Genesect @ Choice Band
Ability: Download
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Iron Head
- U-turn
- Extreme Speed
- Blaze Kick
Genesect is here to dissect opposing teams with Choice Band- and Download-boosted U-turn and Extreme Speed! Early-game, Genesect gathers momentum for its teammates while still doing significant damage with its powerful U-turn, and late-game it cleans up weakened teams, even if they have favorable speed control, with Extreme Speed. Thanks to an effective 2.25x boost from Download and Choice Band, both moves pack a wallop. Iron Head is its strongest move and is useful against slower teams, while Blaze Kick provides important coverage for opposing Steel-types like Celesteela and Ferrothorn. Thanks to Genesect's power and pivoting, it forces a significant number of switches, which teammates like Spikes Mew and Stealth Rock Tyranitar punish; entry hazards also help chip foes into range of Extreme Speed. Genesect struggles to do meaningful damage to Fire-types, making Tapu Fini an excellent teammate; in return, Genesect is a great answer to one of Tapu Fini's best checks, Rillaboom.
Check out Choice Band Genesect in this SCL II week 2 match, Z Strats vs Ninja!
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