Hello everyone! Welcome to a new generation! Hopefully this gen will be as interesting as the past one. Let´s make a quick review of the new meta since the first games of the tier have been already played.
The "brokens"
All of the below listed Pokémon are the ones that we have had in the radar since the beginning of the generation, and after much testing and discussion about them, we are going to follow with a vote to see if we ban them or not. Before that, we wanted to share the overall opinion on each of these Pokémon to the public.
Scyther has been historically an auto ban since the first Little Cup tier to ever exist due to it's crazy high BST which gives it a huge natural bulk but also an insane speed and attack stats. Last generation it got even better with the addition of Dual Wingbeat to its movepool, which gave it an insane double hit of 60 bp each thanks to technician. But this generation, not only he lost that move but also Knock Off which was a big part of the kit. Not everything are bad news for scyther tho, Close Combat has been added to the kit which makes it have a way to beat the steel- types which would otherwise hard wall it. It's one of the strongest pokémon on the metagame right now without a doubt and it has been a strong point of debate in between the council. With the pressence of checks to it such as Wattrel, Magnemite and Growlithe and the always important x4 weakness to Stealth Rock (it can run Boots in exchange of the extra bulk of Eviolite) it is for us to consider if it's really broken or not.
Murkrow while not on the level of Scyther in terms of high BST has a very good typing which added to having a movepool (specially Tailwind and Quash) which pairs amazing with Prankster, makes of Murkrow a really scary pokemon to face. Not only that but it can also be a very scary offensive pokemon in both its special (Nasty Plot + Dark Pulse and Heat Wave or alternatively run 3 attacks with Hurricane) and physical (Brave Bird +Sucker Punch) variant. The main issue that Murkrow has it's how frail it is.
Misdreavus is another of those pokemon that has been historically banned almost on release in pretty much every generation. Same as Murkrow it doesn't reach the levels of Scyther in terms of BST. However, it has many qualities that show why Misdreavus is an arguably bannable pokemon. Having a 19 speed Will-o-Wisp has been proved last gen that is already unbelievable good, but not only that, Missy has acces to Nasty Plot and a vast coverage moves such as Thunderbolt, Psychic, Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam to name a few. If on top of all of that you add Teracrystalize, you can see why Misdreavus doesn't avoid to be in this list, as being able to change your type to give stab to whichever of the coverage moves you would want to boost by giving it STAB or alternatively beat your counters easier with Tera Blast is very good. Not everything is pros tho, Misdreavus has a 4MSS since it wants to have Tera Blast to hit the checks it has in Dunsparce and Pawniard but also wants to have SBall (or Hex if paired with WoW), without forgetting Thunderbolt to hit the all around flying-types, but also wants to have Will-o-Wisp to weaken the physical pokemon who would otherwise abuse it's lower Defense stat and Dark Pulse to beat other Misdreavus aswell as Girafarig. There is also to say that Misdreavus really shines when he is one of the faster pokemon in the metagame but with Scyther and Sneasel around makes it hard for it to actually sweep games.
Sneasel is, along with Scyther, the only auto ban since LC existed and this is because of its crazy offensive movepool, having STAB Knock Off with a base 95 Atk stat paired with also STAB Icicle Crash it's insane. But this is no more the case this generation since it lost Knock Off, leaving it with having Thief and Bite as the Dark- type STAB moves, which is a huge nerf to it. Defensively its typing isn't the best since it is x4 weak to fighting- type and x2 weak to rock-, steel- bug-, fairy- and fire- types. However offensively a pokemon with 23 speed inmune to fake out and intimidate makes it troublesome.
Dunsparce is a weird pokemon as it doesn't look that much of an issue by its look, however when you look closely and check out it's stats you start to understand why this pokémon can be an issue. With a natural bulk of 100/75/65 and acces to roost it's a really hard pokemon to kill. If on top of that you add other options such as Coil (for its physical variant) or Calm Mind (for its special variant); Dunsparce is a really hard pokemon to deal with. Additionally we have the Serene Grace effect which makes it have Headbutt and Air Slash flinch rates increased. However not everything is good. Dunsparce without set up is a rather mediocre pokemon as it has a very middling speed and without terastyilize, the typing it has is average at best.
The "Good"
All of the Pokémon that are going to be mentioned below are Pokémon that while they are doing very good, they don't seem to be as much of an inmediate menace to the metagame stability. Still they are very high valued pokemon right now and they deserve to be mentioned.
Wattrel is a really good offensive pokemon since thanks to the boost it gets if its under tailwind it can hit really hard with both its stabs in flying- and electric- type. It also have very good utility since it can also be an electric inmunity if chosen to be it and can set up tailwind itself.
Is one of the "none broken" top tiers. Being able to hit really hard while also set up hazards. It is also the only electric inmunity right now.
Girafarig is a weird one because while it's a really strong in stats pokemon it doesn't shine as much as it would like to (maybe because of the pressence of higher tier brokens), making it not see as much play as it would like too. It also has a number of checks in the dark types and heavy SpD bulky.
Meditite is there on the edge of brokeness, it doesn't really have any switch ins at all but its also a paper with not much speed on it. However, with terastylize it can avoid the weakness to flying- type by teracrystalizing to Steel type which also boosts Bullet Punch.
Impidimp got a huge buff with the addition of Parting Shot to its kit making it disrupt easier the opposing team.
Intimidate is such a valuable ability to have but not only that in a meta as stacked with threats weak to Will-o-Wisp/fire- type moves is very good. It's also pretty bulky which helps to deal with strong attacks to come.
Magnemite is insanely good in the current metagame as it walls a lot of the metagame and there's not really such a electric resist. Its also a very good check to a lot of the top pokemon since it resists psychic- and flying- type.
Rufflet is still the same pokemon as last generation, however its on the shadow of scyther and murkrow as the main flying right now. That doesn't make it a bad pokemon tho, its still the same have no switch in as long as it hits its moves pokemon.
Cetoddle with Belly Drum is a very threatning pokemon with stab ice shard and ice spinner boosted by sheer force is pretty good as a sweeper.
Glimmet is a pretty toxic pokémon (in a very specific way). Having a 16 speed setter which walls a lot of the top tier pokemon is really good.
Maschiff is surpringly good, both as an Intimidate user but also as a Stakeout Trick Room abuser, it can abuse both its set pretty effectively and it has good coverage for it.
Foongus does still what Foongus did last generation, be annoying by redirecting and sleeping pokemon. There's not much else to say to be honest it just helps a lot the other breakers.
Honorable mentions would go to










. All of this pokemon are up there to be good and reliable pokemon in the metagame on paper but they are yet to shine/be tested enough.
Lastly, apparently Tandemaus

does not learn the broken move Population Bomb, at least not at level 5. We are waiting for more info about this issue, and some update on Showdown to determinate what to do with the little mouse.
Please stay tuned for more news and the next vote later this week! We will keep looking for the sanity of the tier metagame. Thank you for reading and have a nice day.