Doubles Genesect


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Genesect @ Choice Band
Ability: Download
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Iron Head
- U-turn
- Extreme Speed
- Blaze Kick

Genesect is here to dissect opposing teams with Choice Band- and Download-boosted U-turn and Extreme Speed! Early-game, Genesect gathers momentum for its teammates while still doing significant damage with its powerful U-turn, and late-game it cleans up weakened teams, even if they have favorable speed control, with Extreme Speed. Thanks to an effective 2.25x boost from Download and Choice Band, both moves pack a wallop. Iron Head is its strongest move and is useful against slower teams, while Blaze Kick provides important coverage for opposing Steel-types like Celesteela and Ferrothorn. Thanks to Genesect's power and pivoting, it forces a significant number of switches, which teammates like Spikes Mew and Stealth Rock Tyranitar punish; entry hazards also help chip foes into range of Extreme Speed. Genesect struggles to do meaningful damage to Fire-types, making Tapu Fini an excellent teammate; in return, Genesect is a great answer to one of Tapu Fini's best checks, Rillaboom.

Check out Choice Band Genesect in this SCL II week 2 match, Z Strats vs Ninja!
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Choice Band Genesect is either clicking U-Turn early on to pivot and gain momentum or cleaning up late-game with Extreme Speed (or perhaps Iron Head) and they are very powerful because of the Choice Band and Download boost. Most of what you are saying is correct overall, but I would like if the beginning of the spotlight focuses more on these two traits. After that, you can talk about Iron Head and Blaze Kick since they are less important to the set.
Due to Download's inconsistent nature, Genesect requires careful switching or a clean revenge kill opporutinty to ensure it isn't taking the field at less than full strength; pivots like Rillaboom and Eject Button users can help provide it clean switch ins. Rillaboom has the added benefit of overriding Psychic Terrain, which otherwise blocks Extreme Speed. Genesect struggles to do meaningful damage to Fire-types like Volcanion, so teammates that handle them like Tapu Fini are greatly appreciated.
I'd remove the whole sentence about Download's inconsistent nature and requiring clean entries and instead just mention Download and Choice Band powering up Genesect a ton in the beginning. As for teammates, you definitely want to mention Stealth Rocks and Spikes support from Tyranitar and Mew since a big strength of Genesect is being able to click a strong U-Turn and get into good positions which hazards support do a great job of doing. They also help chip threats into range for Extreme Speed. As for actual Pokemon partners, Tapu Fini works for Terrain Control and does match-up well into Fire-Types, but I would mention Incineroar and Heatran instead of Volcanion.
Choice Band Genesect is either clicking U-Turn early on to pivot and gain momentum or cleaning up late-game with Extreme Speed (or perhaps Iron Head) and they are very powerful because of the Choice Band and Download boost. Most of what you are saying is correct overall, but I would like if the beginning of the spotlight focuses more on these two traits. After that, you can talk about Iron Head and Blaze Kick since they are less important to the set.

I'd remove the whole sentence about Download's inconsistent nature and requiring clean entries and instead just mention Download and Choice Band powering up Genesect a ton in the beginning. As for teammates, you definitely want to mention Stealth Rocks and Spikes support from Tyranitar and Mew since a big strength of Genesect is being able to click a strong U-Turn and get into good positions which hazards support do a great job of doing. They also help chip threats into range for Extreme Speed. As for actual Pokemon partners, Tapu Fini works for Terrain Control and does match-up well into Fire-Types, but I would mention Incineroar and Heatran instead of Volcanion.
Implemented, please feel free to take another pass and let me know if it is ready for QC approval!
Genesect struggles to do meaningful damage to Fire-types like Incineroar and Heatran, so teammates that handle them like Tapu Fini are greatly appreciated; Tapu Fini additionally provides Terrain control, overriding the opponent's Psychic Terrain and making Extreme Speed even more threatening.
Genesect can actually do a surprisingly amount of damage to Incineroar (252 Atk Choice Band Genesect U-turn vs. 252 HP / 28 Def Incineroar: 171-202 (43.4 - 51.2%) -- 6.6% chance to 2HKO) so I would simplify the sentence to to struggles against Fire-types. Instead of mentioning how Tapu Fini provides Terrain Control (which is true and helpful but I would not say crucial to Genesect's success) I would just say how in return Genesect is one of the best answers to Rillaboom for Tapu Fini.


QC 1/1
Genesect @ Choice Band
Ability: Download
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Iron Head
- U-turn
- Extreme Speed
- Blaze Kick

Genesect is here to dissect opposing teams with Choice Band- and Download-boosted U-turn and Extreme Speed! Early-game, Genesect gathers momentum for its teammates while still doing significant damage with its powerful U-turn, and late-game it cleans up weakened teams, even if they have favorable speed control, with Extreme Speed. Thanks to an effective 2.25x boost from Download and Choice Band, both moves pack a wallop. Iron Head is its strongest move and is useful against slower teams, while Blaze Kick provides important coverage for opposing Steel-types like Celesteela and Ferrothorn. Thanks to Genesect's power and pivoting, it forces a significant number of switches, which teammates like Spikes Mew and Stealth Rock Tyranitar punish; entry hazards also help chip opponents foes into range of Extreme Speed. Genesect struggles to do meaningful damage to Fire-types, making Tapu Fini an excellent teammate; in return, Genesect is a great answer to one of Tapu Fini's best checks, Rillaboom.

Check out Choice Band Genesect in this SCL II week 2 match, Z Strats vs Ninja!

GP Team done