SV OU Double Regenerator BO [Peaked 1679]

I had the idea for this team when
was unbanned, having a Regenerator core with it and AV Pex would provide good defensive value without being passive. After I sorta failed at making it work, I ended up scrapping Cyclizar entirely, but I liked the concept and kept trying different ideas until I came up with what I have now, which is okay I think

I’m not 100% wether this team would be considered “balance” or “bulky offense” but everything on the team is offensively threatening in some way so I’m sticking with the latter

The Team:


Toxapex @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Surf
- Sludge Bomb
- Infestation
- Acid Spray

AV Toxapex is the first Regenerator mon on this team, and carries a lot the special bulk of this team. Pex is tasked with dealing with special threats like WW, Dragapult, certain forms of Volc, IV, IM, and generally most special threats. Pex is tasked to deal with a lot of mons and can thus be overwhelmed very easily, but Regenerator does help to offset this.


Hydreigon @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Nasty Plot
- Substitute
- Dark Pulse
- Earth Power

Hydreigon is the primary win condition on this team and is the mon that I tera the vast majority of the time. Its ground immunity is very helpful on this team because half the team is weak to ground, so it gets a lot of switch in opportunities against the likes of Tusks and Clod. Only it and Chomp are vulnerable to Toxic, so it can safely switch into Clod and non AV Pex. Earth Power with Tera Steel makes it a good check to Kingambit, and Tera Steel is useful against Pult, Meow, and most things that run U-Turn.


Garchomp @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Rough Skin
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 248 HP / 16 Atk / 244 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Spikes
- Dragon Tail

Chomp is the only hazard setter on the team, and doubles as a physically defensive pivot while still being offensively threatening to mons like Glimmora and Gholdengo. Tera Ghost is overall a good defensive typing but it can also prevent Rapid Spin from the likes of Tusks and Treads. The speed EVs are enough to outspeed Tusk, which lets it win the 1v1 most of the time, especially if its using HR over EQ.

As a side note, I’m not actually 100% sure what to do with the extra EVs and nature. Extra attack is always going to be useful but I haven’t experimented enough with investing in extra defense instead, which could be useful. The only actual threshold 16+ Atk reaches is being much more likely to OHKO bulkless Gholdengo, which isn’t too useful in the context of this team. So you could totally justify running Impish nature with 16 def evs instead.


Amoonguss @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 248 HP / 176 Def / 84 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Spore
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb
- Foul Play

Amoonguss is the second Regenerator mon on this team, and forms the Regenerator core with it and Pex. On its own its the more physically defensive of the two, being able to switch into and check mons such as Tusk, Meow, Breloom, and non-DD Pult. Spore is good for obvious reasons, and Foul Play lets you chip Gholdengo on the switch, while also checking physical sweepers that it would otherwise be setup fodder against. Tera Water also helps it check Cinderace and certain Volcarona sets.

Together, Amoonguss and Pex form a Regenerator core, which can generally be useful for PP stalling in the late game, as it tends to be your only option if Gholdengo and Hydreigon goes down. Switching between them lets you defensively check mons like Garganacl and Iron Valiant, but overall they very rarely switch between each other against the the same mon. Instead, they cover each other’s weaknesses. Pokemon that beat or check Pex, such as Tusk, Rotom-W, Breloom, and Ting-Lu are things that Amoonguss can switch into, while things that typically switch into Amoonguss, like Cinderace, Ceruledge, Iron Moth, and Volc.

Leftovers helps it check Specs Pult and lets it stall its shadow ball with Pex, but I’ve never been to sure about the item slot on Amoonguss, especially as the things it checks usually runs Knock Off, like Meowscarada and Great Tusk. Rocky Helmet is probably just as good for that reason though.


Gholdengo @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Good as Gold
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Make It Rain
- Trick
- Focus Blast

Scarf Gholdengo is good speed control as well as being able to prevent hazard removal from the usual suspects, which is really good for maintaining momentum. Honestly I don’t know what else to say, its a Gholdengo it functions here the exact same as it does anywhere else.


Iron Treads @ Booster Energy
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Iron Head
- Knock Off
- Rapid Spin

This last team slot is the one I’ve changed the most by far. Most of the mons here have basically been the same for similar reasons. So while my reasoning isn’t perfect, Iron Treads has functioned as the hazard removal for this team better then any other hazard removal I tried. First off, let me quickly explain why Great Tusk doesn’t work nearly as well in this slot.

With all the other 5 team members a few clear weaknesses pop up. Half of the team is weak to Ice, one of which is 4x weak, and only two mons resist it. There is only one mon that has a speed stat considered “fast” (I previously has Chomp at max speed, but it loses to almost all the mons that extra speed beats, so it was unnecessary). Simply put, with the exception of Kingambit specifically in the late game, there aren’t really any physical threats Great Tusk significantly helped with. It’s defensive profile simply wasn’t needed, and it didn’t help at all against the mons the team was struggling with.

Anyway, Iron Treads is the hazard removal of the team, condenses the role of a second steel and second ground type, and can function as a lead against certain teams as well as a second speed control with Booster Energy. Iron Head flinches can save you in a tough situation, but it is not advised to rely on them to force progress. With Booster Energy, Iron Treads is able to outspeed everything unboosted, and can outspeed even boosted threats like Baxcalibur. Tera Ground gets rid of its ground weakness while boosting the power of EQ, but Tera Flying can also be used in its place, but overall you dont tera this thing too often anyway. Lastly, Knock Off is Knock Off. More specifically it lets it beat fast threats like Dragapult and Zoroark, while also having utility against mons that typically switch into Iron Treads like Corviknight.

Proof of peak:
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Have you considered Corv instead of Treads? It gets you off the ground part 2, adds a solid defensive mon, and removes some of the weaknesses Treads brings to the team. You then have the option to pivot Chomp into a more physical threat if you wanted. Just a thought..