Act win request for my set 2 opponent
First we appointed at 9pm GMT+8 last Saturday but he appeared two and a half hour later.That's 11:30pm GMT+8 and l slept.Before that l wait him from 8:30pm to 10:00pm and informed him by profile posts)
Then l tried to contact him for another time but he didn't reply me this week till Sunday 0:10 GMT+8 .He required to play 'TODAY'.That means Saturday GMT+2 18:10-24:00 and That's 0:10 -6:00 Sunday GMT+8 and I also slept)
Proof on his wall.
The following words are for my oppenent bulufan14
I can accept a time at midnight and stay up late.But I CANNOT ACCEPT A TIME AT MIDNIGHT WITHOUT ADVANCE INFORMATION.I appointed you nearly six days eariler twice but you didn't appear and haven't say you cannot keep the appointment.But you ask me to battle at midnight without any advance information.Who can know that before the bedtime?
I appointed four GMT+2 players within three weeks: Snofall,H.M.N.I.P,Quarante8 and you.You are the most unreasonable one.