Doubles Gouging Fire


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Gouging Fire @ Booster Energy
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 164 HP / 128 Atk / 216 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Heat Crash
- Breaking Swipe
- Howl
- Burning Bulwark

Gouging Fire's typing and bulk make it a sturdy counter to Pokemon such as Ogerpon-H, Rillaboom, Chien-Pao, and Gholdengo. With Protosynthesis active, Gouging Fire outspeeds the entire unboosted metagame, which when considering its great movepool, makes it a great offensive and support piece for certain teams. Howl drastically increases Gouging Fire's offensive presence, allowing it to potentially OHKO Ogerpon-H and Kingambit while not only threatening a 2HKO on bulky variants of Tornadus but also boosting Attack for common teammates like Ting-Lu, Ogerpon-W, and Chien-Pao. Gouging Fire gets plenty of opportunities to do so as well thanks to its bulk and typing giving it a wide swath of Pokemon that it can safely switch in on if need be, such as Iron Hands, Kingambit, and opposing Ogerpon-W. Gouging Fire is often paired with Pokemon such as Ting-Lu and Chien-Pao, which both appreciate its Howl support. Additionally, Ting-Lu increases Gouging Fire's bulk with Vessel of Ruin, while Chien-Pao increases its damage output via Sword of Ruin in addition to threatening Landorus, which can easily OHKO Gouging Fire.
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zoe qcqc

Gouging Fire @ Booster Energy
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 164 HP / 128 Atk / 216 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Heat Crash
- Breaking Swipe
- Howl
- Burning Bulwark

Gouging Fire's possesses a lot of valuable traits for the current metagame, including its typing and bulk making make it a sturdy counter to Pokemon such as Ogerpon-H and Gholdengo (Chien Pao and Rillaboom are big here as well) ,. With the boost from Booster Energy Protosynthesis allowing allows it Gouging Fire to outspeed the entire unboosted metagame, and its movepool giving it a unique role as an offensive Howl user. (here i would reword to just say something like "...combined with its great movepool makes it a great offensive and support option for physical offense teams" and then you can go on to talk about the moves like you do). Howl drastically increases Gouging Fire's offensive presence, allowing it to potentially OHKO Ogerpon-H and Kingambit while also threatening a 2HKO on even bulky variants of Tornadus, while also doing the same for common boosting attack for teammates like Ting-Lu, Ogerpon-W, and Chien-Pao. It gets plenty of opportunities to do so as well, thanks to its bulk and typing giving it a wide swath of Pokemon it can safely switch in on if need be, such as Iron Hands, Kingambit, and opposing Ogerpon-W. You need to mention breaking swipe and including it here seems like a nice segue cause its damage reduction does give it more staying power. Gouging Fire is often paired with Pokemon such as Ting-Lu and Chien-Pao, which both appreciate its Howl support (also complementary coverage vs stuff like rillaboom or gholdengo etc),. with Additionally Ting-Lu effectively increasng increases Gouging Fire's special bulk with Vessel of Ruin, and Chien-Pao increasing increases its damage output via Sword of Ruin, in addition to threatening, Landorus (idk if we need to specify I vs T or if its assumed I) which can can easily OHKO Gouging Fire.
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Gouging Fire's typing and bulk make it a sturdy counter to Pokemon such as Ogerpon-H, Rillaboom, Chien-Pao, and Gholdengo. With Protosynthesis active, Gouging Fire outspeeds the entire unboosted metagame, which (RC) when combined with considering its great move pool movepool, makes it a great offensive and support piece for certain teams. Howl drastically increases Gouging Fire's offensive presence, allowing it to potentially OHKO Ogerpon-H and Kingambit while also not only threatening a 2HKO on bulky variants of Tornadus, while but also boosting Attack for common teammates like Ting-Lu, Ogerpon-W, and Chien-Pao. It Gouging Fire gets plenty of opportunities to do so as well (RC) thanks to its bulk and typing giving it a wide swath of Pokemon that it can safely switch in on if need be, such as Iron Hands, Kingambit, and opposing Ogerpon-W. Gouging Fire is often paired with Pokemon such as Ting-Lu and Chien-Pao, which both appreciate its Howl support. Additionally, (AC) Ting-Lu increases Gouging Fire's bulk with Vessel of Ruin, and while different thought; you aren't necessarily running both at once Chien-Pao increases its damage output via Sword of Ruin in addition to threatening Landorus, which can can easily OHKO Gouging Fire.
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