blimp -tondas
Thanks to its ability Unburden, Drifblim is able to fill a tiny niche in the PU metagame as a sweeper able to outspeed common Choice Scarf users such as Primeape and Kabutops. This is further bolstered by its access to Calm Mind, turning it into a threatening Pokemon thanks to its Speed and offensive capabilities. Its access to STAB Shadow Ball in conjunction with Hidden Power Fighting gives Drifblim unresisted coverage against the tier. Another aspect that makes Drifblim a threatening sweeper is its unorthodox way of setting up, which can be difficult to deal with when using an offensive team due to their lack of specially defensive Pokemon or faster Choice Scarf users. Despite these attributes, its weakness to common threats such as Lycanroc and Skuntank, which carry priority moves in the form of Accelerock and Sucker Punch, as well as an exploitable Speed prior to consuming its Sitrus Berry makes Drifblim susceptible to various threats such as Froslass, Oricorio-G, and Alolan Raichu. Another aspect that heavily reduces Drifblim's viability is its proneness to being walled by specially defensive Pokemon such as Lanturn, Eelektross, and Cryogonal as well as physical walls such as Regirock and Mudsdale. Drifblim is simply not able to break through these Pokemon unless it has managed to boost up its only decent Special Attack, it has weakened them enough, or the player has managed to remove those threats entirely beforehand. Drifblim also suffers from stiff competition from Ghost-types such as Haunter and Golurk as well as Flying-types such as Dodrio and Oricorio-E, all of which offer more immediate power, greater sweeping potential, or simply better utility.
name: Substitute + Calm Mind
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Calm Mind
move 3: Shadow Ball
move 4: Hidden Power Fighting
item: Sitrus Berry
ability: Unburden
nature: Modest / Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
ivs: 30 HP
Substitute should be used as a way of activating Drifblim's Sitrus Berry, and subsequently Unburden, in front of slower threats such as Tangela or Choice-locked Pokemon such as Primeape. This also grants it the possibility of outplaying Sucker Punch users such as Skuntank, as well as making it harder to revenge kill by the aforementioned threats and faster Choice Scarf users like Dodrio if running a Modest nature. Calm Mind grants Drifblim a way of boosting its Special Attack and Special Defense, which can be utilized in conjunction with Substitute so Pokemon such as Gastrodon and even bulky pivot Lanturn are unable to break its Substitute in one hit after a couple of boosts. Hidden Power Fighting allows Drifblim to hit Steel-, Rock-, and Ice-type Pokemon such as Alolan Sandslash, Aggron, and Aurorus for super effective damage.
Set Details
252 Speed EVs allow Drifblim to find multiple setup opportunities with Substitute in front of slower common threats such as Victreebel, Hitmonchan, and Alolan Sandslash. After Unburden has been activated, Drifblim can outspeed common Choice Scarf users like Primeape, Kabutops, and Skuntank. A Modest nature maximizes Drifblim's offensive capabilities while still leaving it with great Speed before Unburden is activated. Prior to Unburden, Drifblim is able to outspeed common threats such as Hitmonchan, Victreebel, and Jellicent, granting it multiple opportunities to set up a Substitute. A Timid nature can be used to outspeed Choice Scarf users such as Dodrio and Scyther. A Sitrus Berry is utilized so Drifblim can activate Unburden as early as possible in order to prevent being revenge killed by Pokemon such as Lycanroc or Eelektross when behind a Substitute.
Usage Tips
Drifblim should be utilized mid- or late-game after Pokemon such as Regirock, Eelektross, and Skuntank and faster Choice Scarf users such as Dodrio have been removed from the field or worn down. In the case of Choice Scarf Dodrio, Drifblim should be behind a Substitute to avoid being revenge killed unless Drifblim is running a Timid nature. Bring in Drifblim in front of slower or weaker Pokemon such as Tangela, Gurdurr, and Aggron so it can set up with Substitute, thus activating its Sitrus Berry and Unburden.
Team Options
Entry hazard setters such as Mudsdale and Regirock are able to function as useful partners for Drifblim thanks to their ability to wear down Pokemon with Stealth Rock and spread status onto the opposing team. They're also able to counter Pokemon that Drifblim struggles to deal with such as Lycanroc and Skuntank; a healthy Mudsdale is even able to use Toxic on Pokemon such as Eelektross, which can help Drifblim set up late-game. Spikes setters like Qwilfish, Ferroseed, and Froslass are able to maximize chip damage with their hazards for Drifblim to sweep in the end game. Qwilfish and Ferroseed are particularly useful; Qwilfish is able to chip down physical threats with its Rocky Helmet and has the ability to set up Toxic Spikes, which pairs particularly well with Substitute from Drifblim, while Ferroseed is able to force out switch-ins thanks to its incredible defensive typing as well as punish physical attackers with Iron Barbs. Kangaskhan is a great partner that's able to chip down teams thanks to its combination of Fake Out + Sucker Punch and beat Pokemon like Clefairy and Golurk. Kangaskhan also benefits from Spikes, which further supports it in wearing down threats for Drifblim to sweep. Pivots such as Eelektross and Lanturn are able to pressure physical walls such as Quagsire, Regirock, and Mudsdale thanks to their coverage options, as well as functioning as reliable ways of bringing in Drifblim safely. Spinners such as Cryogonal, Hitmonchan, and Alolan Sandslash are able to remove hazards on your side while also being able to take hits from Ice-types that might bother Drifblim such as Aurorus and Rotom-F. They're also able to spread status onto the opponent's team through Toxic, which Drifblim can take advantage of with Substitute.
Other Options
A set consisting of Acrobatics, Substitute, Will-O-Wisp, and Hex with maximum Attack and a Naughty nature allows Drifblim to function as more of a support Pokemon able to spread status while still being able to function as a sweeper late-game. However, despite the ability to threaten physical attackers better with Will-O-Wisp, this set is unable to get past a number of threats such as Aurorus, Regirock, Alolan Sandslash, and Aggron even after burning some of those threat and still has a hard time getting past Skuntank and Lycanroc. Hidden Power Ground can be used to damage Skuntank on the switch but leaves Drifblim more vulnerable to Pokemon it can no longer hit 4x super effectively such as Alolan Sandslash.
Checks and Counters
**Priority Moves**: Priority moves such as Accelerock and Ice Shard from Lycanroc and Abomasnow are able to effectively stop Drifblim after or prior to setup,but these foes can't switch in safely, since Drifblim is able to 2HKO both of them after Stealth Rock damage. Skuntank takes little damage from Drifblim's moves and is able to threaten it via Sucker Punch or even Crunch and Pursuit, though the player can attempt to outplay the Sucker Punch with Substitute. Absol can be put into the same situation, but it is naturally 2HKOed by Hidden Power Fighting, and Drifblim is able to circumvent Sucker Punch with Substitute.
**Electric-types**: Electric-types such as Eelektross and Assault Vest Lanturn are able to switch in on an unboosted Drifblim and threaten it with their respective STAB moves. Pokemon such as Rotom-F and Alolan Raichu can't switch in on Drifblim safely but are able to revenge kill it prior to the activation of Unburden or acquisition of multiple Calm Mind boosts.
**Bulky Pokemon**: Pokemon such as Audino, Cryogonal, Regirock, and Mudsdale are able to take hits from unboosted Drifblim and threaten it thanks to their natural bulk and moves, stopping it from setting up or sweeping if they haven't taken considerable amounts of damage prior. Audino and Cryogonal are even able to recover the damage Drifblim inflicts, making its breaking process even harder.
- Written by: [[KellyKafka, 471436]]
- Quality checked by: [[gum, 434150], [TJ, 331538], [Megazard, 202117]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Fireflame479, 231476], [The Dutch Plumberjack, 232216]]
Thanks to its ability Unburden, Drifblim is able to fill a tiny niche in the PU metagame as a sweeper able to outspeed common Choice Scarf users such as Primeape and Kabutops. This is further bolstered by its access to Calm Mind, turning it into a threatening Pokemon thanks to its Speed and offensive capabilities. Its access to STAB Shadow Ball in conjunction with Hidden Power Fighting gives Drifblim unresisted coverage against the tier. Another aspect that makes Drifblim a threatening sweeper is its unorthodox way of setting up, which can be difficult to deal with when using an offensive team due to their lack of specially defensive Pokemon or faster Choice Scarf users. Despite these attributes, its weakness to common threats such as Lycanroc and Skuntank, which carry priority moves in the form of Accelerock and Sucker Punch, as well as an exploitable Speed prior to consuming its Sitrus Berry makes Drifblim susceptible to various threats such as Froslass, Oricorio-G, and Alolan Raichu. Another aspect that heavily reduces Drifblim's viability is its proneness to being walled by specially defensive Pokemon such as Lanturn, Eelektross, and Cryogonal as well as physical walls such as Regirock and Mudsdale. Drifblim is simply not able to break through these Pokemon unless it has managed to boost up its only decent Special Attack, it has weakened them enough, or the player has managed to remove those threats entirely beforehand. Drifblim also suffers from stiff competition from Ghost-types such as Haunter and Golurk as well as Flying-types such as Dodrio and Oricorio-E, all of which offer more immediate power, greater sweeping potential, or simply better utility.
name: Substitute + Calm Mind
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Calm Mind
move 3: Shadow Ball
move 4: Hidden Power Fighting
item: Sitrus Berry
ability: Unburden
nature: Modest / Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
ivs: 30 HP
Substitute should be used as a way of activating Drifblim's Sitrus Berry, and subsequently Unburden, in front of slower threats such as Tangela or Choice-locked Pokemon such as Primeape. This also grants it the possibility of outplaying Sucker Punch users such as Skuntank, as well as making it harder to revenge kill by the aforementioned threats and faster Choice Scarf users like Dodrio if running a Modest nature. Calm Mind grants Drifblim a way of boosting its Special Attack and Special Defense, which can be utilized in conjunction with Substitute so Pokemon such as Gastrodon and even bulky pivot Lanturn are unable to break its Substitute in one hit after a couple of boosts. Hidden Power Fighting allows Drifblim to hit Steel-, Rock-, and Ice-type Pokemon such as Alolan Sandslash, Aggron, and Aurorus for super effective damage.
Set Details
252 Speed EVs allow Drifblim to find multiple setup opportunities with Substitute in front of slower common threats such as Victreebel, Hitmonchan, and Alolan Sandslash. After Unburden has been activated, Drifblim can outspeed common Choice Scarf users like Primeape, Kabutops, and Skuntank. A Modest nature maximizes Drifblim's offensive capabilities while still leaving it with great Speed before Unburden is activated. Prior to Unburden, Drifblim is able to outspeed common threats such as Hitmonchan, Victreebel, and Jellicent, granting it multiple opportunities to set up a Substitute. A Timid nature can be used to outspeed Choice Scarf users such as Dodrio and Scyther. A Sitrus Berry is utilized so Drifblim can activate Unburden as early as possible in order to prevent being revenge killed by Pokemon such as Lycanroc or Eelektross when behind a Substitute.
Usage Tips
Drifblim should be utilized mid- or late-game after Pokemon such as Regirock, Eelektross, and Skuntank and faster Choice Scarf users such as Dodrio have been removed from the field or worn down. In the case of Choice Scarf Dodrio, Drifblim should be behind a Substitute to avoid being revenge killed unless Drifblim is running a Timid nature. Bring in Drifblim in front of slower or weaker Pokemon such as Tangela, Gurdurr, and Aggron so it can set up with Substitute, thus activating its Sitrus Berry and Unburden.
Team Options
Entry hazard setters such as Mudsdale and Regirock are able to function as useful partners for Drifblim thanks to their ability to wear down Pokemon with Stealth Rock and spread status onto the opposing team. They're also able to counter Pokemon that Drifblim struggles to deal with such as Lycanroc and Skuntank; a healthy Mudsdale is even able to use Toxic on Pokemon such as Eelektross, which can help Drifblim set up late-game. Spikes setters like Qwilfish, Ferroseed, and Froslass are able to maximize chip damage with their hazards for Drifblim to sweep in the end game. Qwilfish and Ferroseed are particularly useful; Qwilfish is able to chip down physical threats with its Rocky Helmet and has the ability to set up Toxic Spikes, which pairs particularly well with Substitute from Drifblim, while Ferroseed is able to force out switch-ins thanks to its incredible defensive typing as well as punish physical attackers with Iron Barbs. Kangaskhan is a great partner that's able to chip down teams thanks to its combination of Fake Out + Sucker Punch and beat Pokemon like Clefairy and Golurk. Kangaskhan also benefits from Spikes, which further supports it in wearing down threats for Drifblim to sweep. Pivots such as Eelektross and Lanturn are able to pressure physical walls such as Quagsire, Regirock, and Mudsdale thanks to their coverage options, as well as functioning as reliable ways of bringing in Drifblim safely. Spinners such as Cryogonal, Hitmonchan, and Alolan Sandslash are able to remove hazards on your side while also being able to take hits from Ice-types that might bother Drifblim such as Aurorus and Rotom-F. They're also able to spread status onto the opponent's team through Toxic, which Drifblim can take advantage of with Substitute.
Other Options
A set consisting of Acrobatics, Substitute, Will-O-Wisp, and Hex with maximum Attack and a Naughty nature allows Drifblim to function as more of a support Pokemon able to spread status while still being able to function as a sweeper late-game. However, despite the ability to threaten physical attackers better with Will-O-Wisp, this set is unable to get past a number of threats such as Aurorus, Regirock, Alolan Sandslash, and Aggron even after burning some of those threat and still has a hard time getting past Skuntank and Lycanroc. Hidden Power Ground can be used to damage Skuntank on the switch but leaves Drifblim more vulnerable to Pokemon it can no longer hit 4x super effectively such as Alolan Sandslash.
Checks and Counters
**Priority Moves**: Priority moves such as Accelerock and Ice Shard from Lycanroc and Abomasnow are able to effectively stop Drifblim after or prior to setup,but these foes can't switch in safely, since Drifblim is able to 2HKO both of them after Stealth Rock damage. Skuntank takes little damage from Drifblim's moves and is able to threaten it via Sucker Punch or even Crunch and Pursuit, though the player can attempt to outplay the Sucker Punch with Substitute. Absol can be put into the same situation, but it is naturally 2HKOed by Hidden Power Fighting, and Drifblim is able to circumvent Sucker Punch with Substitute.
**Electric-types**: Electric-types such as Eelektross and Assault Vest Lanturn are able to switch in on an unboosted Drifblim and threaten it with their respective STAB moves. Pokemon such as Rotom-F and Alolan Raichu can't switch in on Drifblim safely but are able to revenge kill it prior to the activation of Unburden or acquisition of multiple Calm Mind boosts.
**Bulky Pokemon**: Pokemon such as Audino, Cryogonal, Regirock, and Mudsdale are able to take hits from unboosted Drifblim and threaten it thanks to their natural bulk and moves, stopping it from setting up or sweeping if they haven't taken considerable amounts of damage prior. Audino and Cryogonal are even able to recover the damage Drifblim inflicts, making its breaking process even harder.
- Written by: [[KellyKafka, 471436]]
- Quality checked by: [[gum, 434150], [TJ, 331538], [Megazard, 202117]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Fireflame479, 231476], [The Dutch Plumberjack, 232216]]
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