UU Doublade


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Doublade has an amazing base 150 Defense stat which, coupled with Eviolite, means it can take a lot of physical hits, even super effective ones. Although Doublade's Steel / Ghost typing gives it weaknesses to common attacking types, such as Fire, Dark, and Ground, it has many resistances and superb physical bulk to make up for that. Doublade also has a great base 110 Attack stat which can be further boosted thanks to its access to Swords Dance. It also has access to priority in Shadow Sneak, allowing Doublade to beat out revenge killers. However, Doublade's base 49 Special Defense stat means that even resisted special hits are going to take a chunk out of its health. Doublade's base 35 Speed also leaves it outsped by common walls that it may want to set up on, such as Umbreon and Gligar.

Doublade Dance
name: Doublade Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Shadow Sneak
move 3: Iron Head / Gyro Ball
move 4: Sacred Sword
ability: No Guard
item: Eviolite
evs: 240 HP / 252 Atk / 16 SpD
nature: Adamant / Brave


Swords Dance allows Doublade to become a great win condition, becoming a threat very quickly. Shadow Sneak is a great STAB move that bypasses Doublade's bad base 35 Speed stat thanks to it having +1 priority. Iron Head is a more reliable STAB move to hit slower Pokemon such as Florges harder while Gyro Ball hits foes such as Crobat harder, albeit with fewer PP. Sacred Sword allows Doublade to hit Dark-types harder along with providing great neutral coverage alongside Doublade's Shadow Sneak. Shadow Claw can be used instead, as it gains STAB, provides a stronger neutral hit on Water- and Electric-types, and provides decent neutral coverage with Iron Head.

Set Details

Maximum Attack EVs allow Doublade to hit as hard as possible. 240 HP EVs minimize Stealth Rock and burn damage while the rest is dumped into Special Defense. An Adamant nature is used with Iron Head, but a Brave nature and 0 Speed IVs are necessary with Gyro Ball to allow it to hit as hard as possible against faster threats. Eviolite is used to allow Doublade to survive any physical hit, even super effective ones, alongside weaker special hits.

Usage Tips

Try to set up late-game when opposing Pokemon are weakened enough to faint to a +2 Shadow Sneak. Doublade can set up on almost all physical attackers thanks to its amazing physical bulk and nice resistances, so Pokemon such as Mega Aerodactyl and Crobat are ideal setup bait for Doublade, as even a switch-in is not going to like taking a hit from +2 Doublade.

Team Options

Doublade appreciates wallbreakers such as Darmanitan and Mienshao, as both can break Steel-types that tend to wall Doublade. Wish support is necessary, as Doublade has no form of recovery outside of RestTalk. Florges is a great partner and forms a nice Steel + Fairy core while also providing Aromatherapy support, meaning Doublade doesn't have to worry about being crippled by status ailments. Entry hazard support is also necessary to wear down Doublade's common checks. Tentacruel and Chesnaught are good partners, as Tentacruel can spread burns with Scald and pressure the rest of the team with Toxic Spikes while Chesnaught has Fighting-type STAB moves to hurt Steel-types and can wear them down with Leech Seed and Spikes. Trick Room support from Pokemon such as Aromatisse and Slowking allows Doublade to outspeed foes with base 35 Speed and higher and hit them before it gets hit. This improves Doublade's chances of retaining its Eviolite against the many powerful Knock Off users in the tier, such as Krookodile and Absol, while applying major pressure to the opponent's team.

Other Options

A defensive set can be used to allow for better setup opportunities for Doublade; however, Doublade will still faint to neutral special hits and the bulk is usually not worth the loss in power. RestTalk provides Doublade with a way of recovering health and allows it to not be setup fodder while asleep. This set, however, would be hard-pressed to run what it needs to, as it would lose out on either boosting Doublade's decent base 110 Attack with Swords Dance or having coverage in the form of Sacred Sword or Iron Head. Toxic is the only useful move Doublade can learn that takes advantage of No Guard; however, Doublade already has enough of a hard time choosing moves, and Toxic doesn't really help it beat what it wants to, which are bulky Steel-types, which are immune to Toxic. Pursuit can be nice for trapping purposes against Pokemon such as Mega Aerodactyl and Crobat; however, Doublade would much rather set up a Swords Dance on the switch to hit the switch-in with a +2 Shadow Sneak or Iron Head.

Checks & Counters

**Physical Walls**: Mega Aggron and Swampert can tank Doublade's attacks and proceed to cripple it with Thunder Wave in the former's case or Scald in the latter's case.

**Bulky Water-types**: Suicune can not only tank most of Doublade's hits but also can set up Calm Minds on Doublade and threaten it with a burn from a STAB Scald, rendering Doublade ineffective.

**Special Attackers**: Pokemon such as Hydreigon and Alakazam are able to hit Doublade on its weaker defense although Alakazam does have to worry about a +2 Shadow Sneak if its Focus Sash is broken.

**Burns**: Without an Aromatherapy partner, Doublade doesn't like burns from the likes of Scald and Will-O-Wisp, as burns halve its Attack stat.

**Knock Off**: Pokemon which Doublade tends to wall otherwise, such as Mienshao and Heracross, often run Knock Off. Doublade is not only weak to Knock Off but will also lose its Eviolite, thus losing a lot of its bulk.
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  • Use 240 HP EVs, minimizes SR and burn damage. Put the rest in SpD.
  • Suggest Shadow Claw as an alternative over Sacred Sword, provides a stronger neutral hit on stuff like Waters and Electrics than any of its other moves and provides decent neutral coverage with Iron Head.
  • Knock Off under C&C which completely cripples it, dealing heavy damage and removing Eviolite.
  • Trick Room under team support, works well with its abysmal speed.
Will give you a check once the above is implemented :)
  • Use 240 HP EVs, minimizes SR and burn damage. Put the rest in SpD.
  • Suggest Shadow Claw as an alternative over Sacred Sword, provides a stronger neutral hit on stuff like Waters and Electrics than any of its other moves and provides decent neutral coverage with Iron Head.
  • Knock Off under C&C which completely cripples it, dealing heavy damage and removing Eviolite.
  • Trick Room under team support, works well with its abysmal speed.
Will give you a check once the above is implemented :)

Everything is implemented :)
  • In the overview, you mention that most of its weaknesses are physically based, making them harder to exploit, but Pokemon like Hydreigon easily destroy Doublade's potential to sweep a team. I think you should perhaps reword it to make it seem less "physical versus special".
  • "While Doublade has all these things going for it, it has a few flaws that prevent it from being a major threat." a lot of that is fluff. this is more of a GP issue though. You also say "also" a lot. It gets redundant.
  • "Trick Room support from Pokemon such as Aromatisse or Slowking allows Doublade to outspeed a ton of stuff and hit them before it gets hit, allowing it to retain its item and its HP while applying major pressure to the opponent's team." that's vague. Use specifics like "anything faster than base 35 Speed and hit them before it gets hit. This improves Doublade's chances at retaining Eviolite against the many powerful Knock Off users in the tier, such as Krookodile. etc etc etc". The devil is in the details when it comes to talking about Trick Room support.
  • Bulky waters, specifically Scald, needs a mention as one of the checks to Doublade.
confirm after you do this, then 3/3 assuming Ernesto and/or IronBullet93 agree with my changes
  • In the overview, you mention that most of its weaknesses are physically based, making them harder to exploit, but Pokemon like Hydreigon easily destroy Doublade's potential to sweep a team. I think you should perhaps reword it to make it seem less "physical versus special".
  • "While Doublade has all these things going for it, it has a few flaws that prevent it from being a major threat." a lot of that is fluff. this is more of a GP issue though. You also say "also" a lot. It gets redundant.
  • "Trick Room support from Pokemon such as Aromatisse or Slowking allows Doublade to outspeed a ton of stuff and hit them before it gets hit, allowing it to retain its item and its HP while applying major pressure to the opponent's team." that's vague. Use specifics like "anything faster than base 35 Speed and hit them before it gets hit. This improves Doublade's chances at retaining Eviolite against the many powerful Knock Off users in the tier, such as Krookodile. etc etc etc". The devil is in the details when it comes to talking about Trick Room support.
  • Bulky waters, specifically Scald, needs a mention as one of the checks to Doublade.
confirm after you do this, then 3/3 assuming Ernesto and/or IronBullet93 agree with my changes

Ok this is all implemented, removed fluff (even though like you said that is GP's issue it is still nice to get rid of it before GP) and I don't know why I forgot Bulky Waters lol, but that is in C&C now. Thanks Kink, :D
AM check


Doublade has an amazing base 150 Defense stat which, coupled with Eviolite, means it can take a lot of physical hits, even super (space) effective ones. Its Ghost / Steel typing really helps it as well since because most of its weaknesses are common, but harder to exploit thanks to its nice physical bulk and many resistances. Not only does it have a nice Defense stat, but it also has a great base 110 Attack stat which can be further boosted thanks to its access to Swords Dance. It also has access to priority in Shadow Sneak, allowing Doublade to beat out revenge killers.

However, Doublade is not without its flaws. Its Doublade's base 49 Special Defense stat means that even resisted special hits are going to take a chunk out of Doublade its health. And while it has a decent typing, it is also weak to common special attacking types in UU such as Fire, Ground, and Dark. Its base 35 Speed also leaves it outsped by common walls that it may want to set up on, (AC) such as Umbreon and Gligar.

Doublade Dance
name: Doublade Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Shadow Sneak
move 3: Iron Head / Gyro Ball
move 4: Sacred Sword
ability: No Guard
item: Eviolite
evs: 240 HP / 252 Atk / 16 SpD
nature: Adamant / Brave


Swords Dance allows Doublade to become a great win condition, becoming a threat very quickly. Shadow Sneak is a great STAB move that can bypass Doublade's bad base 35 Speed stat thanks to it being having +1 priority. Iron Head is a more reliable STAB move to hit slower things Pokemon like Florges harder while Gyro Ball hits faster things Pokemon like Crobat harder, (AC) albeit with less PP. Sacred Sword allows Doublade to hit Dark-types harder along with providing great neutral coverage alongside Doublade's Ghost-type STAB Shadow Sneak. Shadow Claw can be used instead as it provides a stronger neutral hit on Water- and Electric-types thanks to it being getting STAB and provides decent neutral coverage with Iron Head.

Set Details

Maximum Attack EVs allow Doublade to hit as hard as possible. 240 HP EVs minimizes SR Stealth Rock and burn damage while the rest is dumped into SpD Special Defense to take weak special hits. An Adamant nature is used with Iron Head, but a Brave nature and 0 Speed IVs is are necessary with Gyro Ball to allow Gyro Ball to hit as hard as possible against faster threats. Eviolite is used to allow Doublade to live survive any physical hit, even super (space) effective ones, alongside weaker special hits.

Usage Tips

Try to set up late game when opposing Pokemon are weakened enough to die faint to a +2 Shadow Sneak. It Doublade can set up on almost all physical attackers thanks to its amazing physical bulk and the nice resistances it has, so Pokemon like such as Mega Aerodactyl and Crobat are ideal setup bait for Doublade as even a switch- (hyphen) in is not going to like taking a hit from a +2 Doublade.

Team Options

Doublade appreciates wallbreakers such as Darmanitan or Mienshao as both can break the Steel-types that tend to wall Doublade. Wish support is necessary as Doublade has no form of recovery outside of RestTalk. Florges is a great partner and form forms a nice Steel + Fairy core while also providing Aromatherapy support, meaning Doublade doesn't have to worry about being crippled by status ailments. Entry hazard support is also necessary to wear down Doublade's common checks. Tentacruel and Chesnaught are good partners as Tentacruel can spread burns with Scald while pressuring the rest of the team with Toxic Spikes while Chesnaught has Fighting STAB to hurt Steel-types while wearing them down thanks to its access to with Leech Seed and Spikes. Trick Room support from Pokemon such as Aromatisse or Slowking allows Doublade to outspeed anything faster than base 35 Speed and hit them before it gets hit. This improves Doublade's chances at retaining its Eviolite against the many powerful Knock Off users in the tier, such as Krookodile and Absol, while applying major pressure to the opponent's team.

Other Options

A Defensive defensive set can be used to allow for better set up opportunities for Doublade; however, Doublade would will still die faint to neutral special hits and the bulk is usually not worth the loss in power. RestTalk can provide Doublade a way of recovery and a way allow it (avoid repetition) to not be setup fodder whilst asleep. This set, however, would be hard pressed to run what it needs to as it would lose out on either boosting its Doublade's decent base 110 Attack with Swords Dance or coverage in the form of Sacred Sword or Iron Head. Toxic is the only movie Doublade can learn that abuses its ability No Guard; however, Doublade already has enough of a hard time choosing moves and Toxic doesn't really help it beat what it wants to beat up which are bulky Steel-types, who which are immune to Toxic. Pursuit could can be nice for trapping purposes against things like Pokemon such as Mega Aerodactyl and Crobat; however, Doublade would much rather set up a Swords Dance on the switch to hit the switchin with a +2 Shadow Sneak or Iron Head.

Checks & Counters

**Physical Walls**: Mega Aggron and Swampert can tank Doublade's attacks and proceed to cripple it with Thunder Wave in the former's case or Scald in the latter's case.

**Bulky Waters**: Suicune can not only tank most of Doublade's hits, but also can set up Calm Minds on it Doublade and threatening threaten it with a burn from a STAB Scald, rendering Doublade ineffective.

**Special Attackers**: Pokemon such as Hydreigon and Alakazam are able to hit Doublade on its weaker special side although Alakazam does have to worry about a +2 Shadow Sneak if its Focus Sash is broken.

**Status Burns**: Without an Aromatherapy partner, Doublade doesn't like status burns from the likes of Scald and Will-O-Wisp as it halves burns halve its Attack stat.

**Knock Off**: This move is on a lot of Pokemon that Doublade tends to wall otherwise, such as Mienshao and Heracross, which it takes a lot of damage from while also losing its Eviolite, which undermines its bulk. (I'm really not a fan of how this is worded. Try something like "Pokemon which Doublade tends to wall otherwise, such as Mienshao and Heracross, often run Knock Off. Doublade is weak to Knock Off and will lose its Eviolite if hit by the move, thus losing a lot of its bulk.")
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AM check


Doublade has an amazing base 150 Defense stat which, coupled with Eviolite, means it can take a lot of physical hits, even super (space) effective ones. Its Ghost / Steel typing really helps it as well since because most of its weaknesses are common, but harder to exploit thanks to its nice physical bulk and many resistances. Not only does it have a nice Defense stat, but it also has a great base 110 Attack stat which can be further boosted thanks to its access to Swords Dance. It also has access to priority in Shadow Sneak, allowing Doublade to beat out revenge killers.

However, Doublade is not without its flaws. Its Doublade's base 49 Special Defense stat means that even resisted special hits are going to take a chunk out of Doublade its health. And while it has a decent typing, it is also weak to common special attacking types in UU such as Fire, Ground, and Dark. Its base 35 Speed also leaves it outsped by common walls that it may want to set up on, (AC) such as Umbreon and Gligar.

Doublade Dance
name: Doublade Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Shadow Sneak
move 3: Iron Head / Gyro Ball
move 4: Sacred Sword
ability: No Guard
item: Eviolite
evs: 240 HP / 252 Atk / 16 SpD
nature: Adamant / Brave


Swords Dance allows Doublade to become a great win condition, becoming a threat very quickly. Shadow Sneak is a great STAB move that can bypass Doublade's bad base 35 Speed stat thanks to it being having +1 priority. Iron Head is a more reliable STAB move to hit slower things Pokemon like Florges harder while Gyro Ball hits faster things Pokemon like Crobat harder, (AC) albeit with less PP. Sacred Sword allows Doublade to hit Dark-types harder along with providing great neutral coverage alongside Doublade's Ghost-type STAB Shadow Sneak. Shadow Claw can be used instead as it provides a stronger neutral hit on Water- and Electric-types thanks to it being getting STAB and provides decent neutral coverage with Iron Head.

Set Details

Maximum Attack EVs allow Doublade to hit as hard as possible. 240 HP EVs minimizes SR Stealth Rock and burn damage while the rest is dumped into SpD Special Defense to take weak special hits. An Adamant nature is used with Iron Head, but a Brave nature and 0 Speed IVs is are necessary with Gyro Ball to allow Gyro Ball to hit as hard as possible against faster threats. Eviolite is used to allow Doublade to live survive any physical hit, even super (space) effective ones, alongside weaker special hits.

Usage Tips

Try to set up late game when opposing Pokemon are weakened enough to die faint to a +2 Shadow Sneak. It Doublade can set up on almost all physical attackers thanks to its amazing physical bulk and the nice resistances it has, so Pokemon like such as Mega Aerodactyl and Crobat are ideal setup bait for Doublade as even a switch- (hyphen) in is not going to like taking a hit from a +2 Doublade.

Team Options

Doublade appreciates wallbreakers such as Darmanitan or Mienshao as both can break the Steel-types that tend to wall Doublade. Wish support is necessary as Doublade has no form of recovery outside of RestTalk. Florges is a great partner and form forms a nice Steel + Fairy core while also providing Aromatherapy support, meaning Doublade doesn't have to worry about being crippled by status ailments. Entry hazard support is also necessary to wear down Doublade's common checks. Tentacruel and Chesnaught are good partners as Tentacruel can spread burns with Scald while pressuring the rest of the team with Toxic Spikes while Chesnaught has Fighting STAB to hurt Steel-types while wearing them down thanks to its access to with Leech Seed and Spikes. Trick Room support from Pokemon such as Aromatisse or Slowking allows Doublade to outspeed anything faster than base 35 Speed and hit them before it gets hit. This improves Doublade's chances at retaining its Eviolite against the many powerful Knock Off users in the tier, such as Krookodile and Absol, while applying major pressure to the opponent's team.

Other Options

A Defensive defensive set can be used to allow for better set up opportunities for Doublade; however, Doublade would will still die faint to neutral special hits and the bulk is usually not worth the loss in power. RestTalk can provide Doublade a way of recovery and a way allow it (avoid repetition) to not be setup fodder whilst asleep. This set, however, would be hard pressed to run what it needs to as it would lose out on either boosting its Doublade's decent base 110 Attack with Swords Dance or coverage in the form of Sacred Sword or Iron Head. Toxic is the only movie Doublade can learn that abuses its ability No Guard; however, Doublade already has enough of a hard time choosing moves and Toxic doesn't really help it beat what it wants to beat up which are bulky Steel-types, who which are immune to Toxic. Pursuit could can be nice for trapping purposes against things like Pokemon such as Mega Aerodactyl and Crobat; however, Doublade would much rather set up a Swords Dance on the switch to hit the switchin with a +2 Shadow Sneak or Iron Head.

Checks & Counters

**Physical Walls**: Mega Aggron and Swampert can tank Doublade's attacks and proceed to cripple it with Thunder Wave in the former's case or Scald in the latter's case.

**Bulky Waters**: Suicune can not only tank most of Doublade's hits, but also can set up Calm Minds on it Doublade and threatening threaten it with a burn from a STAB Scald, rendering Doublade ineffective.

**Special Attackers**: Pokemon such as Hydreigon and Alakazam are able to hit Doublade on its weaker special side although Alakazam does have to worry about a +2 Shadow Sneak if its Focus Sash is broken.

**Status Burns**: Without an Aromatherapy partner, Doublade doesn't like status burns from the likes of Scald and Will-O-Wisp as it halves burns halve its Attack stat.

**Knock Off**: This move is on a lot of Pokemon that Doublade tends to wall otherwise, such as Mienshao and Heracross, which it takes a lot of damage from while also losing its Eviolite, which undermines its bulk. (I'm really not a fan of how this is worded. Try something like "Pokemon which Doublade tends to wall otherwise, such as Mienshao and Heracross, often run Knock Off. Doublade is weak to Knock Off and will lose its Eviolite if hit by the move, thus losing a lot of its bulk.")

Implemented, thanks.
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Doublade has an amazing base 150 Defense stat which, coupled with Eviolite, means it can take a lot of physical hits, even super effective ones. Its Steel / Ghost / Steel (wrong order) typing really helps it as well because most of its weaknesses are common, but harder to exploit thanks to its nice physical bulk and many resistances. Not only does it Doublade (haven't mentioned it in a while) have a nice Defense stat, but it also has a great base 110 Attack stat which can be further boosted thanks to its access to Swords Dance. It also has access to priority in Shadow Sneak, allowing Doublade to beat out revenge killers.
(You can merge these together into one paragraph if you like)
However, Doublade's base 49 Special Defense stat means that even resisted special hits are going to take a chunk out of its health. And while it has a decent typing, it is also weak to common special attacking types in UU such as Fire, Ground, and Dark. Its Doublade's base 35 Speed also leaves it outsped by common walls that it may want to set up on, such as Umbreon and Gligar.

Doublade Dance
name: Doublade Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Shadow Sneak
move 3: Iron Head / Gyro Ball
move 4: Sacred Sword
ability: No Guard
item: Eviolite
evs: 240 HP / 252 Atk / 16 SpD
nature: Adamant / Brave


Swords Dance allows Doublade to become a great win condition, becoming a threat very quickly. Shadow Sneak is a great STAB move that can bypasses Doublade's bad base 35 Speed stat thanks to it having +1 priority. Iron Head is a more reliable STAB move to hit slower Pokemon like Florges harder while Gyro Ball hits faster things like Crobat harder, albeit with less PP. Sacred Sword allows Doublade to hit Dark-types harder along with providing great neutral coverage alongside Doublade's Shadow Sneak. Shadow Claw can be used instead, (AC) as it gains STAB, provides a stronger neutral hit on Water- and Electric-types, (AC) thanks to it getting STAB and provides decent neutral coverage with Iron Head.

Set Details

Maximum Attack EVs allow Doublade to hit as hard as possible. 240 HP EVs minimizes (remove s) Stealth Rock and burn damage while the rest is dumped into Special Defense to take weak special hits. (16 EVs just doesn't cut it, seems a bit unnecessary to me. I don't know, you can keep it if you want) An Adamant nature is used with Iron Head, but a Brave nature and 0 Speed IVs are necessary with Gyro Ball to allow Gyro Ball it to hit as hard as possible against faster threats. Eviolite is used to allow Doublade to survive any physical hit, even super effective ones, alongside weaker special hits.

Usage Tips

Try to set up late-(hyphen)game when opposing Pokemon are weakened enough to faint to a +2 Shadow Sneak. Doublade can set up on almost all physical attackers thanks to its amazing physical bulk and the nice resistances it has, so Pokemon such as Mega Aerodactyl and Crobat are ideal setup bait for Doublade, (AC) as even a switch-in is not going to like taking a hit from +2 Doublade.

Team Options

Doublade appreciates wallbreakers such as Darmanitan or Mienshao, (AC) as both can break Steel-types that tend to wall Doublade. Wish support is necessary, (AC) as Doublade has no form of recovery outside of RestTalk. Florges is a great partner and forms a nice Steel + Fairy core while also providing Aromatherapy support, meaning Doublade doesn't have to worry about being crippled by status ailments. Entry hazard support is also necessary to wear down Doublade's common checks. Tentacruel and Chesnaught are good partners, (AC) as Tentacruel can spread burns with Scald while pressuring the rest of the team with Toxic Spikes while Chesnaught has Fighting STAB to hurt Steel-types while wearing them down with Leech Seed and Spikes. Trick Room support from Pokemon such as Aromatisse or Slowking allows Doublade to outspeed anything faster than base 35 Speed and hit them before it gets hit. This improves Doublade's chances at retaining its Eviolite against the many powerful Knock Off users in the tier, such as Krookodile and Absol, while applying major pressure to the opponent's team.

Other Options

A defensive set can be used to allow for better set up opportunities for Doublade; however, Doublade will still faint to neutral special hits and the bulk is usually not worth the loss in power. RestTalk can provides (add s) Doublade a way of recovery and allows (add s) it to not be setup fodder whilst asleep. This set, however, would be hard pressed to run what it needs to, (AC) as it would lose out on either boosting Doublade's decent base 110 Attack with Swords Dance or coverage in the form of Sacred Sword or Iron Head. Toxic is the only useful movie (I added useful because Doublade also gets Fury Cutter, Metal Sound, Rock Slide, Swagger, and Cut; remove i) Doublade can learn that abuses No Guard; however, Doublade already has enough of a hard time choosing moves, (AC) and Toxic doesn't really help it beat what it wants to, (AC) beat up which are bulky Steel-types, which are immune to Toxic. Pursuit can be nice for trapping purposes against Pokemon such as Mega Aerodactyl and Crobat; however, Doublade would much rather set up a Swords Dance on the switch to hit the switch(space)in with a +2 Shadow Sneak or Iron Head.

Checks & Counters

**Physical Walls**: Mega Aggron and Swampert can tank Doublade's attacks and proceed to cripple it with Thunder Wave in the former's case or Scald in the latter's case.

**Bulky Water-types**: Suicune can not only tank most of Doublade's hits, but also can set up Calm Minds on Doublade and threaten it with a burn from a STAB Scald, rendering Doublade ineffective.

**Special Attackers**: Pokemon such as Hydreigon and Alakazam are able to hit Doublade on its weaker special side although Alakazam does have to worry about a +2 Shadow Sneak if its Focus Sash is broken.

**Burns**: Without an Aromatherapy partner, Doublade doesn't like burns from the likes of Scald and Will-O-Wisp, (AC) as burns halve its Attack stat.

**Knock Off**: Pokemon which Doublade tends to wall otherwise, such as Mienshao and Heracross, often run Knock Off. Doublade is not only weak to Knock Off, but Doublade will also lose its Eviolite, thus losing a lot of its bulk.
GP 1/2
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Doublade has an amazing base 150 Defense stat which, coupled with Eviolite, means it can take a lot of physical hits, even super effective ones. Its Steel / Ghost / Steel (wrong order) typing really helps it as well because most of its weaknesses are common, but harder to exploit thanks to its nice physical bulk and many resistances. Not only does it Doublade (haven't mentioned it in a while) have a nice Defense stat, but it also has a great base 110 Attack stat which can be further boosted thanks to its access to Swords Dance. It also has access to priority in Shadow Sneak, allowing Doublade to beat out revenge killers.
(You can merge these together into one paragraph if you like)
However, Doublade's base 49 Special Defense stat means that even resisted special hits are going to take a chunk out of its health. And while it has a decent typing, it is also weak to common special attacking types in UU such as Fire, Ground, and Dark. Its Doublade's base 35 Speed also leaves it outsped by common walls that it may want to set up on, such as Umbreon and Gligar.

Doublade Dance
name: Doublade Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Shadow Sneak
move 3: Iron Head / Gyro Ball
move 4: Sacred Sword
ability: No Guard
item: Eviolite
evs: 240 HP / 252 Atk / 16 SpD
nature: Adamant / Brave


Swords Dance allows Doublade to become a great win condition, becoming a threat very quickly. Shadow Sneak is a great STAB move that can bypasses Doublade's bad base 35 Speed stat thanks to it having +1 priority. Iron Head is a more reliable STAB move to hit slower Pokemon like Florges harder while Gyro Ball hits faster things like Crobat harder, albeit with less PP. Sacred Sword allows Doublade to hit Dark-types harder along with providing great neutral coverage alongside Doublade's Shadow Sneak. Shadow Claw can be used instead, (AC) as it gains STAB, provides a stronger neutral hit on Water- and Electric-types, (AC) thanks to it getting STAB and provides decent neutral coverage with Iron Head.

Set Details

Maximum Attack EVs allow Doublade to hit as hard as possible. 240 HP EVs minimizes (remove s) Stealth Rock and burn damage while the rest is dumped into Special Defense to take weak special hits. (16 EVs just doesn't cut it, seems a bit unnecessary to me. I don't know, you can keep it if you want) An Adamant nature is used with Iron Head, but a Brave nature and 0 Speed IVs are necessary with Gyro Ball to allow Gyro Ball it to hit as hard as possible against faster threats. Eviolite is used to allow Doublade to survive any physical hit, even super effective ones, alongside weaker special hits.

Usage Tips

Try to set up late-(hyphen)game when opposing Pokemon are weakened enough to faint to a +2 Shadow Sneak. Doublade can set up on almost all physical attackers thanks to its amazing physical bulk and the nice resistances it has, so Pokemon such as Mega Aerodactyl and Crobat are ideal setup bait for Doublade, (AC) as even a switch-in is not going to like taking a hit from +2 Doublade.

Team Options

Doublade appreciates wallbreakers such as Darmanitan or Mienshao, (AC) as both can break Steel-types that tend to wall Doublade. Wish support is necessary, (AC) as Doublade has no form of recovery outside of RestTalk. Florges is a great partner and forms a nice Steel + Fairy core while also providing Aromatherapy support, meaning Doublade doesn't have to worry about being crippled by status ailments. Entry hazard support is also necessary to wear down Doublade's common checks. Tentacruel and Chesnaught are good partners, (AC) as Tentacruel can spread burns with Scald while pressuring the rest of the team with Toxic Spikes while Chesnaught has Fighting STAB to hurt Steel-types while wearing them down with Leech Seed and Spikes. Trick Room support from Pokemon such as Aromatisse or Slowking allows Doublade to outspeed anything faster than base 35 Speed and hit them before it gets hit. This improves Doublade's chances at retaining its Eviolite against the many powerful Knock Off users in the tier, such as Krookodile and Absol, while applying major pressure to the opponent's team.

Other Options

A defensive set can be used to allow for better set up opportunities for Doublade; however, Doublade will still faint to neutral special hits and the bulk is usually not worth the loss in power. RestTalk can provides (add s) Doublade a way of recovery and allows (add s) it to not be setup fodder whilst asleep. This set, however, would be hard pressed to run what it needs to, (AC) as it would lose out on either boosting Doublade's decent base 110 Attack with Swords Dance or coverage in the form of Sacred Sword or Iron Head. Toxic is the only useful movie (I added useful because Doublade also gets Fury Cutter, Metal Sound, Rock Slide, Swagger, and Cut; remove i) Doublade can learn that abuses No Guard; however, Doublade already has enough of a hard time choosing moves, (AC) and Toxic doesn't really help it beat what it wants to, (AC) beat up which are bulky Steel-types, which are immune to Toxic. Pursuit can be nice for trapping purposes against Pokemon such as Mega Aerodactyl and Crobat; however, Doublade would much rather set up a Swords Dance on the switch to hit the switch(space)in with a +2 Shadow Sneak or Iron Head.

Checks & Counters

**Physical Walls**: Mega Aggron and Swampert can tank Doublade's attacks and proceed to cripple it with Thunder Wave in the former's case or Scald in the latter's case.

**Bulky Water-types**: Suicune can not only tank most of Doublade's hits, but also can set up Calm Minds on Doublade and threaten it with a burn from a STAB Scald, rendering Doublade ineffective.

**Special Attackers**: Pokemon such as Hydreigon and Alakazam are able to hit Doublade on its weaker special side although Alakazam does have to worry about a +2 Shadow Sneak if its Focus Sash is broken.

**Burns**: Without an Aromatherapy partner, Doublade doesn't like burns from the likes of Scald and Will-O-Wisp, (AC) as burns halve its Attack stat.

**Knock Off**: Pokemon which Doublade tends to wall otherwise, such as Mienshao and Heracross, often run Knock Off. Doublade is not only weak to Knock Off, but Doublade will also lose its Eviolite, thus losing a lot of its bulk.
GP 1/2

Thank you. Implemented, :)
GP 2/2
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hey NV! lemme know about the Overview before you send this off, though :o

Doublade has an amazing base 150 Defense stat which, coupled with Eviolite, means it can take a lot of physical hits, even super effective ones. Its Steel / Ghost typing really helps it as well because most of its weaknesses are common, but harder to exploit (this is kinda confusing; is the typing harder to exploit or are the weaknesses harder to exploit? also, the causal logic in the first part is a little weird; you're saying that Steel / Ghost typing is good because its weaknesses are common...) thanks to its nice physical bulk and many resistances. Not only does Doublade have a nice Defense stat, but it also has a great base 110 Attack stat which can be further boosted thanks to its access to Swords Dance. It also has access to priority in Shadow Sneak, allowing Doublade to beat out revenge killers. However, Doublade's base 49 Special Defense stat means that even resisted special hits are going to take a chunk out of its health. And while it has a decent typing, it is also weak to common special attacking types in UU such as Fire, Ground, and Dark. Doublade's base 35 Speed also leaves it outsped by common walls that it may want to set up on, such as Umbreon and Gligar.

Doublade Dance
name: Doublade Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Shadow Sneak
move 3: Iron Head / Gyro Ball
move 4: Sacred Sword
ability: No Guard
item: Eviolite
evs: 240 HP / 252 Atk / 16 SpD
nature: Adamant / Brave


Swords Dance allows Doublade to become a great win condition, becoming a threat very quickly. Shadow Sneak is a great STAB move that bypasses Doublade's bad base 35 Speed stat thanks to it having +1 priority. Iron Head is a more reliable STAB move to hit slower Pokemon such as like Florges harder while Gyro Ball hits faster foes such as things like Crobat harder, albeit with less fewer PP. Sacred Sword allows Doublade to hit Dark-types harder along with providing great neutral coverage alongside Doublade's Shadow Sneak. Shadow Claw can be used instead, as it gains STAB, provides a stronger neutral hit on Water- and Electric-types, and provides decent neutral coverage with Iron Head.

Set Details

Maximum Attack EVs allow Doublade to hit as hard as possible. 240 HP EVs minimize Stealth Rock and burn damage while the rest is dumped into Special Defense. An Adamant nature is used with Iron Head, but a Brave nature and 0 Speed IVs are necessary with Gyro Ball to allow it to hit as hard as possible against faster threats. Eviolite is used to allow Doublade to survive any physical hit, even super effective ones, alongside weaker special hits.

Usage Tips

Try to set up late-game when opposing Pokemon are weakened enough to faint to a +2 Shadow Sneak. Doublade can set up on almost all physical attackers thanks to its amazing physical bulk and the nice resistances it has, so Pokemon such as Mega Aerodactyl and Crobat are ideal setup bait for Doublade, as even a switch-in is not going to like taking a hit from +2 Doublade.

Team Options

Doublade appreciates wallbreakers such as Darmanitan or and Mienshao, as both can break Steel-types that tend to wall Doublade. Wish support is necessary, as Doublade has no form of recovery outside of RestTalk. Florges is a great partner and forms a nice Steel + Fairy core while also providing Aromatherapy support, meaning Doublade doesn't have to worry about being crippled by status ailments. Entry hazard support is also necessary to wear down Doublade's common checks. Tentacruel and Chesnaught are good partners, as Tentacruel can spread burns with Scald and while pressuringe (not super necessary but you use "while" three times in this sentence) the rest of the team with Toxic Spikes while Chesnaught has Fighting-type STAB moves to hurt Steel-types and can wear while wearing them down with Leech Seed and Spikes. Trick Room support from Pokemon such as Aromatisse or and Slowking allows Doublade to outspeed foes with anything faster than base 35 Speed and higher and hit them before it gets hit. This improves Doublade's chances of at retaining its Eviolite against the many powerful Knock Off users in the tier, such as Krookodile and Absol, while applying major pressure to the opponent's team.

Other Options

A defensive set can be used to allow for better setup opportunities for Doublade; however, Doublade will still faint to neutral special hits and the bulk is usually not worth the loss in power. RestTalk provides Doublade with a way of recovery recovering health (either "a form/means of recovery" or that. "way of recovery" sounds kinda off imo) and allows it to not be setup fodder whilst while asleep. This set, however, would be hard(dash)pressed to run what it needs to, as it would lose out on either boosting Doublade's decent base 110 Attack with Swords Dance or having (parallelism with "boosting") coverage in the form of Sacred Sword or Iron Head. Toxic is the only useful move Doublade can learn that abuses takes advantage of (I think someone on GP said to avoid "abuse" ?_? don't remember but yeah, you can do that if you want) No Guard; however, Doublade already has enough of a hard time choosing moves, and Toxic doesn't really help it beat what it wants to, which are bulky Steel-types, which are immune to Toxic. Pursuit can be nice for trapping purposes against Pokemon such as Mega Aerodactyl and Crobat; however, Doublade would much rather set up a Swords Dance on the switch to hit the switch(dash)in with a +2 Shadow Sneak or Iron Head.

Checks & Counters

**Physical Walls**: Mega Aggron and Swampert can tank Doublade's attacks and proceed to cripple it with Thunder Wave in the former's case or Scald in the latter's case.

**Bulky Water-types**: Suicune can not only tank most of Doublade's hits, (remove comma) but also can set up Calm Minds on Doublade and threaten it with a burn from a STAB Scald, rendering Doublade ineffective.

**Special Attackers**: Pokemon such as Hydreigon and Alakazam are able to hit Doublade on its weaker defense, special side (there are no sides!!! also, lowercase defense refers to just defenses in general, and saying "weaker defense" shows that it's Special Defense. so that's fine. if you want to be clearer I guess you can just outright say "its weaker Special Defense") although Alakazam does have to worry about a +2 Shadow Sneak if its Focus Sash is broken.

**Burns**: Without an Aromatherapy partner, Doublade doesn't like burns from the likes of Scald and Will-O-Wisp, as burns halve its Attack stat.

**Knock Off**: Pokemon which Doublade tends to wall otherwise, such as Mienshao and Heracross, often run Knock Off. Doublade is not only weak to Knock Off, (remove comma) but Doublade will also lose its Eviolite, thus losing a lot of its bulk.
GP 2/2
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hey NV! lemme know about the Overview before you send this off, though :o

Doublade has an amazing base 150 Defense stat which, coupled with Eviolite, means it can take a lot of physical hits, even super effective ones. Its Steel / Ghost typing really helps it as well because most of its weaknesses are common, but harder to exploit (this is kinda confusing; is the typing harder to exploit or are the weaknesses harder to exploit? also, the causal logic in the first part is a little weird; you're saying that Steel / Ghost typing is good because its weaknesses are common...) thanks to its nice physical bulk and many resistances. Not only does Doublade have a nice Defense stat, but it also has a great base 110 Attack stat which can be further boosted thanks to its access to Swords Dance. It also has access to priority in Shadow Sneak, allowing Doublade to beat out revenge killers. However, Doublade's base 49 Special Defense stat means that even resisted special hits are going to take a chunk out of its health. And while it has a decent typing, it is also weak to common special attacking types in UU such as Fire, Ground, and Dark. Doublade's base 35 Speed also leaves it outsped by common walls that it may want to set up on, such as Umbreon and Gligar.

Doublade Dance
name: Doublade Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Shadow Sneak
move 3: Iron Head / Gyro Ball
move 4: Sacred Sword
ability: No Guard
item: Eviolite
evs: 240 HP / 252 Atk / 16 SpD
nature: Adamant / Brave


Swords Dance allows Doublade to become a great win condition, becoming a threat very quickly. Shadow Sneak is a great STAB move that bypasses Doublade's bad base 35 Speed stat thanks to it having +1 priority. Iron Head is a more reliable STAB move to hit slower Pokemon such as like Florges harder while Gyro Ball hits faster foes such as things like Crobat harder, albeit with less fewer PP. Sacred Sword allows Doublade to hit Dark-types harder along with providing great neutral coverage alongside Doublade's Shadow Sneak. Shadow Claw can be used instead, as it gains STAB, provides a stronger neutral hit on Water- and Electric-types, and provides decent neutral coverage with Iron Head.

Set Details

Maximum Attack EVs allow Doublade to hit as hard as possible. 240 HP EVs minimize Stealth Rock and burn damage while the rest is dumped into Special Defense. An Adamant nature is used with Iron Head, but a Brave nature and 0 Speed IVs are necessary with Gyro Ball to allow it to hit as hard as possible against faster threats. Eviolite is used to allow Doublade to survive any physical hit, even super effective ones, alongside weaker special hits.

Usage Tips

Try to set up late-game when opposing Pokemon are weakened enough to faint to a +2 Shadow Sneak. Doublade can set up on almost all physical attackers thanks to its amazing physical bulk and the nice resistances it has, so Pokemon such as Mega Aerodactyl and Crobat are ideal setup bait for Doublade, as even a switch-in is not going to like taking a hit from +2 Doublade.

Team Options

Doublade appreciates wallbreakers such as Darmanitan or and Mienshao, as both can break Steel-types that tend to wall Doublade. Wish support is necessary, as Doublade has no form of recovery outside of RestTalk. Florges is a great partner and forms a nice Steel + Fairy core while also providing Aromatherapy support, meaning Doublade doesn't have to worry about being crippled by status ailments. Entry hazard support is also necessary to wear down Doublade's common checks. Tentacruel and Chesnaught are good partners, as Tentacruel can spread burns with Scald and while pressuringe (not super necessary but you use "while" three times in this sentence) the rest of the team with Toxic Spikes while Chesnaught has Fighting-type STAB moves to hurt Steel-types and can wear while wearing them down with Leech Seed and Spikes. Trick Room support from Pokemon such as Aromatisse or and Slowking allows Doublade to outspeed foes with anything faster than base 35 Speed and higher and hit them before it gets hit. This improves Doublade's chances of at retaining its Eviolite against the many powerful Knock Off users in the tier, such as Krookodile and Absol, while applying major pressure to the opponent's team.

Other Options

A defensive set can be used to allow for better setup opportunities for Doublade; however, Doublade will still faint to neutral special hits and the bulk is usually not worth the loss in power. RestTalk provides Doublade with a way of recovery recovering health (either "a form/means of recovery" or that. "way of recovery" sounds kinda off imo) and allows it to not be setup fodder whilst while asleep. This set, however, would be hard(dash)pressed to run what it needs to, as it would lose out on either boosting Doublade's decent base 110 Attack with Swords Dance or having (parallelism with "boosting") coverage in the form of Sacred Sword or Iron Head. Toxic is the only useful move Doublade can learn that abuses takes advantage of (I think someone on GP said to avoid "abuse" ?_? don't remember but yeah, you can do that if you want) No Guard; however, Doublade already has enough of a hard time choosing moves, and Toxic doesn't really help it beat what it wants to, which are bulky Steel-types, which are immune to Toxic. Pursuit can be nice for trapping purposes against Pokemon such as Mega Aerodactyl and Crobat; however, Doublade would much rather set up a Swords Dance on the switch to hit the switch(dash)in with a +2 Shadow Sneak or Iron Head.

Checks & Counters

**Physical Walls**: Mega Aggron and Swampert can tank Doublade's attacks and proceed to cripple it with Thunder Wave in the former's case or Scald in the latter's case.

**Bulky Water-types**: Suicune can not only tank most of Doublade's hits, (remove comma) but also can set up Calm Minds on Doublade and threaten it with a burn from a STAB Scald, rendering Doublade ineffective.

**Special Attackers**: Pokemon such as Hydreigon and Alakazam are able to hit Doublade on its weaker defense, special side (there are no sides!!! also, lowercase defense refers to just defenses in general, and saying "weaker defense" shows that it's Special Defense. so that's fine. if you want to be clearer I guess you can just outright say "its weaker Special Defense") although Alakazam does have to worry about a +2 Shadow Sneak if its Focus Sash is broken.

**Burns**: Without an Aromatherapy partner, Doublade doesn't like burns from the likes of Scald and Will-O-Wisp, as burns halve its Attack stat.

**Knock Off**: Pokemon which Doublade tends to wall otherwise, such as Mienshao and Heracross, often run Knock Off. Doublade is not only weak to Knock Off, (remove comma) but Doublade will also lose its Eviolite, thus losing a lot of its bulk.

This is done and we discussed Overview in PMs. This is DONE.