is your last Pokemon left and needs to land multiple critical hits. It can also stop Dragonite from setting up Agility and sweeping through your team with Wrap, but it's less reliable than Toxic and has its effect nullified by switching. It can technically be used to severely reduce Tentacruel's Wrap accuracy, though the only time Dugtrio should be facing Tentacruel is if it is in Earthquake KO range anyway.

Checks and Counters
**Paralysis**: Dugtrio relies heavily on its Speed to stop foes from capitalizing on its weak defenses, which is what makes paralysis so deadly for it. Dugtrio is immune to Thunder Wave, but Stun Spore—used commonly by Tangela and the rare Venomoth—and Body Slam—from attackers like Kangaskhan, Gyarados, and opposing Dugtrio—can cripple Dugtrio for the rest of the game.

**Strong Attacks**: In general, Dugtrio is unable to take more than one attack without fainting, so any strong attack—such as Kangaskhan's Body Slam or and Hypno or Kadabra's Psychic&mdashhitting it should sufficiently cripple it to where enable any other Pokemon can to pick it off. Even worse, many common special attacks, such as Articuno's Blizzard and Surf from Tentacruel, Vaporeon, and Omastar, are super effective and will OHKO Dugtrio.

**Flying-types**: Flying-types are most teams' main defensive answers to Dugtrio, as they can switch into its Earthquake and threaten it out with heavy damage, if not an outright OHKO. Dragonite is best at dealing with Dugtrio, as the threat Dragonite poses with Agility and Wrap is so significant that Dugtrio often has to stay in and use Toxic to avoid letting it use Agility for free and go on a rampage, which can come at the cost of Dugtrio taking a Blizzard and being put at 20% health or lower. Gyarados is similar in its ability to answer Dugtrio, and while it lacks the threat of Agility + Wrap to keep Dugtrio from switching out, it is much harder for Dugtrio's teammates to force out due to its superior defensive typing. Dodrio and Articuno are the last two common Flying-types that teams use to check Dugtrio. While they are significantly frailer than Dragonite and Gyarados, respectively 3HKOed and 2HKOed by Rock Slide, they can both OHKO Dugtrio with their STAB attacks and threaten to run through its team after an Agility boost.

**Bulky Water-types**: Bulky Water-types like Vaporeon, Poliwrath, and the rare Dewgong can take Earthquake multiple Earthquakes times while KOing Dugtrio with their STAB Surf and using Rest to remain healthy and answer Dugtrio over the course of a match. However, Dugtrio's critical hit rate can allow it to bypass these answers if they are below 75% health, and Dewgong cannot switch into repeated Rock Slide without being forced to use Rest.

**Tangela and Venusaur**: Tangela is one of the best Dugtrio answers in RBY UU, taking virtually no damage from Earthquake due to its bulk and Ground resistance, and threatening to sleep or paralyze Dugtrio in return with Sleep Powder or Stun Spore. Tangela can also heal off any chip damage it sustains on the way in with Mega Drain, and it can potentially use Dugtrio as an opportunity to begin accumulating boosts with Growth. Venusaur is similar in this regard, coming in on Earthquake and threatening to sleep put Dugtrio or a teammate to sleep with Sleep Powder or OHKO Dugtrio with Razor Leaf. However, Venusaur is worse at checking Dugtrio than Tangela due to its worse bulk and secondary Poison typing making it neutral to Ground neutrality.

**Kangaskhan**: If Kangaskhan is healthy, it can switch into Dugtrio's Earthquake and threaten to cripple or KO Dugtrio with its STAB Body Slam or Hyper Beam.

**Persian and Hypno**: While they can't switch in, Hypno and Persian can win the one-on-one matchup with Dugtrio from full health, (comma) at least if it doesn't land a critical hit.

- Written by: [[Shellnuts, 491544], [Plague von Karma, 236353]]
- Quality checked by: [[Plague von Karma, 236353], [phoopes, 96315]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429], [, ]]
Implemented with a few minor correctness and clarity changes:
...makes Dugtrio a effective wallbreaker... -> ...makes Dugtrio an effective wallbreaker...
The final moveslot is... -> The last moveslot is...
...which heavily limits how frequently it can... -> ...which heavily limits how often it can...
...taking virtually no damage from Earthquake... -> ...taking almost no damage from Earthquake...
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