Project Doubles Community Spotlight #11 - Frixel

please drop any more game recommendations you have, I'm sure I'll like em :D
if you're asking I GUESS i can share these but honestly the biggest things I'd recommend for you are games that aren't out yet (Balatro, Aethermancer)

i mean i had good times with Eternal and whatever else but they're kinda "I'm burnt out on hearthstone and want a hearthstone-like experience that isn't hearthstone" type of thing, which is why I dropped them even harder than I dropped hearthstone. lmao!

i'm not really sure what you play outside of card games / strategy games a la pokemon or tft or what have you, so idk if i have any other decent recommendations for you. do you play other stuff?
do you play other stuff?


i mean i had good times with Eternal and whatever else but they're kinda "I'm burnt out on hearthstone and want a hearthstone-like experience that isn't hearthstone" type of thing, which is why I dropped them even harder than I dropped hearthstone. lmao!

Yeah, this is my main issue with finding another digital card game to play. I have tried Shadowverse and Legends of Runeterra, but my interest kinda dwindles when the selling point is "its hearthstone with a bit more complexity." I will just go play Magic at that point. Digital CCG genre is dying out a bit and I think that is ok. I'll probably just wait for one that has as much fresh going on as 2013 HS.

I will check out your new game and keep an eye out for Balatro/Aethermancer, thank you!
For each sts class (except Watcher) what's a card you like way more than the community? Like a card you almost always instapick/buy when others wouldn't? Do you and croven have sts streams?
if you had full control over xy and sm (ban/unban whatever u want), what if any changes would u make and why.

why have you forsaken the silent, the real best character

how early do you take dark embrace on clad. in a similar vein, what cards do you like speculating on when playing clad (e.g. taking when they're dog ass in the hope of them being epic later, things like barricade corruption dropkick idk). been feeling like a decent bit of clad that i don't understand yet is when you take what prospectively. if you think this premise itself is kinda funky then pls say so and why

what is the best uncommon card in spire (excluding watchers)

fmk nobbers laga sentries

do you have any go-to meals u make / what is ur favorite thing to cook

why are you sus


Hi Xrn, thank you for taking the time to do this interview. Could you tell us a little bit about yourself?
hi!! tyvm for having me happy to do an interview. I graduated from college in 2023 and currently work in marketing. Draft turned Smogon Doubles turned Smogon Singles turned Whatever The Fuck mainer

Could you explain the origins of your username and what it means?
Would love to give some deep backstory but it's very uninteresting. Didn't have like a dedicated online username when I started playing Showdown in mid 2015 and was feeling very uncreative so I just keyboard mashed in Xrn476. Ended up making friends under the name and Xrn seemed like a good enough name so I just stuck with it since then.

How did you get into competitive Pokemon, and Doubles specifically?
The first time I really learned about competitive Pokemon was from Black & White Wi-Fi Battles from YouTubers like shofu and ThePikaWu. Immediately I thought it was super cool but I never tried playing competitively myself until I found Showdown from some YouTube video a few months after XY came out I wanna say. I never used the site frequently tho until like mid 2015 when I made the Xrn476 account and started playing NU. Then I was lucky enough to make great long lasting friends very quickly and joined some private room where I spent most of my time on PS for a while. One day that room hosted a draft league for the members and I fell in love with the format, mainly playing draft for the rest of ORAS. From early 2017 to mid 2019 I kept playing draft and moving up in the community until I had done nearly everything I wanted to and stopped having much fun with the format. I came back for what was meant to be a short stint in 2020 to manage DraftPL, but I got sucked back in completely with COVID and started having fun again with a laid back approach. Anyway mid 2020 is the first time I seriously played any DOU (I tried it a couple times prior s/o ClaimingRobin/RobinTheUltraLoser), laddering to test the teams SEA built for her seasonal run. That phase didn't last too long but I got back into DOU in time to play Spring Seasonal in 2021 and played the tier for the rest of the year. The main draw to me was how different it was from any of the singles formats I was used to, and the variety of formats is a big part of why mons always drags me back. In 2022 I primarily played OU & some Ubers but with the release of SV I felt motivated to come back to DOU and have been active since then.

After going for 14.5k in SCL, you more than proved your worth with an incredible 9-1 record. How do you look back on the tournament and your time working with Lunar?
SCL was a ton of fun, partially because I won a lot but also working with Lunar (and SEA and Tony and the rest of the Platoon) was amazing. I wasn't sure if I'd be playing OU or DOU going into the auction but the idea of getting a chance to start DOU definitely excited me. The Platoon was the only team to contact me specifically about DOU and ask who I’d want for support, which was always Lunar after DPL on the Sp_ndas. I didn't directly work with him that tour but he was a joy to have around and I got to see the formats best players sing his praises as a support. The cherry on top was I knew our schedules aligned pretty well which made working together straightforward. We'd bounce ideas and put together builds for the first few ideas (his were usually better) then grind out games in call on Thursday and use whatever remaining days to finalise. We ended up sharing fairly similar views on pkmn too, most of the stress in prep was from me doomering rather than any disagreements. Genuinely couldn't have asked for a better partner, am very happy the auction worked out and the Platoon were able to afford him. To talk a bit about myself I think my prep strategy of “listen to Lunar” is the best approach by far and I was happy enough with my play for the most part. I think I played every game pretty accurately but would have 1 or 2 major errors in most games that heavily set me back. Those missteps had consequences ranging from having to take more RNG reliant paths, getting into avoidable game deciding 50/50s, or quite simply relying on my opponent to fuck up in return. Not sure I get away with those in a stronger DOU pool, but still proud I always rebounded from my fuck ups.

What are your thoughts on the current state of the DOU metagame?
Have played very little of the DLC2 DOU metagame but it seems fairly similar to the DLC1 metagame in the sense that games are good as long as both players use good teams. Like before Flutter is extremely powerful and there are arguments to be made that it's broken but I don't think it's tier ruining at all. Unsure if I'll play the format in DPL but definitely looking forward to OSDT this year.

How do you look back on your OSDT run wherein you made it to top 16? What were your expectations going into it and what were your favorite moments during the tournament?
Honestly going into the tournament I didn't expect shit LOL, I signed up for the sake of it just like in 2022. It started at the same time as WCOP and was in an unfamiliar metagame so I intended to put in minimal effort as shown by me loading the same 2 teams for half of swiss. Unfortunately South's WCOP run ended in pools so I think R4 onwards I at least started stealing any cool teams I saw other people load. I believe R6 is when I dropped my first set to Nido-Rus and once the undefeated run was over I was like “ok I'm ready for this tour to end fuck this metagame” and then rfn’d bage1 for R7 and played a shitty set. I was so ready for the tour to be over at R8 but then I got RelicanthPrimal and I was like man I don't really wanna lose this one so I won and then R9 it's like whatever might as well try to get top cut so I did. By top cut I still wasn't enjoying the format but I figured at this point I might as well do some prep so I made an effort to do so against both Lemurro and Meminger21, though most of my ideas were pretty shit. My run did end against Meminger21 and after the set I wasn't too sad but I did feel like “man if I was just a bit better right now that was so doable” and looking back I do regret not putting more into the tournament, but he definitely deserved it more than me. My most enjoyable set was probably against tyo R2 or R3 I remember that being fun. Favorite part of the tour by far tho was clicking Last Respects and shitposting about Basculegion free my guy

What have been your favorite sets you've played so far? And what opponent were you most nervous for? What was your Happiest win? Is there Anyone you're looking forward to fighting in particular?
My favorite games this year are probably both from SCL, W2 vs qsns and W5 vs Nails. Against qsns I was extremely comfortable with the time I brought and my mistakes were smaller than usual. We got into a really cool end game where I didn't have the time to map everything out, so it was essentially just trusting my gut and clicking on instinct. Against Nails I was much less comfortable with my team because we had to play earlier in the week but I was still confident that it was a strong bring. He played a strong early game while I made one or two small errors. I rebounded in the mid game to set up nicely for a Gholdengo win but failed to call the no Grass move Ogerpon as I greed a second Nasty Plot and it redirects my Pollen Puff, throwing away my Gholdengo. For the 6 next turns I clawed back a win with Iron Hands by correctly calling every turn.
Nails was also probably the only opponent I've been nervous for this generation, an extremely solid player that lots of people struggle to figure out and we only had a few days of prep time.
Happiest win is really close between SV Kickoff finals vs xqiht, Nails again, or SCL semis vs zee. Kickoff was my first tour back to taking DOU seriously so I was really happy to win it, but xqiht wasn't very established at the time so the win didn't feel as sweet. Going into my match against Nails I was coming off of my two worst games of the tournament so getting a good win against the consensus best player meant a lot to me. As for the zee game my confidence was at an all-time high going into G10 of semifinals with my team down 4-5, it had some of my most egregiously bad turns of the tour but after fucking myself over I found the winning line with less than 10 seconds remaining to send my team to tiebreak.
Most of the players I'd really like to play in tournament seem impossible to ever play for one reason or another. Out of active players I guess I want to fight bage1 as he's one of the most hyped players right now. I've played him a million times on ladder but our only tour set was in OSDT while I was tilted out of my mind and I have him a horrid series. Would like to give him a better game.

What do you think is your most iconic team, and why?
I don't think I have any truly iconic teams, closest would be or
The first is a variation of the Sun HO 6 I spammed in OSDT swiss. There were other players using ⅚ with Basculegion>Tsareena but I threw it together before realising fish is broken and never changed it. The second is the only new team I felt confident in bringing to OSDT top cut, nothing here is too fancy but I don't think I had seen anyone else use the 6 or anything super similar. Red Spect Redemption used it to win a few games in their run to win Derby and I saw it pop up a few times during Homefield too.

What has been your favorite part about Doubles and its community? And is there anything you would like to see done differently or added to Doubles and/or its community?
My favorite part about the Doubles community is how much it's players care about trying to improve it, even when I heavily disagree it's nice to see. Seeing these barely existent tiers like ADV and DPP be built up to the point where they are now is really cool. NatDex was more of a meme than anything when I started playing, something new players came into the DOU room asking about and got told it wasn't/wouldn't be a thing, and now the format is quite popular. It's obvious how much the community cares about their tours too, with frequent discussion about new tour ideas or how to improve old ones. That being said I think we should make zoe supreme overlord of DOU and also add retains to DPL.

Are there any non-doubles tiers that you enjoy playing?
Plenty. I don't play draft anymore but like I mentioned in a previous question that was the only format I played for years. I enjoy playing CG OU in officials like OST/WCOP/SPL. Other tiers I've enjoyed playing over the past couple years are ADV Ubers, ADV UU, BW ZU, and ORAS PU. VGC is quite fun too if it counts, have no clue if I'll ever play IRL but thoroughly enjoyed my couple times playing it on Smogon.

Do you have any goals with regards to Smogon/Tournaments for the future?
I don't have many specific long-term goals, I'm here to enjoy competing in a game I enjoy alongside friends and I promised myself whenever I stop enjoying it I'm out. My goals right now are to go positive in SPL after a break from OU, and to give my best efforts to OSDT as opposed to last year. My lone long-term goal is to win WCOP with South, I really want to do that before I stop playing.

What’s your favorite Pokemon, and why?
My favorite Pokemon changes pretty often so here are all of my common answers:
Scizor (base or regular) - MSciz was my favorite mon to use in current gen ORAS OU/draft, Scizor as a whole kept growing on me since then. Sick design and love using it
Yanmega - drafted it once and quickly became my favorite quirky pick, dopamine dragonfly
Haunter - silly little guy, love it in the anime
Pawmi - cute as frick
Wugtrio - funny

What are your hobbies and interests outside of playing Pokémon?
I like playing tennis, watch some anime, and I rarely play now but love watching SSBM. In general I don't play games besides competitive Pokemon too much these days but last year I really liked Tears of the Kingdom and finally finished Hollow Knight, will always love Fire Emblem too. Also been making an effort to get better at cooking and fitness which I'm not always great at LOL but do enjoy.

If you could add an emoji to doucord which one would it be?

What is your favorite food?
Chicken parm just hits

Are you a dog person or a cat person?
I'm cool with dogs but ohmygod it's cats by far I love them dearly here are mine :DD



If you could have a lifetime supply of anything, what would it be?
I mean like, money. yeah. I thought about saying cat food but that's probably stupid just give me infinite rice that'll work

Who would you like to see being interviewed next, if anyone?
Some personal picks would be God Lunar, Future Doubles Overlord zoe, or SCL Champion zee. Other people I think the community would like to see are fan favorite bage1 or recent DLC2 Kickoff winner Jello. Plenty of good choices imo!!

Is there anyone you would like to give a shoutout or have any other kind words for?
thank you to all the friends I've made over the years thru pkmn whether they be from PS, Draft, or Smogon!! doubt I'd still be playing without y'all
special shout-out to best friend SEA for inspiring me to try DOU and Smogon

Hi! Could you tell us about yourself?
Hi I'm Bagel! I'm a university student studying data analytics. Outside of Pokemon my main interests include the NBA, building Legos (I should do this more), Anime and thinking about how cool it would be to watch all the movies I know I would love. I become pretty single-minded when I become interested in something and I tend not to focus on many different interests at the same time. I generally only play 1 not-pokemon game at a time (currently Persona 5) and I follow non-NBA sports much more casually. You can see this from the unhealthy amount of ladder games I managed to accumulate this past year.

How did you come to pick your username?
This is so simple that I'll always remember it. So back in the ancient times of Elementary/Middle School I would pack my lunch and almost always bring a bagel, so my "code name" was Bagel (no one actually called me this luckily). Sometime later I would transfer that to only game usernames, Bagel was already taken in Clash of Clans so my genius came up with theyummybagel and I've stuck with the brand ever since.

How did you get into competitive Pokemon and what made you play and stick with Doubles?
When Sun and Moon originally came out my favorite part ended up being grinding the Battle Tree after the game, and I found my way to the Showdown ladder when that was the current gen. I think I played mostly UU because I wanted to use Mimikyu lol. I promptly forgot about comp mons for a while until a Discord Server I joined (totally unrelated to pokemon) hosted for fun tournaments of various formats which I would join. Eventually in 2022 big pichu hosted a DOU tour and I was like yo this is gas. I started off not great but grinded ladder like and eventually won the tour. I eventually joined DOUcord and saw an emma + Nails + Redacted recap of a week of SCL II had been posted. Watching high level DOU with high level discussion kinda exploded my brain and then I was hooked.

Congratulations on winning the coveted Invitationals ribbon in your first year! How does it feel? Did you ever expect to be so successful in your debut year?
Obviously it feels great but I'm not really sure if it has set in yet haha. The only other game I seriously put any sort of effort into playing competitively was Clash Royale (lol) and I wasn't even that good, so it feels weird to have any sort of success in a competitive gaming sphere. I definitely didn't expect to have any sort of success at the start of the year, but as the year progressed and I practiced more I did eventually gain confidence in myself to win games. I think it helped when I started to take everything one game at a time rather than looking at a whole tour or schedule.


bage1 became the seventh Invitationals winner after beating qsns in the finals.
You really went through the gauntlet for Invitationals, can you walk us through some of your thought process and expectations for your sets against Nido-Rus, Feyy, zee, and of course the fated finals against qsns?
vs Nido - I had already come to terms with the fact that I was going to play one of qsns or Nido round 1 and it was going to be annoying either way because I test with both of them a lot. The meta was new and I was convinced the KLIFO archetype was just The Best so I basically went with that 3x. I had some more radical options that I shied away from because I am a coward and they would have turned out better for me lol. This set definitely helped me understand the value of customizing your teams and team selection to your opponent in tournaments. I had a general idea of what Nido might bring but mostly disregarded that and brought stuff I was comfortable with and that made the set much more difficult. I still use "bring what I like" as a baseline but customizing for my opponent is something much more in the forefront of my mind.

vs Feyy - I had lost to Feyy in both OSDT and SCL so I was kinda paranoid lol. It feels arrogant to say but in general I think I'm a better builder than Feyy so I really wanted to make sure I got a jump there. The main things I was keeping in mind with my teams were to make sure I didn't lose to either crazy hyper offense stuff or any weird setup pokemon strategies. I brought Trick Room game 2 because I thought it would be both unexpected coming from me and good into the Tailwind offense that was in Feyy's range. This set gave me a lot of confidence as a player/builder as I felt pretty in control for the entire set.

vs zee - Another good friend that I was not looking forward to playing against. I talked about this in my teamdump but I REALLY didn't want to lose to any crazy Smeargle shenanigans so I wanted my teams to be "cheese-proof" so to speak. I feel like this set was won mostly in the builder. During both games I pretty much got to click buttons without having to make many difficult decisions because I had such a matchup advantage in both games.

vs qsns - Now this felt like some real anime shit lmao. qsns is without a doubt the #1 reason why I've improved so much this year. Basically ever since mid-OSDT time they have been so willing to help/test/share ideas and I can't thank them enough. Naturally this meant playing them was a significant nerf because I didn't have them around to make all my dumb ideas not dumb. This was literally the final boss lmao. We originally scheduled for Saturday but on Monday we were like this sucks ass we have to wait around a whole week and can't talk to each other about mons so we were like ok let's just play early in the week. Fun log:

Bagel — 01/14/2024 4:20 PM
if i block you sometime this week no hard feelings its just to stop myself from sending you the teams im gonna bring

I go over the teams I brought in my team dump but Farfromani was supremely helpful for this set. I had built like 20 teams on Monday and that night they helped me narrow down to 4 ideas and refine the teams into something that won. We have played so many test games and have such a good feel for how the other plays the game that I really had no idea how the set would go. I tried not to get in my head about making plays that qsns wouldn't expect or something like that, and I guess it worked out.

OSDT III was another remarkable high point of success for you, with a major top 16 finish until losing against Feyy. This being your first successful individual tournament, what was the preparation and thought process like throughout? Your set against SMB was voted as Best DOU match of 2023; do you feel in hindsight this was your favorite set, or do you prefer another one?
For OSDT I think I was mostly vibing at the start as I didn't really have many expectations for myself. I beat Mishimono (link to set) and Ratpacker (link to set) in rounds 3/4 and after that I was like "wait a second maybe I can do good..." Then after the SMB set I really started to tryhard and aim for top-cut. The SMB set is definitely my favorite of the year, both games were extremely close twists and turns, and really good plays from both sides. All I remember from playing is that I had an insane adrenaline rush. But I think I'll always remember this set as being the first time I beat a truly top-tier player.

What do you feel you did wrong against Feyy to lose in top 16; do you feel like overcoming this loss helped you improve?
So the only thing I remember about this set is that I felt I threw game 1 and then got crit in game 3 which obviously negates all my mistakes and makes me the rightful OSDT champion. (Will now rewatch the set)

Ok I don't really remember the mindset I was in at the time but it does look like I was just in the "bring teams I like and it will be fine" attitude with my team selection and not really considering what Feyy might bring. In game 3 I lost to Feyy using Curse/Iron Head/Dragon Tail/Protect Goodra-H which I don't really blame past-Bagel for not expecting lol. If I'm being honest with myself I don't really think I grew as much as a player as I could have after this set.

With DPL 10 looming around, prospective mock drafts have rated you very high (around a 28k average); how do you feel about this? Does it add on to a pressure to perform, or does it feel good to be rated amongst the most valuable players? What does your optimal DPL team / experience look like?
Seeing the extremely high mock numbers makes me feel a weird combination of terror and pride. It feels great to have my skill appreciated by others but it also puts a lot of pressure on me in what will be just my 2nd DPL. Even though I just won Invis I still view myself as a newcomer that has a lot to learn so it's weird being seen as a top-tier player. A dream DPL team scenario for me has me on a team with people I enjoy talking to, while maintaining an active, upbeat, and competitive environment. Ideally I want to win as much as possible of course, but honestly I'd prefer good vibes and first and foremost.


bage1 ended up getting drafted by previous winners Spikemuth Spectral Thieves for 25k, making him their marquee player, starting round 1 with a massive highlight match against Paraplegic.
Speaking of DPL, one of your breakthrough tournaments was DPL 9 where Memoric drafted you for the Tohjo Tramplers's DUU slot. What was your team tournament first experience like?
I had no idea what I was doing lmao. I was so new that I didn't really know anyone on my team or what the expectations were for team tours. The Tramplers ended up having a bit of an up and down season but it was a good experience overall and it definitely helped me grow as a builder and player.

Your post-DPL team dump made it look like you carried a heavy building burden, combining the duties of delivering several SV DOU teams while also figuring out the nebulous DUU metagame; did you feel satisfied with your building and performance, or do you feel like fewer duties would've made you perform better?
I was still so new to DOU and the community so I'm sure that focusing on less tasks at once would have produced better results wherever I did end up putting the majority of my focus. I do think that I helped our team with my building while still going positive in the DUU slot and I'm satisfied with what I was able to accomplish.

After going 4-3 in DUU for the Tohjo Tramplers for 10.5k, bage1 made two separate post-DPL teamdumps: one for SV DOU and one for SV DUU.

The inaugural Doubles Derby saw you debut as a manager with big pichu for the Twinleaf Turboblaze. What was your experience managing like? Did you feel satisfied with your draft and preparations? The Turboblaze ended up self-buying you for 13k, but you never found a consistent rhythm, playing 4 different tiers to varying success; what happened?
I don't remember the exact timeline but I remember feeling like I was in a bit of a slump around the time of Derby while also thinking 13k was a good deal as a self-buy. I felt like a lot of my value at the time was my familiarity with nearly all the tiers, and I tried to help out with testing and building everywhere I could. I originally slotted into DPP and got thrashed by GOAT Farfromani which didn't help with my confidence at the time lol as I considered DPP maybe my strongest tier at the time. I slotted into DUU (vs Actuarily) and DLC (vs John1240) as a sub when our mains couldn't be there and ended up winning both, but unfortunately lost the SV DOU playoff tiebreaker vs robjr. As for the draft, pichu and I had a pretty lax spreadsheet covering who we were interested in for each tier and generally how much we wanted to spend, etc. I do think we could have drafted better strategy-wise, but I don't regret drafting anyone on the team at all, everyone was fun to talk to and I thought we had great vibes (I hope everyone else did too). I had a great time managing and hopefully pichu and I are in a place where we can sign up to manage the Turboblaze again for this year's edition of Derby.


logo courtesy of Farfromani
What was your SCL experience like, initially starting out as Meminger21's support but being promoted to starter? Did you feel a lot of nerves, or were you confident you could perform on this biggest stage?
I had absolutely 0 expectation that I would be drafted, so I was already the "happy to be there" guy on the team. Meminger is an awesome player and 100% better than their record. I think starting off as support benefitted me a lot, by the time I was promoted to starter I felt a lot less pressure (still a lot I was nervous af for the JRL game in particular). I think I could have done a lot better as a support for Meminger as I only really realized midway through the main differences between us as players and our preferences in team choice. I wish I did a better job catering to them while I was a player, although I do think there needs to be a balance between yes-man and devils advocate-type support, as not all ideas are gonna work out obviously. I did try to keep this in mind when supporting other players in SCL once my team was eliminated, as well as during DWCOP.


As per usual, bagel made a teamdump for the teams built and used during SCL III and DWCOP IV, respectively.
It wasn't just DOU you found success in this year, but your DUU Invitationals win and 17-7 record made you a standout in our premier lower tier as well. What kind of differences are there between DOU and DUU playing- and building-wise; what was the reason you stood out in this field in particular?
I don't think there is much of a difference playing-wise. Mons is mons and the SV DUU power level is really high and has been for most of the gen. In my opinion if a player is generally good at doubles they can be good at DUU given they take the time to explore and learn the meta. Building-wise I think DUU is more flexible than DOU, and rewards identifying meta trends and exploiting those trends more so than in DOU. As I mentioned before I think taking the time to explore the meta is a big thing, which is probably why I did so well (link to post-DUU Invitationals teamdump). I have no life and was obsessed with Pokemon, so I was able to build with a ton of pokemon, play a ton of games, and flesh out a ton of ideas. For me personally it felt like a brute force method of building at times. DUU can honestly seem kind of overwhelming with so many potentially viable Pokemon to consider, but I generally use the age-old strategy of sorting the builder by BST.

How are you feeling about SV DOU right now, is it in a good place or are there any problematic elements you'd like to see tiering action on? How do you reflect on pre-Home SV DOU; do you feel like the tier has improved since?
I enjoy SV DOU right now, as I enjoy winning and I've been winning recently. However I would really really really love to see a Flutter Mane suspect/ban. I can see the arguments for it not being broken in the past metagame (although I think running a double suspect was a poor idea in hindsight) but now I think the meta-environment is even more favorable to Flutter Mane than before. Compared to pre-home SV DOU this metagame is waaaaaaay better. Once that meta got figured out it was very samey, there were just not enough options to create a fun metagame.

Besides your successes in current generation Doubles, you were also a key figure in especially the starting days of DPP and subsequently got nominated as one of the tier's best players of 2023; what is compelling about DPP specifically and how do you enjoy it when compared to SV DOU?
I love DPP because of how the tier manages to balance a fast pace with low power level as well as its ever changing metagame. Every turn in a DPP game can feel high-leverage because of how important every bit of HP can be. OHKOs are very rare (especially since the Latios ban) due to a good balance of bulk and damage output. Every choice in the builder feels crucial, and the lack of team preview offers a whole other level of gameplay (that I personally feel is more interesting than in ADV but I am biased).

You were also a mainstay in the scheduled old gens room tournaments; can you rank your favorite to least favorite old gens tiers, and explain why? Also what are your favorite Pokemon in every respective oldgen?
:rhyperior: DPP - see above
:tapu-koko: SM - I'm a noob still but I really like the interactions between Z-moves and 50% berries as well as the positional gameplay. It is also the only old gen where tailwind is common and dynamic speed doesn't exist yet.
:sylveon: XY - I consider myself level above noob but like every XY game I watch is a banger and the hyper-centralized dynamic of the meta feels really unique when playing. It's the type of meta where I feel you could have a 5 mon mirror but each team functions in totally different ways (please correct me if wrong).
:genesect: SS - I Like SS! Just not as much as the other ones. It's like SM-lite but the differences make a big difference. No Megas = SAD, No Z-moves = SAD, Tapu Koko is less viable = SAD, unnerfed Grassy Glide = SAD
:tyranitar: BW - I'm even lower than noob so I lose and I don't like losing. Also known as skill issue. I enjoy watching BW but I just have not put in the work to really understand the meta.
:gengar: (ADV) - this doesn't count because I haven't played a game of post-Latias ADV

Do you recall your first Doubles set, any memory what it was like? Did you fall in love with Doubles from the start?
As I mentioned above my first doubles set was actually in a for fun Discord tour hosted by big pichu, and yes I did fall in love from the start. But for my first forum doubles set I don't actually remember anything about the actual games lmao. I do remember having a box full of banned pokemon and discussing with pichu which ones would be the best. I like to think I played a hard fought 2 games taking each to the wire but I probably got wiped lmao.

Throughout 2023 you played an immense 100 sets and 207 games. What would you say were your favorite matches to play, your favorite ones to prepare for, and the most intimidating players you have faced thus far? If you were to point one set or game in particular, which has been your proudest?
Favorite to play:
vs SMB OSDT swiss
Favorite to prep for: vs qsns Invis finals after I got over the immediate depression. I basically just went on a 3-4 hour mons binge.
Most intimidating: I know I was scared af when I played Actuarily for DPL and it really affected my play I think. SMB and JRL are both players that have built quite a reputation and always are a bit scary to play.
Proudest: Honestly I don't know if I can think of a specific set or game that stands out among the rest in this regard. I can give the cop-out answer of "the whole year" but that is kinda boring so I'll throw out a couple. My set vs SMB in OSDT, Invis finals vs qsns, DUU invis finals vs Nido, and a huge throwback to a set I had vs JRL in Winter ssnl where I was still a noob but managed to take a game of of him. JRL was super encouraging after that set and it really motivated me to improve.

You also won DOU's Best Builder award, have constantly provided influential team dumps, and have been a mainstay in the sample teams rotation. What is your approach to building like that makes you so strong in this part of the game? And what has been your proudest and/or favorite team you've built this year?
I don't think I have a particularly unique approach to team building tbh, I just try to use the Good Pokemon. I sort by BST in the builder a lot lmao. Also for every successful team that I bring there are at least 10 major stinkers that came before it. I think I probably test my teams more than most DOU players and that is probably my biggest advantage. As much as people trash on ladder I think it is a great place to stress-test teams and get an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. Of course I also play a ton of test games with friends as well.

My favorite team that I’ve built this year is probably this:
It's from pre-home but it was the first team I had serious success with both on ladder and in tournaments that I felt was truly “mine”. I think I topped the ladder for the first time using this team as well as took a game off of JRL with this team in the winter seasonal. Looking back at it is really funny because of course now there is so much I could change, but it really is a quintessential bage1 team. Ultrafat with Glimmora, Ting-Lu, and Gyarados which are 3 of my favorite mons to use. When I first started playing I was obsessed with the Nails hazardstack teams from SCL II and it had a big impact on my building ever sense as you can see here lol.

Awards, ribbons, and trophies came showering down on you this year, as you unsurprisingly were crowned Best New Player. However, quite interestingly you were a major name in all of the ladder categories as well. As you said you managed over 7000+ ladder games this year I'm wondering: how much do you feel like laddering helped you improve as a player? Did it make for a strong basis when you started, and do you feel like you're still improving from it now?
Ladder definitely helped a ton when I was a new player. I think simply playing lots of Pokemon is one of the biggest reasons for my early success. There are good players that play the ladder every day but even just playing against wacky hard TR or mono-water teams can help you understand how to play more polarizing matchups. Now I don't think the DOU ladder is as helpful in developing my skills as a player but as I mentioned above I consider it a valuable tool for testing teams and I recommend everyone use it as an easy place to just grind out games and get familiar with teams. Pretty much every team I brought to an important game had at least an hour of ladder/test games behind it. However I have been playing the VGC bo3 ladder semi-regularly and I do think that has helped me quite a bit recently even if it's a different format. I would highly recommend grabbing a team from somewhere and playing some games, the player quality is really high, even lower on the ladder.

You somehow managed to win Rookie of the Year *and* Most Improved Player; I'm not sure how that works but it does speak on your standing within the community, as do all of the shoutouts in dozens of winposts across the forum. Who and what have been the key influences and helpers that have inspired your meteoric rise to success? If a new player were to try to emulate your success, what would you suggest they do?
Yeah I'm not sure how I get to qualify for both awards either but I do think from last January to now I have gotten waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better as a Pokemon player. Players such as qsns and Nido-Rus have been extremely helpful over the course of the year by letting me bug them for games and offering high-quality advice. Honestly the biggest thing that helped me was exposing myself to high-level players and gameplay. I mentioned before that I watch Emma and Nails' weekly SCL II recaps (all of the recaps are linked in that thread) and I seriously think those accelerated my understanding of doubles significantly. Honestly I would recommend people go back to watch those if they are interested. Please watch good players and pay attention to what they are saying. Even non-DOU formats I think have been helpful to me. I consume a lot of VGC and Singles content as well and I think it has all helped me grow as a player.

Despite such a busy first year and ribbon success you're showing no signs of stopping, still gaming on every day. It's clear you want more, so I'm wondering: do you have any set goals for the future?
I've played DOU so much because I love the format first and foremost. I didn't set out to win anything in particular and I would probably be satisfied even without winning anything else (given I play to my best abilities). However I would love to win a team tour eventually, the collaborative team environment is always so fun and it would be a great win as a team.

You've also joined the Doubles council, have become a part of the analysis writing crew, and have been dropping major metagame posts all across the forum. From your positions, do you have any goals for contributing this year?
Once again, nothing in particular. I've just been sharing my thoughts about a made-up Pokemon format that I enjoy. My goal is basically to help steer the tier in a direction that prioritizes the enjoyment of the player base as much as possible, however that may be.

:ogerpon-wellspring: -> 1
bage1 made an extensive post-Invitationals Viability Ranking nominations post that is worth checking out

Just over a year doesn't seem that long, but speaking for myself it definitely feels like I've known you for longer than that. It's been a busy year with many achievements for you, so I'm curious about what you feel like were your favorite moments in 2023 Doubles? What have been your favorite parts of being in the community so far? And if you could change anything about Doubles, what would you do?
My favorite moment this year is probably the creation of Doubles Derby. It felt extremely awesome that the community collectively was like "we love pokemon lets play more" and managed to create a highly competitive tournament that spurred growth and development in a multitude of niche tiers.
I do think a lot of the "drama" in DOU this past year could probably have been sidestepped or mitigated with better communication and open-mindedness from all around so I guess that's what I would change?

Are there any other tiers you're interested in playing? I heard rumbles about bagel in VGC :eyes: can we expect you to be poached by that other side of Doubles? And have you ever thought about playing singles tiers?
I've mentioned VGC a bit in this interview and am interested in getting more involved but the thought of getting a legal team in-game kills all motivation for me lmao. I am interested in eventually getting more involved with more online tours however. I don't expect I'll ever leave Smogon Doubles as the unique dynamics of 6v6 Doubles are significantly more interesting to me than bring 6 pick 4. I've played different singles formats very casually on ladder over the year and recently signed up for my first singles tournament on Smogon which I have enjoyed so I expect to join more this upcoming year

if you read this far you owe it to bage1 to give him a like on his
RU Seasonals signup and cheer him on!!

What is the best random Pokemon format?
For its competitive merit: Benjamin Butterfree Random Battles (note: semi-playable on
For its enjoyment: [Gen 7] BSS Factory

What are your favorite Pokemon from a competitive and personal perspective, respectively?
Competitive: Glimmora. Love this guy, awesome combination of long-term and short term value as well as having great offensive and defensive utility.

Personal: Aipom. My first exposure to Pokemon ever was playing the TCG with some neighbors that I would babysit and for some reason they had an Aipom card which I thought was cute. Then I watched the Diamond Pearl Platinum anime and was a big Aipom fan there as well.

Unfortunately, amongst all your confusion, it turns out Invitationals doesn't reward a custom avatar anymore. Though if it did, what would your ideal CA look like?
My gut says Fairy Miku + either Sylveon or Scream Tail. But some new custom Dawn Sprite + Aipom also would be very epic. Don't let me fantasize about this too much. I'll give myself too many ideas.


You can usually find theyummybagel using either the Dawn Masters avatar or the SCL III Circuit Breakers custom avatar

As a fan of both the Indiana Pacers and Oklahoma City Thunder, if you had to pick one team to go the distance for a ring, which one do you choose?
This is so painful. There is a higher chance that I would be able to go to a Pacers finals game in person so I will choose them as a tiebreaker. Although if the Thunder make the finals I'd try to find a way to go to that in person as well. Don't take it the wrong way Dad1 I'm sorry. If they played each other in the finals I would root for an intense 7 game series with no injuries and be satisfied with either team winning.

Speaking of which, how do you feel about the recent Pascal Siakam trade, wherein the Pacers gave up Bruce Brown and assets? With Tyrese Haliburton's surge to stardom, would you capitalize now and make win-now trades, or do you believe in the developmental flexibility of the roster?
I'm a fan (given Siakam re-signs). It's really hard for a small market team like the Pacers to get players of his calibur outside of the draft and the picks we gave up aren't that valuable. I don't think this puts us into championship contention or anything but Siakam seems like a perfect fit with our current team. We needed some size and defense at the 4 and Siakam's complementary playmaking is going to be a huge help. I think if Jarace Walker and Ben Mathurin take some steps we could be a real threat.

More importantly, do you believe Kelly Olynyk moves the needle for an OKC championship run? Where do you, as a clearly non-biased viewer, stand on the rookie of the year debate between Wembanyama and Holmgren? What would you like to see the OKC do with their mountain of assets?
I can't get behind the dad1 Olynyk propaganda. Rather than another stretch big I would prefer to get a bigger wing that can give the Luka's and Taytum's of the league a bit more trouble. Re: Wemby vs Chet I think Chet is having a better ROOKIE season as a clear winning player on both offense and defense. I will concede that Wemby has significantly higher upside and expect him to turn out better than Chet in the long run.

Can you present us a 3x3 of your favorite anime, the ones that have made the biggest impact on you, and explain why we all should watch it/what it means to you?

1 - Kyousougiga: At its core this is a very personal family drama that's been dressed up with fantasy/sci-fi shenanigans. Love the characters and their dynamics. This is directed by Rie Matsumoto who is one of my favorite directors and visually the show is filled with a bombastic energy that has become characteristic of her works. Lots of very fun character and action animation throughout the show.
2 - KareKano: GOAT romance anime. The 2 leads are some of my favorite characters of all time and they have great chemistry. KareKano is the kind of show that can jump from serious introspective melodrama to off-the-walls slapstick at the drop of a hat but it manages to navigate the tone perfectly. This show has some of my favorite animation ever, the characters are so expressive and the character animation in particular is constantly inventing new ways to entertain and surprise.
3 - Nijiiro Hotaro: This is like the quintessential summer movie for me. It captures the feeling of “summer vacation in the countryside” perfectly while weaving a compelling multi-layered drama narrative. Once again, visuals are a big reason why I love this film so much, as the flowy, almost messy animation style and gorgeous backgrounds complement the narrative perfectly.
4 - Cowboy Bebop: This is a classic that hopefully I don’t have to shill to put on people’s radars. This was one of the first anime I ever watched and it has really stuck with me. The emotional breadth of the show is kinda insane. I rewatched like 5 minutes to find the screenshot I wanted and I was already hit in the feels. So now I will need to rewatch this show again.
5 - Evangelion: I love stories that can tell deeply personal tales through the backdrop of world-ending drama. Evangelion is one of the GOATs at this for me. The world could end but it's every character's relationships, choices, and growth that really affect the outcome rather than political scheming or military efforts.
6 - Angel’s Egg: The artsiest thing here for sure. Angel’s Egg is the type of story that has a different meaning to just about everyone that watches it. I love its brooding, gothic tone that really nothing else comes close to emulating in anime. There’s barely any dialogue throughout its entire runtime but I still find Angel’s Egg to be one of the most engaging anime I’ve seen from start to finish.
7 - FLCL: This is probably as close as one can get to a stylistically perfect anime in my opinion. FLCL is probably most known for its explosive action animation and wacky concepts, but to me what really makes the show are the quiet moments of introspection and downtime in between the orchestrated chaos. The main themes are very relatable, and I love all of the main cast dearly. This is the anime I have rewatched the most and every time I think I connect more with a different character.
8 - Liz and the Blue Bird: Honestly this is due for a rewatch. I don't think I can do this movie justice right now tbh. This portrays maybe my favorite relationship in anime while being one of the most gorgeous films I’ve ever seen bar none. This is a spinoff to the Hibike! Euphonium series but you don’t really need to watch that to enjoy this (although I recommend it).
9 - SSSS.DYNAZENON: The most recent thing here. The main cast is one of my favorites of all time and I love how the show balances the realism of the characters and their relationships with the fantastical elements of Kaiju and Tokusatsu tropes. This is another story which explores intimate themes and relationships by using big bombastic action which I am a sucker for. Visually the show mirrors this approach with a lot of small, contemplative moments contrasting with big theatrical action sequences. Dynazenon is one of the shows that made me feel “holy shit modern TV anime is still awesome as fuck” and I’m really glad shows like this can still be made. The quasi-prequel SSSS.GRIDMAN is also awesome and I highly recommend it as well.

Similarly, can you make us a 3x3 of your favorite characters? Interpret 'favorite' however you want...

1 - Yukino from KareKano
2 - Asuka from Evangelion
3 - Koto from Kyousougiga
4 - Rei from 3-gatsu no Lion
5 - Spike from Cowboy Bebop
6 - Yomogi from SSSS.DYNAZENON
7 - Phos from Land of the Lustrous
8 - Ninamori from FLCL
9 - Haruhi from... Haruhi

What do you think about lesbians?

Why are your Twitter likes what they are?
Because I have impeccable taste.

Madoka is the goat idolmaster character.


Half the time you're online you're listening to J-rock and stuff; what are your favorite bands we should definitely check out? What's the best music to win Pokemon games to?
I'm kinda a fraud music fan as it's difficult for me to actually pay attention to and digest lyrics which is why I lean towards instrumental Math/Post-rock and foreign language music. I tend to care more about vibes lmao. Some of my favorite artists to listen to right now are toe, Kinokoteikouku, a picture of her, Parannoul, Asobi Seksu, tokyo shoegazer, Black Country, New Road, black midi, Yuragi, Haru Nemuri, Mid Air Thief, and my dead girlfriend. (note: all links to go Spotify artist pages) There's a bunch more and if I was asked this on a different day I would probably have swapped out half of these.

I think I'm currently undefeated while listening to "DOKU-EN-KAI" which is a live album by toe.

What is the agriculture like around there? What is your top 4 vegetables? And your top 3 fish?
Everywhere I look I find corn or soybeans staring back at me...

Top 4 veggies in no particular order (culinary sense not botanically hehe): Green Beans / Potatoes / Tomatoes / Bell Peppers
Top 3 fish: I know I said fish is fine but ngl I haven't really had enough fish to have a non-mickey top 3. At restaurants with seafood I usually go for shellfish like crab/lobster/shrimp.

Do you own an airfryer?

Arcticblast was wondering: what is your preferred cream cheese?
I'm not really a cream cheese connoisseur tbh, if it tastes like cream cheese I like it. Strawberry cream cheese is quite good though.

Mizuhime was asking: what is your favorite holiday, and why?
Thanksgiving, it's basically dedicated to food which is epic.

Fritz420 is dying to know: bagels or donuts?
Why is this even a question smh...

If you could add one emoji or sticker to DOUcord, what would it be?


What are your favorite Chirch memes?


With 2023 wrapping up soon, how do you look back on your year? What do you think has been your best moment, either personally or Pokemon-related?
Honestly this wasn't the greatest year for me irl so I'm glad I was able to find such a fulfilling hobby where I was able to make some great friends.

Who would you like to see get interviewed next?
I’d love to see Smudge interviewed as he’s been on a tear as a contributor this past year. The qsns interview was a great read so I’d be interested in seeing interviews of other long-time DOUers like Fangame10, Nido-Rus, or DaAwesomeDude1. sir jelloton and Farfromani are also newer users that I’d love to see interviewed.

In our closing words I'd like to congratulate and thank you for an incredible year of Doubles OU and also a friendship. It was very exciting to keep up with your rise as a player, seeing all of your hard work pay off with such an immense victory in the end, it honestly got me a bit emotional. So I'll be continuing to root for you next year, and I'm sure everyone in the Doubles community will be rooting for you too! Do you have any closing words, any shoutouts you would give to people, to those in the community?
I’ve shouted out qsns so many times at this point and it won’t hurt to shout them out once more. Also shoutout big pichu again for introducing me to DOU, literally wouldn’t be here without them. And shoutout to you, the interviewer for being extremely awesome and doing this. hampster


(source 1, source 2)
i asked bage1 for something iconic to him and he gave me these uwu soft bean arts so here you go
Last edited:
1. how do you feel about being referred to as bingle so often?
2. are you happy you ended up on the thieves as a sv dou starter?
3. who is the most underrated player in dou?
4. most promising new user besides yourself?
5. whos the meanest user grrrr
6. what are some of the movies you feel you'd love but haven't gotten around to yet?
7. when are we continuing hand maid may?
8. what will it take for you to watch fate/stay night?
9. favorite yuri couple? is it madoka and toru?
10. rank the bocchi the rock characters
11. top 5 nba players all time?
12. what other sports do you follow and what teams
13. cats or dogs
14. favorite airfryer snack
15. top 3 colors
16. what got your votes in the reddit anime awards this year
17. can you speak other languages
18. favorite blue archive character and ehy
1. how do you feel about being referred to as bingle so often?
2. are you happy you ended up on the thieves as a sv dou starter?
3. who is the most underrated player in dou?
4. most promising new user besides yourself?
5. whos the meanest user grrrr
6. what are some of the movies you feel you'd love but haven't gotten around to yet?
7. when are we continuing hand maid may?
8. what will it take for you to watch fate/stay night?
9. favorite yuri couple? is it madoka and toru?
10. rank the bocchi the rock characters
11. top 5 nba players all time?
12. what other sports do you follow and what teams
13. cats or dogs
14. favorite airfryer snack
15. top 3 colors
16. what got your votes in the reddit anime awards this year
17. can you speak other languages
18. favorite blue archive character and ehy

1. Neutral. When my friends use it every once in a while I enjoy it but when people its spammed by people I have never seen before it can feel a bit weird. Its both nice and scary that I have managed to build up a reputation within the community so quickly.
2. Yes, I like everyone on the team and I look forward to everyone going undefeated as the Thieves go back to back.
3. I voted Farfromani in the DOU awards and I'll stand by that. I do think Queen of Bean and Wille were both big DPL snubs this year so I'll mention them.
4. Fritz420, their genuine enjoyment of mons is very contagious.
5. qsns when they tell me not to bring 3 UR mons to SCL.
6. I really want to get around to watching of Wong Kar-wai and Park Chan-wook's filmographies. I've seen a couple films from both directors and loved them so I really want to explore everything else they have done.
7. Whenever you want to, lets watch some this weekend.
8. Not much tbh, I'd love to clear out my currently watching backlog first but you could probably sneak it up the watch list spreadsheet and I wouldn't notice. As you know I am very susceptible to other people calling stuff good.
9. omg you knew
10. Only doing the main 4: Bocchi, Ryo, Kita, Nijika but they are all great.
11. Gonna do my favs because goat debate is boring. Russel Westbrook, SGA, Paul George, Tyrese Haliburton, Kawhi. We got some recency bias in here but thats ok.
12. NFL: Colts+Cowboys+Lions bandwagon. NHL very casually: Redwings.
13. I have a dog (that I love dearly) which is why I can say I'm a cat person.
14. Reheated pizza lmao.
15. Blue Orange Purple in no order.
16. I skipped to OP/ED. Voted for Magical Destroyers OP and JJK ED2, although ED was a very close race almost every nominee was fire.
17. No unless you count high-school level spanish and basic cringe weeb japanese.
18. Toki because one fanartist does goated art and is 90% of my exposure to the franchise.

what is the best bagel and why is it everything
I hate to say it but lots of bagels are still kinda bland but the everything bagels compensate for that for that really well.
I really love these interviews, we learn so much about player that we usually don't talk to that much.
As an average player I'm very glad to be part of your team with your "mentor" Big Pichu !
Hope we'll win this DPL X and offer the back to back to Spikemuth Spectral Thieves :D

I've a question :
What's your favorite international dishes ?
I really love these interviews, we learn so much about player that we usually don't talk to that much.
As an average player I'm very glad to be part of your team with your "mentor" Big Pichu !
Hope we'll win this DPL X and offer the back to back to Spikemuth Spectral Thieves :D

I've a question :
What's your favorite international dishes ?

Looking forward to DPL with you as well!

My favorite international dishes: Bibimbap and Tteokbokki. There was a really good local Korean restaurant near my campus that I was introduced to and I ended up eating there way too much and falling in love with these in particular. I'm kinda a fraud because I don't actually know how to pronounce the names LOL. I just ordered the generic name the restaurant provided for uncultured Americhodes like me as I was too scared to mispronounce and too lazy/never thought to look up how to pronounce them lol.

Hi Fangame10, thank you for taking the time to do this interview. Could you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Hey hey, My name here on Smogon is fangame10, but in real life my name is Arthur (some of you probably already know). I live in Texas but am originally from Louisiana in the United States. I am a major in economics and have a minor in history, but my current job in a fairly mundane retail/freight job, I think its a good workout personally! Though my job does take up most of my time, I do plan to eventually go to grad school maybe for programming. When I'm not working, I like to sit down and do nothing and sometimes play video games.

Could you explain the origins of your username and what it means?
I think I've long forgot why I named myself fangame10, all I can really say is that I am a fan of games :)....times 10. But regardless, my other name I use on Steam and other sites ClassicGamer64 is because I like old games, specifically the Nintendo 64 which I had growing up.

How did you get into competitive Pokemon, and Doubles specifically?
I've always liked Pokemon for one, since generation 2 (I also had the Gen 1 games as well going up). Around generation 5 is where they added random online battles I believe (carrying over from Battle Revolution). I found playing Triple Battles online in White 1/2 version to be very enjoyable so I eventually went out to search for resources for improving my team and found showdown. At first I tried VGC 2013 for a while. Around that time they introduced the Smogon Doubles Beta ladder which I tried out and found much more enjoyable (to me anyways) since I was able to use my full team in a battle. And that's how we got here!

What have been your favorite sets you've played so far? And what opponent were you most nervous for? What was your Happiest win? Is there Anyone you're looking forward to fighting in particular?
I can't say I've been nervous about any opponents, I usually can guess who'll be harder and such, but my attitude is waaaaay too lax about playing these sets for it to make any difference for who I face. Some of my favorite sets include very old ones such as a 2014 replay ( where I correctly guessed the right time for a sucker punch. The time I forgot to bring Gale Wings on my Talonflame against Xpattriette but it wound up letting me hit through a Keldeo's Quick Guard. And also I liked my recent
finals set against sir jelloton (though I lost the set). If there's anyone I look forward fighting I guess I would say there are some really good players who I haven't faced because they just don't ladder and I never have matched with them in a tour. I think Xrn, Nails and zee (recently fought in XY draft) come to mind as players who I don't think I've played before (unless they had ladder alts that I had no idea was them). But yeah, I hope to fight anyone who is good at the game so I can get better.

How do you look back on your DLC2 Kickoff tournament run, wherein you made it to the finals?
I think I got away with a lotta bullshit ngl lmao. tyo gave me a win and Tenzai got act'd one my side, but I did get to fight AIRedzone, qsns and sir jelloton during the tour. Generally it was a fun time all around and I see it as any other tour I enter.

How has your experience managing a DPL team with Yoda2798 been so far?
While I've been busy as always, it's been a smooth ride so far (at least I'm pretending it's been smooth and there haven't been player issues). Working with Yoda is always nice, I don't think I'm really as analytical about the process of managing or planning draft as he is, as I am more of a "This probably works, lets just do it" kind of person, but still it's been a blast.

What do you think is your most iconic team, and why? And why do you choose to almost always use the same or very similar teams throughout a generation?
Are you implying I have another team other than Fanroom??? In most games I play I usually have a very hyper focused mindset for what I like to do. I like to focus on a particular playstyle I like and use only that style. This could include playing the same character in a fighting game (Young Link in Smash Bros.) or First Person Shooter (Sniper in Team Fortress 2). My mind will only stray towards the thing I wanna use if I'm using anything else. Aside from that I just want to perfect my team and make it as good as it can possibly be, and that requires using it all the time. Though the Frosty Fanroom's are epic, I say the most iconic will always be Ampharos Fanroom, can't beat the classics.

What do you think of your own 'value' in team tournaments given your one-dimensional team style?
I am actually pretty decent at the game I'm pretty sure and can use different teams. So managers often try to grab me as a cheap option that no one wants to waste money due to mono-teaming and load me up with other teams, or I just manage to go find some. My weak part definitely is building my own teams aside from Frosty Fanroom, but if I do find a good motivation to build, I can do some pretty cool things. Also I tend to win more with Fanroom actually compared to different teams in team tours. Though it is mostly a Joke-Tier-Tour, I am currently 5-0 in HGPL which is pretty neat (though the next tier I'm playing in that team tour is VGC21 ugh).

Why did you decide to return to the DOU community in 2022 after your seven year hiatus?
Doubles OU in 2015 was way more toxic and unfriendly and I didn't really want to waste anymore energy at the time in that tier. But come 2022, when a lot of the behavior was eliminated from the tier I found myself more and more wanting to try to sign up for tours again. Given I wasn't doing much else in my free time I think it was a pretty good idea.

You're very consistently near or at the number 1 spot on the DOU ladder, even getting nominated for "worst person to run into on ladder" in the 2023 DOU awards. What drives you to ladder as much as you do? Do you feel like it's helped you improve as a player?

What are your thoughts on the current state of the DOU metagame?
I think the meta currently is only being held back by Deoxys-Attack and to a lesser extent Flutter Mane. Flutter Mane is of course very warping to the direction of many sets in the meta. But Deoxys-Attack Psyspam teams are just straight up game breaking, capable of the most extreme matchup fish I've ever seen. Generation 6 Gengar-Mega with shadow tag was never "I don't have a ghost type, I lose to shadow tag" moment, you always had some way to KO it or get out of shadow tag or at least mitigate it. This is a Pokemon that just says: "wow you are slower than me and have no resistances are speed control.... so I win". Deoxys-Attack in this generation is probably one of the worst things we've ever had running around next to Melmetal(I've not experience the melm meta) and Urshifu. But I think when flutter and deoxys are banned, the meta will be nice and smooth from there.

What has been your favorite part about Doubles and its community? And is there anything you would like to see done differently or added to Doubles and/or its community?
Playing the game is fun, but I also very much enjoy the community fun stuff we do such as Game Nights etc. The only real change I want is to please have some game nights on Tuesday or Thursday :(. (editors note: I'll consider it) I think some cool tiers we could get would be a functioning Doubles NU ladder, Doubles Monotype and maybe Doubles AG, those would be fun to play I think. Also we should add more Ladder-based content would be great, DLT was a very fun tournament this year and I'd hate to see the DLT room get no use now that it's over.

Are there any non-doubles tiers that you enjoy playing?
I only really play Doubles tiers right now, though sometimes I enjoy some lower Singles tiers like NU and RU. Monotype is also fun to play every so often.

Do you have any goals with regards to Smogon/Tournaments for the future?
I am currently trying to get a Shiny TC badge (Deoxys-Attack suspect????) and other badges maybe. My tournament goals are usually just win, I'm not particularly dead set on winning any particular tour. I think right now I am also hopping to eventually finish all the Doubles Ladder Achievements that we've added since DLT.

What’s your favorite Pokemon, and why?
Ampharos is a pokemon I just decided to randomly try out for my old team back in 2013 and I've
always loved ever since....

If you could have your own personal custom avatar, what would you want it to look like?
I'm not sure entirely, I could just have a generic trainer with an Ampharos avatar, but I've also had some other cool avatar ideas with other pokemon like Iron Bundle and Delibird with Santa Clause or Fierce Deity Link riding a Shiny-Arceus (I think this is the coolest idea I had).

What are your hobbies and interests outside of playing Pokémon?
I like to play video games and watch youtube and video game speedruns, specifically N64 Zelda speedruns are fun to watch. I draw art sometimes for fun, it's very enjoyable. I've recently been getting into cooking more and that's also been a very satisfying activity. I like to also study history sometimes and learn things. I don't get to do it often but I do also enjoy taking hikes around national parks/trails whenever I get to go on vacation, nature is great. I also like to sit down and do nothing.

If you could add an emoji to doucord, which one would it be?


What is your favorite food?
I like Pizza, Sushi and Ice Cream, the holy trinity of the food coma. I also think Thai Food is pretty great also.

Are you a dog person or a cat person?
I had a dog who passed away sadly a year ago, but I will always be team dog!

If you could have a lifetime supply of anything, what would it be?
I would want a lifetime supply of Ampharos Plushies so I could create an army to conquer with.

Who would you like to see being interviewed next, if anyone?
Some other player that would make for great interviews would be dad1, nido-rus, smudge, arcticblast, ryo yamada2001 (SELF INTERVIEW!!??!), Jello and so on. There are plenty of others I probably forgot but I hope they can get interviews too.

Is there anyone you would like to give a shoutout or have any other kind words for?
I shall shout out the entire Cold Crew and some other cool users who I've had a great time with including: Yoda2798 , NinjaSnapple, Arcticblast, AIRedzone, Feyy, ratpacker, xqiht, Nido-Rus, Arcticblast, Not Memoric
, eragon11145, tyo, and Arcticblast. Arcticblast may be my number 1 meme go to, but this is a legitimate shoutout too.
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Hi jello, thank you for taking the time to do this interview. Could you tell us a little bit about yourself?
First of all, Sup. Hope all of you that read this post are having a good day or feel a little better by the end of it. Don't forget to smile :). I'm 19 from Brooklyn, NY of carribean descent. I'm pretty cool, or at least that's what I want you to think.

Could you explain the origins of your username and what it means?
I was playing a browser game called renamed if anyone needs a game to play to pass time) at like 13 or something and I was eating a cup of jello before I made my account. I have since kept the name because I enjoy people saying "Hello jello" when they meet me. I'm an appreciator of rhyme.

How did you get into competitive Pokemon, and Doubles specifically?
Stumbled onto showdown procrastinating homework in middle school probably. I don't remeber exactly what led me to the site but I know I started by playing AG casually. I think what got me playing consistently was when I found the tours plaza room. They were super nice to me over there and made me look forward to logging on everyday. Shoutouts to RaJ.Shoot, Karl Dude Guy, and LanturnLight they were especially cool if they even remember me by now. there were other cool people who's names I'm forgetting that were also super welcoming, it was good vibes there. Anyway, I just dabbled in every ladder a little bit for a while until I found myself really enjoying gen 8 dou. Doubles felt like the most rewarding of trial and error as bad teams can get you pretty far so long as you understand how to use them. I was able to build myself a lot of semi-decent teams with the help of Noelle's teambuilding frameworks. I made it to the discord after asking for a rate in the smogon doubles room, and being helped by and forming a friendship with an incredibly nice user by the name of photographer abby. I joined osdt 2 as my first tour and the rest is history.

Congratulations on getting picked for the US Northeast team in NDWC! What kind of expectations do you have for yourself and what are your thoughts on the Mega Metagtoss suspect test, and are there any other problem pokemon you think need tiering action?
Hoping for an x-2 performance at least. I really like this tier and want to do well in it but idk im just tryin my best.
We'll see what happens. Mmeta needs to go that's just a given to anyone who plays this tier. same goes for zamazenta. their are a couple of other mons I want on the chopping block but that'll probably go in it's own post a litttle late.

What are your thoughts on the current state of the DOU metagame?
The games don't feel too high quality atm to me but I am a fan of how rewarded players are being for being creative in the builder. My hot take is that the tier is way better if tornadus get's banned.

Congratulations your DPL win! What were your expectations going into it and what were your favorite moments during the tournament?
Going into it I was feelin a bit of pressure, Wanted to do really well and was pretty afraid of losing. That mindset switched after the replay incident of week 2 followed by a really bad loss in week 3. Overall though I feel I played a lot better than what my record showed and I tried to add a lot to my team wherever I could so I don't feel too bad. All of the SM this year was thrilling to watch if I play in another dpl I wanna slot into whatever tier will give me games as high quality as that.

How do you look back on your DLC2 Kickoff tournament victory? What was your favourite match to prepare and/or play for?
I don't look back on it too much tbh. I think I only prepped for the finals and just by the nature of these kick offs tours No one was really playing or building at their best so most of these wins didn't feel THAT good. My set vs Actuarily was an absolute blast though.

What do you think is your most iconic team, and why?
Bewear team in SS is the obvious answer. team features very cool unmon that actually pulls it's weight and proves it's worth in the slot, while also just being a very unusual build for a dou team.

You recently got drafted for AXPL for 19.5k, making you the most expensive doubles player in the pool. How do you feel about this? Does going for so much money put a lot of pressure on you to preform, or does it feel good to be rated as the most valuable player?
The most valuable player in the pool was probably Fangame10 so ".OVERPAY!!". I don't care about my results like at all but I'm going in with the assumption I will win any game anyways.

What have been your favorite sets you've played so far? And what opponent were you most nervous for? What was your best win? Is there anyone you're looking forward to fighting in particular?
Yoda2798 in OSDT III and Actuarily in kickoffs come to mind. Games where I felt both my opponent and I played very well and I enjoy games like that a bunch. I don't think I have any wins I personally consider all too impressive just yet. I would like to play Ann they seem pretty good at the game.

What has been your favorite part about doubles and its community? And is there anything you would like to see done differently or added to Doubles and/or its community?
I guess this could be any online community but I enjoy interacting with so many different types of people all joined by 1 common interest. I'm fascinated by the fact that people from entirely different walks of life with vastly different perspectives on things than I can join in communion for love and hate of this silly little game. It's cool. As far as criticism goes I feel like certain things in this community that should be very much open information just kinda goes quiet and I really don't like it.

Do you have any goals with regards to Smogon/tournaments for the future?
I wanna qual for both invitational tournaments that'd be cool

What’s your favorite Pokemon, and why?
Ludicolo makes me happy :) Look at it dance. Look at it's smile. how can you not love it? Also really love bewear as well absolute menace of a mon.

What are your hobbies and interests outside of playing Pokemon?
Listening too and as of late writing music has been my thing. I've been wanting to actually release some of my stuff for a while but it's been a pain in the ass for multiple reasons. Stay tuned however!

If you got your own personal custom avatar on showdown what would you want it to look like?
It would be rhyme with a mic in her hand back to back with bewear arms folded

If you could add an emoji to doucord which one would it be?
I would change

What is your favorite food?
I love calamari

Are you a dog person or a cat person?

My parents and older siblings keep telling me this story about me wrestling a dog that tried to attack me when I was younger and almost killed it. I don't remember nor do I believe it but they all swear it happened. So I'm gonna go ahead and say cat person because I'm afraid a dog is gonna ask for round 2 one day.

Who is your favorite hip-hop artist?
SMIIIINNNNOOOOOO LUV YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! It should be illegal to have never listened to Smino. I LOVE Smino. to all readers of this listen to his early songs "runnin" "trina" and "anita" and if you mess with those go into his projects you will love it.

If you could have a lifetime supply of anything, what would it be?
Milk. If I never had to buy milk again it would be far more convenient. God knows my father isn't bringing it home.

Who would you like to see being interviewed next, if anyone?
Genesis77 and Iceberg77 in a 77 double interview special. other than that I'm waiting for the fated NinjaSnapple self interview. I wanna know more about our favorite reporter

Is there anyone you would like to give a shoutout or have any other kind words for?
once again thank you to the users in the tours room I mentioned for being so welcoming and encouraging me to get into the community. Thanks to my dpl team for carrying me to a ring. Thanks to zee and laptops for kickin my ass in oldgens enough to make me wanna play. Thanks to Smudge and ryo yamada2001 and big pichu and whoever else is responsible for natdex dou's inception prolly woulda quit If I didn't start playing it when I did. Thanks to my bestest pal Glimmer for being awesome. thanks to my besties westies eragon Schister AIRedzone etc. Love you all till world cup then I hope you all get haxxed and kicked round1. that's all folks.


Hi Frixel, thank you for taking the time to do this interview. Could you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Hello Ninja and hello readers, the pleasure is all mine. I'm a Portuguese living in Poland, currently taking a Master's in Finance and working in the area. Started playing randbats and tours in the Tournaments Room when I was bored in a holiday and somehow ended up here.

Could you explain the origins of your username and what it means?
I used FrostPixel growing up and I can't really explain what lead to it, for me it sounded good and was a good enough reason. When I got into PS I played a lot in the Tournaments Room and its staff at the time shortened my name to what you know today, I enjoyed the change and proceed to change my PS/Smogon's account username. In reality it means nothing, I just like how it sounds!

How did you get into competitive Pokemon, and Doubles specifically?
I played a lot of tournaments in the room, but the ones I really enjoyed (and was good at) were the doubles ones. Eventually I started laddering/getting into tournaments with a friend's help and growing into/getting help from the community. Fran picked me up for my first DWCUP and Arcticblast zee for my first DPL, from there it was just growing with huge support from these 2 groups.

What have been your favorite sets you've played so far? And what opponent were you most nervous for? What was your Happiest win? Is there Anyone you're looking forward to fighting in particular? How do you look back on your OSDT win? What were your expectations going into it and what were your favorite moments during the tournament?

I'm not the biggest fan of the concept of "favourite", but if I had to mention 1 or 2:
  • Favourite sets (playing) - I really enjoyed g1 of this set against SMB in my first seasonal, my DWCUP game vs Jello and my OSDT set against Dad1;
  • Favourite sets (prepping) - Most people who know me are aware that I like prepping more than actually playing the game, so I will create this division and mention my OSDT set against MADARAAAA, we discussed and pitched ideas during the whole top cut so it was really fun trying to figure out how the mental games since we both knew perfectly well how each other approached each set. I also enjoyed prepping Ninja's OSDT 2 run a lot;
  • Most nervous opponent - I knew I would get stomped by SMB, but I think I put a good enough fight g1 (and got stalled into oblivion g2);
  • Happiest win - I guess it has to be OSDT;
  • Would like to play against - I would love to play against Xrn, I hope me and my good friend Zee can advance to the next round of seasonal to face each other, I would enjoy facing qsns if we both are going at it in prep and definitely get my SMB rematch (unordered);
  • OSDT Expectations + Win - Going into the tour I had absolutely 0 expectations, initially I was just playing ducks' teams and I started to really get into it by Round 5 or 6. By then, MADARAAAA started asking me more frequently for tests (I was also 4 or 5-0 and just said fuck it let's see where we can go), eventually Loudwinner offered his services and we created a group chat for the 3 of us and prepped together from round7/top cut onwards. During Top Cut I was only focused on winning the next round regardless of who it was against and, ultimately, I think that it was what won me the tournament. All in all, this group chat and these 2 incredible beings are what won me tournament and kept me motivated for so long.
  • OSDT Favourite Moment - My favourite moment is the whole time I managed to spend around these 2, it got to a point where prepping was hilarious as hell. I also played too many test games and got this absolute gem:

What are your thoughts on the current state of the DOU metagame?
I really like it, I love the versatility you can have in the builder and really agree with this dad1 post, there is a huge emphasis on offensive positioning, forcing good trades, trying to get into a good position to either setup your wincon or force your opponent to give up a mon/make a not great trade. Even though some Pokemon are really good and fit well into a lot of teams (Landorus-I and Waterpon), I think some paths, comps and Pokemon are yet to be further explored (Ting Lu is broken please use it more, 75% Win Rate in OSDT Top Cut). I don't think there are any broken or overcentralizing Pokemons as of right now and that the tier is an amazing state. Please ban evasion abilities @dou council!

What do you think is your most iconic team, and why?
This is a very hard question, probably this team I built during DWCUP with the help of my European friends. It was a blast playing it and contagiated others to use it. If we are speaking about playing a team, it would definitely be Ann's Kingambit Hail that I've used again and again during OSDT. OSDT teamdump coming out soon :tm:

How has your Derby experience on the Buckhorn Rhyhorns been so far? And what lead you to decide to start in Natdex Doubles? Initially I wasn't planning to do derby because I wanted to play PiC in OMPL, but I guess the tides have turned. So far it's been very enjoyable, ND is a tier I've always liked, even though I didn't enjoy the Metagross-Mega, so at the time it was more of a which of these tiers do I dislike the least kind of thing. As of right now, I wish mine and Opelucid's schedule would allign so I could give them an extra hand, DUU looks very enjoyable.

Congrats on earning the tutor badge! What made you want to get into Tutoring and how has the experience been?
Thank you! One of the reasons that helped me understand the theoretical side and improve my game planning/gameplay was undergoing B101 with Yellow Paint during SS, it really helped me flaw out some lines, improve decision making, teambuilding and, basically, everything. At the time having YP by my side enabled me some amazing wins and improve a lot and really fast. I knew that when I was skilled enough I would like to go that path and help others.
So far it's been a really good experience, having to lay down and explain others what to consider in team preview, what is the importanance of positioning and how to, what to consider in decision-making is not easy, but with time you become better at it and it also helps you improve your gameplay, sometimes I would write "I would do X here" and then either delete because I realized it was stupid and I needed to stop doing it or a discussion over it with my tuttees would help me realize it was not optimal/something could be done differently. At the end of the day, it's a great learning process for everyone involved. I also like to review some SCL/DPL/DWCUP games here, so I "cheated" it a little bit and used it to review my/my OSDT opponent's games to force me to do so. YP you're seeing nothing here! A big shoutout to R8 for allowing me to do so!

Do you have any goals with regards to Smogon/tournaments for the future? What do you plan on having your personal custom avatar and it's holiday version look like?
I honestly don't know how the future will look like, I would like to and probably will do VGC next season and not be as much involved in Smogon. I would like to be bought for support in SCL, but I don't know if my IRL will allow me to signup or if I will get drafted. For Smogon I would like to get a DWCUP rerun with my European friends, but I don't know if that will be possible due to IRL/rules. This is definitely an awesome squad that I love to be around, GO EUROPE!

My ca literally got updated today:
For it's holiday version, I want to do something around Dia de São João. For context, each Portuguese city has a popular saint and there is a period in the year dedicated to him/her. In this specific day (or actually the night from the 23rd to the 24th), the whole city is on the streets fulfilling the tradition: a comer sardinhas e beber cerveja (eating sardines and drinking beer + hitting others with plastic hammers, basically a huge party where the whole city comes together). I'm yet to choose the specific element I want to highlight, but probably the hammer and the balloons. This is what it looks like for those who are interested:

What’s your favorite Pokemon, and why?
My first Pokemon game was Emerald. My first starter was Mudkip and it still has an amazing vibe/character. My reasoning is as good as this!

What are your hobbies and interests outside of playing Pokemon?
I played volleyball for 12 years growing up, till this day I still love to play/watch. I'm an avid music listener, with a taste that ranges from the 70s to hiphop/rap going through indie rock and whatnot. I've also developed a great interest in classical music and love watching symphonic orchestras and going to do philarmony. I also like reading, traveling, walking and being near the beach/ocean every time I have the opportunity to. If you could add an emoji to doucord which one would it be?
As long as we have :worrywhirl: and :changry: I'm a happy man.

What is your favorite food?
Once again, "favourite":
  • Francesinha;
  • Any Codfish dish;
  • Portuguese stew / Cozido à portuguesa;
  • Squid;
  • Piglet / Leitão;
  • Roasted lamb / Cabrito Assado.
I think probably these would probably be it, I really like portuguese cuisine (I and I think there is nothing like it. Are you a dog person or a cat person?

If you could have a lifetime supply of anything, what would it be?

Who would you like to see being interviewed next, if anyone?
Let it be known I tried to cheat the system and have a triple interview with MADARAAAA and Loudwinner but they turned it down! Don't let them get away!

Is there anyone you would like to give a shoutout or have any other kind words for?
I really hope I didn't forget anyone in the OSDT post. Thank you to all my friends who support me and push me (that I shall not name because I will miss people, thank you for all your support). To remark the people who taught me the most: To my good friend, Yellow Paint, zee, Team Europe and to The Ducks: Thank you for everything, everything I know today I learnt it from you! You all helped me getting started, taught me, gave me teams, eagerly helped me whenever and however you could, I owe it all to you! You're all amazing people/an amazing group of people, hope to team up with you again! MADARAAAA and Loudwinner: Thank you for this amazing run, you helped me prep, played one million games, passed me teams last minute, helped me make last minute adjustments and gave me everything and more than what I could ask for, but, more importantly, you're 2 amazing human beings who always gave it all you had without never looking for anything in return :heart:
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