name: Fishious Band
move 1: Fishious Rend
move 2: Psychic Fangs
move 3: Crunch
move 4: Outrage / Ice Fang
item: Choice Band
ability: Strong Jaw
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Adamant
Dracovish functions as a wallbreaker able to viciously dent defensive and slower teams with Pokemon such as Toxapex, Clefable, and Corviknight. Dracovish will primarily spam Fishious Rend, as it gets doubly strong when Dracovish attacks first as well as when foes switch in, and it is so strong it can 2HKO Toxapex and Ferrothorn and smack Pelipper and defensive Rotom-W for an OHKO. Psychic Fangs hits Toxapex even harder, hits Seismitoad the hardest out of all viable moves, can be used to hit faster Fighting- and Poison-types like Hawlucha, Kommo-o, and Gengar, and breaks screens. The other moves round out Dracovish's coverage, with Crunch for bulky Water-types, most notably Jellicent, and Outrage for Dragon-types like Dragapult, Dracozolt, and Hydreigon and its overall good STAB coverage. Ice Fang hits Grass-types and the aforementioned Dragon-types, but it is otherwise significantly weaker than Dracovish's other moves. Maximum Attack and Speed EVs with an Adamant nature ensure that Dracovish deals as much damage as possible, letting it 2HKO Toxapex with Stealth Rock while outspeeding as many things as possible so Fishious Rend can deal its double damage.
Pelipper makes for a great partner, as its rain bolsters Dracovish's damage output to obscene levels. Steel-types like Ferrothorn, Excadrill, and Corviknight are appreciated, as they resist Dracovish's two weaknesses, while Dracovish threatens Fire-types like Rotom-H and Cinderace. The former two are also able to set up entry hazards so Dracovish scores more KOs, while the latter two can remove entry hazards, making it easier for Dracovish to switch in. Additionally, Ferrothorn and Pokemon with Grass-type moves like Gyarados are able to get rid of Water-immune Pokemon like Seismitoad and Gastrodon, allowing for Dracovish to freely spam Fishious Rend. Fast Pokemon such as Dragapult, Barraskewda, and Choice Scarf Galarian Darmanitan also benefit Dracovish, as their greater Speed allows them to revenge kill Pokemon that outspeed Dracovish, and they can clean up later in the game after Dracovish has weakened the defensive cores of a team. Sweepers like Gyarados and Hawlucha benefit from Dracovish, as it opens up opportunities for these sweepers to clean by breaking defensive Pokemon like Toxapex, Clefable, and Quagsire. Methods of speed control such as Sticky Web from Ribombee and Thunder Wave from Ferrothorn or Clefable help Dracovish outspeed and deal double damage to more targets with Fishious Rend.
name: Fishious Scarf
move 1: Fishious Rend
move 2: Psychic Fangs
move 3: Crunch
move 4: Outrage / Ice Fang
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Strong Jaw
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Adamant / Jolly
While forgoing the raw power of Choice Band, Dracovish can function as a cleaner and gets to take even better advantage of Fishious Rend's innate ability to double in power if it attacks first. Although it needs rain to be able to 2HKO Ferrothorn and Toxapex, Dracovish can still be a good wallbreaker, as Fishious Rend gives it the power to punch holes in many defensive backbones of teams. An Adamant nature with maximum Attack and Speed investment and a Choice Scarf allows Dracovish to 2HKO Toxapex in rain after Stealth Rockand outspeed up to positive-natured base 120 Speed Pokemon, including Hawlucha, Dugtrio, and Adamant Barraskewda. A Jolly nature, however, lets Dracovish outspeed up to base 136 Speed Pokemon, including Jolly Barraskewda, Adamant Gyarados at +1 Speed, and Weavile.
Entry hazard setters like Ferrothorn, Tyranitar, and Excadrill provide chip damage to the opposing team overtime, allowing for Dracovish to net more KOs. Additionally, Ferrothorn resists two of Dracovish's weaknesses, can threaten Seismitoad and Gastrodon, which are immune to Water, and can paralyze very fast targets for Dracovish to outspeed later on. Pelipper is an almost obligatory partner in that it can safely pivot Dracovish in with U-turn and provides much needed rain support to skyrocket the damage output of Dracovish's Fishious Rend. Pokemon that are able to check Ferrothorn consistently such as Hawlucha, Conkeldurr, and Rotom-H are great teammates, as although Dracovish can threaten Ferrothorn due to its damage output, it does not want to take serious residual damage from Iron Barbs and a potential Rocky Helmet.
- Written by: [[crusty, 264307]]
- Quality checked by: [[Leo, 328915], [lyd, 303291]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Rabia, 336073]]
name: Fishious Band
move 1: Fishious Rend
move 2: Psychic Fangs
move 3: Crunch
move 4: Outrage / Ice Fang
item: Choice Band
ability: Strong Jaw
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Adamant
Dracovish functions as a wallbreaker able to viciously dent defensive and slower teams with Pokemon such as Toxapex, Clefable, and Corviknight. Dracovish will primarily spam Fishious Rend, as it gets doubly strong when Dracovish attacks first as well as when foes switch in, and it is so strong it can 2HKO Toxapex and Ferrothorn and smack Pelipper and defensive Rotom-W for an OHKO. Psychic Fangs hits Toxapex even harder, hits Seismitoad the hardest out of all viable moves, can be used to hit faster Fighting- and Poison-types like Hawlucha, Kommo-o, and Gengar, and breaks screens. The other moves round out Dracovish's coverage, with Crunch for bulky Water-types, most notably Jellicent, and Outrage for Dragon-types like Dragapult, Dracozolt, and Hydreigon and its overall good STAB coverage. Ice Fang hits Grass-types and the aforementioned Dragon-types, but it is otherwise significantly weaker than Dracovish's other moves. Maximum Attack and Speed EVs with an Adamant nature ensure that Dracovish deals as much damage as possible, letting it 2HKO Toxapex with Stealth Rock while outspeeding as many things as possible so Fishious Rend can deal its double damage.
Pelipper makes for a great partner, as its rain bolsters Dracovish's damage output to obscene levels. Steel-types like Ferrothorn, Excadrill, and Corviknight are appreciated, as they resist Dracovish's two weaknesses, while Dracovish threatens Fire-types like Rotom-H and Cinderace. The former two are also able to set up entry hazards so Dracovish scores more KOs, while the latter two can remove entry hazards, making it easier for Dracovish to switch in. Additionally, Ferrothorn and Pokemon with Grass-type moves like Gyarados are able to get rid of Water-immune Pokemon like Seismitoad and Gastrodon, allowing for Dracovish to freely spam Fishious Rend. Fast Pokemon such as Dragapult, Barraskewda, and Choice Scarf Galarian Darmanitan also benefit Dracovish, as their greater Speed allows them to revenge kill Pokemon that outspeed Dracovish, and they can clean up later in the game after Dracovish has weakened the defensive cores of a team. Sweepers like Gyarados and Hawlucha benefit from Dracovish, as it opens up opportunities for these sweepers to clean by breaking defensive Pokemon like Toxapex, Clefable, and Quagsire. Methods of speed control such as Sticky Web from Ribombee and Thunder Wave from Ferrothorn or Clefable help Dracovish outspeed and deal double damage to more targets with Fishious Rend.
name: Fishious Scarf
move 1: Fishious Rend
move 2: Psychic Fangs
move 3: Crunch
move 4: Outrage / Ice Fang
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Strong Jaw
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Adamant / Jolly
While forgoing the raw power of Choice Band, Dracovish can function as a cleaner and gets to take even better advantage of Fishious Rend's innate ability to double in power if it attacks first. Although it needs rain to be able to 2HKO Ferrothorn and Toxapex, Dracovish can still be a good wallbreaker, as Fishious Rend gives it the power to punch holes in many defensive backbones of teams. An Adamant nature with maximum Attack and Speed investment and a Choice Scarf allows Dracovish to 2HKO Toxapex in rain after Stealth Rockand outspeed up to positive-natured base 120 Speed Pokemon, including Hawlucha, Dugtrio, and Adamant Barraskewda. A Jolly nature, however, lets Dracovish outspeed up to base 136 Speed Pokemon, including Jolly Barraskewda, Adamant Gyarados at +1 Speed, and Weavile.
Entry hazard setters like Ferrothorn, Tyranitar, and Excadrill provide chip damage to the opposing team overtime, allowing for Dracovish to net more KOs. Additionally, Ferrothorn resists two of Dracovish's weaknesses, can threaten Seismitoad and Gastrodon, which are immune to Water, and can paralyze very fast targets for Dracovish to outspeed later on. Pelipper is an almost obligatory partner in that it can safely pivot Dracovish in with U-turn and provides much needed rain support to skyrocket the damage output of Dracovish's Fishious Rend. Pokemon that are able to check Ferrothorn consistently such as Hawlucha, Conkeldurr, and Rotom-H are great teammates, as although Dracovish can threaten Ferrothorn due to its damage output, it does not want to take serious residual damage from Iron Barbs and a potential Rocky Helmet.
- Written by: [[crusty, 264307]]
- Quality checked by: [[Leo, 328915], [lyd, 303291]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Rabia, 336073]]
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