Type - Electric / Dragon
Base Stats - 90 HP / 100 Atk / 90 Def / 80 SAtk / 70 SDef / 75 Spe
Abilities: Volt Absorb | Hustle | Sand Rush (HA, unavaliable)
- Level Up Moves:
- - [01] Tackle
- - [01] Thunder Shock
- - [07] Charge
- - [14] Aerial Ace
- - [21] Ancient Power
- - [28] Pluck
- - [35] Dragon Tail
- - [42] Stomp
- - [49] Slam
- - [56] Discharge
- - [63] Bolt Beak
- - [70] Dragon Pulse
- - [77] Dragon Rush
- TMs:
- - [TM00] Mega Punch
- - [TM01] Mega Kick
- - [TM05] Thunder Punch
- - [TM08] Hyper Beam
- - [TM09] Giga Impact
- - [TM13] Fire Spin
- - [TM14] Thunder Wave
- - [TM21] Rest
- - [TM22] Rock Slide
- - [TM24] Snore
- - [TM25] Protect
- - [TM33] Rain Dance
- - [TM34] Sunny Day
- - [TM39] Facade
- - [TM48] Rock Tomb
- - [TM54] Rock Blast
- - [TM66] Thunder Fang
- - [TM68] Fire Fang
- - [TM76] Round
- - [TM81] Bulldoze
- - [TM97] Brutal Swing
- - [TM98] Stomping Tantrum
- - [TM99] Breaking Swipe
- TRs:
- - [TR01] Body Slam
- - [TR02] Flamethrower
- - [TR07] Low Kick
- - [TR08] Thunderbolt
- - [TR09] Thunder
- - [TR10] Earthquake
- - [TR15] Fire Blast
- - [TR20] Substitute
- - [TR24] Outrage
- - [TR26] Endure
- - [TR27] Sleep Talk
- - [TR31] Iron Tail
- - [TR37] Taunt
- - [TR47] Dragon Claw
- - [TR62] Dragon Pulse
- - [TR67] Earth Power
- - [TR75] Stone Edge
- - [TR80] Electro Ball
- - [TR86] Wild Charge
- - [TR94] High Horsepower
Notable Moves
Bolt Beak
Draco Meteor
Dragon Claw
Fire Blast
Fire Fang
New Moves
Bolt Beak: 85 BP Physical Electric move that doubles in power when the target moves after the user.
General overview of the Pokemon, positives/negatives
-It's stats may look lame, but Bolt Beak's absurd 170 BP STAB power when Dracozolt moves first is freakishly powerful, just a bit weaker than Victini's V-create in fact!
-It's got a unique typing that gives it some very valuable resists, such as 4x to Electric, and 2x to Fire , Flying, Water, Steel, and Grass. It resists Ferrothron's stabs which is really cool.
-It's movepool is small, but it has just enough to have good coverage. In particular, it gets Fire-moves so unlike many vs Electric-types, Ferrothorn is NOT safe vs Dracozolt!
-If you really want to roll the dice, Hustle lets Dracozolt become disgustingly powerful (about on par with Mega Rayquaza power wise rofl)
-It's pretty slow, and Sand Rush being unlreased means that important targets like Gyarados can outspeed and maul you (unless they use Power Whip over Earthquake hehehe).
-Unless you're risking it with hustle, Dracozolt doesn't do that much damage with its coverage move due to its low offenses, it mostly nukes slower stuff with Bolt Beak.
-Outside of Hustle, Volt Absorb is not a very inspiring ability, even if its neat for blocking Volt Switch.
-Dracozolt does pretty poorly against quite a few Ground-types such as Hippowdon and Mamoswine
Dynamaxing potential
-Beleive it or not, the first hit of a Max Lighting won't be as powerful as Bolt Beak! However, Dynamaxing could be very dangerous if used with Hustle. Now, I'm not sure if we know if Hustle interacts with Dynamax yet (it might not, since it doesn't with Gorrilla tactics). However, if it does, it makes Dracozolt extremely powerful while Dynamaxed!
-That being said, if Hustle ends up not working with Dynamax, it's probably not that great of a choice due to the reliacne on Bolt Beak, only Dynamax in situations that really call for it.
Potential Movesets
Dracozolt @ Choice Scarf / Choice Band
Ability: Volt Absorb / Hustle
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Bolt Beak
- Earthquake
- Outrage
- Fire Fang
So the most obvious route to using Dracozolt is to patch up that medicore speed, right? Bolt Beak still does PLENTY of damage without an attack boost, doing arund 90% min to Toxapex, impressive for a scarfer! You got Earthquake and Fire Fang for coverage against steels, and Outrage for Dragon-type STAB. You'll need Jolly to outspeed Baraskewda, but note that Dragapult always outspeeds.
If you want disgusting power, Choice Band or Hustle is for you. With this, Bolt Beak actually OHKOs max HP Tyranitar after Stealth Rock, to give you an idea of its power! I can't even imagine how overkill CB + Hustle can be...
Dracozolt @ Life Orb / Expert Belt
Ability: Volt Absorb / Hustle
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant / Naughty Nature
- Bolt Beak
- Earthquake
- Outrage / Draco Meteor
- Flamethrower / Fire Fang
So why would you lose the choice item? Simple: This lets you destroy Ferropex cores, and do better against teams with Corviknight too! While Fire Fang is cool for Hustle shenigans, I like the sounds of Flamethrower since it still 2HKOs Ferrothorn without the iron barbs recoil. Draco Meteor is the closest thing you'll do to messing with Hippowdon switch-ins, so thats neat. If you manage to get Hydreigon to slow down with paralysis or something, LO Draco Meteor will also OHKO that! Expert Belt is also a reasonable option if Life Orb is taken up, since Bolt Beak will still OHKO Toxapex with that.
Overall, I can see Dracozolt being a bit niche because of that speed tier (at least until sandrush hits), but Bolt Beak is so stupidly powerful that I think it's worth a shot! It also helps that it has a reasonable movepool, and actual scary power if you dance with lady luck via hustle!